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Re: Freda
Posted by: PAUL ()
Date: July 16, 2005 01:52PM

just started listening to DON+MIKE online recently on WJFK deeply saddened by the loss of Freda Here's hoping that other radio personalities(and you know who you are)are treating this tragedy with the dignity and respect it deserves

Re: Freda
Posted by: Garry ()
Date: July 16, 2005 03:59PM

Where was Freda working? Don talked about her new job & going to see her, but I missed what kind of job it was.

Re: Freda
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 16, 2005 06:53PM

Walmart I believe. Maybe in Georgetown?

Posted by: 91004 ()
Date: July 17, 2005 01:37PM

I have become addicted to the Don & Mike Show in 1997 when I first started driving a tractor trailer and was around the Baltimore/Washington area. This is the first time I had ever really been out of Pennsylvania and heard other radio formats besides just music. It was always nice to hear Freda call in and speak to Don, no matter what the subject matter was.

You could tell that Don really loved Freda and vice-versa throughout the time I have listened to them. Yes Don moaned and groaned about some of the extravegance that FREDA went through when their house was remodeled, however I believe that the effort was well worth it, as Freda sounded like a model housewife and a great mom as well to Bart......

God Bless the Geronimo Family and the staff of WJFK at their time of loss...... Take care....

Re: Freda
Posted by: griefstricken ()
Date: July 17, 2005 02:51PM

I too have been listening to Don & Mike for quite sometime. I didn't like the way Don spoke to his callers sometimes but I knew it was part of the show and I would hope that he really isn't like that. I'm not sure how anyone would be able to come back from this kind of tragedy and go back on the air so soon. I hope he is strong enough to handle the stresses and loss of his new "reality".

I did not lose a husband - but I lost my son and I know I will never be the same again. As much as I want to go back to "my old self" - I have not succeeded. I will never get past this loss and it never gets "better". I do not put my head in the sand.......I go to work everyday, go out with my friends and spend time with my other family members but the way I am in front of other people --- it is just a front to shield them from my grief.

It's tough and I wish Don and his family all the best.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Garry ()
Date: July 17, 2005 03:04PM

God bless you griefsticken.

Re: Freda
Posted by: econ201 ()
Date: July 17, 2005 04:46PM

lol JFK was nothing but an emotional liberal douchebag who felt his own opinions were more important than the oath he took. it's no wonder he was killed. '

as for posting the tickets, she coulda been speeding and had she not been, she mighta had time to swerve out of hte way. she mighta also been able to react quicker if she hadnt been talking on her cell phone..........as for the air bags.LOL . i think all cars now a days come with them, not just lexus's (u could tell that idiot was a fairfax county elite douche).

and karma's a bitch

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 17, 2005 04:47PM

I'm amazed nobody has thought of Wal Mart through all of this... they've lost a valuable employee and treasured family member.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Pat ()
Date: July 18, 2005 01:41PM

Does anyone know when the funeral was and where?

Re: Freda
Posted by: Kassie ()
Date: July 18, 2005 02:19PM

It was on Friday and the information was kept private. Don wanted a private funeral for family and friends only. not fans of the radio show.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Pam ()
Date: July 18, 2005 03:00PM

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman (IP Logged)
Date: July 17, 2005 04:47PM

Think of Wal-Mart thru all this? What an ASSININE statement to make!!
I couldn't decide whether I liked or hated Freda's participation on the show, but never in my wildest dreams did I wish her to leave the show this way & my thoughts are w/her family NOT WAL-MART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUMBASS!!!

Re: Freda
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: July 18, 2005 03:06PM


Now that is kind of insensitive. I am sure Freda's co-workers in the meat department are just as upset as you are.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Pam ()
Date: July 18, 2005 03:07PM

Re: Freda
Posted by: deadfredasrottingcopse (IP Logged)
Date: July 15, 2005 01:42PM

***LOVE THIS POST below*****I wondered the same thing myself about Mike imitating her during the low budget jeopardy & what with all the rain/heat, just imagine how oogie her decomposition is now!!


You think now that Fredas dead that Mike will imitate her on low budget jeopardy. The good side is that she was in my dead celebrities pool with my friends and now I won 500 bucks. I have Buzz on there as the next one to kick the bucket. Hey Don and Mike used to have a dead pool and i think they still do. Wonder if they will continue. The only thing I can say is now she is on THE WRONG SIDE OF THE DIRT.

All you friggin morons talk about how bad your hurting and how upset you are. get friggin real you cant possibly want to make this about you can you. Get lives or better yet get hit head on too.


Re: Freda
Posted by: kathy S ()
Date: July 18, 2005 04:38PM

just too sad to comprehend. I, too, cried all the way home. I wish Don and Bart peace...they experienced an angel, and God needed her back.

Re: Freda
Posted by: ben ()
Date: July 18, 2005 05:01PM

This thread continues to get better and better.

Re: Freda
Posted by: chris ()
Date: July 18, 2005 05:59PM

i think the word i spelled KARMA < dipshit!

Re: Freda
Posted by: PSH ()
Date: July 19, 2005 11:38AM

You're RIGHT!! She probably WAS on the phone!!! Talking to her "Boo Boo Bear" Booger Bear, yuck!!! Ah, well, what goes around comes around....................sorrty to say

Re: Freda
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: July 19, 2005 12:39PM

chris Wrote:
> i think the word i spelled KARMA < dipshit!

TIP: It is usually prudent to review your message for spelling mistakes, prior to correcting the spelling mistakes of others.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Smobien ()
Date: July 19, 2005 02:14PM

This is all really tragic. But damn this thread needs to end already!

Re: Freda
Posted by: Brokedick13 ()
Date: July 19, 2005 03:22PM

Gee, NinjaSk8ter, I guess that's your nice way of saying Don got what he deserved. You are an ass, and I hope someone close to you meets with a terible demise.

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 19, 2005 04:30PM


by rob

Dear Freda,

Hey, what's going on. Oh yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

I just wanted to send you a note to show you how much you meant to all us listeners of the Dom and Ike Show. Alll (the extra L is for "love") those times you would call in and yell at Dom - whoo boy, I felt like I was right there!!!! I thought it was MY wife yelling at ME for wrecking yet another car or calling you an old hag. Or corrupting our son's morals through vice and treachery.

You sure taught that fat load Dom a lot. I mean, yeah, he would just wreck another car and get caught with some new drugs, but I mean, who hasn't? Drugs probably made your shrill voice a lot easier to deal with, so I give you kudos for allowing Dom the space he needed to repair from the grasp of your vocal chords. That's what makes me admire you so... your tolerance.

Obviously the irony that he crashed the car a million times and never died, and you crashed yours once and it wasn't even your fault, has occurred to me. And I don't want you to pay ANY MIND to those years - 1991 to 2004 - when members of several Dom and Ike intarweb message boards would call each day for your shrill voice to be silenced. The methods they suggested were less than chivalrous. Several of them (with hope) closely predicted your end in those very posts..as long as ten years ago!!!! I never forgot them. And I will never forget you.

I guess the reason everyone is so distrurbed by your passing is because their own lives, mine included, are so empty. They saw this everyday tragedy befall a man they secretly loathe - it's hard to love Dom as he treats others like dirt - and they realized that a life that stood to contrast his must be very full. Losing this kind of fullness, a fullness none of us stands to achieve anytime soon, leaves a dark spot in our common thread. A hole. As if millions of voices cried out all at once, and were suddenly silenced.

Good day to you, ma'am. I SAID GOOD DAY!!!!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2005 04:31PM by rstidman.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: July 19, 2005 05:12PM

Rob, your letter has touched me in that special way.

Re: Freda
Posted by: dallasfan ()
Date: July 20, 2005 12:26AM

I have been on vacation and out of the state for 2-weeks. The show doesn't air in Dallas until midnight and goes to 3 a.m. I tuned in last night only to hear the dumb ass local radio show that airs at 3 in the afternoon. After I got to work tonight I thought I would check out theie web site to see if they were taken off the station here. I new something had happened so I googled her name and found this web site. I have only been listenening for a little over 2 years, but I am deeply saddened. I dig the show and feel for everyone. Ya know, it's always something. I feel for the family and all her and Dons friends and of course Bart. Damn I feel sad.


Re: Freda
Posted by: Cupfor24 ()
Date: July 20, 2005 01:53AM

Hey... you say you are in Central Cal... have you tried to get D&M on 1140 AM from noon til 4?

I'm typing with tears in my eyes, as I was on a vacation last week & just heard the news today. I am so broken hearted for those men & families I have never met.

Love you guys,

Re: Freda
Posted by: Legendary54 ()
Date: July 20, 2005 04:56PM

NinjaSk8ter , you are right on.

I'm not a big fan of the show, and its because of Don; I think Mike is hilarious and talented but a sycophant (the way he sucks up to a protects Don, who has not the wit to protect himself, is disgusting) and even Buzz is funny, but Mike is one of those guys who probably can't be original or witty, so he stoops to being rude and offensive in order to generate something that might capture a listener's interest. He is an example of the worst of what the Stern imitators have to offer. There is a definite market for this, and Don knows it. They have had great success with this formula.

That having been said, Freda was to all outward appearances an absolutely lovely woman and despite Don's mugging for the microphone, you got the real sense their love for each other was immense and genuine. I enjoyed the occasions when she was on the show. I often felt that she was too good for him and that he did not deserve her (opinions which I suspect he shares), and they seemed a real mismatch; she classy and sensitive, he crass and ignorant. But I am also sure that the persona we see on the air as DG is not Mike Sorce, and that he brought much to their relationship that we don't see on the air. The show is, after all, just his job, and he just a performer. DG may bear little or no resemblence to MS, for all we know.

Whatever my opinions of him or the show may be, they do not diminish the immensity of this tragedy. She was a lovely, classy, funny, sexy and affectionate wife and mother taken from her family long before her time. Whenever someone of this caliber passes, it is a true tragedy. My heart goes out to her and her family. I do not know how I would survive the loss of such a beautiful and vibrant woman, were I in their place. And that emotion transcends wether or not I happen to like a particular radio show.

Re: Freda
Posted by: STEVE ()
Date: July 20, 2005 06:08PM


Re: Freda
Posted by: kbro416 ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:01PM

I feel very sorry for you. I'm sure by all your postings that you have never lost a close loved one. God don't like ugly and you are probably the ugliest!

Re: Freda
Posted by: kbro416 ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:04PM

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman (IP Logged)
Date: July 19, 2005 04:30PM


by rob

Sorry this was to you rstidman...you must get off being mean....I hope no one close to you ever goes before there time....or maybe you SHOULD!

Re: Freda
Posted by: kbro416 ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:08PM

And lets all not respond to rstidman any more it seems that he only gets off on it!

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:09PM

Thanks for devoting all that time to me kbro, I admit it's why I write

That was just tremendously biting. Try taking a few more drinks before your next....."retort"......if anything is even left

I feel so ashamed, so hurt, oh shit, a "Waltons" rerun is on, I love that show, I gotta run

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2005 11:12PM by rstidman.

Re: Freda
Posted by: kbro416 ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:20PM

Whatevery you poor poor sad person. May you burn in hell!

Re: Freda
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 20, 2005 11:44PM

rstidman Wrote:
> Thanks for devoting all that time to me kbro, I
> admit it's why I write
> That was just tremendously biting. Try taking a
> few more drinks before your
> next....."retort"......if anything is even left
> I feel so ashamed, so hurt, oh shit, a "Waltons"
> rerun is on, I love that show, I gotta run
> Edited 1 times. Last edit at 07/20/05 11:12PM by
> rstidman.

haha awesome.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Holly ()
Date: July 22, 2005 03:42PM

I am so devastated by the loss of Freda. Don, Mike, Rob, Buzz, Freda and the rest of the gang have grown to seem like family though I don't know them personally. I am so sad for Don, Bart, and the rest of the WJFK family. Those of us who are listeners are going to GREATLY miss hearing Freda on the air and stories of her and Don together.

May God be with the Wright/Sorce/WJFK Families at this great time of loss.

We love and miss you Freda.

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 22, 2005 07:58PM

If you're so devastated why did it take you so long to write?

If you really cared you would find out where her grave is and visit it everyday, falling into an emotional wreck each time you arrive.

Re: Freda
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 23, 2005 01:49AM

rstidman Wrote:
> If you're so devastated why did it take you so
> long to write?
> If you really cared you would find out where her
> grave is and visit it everyday, falling into an
> emotional wreck each time you arrive.

Maybe he/she was in such an emotional wreck that just finding and posting on the site was hard enough?! Did you think of that?! I THINK NOT!

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 23, 2005 03:34AM

geez I just wanted tto attack her like a coward, ragin

don't make me hook up the Absolut IV drip to you

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens_ ()
Date: July 23, 2005 09:04AM

RaginBajin Wrote:
> Maybe he/she was in such an emotional wreck that
> just finding and posting on the site was hard
> enough?! Did you think of that?! I THINK NOT!

Freda wrecked because she was EMOTIONAL? I hadn't heard that one yet.

Re: Freda
Posted by: RaginBajin ()
Date: July 23, 2005 04:03PM

pgens_ Wrote:
> RaginBajin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Maybe he/she was in such an emotional wreck
> that
> > just finding and posting on the site was
> hard
> > enough?! Did you think of that?! I THINK
> NOT!
> Freda wrecked because she was EMOTIONAL? I hadn't
> heard that one yet.

reading > you

Please read thread KTHX

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2005 04:04PM by RaginBajin.

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 24, 2005 09:49AM

Reading is more than me? Is that the new RIF slogan?

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 25, 2005 11:13AM

Interesting that all the fairweather Freda lovers have migrated back to their mundane lives without her. She's forgotten.

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 25, 2005 11:20AM

Amazing how passionate they were... I was threatened in private by at least ten of them...

And yet you are correct, they care for a minute and then it's on to the next thing. I'd hate to be related to them.... my grave would never get fresh flowers.

/going to be cremated anyway

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2005 11:33AM by rstidman.

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 25, 2005 11:26AM

Wasn't it fun pissing them off?

Some will probably feel they gained a foothold on heaven for glorifying her name in this forum.

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 25, 2005 02:26PM

> Some will probably feel they gained a foothold on
> heaven for glorifying her name in this forum.

No, I think most were hoping their notes would be read on the air... most of it was for personal reasons so they could tell their firends they were mentioned on the radio.

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 25, 2005 02:50PM

Oh yeah, I forgot they believed this to be a Don & Mike site.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Rob ()
Date: July 26, 2005 12:03PM

Dont take this the wrong way cause I really liked Freda and I dont think anyone should experiance what don and bart are going through right now. But have you all forgotten how many time don wished death apon a listener or a listeners wife,husband, etc. How many times he said he wished he had a button that would blow up a caller he didn't agree with. My prayers are with them both and the rest of the family, but be carefull what you say Don!!!

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 26, 2005 03:57PM

Rob, saying you really like Freda is like saying you really like Sponge Bob. You don't even know either. Both are (were) media personalities and you only know what was portrayed there. You don't know her. I don't either. Certainly it was a sad situation that would be wish on anyone but that's as far as it goes. No personal loss for me and no personal loss for you. Same is true for all the other poor whimpering slobs who happened to stumble across this site searching for information.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Rob ()
Date: July 26, 2005 04:13PM

let me rephrase that so you understand what i meant...I liked listening to her on the show. Is that better for you?

Re: Freda
Posted by: JONATHAN ()
Date: July 26, 2005 04:50PM

I got the home address of freda, don, and bart if anyone wants to send a card direct

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 26, 2005 05:14PM

Rob, perfect. If you need further instructions on how to run your life, let me know.

Re: Freda
Posted by: FourFingerFreddy ()
Date: July 26, 2005 08:15PM

What a waste of a perfectly good piece of ass

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 26, 2005 08:51PM


if you had bothered to read this thread you would see I posted Freda's arrest/ticket search results. They had her home address in them.

Re: Freda
Posted by: JONATHAN ()
Date: July 27, 2005 02:48AM


Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 27, 2005 12:21PM

Didn't Evil Willow kill Jonathan at the end of Buffy Season 6? How is it he's posting here?

Re: Freda
Posted by: JONATHAN ()
Date: July 27, 2005 08:49PM

Oh my...reality check pgens...its a t.v. show meaning that it is fiction. its not real buddy. sorry to break your heart

Re: Freda
Posted by: FourFingerFreddy ()
Date: July 27, 2005 08:56PM

I cant believe he watches buffy! How old are ya kid?

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: July 28, 2005 11:18AM

Ha! 30's. Can't help it, great show.

Re: Freda
Posted by: JONATHAN ()
Date: July 28, 2005 03:27PM

I know i watch it too.....shhhhh

Re: Freda
Posted by: Pete Moss ()
Date: July 28, 2005 06:31PM

Looks like she needs a sammich.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Connie ()
Date: July 28, 2005 10:02PM

Don, God bless you and your son and mother in law. I've listened for 15 years and felt like I knew Freda. I am devastated to hear this news, it happened when I was on vacation. I've wondered why you weren't on the radio and tonight I googled your show to find out why. My heart aches for you. She was your whole life. She seemed like the perfect wife and mother. I often wondered if my husband and I would be like you and Freda when we are fifty. I often thought you were so lucky to have Freda. I'm sorry.

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 10:21PM

I still find lot of humor in these notes.... Don isn't going to read any of this crap. And even if he had the first fucking inclination to do so, he's in a ridiculous drug and alcohol induced stupor. As I would be (hell, will be). He can't comprehend your half-assed well wishing.

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: July 28, 2005 10:57PM

rstidman, I'm gonna laugh as soon as I finish wiping the tears from my eyes. You'll have to wait your turn.

Re: Freda
Posted by: econ201 ()
Date: July 29, 2005 12:08AM

hopefully he will read this and call the forum a site full of jerks..that would be fucking hilarious

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 29, 2005 12:19AM

wow, you're right, Don coming on here and writing a reply recognizing what has been written.... that sure would teach us. teach us good.

christ I could imagine that now... If all those morons caught wind of him posting here. Cary has this new server and it would probably melt into a puddle of molten computer parts. awesome.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Don Geranimo ()
Date: July 29, 2005 01:11AM

Thank you everyone for your prayers and wishes. One good thing did come from this.....one handsome size life insurance check. see ya'll on monday

Re: Freda
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: July 29, 2005 10:10AM

"Thank you everyone for your prayers and wishes. One good thing did come from this.....one handsome size life insurance check. see ya'll on monday"

Now thats funny bahahahahahahahahahaha

Re: Freda
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 01, 2005 03:03PM

For anyone interested Don Geronimo is on the air now. www.radiomat.com if you aren't in front of a radio.

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 01, 2005 03:18PM

jesus, he's reading valentine's day cards from 25 years ago...

someone point me to a prozac dealer, this shit is more depressing than I thought it would be

Re: Freda
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 01, 2005 03:22PM

I am starting to regret buying a little radio to pick this up from work today. At least at home I could have some bourbon or scotch.

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 01, 2005 03:27PM

yeah, I feel like I need to upend a bottle 'o Bowmans now :(

Re: Freda
Posted by: gjggjkg ()
Date: August 01, 2005 04:00PM

yeah it's pretty sad...can't beleive O&A even expressed sympathy..thought they would be the ones who would goof on this

Re: Freda
Posted by: Ally ()
Date: August 01, 2005 04:18PM

I have just listened to Don on the air for the first time since Freda's tragic death. He is an amazing man to be able to get through this broadcast with such courage. He gave an amazing insight into his relationship with Freda. My prayers continue to be with him, Bart and the Wright family. Ally

Re: Freda
Posted by: Michael ()
Date: August 01, 2005 08:55PM

Just heard about he accident today, listened to Mike on the air, it tore me up. Having heard Freda banter with Mike over the years I felt like I knew them both so well, I'll miss hearing this wonderful, incredibly bright lady. My heart goes out to Mike, Bart, and Freda's family. Rest easy Freda, we'll miss you!!

Re: Freda
Posted by: lucy ()
Date: August 01, 2005 11:46PM

WHen he said someone on the net posted his address, was he talking about this sight?

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 01, 2005 11:51PM

Actually, Fairfax County was the one that posted the address on the web. He should be going after them.

Re: Freda
Posted by: lucy ()
Date: August 01, 2005 11:55PM

Do you think he's gonna be a little more upbeat tommorrow?

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 02, 2005 07:42AM

More accurately, Don invited Fairfax County post his address by getting arrested, as is procedure.

I don't think he was referring to this site with the address thing because he lumped it in with a funeral home time/date/address thing which I didn't see here.

But yeah, sending stuff to his house is a little tactless... people know of him through a radio station so they should send things to the Fairfax City studio.

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 02, 2005 10:21AM

Unless it's cash. I'm the designated cash donation recipient -- I mean I accept it on the behalf of the family.

Re: Freda
Posted by: meredith ()
Date: August 02, 2005 11:10AM

words cannot express

i will miss listening to you freda. always.


when she sleeps she will dance with you in her dreams...

and dearest she is dreaming of you

thank you for sharing this sunshine in your life

may she always shine on you .

all the love to everyone who misses her.

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 02, 2005 02:14PM

freda was a special gem

to all who knew her they knew then

that she was special way down deep

and it is so sad that she is now asleep

but the show must go on

and to our special Don

we still have you to listen to

through thick and thin like when we're blue

what an angel

now she is stripped away

we will all rejoin her

when endeth our Earth's stay

I hope all who loved her see this message and share with me a special acknowledgement of family wishes... just as Don said, yesterday was the last day of mourning and that's it!! We shall stand with our brother Don and move on! We shall prove our love for Freda and the show by not posting here anymore, but instead express our sympathies in cards sent with checks to the Sorce charity of choice:

Worcester Humane Society
P.O. Box 48
Berlin MD 21811

thank you all for your comments as they are truly appreciated by the family.

Re: Freda
Posted by: trickie ()
Date: August 02, 2005 06:48PM

Does anyone have the Aug show tape on a file or tape somewhere? I was out of town.

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 02, 2005 09:28PM

pgens, that was teh ghey

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 03, 2005 06:40AM

right but I hope it's teh stop

Re: Freda
Posted by: Doug ()
Date: August 03, 2005 12:56PM

I too feel like I lost a member of my extended family. I have been listening to Don and Mike for almost 20 years. I have heard Bart grow up and Don being calmed down by his sweet wife. Words cannot properly express my grief for Mike and Bart.
We are all praying for Mike, Bart, and Frieda's family. It is a sadder world without Frieda.
Deepest Sympathies,
In Virginia Beach

Re: Freda
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: August 04, 2005 03:23PM

Oh, get a life.

Re: Freda
Date: August 05, 2005 12:34PM

I think im gonna friggin puke. I cant believe the ignorant people that post on this site thinking someone from the family will actually read it. I think whats more hilarious then Freda actually dying is the fact that so many morons talk about how devistated they were and are. Get real Don got what he deserved. Now that we know Dons address we need to post it everywhere. Just like he likes telling peoples phone numbers on the air. Have every one you know send morbid cards to his house rejoicing in the death of his wife. Wait a little while though before sending any let him start recovering a little first then stick it to the bastard.

Buh Bye then. Sugar Bear

Re: Freda
Posted by: tina ()
Date: August 05, 2005 05:54PM

awwwww thats so sad =(

poor you

Re: Freda
Posted by: draw ()
Date: August 12, 2005 10:46PM

If anyone was listening to the Don and Mike show earlier this week, you would have heard that Don had indeed found this forum and read the posts. He thanked those who wrote the nice things and blew off those who didn't.

Re: Freda
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: August 13, 2005 12:38AM

dont listen to that show, put opie and anthony back on!!

Re: Freda
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 13, 2005 12:50AM

So Don simultaneously thanked me and blew me off?

I feel so...used

what exactley did he say? what day was that on?

Re: Freda
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 15, 2005 01:10PM

The only things I have heard Don say specifically about "Internet Sites" was that he was pissed about people saying that Freda was drunk / speeding / otherwise breaking a law when the accident occured and that it was in poor taste for someone to fans to send shit to his house. He also may have mentioned not being terribly happy about the home phone and adress being in the public domain, but then he has FFX County to thank for that bit of info.

Seeing as he has already made fun of a recent celebrity death, It would be pretty hypocritical for him to be too offended at some of the more amusing posts in this thread.

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 15, 2005 01:56PM

I think just saying "please see pgens' first Aug 2 post" would have saved you some typing, but hey, we all appreciate this thread getting bumped again.

Re: Freda
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 15, 2005 02:18PM

Wait, you expect me to remember something that happened more than 24 hours ago? Definetly betting on the wrong horse in that race!

Re: Freda
Posted by: Hcrouch ()
Date: August 15, 2005 09:00PM

I have listened to the D&M show for the last 4yrs. When Freda would come on and Don and her would go at it. It reminded me of my wife and I. I truly believe Don loves Freda with all his heart. So all you F'n Bastards shut the f'up. Please realize it's a show you jack asses.

PS - R. stidman I will see in you hell. I can gaurantee that.

Re: Freda
Posted by: anonymous ()
Date: August 15, 2005 09:24PM

whoever said those disrespectful things about Don's wife , Freda, owes Don Genranimo a huge apology. Shame on you for posting those things on the Internet and disrespecting Freda's family like that. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!

Re: Freda
Posted by: PublicbutnotObvious ()
Date: August 15, 2005 10:58PM

rstidman Wrote:
> wow, you're right, Don coming on here and writing
> a reply recognizing what has been written.... that
> sure would teach us. teach us good.
> christ I could imagine that now... If all those
> morons caught wind of him posting here. Cary has
> this new server and it would probably melt into a
> puddle of molten computer parts. awesome.

Ha. Ha. Ha. Dumbass. Have ya thrown up, just a little, in your mouth yet, from the worry? Through all the morass of your crap postings, you just keep sticking to 'it's public information because Fairfax PD makes it public'.

Just because something is known, it doesn't always have to be made obvious. But I think you'll finally understand that concept once all YOUR 'known' information becomes a bit more 'obvious'.

Sucks you to be you . . . not because of Don, but because in the end, you gotta live with you . . . in your guts . . . that face in the mirror.

Re: Freda
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 15, 2005 11:17PM

> Sucks you to be you . . . not because of Don, but
> because in the end, you gotta live with you . . .
> in your guts . . . that face in the mirror.

And now you get to look in the mirror and say "Look, I'm anonymous!"

Re: Freda
Posted by: oniggaplz ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:00AM

OhOh r.stidman Don is going to get in your shit now and dont try to sue him when he kicks your ass.And dont try to provoke him into touching you because I want your ass all to myself when his fans finish with your white pale ass it will make that black monkey, Im sorry... That black snaggle-tooth poor excuse for a nigga ROBERT THE NASTY MAILMAN look like mother teresa ass!!! you prick!!! OK bye. Ps Mike Omarha was right he is an ass and he only puts up with his fat rusty ass because of DON

Re: Freda
Posted by: cherokee1020 ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:02AM

Even the name under which you posted was sick. I hope when someone you love dies, you'll be inundated with hurtful, perverse, mean-spirited jibes and sarcasm. You will receive in turn what you so thoughtlessly give out. Wait. Perhaps, since it would appear you are lacking the capacity for warmth and compassion - you've only yourself to love and won't care what is said when you're gone. I'm sure only the best of humans will even notice -

Re: Freda
Posted by: cherokee1020 ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:13AM

I listened yesterday to Don's rage at RStidman who is as sadistic, unhuman, and unconscionable a monster as I've known about in recent years. Freda Sorce was a kind, loving, lovely human being and hardly deserves such callous treatment. Her driving record is not the issue. Some do not deserve that classification of being termed "human". It is redundant to say this individual is one of those.

God bless Freda in her passing, and Don and Bart - and all her family and friends, in their journey now wi'out her. It goes lengths to repair the damage that beast is doing to see all the warm, compassionate, and genuinely kind posts. Freda touched people's lives every day - Don needs to know how much his wife was loved.

Re: Freda
Posted by: GrafixChimpBoy ()
Date: August 16, 2005 11:25AM

rstidman Wrote:
> "STIDMAN ","ROBERT ","E","025","
> ","VA","10/14/2004","LIC PLATE IMPRO FASTND OR

Dang, Stidman!

Was this a total bullshit, "I gotta pull this kid over and give him a ticket" ticket or what?

P.S. I read this entire "Freda" post and some of the others. Don Geronimo is just an uptight asshole who needed something to fill the dead air of his radio show. If his wife was not dead, he never would have found this site. If she was and he did find it, he would probably give you all the props for the Sean Taylor pix. Fuck him, his show, his crew, the station, his listeners, and all the "asshats" posting on here for not "getting it." "We get jokes!" Yeah, right! Fuckers!

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