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The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Dianne ()
Date: September 05, 2010 01:11PM

I have hunted high and low to find a town hall event planned for my congressional representative Gerry Connolly. All to no avail. This is the election season. During the August recess they are supposed to be holding town hall events and such.

I would like to hear what Gerry Connolly has to say and I would like him to hear what we have to say. I know that there are many like-minded citizens and voters who feel the same. Last year I feel he played the coward and held events in gated communities or at senior citizen centers where the general public wasn’t invited. Am I wrong to think that when you are elected to Congress, you should have a morsel of responsibility and courage to face the concerned voters in your district?

Congressman Connolly, do your duty. Are you not aware that we have an alternative in Keith Fimian if we feel you are hiding from us? Please don’t hide — I’m very interested in a conversation between you, our representative, and We The People.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: fck you ()
Date: September 05, 2010 01:41PM

Fuck you Connolly...

You voted for obamacare, you voted us in to a greater debt on shit we don't want.


Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: from what ive heard ()
Date: September 05, 2010 01:50PM

his girth prevents him from being invisible. Plus, he looks like a weasel, and is best known for "hiding" from hit and run charges the rest of us Peasants would face.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: ConManNot ()
Date: September 05, 2010 04:04PM

from what ive heard Wrote:
> his girth prevents him from being invisible. Plus,
> he looks like a weasel, and is best known for
> "hiding" from hit and run charges the rest of us
> Peasants would face.

He's hiding from everybody. Try calling his office and finding out
his schedule. I wish you luck.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Get Real ()
Date: September 05, 2010 10:43PM

A DNC poll is being conducted this weekend to determine which candidates will get a large pile of campaign money, and which will be cut loose. Gerry Connolly could come out on either side of that decision.

Either way, you can expect Connolly to try to put some distance between himself and the Congressional leadership as well as the President. It's just good for votes to do so.

You can also expect him to pound the it's-Bush's-fault drum, and offer himself up as a "moderate" solution to the extreme views on both sides.

And that, my friends, is how he will be reelected.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Vendehei ()
Date: September 06, 2010 10:08AM

Democrats are much more pessimistic than they were merely three or four weeks ago. A recent Gallup poll showed Republicans with a 10-point generic edge. They've been polling for 60 years. We've not seen a number like that.

Expert predictions show the Republicans can win 45 to 50 seats in the House, and they only need 39 seats to take control.

Knowing that Republicans will certainly control the House in January, pragmatic voters will vote for Fimian so they can be part of the winning team. Regardless of their political views, that's what's best for them as individuals, and for Fairfax County.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Bye, Gerry C ()
Date: September 06, 2010 10:58AM

Please vote against Gerry Connolly. It is embarrassing to have such a feckless, pandering cretin be a representative in Congress. I voted for Herrity and would have preferred him to be running against Connolly because the difference in character is so CLEAR. But I will still vote for Fimian (and I am an independent).

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: mjcc1987 ()
Date: September 06, 2010 11:33AM

The Rethugtillians broke the economy, started two wars, and now want to invade Iran. It's going to take years to fix what thugs broke. So vote for Gerry, I know I will.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: josey wales ()
Date: September 06, 2010 11:56AM

I heard connolly on the news last night at some rally. He droned on about everything is bushs fault. Even if that is true democrats have held a clear majority in congress and have held the white house for two years. Stop with the excuses and step forward with some new ideas. Spending money we dont have is not a new idea. And stop sending me those flyers on how you are a fiscal conservative, we all know that is a huge lie. He has shown his affinity for taxing and huge spending when he ran the fairfax bos. He didnt change that quick.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Connolly sux ()
Date: September 07, 2010 09:42AM

"The Rethugtillians broke the economy, started two wars, and now want to invade Iran. It's going to take years to fix what thugs broke. So vote for Gerry, I know I will."

I believe the president just took credit for one of those wars being a success, idiot. You are part of the reason our country gets into such a mess. You can only vote along the party line no matter how bad a candidate is.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Realist ()
Date: September 07, 2010 10:14AM

Gerry Connolly has experience when his party is well in control of policy. Both at the county level and while in Congress.

It is now certain that the House will be led by Republicans after this election. Gerry Connolly has no experience working from a minority position, and has burned some very strategic bridges to the opposition on the road to his success.

For the good of Fairfax County, we need to replace Gerry Connolly with Keith Fimian.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: September 07, 2010 02:39PM

I know he was at the Northern Virginia Labor Federation event on Labor Day, but I haven't seen any announcements of town halls or other events. You can rest assured he'll be out talking to all of the Democratic constituencies he can over the next few months.

If you really want to see him, I'd suggest attending one of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee meetings - he'll most likely be there and he'll most likely speak.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: PointOutWhatConollyHasDone ()
Date: September 08, 2010 12:10AM

I am trying to find people that will help put up signs to show Connolly's position on issues (I found several cheap suppliers by Googling campaign signs price )

They include

Support HealthCare TAX vote Connolly

Support Pelosi & Obama vote Connolly

Keep Pelosi speaker vote Connolly

Spend your kids money vote Connolly

Connolly - He voted to borrow $6000 per person for big govt

Vote for BIG govt. vote Connolly

Support gay military vote Democrat

Change Christmas into Winter Holiday vote Democrat

Forget Israel vote Democrat.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: kk ()
Date: September 08, 2010 08:05AM

mjcc1987 Wrote:
> The Rethugtillians broke the economy, started two
> wars, and now want to invade Iran. It's going to
> take years to fix what thugs broke. So vote for
> Gerry, I know I will.

It's easy to sling insults and blame someone else.

Just for the sake of discussion, let's say you are right! I don't agree with that premise but just to start an "intelligent" dialogue let's say that.

Now, knowing what you do, what would you propose to do to fix the economy and resolve the issues in the Middle East and what track would to take to avoid a similar scenario?

Are the economic dynamics isolated in the U.S.?
Did the Middle East issues only crop up during Republican administrations?

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: FFX ()
Date: September 08, 2010 08:15AM

I find it fitting that his offices on germantown road share with a physicians weightloss center, and gee gerry why is the a local SEIU office 2 doors down? He is an embarasssment as a human. can't wait until he is gone

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Connolly sux ()
Date: September 08, 2010 09:48AM

Somebody earlier posted about how he doesn't have town hall meetings. Back when the whole Obamacare debate was going on and all of the representatives were having their town hall debates, he was nowhere to be found. I called his office to find out when he was having a town hall meeting and was told that he was hosting one at a retirement home and it was not open to the public. So after watching his fellow Dems get crushed at their town halls, he showed his true cowardice and refused to face any of the voters in this area and instead, hid at a retirement home. Way to represent us Gerry.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Gerry Coward Connolly ()
Date: September 08, 2010 12:13PM

Vote out Gerry Connolly.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 08, 2010 12:24PM

The front page of his site has a town hall meeting with members of the public there. How can you say the public wasn't allowed to be there? Just sayin.


And none of his congressional offices are on Jermantown Road, at least learn how to spell it. That said I have no idea why he needs three and where the money comes from to staff those.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Connolly sux ()
Date: September 08, 2010 01:48PM

Look at that picture, it is the picture of the town hall meeting held at the retirement center, exactly like I said. How many people under 65 do you see in the crowd?
I guess despite all the evidence of what a piece he is, you are justsayin you're still gonna vote for him. Way to tow the party line.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: start packing ()
Date: September 08, 2010 01:54PM

When he loses he can findd aj ob back in Fairfax and screw it up more than he did before, look at all the traffic issues he resolved while in office, Not

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: possible ()
Date: September 08, 2010 02:23PM

It is possible and highly probable that Connolly's town hall meeting at the retirement center was "open to the public" but orchestrated so that HANDPICKED people were seated early to provide the correct atmosphere.

You don't think his handlers leave these things to chance, do you?

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 08, 2010 03:25PM

Connolly sux Wrote:
> Look at that picture, it is the picture of the
> town hall meeting held at the retirement center,
> exactly like I said.
> Way to tow the party line.

It is "toe" the party line. http://grammartips.homestead.com/toetheline.html

And I didn't say that the group in their wasn't a subset of the public. You said it was closed to the public, I pointed out that there were members of the public there, ergo you are full of shit. Welcome to Town of Wrong, Population You.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: mjcc1987 ()
Date: September 08, 2010 03:44PM

It's easy to sling insults and blame someone else.

Just for the sake of discussion, let's say you are right! I don't agree with that premise but just to start an "intelligent" dialogue let's say that.

Now, knowing what you do, what would you propose to do to fix the economy and resolve the issues in the Middle East and what track would to take to avoid a similar scenario?

Are the economic dynamics isolated in the U.S.?
Did the Middle East issues only crop up during Republican administrations?
Stating fact is not slinging mud or laying blame. Fact is fact.

To begin fixing the economy which Republicans broke (again fact), end the 10 years of war and all the money that goes toward that. Remove 90 percent of our bases overseas and all the money associated with that. Reduce the DoD budget by 20 percent. Create single payer (not the DoD Military socialist version of medical) Medicare system for anyone who wants to be apart of it. Simplify taxes. If you don't pay taxes, you don't get a refund. If you make millions, you should pay more than me in taxes. INVEST in infrastructre, energy other an oil, education, adult eduction (we HAVE moved from an industrial base to an information based economy). Tax the fuck out of any compay that sends jobs overseas. It's a begining.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Josey Wales ()
Date: September 08, 2010 04:26PM

Connolly sux Wrote:
> Look at that picture, it is the picture of the
> town hall meeting held at the retirement center,
> exactly like I said. How many people under 65 do
> you see in the crowd?
> I guess despite all the evidence of what a piece
> he is, you are justsayin you're still gonna vote
> for him. Way to tow the party line.

It would have been funny if one of the old geezers piped up and asked connolly to get a message to President Roosevelt.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: September 08, 2010 05:00PM

mjcc1987 Wrote:
> It's easy to sling insults and blame someone else.
> Just for the sake of discussion, let's say you are
> right! I don't agree with that premise but just to
> start an "intelligent" dialogue let's say that.
> Now, knowing what you do, what would you propose
> to do to fix the economy and resolve the issues in
> the Middle East and what track would to take to
> avoid a similar scenario?
> Are the economic dynamics isolated in the U.S.?
> Did the Middle East issues only crop up during
> Republican administrations?
> -----------------------------
> Stating fact is not slinging mud or laying blame.
> Fact is fact.
> To begin fixing the economy which Republicans
> broke (again fact), end the 10 years of war and
> all the money that goes toward that. Remove 90
> percent of our bases overseas and all the money
> associated with that. Reduce the DoD budget by 20
> percent. Create single payer (not the DoD Military
> socialist version of medical) Medicare system for
> anyone who wants to be apart of it. Simplify
> taxes. If you don't pay taxes, you don't get a
> refund. If you make millions, you should pay more
> than me in taxes. INVEST in infrastructre, energy
> other an oil, education, adult eduction (we HAVE
> moved from an industrial base to an information
> based economy). Tax the fuck out of any compay
> that sends jobs overseas. It's a begining.

Republicans broke it? How? Because Bush was president when the economy started the last downturn? If so, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress at the same time. Because the Republicans passed the Glass-Steagal repeal? It was signed by Bill Clinton.

As the President is fond of saying, we didn't get into this mess overnight and we won't get out of it overnight. And because of that, both parties share blame for the mistakes that led to the current economy. No one is blameless here.

The money spent on the war has been a drop in the bucket compared to the deficits we've run in the last two years. And while I agree we should scrutinize the defense budget, we can't afford to return to our isolationist past.

There's no silver bullet solution, but there are a few things that aren't going to help - raising taxes, spending more money we don't have, and bailing out everyone who was hurt by the economy.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: mjcc1987 ()
Date: September 08, 2010 07:03PM

3 Trillion (that's with a T) for the wars. Just think of what we could do with that money.

Our taxes are the lowest in years. If you made under 250,000 you paid less in taxes. You know that to be true.

Raise the taxes on the rich - Yes Yes Yes. It is a bold face lie and proven wrong that "trickle down" works.

Bill Clinton had a surplus - Bush eat it and put us into debt. With the advice and consent of a Rethug Congress who did nothing but add pork projects to the budgets.

You do know the difference between an expenditure and an investment, right? Infrastructre is an investment, lowering taxes for the rich is an exenditure. Paying unemployent is an investment NOT an expenditure.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 08, 2010 07:10PM

mjcc1987 Wrote:
> Our taxes are the lowest in years. If you made
> under 250,000 you paid less in taxes. You know
> that to be true.

No, actually it is you who lie and perpetuate that lie. Half of wage earners pay NOTHING in fed income taxes. Most of the rest is paid for by the "rich." I assume you are in the white slice on the rightmost chart. Half of working Americans cover that slice. Does that really seem fair? Do you REALLY think the taxes on the green "slice" need to be raised?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2010 05:07AM by justsayin.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: whiterussian ()
Date: September 08, 2010 11:03PM

I thought Gerry did a lousy job as FFX Board of Supervisors chairman; this is one of the richest counties in the country and he drove our budget surplus into the ground. He got bumped upstairs because of the economy and people fed up with the Republicans in 2080. As our congressman he has been invisible, and I really dislike that, especially now when our country is in a major crisis. I don't necessarily agree with Fimian on a lot of things - - especially his stand on social issues. However, I think we need to vote Gerry out. We have a lot of problems in our republic, and radio silence doesn't cut it.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: whiterussian ()
Date: September 08, 2010 11:19PM

ugh - - I meant 2008, unless Gerry has a 72 year term....

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: kate ()
Date: September 09, 2010 06:06AM

Agree with whiterussian (a Lebowski reference?).

I don't exactly agree with Fimian's stance on social issues, but those things will not be affected much by him being in office. We need the business management skills.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Connolly sux ()
Date: September 09, 2010 06:12AM

And I didn't say that the group in their wasn't a subset of the public. You said it was closed to the public, I pointed out that there were members of the public there, ergo you are full of shit. Welcome to Town of Wrong, Population You.

Say what you want, but when I called his office to inquire about when and where he was having a town hall meeting, I was TOLD by his staffer that it was NOT open to the public. Yes, people who live at a retirement community are a part of the public, but is that really the way you are going to defend him? Weak.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tmill9 ()
Date: September 09, 2010 07:54AM

Regardless of your political affiliation I just don't see how anyone can defend Gerry Connolly. I'm a registered Dem and wouldn't vote for him ever. I mean, what has he done except be a cheer leader for the Obama/Biden/Emanuel et al, team?

I got to participate in one of his town meeting phone calls. This was before the the health care bill was passed. When I had a chance to ask a question, I simply asked how was the health care proposal was going to be funded and that I was worried about increasing the deficit. His answer and I'm not making this up, he did not address my question but simply went on a tirade about the Bush administration fiscal mismanagement. Now, I'm not a Bush fan but do wonder how Bush caused a problem to finance the health care plan. Of course, I wasn't allowed a follow up.

I had always hoped that Dems were thoughtful and measured in their political support but that belief has begun to wither with the attitude of either support all things Obama or you are the enemy.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 09, 2010 08:25AM

tmill9 Wrote:
> Regardless of your political affiliation I just
> don't see how anyone can defend Gerry Connolly.
> I'm a registered Dem and wouldn't vote for him
> ever. I mean, what has he done except be a cheer
> leader for the Obama/Biden/Emanuel et al, team?

You sound like a "Democrat" that hasn't voted for a Democrat on the state/federal level in 30 years.

I'm still curious, though: what is Fimian and the GOP leadership proposing that hasn't been tried already between 2001-06?

Both Fimian and Connelly sound like they'll be pretty orthodox party-line folks.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tmill9 ()
Date: September 09, 2010 08:46AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> tmill9 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Regardless of your political affiliation I just
> > don't see how anyone can defend Gerry Connolly.
> > I'm a registered Dem and wouldn't vote for him
> > ever. I mean, what has he done except be a
> cheer
> > leader for the Obama/Biden/Emanuel et al, team?
> You sound like a "Democrat" that hasn't voted for
> a Democrat on the state/federal level in 30 years.
> I'm still curious, though: what is Fimian and the
> GOP leadership proposing that hasn't been tried
> already between 2001-06?
> Both Fimian and Connelly sound like they'll be
> pretty orthodox party-line folks.

Seriously, what would a Democart that's voted as Dem on the state/federal level in 30 years sound like?

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 09, 2010 08:49AM

Connolly sux Wrote:
> Say what you want, but when I called his office to
> inquire about when and where he was having a town
> hall meeting, I was TOLD by his staffer that it
> was NOT open to the public. Yes, people who live
> at a retirement community are a part of the
> public, but is that really the way you are going
> to defend him? Weak.

I think they just didn't want YOU to show up because they could tell you were an asshole.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: September 09, 2010 08:54AM

justsayin Wrote:
> No, actually it is you who lie and perpetuate that
> lie. Half of wage earners pay NOTHING in fed
> income taxes. Most of the rest is paid for by the
> "rich." I assume you are in the white slice on
> the rightmost chart. Half of working Americans
> cover that slice. Does that really seem fair? Do
> you REALLY think the taxes on the green "slice"
> need to be raised?
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/file.php?0
> ,file=22980,filename=taxes_paid_federal.gif

great chart. too bad it doesn't show payroll taxes, which is what everybody pays. and of course, payroll taxes are capped at $102K, so green slices in the first 2 charts are actually paying less of a share of payroll taxes than the white slices.

>Half of wage earners pay NOTHING in fed income taxes.

that sentence is missing something, here i'll fix it for you.

>Half of wage earners pay enough taxes while making shit that they get a break in fed income taxes.

it's not like half the country pays no taxes at all. just sayin'.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: FireConnolly ()
Date: September 09, 2010 09:00AM

He needs to be voted out. He's spent us into oblivion. Thanks for posting the chart about who pays most of the taxes. Payroll taxes are going up (so it'snot capped at 102K anymore). Remember that not only did a large portion not pay any fed income tax, they got a "refund" or tax credit. Socialism and redistribution of wealth. Stop penalizing the hardworking people!

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Connolly sux ()
Date: September 09, 2010 09:26AM

justsayin wrote

"I think they just didn't want YOU to show up because they could tell you were an asshole."

So when you start losing the argument, you have to resort to name calling? Now I see why you are a Connolly supporter, same character qualities.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 09, 2010 09:48AM

taxpayer Wrote:
> great chart. too bad it doesn't show payroll
> taxes, which is what everybody pays. and of
> course, payroll taxes are capped at $102K, so
> green slices in the first 2 charts are actually
> paying less of a share of payroll taxes than the
> white slices.

Payroll taxes aren't what we are talking about here... the Bush tax cuts do not impact payroll taxes. Connolly or not, that isn't going to change in this debate. Changing the subject to further your argument isn't really furthering your argument. I say as a reasonable person looking at simple diagrams the "rich" already shoulder more of the load than is fair, and if everyone paid into fed income tax at SOME level the load would not be as great for the whole country.

But now that you bring it up, what you say is STILL WRONG and needs correction. The lower-40% of working Americans pay only TEN PERCENT of the total payroll tax collection. Sorry truth and numbers are getting in the way of your talking points. You are so wrong about how the payroll taxes would look on those charts I have to question where you are getting your info... it is simply incorrect and I suggest you brush up on your facts before making incorrect assertions like that as it doesn't help anyone.

> So when you start losing the argument, you have to
> resort to name calling? Now I see why you are a Connolly supporter.

I didn't lose any argument, I have yet to see anyone here prove me wrong on any point I have made. I was just making an observation that you come across as an asshole, that's all. It is peripheral to the argument but may answer why the staffers blew you off.

So now I support Connolly because I countered your empty positions, but oppose him because I want all Americans to pay income taxes if any of us have to. Which is it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2010 09:49AM by justsayin.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: whiterussian ()
Date: September 09, 2010 10:14PM

I am still disappointed in Gerry; I ran into this attitude with Chap Peterson. Chap is one of the most skilled and natural politicians I have ever encountered: really good at pounding the pavement, etc.. The only problem is I only hear from him around election time - - there is no legislation, and no leadership. Gerry is of the same school, but without the politicking savvy.

To Kate: in answer to your question, whiterussian is partly a lebowski reference, and partly old and boring family history. However, I do have a rug that really ties the room together.....

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: September 09, 2010 10:33PM

tmill9 Wrote:
> I'm a registered Dem

Voters in Va do not register by party. Have you even voted in Va?

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tmill9 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 08:06AM

Thomas More Wrote:
> tmill9 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm a registered Dem
> Voters in Va do not register by party. Have you
> even voted in Va?

You are so right and I am such a dope! I know, it's not the norm for someone on here to admit being wrong, but I was. I've lived in Fairfax CO. for over 60 years and registered to vote as soon as I was eligible, at the time I believe I had to be 21. I actually worked on a number of campaigns, I hate to show my age, but I worked for McGovern, Sandy Duckworth when she ran for the Co Board of Supervisors, etc, etc, etc. So, yes, I have voted and yes I was wrong when I stated that I was a registered Dem. I should have said I had been an active participant in the Dem party at one time. And, as is not the norm on this board, I want to thank you for pointing out my mistake.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:12AM

It is the norm here to point out mistakes, but also the norm to not own up to them. Props to you for doing so! "taxpayer" and "connolly sucks" should take a lesson from you!

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:21AM

tmill9 Wrote:
> Seriously, what would a Democart that's voted as
> Dem on the state/federal level in 30 years sound
> like?

1. Usually older.
2. Usually complains about "how the Democrats left them."
3. Usually complains about overspending without specific things to cut (or if they do mention things to cut, avoid defense, Medicare/caid, and Social Security.)
4. Usually complains about Democratic leadership.

Now if you want to just come out and say, "Hey, I've become a Republican over the past 20 years," fine. But don't pretend to be a disaffected Democrat when you haven't actually supported Democrats in the past 20-30 years.

Just sayin: thanks for the chart showing BOTH income and payroll tax collection.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2010 09:22AM by formerhick76.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Capt. Obvious ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:50AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> tmill9 Wrote:
> > Seriously, what would a Democart that's voted
> as
> > Dem on the state/federal level in 30 years
> sound
> > like?
> 1. Usually older.
> 2. Usually complains about "how the Democrats left
> them."
> 3. Usually complains about overspending without
> specific things to cut (or if they do mention
> things to cut, avoid defense, Medicare/caid, and
> Social Security.)
> 4. Usually complains about Democratic leadership.
> Now if you want to just come out and say, "Hey,
> I've become a Republican over the past 20 years,"
> fine. But don't pretend to be a disaffected
> Democrat when you haven't actually supported
> Democrats in the past 20-30 years.

It is interesting to see the coping mechanisms used by hardline Democrats in an attempt to rationalize their disastrous fall from grace.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tmill9 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:23AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> tmill9 Wrote:
> > Seriously, what would a Democart that's voted
> as
> > Dem on the state/federal level in 30 years
> sound
> > like?
> 1. Usually older.
> 2. Usually complains about "how the Democrats left
> them."
> 3. Usually complains about overspending without
> specific things to cut (or if they do mention
> things to cut, avoid defense, Medicare/caid, and
> Social Security.)
> 4. Usually complains about Democratic leadership.
> Now if you want to just come out and say, "Hey,
> I've become a Republican over the past 20 years,"
> fine. But don't pretend to be a disaffected
> Democrat when you haven't actually supported
> Democrats in the past 20-30 years.
> Just sayin: thanks for the chart showing BOTH
> income and payroll tax collection.

Curious. If you scroll back, I don't believe you will find any comments like that, made by me.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 01:28PM

Capt. Obvious Wrote:
> It is interesting to see the coping mechanisms
> used by hardline Democrats in an attempt to
> rationalize their disastrous fall from grace.

Maybe you could offer some tips, what with the defeats you suffered in 2006 and 2008.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 01:31PM

tmill9 Wrote:
> formerhick76 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > tmill9 Wrote:
> > > Seriously, what would a Democart that's voted
> > as
> > > Dem on the state/federal level in 30 years
> > sound
> > > like?
> >
> > 1. Usually older.
> > 2. Usually complains about "how the Democrats
> left
> > them."
> > 3. Usually complains about overspending without
> > specific things to cut (or if they do mention
> > things to cut, avoid defense, Medicare/caid,
> and
> > Social Security.)
> > 4. Usually complains about Democratic
> leadership.
> >
> > Now if you want to just come out and say, "Hey,
> > I've become a Republican over the past 20
> years,"
> > fine. But don't pretend to be a disaffected
> > Democrat when you haven't actually supported
> > Democrats in the past 20-30 years.
> >
> > Just sayin: thanks for the chart showing BOTH
> > income and payroll tax collection.
> Curious. If you scroll back, I don't believe you
> will find any comments like that, made by me.

OK. You are correct.

You did, however, complain that Connelly is just a cheerleader for Obama/Biden/Emanuel -- the implication seemed to be that you regarded that as a Bad Thing.

My belief is that Fimian is just going to be a cheerleader for Boehner/McConnell/Palin/Gingrich. I view that as, by and large, a bad thing -- I don't view small government as bad, I do view the current GOP leadership as not really being interested in it.

So which do you think is worse: Obama/Biden/Emanuel or Boehner/McConnell/Palin/Gingrich? If you think the former is worse, how does that match with your self-identification as a Democrat? Do you think Obama hasn't gone left-wing enough and that Connelly needs to be part of a GOP wave that will teach all true Democrats a lesson?

Yes, lots of questions here. Feel free to ask them of me.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Capt. Obvious ()
Date: September 10, 2010 02:45PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> Capt. Obvious Wrote:
> > It is interesting to see the coping mechanisms
> > used by hardline Democrats in an attempt to
> > rationalize their disastrous fall from grace.
> Maybe you could offer some tips, what with the
> defeats you suffered in 2006 and 2008.

Accept it. Nothing in '06 or '08 was a surprise. It was easily predicted from '05. I felt no need to get all bent out of shape over it.

1. Usually older.
2. Usually complains about "how the Democrats left them."
3. Usually complains about overspending without specific things to cut (or if they do mention things to cut, avoid defense, Medicare/caid, and Social Security.)
4. Usually complains about Democratic leadership.
ramblings are just coping mechanisms to explain utter failure. You know that none of the reasons you listed describe tmill9. Instead, you know the true problem lies in the exact same place it did in '06 and '08 - the oval office. Republicns didn't need to make up cute rationalizations as to why they failed. They knew it was the lack of popularity of Bush. Same here. Obama is a fast sinking anchor.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 10, 2010 03:20PM

Capt. Obvious Wrote:
> Accept it. Nothing in '06 or '08 was a surprise.
> It was easily predicted from '05. I felt no need
> to get all bent out of shape over it.
> Your
> 1. Usually older.
> 2. Usually complains about "how the Democrats left
> them."
> 3. Usually complains about overspending without
> specific things to cut (or if they do mention
> things to cut, avoid defense, Medicare/caid, and
> Social Security.)
> 4. Usually complains about Democratic leadership.
> ramblings are just coping mechanisms to explain
> utter failure. You know that none of the reasons
> you listed describe tmill9. Instead, you know the
> true problem lies in the exact same place it did
> in '06 and '08 - the oval office. Republicns
> didn't need to make up cute rationalizations as to
> why they failed. They knew it was the lack of
> popularity of Bush. Same here. Obama is a fast
> sinking anchor.

OK, fair enough, although Obama's not yet in Bush 2007 territory.

I am a tad curious about tmill9's thought process, or why a self-described Democrat would disparage a Democratic congressman that votes the party line (especially if Fimian is as partisan if not more so than Connelly.)

I am starting to get annoyed at both parties for failing to explain the implications of globalization, especially on Americans in manufacturing and/or w/o college degrees. This is the reason for the slow recovery, at least in my opinion. We're not outrageously overtaxed or over-regulated compared to the past 30 years if at all, and uncertainty has ALWAYS existed (so businesses using that as an excuse are just copping out.)

Instead, Democrats think we're another stimulus away from recovery (while it did work for FDR in the 1930s, it didn't work for Japan in the 1990s) and Republicans think we just need to cut taxes again.

If Boehner comes out with a serious plan for entitlement reform and defense spending reform that isn't just "oh, just privatize Social Security" or "oh, just let them eat free market" I will vote Republican this fall. Paul Ryan's ideas are a good starting point but I suspect they will be abandoned quickly.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: long haul back ()
Date: September 10, 2010 07:53PM

>Instead, Democrats think we're another stimulus away from recovery (while it did work for FDR in the 1930s, it didn't work for Japan in the 1990s) and Republicans think we just need to cut taxes again.

There is real debate over whether FDR's stimulus worked in the 1930's. Many believe that WWII is what brought us out of the Great Depression.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 13, 2010 08:56AM

long haul back Wrote:
> >Instead, Democrats think we're another stimulus
> away from recovery (while it did work for FDR in
> the 1930s, it didn't work for Japan in the 1990s)
> and Republicans think we just need to cut taxes
> again.
> There is real debate over whether FDR's stimulus
> worked in the 1930's. Many believe that WWII is
> what brought us out of the Great Depression.

What was different about WW2 (massive government spending and employment through the draft) and the New Deal?

Unemployment fell from 25% to 14% between 1933 and 1937. GDP grew at speeds we have not seen since.

Also let unsaid in the "New Deal didn't work" argument is what would have happened had unemployment stayed above 20% between 1933 and 1937. 1936, I suspect, would've been a race between Father Coughlin and William Foster, with Huey Long serving as the voice of reason.

The wisest thing economically is not always the wisest thing socially.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tool ()
Date: September 13, 2010 09:47AM

formerhick76 wrote:

If Boehner comes out with a serious plan for entitlement reform and defense spending reform that isn't just "oh, just privatize Social Security" or "oh, just let them eat free market" I will vote Republican this fall. Paul Ryan's ideas are a good starting point but I suspect they will be abandoned quickly.

I started working at a job seven years ago and our retirement is all privatized. We pay no social security in our paychecks, but we contribute a percentage of of payheck to our retirement. I have been there for 7 years now and I will already get a better monthly retirement check than I would had I stayed in the social security system. I had payed in social security for 12 years prior to this job.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: September 13, 2010 09:52AM

Sorry but EVERYONE has to pay SS tax,
unless you work as an illegal immigrant daylaborer.


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Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 13, 2010 10:06AM

The employer is likely just covering both halves, making that "zero" for the employee. He also doesn't say if what he is putting into "retirement" is a company-run thing or something he has any control over.

I believe World Bank employees don't pay any taxes or if they do then WB kicks in extra compensation to make up for it.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tool ()
Date: September 13, 2010 10:08AM

Ten states (and numerous localities in all 50 states) continue to exempt themselves from the Social Security system. The outlier states are Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Ohio and Texas. They and more than 6 million employees representing 30 percent of the state and local workforce are required to pay Medicare taxes, but they remain exempt from Social Security taxation. Conversely, 80 percent of the states and 70 percent of state/local employees now participate in Social Security just like all other Americans.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tool ()
Date: September 13, 2010 10:10AM

Employees in these outlier states and localities can still collect Social Security benefits for work they do outside their government service. So firefighters can collect Social Security credits for their side jobs as construction workers, plumbers or electricians. Even without moonlighting, the notorious "early-in-early-out" retirees who pull down full pensions from these systems at the ages of 50 or 55 can readily collect 10 years of Social Security credits in a second career, and double-dip the two systems. Occupations with earlier retirement options are heavily weighted in the FICA-exempt sub-group, so the second-career double-dip scenario is quite common. Typically, their public pensions exceed those of workers paying into Social Security: Because the employer and the employees don't have to pay FICA taxes, they can pay more into the pension plan.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: tool ()
Date: September 13, 2010 10:13AM

what we pay into our retirement is a company run thing and we have no choice if we want that our SS. I am just saying from my experience, the privatization has worked better for me than SS so it might be beneficial if more people were able to do it.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: September 13, 2010 11:01AM

A problem with that is the money available for pension guarantees is way off where it should be, for private pensions under PBGC insurance. That is why I asked if things are under your control, either with a 401k or an IRA. If you are working for a state or local government entity that still offers pensions, they can declare Chap 9 bankruptcy and your pension goes poof and you'll have to continue working to complete 40 quarters of payments into SS.

I don't know what any of this has to do with Connolly.

Re: The Invisible Gerry Connolly
Posted by: Just sayin' ()
Date: September 13, 2010 08:27PM

Rep. Connolly has NEVER responded to any correspondence that I have sent. Everyone at least has staff to send back a form letter. Where is he????????

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