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FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:02PM

OK, I get that we can't drink and drive. I'm on board.
I agree we can't text and drive. Probably worse while you're doing it than drinking and driving, but you do it for less of the time you're driving. Still, don't do it.
I'm even to the point where I only talk on the phone in cases of urgency or for under 60 seconds when driving.

But...eating while driving is now distracted driving? I admit I do this not infrequently and have not thought hard about it.



Chantilly – If you’re texting, eating, applying make up or getting dressed while you’re behind the wheel, you may want to reconsider: Fairfax County Police will be watching. They’re kicking off a new distracted driving campaign aimed at keeping motorists and county roadways safer.

Is eating while driving so inherently dangerous that it should be a citable offense?

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:04PM

LMAO I have seen people eating Ramen noodles, dipping chicken nuggets in sauce, eating subs, etc all while driving, which they aren't doing very well.

For some reason, it's usually women driving minivans that do this. I'm glad the police are watching, eating and driving is fucking retarded and disgusting.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: noodle ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:11PM

lol, I saw a woman eating some sort of noodle soup out of a bowl while driving - I suppose she was steering with her knees.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Fuck-FCPC ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:29PM

So a burger in your hand while driving is a citable offence? Next, it will be coffee or soda. There are times that I have no other time to eat than while on the fucking road. I can understand citing someone for eating with two hands and driving with knees like stated above. That's flat out wreckless driving, but if I get pulled for eating a burger I'm gonna bust a cap in somebody's ass

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:42PM

The question is not is it retarded or disgusting...is it dangerous ENOUGH to further restrict our freedom to make it illegal?

And give our cops ANOTHER thing to worry about citing us for. I'm all for cops giving out tickets for truly dangerous behavior; that's what we pay them for. Does this detract from their ability to do that?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2010 04:42PM by Kardinal.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Safety First ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:49PM

People should be ticketed for anything that isn't driving. Keep it simple. 10 and 2 at all times (stopped at a light is a different story)

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:52PM

Safety First Wrote:
> People should be ticketed for anything that isn't
> driving. Keep it simple. 10 and 2 at all times
> (stopped at a light is a different story)


Remember, kids, safety first.

I know that's not what you meant, but there is a reasonable medium between the two.

Oh, and 10 and 2 isn't really the best position in this day and age of airbags.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Safety First ()
Date: September 10, 2010 05:04PM

Kardinal you are right. I like to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid - even though I'm not a fan of Judge Judy!!). Mostly I said it to encompass the following:

Putting on make-up
Talking on a cell phone (hands free is okay)
READING!! (I see people reading the newspaper or books!!)
Brushing your hair or trying to braid it with TWO HANDS!!
Eating (when you drop your food don't tell me you won't try to catch it!!)
Turning around in your seat to yell at the kids
Taking pictures
Trying to grab something on the floor
List goes on and on....

Adjusting car controls wouldn't be on that list unless you are trying program your radio and your eyes leave the road!!!

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 05:07PM

How about drinking? Don't tell me hot coffee isn't the cause of thousands of accidents.

And actually, I don't think handsfree talking is okay. I think it's a mental distraction at least as bad as many physical distractions, because it lasts much longer usually.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2010 05:07PM by Kardinal.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDzH7qAhFM0 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 05:19PM

It's all about the money.
your taxes just are not enoph.
I have an idea.
Start giving tickets to those fucking muslims that cross Commerce St to get to the al qaeda training camp the call al-qalam academy "the old computer learning center" instead of the cops stopping traffic so they are able to avoid using the cross walks.

Oh and to the dousche bag cop that likes to wait by the intersection of Brandon and lyndbrook to ticket anyone that doesn't completely stop at the sign, Try stopping all of the way yourself instead of fucking rolling through it.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: cracker ()
Date: September 10, 2010 05:23PM

a hot beverage has caused many accidents by morons who don't have it securely in a cupholder.

And If a soda distracts you, you really shouldn't be fucking driving.

The other thing that Five-0 should consider citing for..... and I would go so far as to say pull a Rodney King beating on mother fuckers that like to pick their nose while driving. I see those nasty fuckers with their fingers all the way up to the knuckles sometimes. And yea...that looks real safe. I hope you rear end another douchebag picking his nose and you both jam your finger in your brains and die.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 05:28PM

The real problem is everyone thinks they're anonymous when driving.

We're not.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 10, 2010 06:25PM

When I saw that press release I thought it was ridiculous too. Popping chicken nuggets isn't distracting at all. Studies show talking handsfree doesn't really make a difference because it is a mental attention issue and not a hands issue.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: totuan ()
Date: September 10, 2010 06:45PM

NEWS FLASH... ... ...

People who eat a sandwich while driving and cannot pay attention to the road..DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD EVEN WHEN THEY DO NOT HAVE A SANDWICH.
It ain't the fucking sandwich, it's the driver. Some people just cannot drive. Sorry.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: September 10, 2010 07:09PM

While they're at it, they should ban car radios, too. No one should be allowed any form of pleasure while driving, right? Besides, back when I started driving cell phones hadn't been around yet, and I remember people getting stirred up over car radios same as they get stirred up over phones today.

Bottom line is you can never satisfy the safety freaks. Ban it all; they'll find something else to ban.

As for FCPD citing for eating, this is just the latest "get tough" fad. These things come and go. Next month it'll be seatbelts or some other shit, then we'll have a bunch of DUI checkpoints for christmas, whatever.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: cracker ()
Date: September 10, 2010 07:15PM

I say we torch all the coffee and doughnut shops in FFX as protest tomorrow

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: be responsible ()
Date: September 10, 2010 07:31PM

The people who sell food to people who later eat it in their cars should lose their restaurant licenses. It's just plain irresponsible to sell food to people who eat and drive. There should also be food sniffer software on the ignition so that the car won't start if food odor is detected in the car. All food bags should be required to be closed while the car is moving.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: A Resident ()
Date: September 10, 2010 08:01PM

This is really a BIG JOKE. Of the 80 percent of all accidents which were caused by distracted driving, the VAST majority were caused because some moron had a phone glued to their ear. While driving down the road in FFXCo how many people do you see eating vs. talking on the phone. This fancy webpage DOESN'T even mention talking on the phone. Get a clue government. People are being killed every day. Property is damaged every day. Cell phones are causing massive destruction on our roads. Our wonderful government (State of Virginia) had a chance to outlaw them awhile back. They voted it down. I hope the politicians own families suffer at the hand of a self-centered cell phone talker. Maybe then, they'll get a clue. Northern Virginia yuppies just have no clue. "Hi, honey, I just called to let you know that I'm on my way home"...BAM. Freakin morons don't care if they risk everyone else's lives on the road. For christ's sake, they can barely navigate their cars down the road.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: September 10, 2010 08:12PM

When you're behind the wheel of a car, you should be driving, period. Nobody wants to sit in traffic for an hour because your dumb ass wrecked while unwrapping a cheeseburger.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: in the 22039 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:19PM

Another reason for having my dark tinted windows!

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: yep ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:58PM


just type in eating and driving in google images

i mean its one thing if you are just eating a chewy bar, but if you are eating a five course meal i really think it is unsafe and you should get a ticket

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: cruise-no-more ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:04PM

I say they just ban driving all together.

we should be made to stay in our homes and off the roads to prevent accidents.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: cracker ()
Date: September 12, 2010 06:59AM

yea, stay the fuck off the road so i can eat.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Date: September 12, 2010 06:08PM

Just what this county needs, a bunch of fatties pounding double burgers while driving 85 in the HOV solo in their Pintos who then bitch about their tickets. Wah. Just drive your car and shut the hell up you fatasses.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 12, 2010 08:30PM

Fatty McButterpants Wrote:
> Just what this county needs, a bunch of fatties
> pounding double burgers while driving 85 in the
> HOV solo in their Pintos who then bitch about
> their tickets. Wah. Just drive your car and shut
> the hell up you fatasses.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: obligatory ()
Date: September 13, 2010 08:03AM

Those donut-hole-cramming police have a lot of nerve to pull people over for eating in their cars. FCPD officers do that all the time. If I get pulled over for eating in my car then the officer had better be rail-thin or at least in shape. I bought road chicken nuggets on purpose this weekend and ate them in my car, just ot stick it to the FCPD.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 13, 2010 11:09AM

When this came up I sent an email to FCPD PIO and asked them if eating while driving was a citable offense. I received this reply this morning.


Good morning; thank you for your recent comment about the new FCPD distracted driving campaign.
To clarify; it is NOT illegal to eat while driving (or to talk on the phone/pet your dog/etc.) but if/when if impacts your driving behavior then it's failure to pay full time & attention to driving and our officers can/will issue tickets for this infraction. The important thing to know is that the action MUST impact driver behavior and our officers must be able to articulate this, both to the accused violator and in a courtroom.

Seems clear and reasonable to me.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: September 13, 2010 11:50AM

This thread couldn't be more relevant- I'm on 495 and I just got McNugget sauce on my iPhone and spilt the soda into my lap!

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 13, 2010 11:51AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> This thread couldn't be more relevant- I'm on 495
> and I just got McNugget sauce on my iPhone and
> spilt the soda into my lap!

The actions are fail. The post is win.

Re: FCPD to cite for EATING while driving?
Posted by: cracker ()
Date: September 13, 2010 01:26PM

I drove to work this morning with my dick in one hand and a steak egg and cheese bagel in the other bitches! Tugging and gnawing for 25 miles with no piggies in sight. I repulsed a few commuters along the way though...

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