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Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 02, 2007 01:27PM

Well it seems the cat is out of the bag...

The sponsor of the law, David Albo, is a partner in one of Virginia's largest law firms; one of its specialties is traffic cases.

One twist that has Virginia drivers enraged is that the state can't charge fees on out-of-state drivers or revoke their licenses. For now, the fees apply only to residents.

Full - http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Insurance/Advice/VirginiasNewSpeedingTicket.aspx

Dave Albo's website - http://davealbo.com/

It's says he's working for Virginian's... give me a break!

Here's another article Closer to home, it's northern Virginia Delegate David Albo who's getting slammed as the creator of this new fee structure. It turns out that the Fairfax delegate is, in his off hours from his legislative work, a lawyer at a firm that handles a lot of traffic matters. That, his critics say, puts Albo in a position to profit handsomely from the new fees.


Final Vote Tally:

HOUSE VOTE ON HB-3202: HB 3202 Transportation funding; authority to certain localities to impose additional fees therefor, report. floor: 02/24/07 House: VOTE: ADOPTION (64-Y 34-N) ________________________________________
Albo, Alexander, BaCote, Bell,Bulova, Byron,Callahan, Caputo, Carrico, Cline, Cosgrove, Cox, Crockett-Stark, Dance, Dudley, Fralin, Gilbert, Griffith, Hamilton, Hargrove, Hogan, Howell, A.T.,Hugo, Hurt, Iaquinto, Ingram, Janis, Jones, S.C., Kilgore, Landes, Lewis, Lingamfelter, Lohr, Marsden, Marshall, D.W., May, McQuigg, Miller, J.H., Miller, P.J., Morgan, Nixon, Nutter, O'Bannon, Oder, Orrock, Peace, Poisson, Purkey, Putney, Reid,Rust, Saxman, Scott, E.T., Shannon, Sherwood, Sickles, Suit, Tata, Waddell, Wardrup, Welch, Wittman, Wright, Mr. Speaker--64.

Abbitt, Amundson, Armstrong, Barlow, Bowling, Brink, Cole, Ebbin, Eisenberg, Englin, Gear, Hall, Hull, Joannou, Johnson, Jones, D.C., Marshall, R.G., McClellan, McEachin, Melvin, Moran, Phillips, Plum, Rapp, Scott, J.M., Shuler, Spruill, Toscano, Tyler, Valentine, Ward, Ware, O., Ware, R.L., Watts--34.

NOT VOTING--Athey, Frederick--2. Delegate Frederick recording as not voting. Intended to vote nay. Delegate Athey recorded as not voting. Intended to vote yea. SENATE VOTE ON HB-3202: HB 3202 Transportation funding; authority to certain localities to impose additional fees therefor, report. floor: 02/24/07 Senate:

VOTE: (21-Y 18-N) ________________________________________ YEAS--Bell, Blevins, Cuccinelli, Devolites Davis, Hanger, Hawkins, Martin, McDougle, Newman, Norment, Obenshain, O'Brien, Quayle, Rerras, Ruff, Stolle, Stosch, Wagner, Wampler, Watkins, Williams--21. NAYS--Chichester, Colgan, Deeds, Edwards, Herring, Houck, Howell, Lambert, Locke, Lucas, Marsh, Miller, Potts, Puckett, Puller, Reynolds, Ticer, Whipple--18. NOT VOTING--Saslaw--1. Senator Saslaw stated that he was recorded as not voting on the question of agreeing to the joint conference committee report on H.B. 3202, whereas he intended to vote nay. Source: General Assembly vote: http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?071+sum+HB3202

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2007 02:02PM by Lurker..

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 02, 2007 01:36PM

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 02, 2007 02:54PM

So out of two evils - finance thru tax raise or thru higher fines, - Albo has chosen the lesser. Do you think his choice was wrong? While certainly he may have an interest (and I say 'may' since his firm practices many laws and traffic is a small part in their total revenue, I believe they actually have only 1 or 2 traffic lawyers there), what he proposed benefited the majority of VA resident. And he already explained why it's 'VA residents only'. They did what they could.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: hang over ()
Date: July 02, 2007 04:59PM

How are they going to collect money from people who drive while suspended? The vast majority are suspended because they didnt pay a fine which was around $100.00 Now they are going to fine them $3,000 and really think it will make a difference.

The only thing it will do is cause drivers to try to flee from the police and even if caught they arent going to pay the tickets anyway. It will also cause a rift between the public and the police, the public seeing the police as tools of an unfair law.

I would love to see how much money Albo will profit by because of this law.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 02, 2007 05:59PM


Enlighten us again as to why ONLY VA residents are fined these massive amounts? I heard before was some "spin gibberish."

And, yes I do believe this is a clear attempt to put money in Albo's(and friends) pockets; Not for the benefit of the State.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: July 02, 2007 06:51PM

I think this law is great! Most normal people don't have to worry about paying the $1,000 fine because they don't commit traffic offenses that are punishable by jail time. It's a great deterrent for bad driving. Plus, it's a great funding source for new road improvements.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: SHITHEAD PRICE ()
Date: July 02, 2007 07:33PM

"(and I say 'may' since his firm practices many laws and traffic is a small part in their total revenue, I believe they actually have only 1 or 2 traffic lawyers there)" --Price

You're a fucking shithead. You're the dipshit that dirty salesman love because you're so fucking emptyheaded.

Can you explain how traffic being a "small part in their total revenue" equals: no financial interest in raising speeding tickets?
Are you fucking retarded?


Of course traffic is going to be a small part of their total revenue BEFORE the new traffic law. The firm's pre-law traffic revenue is irrevelent, you cunt.

It's the potential for post-law traffic revenue, that makes this guy absolutely have a vested $$$ interest in passing this law.

YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT BECAUSE A FIRM HAS "only 1 or 2 traffic lawyers there", that they don't ever think about, nor have any future motivation to expand that firm's traffic division/revenues??


Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 02, 2007 08:40PM

Bubba Wrote:
> I think this law is great! Most normal people
> don't have to worry about paying the $1,000 fine
> because they don't commit traffic offenses that
> are punishable by jail time. It's a great
> deterrent for bad driving. Plus, it's a great
> funding source for new road improvements.

I try to obey all the laws, especially speeding. BUT, I must say I've been over the speed limit once or twice and didn't realize it. I got a ticket for 32 in a 25. Thanks God it was before this law!

I'm going to bet that you will probably get one of these $1000 dollar re-occuring annual tickets. It's the dumbest law I have ever heard. The people who passed it should be embarrassed.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: duh ()
Date: July 02, 2007 08:40PM

Who cares if lawyers make some money off this!

It might slow the carnage..the intersections full of broken glass and car parts.

Too many assholes and not enough cops.

Maybe some of the assholes will stop and think...."Mmmmm, is it worth 3 grand to get to the next red light 30 seconds sooner?".

Great law!

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: hang over ()
Date: July 02, 2007 08:55PM

Duh and bubba, again how are you going to collect money from people who dont pay any ticket much less a $3,000 one? The majority of the suspended drivers are suspended because they never paid tickets to begin with. The ones I am talking about usually dont work or if they do it is off the books doing construction.

You two need to put your empty heads together and find out how to get money out of people who aren't supposed to be here in the first place. I am sure Jose is going to ask himself gee should I obey these laws and while I am at it maybe I will also pay the child support I am $20,000 behind on along with car insurance and with holding taxes.

Now go back to watching wrestling which I am sure you believe too.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Hank ()
Date: July 02, 2007 09:11PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> -----
> I try to obey all the laws, especially speeding.
> BUT, I must say I've been over the speed limit
> once or twice and didn't realize it. I got a
> ticket for 32 in a 25. Thanks God it was before
> this law!

Two things:

Number one: I think you are exaggerating about your speeding ticket for 32/25; 7 mph over the limit. I don't believe you got a ticket for that slow of a speed, at least not in this area. If you did could you please provide the link to the arrest list or Virginia court system's website?

Number two: Please explain how the new law would apply to someone who receives a speeding ticket for 32/25 zone? As explained ad nauseum, it applies to RECKLESS DRIVING, which 7 MPH over the limit is clearly not.

Once again, this law ONLY APPLIES TO MAJOR TRAFFIC OFFENSES, IE., MISDEMEANORS OR FELONIES. This law does NOT apply to routine speeding tickets.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 02, 2007 09:33PM

like hank said, lurker, your 32 in a 25 ticket wouldn't have meant dick under this new law. Simple infractions are not misdemeanors.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2007 09:34PM by RESton Peace.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: duh ()
Date: July 02, 2007 11:10PM

hang over Wrote:
> Duh and bubba, again how are you going to collect
> money from people who dont pay any ticket much
> less a $3,000 one? The majority of the suspended
> drivers are suspended because they never paid
> tickets to begin with. The ones I am talking about
> usually dont work or if they do it is off the
> books doing construction.
> You two need to put your empty heads together and
> find out how to get money out of people who aren't
> supposed to be here in the first place. I am sure
> Jose is going to ask himself gee should I obey
> these laws and while I am at it maybe I will also
> pay the child support I am $20,000 behind on along
> with car insurance and with holding taxes.
> Now go back to watching wrestling which I am sure
> you believe too.

I don't care if they pay up or not. And yes, they will probably keep driving anyway.

But, at some point, a warrant for their arrest will be issued and the next time they are stopped....they'll go straight to jail. And I'm sure the law provides for a jail term for driving suspended....especially repeat offenses.

When they get out, they'll probably keep driving suspended....and the cycle will begin again. Or maybe they'll get off the road, who knows? One thing that scares beaners is deportation...and getting locked up is one of the ways that can happen.

The current system doesn't work...the (old) fines for crazy driving seem to deter no one. Sure, there's always a small hard-core group that will continue to break the law no matter what. But, these new fines might reach some of the less incorrigible. Lets give it a try!

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: July 03, 2007 09:25AM

Bubba Wrote:
> I think this law is great! Most normal people
> don't have to worry about paying the $1,000 fine
> because they don't commit traffic offenses that
> are punishable by jail time. It's a great
> deterrent for bad driving. Plus, it's a great
> funding source for new road improvements.

When was the last time any road work was done inside the beltway?? I'm all for fixing the roads, but what the fuck is the hold up, 66 should be at least 8 lanes across into DC by now.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: July 03, 2007 09:26AM

Lets all drive the speed limit on the beltway and see what happens, one major fucking traffic jam.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 03, 2007 09:48AM

Yes, that was my ticket. FFX cop ticketed me, 32/25 residential. Residential my ass, it was a wooded area. I actually saw the cop car and didn't think anything about it until he pulled out and put his lights on. It happened ten years ago, I don't have a link.

Please re-read the law:

Pay close attention to the provision - 4. Any other misdemeanor conviction for a driving and/or motor vehicle related violation
of Title 18.2 or this title that is not included in one of the preceding three subdivisions
shall be assessed a fee to be paid in three annual payments of $300 each;

Just some of the new law that counts for fines:





Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 03, 2007 09:50AM

How does that contradict my point? All of those are misdemeanors. 32/25 isn't misdemeanor. Fill me in on the link here.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 03, 2007 11:56AM

I'm pretty sure his 32/25 included something else, or it was more than 32, and the cop just lowered it to 32.

I'm not going to bother answering to some other posts here. Clearly some people don't know how to use their brains (if any).

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 03, 2007 12:00PM

That still does not make it a misdemeanor. I am failing to see the scenario under which someone convicted of 32/25 is guilty of any crime that is listed in the civil fines. I don't care if the cop lowered the charge or whatever - the charge is the charge. If he was charged with something else, fine, but that is not what we're talking about here. We are talking about a 32/25 ticket... that's all.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: vthokies ()
Date: July 03, 2007 12:28PM

I believe if you have a certain number of negative points (I believe 6) then the fines would also apply.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 03, 2007 12:50PM

Price Wrote:
> I'm pretty sure his 32/25 included something else,
> or it was more than 32, and the cop just lowered
> it to 32.
> I'm not going to bother answering to some other
> posts here. Clearly some people don't know how to
> use their brains (if any).

What if I had just robbed a bank, stole the car, was smoking crack, drinking heavily in my car and had bumped a couple cars off the road just before I got the 32/25? Would I get a fine for speeding?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2007 01:35PM by Lurker..

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Hank ()
Date: July 03, 2007 03:22PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> That still does not make it a misdemeanor. I am
> failing to see the scenario under which someone
> convicted of 32/25 is guilty of any crime that is
> listed in the civil fines. I don't care if the
> cop lowered the charge or whatever - the charge is
> the charge. If he was charged with something
> else, fine, but that is not what we're talking
> about here. We are talking about a 32/25
> ticket... that's all.

You are absolutely correct. Speeding less than 20 MPH over the limit is and always has been a "traffic infraction."

Even if you were caught driving 30 MPH over the speed limit it could still be an infraction if the officer wrote the ticket up under he general speeding code as opposed to reckless driving. For speeding to become a misdemeanor it MUST be charged under the reckless driving code. Do a search on the arrest list, there are plenty of people who have been charged with only speeding when they were 20+ over the limit and could have been charged with reckless driving.

The state grants discretion to all police officers. If the officer wants to write you up for only speeding instead of reckless driving he is empowered to do so. These new civil penalties will NOT APPLY TO TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS, ONLY MISDEMEANORS AND FELONIES!!!!!!!

There are three types of violations of law as it applies to motor vehicle code. The first, and most serious, are felonies class 1 through class 6. Class 1 felonies are the most serious. All felonies are jailable.

The second type of offense are misdemeanors, class 1 through class 4. Class 1 and class 2 misdemeanors are jailable. Class 3 and 4 misdemeanors carry fines only. Every type of traffic violation that carries the new civil penalties are class 1 and 2 misdemeanors for which a jail sentence is possible.

The third type of offense are traffic infractions. Traffic infractions are never jailable and carry only the possibility of a maximum fine of $250.

Lurker, the legal definition of "traffic infraction" can be found under 46.2-100 of the Code of Virginia. I've posted it below for your perusal.

""Traffic infraction" means a violation of law punishable as provided in § 46.2-113, which is neither a felony nor a misdemeanor."

Lurker, now I'll address your other concerns:

This is usually charged for commercial motor vehicles operating with bad tires or tires not rated for the weight of the truck. CMV's can be frequently found operating with no tread, sidewall separation, etc. all in the name of the company saving a few dollars. Take a look sometime in the inner tire on a dual set of tires. The trucking companies like to hide the bad tires on the inside. Truck tires are expensive and the companies use the tires as long as possible safety not withstanding.

This would aply to someone driving a commercial vehicle without the proper endorsements. Examples of endorsements include school bus, hazardous materials, etc. Quite frankly, if anyone is stupid enough to be driving around hazardous materials or school kids without the correct endorsements I wouldn't care if they were assessed a civil fee of a billion dollars, that's just stupid, and it doesn't happen very often.

This would apply to people who are too stupid to make sure they have a clear view of the road. I've seen this charged to people who make a 6 inch circle on their front window but leave the rest of their windshields snow-covered but still drive around. Again, why is this even an issue? Sounds like they deserve anything coming to them to me.

This is usually charged to commercial vehicles with bad or no brakes. Do we really want them driving around? The only other time I've seen this charged is when someone gets their car rejected at inspection for having bad brakes but still feels comfortable driving around endangering everyone else on the road rather than getting the brakes fixed. Most police officers don't have the time, ability or proper tools to know whether of not the brakes are in proper working order unless they jacked the car up and checked it on the side of the road so they rely on the pink rejection sticker to make this charge. I've never seen it charged any other way. Specially trained police officers can and do take commerical vehicles out of service every day for driving around with bad or no brakes. The do have the ability to examine the brakes. Again, why is this even an issue with you? Do you really want cars and trucks driving around with bad brakes?

I just don't understand all the hysteria about these new civil fees. The fees only apply to people committing felonies and misdemeanors, not routine traffic tickets like 32/25 zone. Unless you are planning on driving around like an absolute idiot I can't really see a reason to get too worked up about the fees.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 03, 2007 04:38PM

Thanks Hank,

I read that if property is damaged then the traffic infraction is then a misdemeanor? Does that make sense?

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Hank ()
Date: July 03, 2007 04:43PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> Thanks Hank,
> I read that if property is damaged then the
> traffic infraction is then a misdemeanor? Does
> that make sense?

I'm not sure where you are coming from with this. Under which circumstances are you referring?

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: hang over ()
Date: July 03, 2007 04:48PM

"Even if you were caught driving 30 MPH over the speed limit it could still be an infraction if the officer wrote the ticket up under he general speeding code as opposed to reckless driving."
I am still laughing over that one. I am sure the cop will show some sympathy over your plight and write you for speeding only while you were going 55 in a 25 zone.

I also like the part where you think the people who continue to drive while suspended will be sent to jail. That way the state not only doesnt get any money they also get the pleasure of housing these ladies and gentlemen in the local jail at state expense. How is that making the state money?

Please read the reckless driving under the general charge. It can apply to everything in the traffic code with the exeption of dead tags. You could even be charged under that code for talking on a cell phone if the cop thought it imparied your driving.

And yes cops do write 7 mph over the limit. If enough people bitch about speeders in a certain area the supervisors tell the cops to write them all regardless to get the complainers off their backs.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 03, 2007 04:57PM

I guess if you were speeding under 20 mph but got in an accident where property was damaged. Or, a person who changes lanes without signaling and hits another car can be charged with the misdemeanor.

The actual qoute, "Almost every traffic violation becomes a misdemeanor or felony if it involves injury to a person or destruction of property."

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 03, 2007 05:04PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> What if I had just robbed a bank, stole the car,
> was smoking crack, drinking heavily in my car and
> had bumped a couple cars off the road just before
> I got the 32/25? Would I get a fine for speeding?

Most likely 32/25 will be one of the counts. Quite often people are being issued a whole bunch of tickets during one stop. I saw once how DA droped a couple of tix for a guy because there where like 3 major once (DUI, susp.license and no insurance, IIRC).

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: hang over ()
Date: July 03, 2007 05:19PM

Ah, DUI, suspended license and no insurance and just how much money did the state get out of this upstanding citizen. Try zero.

I am sure the genius in Richmond, home of Meade Skelton, has it all figured out. Lets see 100 suspended license charges at $3,000 a shot equal $300,000 more dollars for roads. My math says 100 suspended license tickets equals maybe a few thousand dollars from some rich persons son who never learned how to drive or pay tickets. That should buy a few feet of asphalt. Opps minus the three hots and a cot to house these guys in jail for seven days and I figure the state comes out a sure loser.

But lets not forget David Albo who will represent them in court, he does net a few thousand in lawyers fees so not everyone loses, just the taxpayers.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Hank ()
Date: July 03, 2007 05:20PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> I guess if you were speeding under 20 mph but got
> in an accident where property was damaged. Or, a
> person who changes lanes without signaling and
> hits another car can be charged with the
> misdemeanor.
> The actual qoute, "Almost every traffic violation
> becomes a misdemeanor or felony if it involves
> injury to a person or destruction of property."

No, not quite true. As a matter of fact, there are several county codes, ie., "fail to pay full time and attention," "fail to keep vehicle under control" that are routinely charged in accidents but do not have a correspondng state code. These are infractions but they don't even carry so much as points due to no parallel state code section. County police almost never charge reckless driving in an accident because they have several county codes they can charge that are more specific. State police, however, can only enforce state law and cannot enforce county code. State police charge "reckless driving" for a variety of accident offenses but only because they don't have more specific offenses like the county does. Most judges recognize this and will knock a reckless charged at an accident down to "improper driving" which keeps it out of reckless territory. Police cannot charge improper driving. Only a judge can reduce a reckless to that offense.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: stupid law ()
Date: July 11, 2007 08:45AM

It is Un-Constitutional to impose these "fees" on only VA residents, and not all violators, whether they live in VA or not. I can't wait for the Appeals to overload the VA Courts and ultimately, the US Supreme Court. The only reason these fees were created is for more attorneys to fill their pockets.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: July 11, 2007 09:03AM

But lets not forget David Albo who will represent them in court, he does net a few thousand in lawyers fees so not everyone loses, just the taxpayers.

I can't wait until Mr. Albo or his law partners get this law overturned as unconstitutional...then Mr. Albo can run for re-election and tell everyone he got rid of this ridiculous unconstitutional law (what a great guy). Hopefully the case he appeals will be his own.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: July 11, 2007 03:35PM

trogdor! Wrote:
> > ...then
> Mr. Albo can run for re-election and tell everyone
> he got rid of this ridiculous unconstitutional law
> (what a great guy). Hopefully the case he appeals
> will be his own.

Mr. Albo is unopposed in his next election. Hard to beat him out of office, in this case

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: July 11, 2007 05:48PM

ffxn8v Wrote:
> trogdor! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > ...then
> > Mr. Albo can run for re-election and tell
> everyone
> > he got rid of this ridiculous unconstitutional
> law
> > (what a great guy). Hopefully the case he
> appeals
> > will be his own.
> __________________________________________________
> ______
> Mr. Albo is unopposed in his next election. Hard
> to beat him out of office, in this case

Wow! An easy win for a write-in candidate.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: July 11, 2007 06:21PM

The ticket for 7mph over would have counted.. provided Lurker already had 8 points on his LIC.. People are forgetting about the new point system that was also part of this bill. Dont quote me on this,, but its about $100 per point upto $750 for every year you have over 8 points.. Thats even more expensive then the civil remedial fees..

If this really was about saftey, then this bill could have been written like what new jersey did.. they called it a Fine Surcharge.. and it was for everyone.. including out of state drivers. There are several other states that do this surcharge , but VA is now the most expensive.

And dont let them fool you that just because its called a fine and not a fee.. it HAS to go to the literacy fund and not to transportation... remember the Social Security "lock Box" HA HA .. that box is empty..rules can be changed by the rule makers.. they were just lazy on this one!.

Yes, this is a Lawyer welfare bill.. People will be more likely to hire an attorney, and their fees will go up, since there is more on the line, and a greater chance it will go to appeal..

finally, Just like the Washington Post articel stated.. there was no thought of what will happen to the court system.. People are going to be fighting every reckless charge, and appealing more offten.. The courts will be in gridlock, more than they already are... nice going Albo :-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2007 06:22PM by Take a Stand.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: cw ()
Date: July 11, 2007 07:19PM

Also dont be fooled when Albo says it is just $750.00 for a first time DUI.

That is the first year fee there are two more coming at you for a total of $2250. That is just the civil, the traffic charge will be another $1,000 to $1,500 and court costs plus ASAP driving school and a DMV re-instatement fee. Not to mention your insurance will triple or be cancelled altogether.
If you hire a laywer, cough cough Albo, add another $2,000 at least for a trial.

All told you are looking at around $7,000 before all is said and done.

No one has yet addressed the people who get picked up for driving on suspended. They are suspended for not paying tickets. Do you really think now they are going to cough up a $1,000 in civil fees?

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: shortname ()
Date: July 11, 2007 09:50PM

It almost sounds like out-of-state drivers have "diplomatic immunity" while driving in Virginia.

If a Maryland resident comes to Virginia, steals a car radio(for example),
he will definitely be arrested/charged/convicted/sentenced under Virginia's
laws. Why is it different for traffic fines?(no matter how unjust the fine
may seem)

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: July 11, 2007 10:14PM

shortname Wrote:
Why is it different for traffic fines?(no
> matter how unjust the fine
> may seem)


The difference is due to them being civil fines managed through the DMV vs. criminal fines managed through the courts.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: An Angry Virginian ()
Date: July 12, 2007 12:49AM

So we are just hearing about the so called abuser fines and now the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (set up by our friends in Richmond) are meeting on 7/12/07 to set up Northern Virginia taxes on such things as car repairs (5%) home sales (.40 on every $100) and doubling our license fees,amoung other things. This money undoubtedly will be used for mass transportation and the "Dulles Rail". How often do you go to the airport? How many BILLIONS of dollars of our money is going to pay for THEIR ideas. Who are they anyway....developers, contractors, insurance executives, self serving, greedy lawyers and engineers. Go to this link to sign a petition to repeal the abuser fines.

Maybe someone will set up a petition against the NOVA Transportation Authority before they jam their fists in our wallets.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 12, 2007 12:54AM

We are "just hearing" about the fees? Welcome to a month ago.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: cw ()
Date: July 12, 2007 07:37AM


someone did set up a petition

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 12, 2007 08:29AM

Those online petitions always have a lot of effect on government policy.

By "a lot" I mean "none at all".

Letters to your representative are still the best way to pressure legal change, outside of becoming directly involved in politics. Those retards are stuck in the 1860's.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 12, 2007 11:29AM

Lurker. Wrote:
> . It turns out that the Fairfax delegate
> is, in his off hours from his legislative work, a
> lawyer at a firm that handles a lot of traffic
> matters. That, his critics say, puts Albo in a
> position to profit handsomely from the new fees.

is there a law against making laws that would directly benefit the person making them? if not, there should be.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 12, 2007 12:14PM

I would argue that all laws benefit lawyers. So anarchy must prevail.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: July 12, 2007 12:21PM

if it were law that someone should NOT benefit from political policy or laws they enact then Cheney should have been in jail for life from helping orchestrate the IRaq War what with his status in Haliburtan.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: July 12, 2007 01:02PM

shortname Wrote:
> It almost sounds like out-of-state drivers have
> "diplomatic immunity" while driving in Virginia.
> If a Maryland resident comes to Virginia, steals a
> car radio(for example),
> he will definitely be
> arrested/charged/convicted/sentenced under
> Virginia's
> laws. Why is it different for traffic fines?(no
> matter how unjust the fine
> may seem)

This a violation Article IV of the Constitution?

Section 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

So, if a resident of Maryland is immune from the civil penalty, then the constitution states that VA residents will be too. I hope I get pulled over soon, as I have always had a great lawyer on retention, and he is ready to fight this one for the recognition he will receive by winning!

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 12, 2007 03:19PM

Its called a conflict of interest or somthing like that

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: July 12, 2007 03:37PM

No - it's called a VIOLATION OF ARTICLE IV of the Constitution....

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 13, 2007 02:23AM

ferfux Wrote:
> if it were law that someone should NOT benefit
> from political policy or laws they enact then
> Cheney should have been in jail for life from
> helping orchestrate the IRaq War what with his
> status in Haliburtan.

and there was no moon landing, there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll and an alien spacecraft crashed by area 51!

oh, by the way, did you know gullible isnt in the dictionary?!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: pig ()
Date: July 13, 2007 11:51PM

What scares me the most is something no one seems to understand. There is not a fucking thing ANY ONE can do to change or stop what is happening. These self serving pigs have taken over the government on every level with their corporate friends to fuck American people in the ass every single day to add every penny they can to their six figure incomes. Fuck the government its time for a change but what can we do ? These people will suck us dry until they are out of control but when will that be ?

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: July 14, 2007 12:08AM

What scares me the most is something no one seems to understand.

I understand what you're saying

The future just ain't what it used it be.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 14, 2007 12:21AM

i too understand what "pig" is saying as ive been aware of this for some time. there are few ways to resolve this issue. needless to say, it will be 100+ years before real change happens.

one way of change (which is a bad idea) is a revolution which constitutes as treason. the other way is to vote in people who arent rich corrupt motherfuckers who wish to bleed everyone dry. the catch 22 is that you have to be rich and corrupt to get the funds to run and get elected. by corrupt i mean you are basically a puppet for a specific group of people and/or corporations. the really local offices dont mean shit.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: pig ()
Date: July 14, 2007 01:32AM

In my eyes these tyrants in office have already hung us Americans out to dry in every aspect. They will say whatever they will, suck whatever cock shoved in their face, and beg on their knees to get into office. They want the office not to serve America but for their own selfish greedy reasons, money and power. Its just human nature I guess but growing up I've seen the ideas that made this country great disappear right in front of me over the years. I love my country and the military but the rest of the government and those in power should burn.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Scott Batten ()
Date: July 15, 2007 10:35AM

Thank you for listing the names of the crooks that have enacted such a biased law. We now know who needs to be voted out of office. If you are reading this, those who voted Yea, be prepared to look for new employment elsewhere. I live in Hanger's district, and I will be doing everything in my power to get Scott Sayer to run as an independant to upset the money hungry, Virginia hating, sin taxing representitive from my area.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Scott Batten ()
Date: July 15, 2007 10:39AM

To protect the vacation and tourism industry. This is an illegal bill, and if it ever can get to the supreme court it will be shown as that. To selectively choose punishment for one group over another is bigotry, and our leaders are now bigotted against their very state.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Scott ()
Date: July 15, 2007 10:42AM

And for not signaling. A 1000 fine for forgetting to use your signal? That is outragous.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: July 15, 2007 10:56AM

I strongly recommend sending an e-mail to Tim Kaine demanding he call a special session of the state legislature to deal with this issue now and not in January (as has been proposed)....


Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: pmn ()
Date: July 16, 2007 08:16AM


don't know if this will work.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 05, 2007 04:19PM

Seems our emails maybe heard

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 05, 2007 04:44PM

What jurisdiction does Mr. Albo represent? If the above allegations are true, perhaps he should be re-called. I obey the traffic laws; however, I think it's wrong to only fine Commonwealth residents and to have exorbitant penalties to help pay for Commonwealth monetary shortfalls. My observations on the Fairfax Parkway reveal that people continue to drive above the posted speed limits. Are illegal aliens a separate category like out-of-state drivers? When you commit a felony under the new driving laws and you're an illegal alien, do you automatically become a criminal illegal alien? Mr. Albo, as a lawyer vested in this situation, I look forward to your explanation.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 09, 2007 04:05AM

Fairfax Citizen Wrote:
> My observations on the Fairfax Parkway reveal that
> people continue to drive above the posted speed
> limits.

it's called the status quo. until they crackdown on EVERYONE everyday all day, people will speed like hell when they can because everyone knows the limits are notoriously low.

> Are illegal aliens a separate category
> like out-of-state drivers?

not exactly. there is a part of the bill that says that they will be fined if they are living in the state even though they are not citizens.

> When you commit a
> felony under the new driving laws and you're an
> illegal alien, do you automatically become a
> criminal illegal alien?

when you commit a felony you are a criminal period. as for illegal aliens, they are criminals, that's why it's called being an illegal alien.

> Mr. Albo, as a lawyer
> vested in this situation, I look forward to your
> explanation.

sense when did politicians give a damn about anyone?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 09, 2007 07:39AM

Gravis, you sound rather cynical. I suspect that you are either a kid or an angry adult. But your opinions and perspectives are interesting.

While I tend to agree that most politicians tend to be self-serving and have hidden agendas, I do believe that we have a choice to vote more intelligently, if we know the facts.

I would like to think, also, that astute Fairfax politicians look at the Fairfax Underground, or, at least have their staff or kids look at it. While the Underground may be mostly undereducated children, there are some smart kids and a handful of adults participating, IMHO.

My question still stands: who does Dave Albo represent? what are his positions on the issues? (I haven't seen his campaign signs on the Parkway...and I'm not motivated enough to Google him--but like the stalwart fire chief, who had guts to speak up online, Mr. Albo should demonstrate the same fortitude, especially if he represents county citizens.

The police and firemen monitor this web--One would think that county politicos would likewise want to know what their constituents or future voters are thinking.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: September 09, 2007 09:31AM

On this issue, Del. Albo does not represent me or my wife.

If we were voting him in or out on this matter alone, he would not have our votes, period.

That said, last time I looked, he was running for re-election this fall, unopposed.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Price ()
Date: September 09, 2007 10:00AM

Fairfax Citizen Wrote:
> I obey the traffic laws; however, I
> think it's wrong to only fine Commonwealth
> residents and to have exorbitant penalties to help
> pay for Commonwealth monetary shortfalls.

Once again, they wouldn't exclude out-of-state violators if they could collect. The same thing exists in GA and some other states, IIRC.

While I do thing the $ amounts are too high, Albo will still get my vote for all the good things he did for Lorton. And if you're an intelligent adult who can look beyond this sole issue, you're likely to change your opinion too.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: September 09, 2007 10:09AM

Price Wrote:
> While I do thing the $ amounts are too high, Albo
> will still get my vote for all the good things he
> did for Lorton. And if you're an intelligent adult
> who can look beyond this sole issue, you're likely
> to change your opinion too.


Please list "all the good things he did for Lorton" so maybe, we can get a different picture of Del. Albo.

Thanks -

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 09, 2007 10:47AM

He lowered the BAC for drunk drivers but some would suspect he did to increase his law business which specializes in DUIs.

He championed the civil traffic fees which some would suspect he did to increase his law business which also specializes in major traffic offenses.

He gets very angry when asked about the conflict of interest in his pushing those bills through to benefit his law business. Although he is rarely asked that question, for some reason the media gives him a free pass on that.

But all in all I am sure he only in interested in the well being of the common citizen as all politicians are, afterall he is a lawyer and you know we can trust a lawyer.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 09, 2007 03:50PM

Running unopposed?! People afraid to ask the hard questions? Lorton?! That explains a lot. I'm surprised that the Fairfax Station address hasn't been extended to Lorton. Has anyone followed the money trail on the Lorton development? I bet that this action and analysis would be revealing. A handful of people (lawyers) appear to have profited greatly from Lorton's growth. Anyone notice the increased crime rate in this garden spot? I hope that Mr. Albo's sterling contributions outweigh the negatives. Interestingly, people tend to vote for simple things, like the governor who was going to eliminate the dreaded property tax. But running unopposed...you get what you deserve in such a community.

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: September 09, 2007 04:00PM

Fairfax Citizen Wrote:
> Running unopposed?! People afraid to ask the hard
> questions? Lorton?! That explains a lot.

> notice the increased crime rate in this garden
> spot?

Del. Albo lives in Fairfax Station, not far from the Lorton area that is being turned ever so quickly into "Laurel Hill," complete with golf course and arts center.

My suspicion is that Lorton Hil.. Err, Laurel Hill will get ITS OWN zip code soon, branching off from Lorton and the stigma that that name carries.

Maybe some of the money that is grabbed by increased fines, etc. can be diverted to community policing and anti-crime efforts in the Lorton area and the fringes it spews into.

Maybe when it affects Del. Albo?

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Civics Student ()
Date: September 09, 2007 04:18PM

I never realized that the underpaid Virginia Delegates required such large contributions from such diverse interests. I never knew that schools and PTAs could donate to political campaigns. And why are so many lawyers and real estate people making donations? I know that Mr. Albo must be a nice man and of good ethics (see his web site). But the suggested money trail raises more questions.

David B. Albo, a Republican from Springfield, has served in the House since 1994

See Mr. Albo’s homepage: http://www.davealbo.com/

Follow the money trail: http://www.vpap.org/cands/cand_index.cfm?ToKey=COM00083

Albo for Delegate (House District 42)

Donors (this page is only 1 of 9 pages)

$10,000 Va Medical Society (Richmond, VA)
$10,000 Va Trial Lawyers Assn (Richmond, VA)
$6,500 Va Bankers Assn (Glen Allen, VA)
$6,000 Allen Allen Allen & Allen (Richmond, VA)
$5,500 Service Distributing Inc (Lorton, VA)
$5,000 Hazel, James W (Oakton, VA)
$5,000 IDI Management Corp (Arlington, VA)
$5,000 Va Assn of Realtors (Glen Allen, VA)
$4,500 Va Beer Wholesalers Assn (Richmond, VA)
$4,000 Wachovia (Richmond, VA)
$3,500 Lindl Corp (Richmond, VA)
$3,000 Associated Distributors/The Charmer Sunbelt Group (Chesapeake, VA)
$3,000 Guiffre Distributing Co (Springfield, VA)
$3,000 Oasis Vineyard (Hume, VA)
$2,750 Va Assn of Realtors - Nova (Fairfax, VA)
$2,500 A & R Foods Inc (Springfield, VA)
$2,500 Bowman Consulting Group PC (Chantilly, VA)
$2,500 Caruthers, Preston C (Arlington, VA)
$2,500 Dominion (Richmond, VA)
$2,500 Lee Technologies Inc (Fairfax, VA)
$2,500 Smith, Gordon V (Potomac, MD)
$2,500 Stottlemyer, Elaine T (Oak Hill, VA)
$2,500 West Group (McLean, VA)
$2,000 Altria (Richmond, VA)
$2,000 Bank of America (Richmond, VA)

8 more pages at:

(Source: http://www.vpap.org/cands/cand_donorlist.cfm?ToKey=COM00083&CycleID=2007&CycleType=Regular)

Re: Articles on new $3500 speeding tkts name sponsor Dave Albo
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 09, 2007 04:54PM

A substantial and aggressive civil & criminal litigation firm serving all areas of Virginia

David B. Albo
Email: dave@davealbo.com

Practice Areas: Criminal Law; Driving While Intoxicated; Traffic Law; Constitutional Law; Civil Litigation; Labor and Employment Law; Discrimination.

Admitted: 1988, Virginia and U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia; 1991, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit

Law School: University of Richmond, J.D., 1987

College: University of Virginia, B.A., 1984

Member: Fairfax County Bar Assn.

Biography: Elected Legislator, Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia General Assembly, 1994- (Chairman, Courts of Justice Committee and 3rd Ranking Member, General Laws Committee). Assistant City Attorney (Prosecutor), Fairfax, Virginia, 1990-1994. Listed as one of the Washington area's "Top Lawyers" by Washingtonian Magazine, 2004. Continuing Legal Education Lecturer: "Recent Developments in Virginia Traffic Law," Fairfax County Bar Association, September 2007; "Recent Developments in Civil Law," Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, April 2007; "Legislative Updates," Arlington County Bar Association, May 26, 2005; "Cyber Security and the Law," George Mason University School of Law Critical Infrastructure Protection Program and the Cyber Security Industry Alliance," March 22, 2005; "Recent Updates of DUI Laws," Assn. of Virginia Commonwealth's Attorneys, March 25, 2003 and March 29, 2004; "Virginia's New E-Commerce Laws," George Mason U. Alumni Assn., June 7, 2001; "New Felony, New Rules," Fairfax Bar Assn., November 4, 2000.

Reported Cases: Coates v. Dougherty, 973 F.2d 290 (1992).

Born: New York, N.Y., April 18, 1962

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