Dumb idiot cops
Posted by:
The Economist.com
Date: July 05, 2005 09:30PM
Earlier, I'm cruising down 50 east (Fairfax BLVD I guess?) and comming up on the shirley gate light. I am trying to make a right onto shirley gate to get to 29. As I approach the light, I see a truck accelerating in the right lane because he had been braking but the light was now green. Then I see a grey eclipse run the red light, and a cop who had just begun accelerating through the intersection in the left lane bust a 90 degree rightwards turn (almost like he was going for a double play, it was lighting fast), CUT OVER INTO THE RIGHT LANE TO CHASE THE "RED LIGHT RUNNER". The truck slammed on it's brakes and came I'm guessing about 3-4 feet from hitting the cops rear quarter panel/bumper. It was scary to watch.
It reminded me of the time that we were going to Best Buy in Springfield and just had gotten out of our car. As we walked towards the lot, we heard yelling and saw 4-5 cops/store security officers running out after a hispanic male. They tackled him, handcuffed him, and began to search him. About a minute later, we hear tires squealing and we see a cop flying into the parking lot. As a rough estimate, he was probobly going about 50 mph. We see his lights come on half way through the lot and his sirens chirp once. 3 seconds later he takes a turn going about 20-25 mph and some random woman who was pulling out minding her own business tbones the police officer. The cop gets out and yells for the woman to get out of the car and is about to arrest her too. Then, another officer comes over and diffuses the situation. THe woman is in complete disbelief. The police car was fine, only a bit of damage but the entire front end of the woman's SUV was trashed. Then, the police officer (the driver mind you) had the GALL to try to charge her w/ an accident and some other outrageous charge (like hindering a police investigation). When I went and told one of the cops (there were 15 there by this time) that the woman was slowly pulling out, he basically told me to fuck off.
I'm not sure what happened to the woman, but after shopping we asked one of the employees on smoke break outside what had happened. They replied that the guy had tried to steal a couple of DVD's.
Tell me that's not outrageous.