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right on red / left yield
Posted by: poll ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:44AM

I'm curious - I know everybody says left-hand slow-poke vigilantes are assholes who
shouldn't be trying to control how fast others drive - but how do you feel about
people who intentionally sit at a right on red or left yield?

I'm tired of people honking at me while I'm waiting for a break in traffic to be
able to turn. The assholes honking can't see the traffic (usually) because their
view is obstructed either by my vehicle or others.

Whenever it happens, I wait until the light cycles and it's either a green arrow /
green light. It just happened to me again yesterday and it made me think about the
left-hand assholes and for a moment I considered it a similar situation. But, the
more I think about it, it's not, because speeders aren't being assholes to the
vigilantes, while honking at somebody who can't make a turn is.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:47AM

sounds like the asshole who doesn't know how to drive

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:51AM

We had a similar debate the other day....

If you are at a stoplight, and the crossing street is a one way street with the traffic flow moving right to left, can you legally make a left turn on red (assuming its clear and there are no pedestrians and there is not sign expressly prohibiting it)?

I said yes, my inlaws said no.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: yea ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:51AM

Yea, making a right on red onto a 2 lane (each way) road when you need to make an
immediate left afterward and waiting for the left-hand lane, in addition to the
right-hand lane, to be clear is not knowing how to drive.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: depends ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:53AM

> We had a similar debate the other day....
> If you are at a stoplight, and the crossing street
> is a one way street with the traffic flow moving
> right to left, can you legally make a left turn on
> red (assuming its clear and there are no
> pedestrians and there is not sign expressly
> prohibiting it)?
> I said yes, my inlaws said no.

It depends whether or not you are on a one way street also. You can turn curb-to-curb on a red light legally.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:53AM


Unless there us a SIGN expressly stating you CAN.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:54AM

depends Wrote:
> ITRADE Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We had a similar debate the other day....
> >
> > If you are at a stoplight, and the crossing
> street
> > is a one way street with the traffic flow
> moving
> > right to left, can you legally make a left turn
> on
> > red (assuming its clear and there are no
> > pedestrians and there is not sign expressly
> > prohibiting it)?
> >
> > I said yes, my inlaws said no.
> It depends whether or not you are on a one way
> street also. You can turn curb-to-curb on a red
> light legally.

Sorry, yes, the assumption is that you are on a one-way street, turning left onto a one way street - commonly found in places like downtown urban areas.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Temvh ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:56AM

Troll@AOL Wrote:
> NO.
> Unless there us a SIGN expressly stating you CAN.
> .

There's nothing to say other than you're flat out wrong.

Have a nice day.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:57AM

If you have a RED LIGHT, and you are turning left,
it does not make any difference if you are on a one
way street or if you are tuning onto a one way street.



"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:00AM

anon-Idiot wrote:
>"There's nothing to say other than you're flat out wrong."


>"Have a nice day."

HAVE A NICE DAY, because you have NO proof to
back up your assertion.



"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:02AM

Troll@AOL Wrote:
> anon-Idiot wrote:
> >"There's nothing to say other than you're flat
> out wrong."
> >"Have a nice day."
> HAVE A NICE DAY, because you have NO proof to
> back up your assertion.
> .

May want to try reading this:



"...vehicular traffic facing a steady red signal on a one-way highway, after coming to a full stop, may cautiously enter the intersection and make a left turn onto another one-way highway..."

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:02AM

Actually Troll@AOL, turns out you're flat wrong:

From the VA DMV Driver's manual:

Left turn on red: You may turn left at a red light if you are
on a one-way street and turning left onto another one-way
street. Before turning, you must come to a complete stop.
Look both ways and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and
other traffic. Be sure to check for less visible vehicles such as
motorcycles, bicycles and mopeds.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:03AM

chuckles Wrote:
> Troll@AOL Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > anon-Idiot wrote:
> > >"There's nothing to say other than you're flat
> > out wrong."
> >
> >
> > >"Have a nice day."
> >
> > HAVE A NICE DAY, because you have NO proof to
> > back up your assertion.
> >
> >
> >
> > .
> May want to try reading this:
> http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+co
> h+46.2-836+700825
> Thanks.
> "...vehicular traffic facing a steady red signal
> on a one-way highway, after coming to a full stop,
> may cautiously enter the intersection and make a
> left turn onto another one-way highway..."

Sorry, I forgot my exaggerated period at the end of my post.


Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: troll ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:05AM

Come on, Troll...nothing to say now?

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:09AM

Clearly you are all young boy raping muslim sympathizers since you disagree with Troll@AOL, therefore you are beneath his all-American standards and do not warrant a response.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:11AM

Gonads & Strife Wrote:
> Clearly you are all young boy raping muslim
> sympathizers since you disagree with Troll@AOL,
> therefore you are beneath his all-American
> standards and do not warrant a response.

Ha, I guess that makes the government young boy raping muslim sympathizers as well then. OH SHI-

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: spot ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:18AM

What about turning left onto a 2 or more lane street while people opposite are turning right? I'll admit I've done it. I know often times the person turning right is trying to merge immediately into the left lane (I think it's magnetized or something), but feel like right turning vehicles can hold off switching lanes immediately for the sake of clearing the intersection. And if there is a no turn on red for the right turning vehicles there should be a directional arrow for the left turning vehicles.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:22AM

spot Wrote:
> What about turning left onto a 2 or more lane
> street while people opposite are turning right?
> I'll admit I've done it. I know often times the
> person turning right is trying to merge
> immediately into the left lane (I think it's
> magnetized or something), but feel like right
> turning vehicles can hold off switching lanes
> immediately for the sake of clearing the
> intersection. And if there is a no turn on red
> for the right turning vehicles there should be a
> directional arrow for the left turning vehicles.

Should be perfectly fine. You're supposed to turn into the first available lane
- meaning the people turning right should stay in the right-most lane and the
people turning left should stay in the left-most lane.

Of course nobody ever does this, and I constantly blow my horn at the people
turning right who completely stop because of somebody turning left. Especially
when turning onto a one lane road and the person turning right has a green while
the person turning left only has a yield.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Dabe ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:07AM

However, if there are two lanes to choose from, and you're going straight, please don't be "THAT GUY" (or gal) who blocks the people behind you from making their OWN Right Turn on Red After Stop. I've often seen three or four cars (sometimes as many as seven or more) sitting with their blinkers on, stuck behind one car at the front of the line going straight.

All rules of the road basically come down to this: "Always drive as if the person BEHIND you is in a hurry." (I've also heard it put, "Never cause another driver to needlessly apply their brakes.")

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: uJvCE ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:11AM

Dabe Wrote:
> However, if there are two lanes to choose from,
> and you're going straight, please don't be "THAT
> GUY" (or gal) who blocks the people behind you
> from making their OWN Right Turn on Red After
> Stop. I've often seen three or four cars
> (sometimes as many as seven or more) sitting with
> their blinkers on, stuck behind one car at the
> front of the line going straight.
> All rules of the road basically come down to this:
> "Always drive as if the person BEHIND you is in a
> hurry." (I've also heard it put, "Never cause
> another driver to needlessly apply their brakes.")

That's just the way it goes, sometimes. I always pull up and left as far as possible however, to allow people to still slip through. I'm not going to get into the left lane of 20 cars when the right lane only has 2, though.

Re: right on red / left yield
Date: September 10, 2010 11:21AM

What I can't stand is when the dipshit in front of me can't move into the intersection when waiting to make a left on green. The fuckers piss me off because they usually miss the chance to turn when the light turns yellow. At the very least, being in the intersection on a green might give a car or two behind them a chance to get through the intersection as well.



Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:39AM

>"Come on, Troll...nothing to say now?"

It makes sense to allow such. I am not from VA nor do I
think it should be allowed with all the asshole drivers on
the roads. A cop could pull your ass over even though your
making a legal turn and say you made an unsafe one due to
oncomimg traffic, then it is your word against his in court
you filthy stinking GAY-muslims.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2010 11:43AM by Troll@AOL.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:47AM

Troll@AOL Wrote:
> If you have a RED LIGHT, and you are turning left,
> it does not make any difference if you are on a
> one
> way street or if you are tuning onto a one way
> street.

You are retarded and the others posted the rule before I could.

As to the original poster's topic, if I am at a left or right turn and I don't think it is safe to make the turn I naturally wait. If someone honks at me when I know it isn't safe, I intentionally stop trying, sit there, and wait for the light. If someone wants to be an impatient asshole and distract me from trying to proceed safely with their honking horn, they will sit there until I have the light.

I have long-since stopped caring if people are impatient. Rushing a move into an intersection at the risk of cutting it too close isn't worth making someone happy behind me who is in a hurry. If it isn't safe I'm not going, I don't give the slightest shit if that makes you mad. Honk and you'll wait even longer.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:50AM

Troll@AOL Wrote:
> >"Come on, Troll...nothing to say now?"
> It makes sense to allow such. I am not from VA
> nor do I
> think it should be allowed with all the asshole
> drivers on
> the roads. A cop could pull your ass over even
> though your
> making a legal turn and say you made an unsafe one
> due to
> oncomimg traffic, then it is your word against his
> in court
> you filthy stinking GAY-muslims.
> .

So should right-on-red not be allowed either then? It's the exact same principle, which is why it's legal.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Upycd ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:55AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> What I can't stand is when the dipshit in front of
> me can't move into the intersection when waiting
> to make a left on green. The fuckers piss me off
> because they usually miss the chance to turn when
> the light turns yellow. At the very least, being
> in the intersection on a green might give a car or
> two behind them a chance to get through the
> intersection as well.
> Fuckers.

I thought it was illegal to enter an intersection without being able to immediately clear it, but I can't find anything saying so, other than a proposed bill that appears to never have passed.


I'm interested in a definitive answer on this.

Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:05PM


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2013 05:37PM by chuckhoffmann.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:20PM

lol, that makes this thread totally OFF-TOPIC for FairfaxUnderground!!

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:33PM

Left on red from a one way to a one way is legal.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:34PM

I have a huge hitch on the back of my truck. when I get honked at because some dick "thinks" its clear to go, I drop my shit in reverse and take out the hood and radiator on his 85k mercedes his mommy bought him.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:34PM

'chuckles' wrote:
>"So should right-on-red not be allowed either then?
>It's the exact same principle, which is why it's legal."

Actually it is NOT the same principal, it completely different.
That's why a right turn is different than a left turn, because
they are completely DIFFERENT TURNS.


Right Turn; clear view out of side window.

Left Turn; may have other vehicles blocking view stopped at that
same red light or cars parked alongside of the road, and ALSO you
may have the A or B pillar of your car obstructing your view OR a head of
one of one of the passengers in your car can get in the way.

See how they ARE different asshole?


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:35PM

Upycd Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What I can't stand is when the dipshit in front
> of
> > me can't move into the intersection when
> waiting
> > to make a left on green. The fuckers piss me
> off
> > because they usually miss the chance to turn
> when
> > the light turns yellow. At the very least,
> being
> > in the intersection on a green might give a car
> or
> > two behind them a chance to get through the
> > intersection as well.
> >
> > Fuckers.
> I thought it was illegal to enter an intersection
> without being able to immediately clear it, but I
> can't find anything saying so, other than a
> proposed bill that appears to never have passed.
> http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?971+su
> m+HB2319
> I'm interested in a definitive answer on this.

I would be interested in an answer on this as well. I do this sometimes, and the risk is that sometimes the oncoming traffic doesn't stop for the yellow (as the law requires them to do if they are able), and thus you get caught either going on a full red or stuck out in the middle of an intersection, both of which are dangerous.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:39PM

Troll@AOL Wrote:
> >"So should right-on-red not be allowed either
> then?
> It's the exact same principle, which is why it's
> legal."
> actually it is NOT the same principal, it
> completely different.
> That's why a right turn is different than a left
> turn, because
> they are completely DIFFERENT TURNS.
> Examples:
> Left Turn; clear view out of side window.
> Right Turn; may have other vehicles blocking view
> stopped at that
> same red light and ALSO you may have the B pilar
> of your car
> obstructing your view OR a head of one of one of
> the passengers
> in your car can get in the way.
> See how they ARE different asshole?
> .

I think you have your turns mixed up, but okay. I'll give you the "pilar" but in either case there may be cars blocking the view. If somebody's head is in the way, a) they're a shitty passenger and should realize you're trying to look throguh them, and b) tell them to move their numbskull out of the way.

The law says you may turn left cautiously, and only after coming to a complete stop. Are you telling me that after you've had time to come to a complete stop, a 1-2 inch pillar is going to block the view of a _moving vehicle_ so long that you won't be able to see it and will turn into its path? I think not.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:41PM

The answer is drive slower and slow down for or begin to
stop for yellow lights instead of illegally accelerating at
an intersection to beat the light or illegally entering it
on a Red light.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:42PM

poll Wrote:
> I'm tired of people honking at me while I'm
> waiting for a break in traffic to be
> able to turn. The assholes honking can't see the
> traffic (usually) because their
> view is obstructed either by my vehicle or
> others.

I admit I've done this. I'm sorry if it was to you. I can get impatient and you're right, the guy behind you does NOT know the traffic patterns and your acceleration ability as well as you do.

I'll be more courteous and patient in the future.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: j7ddE ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:46PM

Kardinal Wrote:
> poll Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm tired of people honking at me while I'm
> > waiting for a break in traffic to be
> > able to turn. The assholes honking can't see
> the
> > traffic (usually) because their
> > view is obstructed either by my vehicle or
> > others.
> I admit I've done this. I'm sorry if it was to
> you. I can get impatient and you're right, the
> guy behind you does NOT know the traffic patterns
> and your acceleration ability as well as you do.
> I'll be more courteous and patient in the future.

A UPS driver did it to me the other day, because the car approaching from the left had its right turn signal on. With all the turn signals I see left on for 5 minutes straight, I don't trust anybody's signal anymore to signify they are actually turning; I wait until I actually see them turn.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:46PM

chuckles wrote:
>"I think you have your turns mixed up"

you quoted me before I could edit it, but it is fixed now.

@least you see my point, in that they are not quite the same
and that left turn on red is inherently more risky.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Sorry Tone ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:48PM

Amen brutha (Kardinal).
I take a left before entering my development going home and have many a time been left out in the middle after getting out there and then a yellow-red runner takes that time/space. Of course, the guy behind me is impatient and not on the pad, so the next turn we don't get an arrow.

Sorry Tone, but you just have to eat it if someone in front of you is a tiny but more cautious than yourself. Maybe they have a kid in the car and don't want to slam their head into the door while trying to make it through so you can be on your way a second faster.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:50PM

j7ddE Wrote:
> With all the turn signals I see
> left on for 5 minutes straight, I don't trust
> anybody's signal anymore to signify they are
> actually turning; I wait until I actually see them
> turn.

Totally with ya. Lack of turn signal etiquette bugs the @#)$(* out of me. I was turning left into work the other day and a guy coming the other way had his left turn signal on and so I pulled out to start turning left. Turns out he was going straight, almost hit me.

I'm really tempted to get this bumper sticker:

The latter should be in a much larger, bolded font with exclamation marks.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:51PM

Kardinal Wrote:
> j7ddE Wrote:
> > With all the turn signals I see
> > left on for 5 minutes straight, I don't trust
> > anybody's signal anymore to signify they are
> > actually turning; I wait until I actually see
> them
> > turn.
> Totally with ya. Lack of turn signal etiquette
> bugs the @#)$(* out of me. I was turning left
> into work the other day and a guy coming the other
> way had his left turn signal on and so I pulled
> out to start turning left. Turns out he was going
> straight, almost hit me.
> I'm really tempted to get this bumper sticker:
> http://rlv.zcache.com/forget_about_world_peace_vis
> ualize_using_your_bumper_sticker-p1280160749074727
> 80trl0_400.jpg
> The latter should be in a much larger, bolded font
> with exclamation marks.

and blinking!

Re: right on red / left yield
Date: September 10, 2010 12:53PM

Kardinal Wrote:

> > I'm interested in a definitive answer on this.
> I would be interested in an answer on this as
> well. I do this sometimes, and the risk is that
> sometimes the oncoming traffic doesn't stop for
> the yellow (as the law requires them to do if they
> are able), and thus you get caught either going on
> a full red or stuck out in the middle of an
> intersection, both of which are dangerous.

Once you are in the intersection you are expected to proceed through it if the light has turned red.


Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:54PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Kardinal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > I'm interested in a definitive answer on
> this.
> >
> >
> > I would be interested in an answer on this as
> > well. I do this sometimes, and the risk is
> that
> > sometimes the oncoming traffic doesn't stop for
> > the yellow (as the law requires them to do if
> they
> > are able), and thus you get caught either going
> on
> > a full red or stuck out in the middle of an
> > intersection, both of which are dangerous.
> Once you are in the intersection you are expected
> to proceed through it if the light has turned red.

Yes, I know that. But I thought you were not supposed to enter the intersection at all unless you could clearly see your car making it the entire way through it. That's what I'm not sure about.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 10, 2010 12:59PM

j7ddE Wrote:
> With all the turn signals I see
> left on for 5 minutes straight, I don't trust
> anybody's signal anymore to signify they are
> actually turning

+1. And nowadays drivers are so distracted it is even hard to trust someone signaling that they want a lane change. I can't tell you how many times I have slowed to or just under the speed limit on the beltway or 395 or 66 to let some poor sod with his signal on into the lane, only to find he doesn't move over and doesn't appear to know his signal is on at all. So I was trying to be nice and I have managed to piss off the people behind me who wouldn't have helped out the driver anyway. Too many people talking on phones, text messaging, and doing things besides driving.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 01:29PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Kardinal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > I'm interested in a definitive answer on
> this.
> >
> >
> > I would be interested in an answer on this as
> > well. I do this sometimes, and the risk is
> that
> > sometimes the oncoming traffic doesn't stop for
> > the yellow (as the law requires them to do if
> they
> > are able), and thus you get caught either going
> on
> > a full red or stuck out in the middle of an
> > intersection, both of which are dangerous.
> Once you are in the intersection you are expected
> to proceed through it if the light has turned red.

Are you sure? Can you cite a law or at least an interpretation or comment from an authority to that effect?

chuckles Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> > Once you are in the intersection you are
> expected
> > to proceed through it if the light has turned
> red.
> Yes, I know that. But I thought you were not
> supposed to enter the intersection at all unless
> you could clearly see your car making it the
> entire way through it. That's what I'm not sure
> about.

Further, I worry that proceeding is sometimes dangerous because now cross traffic is involved. It just doesn't seem sufficiently safe.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2010 01:30PM by Kardinal.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 02:00PM

Troll@AOL Wrote:
> chuckles wrote:
> >"I think you have your turns mixed up"
> you quoted me before I could edit it, but it is
> fixed now.
> @least you see my point, in that they are not
> quite the same
> and that left turn on red is inherently more
> risky.
> .

I just went out for lunch and saw a mail carrier / postal truck make a right on red (driver sits on the right side, and must look through the pillar to see traffic coming from the left) and laughed to myself.

Re: right on red / left yield
Date: September 10, 2010 02:08PM

Kardinal Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Kardinal Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > > I'm interested in a definitive answer on
> > this.
> > >
> > >
> > > I would be interested in an answer on this as
> > > well. I do this sometimes, and the risk is
> > that
> > > sometimes the oncoming traffic doesn't stop
> for
> > > the yellow (as the law requires them to do if
> > they
> > > are able), and thus you get caught either
> going
> > on
> > > a full red or stuck out in the middle of an
> > > intersection, both of which are dangerous.
> >
> >
> > Once you are in the intersection you are
> expected
> > to proceed through it if the light has turned
> red.
> Are you sure? Can you cite a law or at least an
> interpretation or comment from an authority to
> that effect?

I am sure because I had a cop tell me this.


Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 02:11PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I am sure because I had a cop tell me this.

Good source. Still feels unsafe to me, so you'll forgive me if you get stuck behind me playing it a bit more cautiously.

Re: right on red / left yield
Date: September 10, 2010 02:13PM

Kardinal Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> > I am sure because I had a cop tell me this.
> Good source. Still feels unsafe to me, so you'll
> forgive me if you get stuck behind me playing it a
> bit more cautiously.

You'll forgive me if I scream profanity at you and honk.


Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 02:17PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Kardinal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> > > I am sure because I had a cop tell me this.
> >
> > Good source. Still feels unsafe to me, so
> you'll
> > forgive me if you get stuck behind me playing it
> a
> > bit more cautiously.
> You'll forgive me if I scream profanity at you and
> honk.

And you'll forgive me for remaining at the light until there's a green arrow for being a dick and honking when I feel it unsafe to turn.

Re: right on red / left yield
Date: September 10, 2010 02:20PM

chuckles Wrote:

> >
> >
> > You'll forgive me if I scream profanity at you
> and
> > honk.
> And you'll forgive me for remaining at the light
> until there's a green arrow for being a dick and
> honking when I feel it unsafe to turn.

What if it's not a green arrow but a green light?


Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 10, 2010 02:23PM

How about people in tiny ass cars that brake as they're going down a hill just to hit the gas again to go up another hill? People in larger cars behind you are picking up speed and would just love to use that inertia to get up the hill without having to suck down a gallon of gas because your dumbass didn't want to go 5 over for less than 5 seconds.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: chuckles ()
Date: September 10, 2010 02:28PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> chuckles Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> > >
> > > You'll forgive me if I scream profanity at
> you
> > and
> > > honk.
> >
> >
> > And you'll forgive me for remaining at the
> light
> > until there's a green arrow for being a dick
> and
> > honking when I feel it unsafe to turn.
> What if it's not a green arrow but a green light?

If you honk while I'm patiently waiting (behind the line and not in the middle of the intersection) at a green light and not a green arrow, I'm going to remain there until I get a green arrow.

I can clear an intersection faster by waiting behind the line and timing my acceleration against when the oncoming traffic is going to be out of the way, rather than waiting in the middle of the intersection and slowly completing the turn once the cars have passed.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: September 10, 2010 02:51PM

I think deliberately waiting just to "get back at" the jerk behind me is juvenile passive-aggressive behavior. I'll do what I think is right and safe for me, and they can do what they like, as long as it doesn't hurt me.

My #1 pet peeve is people who "block the box". Especially in the parking lot next to my house. They queue up for the light and block the way across the line while waiting for the light to change.

For those inconsiderate people who have pulled up without thinking about how it affects others, I lean on my horn until the light changes and they can move.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: September 10, 2010 03:15PM

Don't block the fucking intersection either or block the box as they call it over here. If I'm at a green and there isn't enough space for my car to clear the intersection I stay at the stop point of the light and wait for that space to appear. Way too many people are in the middle of an intersection when a light changes impeding other lanes of travel.

Choose a lane and stick to it if you changes lanes then change fully, I see too many people half way between two lanes???

Green lights do not mean slow down. I LOVE it when there's a green light and someone in front of me slows down (Maybe they're afraid of a yellow)?? If it's green I want to get my ass through there before it changes.

And the last one, don't pull over to the side and back up if you miss your exit? Holy shit talk about a darwin award candidate (reversing on in the same area cars are going the opposite direction in 60 plus), take the next available exit and circle back.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: totuan ()
Date: September 10, 2010 06:27PM

OK.. I see this all day long and it just drives me fucking insane. I want just one person to give me a reasonable explanation why people, when stopped at a light, leave 10-20 feet between them and the car in front of them.
Even worse, I've seen this done by the driver in the FRONT!!
Some idiot I was riding with once told me it was because if he got hit in the rear then he would not hit the car in front of him. I've been rear ended 4 times in the last 3 years while sitting at a light. Not once did my car move more than a foot, if that. Unless some clown hits you at full speed, in which case hitting the car in front of you is the least of your problems.
BTW, whenever I have the chance, I pull into that space they conveniently left open for me.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 10, 2010 06:39PM

'totuan' wrote:
>OK.. I see this all day long and it just drives me fucking insane. I want just
>one person to give me a reasonable explanation why people, when stopped at a
>light, leave 10-20 feet between them and the car in front of them.

Just one???

#1. Tail pipe fumes from the car infront of them.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: totuan ()
Date: September 10, 2010 06:49PM

Just one???

#1. Tail pipe fumes from the car infront of them.

OBOY this is gonna be good. Next??

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 10, 2010 06:56PM

totuan Wrote:
>I want just one person to give me
> a reasonable explanation why people, when stopped
> at a light, leave 10-20 feet between them and the
> car in front of them.

I leave at least one car length and I'll give you 2 fucking reasons:

1) If the fuckhead in front of me breaks down, I can easily get the hell around him and let myself and the morons who sit 1-2' off my rear bumper down the road as well.

2) I have to drive through really bad neighborhoods in DC, Richmond, Jersey and New York. carjacking scumbags and robbers usually do their dirty at traffic lights orstops and it leaves you stuck there and dead or on the street without your car in a bad part of town. If you leave space between your vehicle and the one in front you can turn the wheel towards him as your opening the door pretending like your getting out, when instead you floor it, smash a few cars out of the way giving you time to pull your gun out, or run the dirt bag over as he shoots aimlessly and is stunned by the unanticipated maneuver. If anybody is gonna fuck my shit up its gonna be me.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: right turn on fred ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:02PM

Mofo Wrote:
> Don't block the fucking intersection either or
> block the box as they call it over here. If I'm at
> a green and there isn't enough space for my car to
> clear the intersection I stay at the stop point of
> the light and wait for that space to appear.

I do not block the box and it ticks me off when some dumb*** takes advantage of it and makes a right on red in front of me.

30+ years ago (probably around the time RTOR went into effect in Virginia) I refused to make a RTOR into heavy traffic and the joker behind me laid on the horn and I did exactly what some others here do.....sat there until the light turned green. I don't remember the exact sequence of events but we ended up in a parking lot (I would never pull over like that now) and the clown pulled out some badge claiming he was someone important and that I better obey the law and turn right on red. It's always amazed me how many people don't know that RTOR is OPTIONAL.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: XXX ()
Date: September 12, 2010 01:46PM

§ 46.2-835. Right turn on steady red light after stopping.

Notwithstanding the provisions of § 46.2-833, except where signs are placed prohibiting turns on steady red, vehicular traffic facing a steady red signal, after coming to a full stop, may cautiously enter the intersection and make a right turn.

Such turning traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to other traffic using the intersection.

The law says I MAY not Shall cautiously enter the intersection on a red light. Key word MAY. That being said screw you I will turn if I want to. If I want to wait for a green light to make my right, I will. If this pisses you off then I to will sit there and wait for the green just to piss you off. If you beep at me more than once, I may just have sudden engine trouble and stall out in front of you and not be able to start my vehicle again until the next light cycle. If you stopped on my ass and have not left a safe distance between your car and mine than oh well sorry about your bad luck when you can't around me after I stall out.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: XXX ()
Date: September 12, 2010 01:49PM

46.2-916.3. Limitations on golf cart and utility vehicle operations on designated public highways.

A. Golf cart and utility vehicle operations on designated public highways shall be in accordance with the following limitations:

1. A golf cart or utility vehicle may be operated only on designated public highways where the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour or less. A golf cart or utility vehicle may cross a highway at an intersection controlled by a traffic light and in the Town of Colonial Beach at an intersection conspicuously marked as a golf cart crossing by signs posted by the Virginia Department of Transportation if the highway has a posted speed limit of no more than 35 miles per hour;

2. In towns with a population of 2,000 or less, a golf cart or utility vehicle may cross a highway at an intersection conspicuously marked as a golf cart crossing by signs posted by the Virginia Department of Transportation if the highway has a posted speed limit of no more than 35 miles per hour and the crossing is required as the only means to provide golf cart access from one part of the town to another part of the town;

3. No person shall operate any golf cart or utility vehicle on any public highway unless he has in his possession a valid driver's license;

4. Every golf cart or utility vehicle, whenever operated on a public highway, shall display a slow-moving vehicle emblem in conformity with § 46.2-1081; and

5. Golf carts and utility vehicles shall be operated upon the public highways only between sunrise and sunset, unless equipped with such lights as are required in Article 3 (§ 46.2-1010 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of this title, for different classes of vehicles.

B. The limitations of subdivision A 1 shall not apply to golf carts and utility vehicles being operated as follows:

1. To cross a highway from one portion of a golf course to another portion thereof or to another adjacent golf course; or to travel between a person's home and golf course if (i) the trip would not be longer than one-half mile in either direction, and (ii) the speed limit on the road is no more than 35 miles per hour;

2. To the extent necessary for local government employees, operating only upon highways located within the locality, to fulfill a governmental purpose, provided the golf cart or utility vehicle is being operated on highways with speed limits of 35 miles per hour or less;

3. As necessary by employees of public or private two-year or four-year institutions of higher education if operating on highways within the property limits of such institutions, provided the golf cart or utility vehicle is being operated on highways with speed limits of 35 miles per hour or less; and

4. On a secondary highway system component that has a posted speed limit of no more than 35 miles per hour and is within three miles of a motor speedway with a seating capacity of at least 25,000 but less than 90,000 on the same day as any race or race-related event conducted on that speedway.

C. The governing body of any county, city, or town may by ordinance impose additional restrictions or limitations on operations of golf carts, utility vehicles, or both, on public highways within its boundaries, provided that the restrictions or limitations imposed by any such ordinance are no less stringent than the restrictions and limitations contained in this article. In the event that any provision of any such ordinance conflicts with any provision of this section, the provision of the ordinance shall be controlling.

(2004, c. 746; 2008, c. 456; 2009, cc. 743, 835; 2010, c. 112.)

If all else fails read the law about golf carts..

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: dmx ()
Date: September 12, 2010 04:31PM

Troll@AOL Wrote:
> 'totuan' wrote:
> >OK.. I see this all day long and it just drives
> me fucking insane. I want just
> >one person to give me a reasonable explanation
> why people, when stopped at a
> >light, leave 10-20 feet between them and the car
> in front of them.
> Just one???
> #1. Tail pipe fumes from the car infront of them.
> .


Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 12, 2010 04:53PM


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

Re: right on red / left yield
Posted by: newgatedenizen ()
Date: September 12, 2010 06:17PM

Posted by: WashingTone-Locian ()
Date: September 10, 2010 11:21AM

What I can't stand is when the dipshit in front of me can't move into the intersection when waiting to make a left on green. The fuckers piss me off because they usually miss the chance to turn when the light turns yellow. At the very least, being in the intersection on a green might give a car or two behind them a chance to get through the intersection as well.


You're sitting behind me as well and cry and scream all you want I'm not getting into any more accidents while trying to clear an intersection. What you are describing in dangerous an many situations.

If I have a clear view of traffic coming from the opposite direction and traffic is either stop and go OR moving at a slow rate of speed I may use my discretion and enter the intersection to wait for a chance to cross.

But if the oncoming traffic is moving at a high rate of speed and/or I do not have a clear view I'm playing it safe.

You are going to get into an accident sooner or later with your attitude. I was contemplating this very thing coming home from work on Friday. Traffic in the oncoming left turn lane was stacked up out sight waiting to cross in front of me and the oncoming 2 lanes of traffic was moving at a good 50+ mph clip. I did not enter the intersection. When my light turned yellow I thought about it but oncoming traffic continued at a high rate of speed - a whole series of cars flat out ran the red light to the point that the folks with the green now actually had to wait to enter the intersection - if I had been sitting there yet it would have been a doozy. So curse away my man... I'd sooner be safe...

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