You guys, I just watched a knock-down drag-out screamin'-meemie fist- and kick-fight between two grown women in front of one of the Prosperity Medical Center buildings.
It was all because one women parked her car behind another in the drop off lane where NEITHER of them were supposed to park in the first place. Fighter A at least tried to walk away from the initial yelling match, but Fighter B kept following and screaming at her, and then slammed her hand on Fighter A's rear window (pretty damn hard too, if I heard it from far away). Then Fighter A hulked out and grabbed Fighter B by the brastraps and they went at it, while Fighter B started yodeling "HALP HAAAAALP OH MAH GAAAAAAD!" An elderly patient from one of the cancer clinics actually got between them to stop it, talk about guts. Now there are no less than three cop cars here to take statements about a simple fight.
It was the highlight of my morning.