Hillary Obama Soros Wrote:
> #10 It’s Free! Yup, the COVID-19 vaccine is 100%
> free. No co-pay, no nothing.
> #9 It’s highly effective. The two COVID-19
> vaccines in use in the United States currently are
> from Pfizer and Moderna. Both vaccines are around
> 95% effective! This vaccine is way more effective
> than the flu vaccine which varies year to year but
> averages around 40%.
> #8 It’s safe! Even though the COVID-19 vaccine
> is new, the technology used to create it (known as
> “messenger RNA” or mRNA) has been around for
> TWO DECADES! By the way, all that mRNA does is
> tell your body’s cell to make proteins – in
> this case, antibodies to the spikey parts of the
> Coronavirus organism. mRNA DOES NOT affect your
> cell’s DNA or your chromosome/genes. In fact, it
> never even goes into the nucleus of the cell,
> where all your DNA lives!
> Safety studies were done with the COVID-19
> vaccines with tens of thousands of patients and
> many millions of people have already received them
> with very few problems.
> #7 Even if you do get COVID-19 after you are
> vaccinated, the vaccine protects you from getting
> seriously ill. It’s the joy of gaining immunity
> without the risk of getting really sick — a
> win!
> #6 Protect those around you. Being vaccinated
> helps prevent you from getting COVID-19, so you
> are less likely to spread the disease to others
> – especially the vulnerable population (Got
> grandparents, anybody?).
> #5 Protect yourself. Even though you may have
> heard some people do not get very sick from
> COVID-19, you have NO WAY of knowing how COVID-19
> will affect YOU. Some people die from it and
> others have had debilitating long-term effects.
> That’s not a risk you want to take!
> #4 Keep your cash flow strong! As stated, getting
> the vaccine stops you from getting COVID-19 and
> getting sick. This stops you from having to be out
> of work and losing money … CHA-CHING!
> Does not – because it CANNOT – it’s NOT
> possible! The COVID-19 vaccine does not include a
> live COVID virus, therefore it is impossible for
> the vaccine to give you COVID-19. You may have
> some common vaccine side effects like a sore arm,
> a little fever, or some fatigue, but that is just
> the signal that your body’s immune building
> factory has been turned on and is raring to go!
> #2 It’s the RIGHT thing to do. ‘Nuff said.
> IS…(drum roll)….
> #1 It’s the quickest way we can all get BACK TO
> NORMAL! NO more masks! NO more distancing! Paper
> towels back in the stores! No more endless ZOOM
> meetings! Hugs with grandma! Parties! Sporting
> events! Need I say more??
> Fairfax County Vaccine Registration:
> irus/vaccine/registration
This Checks Out!