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Back in the Day Hitting DC Bars in High School
Posted by: Dinosaur ()
Date: December 02, 2021 07:18PM

One thing that today's teenagers do not have the pleasure of experiencing is going into downtown DC and drinking at the bars. This was in the late 60s early 70s when the drinking age in DC was 18 and there were always some bars that did not card or would let you in with an altered learners permit at sixteen. Nothing like going to a Friday night football game and then driving into DC and hitting dive bars specifically geared for teen drinkers, running into friends from school and neighboring high schools, making new friends, and getting into scuffles from MD hoods. First time at strip clubs like Brownies, Good Guys, Clancys, Archibalds. My first drink at Tombs in Georgetown. Favorite spots included Tom Jones, Journeys Inn, Keg, Chadwicks, Crazy Horse, One Step Down, Brickskellar, Bayou, Campus Club.If another Doc Brown can get that DeLorean time traveler working again, take me back to 1969 and I will hit every bar, watch Armstrong walk on the moon, go to Woodstock, and catch every show at the Alexandria Roller Rink,bet every cent that I can beg borrow or steal on the Jets in the Super Bowl and Mets in the World Series.
Screw the technology that young people can't live without today, I am so glad to have been born in the 50s and I don't want to see what all of this wokeness is leading to. We did not need wide screen TVs and polished bars and tables. A juke box and cheap beer limited to few domestics was just fine to have a great time.
Interested if others enjoyed this experience. DC was a concrete jungle that our parents warned us about, so that made it even more exciting to venture into this realm at nighttime

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2021 07:19PM by Dinosaur.

Re: Back in the Day Hitting DC Bars in High School
Posted by: "Ken" ()
Date: December 02, 2021 08:12PM

Dinosaur Wrote:
> One thing that today's teenagers do not have the
> pleasure of experiencing is going into downtown DC
> and drinking at the bars. This was in the late 60s
> early 70s when the drinking age in DC was 18 and
> there were always some bars that did not card or
> would let you in with an altered learners permit
> at sixteen. Nothing like going to a Friday night
> football game and then driving into DC and hitting
> dive bars specifically geared for teen drinkers,
> running into friends from school and neighboring
> high schools, making new friends, and getting into
> scuffles from MD hoods. First time at strip clubs
> like Brownies, Good Guys, Clancys, Archibalds. My
> first drink at Tombs in Georgetown. Favorite
> spots included Tom Jones, Journeys Inn, Keg,
> Chadwicks, Crazy Horse, One Step Down,
> Brickskellar, Bayou, Campus Club.If another Doc
> Brown can get that DeLorean time traveler working
> again, take me back to 1969 and I will hit every
> bar, watch Armstrong walk on the moon, go to
> Woodstock, and catch every show at the Alexandria
> Roller Rink,bet every cent that I can beg borrow
> or steal on the Jets in the Super Bowl and Mets in
> the World Series.
> Screw the technology that young people can't live
> without today, I am so glad to have been born in
> the 50s and I don't want to see what all of this
> wokeness is leading to. We did not need wide
> screen TVs and polished bars and tables. A juke
> box and cheap beer limited to few domestics was
> just fine to have a great time.
> Interested if others enjoyed this experience. DC
> was a concrete jungle that our parents warned us
> about, so that made it even more exciting to
> venture into this realm at nighttime

Those were the days alright. You failed to mention 14th street though. That is where the real fun was at. 10 dollars got you a beautiful lady of the night. Hookers were all over the place and they were pretty. Not crack addicts like now. I fucked my first black chick on 14th and u street in my van.

Re: Back in the Day Hitting DC Bars in High School
Posted by: Professor Longhair ()
Date: December 02, 2021 09:23PM

Hippie girls were the best.

Re: Back in the Day Hitting DC Bars in High School
Posted by: Bobcat ()
Date: December 02, 2021 10:35PM

Teenagers today have zero interest in going into DC and being served in a bar. They’d rather drink in peoples houses. In fact I don’t think they could find a bar in DC. I wonder what ha?

Re: Back in the Day Hitting DC Bars in High School
Posted by: Confession Time ()
Date: December 03, 2021 07:31AM

Every guy had his stories about the girls he'd scored with on those trips. Yet somehow it seldom happened when somebody was around to verify it. High school girls who went to Georgetown bars were not there to hook up with high school guys. In those pre-Uber, pre-cell phone days all of my action was from Arlington girls who needed rides back across the river.

Re: Back in the Day Hitting DC Bars in High School
Posted by: Buck Fiden ()
Date: December 03, 2021 01:46PM

The Crazy Horse was a great place to meet foreign women back in the day while the Bayou was somewhat overrated. The Oxen Hill fire hall on Saturday nite was #1 for finding someone to get you through the night while Plaza 7 in Falls Church served much the same purpose only closer. My Mother's Place in SE and 1320 Club off rt.1 both deserve honorable mention.

Re: Back in the Day Hitting DC Bars in High School
Posted by: YOU Were The One ! ()
Date: December 03, 2021 05:14PM

I saw that white boys hippy van rocking when I was up 14th at T in 71 , I hit several of the Gtown joints, but they were all too crowded and I could not get enough beer fast enough so I split a couple times and finally said to hell with that scene DAJAX

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