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Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 28, 2019 07:21PM

Come on out and say farewell to perjuring priest Bob Malm!

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Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: VW6DV ()
Date: September 28, 2019 07:34PM

I hope this means that sunday is the last day we will have to wade thru your shitposts.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: How it really stands. ()
Date: September 28, 2019 07:38PM

Really? Not Christians?

If I remember correctly, Jesus Christ loved and hung out with prostitutes, thieves, and loads of all kind. In FACT, I imagine that Jesus would be relatively disappointed in your relentless crusade to destroy one of his churches. Wasn't it Jesus who said "turn the other cheek"? He also said that you must forgive others "7 times 70".

Jesus LOVES Bob Malm for the good he's tried to do, but he's pretty upset with you. What have you done besides hate, denigrate, and try to destroy. What GOOD have you tried to put into the world?

No....... Bob Malm doesn't have anything to worry about. But you......... you might have some greater authority to answer to someday.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 28, 2019 08:21PM

Perjury? Bullying a dying woman? Going after innocent family members?

If that falls within the purview of your brand of Christianity, no thanks. You can keep it.

And there’s a special place in hell for clergy who bully the dying.

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
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Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: How it really stands. ()
Date: September 28, 2019 08:29PM

No, not mine. JESUS'! You obviously have failed to grasp ANY of his teachings. Jesus forgave murderers and criminals of all sorts. Do you REALLY think he would have gasped and said "PERJURY?!? Oh NO! NOT PURJURY!!!" Lol.

Don't take it up with me. Take it up with Jesus.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 28, 2019 08:41PM

Jesus may also forgive rape, child abuse and more. But divine forgiveness has nothing to do with accountability, for these actions or Bob Malm’s perjury. And nothing anywhere says I have to silent about Bob’s actions.

Bob Malm is a perjurer. Anyone who is considering getting involved with Grace Church needs to know that. They also need to know that Grace Church is a place where it is okay for clergy to commit perjury.

And if Bob disagrees, he’s more than welcome to sue me for defamation and produce evidence to support his argument.

Bob Malm is a perjurer.

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 28, 2019 08:44PM

Oh, and here is the lie the Episcopal Church tells, which is that clergy are held to a higher standard.

That is total bullshit.

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 28, 2019 08:46PM

From Title IV in the church canons

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: How it really stands. ()
Date: September 28, 2019 08:51PM

You just have to ask yourself ONE question......... What would Jesus do? Hmmmmmmm?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Lisa G ()
Date: September 28, 2019 09:02PM

Jesus would not be a compulsive liar like you. BTW it was a beautiful party with 300 in attendance as Bob and his family are loved very much. No matter what you say or blog you will never change that!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: HALLELUJAH!!!!! ()
Date: September 28, 2019 09:06PM

tHEN WE CAN stop reading all this BS about this guy nobody cares about or knows who he is or wants to know.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 28, 2019 09:11PM

Yes, in Matthew 23, we know exactly what Jesus did: He condemned hypocritical religious leaders, referring to them, inter alia, as a “brood of vipers.” He also resoundingly condemned clergy who, like Bob, become stumbling blocks to the faith of others.

Meanwhile, you conflate accountability and forgiveness. And Grace Church remains a church where people believe it’s okay to urge others to commit suicide.

And to anyone thinking about getting involved at Grace, look carefully through this site and see how many times people at Grace have taken responsibility for their actions. Zero. Zip. Nada. Meanwhile, like our buddy Lisa, they are busy lecturing me.

Something about logs in people’s eyes....

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Read the book. ()
Date: September 28, 2019 09:12PM

Show me one single place in the bible where Jesus preaches, "If someone has wronged you, DESTROY his business! HARASS him to no end! Speak EVIL of his family! Pursue every means possible to CRUSH him and achieve your righteous VENGEANCE!"

If you can show me any place where Jesus thinks that's the right thing to do, I'll join you in your crusade for revenge.

Are you still sure that you're doing the right thing. I bet Jesus doesn't think so. Why don't you ask him?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 28, 2019 09:15PM

Nothing like Lisa calling people “compulsive liars” and preaching Christianity at the same time.

And she still can’t figure out why Grace Church has shed one-third if it’s pledging units.

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Lisa G ()
Date: September 28, 2019 09:51PM

Well since everything has to be spelled out to you. People die, military transfer, and some people just move. You forgot to mention all the young people who have joined Grace since you LEFT because you were not chosen to be Sr. Warden. Having you be Jr. Warden was a huge mistake. Now get a life and move on.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Ok really? ()
Date: September 28, 2019 11:18PM

It's really telling how you can use that quote from the Book of Matthew and yet utterly fail to see how it applies to you or how short you're falling. Lol.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Several Things ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:25AM

1. I’m no longer a Christian, due to people like you and your hypocrisy.

2. Never wanted to be senior warden, so if you want to make shit up, go for it.

3. Your argument about loss of membership is a non sequitor. A) The loss has entirely happened since Bob’s misconduct came to light. B) The loss of pledging units and decline in Sunday membership is unprecedented in Grace’s history, so the decline clearly is not due to normal attrition of membership. C) If the loss were, in fact, due to normal attrition, Bob Malm wouldn’t be running around committing perjury in an effort to shut me down.

4. As to new members, both Sunday attendance and pledging units have reached historic lows. No way around it.

5,. While it may be convenient for you and the other hypocrites at Grace Church for me to “get a life and move on,” as long as Bob’s misconduct continues, I’m not planning to do so. So you can stop wasting your time trying to advise me how to use my time.

You stick to cleaning up the filth at Grace Church and your own hypocrisy, and I‘ll deal with my issues.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:36AM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Askerer of questions ()
Date: September 29, 2019 08:42AM

OK, so today is the Sunday referred to. So the three's gonna be allowed to die & we won't hafta read any more shitposts about this Bob Malm guy nobody cares about.

Now if we could only do the same about Morenos & mis & Liz, drinkers of jizz, fresh, keep, kkkillary, the Bodge sisters & all these other people nobody cares about, we can get down to some real adult discussion.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Falls Church Farnsworth ()
Date: September 29, 2019 08:44AM

The person who invented auto correct should get their balls cut off.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Nobody knows who this is ()
Date: September 29, 2019 10:49AM

Nobody knows who the fuck Bob Malm is or gives a shiat OP. He's a priest? They're all pedo scum, what's the difference?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Love the crazy posts! ()
Date: September 29, 2019 11:35AM

Leave OP alone. It’s not his fault that he is crazy and paranoid. He is also gay, maybe he has aids.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: That’s one long drop! ()
Date: September 29, 2019 12:17PM

Wait, how could this guy go from being obsessed about becoming the senior warden, to not being a Christian anymore and in trouble with the law in such a short period of time?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Lord.703 ()
Date: September 29, 2019 12:33PM

But not his last Sunday as rectum...

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Eric's other personality ()
Date: September 29, 2019 01:07PM

That’s one long drop! Wrote:
> Wait, how could this guy go from being obsessed
> about becoming the senior warden, to not being a
> Christian anymore and in trouble with the law in
> such a short period of time?

Because he is PSYCHO.

His obsession shows he was in love with Bob. Bob, not being gay, told him he wasn't interested.

Psychology 101: this has all the earmarks of a jilted lover. Due to his immaturity he is unable to deal with his own emotions, therefore he lashes out in anger. His anger is then manifested in his stalking and harassing behavior. Instead of getting help for his psychosis it displays it for the world to see.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bonkers Bonetti ()
Date: September 29, 2019 01:14PM

Haha, can you imagine if he went to a psychiatrist and told them what he’d been up to??

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 29, 2019 01:50PM

Another GREAT Sunday on Planet Malm. In the church’s finest tradition, we had several contributors to my “Begin With Grace” video, beginning with the Princess Porcine aka Lisa Medley, who fired off a one-gun salute to Jesus as she rolled past and saw my sign (image attached). Several other parish leaders, all captured on video, followed suit, including my fave water dog lover.

The afternoon was capped off by an elderly parishioner who rolled through and offered to go round and round. When I pointed to the marked police cruiser across the street and invited him to do so, he promptly sped off.

True to form, Malmites made complete asses of themselves and, in the process, gave me lots of great video footage.

It’s a safe bet Grace Church is going to be a whole lot smaller a few years down the road!

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Ggrgr ()
Date: September 29, 2019 02:02PM

Please make those pictures bigger. Honestly, you’ve been stalking these people long enough, why haven’t you learned to post properly?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Nice try... ()
Date: September 29, 2019 02:04PM

gracealexwatch Wrote:
> Another GREAT Sunday on Planet Malm. In the
> church’s finest tradition, we had several
> contributors to my “Begin With Grace” video,
> beginning with the Princess Porcine aka Lisa
> Medley, who fired off a one-gun salute to Jesus as
> she rolled past and saw my sign (image attached).
> Several other parish leaders, all captured on
> video, followed suit, including my fave water dog
> lover.
> The afternoon was capped off by an elderly
> parishioner who rolled through and offered to go
> round and round. When I pointed to the marked
> police cruiser across the street and invited him
> to do so, he promptly sped off.
> True to form, Malmites made complete asses of
> themselves and, in the process, gave me lots of
> great video footage.
> It’s a safe bet Grace Church is going to be a
> whole lot smaller a few years down the road!

Yes, I see that the picture of a police car and a sign completely corroborate the story you have written.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: How long? ()
Date: September 29, 2019 02:34PM

Before Grace has to lay off people in order to make ends meet?

Smart money says the church loses another 50 pledging units this year.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: That’s how long ()
Date: September 29, 2019 03:17PM

How long? Wrote:
> Before Grace has to lay off people in order to
> make ends meet?

A week after Sigrid dies.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Ha!!! ()
Date: September 29, 2019 04:10PM

With that 70k annual bill Dysfunctional Bob is leaving for the church, I won’t be long. And the videos of members are already proving popular.

My new video, “Begin With Grace,” should release in the next two weeks or so. Named after the school’s recruiting video, it features real life camera footage that helps introduce the church and school to newcomers. Just in time for an interim rector!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: I hope we're done with this ()
Date: September 29, 2019 04:17PM

If this news is correct, let's hope this will be the last we hear of Bob Malm on this forum, along with Arthur Treacher and all the racial slurs I keep seeing.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: September 29, 2019 04:22PM

Ha!!! Wrote:
> With that 70k annual bill Dysfunctional Bob is
> leaving for the church, I won’t be long. And the
> videos of members are already proving popular.
> My new video, “Begin With Grace,” should
> release in the next two weeks or so. Named after
> the school’s recruiting video, it features real
> life camera footage that helps introduce the
> church and school to newcomers. Just in time for
> an interim rector!

The videos “are already proving popular”.

“Should release in the next two weeks”.

How can they be popular if you haven’t released them? Popular with you and your long-suffering husband?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: He's in love. ()
Date: September 29, 2019 05:16PM

I honestly believe that this guy fell in love with Bob Malm and then became bitter and disillusioned when he was rejected. It's the ONLY thing that explains his behavior. He's like a bitter, vindictive ex-girlfriend that absolutely can't move on. He's so desperate for Bob Malm to still notice him. Like a spurned woman strutting around in the background while wearing slutty clothes in the fervent hope that the object of her hearts desire will notice her.

I bet that if Bob Malm ever said "yes" to him, he would come running back with tears of joy and gratitude running down his cheeks and dripping off his chin.

Get over it, man. He's just not that into you. :'(

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Sigmund Freud ()
Date: September 29, 2019 05:33PM

The subject shows all the classic signs of a rejection.

First from his mother who is dealing with a deadly disease plus the disappointment of raising a lunatic for a son.

Then rejected by the object of his desire and no hope of manlove from a strong father figure.

Lastly, his absolutely delusional behavior with the stalking and harassing.

Yes all classic signs. With years of medication and therapy he may one day again be a functioning member of society.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: LisaG ()
Date: September 29, 2019 06:08PM

Eric Bonetti never had a chance with Bob Malm. Bob has a beautiful wife, 4 loving children, and 3 beautiful grandchildren. He was never rejected from the Church. HE LEFT BECAUSE Bob didn’t choose him to be Sr. Warden. That’s why he’s always making up nonsense about Lisa Medley because she became the Sr. Warden. The Malm family were loved very much. There were 350 people in Church for Bob’s last Sunday and it was a beautiful service.Eric pulled his pathetic attempt to protest on Russell Rd. The police were watching him like a hawk. He is a very disturbed man! He needs psychiatric help!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Antonio Marks ()
Date: September 29, 2019 06:39PM

Why did he want to be Senior Warden so badly? Luckily the church saw he was crazy and he gave up Christianity a few days later, also running afoul of the law. I hope his mom gets better, but it doesn’t sound like she’s dying. That’s like saying we’re all dying because every day is a day closer to our deaths. What a nut.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Mob Balm ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:40PM

Simple. Clips are up now. Edited final version with sound track is a few weeks away.

Huh??? Wrote:
> Ha!!! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > With that 70k annual bill Dysfunctional Bob is
> > leaving for the church, I won’t be long. And
> the
> > videos of members are already proving popular.
> >
> > My new video, “Begin With Grace,” should
> > release in the next two weeks or so. Named
> after
> > the school’s recruiting video, it features
> real
> > life camera footage that helps introduce the
> > church and school to newcomers. Just in time
> for
> > an interim rector!
> The videos “are already proving popular”.
> “Should release in the next two weeks”.
> How can they be popular if you haven’t released
> them? Popular with you and your long-suffering
> husband?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: LMAO.... ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:45PM

And if you want to see how people at Grace talk to and about each other, Lisa is a perfect example.

And if she thinks Hambeast Malm is pretty, she needs her eyes examined.

But then, who but Hambeast would marry a man who imagines events that never happened?

Oh, and per my previous post, I requested a police presence following Bob’s little episode on Russell Road.

Bob Malm, perjuring priest.

LisaG Wrote:
> Eric Bonetti never had a chance with Bob Malm. Bob
> has a beautiful wife, 4 loving children, and 3
> beautiful grandchildren. He was never rejected
> from the Church. HE LEFT BECAUSE Bob didn’t
> choose him to be Sr. Warden. That’s why he’s
> always making up nonsense about Lisa Medley
> because she became the Sr. Warden. The Malm family
> were loved very much. There were 350 people in
> Church for Bob’s last Sunday and it was a
> beautiful service.Eric pulled his pathetic attempt
> to protest on Russell Rd. The police were watching
> him like a hawk. He is a very disturbed man! He
> needs psychiatric help!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Gglid ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:45PM

Mob Balm Wrote:
> Simple. Clips are up now. Edited final version
> with sound track is a few weeks away.

Up now? Where? Looking forward to watching them so I can see which citizens stood up to someone who threw a hissy fit because he wasn’t elected Senior Warden.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Match. ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:47PM

LMAO.... Wrote:
> But then, who but Hambeast would marry a man who
> imagines events that never happened?

Your ‘husband’ did.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: True to form.... ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:51PM

True to form, Lisa’s lying again. That’s how people at Grace respond to criticism.

But after Bob Malm’s perjury, Lisa seems relatively sane.

LisaG Wrote:
> Eric Bonetti never had a chance with Bob Malm. Bob
> has a beautiful wife, 4 loving children, and 3
> beautiful grandchildren. He was never rejected
> from the Church. HE LEFT BECAUSE Bob didn’t
> choose him to be Sr. Warden. That’s why he’s
> always making up nonsense about Lisa Medley
> because she became the Sr. Warden. The Malm family
> were loved very much. There were 350 people in
> Church for Bob’s last Sunday and it was a
> beautiful service.Eric pulled his pathetic attempt
> to protest on Russell Rd. The police were watching
> him like a hawk. He is a very disturbed man! He
> needs psychiatric help!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Funny thing... ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:55PM

The funny thing is that when Grace Episcopal collapses financially, Lisa will be one of those saying, “I just don’t understand it. Everyone was so nice.”

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Wendy Roeger ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:55PM

What a bombshell email from 4 years ago. How long after that did you give up Christianity?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Adam Schiff ()
Date: September 29, 2019 07:55PM

2015????? Are you FUCKING kidding me????

Not even I could find fault in something so old. And I can manufacture outrage for a lot of trivial things.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Gfnn in vcc ()
Date: September 29, 2019 08:01PM

Gave up Christianity in 2018, when I realized that most Christians are like Lisa—they’ll tell any sort of lie that they think helps their case, instead of actually showing some integrity. And any church that thinks that Bob Malm’s perjury is okay isn’t worth having.

Wendy Roeger Wrote:
> What a bombshell email from 4 years ago. How long
> after that did you give up Christianity?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Sad.... ()
Date: September 29, 2019 08:09PM

Gfnn in vcc Wrote:
> Gave up Christianity in 2018, when I realized that
> most Christians are like Lisa—they’ll tell any
> sort of lie that they think helps their case,
> instead of actually showing some integrity. And
> any church that thinks that Bob Malm’s perjury
> is okay isn’t worth having.
> Wendy Roeger Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What a bombshell email from 4 years ago. How
> long
> > after that did you give up Christianity?

Wow, I guess you were never really a believer if an interaction with one person destroys your faith. Made up any molestation stories recently?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Pretty typical ()
Date: September 29, 2019 08:15PM

Your comments are pretty typical for folks at Grace Church. So no surprise that the place is collapsing.

Speaking of, here’s what folks over at the Wartburg Watch had to say when Hambeast and Lisa Medley were posting about my situation.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: See the truth. ()
Date: September 29, 2019 09:07PM

Omg, you are soooooooooo in love with Bob Malm. You have literally constructed your entire life around him. You are the "Joker" to his "Batman". You are obsessed with him. I don't think I've ever seen a man with more of a twisted sexual obsession than you have for Bob Malm. Doesn't your husband care that you want Malm so badly? Isn't he sick of putting up with your bullshit? I bet he's already left you, hasn't he?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Typical Grace BS ()
Date: September 29, 2019 09:26PM

Sexualize things, like about things...that’s how folks at Grace are. And that’s how we wind up with Lisa G Medley’s kids writing things like the attached. Then the stupid fat ass can’t figure out why she’s got problems in her personal life.

Grace Church, toxic church.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Sigmund Freud ()
Date: September 29, 2019 09:58PM

Each of the psychosexual stages is associated with a particular conflict that must be resolved before the individual can successfully advance to the next stage.

Some people do not seem to be able to leave one stage and proceed on to the next. One reason for this may be that the needs of the developing individual at any particular stage may not have been adequately met in which case there is frustration. Or possibly the person's needs may have been so well satisfied that he/she is reluctant to leave the psychological benefits of a particular stage in which there is overindulgence.

Sexuality is Everyone's Weakness – and Strength: Sex is a prime motivator and common denominator for all of us. Even or perhaps especially, the most prudent, puritanical-appearing individuals struggle greatly against their sexual appetites and expression.

Our early relationships with parents and caregivers help us to form a “love map” that persists throughout our lives. This is sometimes referred to as “transference”. When we find a love object we are actually “re-finding” it. Hence the often recognized phenomenon of individuals who select partners that remind them of their mother/father.

That is the basis of the subject's obsession with Bob Malm.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Dr. Ruth ()
Date: September 30, 2019 04:34AM

Parishioners were very curious when they observed Lisa G. Medley rubbing Bob Malm’s lower back in public. Curious behavior for a married woman!

But then, after being called “childish and hateful,” I guess other signs that Lisa G. Medley is psychologically maladjusted come as no surprise.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Loony bin ()
Date: September 30, 2019 05:58AM

This is why we need to bring back asylums where crazies who refuse to take their meds, were just locked away from normal society.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Nope. ()
Date: September 30, 2019 09:30AM

Dr. Ruth Wrote:
> Parishioners were very curious when they observed
> Lisa G. Medley rubbing Bob Malm’s lower back in
> public. Curious behavior for a married woman!
> But then, after being called “childish and
> hateful,” I guess other signs that Lisa G.
> Medley is psychologically maladjusted come as no
> surprise.

They weren’t curious, because that didn’t happen. You have been out of the loop for many years now, my friend. All because you were so upset you didn’t get to be senior warden, due to your illegal drug usage that has led to mental problems.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Black Caulk ()
Date: September 30, 2019 09:38AM

Grace needs an active shooter. I hope it’s a Muslim, just so we have an excuse to exterminate them.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: XNYCY ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:00AM

OK, the SUnday referred to has past, this guy isn't rector any more. can we stop hearing about him now, whoever he is?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:55AM


Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Law Dog ()
Date: September 30, 2019 01:03PM

Black Caulk Wrote:
> Grace needs an active shooter. I hope it’s a
> Muslim, just so we have an excuse to exterminate
> them.

Making threats online of mass murder is quick way of getting a visit from the PoePoe. Yes, Cary will give your information up in a heartbeat.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Hambeast Malm ()
Date: September 30, 2019 07:07PM

Yeah, notice how folks at The Wartburg Watch said of Lisa Medley and Hambeast, “They seem sane to themselves....”

Welcome to Grace Episcopal, childish, hateful, and toxic.

Nope. Wrote:
> Dr. Ruth Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Parishioners were very curious when they
> observed
> > Lisa G. Medley rubbing Bob Malm’s lower back
> in
> > public. Curious behavior for a married woman!
> >
> > But then, after being called “childish and
> > hateful,” I guess other signs that Lisa G.
> > Medley is psychologically maladjusted come as
> no
> > surprise.
> They weren’t curious, because that didn’t
> happen. You have been out of the loop for many
> years now, my friend. All because you were so
> upset you didn’t get to be senior warden, due to
> your illegal drug usage that has led to mental
> problems.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Just wondering ()
Date: September 30, 2019 07:22PM

Do you all think Lisa G. Medley’s husband Howell’s clients know about Lisa’s homophobic, childish rants? http://medleystrategy.com/index.html

What about Lisa’s employer, Freddie Mac?


Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: My take ()
Date: September 30, 2019 07:27PM

Lisa G., like most mentally ill people, likes to project her own issues on others.

No wonder her life is a shambles.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: XNYCY ()
Date: September 30, 2019 07:37PM


He's not rector anymore, He's gone! Can we let this thread and all the other threads full of shitposts about this guy nobody cares about go away, now?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Lisa G ()
Date: September 30, 2019 09:24PM

My name is Lisa Gardner not Medley. Constantly blaming parishioners , which I am not. I am good friends with the Malm’s and several others. You are the compulsive liar, obsessed with Bob Malm, and blame everyone for your own mental illness. You need help.Bob’s time at Grace is over, so why don’t you move on. No matter what you write , blog , or put on your stupid signs Bob is well loved by Grace and you will never change it! Give it up!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: typical.... ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:05PM

And dolts like you can’t figure out why the place has lost 1/3 of its pledging units, and why attendance has dropped to its lowest level in history.

And no, the church still supports Bob’s perjury and other misconduct, so you can save your advice for moronic assholes like yourself. I will continue to oppose the church’s conduct, and have made arrangements for this to continue for many years to come, even after I am gone.

Oh, and by the way Bob was offered the chance to resolve our differences in 2015 in exchange for nothing more that his agreement to leave me and my family alone. He rejected that offer, so he’s getting exactly what he wanted. But stupid, lying, mentally ill fake Christians like you think perjury is okay and don’t bother to learn the facts. And I wouldn’t brag about being friends with someone who has a documented history of misusing funds and other misconduct.

And as long as you make imbecilic and homophobic comments and ad hominem attacks against other people, you’re simply going to further damage the church’s reputation and prove my underlying point. But you are too stupid to understand that.

Lisa G Wrote:
> My name is Lisa Gardner not Medley. Constantly
> blaming parishioners , which I am not. I am good
> friends with the Malm’s and several others. You
> are the compulsive liar, obsessed with Bob Malm,
> and blame everyone for your own mental illness.
> You need help.Bob’s time at Grace is over, so
> why don’t you move on. No matter what you write
> , blog , or put on your stupid signs Bob is well
> loved by Grace and you will never change it! Give
> it up!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Grace Episcopal ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:11PM

Documentation from Fairfax County of the church’s illegal misuse of memorial funds.

What kind of asshole deliberately misuses memorial funds to get at someone? The same asshole who tries to drag a dying woman into court and commits perjury.

Yup, that would be Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: PS ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:14PM

Twitizens love the screen caps of your posts! Every day, they tear away another chunk of Grace Church. Keep up the great work! People love seeing real-life examples to prove my point!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Lisa G. ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:31PM

Meanwhile, Lisa G keeps up the ugly rhetoric that got Grace Church and Bob Malm in trouble in the first place.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: So Sad. ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:35PM

It's amazing how much more energetic this guy is now that Bob Malm is gone. His whole world is crumbling into pieces now that he's lost the core motivation that kept him alive. He's flailing about like a drowning man, desperately reaching out for something to sustain him. Now that Bob Malm is gone, he's lost his only obsession, his greatest love, and the one thing that kept his heart beating. It's all so terribly sad.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: XNYCY ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:38PM

This guy, whoever he is and nobody cares anyhow, is GONE.

Let these shitpost infested threads about him DIE, already.

He;s gone, WHOE CARES?

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Lisa G ()
Date: September 30, 2019 10:49PM

Eric you are the perjurer and there where 5 witnesses from the Church, Detective Salas, and the lawyer that all agreed that you where lying in court. Your Mother didn’t have to appear in court. She was asked to write a statement but wouldn’t. Guess she didn’t want to lie for you. What about the imaginary Digby family you made up that where going to leave money to the Church. The Church’s lawyer went to Canada where the domain was added and paid for in your name. Compulsive liar that you are! All this has been one big lie for attention whether negative or positive. You are a sick man and it’s time you get help. Everyone at Church and the Day school know how mentally ill you are.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: CTMHD ()
Date: September 30, 2019 11:01PM

Okay, Pastor Bob Malm is gone now. Stop shitposting.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Not yet ()
Date: September 30, 2019 11:08PM

But I like to listen to the crazy man ramble. It's a really good cautionary example for people to take care of their mental health.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: 123456 ()
Date: October 01, 2019 12:09AM

You need help. Seriously, you set up an account ‘LisaG’ to pretend to be me. It exposes that you looked me up online and found a formally legal name. Then you posted several posts pretending to me and used those posts to trash you. I wish you well and hope you can finally move on. It’s time. Take care.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: October 01, 2019 02:06AM

Once again, you’re lying Lisa.

Bob’s subpoena of mom was quashed and a protective order issued against Bob, as his effort is illegal under Pennsylvania law. Moreover:

- Bob has never once been contacted by my mom or anyone purporting to be her to set up an appointment, despite his claim in writing, made under oath, while advised by Jeff Chiow. Just ask Bob for his proof. Bob is a liar and a perjurer. So if I were lying, I would be following the example of my priest

- There is no Canadian “domain.”

- Bob repeatedly lied to the police.

- Even when ordered by the court to do so, Bob refused to specify how he’d been threatened, yet he claimed that in writing, under oath.

So, you can support Bob and his perjury all you want, but that doesn’t change the reality.

Bob Malm is a perjurer.

Lisa G Wrote:
> Eric you are the perjurer and there where 5
> witnesses from the Church, Detective Salas, and
> the lawyer that all agreed that you where lying in
> court. Your Mother didn’t have to appear in
> court. She was asked to write a statement but
> wouldn’t. Guess she didn’t want to lie for
> you. What about the imaginary Digby family you
> made up that where going to leave money to the
> Church. The Church’s lawyer went to Canada where
> the domain was added and paid for in your name.
> Compulsive liar that you are! All this has been
> one big lie for attention whether negative or
> positive. You are a sick man and it’s time you
> get help. Everyone at Church and the Day school
> know how mentally ill you are.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: October 01, 2019 02:08AM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Yet again, Lisa Delivers ()
Date: October 01, 2019 02:10AM

You have to hand it to Lisa, She still doesn’t get that, even if everything she says is true, her putting stuff here is not a Christian response . But, hanging out with perjuring priest Bob Malm, what do you expect?

Grace Episcopal at its finest.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: October 01, 2019 02:13AM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Grace Episcopal, toxic church

Lisa G, typically toxic member.

Bob Malm, perjuring priest Wrote:
> Once again, you’re lying Lisa.
> Bob’s subpoena of mom was quashed and a
> protective order issued against Bob, as his effort
> is illegal under Pennsylvania law. Moreover:
> - Bob has never once been contacted by my mom or
> anyone purporting to be her to set up an
> appointment, despite his claim in writing, made
> under oath, while advised by Jeff Chiow. Just ask
> Bob for his proof. Bob is a liar and a perjurer.
> So if I were lying, I would be following the
> example of my priest
> - There is no Canadian “domain.”
> - Bob repeatedly lied to the police.
> - Even when ordered by the court to do so, Bob
> refused to specify how he’d been threatened, yet
> he claimed that in writing, under oath.
> So, you can support Bob and his perjury all you
> want, but that doesn’t change the reality.
> Bob Malm is a perjurer.
> Lisa G Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Eric you are the perjurer and there where 5
> > witnesses from the Church, Detective Salas, and
> > the lawyer that all agreed that you where lying
> in
> > court. Your Mother didn’t have to appear in
> > court. She was asked to write a statement but
> > wouldn’t. Guess she didn’t want to lie for
> > you. What about the imaginary Digby family you
> > made up that where going to leave money to the
> > Church. The Church’s lawyer went to Canada
> where
> > the domain was added and paid for in your name.
> > Compulsive liar that you are! All this has been
> > one big lie for attention whether negative or
> > positive. You are a sick man and it’s time
> you
> > get help. Everyone at Church and the Day school
> > know how mentally ill you are.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Spicil ()
Date: October 01, 2019 05:11AM

Lisa G Wrote:
> Eric you are the perjurer and there where 5
> witnesses from the Church, Detective Salas, and
> the lawyer that all agreed that you where lying in
> court. Your Mother didn’t have to appear in
> court. She was asked to write a statement but
> wouldn’t. Guess she didn’t want to lie for
> you. What about the imaginary Digby family you
> made up that where going to leave money to the
> Church. The Church’s lawyer went to Canada where
> the domain was added and paid for in your name.
> Compulsive liar that you are! All this has been
> one big lie for attention whether negative or
> positive. You are a sick man and it’s time you
> get help. Everyone at Church and the Day school
> know how mentally ill you are.

Hahahaha, oh man she got you good!!!

Keep posting dude, I always have a good chuckle at your mental illness. Whenever someone confronts you with facts you post a childish picture. It’s like talking to democrats!

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Yup, that’s Grace Church ()
Date: October 01, 2019 07:47AM

Yup, that’s Grace Church for you. All about “getting people good.”

In fact, it’s interesting to correlate Lisa’s comments with conduct in the parish. She claims everyone there knows that I’m mentally ill, which no doubt explains why parishioners roll past with the one-gun salute to Jesus. That’s how most Christians deal with people they believe to be mentally ill.

Such a great model for kids at Grace School! All this and a perjuring priest for 20K annual tuition.


Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Happy to help ()
Date: October 01, 2019 08:37AM

All this because you weren’t elected senior warden? Let it go! As for the illegal drugs you use, there are treatment facilities.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Another Redskins loss! ()
Date: October 01, 2019 08:38AM

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: XNYCY ()
Date: October 01, 2019 09:01AM

OK. this is Tuesday. His last day was Sunday. He's been gone almost 2 days. Can we stop shitposting about this guy nobody cares about? Can we let all these shitpost threads about this guy, whoever he is, die,now?

He's gone; MOVE ON.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Just getting started ()
Date: October 01, 2019 09:12AM

XNYCY Wrote:
> OK. this is Tuesday. His last day was Sunday.
> He's been gone almost 2 days. Can we stop
> shitposting about this guy nobody cares about?
> Can we let all these shitpost threads about this
> guy, whoever he is, die,now?
> He's gone; MOVE ON.

Bob Malm, perjurings priest.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: _\\ ()
Date: October 01, 2019 09:14AM

Uh, how was she unable to use the phone when she posted pictures of herself getting shitfaced on alcohol at the same time? Seems like someone’s story is falling apart, very publicly.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: You mean this picture? ()
Date: October 01, 2019 10:02AM

_\\ Wrote:
> Uh, how was she unable to use the phone when she
> posted pictures of herself getting shitfaced on
> alcohol at the same time? Seems like someone’s
> story is falling apart, very publicly.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Sorta like Bob ()
Date: October 01, 2019 04:07PM

Getting shitfaced in this pic.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: You Need Help ()
Date: October 01, 2019 04:43PM

With Malhm gone, you're forced to make up issues with the church using anonymous message board posts from fake parishioners.

It's so obvious.

It's over. Move on.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: October 01, 2019 04:57PM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: XNYCY ()
Date: October 01, 2019 05:07PM

Let the thread and all the other ones about this guy DIE.

Nobody cares about this guy, who he is, who he was, what he did or what he didn't do.

He's gone. It's time to MOVE ON.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: October 01, 2019 07:35PM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Grace Episcopal, perjuring parish

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: FKAU ()
Date: October 02, 2019 08:45AM

No one gives a fuck you asshole. Fuck u and fuck this fucking rector for causing u such distress you hijacked this website with thousands of bull shit posts.you fucking asshole

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: October 02, 2019 08:57AM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: xnycy ()
Date: October 02, 2019 08:58AM

HE IS GONE, already! Be glad! Be happy! Stop all of these shitposts about a guy nobody knows or cares about.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: October 02, 2019 10:29AM

Actually, Perjuring Bob is still lurking, right here in Alexandria.

Coming soon to a golf course near you!

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Update!! ()
Date: October 02, 2019 11:01AM

Link to an article about the Grace Church situation.


Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: October 05, 2019 09:15PM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Grace Episcopal, the clergy perjury parish

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: You know it. ()
Date: October 05, 2019 10:55PM

This is just Eric anonymously shit posting about himself because no one will pay him attention anymore. Just don't respond and he'll attention-starve to death.

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: You know it ()
Date: October 06, 2019 09:12AM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Grace Episcopal, the clergy perjury parish

Re: Sunday is Bob Malm’s Last as Rector
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: October 13, 2019 01:11PM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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