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What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RoadTester ()
Date: June 10, 2007 10:40AM

I am a new driver and prepare to take a road test next week.

If I want pass it and get my DL one time,should I drive skillfully or just normal ability to operate a vehicle is enough?

Since I only have learner's permit now,I will have someone accompany with me to go DMV,will DMV verify his DL?His DL is not a VA one,but out-of-state.

Anyone who just pass the road test can give me some advices?
If you can post the route when you take the road test,that would be a great help.

Any help will be greatly appreaciated!

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: June 10, 2007 11:16AM

Each route depends where you take the test. The DMV I took my test at has long been closed. I think it is another VA Agency now. Anyways, anyone can get a VA DL now it seems. I would be more worried about the written test, er, the computer questionare they give...

I don't see why anyone would care how you got to the DMV. They don't care about your friends DL from another state. Heck, I once drove a friend to the DMV to take his test when his mother wouldn't. He used my car and passed (he had just turned 18)

Study the book and don't be a comedian, that is the best advice I can offer. Driving is serious business. Treat it as such.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: June 10, 2007 03:06PM

They will ask you to drive around the block and observe each move you make. Before the test you must show that the car you are taking the test in has a valid registration and insurance.

The instructor will then get in the car with you and ask you to back out and proceed when safe. He's checking to make sure you put your seat belt on and look behind you when you back out. You'll then be instructed to make a left or right. Make sure you use your turn signals and dirve the posted speed limits. Remember to check your mirrors. Stop completely at stop signs. It's basic drive around the block type stuff.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RoadTester ()
Date: June 10, 2007 04:54PM

thank you very much!

I think I will try it at Tysons Corner DMV.

Normally,how many miles/minutes will I be asked to drive?

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: June 10, 2007 07:22PM

15 minutes around 5 miles or so. I think at the start of the test they walk around and test all the lights and turn signals on the car before you get started. So make sure all the lights are working.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2007 07:26PM by Lurker..

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 10, 2007 07:53PM

Lurker. Wrote:
> 15 minutes around 5 miles or so.

5 minutes around 15 miles would be more entertaining though.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Holden McCrank ()
Date: June 11, 2007 07:02AM

The driving test here will ensure you're familiar with all Northern Virginia driving procedures. Specifically, you will be tested on:

1) Driving 10 mph under the limit in the left-hand lane.
2) Tailgating.
3) Proper turn signal usage (if you use it, you fail the test).
4) When stopped at a stoplight, continually creep forward into the intersection as though you're going to zoom off as soon as the light changes. Once it turns green, however, sit there with your thumb up your ass until people behind you honk.
5) (This applies only if you'll be driving an SUV): If you show any recognition of the fact that your huge pollution-mobile completely blocks drivers' view from behind or to the side of you, you fail the test.
6) Inductive loop sensor avoidance: At intersections with sensors that control the light timing, make sure your car is stopped off-sensor to maximize the amount of time until green.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 11, 2007 07:25AM

You forgot the tests involving cutting off other drivers while talking on a cell phone, and tailgating people in the center lane of the highway, when the left and right lanes are both empty (I get this one ALL the fucking time)

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: gesoffen ()
Date: June 11, 2007 09:18AM

Don't forget to turn right from the left turn lane and vice versa.
Also, when turning onto a multi-lane road, make sure to turn your steering wheel as little as possible to use all 18 lanes to steady up into a straight line. This is usually easier if you have a cell phone in one hand, a coffee in the other and a newspaper draped accross the steering wheel.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RoadTester ()
Date: June 11, 2007 09:33AM

Do I have to make an appointment for my road test before I go DMV office?

The both toll free line are in busy tone....

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RoadTester ()
Date: June 11, 2007 09:58AM

Be asked to drive on highway???????????

my god....

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: June 11, 2007 10:27AM

RoadTester Wrote:
> Be asked to drive on highway???????????
> my god....

It sounds like you aren't ready for the test.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RoadTester ()
Date: June 11, 2007 10:48AM

I see now,

that's why I came here for help.

I don't know what will be test,so I don't know how to prepare

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 11, 2007 11:03AM

What did your driving school tell you to prepare for?

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RoadTester ()
Date: June 11, 2007 11:12AM

I didnt go to school at all.Just my friend taught me and a few road experience

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 11, 2007 11:40AM

Have you looked at the Virignia driver's manual? You'll be tested on that material in addition to the driving test. In fact you may have to pass that before they bother with the driving test. Same trip to the DMV, but if you haven't read the manual you may be wasting your time.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: ben ()
Date: June 11, 2007 12:44PM

Related question: when did VA start requiring road tests?

When I received my license in '01 all I had to do was show up and get 7/10 (or something similarly ludicrous) correct on a computerized multiple choice test.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Good driver ()
Date: June 11, 2007 01:15PM

You should drink as much alcohol as you can before taking the test.

Remember to constantly talk on your cell phone and don't buckle up.

Always go at least 15 mph over the posted speed limit.

You should be fine if you follow my advice!!

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: say what? ()
Date: June 11, 2007 04:57PM

Since when does the law require turn signals? I see maybe one or two people a day use them. If you have to turn left and people are waiting facing you and you drive a BMW turn signals are not required.

BTW for Northern Virginia you do not need insurance, nor do you need to speak, read of write English. The test questions are something like, which gang do you belong to? I think if you have operated a riding lawnmower you can skip the driving part of the test.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: June 11, 2007 07:46PM

Man I hate those drivers that stop 20 feet back from the car ahead of them at a light. Then they slowly creep forward a foot every 30 secs.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: RoadTester ()
Date: June 13, 2007 05:16PM

I passed my road test today,1 hour ago in Tysons corner DMV, in thunderstorms!

Thanks for you all!

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Richard ()
Date: June 13, 2007 09:27PM

They sure as hell don't test for comon sense. But if you do fail the test just order one online. 100 bucks will get you a pretty good copy.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: par ()
Date: February 02, 2012 04:55PM

I want to take the test also, I was wondering if they test parallel parking? what was on your test and what did u do to pass it?

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: DMV tester ()
Date: February 02, 2012 06:25PM

par Wrote:
> I want to take the test also, I was wondering if
> they test parallel parking? what was on your test
> and what did u do to pass it?

Yes you need to paralell park, if you can't bring your GF. She can give me head in the backseat while you try.


Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: February 02, 2012 06:26PM

When I got my license in 2002 I didn't have to do a road test.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: maybe another one ()
Date: February 02, 2012 06:30PM

RoadTester Wrote:
> thank you very much!
> I think I will try it at Tysons Corner DMV.
> Normally,how many miles/minutes will I be asked to
> drive?

Might want to try a different DMV with what a mess all the roads around tysons are.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: theyve been around ()
Date: February 02, 2012 06:32PM

ben Wrote:
> Related question: when did VA start requiring road
> tests?
> When I received my license in '01 all I had to do
> was show up and get 7/10 (or something similarly
> ludicrous) correct on a computerized multiple
> choice test.

You probably took your test during your drivers ed course. The DMV test is for people that havent done driving through either their school programs or one of the dmv approved programs

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: February 02, 2012 06:32PM

Yeah, I remember my driver's ed guy being really cool and taking my word for it if I knew how to parallel park.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: February 02, 2012 07:45PM

In Chantilly the DMV (in at least one instance) performed the driving test entirely within their "parking" lot. Th eperson I took there drove around the lot with the examiner, using signals, stopping at the stop signs, yielding, etc. No on-the-road at all.

[btw - I've been to that DMV a number of times now and each time has actually been a "pleasant" experience - at least as pleasant as such an experience can be]

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: ark ()
Date: July 06, 2012 07:29PM

yesterday i had my first road test in sterling dmv and they failed me for some silly mistakes like not stopping on line,driving slow (35 was speed limit and i drove 30 ..which may be coz i was nervious)etc..i am very very sad from yesterday coz i thought i did good.anyways next time i am thinking of going to chantilly dmv.
what u guys think about that.Anybody being to chantilly dmv can please share his/her experience.will appreciate any comment
thanks .

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Rusty H. ()
Date: July 06, 2012 08:34PM

Just want to add my $.02 - My test involved deep throating the examiner. Wasn't in Chantilly though.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: rookie ()
Date: July 30, 2012 01:35PM

Y you guys give misleading information?Better you stop posting in these kid of forums.Don't feel proud that u can drive

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: permit holder ()
Date: January 19, 2013 09:45AM

RoadTester Wrote:
> Be asked to drive on highway???????????
> my god....

I don't you would be asked this, but you should be able to drive on the highway by the
Time you're ready for the license road test

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: post-Lester ()
Date: January 19, 2013 10:25AM

I think the Sterling DMV route is to drive up Sterling Blvd to Church Rd, take a right, and drive back to the DMV via Church Rd or Lincoln Ave. Roads have pretty light traffic mid-day.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: No Hablo ()
Date: January 23, 2013 02:07PM

The biggest part of the test should be SPEAKING ENGLISH..... Just a thought

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: more information ()
Date: January 23, 2013 02:14PM

In addition to being sure that the car you drive has registration and inspection, be sure that it would pass inspection today: be sure all the lights and turn signals work.
I was at the DMV waiting one day and watched several prospective driver have to leave without taking the driver test because the lights weren't working or the tires needed tread.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: January 23, 2013 02:39PM

"...the lights weren't working or the tires needed tread."

Were you driving an 18 wheeler? I've never heard anyone refer to tires that are bald as "needing tread". Tires can be re-treaded but you would not do this for car tires, it's just not cost effective.

yeah, it's an old thread..............but what the hell LoLz
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: January 23, 2013 05:36PM

well hopefully they will test them on something along these lines.................

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Back seat driver ()
Date: January 24, 2013 10:03PM

You will also be tested on texting while driving, since everyone does it now, be sure to display that skill as soon as you get out of the parking lot.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: oc ()
Date: January 24, 2013 11:54PM

You will be tested only on your ability to drive like a complete spaz when it rains, snows, sleets, or even looks as though it might do any of the above. Only then will you be qualified to drive in the D.C./Metro area.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: sway ()
Date: February 19, 2013 12:51AM

What the fuck is wrong with people on this forum? Half of these posts are by the biggest assholes. Try and give encouraging, honest advice to new drivers who are going to take the driving test. I have a feeling these sarcastic, smart ass posters are more prone to road rage than others.
The driver's test(one I recently took in NOVA) lasted about 10-15 min. I was first asked for my registration and insurance. Then the tester asked me to do basic operations like turning on the lights, windshield wipers, etc. Once we were on the road, he gave very clear and coherent instructions to turn left or right. We went around the DMV with an even variety of traffic-heavy streets and high-way.
Tips: Do not turn on the vehicle until all of the passengers have their seatbelts on. Do not go over the speed limit at any point! Lastly, stop completely before turning right on red(my friend failed because he only slowed down).

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: beandip ()
Date: February 19, 2013 02:17AM

the only test they do now is to make sure you are some third world shit bag who just transitioned from riding a donkey to driving a car. welcome to DMV fuck bird. oh and you must also NOT have any insurance. gd beaners.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Micah ()
Date: February 28, 2013 09:59AM

Hello All,

Rookie and Sway, Thank you for your courageous comments. My family immigrated to the U.S. centuries ago. We also continue to study several languages and travel to various countries to interact with broad blend of people and cultures. Nearly all people in America respect diversity and understand that at some point their great great grands did not speak U.S. English very well when they first came to North America. Those ancestors are now looking down (or in some cases, up) on some of the comments posted on this thread by their descendants and they are extremely disappointed. Please know that most of Americans are not racists, or sexists, as are the few misguided people on this thread who display the highest degrees of ignorance in response to your comments. It is clear to all of us, that those few outliers are neither bilingual, nor culturally enriched. They have no appreciation for your ability to formulate abstract ideas into two or more languages of which you have/are learning to speak, in addition to your ability to master such skills in your native language. So, please know that many of us Americans embrace your journey to embrace a new culture, and to contribute to the great diversity, just as all of our fore-fathers and fore-mothers have so wondrously done ...as various points throughout the past.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Daniel ()
Date: May 26, 2013 08:23PM

i am from Ohio i heard they give the cone part and the road part and usually takes 15-20 mintures for the test and this my first and you have make a appointment for the road skill test in Ohio Virginia West Virginia Kentucky and the rest of the usa states have different road skill tests

What road is the driving skill will be tested at woodbridge DMV?
Posted by: angel ()
Date: June 19, 2013 04:19PM

pls exactly what road will the DMV road test take place, what raods will the person be asked to drive Through from DMV office.

Re: What road is the driving skill will be tested at woodbridge DMV?
Posted by: Chaego ()
Date: June 19, 2013 05:24PM

angel Wrote:
> pls exactly what road will the DMV road test take
> place, what raods will the person be asked to
> drive Through from DMV office.

This isn't rocket science. Go to the DMV where you plan to take the test and shadow someone taking the test. It's easy because the examiner will be in the front passenger seat wearing a Day-Glo safety vest. Follow at a distance so you don't look like a complete tool.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2013 05:25PM by Chaego.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: 1995hoo ()
Date: June 20, 2013 09:39AM

Unlike European countries, if you take the test on an automatic you don't receive a limited license. So there is no benefit to taking it on a manual if you have a choice. Every car I've ever owned has been a manual, but I took the test on an automatic so that it would be one less thing for them to observe me doing. Bear in mind that even though everyone routinely shifts into neutral as you're coming to a stop at a red light, technically that's illegal because a Virginia statute prohibits "coasting in neutral." You're supposed to come to a stop and depress the clutch as you do so, shifting out of gear only when you're fully stopped. So that's the sort of routine habit for which they could flunk you.

I don't know if the DMV where I took the test is still there, but I rather suspect not; it was at the Kamp Washington shopping center on the south side of Route 29 near Jermantown Road. I went there because most people I knew in high school (WT Woodson) took it there and so it was easy to find out what the test route was. They had me drive down Rust Road and through a trailer park where the speed limit was 15 mph. So I shifted the automatic transmission down to first gear because it makes it harder to drive too fast. There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing so and the DMV employee who gave the test even commented that it was a good idea that very few other people ever tried (but then, I was used to driving a 5-speed manual, so shifting down at slow speed was natural to me). The #1 reason people I knew from school failed the test was because they couldn't maintain the 15-mph speed limit. So shifting down was common sense to me. Don't hesitate to take advantage of things like that.

I assume poster "angel" is just being a fraud by asking what roads will be on the test, but in case you're not, for obvious reasons nobody can answer that for you because every DMV office uses a different test loop. Think about it: The DMV near Tysons on Gallows Road and the one in Alexandria on Eisenhower Avenue could not possibly use the same test loop!

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: angel ()
Date: June 20, 2013 02:49PM

thank you 1995oo for the indept info you gave me, pls i am not fraud, i want to take just want ti know which route the road test usually takes place but i am doing it at WOODBDRIDGE, VA DMV. i just wanted to go test my driving on the road and get used to it first. thanks and God bless you

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Country Grammar. ()
Date: June 20, 2013 02:51PM

Grammar. You're screwed.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: 0bey1sh1n0b1 ()
Date: June 20, 2013 08:00PM

Can you make up your own rules on the road? Then you've passed!

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Deez Nuts ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:39PM

Purposely run pedestrians over and go out of your way to crash into every car you see and you'll pass the test as long as you have exceeded the minimum of 50 hit and run collisions. Don't forget to honk your horn either. It'll come naturally so there's no need to be nervous, but if you need to, have one, two, or ten beers before and during driving. Or, if you're not a lightweight and you can handle more liquor, have as much as you need to get completely shitfaced. You'll get bonus points if you inject over 9,000 marijuanas and you snort a line of cocaine off the steering wheel when you get back.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Mr Plow ()
Date: May 18, 2015 10:47PM

I used to work for the DMV and gave many road tests.

If you're a pretty, well developed teen age girl I have some advice.

Short skirt, no panties, a few flashes and you'll have your license in no time. Now if you want to practice taking a breathalyzer test, that can be arranged also in the parallel parking area.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Date: May 18, 2015 11:51PM

If you take the test in Franklin County Va, It will be the bootleg spin and turn around test to avoid a road block. The car trunk must be loaded with with 300 pounds weight to simulate a load of shine. Students at Ferrum College know the drill well.


Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: CkjPT ()
Date: May 19, 2015 05:05PM

At every red light, get your phone out and start texting. Then, when the light turns green, keep texting until the guy behinds you toots his horn.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Do It Like A Big Boy ()
Date: May 19, 2015 06:04PM

Mr Plow Wrote:
> I used to work for the DMV and gave many road
> tests.
> If you're a pretty, well developed teen age girl I
> have some advice.
> Short skirt, no panties, a few flashes and you'll
> have your license in no time. Now if you want to
> practice taking a breathalyzer test, that can be
> arranged also in the parallel parking area.

A quick blow job parked behind a 7-11 also is a great suggestion. If the tester is a female suck your own dick to show how nimble and skillful you are.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: shravali raju ()
Date: November 11, 2015 01:02PM

please exactly what road will the DMV road test take place, what raods will the person be asked to drive Through from DMV office?

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: shravali raju ()
Date: November 11, 2015 01:03PM

pls exactly what road will the DMV road test take place, what raods will the person be asked to drive Through from DMV office.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: testees ()
Date: November 11, 2015 02:03PM

It's been eight years, if you haven't passed the test by now you never will.

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: November 11, 2015 02:36PM

RoadTester Wrote:
> I am a new driver and prepare to take a road test
> next week.
> If I want pass it and get my DL one time,should I
> drive skillfully or just normal ability to operate
> a vehicle is enough?
> Since I only have learner's permit now,I will have
> someone accompany with me to go DMV,will DMV
> verify his DL?His DL is not a VA one,but
> out-of-state.
> Anyone who just pass the road test can give me
> some advices?
> If you can post the route when you take the road
> test,that would be a great help.
> Any help will be greatly appreaciated!

road head

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: Test road ()
Date: December 29, 2015 02:21AM

Does any one know where winfield dmv ( west virginia ) test road ? Thank you

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: DMV Road Tester ()
Date: December 29, 2015 06:58AM

When administering a road test, I like a driver who finishes the course as fast as possible, preferably with at least some drifting to demonstrate car-handling ability. And whatever you do, DO NOT use a turn signal; that is a dead giveaway of an inexperienced driver!

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Date: March 06, 2016 10:22AM

What will be on the road test

Re: What driving skill will be tested when take a road test at DMV?
Posted by: KC GOEL ()
Date: July 26, 2017 09:23AM

RoadTester Wrote:
> I am a new driver and prepare to take a road test
> next week.
> If I want pass it and get my DL one time,should I
> drive skillfully or just normal ability to operate
> a vehicle is enough?
> Since I only have learner's permit now,I will have
> someone accompany with me to go DMV,will DMV
> verify his DL?His DL is not a VA one,but
> out-of-state.
> Anyone who just pass the road test can give me
> some advices?
> If you can post the route when you take the road
> test,that would be a great help.
> Any help will be greatly appreaciated!

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