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Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: August 02, 2005 01:52AM


Verizon has submitted the paperwork for a cable license, and the county has accepted the request and will hold a public hearing on September 26th with the board of supervisors for the franchise ordinance. So if Verizon gets a go on that hearing which I assume they will then they should start laying fiber.

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 02, 2005 02:02AM

I bet if a thousand of us show up at that meeting, and just start chanting "verizon, verizon" over and over as loudly as we can, they'll vote yes just to get us the hell out of there

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: August 02, 2005 10:27AM

Verizon is already laying fiber in northern Fairfax. They put it in my neighborhood already, but no house hookups yet.

I believe the stuff above is so that they can compete against Cox in providing video services to residents. They had meetings in the town of Herndon a while back on this as well. I was bored as hell and watched some of the hearings on Herndon Access TV.... funny enough, laying fiber is only counted as an "upgrade" to their current copper telco system.. even though it's 100% new stuff. They had to file separately though to provide video service, and some crap about allowing Cox time to review their proposal.

Also, I know from at least in my neighborhood, it's not fiber to the premises. It's fiber to a hub/switch down the street, and some monster sized buried Ethernet to the house.

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: August 02, 2005 05:18PM

Jesus christ, it's about freaking time. I can't believe how long it's taking to get FIOS in this damn area. What the hell?!?!

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: fventura03 ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:01PM

yep its in the area, i live in alexandria (part of ffx county) and am getting it hooked up on saturday. they say it takes 4hrs though! so i am scheduled from 830-530pm.

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Jarman ()
Date: August 26, 2005 11:02AM

Dude you dont know shit, I am a Verizon FTTP fiber splicer and have been working for verizon 12 years, There is a fiber going to a 216 hub in your neighborhood(f1 fiber) then there is a fiber going to you terminal(ariel or hand hole/buried). then there is a fiber drop to your house ONT(optical network terminal) fiber from co to your house asshat.....

any questions ask me


Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: JC ()
Date: August 26, 2005 11:58AM

Hey Verizon guy, don't mean any disrespect, but why the fuck does Verizon take so fuckin' long to show up to your house to do any job? I mean, they're big enough to hire more people to do the work aren't they? I think they're the fuckin' devil and their leadership should rot in the pungent pit of hell. No disrespect to you, however.

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Somebody ()
Date: August 26, 2005 12:15PM

I've seen the piece of cable that Someguy has (the black one they run through the orange conduit).
There is definitely no fiber in it. Its just an ethernet cable.
What the deal with that?

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Jarman ()
Date: August 27, 2005 01:41AM

Posted by: Somebody (IP Logged)
Date: August 26, 2005 12:15PM

I've seen the piece of cable that Someguy has (the black one they run through the orange conduit).
There is definitely no fiber in it. Its just an ethernet cable.
What the deal with that?

You are showing your ignorance..... A fiber optic cable has a thick outer sheath, and depending on the size(increments of 12) the smallest being 24, and largest I've spliced 864, most f2(from hub to terminals) is loose tube color coded 24, 48 or 96) eace tube has 12 fibers, larger cables (96, 144, 216, 432 and 864) are 12 fiber ribons that are mass spliced 12 at a time.. the cable can be quite large for protection and has a fiberglass strength member(huh uhuh i said member) along with a shitload of sting wraped around the loose tubes... needless to say I could go on and on boring the shit out of yall with info on fiber cables, but i digress.... if you want a demo come buy the garage on gallows road and ask for me...

anyway the cables in the innerduct that pedro the contractor burries, and cuts all the other utilitys while he's there, is a fiber optic cable. I'll be more than happy to grab some scrap cable, and wack you over the head with it ;)

it is fiber(glass) what did you expect?? bare fibers laying on the ground dumb ass???

as to why it takes so long... there is alot going on building a new network from the ground up takes time... the old copper world has been around for what? 150 years....

I have no clue about installers, im a network grunt( down in manholes and splicing in the back of a truck for 12 hrs a day.

Currently working on centreville, finished falls church,spring field, annendale, and i live in Fairfax and know for a fact that the engineers dont have fairfax on the schedual yet to be placed, much less spliced and tested... so fairfax will be a while, true we want to offer video in herndon and fairfax, and if we get licences in fairfax they bump us up on the schedual(keeping my fingers crossed cause dsl is to fing slow)


Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Jarman ()
Date: August 27, 2005 01:48AM

JC Wrote:
> Hey Verizon guy, don't mean any disrespect, but
> why the fuck does Verizon take so fuckin' long to
> show up to your house to do any job? I mean,
> they're big enough to hire more people to do the
> work aren't they? I think they're the fuckin'
> devil and their leadership should rot in the
> pungent pit of hell. No disrespect to you,
> however.

None taken

Again im a grunt splicer, i had my share of installs and would much rathrer not deal with the public... I have talked to some installers and I believe the only get 1 or to jobs a day, so it must take them 4 hours per house, they did hire a shitload of people off the street(newbies) and traing takes some time....
Do you want a job???? maybe you can install it faster

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: JC ()
Date: August 27, 2005 12:45PM

HAHA, no thanks.

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: fventura03 ()
Date: August 30, 2005 09:31AM

got it hooked up, 15mbps/2mbps. its very nice compared to cox cable (5mbps)

although the backup battery inside my house is a big clutter. i'll just put a table next to it or something to cover it.

i was scheduled 830-530. they came at 8:12am, and the guy was done by 11:30.

no bad experiences here. i've had it up for >3days now on AIM, no problems.

downloaded about 5gbs in an instant.

verizon > world.

for those of you who work for verizon. how much do they pay salary/hrly for doing installs?

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 30, 2005 08:57PM

just so you know, you can check if you can get FIOS on the net:

did i mention that i keep getting this error message?

--- Online Ordering is Currently Unavailable ---

We are unable to check Fios availability and process orders due to a system error. Please try again later.

im sure they will have it working... after they advertise you can get it on a TV commercial.

you can also check if your computer meets the system requirements.

this flash based test never seems to conclude for me, even after running for an hour.

Verison is on a role.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: fventura03 ()
Date: August 31, 2005 09:33AM

they have a 2 week wait time for new installations. :(

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: SUP ()
Date: August 31, 2005 12:07PM

What is the time table on getting it in Herndon?
I see a truck driving around sayn its here but I cant check cause the site is down or something

Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Jarman ()
Date: September 01, 2005 07:35PM

SOON, they are splicing and testing herndon daily, but wont release hubs for orders till a certain number or percentage is available

check out verizonfios.com to see if avail;

and get put on the waiting list. the more people asking for service the sooner it will be avail.. since verizon uses possible revenue generation as a consideration for rollout schedual


Re: Looks like hopefully FIOS will be coming to Fairfax
Posted by: Maybe ()
Date: May 06, 2013 04:21PM

Maybe this will work out? Hard to know though.

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