Buttigieg: Oil Prices ‘Largely Outside of Direct Control’ of WH Trent Baker
Posted by:
lies, lies, more lies
Date: March 15, 2022 04:40PM
* attacking russia - getting entangled in a foreign civil war
* stop hiring illegal alien truckers who put USA truckers on welfare
* stop taxing fuel
* demcorats / democrat states are lead-foots on the road which uses twice the gas
* penalized USA oil rigs when BP's leaked in the Gulf
* EV cars heavier instead of lighter than gasoline cars
* anti oil& gas legislation
* OIL & GAS LAWSUITS and refusals to pay for OIL&GAS and preventing others from working so to pay, in real metal payment, for oil&gas
the list is very long, only getting started, and all of it is damning