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What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Allen. ()
Date: July 14, 2019 10:14PM

We must know. Corruption in the finest. We need answers!!!!


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Bbhff ()
Date: July 14, 2019 10:15PM

We demand justice! No justice, no peace!

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: lkjolijh ()
Date: July 15, 2019 12:26AM

Violent criminal history; Carjacking, kidnapping, illegal firearm, grand larceny, burglary. home invasion. Probably picked a fight with the wrong guy. Happens in jails 24/7. Don't commit crimes and you wont go to a violent jail. Look at his record on General District court

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Ho Ho Ho we laugh! ()
Date: July 15, 2019 12:28PM

Sounds like a useless piece of shit and a good candidate to die off.

I'm going out for a Slurpee!

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Oreilly ()
Date: July 16, 2019 06:33PM

No human should deserve to die. Unless you kill someone and justice sentenced you to death penalty. No matter what this guy did he was sentenced to jail time to pay his dues to society and learn his lesson to not do it again. 18 years old is young and without the right support network we will do mistakes at this age. We all been throu that age. And he shouldn’t got his life cut short without given the chance to re-enter society and do good. I learned in my life that if you let injustice happens around you it will get to you next. So, serving one year in jail is not justification to end that person’s life.
Hopefully, his family get closure and justice for their son.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Prison bound ()
Date: July 16, 2019 08:30PM

Oreilly Wrote:
> No human should deserve to die. Unless you kill
> someone and justice sentenced you to death
> penalty. No matter what this guy did he was
> sentenced to jail time to pay his dues to society
> and learn his lesson to not do it again. 18 years
> old is young and without the right support network
> we will do mistakes at this age. We all been throu
> that age. And he shouldn’t got his life cut
> short without given the chance to re-enter society
> and do good. I learned in my life that if you let
> injustice happens around you it will get to you
> next. So, serving one year in jail is not
> justification to end that person’s life.
> Hopefully, his family get closure and justice for
> their son.

He was looking at 10 years in prison at the VERY LEAST! Look at his charges. Depends on the jury, judge, lawyers, etc. Carjacking alone is 10-20. Then the other charges could be concurrent or consecutive. If they throw the book at him then 25 years. It is sad he died. No question about it. Do we know how he died? I think we need to know. He does have a GoFundMe page everybody! Donate if you can to help his family.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Cold blooded County ()
Date: July 16, 2019 08:36PM

Fairfax courts are ruthless man. Wow! They added another charge to Mr Green for a felon not appearing July 15 for court. Unreal! The poor guy died a week ago.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Nigger muzzies ()
Date: July 16, 2019 08:40PM

This is what sheriff Kincaid calls “garbage removal.”
Bye sandnigger that swallowed crack rocks.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Local Law guy B ()
Date: July 16, 2019 08:59PM

Prison bound Wrote:
> Oreilly Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No human should deserve to die. Unless you kill
> > someone and justice sentenced you to death
> > penalty. No matter what this guy did he was
> > sentenced to jail time to pay his dues to
> society
> > and learn his lesson to not do it again. 18
> years
> > old is young and without the right support
> network
> > we will do mistakes at this age. We all been
> throu
> > that age. And he shouldn’t got his life cut
> > short without given the chance to re-enter
> society
> > and do good. I learned in my life that if you
> let
> > injustice happens around you it will get to you
> > next. So, serving one year in jail is not
> > justification to end that person’s life.
> > Hopefully, his family get closure and justice
> for
> > their son.
> He was looking at 10 years in prison at the VERY
> LEAST! Look at his charges. Depends on the jury,
> judge, lawyers, etc. Carjacking alone is 10-20.
> Then the other charges could be concurrent or
> consecutive. If they throw the book at him then 25
> years. It is sad he died. No question about it. Do
> we know how he died? I think we need to know. He
> does have a GoFundMe page everybody! Donate if you
> can to help his family.

10 years? The Virginia law is clear and simple. Armed Carjacking, yes he was armed, is a mandatory MINIMUM 15 YEARS! Sorry for the facts. Plus the abduction charge. He was looking at 20 years at the least even with Greenspun. It could have been a suicide because of the death being about a week before his court date. We really need to know how he died though.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Moron from west coast ()
Date: July 17, 2019 07:24AM

> Armed Carjacking, yes he was armed, is a mandatory
> MINIMUM 15 YEARS! Sorry for the facts. Plus the
> abduction charge. He was looking at 20 years at
> the least even with Greenspun. It could have been
> a suicide because of the death being about a week
> before his court date. We really need to know how
> he died
Greenjew does amazing things??? Not really. You just assssssume you know all the codes in VA. Greenjew knows the laws.
More n more cases like this are being noelle prosequi bc of the liberal slant of the county!
Commonwealth is elected.....more soft-on-crime residents.....vote for “their” commonwealth attorney. Look what happens in Arlington Co with the new sandnigger coal burner atty.

Just sit back and watch.

Ffx county tryna be like big bro Chicago.

We all hate Chicago.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: YiKKKes ()
Date: July 17, 2019 07:30AM

Take out “sand nigger” and “coal burner” and I agree with you 100%.

Ten years ago, some kids of illegals, would beat a kid to death re: ms-13.
This was some Langley park problem.
Now, these gangs are in ffx county hs!

Now, they are using machetes!!

Now, they’re using accotink
to store dead bodies.

Lot of these “kids” have parents that arrived illegally.

Let Sha’kez Rest In Peace dammit!
Posted by: Jasminee ()
Date: July 29, 2019 12:41PM

All y’all speaking down on him didn’t know him. If your white uncle had the same criminal history would you think he deserved to die? No . Regardless of his record he was a funny caring and very lovable person. I know he didn’t make the best choices while he was here but who doesn’t make mistakes? Why are you guys still attempting to punish him for his crimes when he’s resting peacefully. And whatever underground shit this is getting taken down ASAP. Y’all sitting here gossiping ab a boy that is gone, who in no way shape or form can defend him self. And if you still have something to say about him your more than likely to email me so I can beat the shit outta you and if your a nigga I got someone for that too jasfrmdb@gmail.com

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Laquanna ()
Date: July 30, 2019 10:24PM

We still don't know he this young brother died. I think we deserve to know. Tragic case of negligence at Fairfax Jail again.

Re: Let Sha’kez Rest In Peace dammit!
Posted by: Shaqueesha B ()
Date: July 30, 2019 10:33PM

Jasminee Wrote:
> All y’all speaking down on him didn’t know
> him. If your white uncle had the same criminal
> history would you think he deserved to die? No .
> Regardless of his record he was a funny caring and
> very lovable person. I know he didn’t make the
> best choices while he was here but who doesn’t
> make mistakes? Why are you guys still attempting
> to punish him for his crimes when he’s resting
> peacefully. And whatever underground shit this is
> getting taken down ASAP. Y’all sitting here
> gossiping ab a boy that is gone, who in no way
> shape or form can defend him self. And if you
> still have something to say about him your more
> than likely to email me so I can beat the shit
> outta you and if your a nigga I got someone for
> that too jasfrmdb@gmail.com

You are so right girl. I cant stand these cowards on this website. They are some cracker ass bitches who hide behind a keyboard talking shit.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: I knew Sha ()
Date: July 30, 2019 11:01PM

Heard he got aids from a punk.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Shaqueesha B ()
Date: July 30, 2019 11:06PM

I knew Sha Wrote:
> Heard he got aids from a punk.

You the punk ass bitch. You white motherfucker. All you white crackers on this pathetic website need to shut the fuck up.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: update? ()
Date: August 07, 2019 03:35PM

Why no cause of death update? I am disgusted with Fairfax Jail so much. We need answers Sheriff Kincade

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Rameka ()
Date: August 07, 2019 04:28PM

Them cracker ass honky motherfuckers killed him in the jail and aren't saying shit about how he died. Lawsuit should be coming against the racist Fairfax Jail

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: PissedOffAndArmedDontPushMe ()
Date: August 14, 2019 11:24AM

All of you hide behind a computer screen....trust me NO ONE deserves to die and you did not know him personally, I did. This kid so was such a loving, wonderful guy...the issue was his momma. I have witnessed her abuse the f**k out of this boy.....she was always putting him on the streets when she got mad he did what he had to do to survive and while I do not agree with his choices - please note he was also mentally ill and known to use drugs to medicate - it was nothing but survival of an abused child with no structure or guidance on how to be a man.....this bi**h (his momma) also put up a go fund me but never had a funeral....IDK WTF she did with the money but interestingly enough no FB posts about her son and she only has one very old pic of him on her FB, all the other photos are the other/favored children.....I loved Sha-Kez and felt bad for him...I hope he died knowing at least one of us cared......So you can say what you want about anyone, your choice but just know you eventually will meet your maker and will have to answer for your actions..rot in hell haters...rest in peace Sha-kez

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Reggie P ()
Date: August 14, 2019 07:39PM

PissedOffAndArmedDontPushMe Wrote:
> All of you hide behind a computer screen....trust
> me NO ONE deserves to die and you did not know him
> personally, I did. This kid so was such a loving,
> wonderful guy...the issue was his momma. I have
> witnessed her abuse the f**k out of this
> boy.....she was always putting him on the streets
> when she got mad he did what he had to do to
> survive and while I do not agree with his choices
> - please note he was also mentally ill and known
> to use drugs to medicate - it was nothing but
> survival of an abused child with no structure or
> guidance on how to be a man.....this bi**h (his
> momma) also put up a go fund me but never had a
> funeral....IDK WTF she did with the money but
> interestingly enough no FB posts about her son and
> she only has one very old pic of him on her FB,
> all the other photos are the other/favored
> children.....I loved Sha-Kez and felt bad for
> him...I hope he died knowing at least one of us
> cared......So you can say what you want about
> anyone, your choice but just know you eventually
> will meet your maker and will have to answer for
> your actions..rot in hell haters...rest in peace
> Sha-kez

Well said! With that being said, why no report on how this young brother died? Was he murdered? Suicide? We need to know. RIP Sha-Kez.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Cell block grapevine ()
Date: August 14, 2019 08:12PM

Boy got caught blowing some dude in the drunk tank. He probably Epsteined himself out of embarrassment.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Cell block grapevine ()
Date: August 14, 2019 08:12PM

Boy got caught blowing some dude in the drunk tank. He probably Epsteined himself out of embarrassment.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Heather P ()
Date: August 14, 2019 11:06PM

Cell block grapevine Wrote:
> Boy got caught blowing some dude in the drunk
> tank. He probably Epsteined himself out of
> embarrassment.
Fuck off with that kind of talk behind a keyboard.A human being died in jail and didn't deserve this and we the public have no idea how it happened. Sheriff Kincaid, can we get some answers please?

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: BaristaPLEASE ()
Date: August 15, 2019 12:10PM

People die everyday, sometimes they do it in jail. The BIG question is why the cameras in the ADC don't record. ALSO, from a feasibility standpoint how come the jailers aren't wearing body worn cameras?

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Jay624 ()
Date: August 24, 2019 05:44AM

Fuck you

Re: Let Sha’kez Rest In Peace dammit!
Posted by: Resting peacefully? ()
Date: August 25, 2019 06:54AM

Jasminee Wrote:
> All y’all speaking down on him didn’t know
> him. If your white uncle had the same criminal
> history would you think he deserved to die? No .
> Regardless of his record he was a funny caring and
> very lovable person. I know he didn’t make the
> best choices while he was here but who doesn’t
> make mistakes? Why are you guys still attempting
> to punish him for his crimes when he’s resting
> peacefully. And whatever underground shit this is
> getting taken down ASAP. Y’all sitting here
> gossiping ab a boy that is gone, who in no way
> shape or form can defend him self. And if you
> still have something to say about him your more
> than likely to email me so I can beat the shit
> outta you and if your a nigga I got someone for
> that too jasfrmdb@gmail.com

He's not "resting peacefully".

He is being tormented by demons and the flames of hell. People who steal things are punished in the afterlife. Sha-Kez or whatever his stupid name is will suffer for eternity.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Shame on You ()
Date: September 05, 2019 05:28PM

You people are so disgusting and to the person who spoke on his mother my sister, how do you know how she treated her child? She loved her son and did everything in Her power to save Sha’kez, our children don’t come with instructions and when mental illness is a key factor it’s a triple threat. Please speak facts and not lies people It is true he had mental illness unless you know what it is like to live with it please keep your ride disrespectful comments to yourself. To the person who placed him I. Hell with demons leave the judging to God last I checked he wasn’t hiring for the judgment bench. Some of you need to find your hearts and pray your children never have to endure mental illness. People speaking on him not having a funeral please call a funeral home and ask how much a casket, embalming, the hearse, clothing, and cremation cost then look at the go fund me and tell me if she had enough? You people are sick I’m praying for you all at the same time and you racist folk are just sad.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: fervebe ()
Date: September 05, 2019 06:44PM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Sha-Kez owed me $$$ ()
Date: September 05, 2019 09:10PM

Is his family going to square up?

Re: Let Sha’kez Rest In Peace dammit!
Posted by: Black parent ()
Date: September 07, 2019 10:18PM

Resting peacefully? Wrote:
> Jasminee Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > All y’all speaking down on him didn’t know
> > him. If your white uncle had the same criminal
> > history would you think he deserved to die? No
> .
> > Regardless of his record he was a funny caring
> and
> > very lovable person. I know he didn’t make
> the
> > best choices while he was here but who
> doesn’t
> > make mistakes? Why are you guys still
> attempting
> > to punish him for his crimes when he’s
> resting
> > peacefully. And whatever underground shit this
> is
> > getting taken down ASAP. Y’all sitting here
> > gossiping ab a boy that is gone, who in no way
> > shape or form can defend him self. And if you
> > still have something to say about him your more
> > than likely to email me so I can beat the shit
> > outta you and if your a nigga I got someone for
> > that too jasfrmdb@gmail.com
> He's not "resting peacefully".
> He is being tormented by demons and the flames of
> hell. People who steal things are punished in the
> afterlife. Sha-Kez or whatever his stupid name is
> will suffer for eternity.

So all the white slave owners are in hell? They stole humans for labor. Sha Kez made some mistakes but stop the nonsense. Do we even know how he died yet? Was he murdered? Suicide? Heart attack? This is so bad.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Nova Green ()
Date: October 15, 2019 09:42AM

My Big brother didn't deserve to die in jail. I talked to him before the tragic death happened and him and I had plans. I just want to know what happened to my brother and justice be served. My Instagram is Iamkreativenova... RIP MY BROTHER

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Nova green ()
Date: October 15, 2019 10:02AM

Well you aint getting that no more. Leave my brother alone ill square up

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Lawsuit? ()
Date: October 15, 2019 11:04AM

I am so sorry that your brother died. I hope and pray that you hire a lawyer and get all the money you ask for. RIP Sha-Kez.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: November 17, 2019 11:25AM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Ka’Nyia ()
Date: November 18, 2019 01:59PM

nobody on this site knows what me and my family have been going through for 4 months. we loved shakez so much words couldn’t even explain i am his younger sister and what happened to my brother with haunt me for the rest of my life. me reading these comments literally make me laugh because nobody knew him like we did the good moments and the bad moments. i would give up anything to have my brother back in my arms again but if god said he could come back and still be in jail i wouldn’t want him back hurting and suffering anymore.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Hunnngry Hippo ()
Date: November 21, 2019 04:15PM

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: The truth hurts ()
Date: November 12, 2020 09:10PM

aye real life, this nigga died a dirty ass nigga, a thief and a fucking rapist (he raped his own family, (they swept it under the rug, she got no justice) and i do not fuck with that. the energy you put out is the energy you get back. it’s sad that his family wants everyone to see the “good” in a nigga who killed himself because all the bad shit started catching up to him. his “family” failed him, enabled his bad energy until it killed him. now he just a name on the internet. we smokin on that Sha-kez Pack.

also, if we being real. this nigga did not go to heaven. will not go to heaven.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Date: November 28, 2020 06:57PM

You aint gangsta enough to put your name nor address to get dealt with though right? Because if you was you would have put your name and email. You can say whatever you want about him but at the end of the day, he was a human just like you. If your family members did anything like Kez did would you be talking this shit about them? No, you wouldn't, He was my dawg man, kind and lighthearted at that. Despite the mistakes he made he was still loved and deserves to be respected. You're not about to speak on my dead man without getting dealt with .

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Nigga Please ()
Date: November 28, 2020 07:24PM

Drop your addy bitch Wrote:
> You aint gangsta enough to put your name nor
> address to get dealt with though right? Because if
> you was you would have put your name and email.
> You can say whatever you want about him but at the
> end of the day, he was a human just like you. If
> your family members did anything like Kez did
> would you be talking this shit about them? No, you
> wouldn't, He was my dawg man, kind and
> lighthearted at that. Despite the mistakes he made
> he was still loved and deserves to be respected.
> You're not about to speak on my dead man without
> getting dealt with .

Suck a black dick scumbag.

Re: Let Sha’kez Rest In Peace dammit!
Posted by: Pot and kettle ()
Date: November 29, 2020 03:29PM

I’ll throw the first stone. I had an uncle who died in prison. He was a pos criminal and only missed by my grandmother. The dead punk was also a pos. Society is far better off with him dead and gone.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Pot and kettle ()
Date: November 29, 2020 03:37PM

PissedOffAndArmedDontPushMe Wrote:
> All of you hide behind a computer screen....trust
> me NO ONE deserves to die and you did not know him
> personally, I did. This kid so was such a loving,
> wonderful guy...the issue was his momma. I have
> witnessed her abuse the f**k out of this
> boy.....she was always putting him on the streets
> when she got mad he did what he had to do to
> survive and while I do not agree with his choices
> - please note he was also mentally ill and known
> to use drugs to medicate - it was nothing but
> survival of an abused child with no structure or
> guidance on how to be a man.....this bi**h (his
> momma) also put up a go fund me but never had a
> funeral....IDK WTF she did with the money but
> interestingly enough no FB posts about her son and
> she only has one very old pic of him on her FB,
> all the other photos are the other/favored
> children.....I loved Sha-Kez and felt bad for
> him...I hope he died knowing at least one of us
> cared......So you can say what you want about
> anyone, your choice but just know you eventually
> will meet your maker and will have to answer for
> your actions..rot in hell haters...rest in peace
> Sha-kez

No excuses. He was a pos criminal and we are safer with him dead. As for my maker, I’m comfortable with my choices. I’m also sure your buddy is burning with old Nick’s pitchfork in his butt.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Pot and kettle ()
Date: November 29, 2020 03:40PM

Ka’Nyia Wrote:
> nobody on this site knows what me and my family
> have been going through for 4 months. we loved
> shakez so much words couldn’t even explain i am
> his younger sister and what happened to my brother
> with haunt me for the rest of my life. me reading
> these comments literally make me laugh because
> nobody knew him like we did the good moments and
> the bad moments. i would give up anything to have
> my brother back in my arms again but if god said
> he could come back and still be in jail i
> wouldn’t want him back hurting and suffering
> anymore.

I care about the suffering of your brother’s victims, not that dead pos. Move to Maryland. That way you all can continue your crime wave without fear of jail.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: November 29, 2020 03:47PM

Nova Green Wrote:
> My Big brother didn't deserve to die in jail. I
> talked to him before the tragic death happened and
> him and I had plans. I just want to know what
> happened to my brother and justice be served. My
> Instagram is Iamkreativenova... RIP MY BROTHER

Sounds like justice was served. BTW, where on earth did you go to school?

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Huh?? ()
Date: November 29, 2020 03:51PM

KhaMari Wrote:
> Leave my family alone and DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY

Your brother’s criminal record is all we need to know about him. He was scum. He gets the exact same “respect” he showed to his victims.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Holly smelly Wookiee Batman! ()
Date: November 29, 2020 04:59PM

Cell block grapevine Wrote:
> Boy got caught blowing some dude in the drunk
> tank. He probably Epsteined himself out of
> embarrassment.

Why would Hillary have a boy killed for blowing some dude in the drunk tank?

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: NXHCC ()
Date: November 30, 2020 10:38AM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: NKKWL ()
Date: November 30, 2020 09:51PM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: JWYUC ()
Date: December 05, 2020 08:23AM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: K3PUU ()
Date: December 05, 2020 09:34PM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: CEKTL ()
Date: December 06, 2020 02:25PM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: WTNUN ()
Date: December 06, 2020 06:04PM


Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: March 09, 2021 10:53AM

For the people who talking shit u a bitch on me u is u don’t my brother and wat he did the record dont me shit to me like half of y’all niggas is some white and some of y’all is niggas that don’t know us so if u got shit to stay say to my face and u better step harder cause I sure am so wat I scared of the cops fuck the cops

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Great post girl ()
Date: March 09, 2021 11:38AM

KhaMari Wrote:
> For the people who talking shit u a bitch on me u
> is u don’t my brother and wat he did the record
> dont me shit to me like half of y’all niggas is
> some white and some of y’all is niggas that
> don’t know us so if u got shit to stay say to my
> face and u better step harder cause I sure am so
> wat I scared of the cops fuck the cops

Sha-Kez is proud of you.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: March 26, 2021 03:29PM

I bet if my cousin was still here y’all would not say it to his face on me u wouldn’t that’s the funny and how u goin talk shit about someone u don’t know like if I talk about y’all family it would be wrong so y y’all doin to him so stop talkin about him y’all think it’s a joke too.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Sure KhaMari ()
Date: March 26, 2021 05:19PM

I bet if your cuz was here he'd still be in jail.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: What are you saying? ()
Date: March 26, 2021 05:33PM

KhaMari Wrote:
> I bet if my cousin was still here y’all would
> not say it to his face on me u wouldn’t that’s
> the funny and how u goin talk shit about someone u
> don’t know like if I talk about y’all family
> it would be wrong so y y’all doin to him so stop
> talkin about him y’all think it’s a joke too.

So he was a violent guy who liked to fight? Glad he's no longer here, so is the rest of civilization.

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Black Caulk ()
Date: March 26, 2021 06:34PM

The only thing worse than a nigger is a sand nigger

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: Why was Sha’kez ()
Date: March 26, 2021 10:02PM

so violent? Was he butt raped by the Taliban when he was a little boy?

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: March 26, 2021 11:17PM

Nigga wats up wat u tryin do boi cause u doin all that talkin but if u was in jail with him and we told him u said that good luck but u can fight me and my brothers

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: March 26, 2021 11:17PM

Nigga wats up wat u tryin do boi cause u doin all that talkin but if u was in jail with him and we told him u said that good luck but u can fight me and my brothers

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: March 26, 2021 11:17PM

Nigga wats up wat u tryin do boi cause u doin all that talkin but if u was in jail with him and we told him u said that good luck but u can fight me and my brothers

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: March 26, 2021 11:17PM

Nigga wats up wat u tryin do boi cause u doin all that talkin but if u was in jail with him and we told him u said that good luck but u can fight me and my brothers

Re: What happened to Sha-Kez Amir Green?!
Posted by: KhaMari ()
Date: March 26, 2021 11:17PM

Nigga wats up wat u tryin do boi cause u doin all that talkin but if u was in jail with him and we told him u said that good luck but u can fight me and my brothers

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