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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 16, 2019 01:30PM

Your financial understandings are remarkably stunted. Those who use unsecured credit are last-resorters who lack the collateral or other means of avoiding the high costs and inconveniences imposed by the rapacious lenders who dominate that low-level market. You further seem to believe that wealthy persons are somehow denied the credit card features that every Tom, Dick, and Harry somehow manages access to. That’s what we call dumb.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 16, 2019 01:35PM

There is no cost associated with unsecured credit if you have the means to pay off the balance on a monthly basis. You clearly can't manage that task. It explains why you need to borrow against your home to make a mundane trip to Florida.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 16, 2019 03:29PM

You’re a pauper in more than one sense of the word. A man of more means would easily have understood a credit line as something underlying a broad range of receipts and outlays, a $15,000 (actual) week in the land of free breakfasts being but one among them. Such an instrument would better be viewed as one tool in a broad strategy for effective financial management. Not that nickel-and-diners would have any actual need for that.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 16, 2019 03:42PM

Nickle and diners. LOL! Guess that explains why you can't come up with $15K to pay for a mundane trip to FL and had to pay interest on it. At least they had complimentary breakfast. Otherwise, you might have had to resort to taking a title loan on your clunker. LOL!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 16, 2019 05:25PM

Yeah, get on those typos. LOL! That will make you feel a whole lot better in light of all that other painful inferiority.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 16, 2019 06:12PM

Because of your childish reactions to all criticism, making fun of your typos will indeed continue. Yeah, so inferior that I don’t need to borrow against my home equity to take a mundane trip to FL with the inability to pay it off when due. Dope.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 16, 2019 06:39PM

seven figure city Wrote:99999
> Because of your childish reactions to all criticism, making fun
> of your typos will indeed continue.

LOL! Typos are all you've got. They are the top tier of your ramen noodle-like diet here. After typos. it's just outright lies that you have to work with.

> Yeah, so inferior that I don’t need to borrow against my home
> equity to take a mundane trip to FL with the inability to pay
> it off when due. Dope.

Trips, like everything else that you don't actually do, simply cycle through the system. I could conceivably walk in tomorrow and pay off both the equity line and the primary mortgage as well, but as you are too much of a financial stooge to be able to comprehend, flow differentials indicate that such would not be a financially savvy play to make.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 16, 2019 07:50PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> LOL! Typos are all you've got. They are the top
> tier of your ramen noodle-like diet here. After
> typos. it's just outright lies that you have to
> work with.

Lies like trying to pass off stock golf photos of your own? Or that your parents are still kicking it over in Brookmont? Face it, I've embarrassed you so thoroughly and outclassed you at every corner that you've been reduced to nothing but lies. You're entire existence here is one lie after another in a feeble and obvious attempt to keep pace with me. I'm so in your head that you automatically believe that anyone mocking you is me. You probably think I'm the right wing morons that you can't seem to keep up with on the race and guns threads. LOL!

> Trips, like everything else that you don't
> actually do, simply cycle through the system. I
> could conceivably walk in tomorrow and pay off
> both the equity line and the primary mortgage as
> well, but as you are too much of a financial
> stooge to be able to comprehend, flow
> differentials indicate that such would not be a
> financially savvy play to make.

You can't afford a mundane trip to FL without borrowing against your equity. That's defined as no flow.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 16, 2019 08:28PM

Do you understand what a revolving $200K line of credit with a ten-year draw is?

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 17, 2019 09:30AM

Of course. How are your parents over in Brookmont? I also understand liquidity which seems beyond you.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 17, 2019 09:57AM

Parents are long dead. Not all that much different from you, actually. Liquidity is meanwhile a wad of crumpled twenties stuffed into an old coffee can. That would seem to be high-finance over in your under-developed little corner of the world. The efficient running of an actually upscale household out in the Sweet Spot however takes something (and someone) just a bit more sophisticated than that.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 17, 2019 11:03AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Parents are long dead.

So, you are an admitted liar. As stated earlier, probably for the best. No parent wants to see their child turn into an abject failure.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 17, 2019 11:12AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> So, you are an admitted liar.

No, you are just a total jackass.

PS. Where am I now? Who am I with? CLUE: No raccoon this time.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 17, 2019 11:43AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So, you are an admitted liar.
> No, you are just a total jackass.

You clearly claimed your parents were alive and living in Brookmont. You lied. You are a confirmed liar.

> PS. Where am I now? Who am I with? CLUE: No
> raccoon this time.

In your outside the beltway hovel held up by a carport with that sickly hag of yours. She's not much of a step up from a racoon that happens to be out in the daytime. And just like earlier this week, you aren't with any restauranteurs.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 17, 2019 06:08PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> You clearly claimed your parents were alive and living in
> Brookmont. You lied. You are a confirmed liar.

Admit it. FIFY told you to say that. LOL!

> In your outside the beltway hovel held up by a
> carport with that sickly hag of yours.

Well, I suppose that counts as being closer than usual. You did however leave out important details concerning the beautifully appointed Sweet Spot home and supporting large cypress shed, each of those situated on a much larger and more beautifully landscaped property than what could easily be found in the decaying dumps of FCC. And all of it of course located within easy reach of top-flight dining, shopping, and other important amenities that FCC people rarely have contact with.

> She's not much of a step up from a racoon that happens to be
> out in the daytime.

Well, she's bright enough to know that there is a double-"C" in the word raccoon, so certainly a good deal brighter than you. Made more money than you as well.

> And just like earlier this week, you aren't with any restauranteurs.

It's actually not at all uncommon for me to be in the company of restaurateurs, and there is properly no "N" in that word, by the way.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 17, 2019 06:30PM

Your insistence that I'm FIFY only adds to your already legendary status as a class A moron. Then again, you get boatraced by dopey rightwingers.

Oh, and you're still a confirmed liar.

You like Broad St.? A bit too busy for my taste, but even there, you'll find $1M+ homes.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 17, 2019 07:00PM

Your claim was that houses in Falls Church City came at a seven-figure minimum price tag. I haven’t bothered to keep track of the number of counter-examples I’ve posted, but it’s way large enough to brand you yet again as nothing but a waste-of-time blowhard.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 17, 2019 07:38PM

Learn how to read and then buy a dictionary. Like everything else, you've fucked this one up too.

Not only are you a confirmed liar, you're as dumb as they come.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 18, 2019 10:56AM

Desperation, thy name is Falls Church City. Shameful over-built and downscale dump of a place that people with actual money avoid like the plague. Easy to do too, what with so many much nicer places not at all that far away.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 18, 2019 01:34PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> There is no cost associated with unsecured credit
> if you have the means to pay off the balance on a
> monthly basis.

Just passing the time of day here while deciding whether to attend the Nats-Cubs game this evening. We have tickets and parking of course, but the home team is really pissing me off.

Meanwhile, it's not really credit if by a month later, you have to use the proceeds to pay back the loan. And if you'd had unencumbered cash on hand up front sufficient to pay back the loan, it was likely an act of sheer stupidity to have taken out the loan at all.

By the way, the average sucker is now paying just under 17% on outstanding credit-card balances. Go Trump!

> You clearly can't manage that task. It explains why you need
> to borrow against your home to make a mundane trip to Florida.

All this goes right over your head. The equity line has existed for years as an on-going part of a broad financial operation. It is not associated with any particular purchase or expenditure at all. All of them sail through the very same system -- vacations, Christmas, home and yard maintenance, season tickets, extensive dining out, weekly grocery shopping, charitable gifts, bird seed and cat food -- the whole nine yards, and all of it handled lickety-split and individually documented for us at the end of the year. If you had any actual money, someone would have told you to do the same thing at some point. After all, equity lines have been the expert's way to go ever since Reagan's tax increase of 1986.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 18, 2019 04:11PM

LOL! Two posts. The envy and butthurt are strong with you today. Bound to happen after being outed as a confirmed liar and illiterate boob.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 18, 2019 04:46PM

No use whining. Paupers have little need of understanding finance in any case. Just keep on with your bank and your unsecured credit. Surely, these will serve you well, or should I say well enough.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: LOL... ()
Date: May 18, 2019 04:52PM

FIFY at 4:05. Seven Figure City at 4:11.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 18, 2019 05:08PM

Now you're too stupid to differentiate between whining and mocking. Definitely no use in trying to explain last year's changes to the tax code that impact your HELOC. Definitely way above your knowledge level.

FIFY is nowhere to be seen in this thread. Try again. In any event, he's a lowbrow troll that has only succeeded in antagonizing the dumbest liar on this board - you. Congratulations on allowing a troll to get under your skin. Then again, you let right wing dopes run roughshod over you.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: May 18, 2019 05:11PM

Just a coincidence.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: A dim bulb lit above his head ()
Date: May 18, 2019 05:36PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:

> Meanwhile, it's not really credit if by a month
> later, you have to use the proceeds to pay back
> the loan. And if you'd had unencumbered cash on
> hand up front sufficient to pay back the loan, it
> was likely an act of sheer stupidity to have taken
> out the loan at all.

Yeah, that's what we explained to you two pages earlier stupid. Glad you finally caught on. That's why you need a loan to cover the cost of your vacation.

> By the way, the average sucker is now paying just
> under 17% on outstanding credit-card balances. Go
> Trump!

What's the cost if you don't run a balance?

Chase paid me $3,200 last year to use their money. Plus miles on other cards.
And I still have my equity line available to use where that's more appropriate.

> All this goes right over your head. The equity
> line has existed for years as an on-going part of
> a broad financial operation. It is not associated
> with any particular purchase or expenditure at
> all. All of them sail through the very same
> system -- vacations, Christmas, home and yard
> maintenance, season tickets, extensive dining out,
> weekly grocery shopping, charitable gifts, bird
> seed and cat food -- the whole nine yards, and all
> of it handled lickety-split and individually
> documented for us at the end of the year. If you
> had any actual money, someone would have told you
> to do the same thing at some point. After all,
> equity lines have been the expert's way to go ever
> since Reagan's tax increase of 1986.

If you have your home tied up in financing this 'broad financial operation' then you're doing it wrong. There's no difference in using a card issued by a bank vs a card tied to your equity line as far any of the benefits that you cite. Other than you gain no benefit and tie up your own resources. And mostly what your 'impressive' $200K line tells us is that's all the equity that you have left in your property.

Once again your own bullshit reveals you.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 18, 2019 05:37PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Definitely no use in trying to explain last year's changes
> to the tax code that impact your HELOC. Definitely way above
> your knowledge level.

The credit line (the fifth in the series) was opened some years ago. None of its terms has changed. The 2018 tax treatment is meanwhile awfully like that under the old AMT. in other words, not much of a factor.

> FIFY is nowhere to be seen in this thread. Try again.

Try harder, dope.

> In any event, he's a lowbrow troll that has only succeeded
> in antagonizing the dumbest liar on this board - you.

Neither of you is quick enough to keep up with a sloth wearing snowshoes.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 18, 2019 07:58PM

A dim bulb lit above his head Wrote:
> Yeah, that's what we explained to you two pages
> earlier stupid. Glad you finally caught on.

It’s a 10/15 revolving line of credit. Google it.

> That's why you need a loan to cover the cost of
> your vacation.

Don’t need anything. It all just goes down the same roads as everything else does. How many times do you need to have this explained?

> What's the cost if you don't run a balance

The same as if you’d never financed a thing, which is what you should have done.

> Chase paid me $3,200 last year to use their money.
> Plus miles on other cards. And I still have my equity line
> available to use where that's more appropriate.

Who do the people at Chase work for? Why would you have an equity line when you can just dial up your friends at CashNetUSA?

> And mostly what your 'impressive' $200K line tells us is
> that's all the equity that you have left in your property.

The home is assessed at $1.5 million and would appraise for more than that. In other words, there is more than a million in equity that we could tap if we chose to. You’d need to hit LOTTO to be in such a situation as that.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Bulb went out ()
Date: May 18, 2019 09:23PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> A dim bulb lit above his head Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yeah, that's what we explained to you two pages
> > earlier stupid. Glad you finally caught on.
> It’s a 10/15 revolving line of credit. Google
> it.

Oooo yeah, that's one of them high-finance thingies. lmao

> > That's why you need a loan to cover the cost of
> > your vacation.
> Don’t need anything. It all just goes down the
> same roads as everything else does. How many
> times do you need to have this explained?

Apparently you do; otherwise, there would be no need to use it.

> > What's the cost if you don't run a balance
> The same as if you’d never financed a thing,
> which is what you should have done.

Exactly. Other than for convenience. Because, unlike you, I don't need to finance my vacations.

> > Chase paid me $3,200 last year to use their
> money.
> > Plus miles on other cards. And I still have my
> equity line
> > available to use where that's more appropriate.
> Who do the people at Chase work for? Why would
> you have an equity line when you can just dial up
> your friends at CashNetUSA?

They work for Chase. I don't really care who they work for as long as they send me free money for using their free money without encumbering any of mine.

I have an equity line, which I've rarely used, for cases where you should use such things. Not to pay for vacations and tickets that I can't afford otherwise.

> > And mostly what your 'impressive' $200K line
> tells us is
> > that's all the equity that you have left in your
> property.
> The home is assessed at $1.5 million and would
> appraise for more than that. In other words, there
> is more than a million in equity that we could tap
> if we chose to. You’d need to hit LOTTO to be
> in such a situation as that.

Yeah, just like tons of others around here. Hate to break it to you but that's nothing special in this area. Not even remotely anything considered within the luxury property market. Sorry bud. Too bad you pulled all of your equity out of it. But then you're old and you're going to die soon so might as well spend it while you can.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 18, 2019 10:18PM

Well, went with the Nike “Just Do It” plan and got rewarded with a nice win. You just never know in this game. Well, except for the Seven Figure City is a giant fail part. That’s a guaranty all day and all night.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 19, 2019 10:52AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Definitely no use in trying to explain last
> year's changes
> > to the tax code that impact your HELOC.
> Definitely way above
> > your knowledge level.
> The credit line (the fifth in the series) was
> opened some years ago. None of its terms has
> changed. The 2018 tax treatment is meanwhile
> awfully like that under the old AMT. in other
> words, not much of a factor.
> > FIFY is nowhere to be seen in this thread. Try
> again.
> Try harder, dope.
> > In any event, he's a lowbrow troll that has only
> succeeded
> > in antagonizing the dumbest liar on this board -
> you.
> Neither of you is quick enough to keep up with a
> sloth wearing snowshoes.

Not knowing how the credit line differs under the new tax provisions is the sign of a monumental retard. No surprise though. You're a confirmed liar.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 19, 2019 01:17PM

Bulb went out Wrote:
> Oooo yeah, that's one of them high-finance thingies. lmao

You've been completely baffled by it from the get go, and I very much doubt that you have it figured out yet. Your financial elevator after all doesn't and doesn't need to go even as high as the second floor.

> Apparently you do; otherwise, there would be no
> need to use it.

Again, everything gets run through the same system. There is no point to its existence other than to use it.

> Exactly. Other than for convenience. Because,
> unlike you, I don't need to finance my vacations.

More mindlessness. If you have to pay for something at all, you have to finance it. You simply choose some very bad means of accomplishing that.

> They work for Chase.

You mean for Chase's stockholders. A credit union by contrast would be working for its members. In foolishly choosing to use a bank as your provider of financial services, you've simply put yourself on the wrong side of the table.

> I don't really care who they work for as long as they
> send me free money for using their free money without
> encumbering any of mine.

Bad news -- It's Chase that's winning this game, not you.

> I have an equity line, which I've rarely used, for
> cases where you should use such things. Not to
> pay for vacations and tickets that I can't afford
> otherwise.

I wonder what you imagine those 'should use' cases to be.

> Yeah, just like tons of others around here. Hate
> to break it to you but that's nothing special in
> this area. Not even remotely anything considered
> within the luxury property market.

It's roughly triple the median home value in Fairfax County, so it's special enough. Personally, I'd rather have a high quality mid-sized diamond than some garish example of cubic zirconia. Amway dealers might of course think differently.

> Too bad you pulled all of your equity out of it.
> But then you're old and you're going to die soon
> so might as well spend it while you can.

In a fact already noted by me and entirely flubbed by you, there is well more than $1,000,000 of equity currently in the home. It's just waiting there for us to have some need of using it, but at the moment, we do not have any such need. Many among the actually wealthy find themselves in such situations.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 19, 2019 01:31PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Well, went with the Nike “Just Do It” plan and
> got rewarded with a nice win. You just never know
> in this game.

Such a thoroughly good game that we stayed up late with some freshly sliced watermelon to watch the game all over again on replay. Strasburg was still great, Soto still had three RBI's, and In the end. Doolittle still pretty much put the proverbial boot right up Joe Maddon's ass. LOL! Gotta love it!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 19, 2019 02:00PM

> Not knowing how the credit line differs under the new tax
> provisions is the sign of a monumental retard. No surprise
> though. You're a confirmed liar.

LOL! The terms and conditions of the equity line are UNCHANGED from the day the documents were signed. How out of touch with financial reality are you, anyway?

The 2018 changes in 1040 treatment of interest paid on such loans mimic the situation that has long existed with respect to Form 6251 and the calculation of an Alternative Minimum Tax. Sounds like your income was never large enough to have involved you with that. In any case, neither the lender nor the IRS knows the actual purposes to which any credit line advances might have been put, hence (just as with I-9's) it falls upon the taxpayer to create and be prepared to defend his or her own accounting of the matter, one which in this case will invariably apply every penny of repayment to any taxable portion of any balance outstanding.

Bottom line is that on a property of any actual stature, enough of the biggies will have an actual improvement-related basis to create a corpus that will serve as cover for most if not all of the everyday items that flow through the system.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 19, 2019 02:17PM

LOL! You actually are this dumb. Nobody was talking about the terms and conditions. It's no wonder right wing dopes regularly make you look stupid. You have no idea how the AMT or TCJA operate.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 19, 2019 04:56PM

More language errors. Reread your question, dummy. Or have FIFY read it back to you.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 19, 2019 06:06PM

There was no question posed as it relates to this, dope. And if there was, you certainly don't have the intellect to answer one. Or, as a confirmed liar, you'd lie. You've been reduced, once again, to incoherent babbling.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 19, 2019 07:22PM

You don’t understand the credit line or how deductions of interest on it are calculated. As with JJ McDonnell’s delivery schedules, you are simply out of the loop here. I hear you do use some really expensive super-mulch around your tiny little property though. LOL!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: May 20, 2019 10:48AM

He claims to understand how to order a salad though.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 20, 2019 12:35PM

LOL! You’re clearly the one that is thoroughly confused on how deductions are calculated and eligible for deductions. Not only do I know how to properly order a salad,I know how to properly dress a salad. Two tasks well beyond your reach. Just as JJ McDonnell (not McConnell) doesn’t deliver to anyone on Sundays as has been proven to you. You also don’t know where they are located. Do your imaginary principals know how to properly dress or order a salad? GAR certainly doesn’t.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 20, 2019 01:07PM

Just laughing here at the futility of your posting. You’ve only proven yourself more and more of a dummy here. You never paid the AMT and hence don’t see the parallels in the current home-equity deduction. You are unfamiliar with the food service industry In the area, and hence don’t know what transpires early on Sunday and holiday mornings. You so rarely dine out that you think two-bit Liberty BBQ to be an actual “chicken place.” As if your silly pretenses over salad service had not already made you look like an utter fool.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 20, 2019 03:05PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Just laughing here at the futility of your
> posting. You’ve only proven yourself more and
> more of a dummy here. You never paid the AMT and
> hence don’t see the parallels in the current
> home-equity deduction.

While efforts have been made to minimize or avoid the AMT, they have not always been successful. No need to detail as the specifics are far above your head. With each post though, you are demonstrating your lack of understanding of the tax code.

> You are unfamiliar with
> the food service industry In the area, and hence
> don’t know what transpires early on Sunday and
> holiday mornings.

I know that JJ McDonnell doesn't deliver to anyone on Sundays despite what your obvious imaginary principles told you over your make believe lunch. Further, I actually know that JJ McDonnell is not JJ McConnell and that they moved from Jessup to Elkridge a few years back. Both notions seem to be outside your knowledge base. You now expect folks to believe your unsubstantiated and ridiculous claims about Sunday deliveries to a select few that somehow know the secret JJ McConnell handshake and have the Bat phone to the facility in Jessup, or was it Elkridge?

> You so rarely dine out that you
> think two-bit Liberty BBQ to be an actual
> “chicken place.”

The concept of a "chicken place" was only introduced by you in order to deflect from yet another one of your local dining scene fumbles. It is irrelevant today as the day you introduced it. All that mattered then and all that matters today is that Liberty has some very fine fried chicken that has been lauded by numerous critics and publications. Another fact that seemed outside your knowledge base.

> As if your silly pretenses
> over salad service had not already made you look
> like an utter fool.

It's not a pretense, it's a fact. You neither know how to properly dress or order a salad. It's another fumble on your part when it comes to restaurants and dining. What amazes folks is that you continue to shine the spotlight on your complete lack of class and status. It's almost as if you are proud of being a know nothing bumpkin with the tastes and experiences of a total rube. Then again, you think an outside the beltway hovel with a gravel driveway and a carport are somehow classy.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 20, 2019 07:55PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> While efforts have been made to minimize or avoid the AMT,
> they have not always been successful. No need to detail as
> the specifics are far above your head.

Our income was high enough to pay the AMT for 15 years. I guess yours was not. You appear indeed to have no clue as to how the AMT works, and especially the effects of it on mortgage interest deductions.

> I know that JJ McDonnell doesn't deliver to anyone
> on Sundays despite what your obvious imaginary
> principles told you over your make believe lunch.

What you know is what you came across on a public-facing webpage. Not one whit more than that. Meanwhile, the restaurateurs (aka, the principals) each have 15-20 years experience in the field and long-standing working relationships with JJ McDonnell, including on Sundays and holidays. They win. You lose.

> The concept of a "chicken place" was only
> introduced by you in order to deflect from yet
> another one of your local dining scene fumbles.

It was introduced in further mockery of your sad-sack so-called City, a place that in fact STILL does not have a "chicken place" in it. No KFC, no Chik-Fil-A, no Popeye's, no nuthin. You've got a few Peruvian and other places that do serve chicken of some sort, but no "chicken places."

> It's not a pretense, it's a fact.

It's TOTAL pretense, dope. There is NO ART AT ALL in either ordering or dressing a salad. Millions of people accomplish these mundane tasks every day without any sort of difficulty at all. As you have so many rimes before, you simply fucked up in trying to decode a simple English sentence and have been reduced to running a silly string of smokescreens over it ever since.

> What amazes folks...

LOL! You mean YOU and FIFY?

> ...is that you continue to shine the spotlight on
> your complete lack of class and status. It's almost
> as if you are proud of being a know nothing bumpkin
> with the tastes and experiences of a total rube.

I shine a spotlight on what a colossal lying fraud of an asshole you are. Your seven-figure city for instance is chock full of six-figure homes, all of them crammed onto little tiny lots. That's what a population density of 7,128 people per square mile will do to you. People with actual money are looking for something closer to HALF of that.

> Then again, you think an outside the beltway hovel with
> a gravel driveway and a carport are somehow classy.

You lie awake at night trembling over the fact that the dreaded Sweet Spot place is a veritable Versailles in comparison to the dismal and downscale circumstances you are forced to adapt to. Along with pot after pot of single-estate Kona, what I deal with out here daily is a magnificently tailored home with broad views and panoramic vistas of green grass setting off mature and specimen trees among meticulously maintained gardens and hardscape features. It's all just what many people would seek if only they could afford it.

Then of course there's the Nats in-stadium parking and season tickets up in the Club. You know about the Club, right? That's where the annual ziMS Foundation 'Night at the Park' Gala is held. Such fun!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 21, 2019 12:10PM

You couldn't even correctly identify the fact that it was JJ McDonnell or where it is located. You certainly can't be trusted to know what days they do and do not deliver. After all, we can ask your folks over in Brookmont to confirm that you are nothing more than a liar. And you're too dumb to successfully pull it off. Then again, you're too dumb to know how to correctly dress or order a salad which is a very simple task.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 21, 2019 12:25PM

Blah-blah-blah. Like your sorry city, you are once again just thoroughly out-classed.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 21, 2019 02:33PM

LOL! Nothing says classy like lying about whether parents are deceased or alive. Nothing says classy like not knowing how to order a salad. Nothing says classy like thinking it can only be a hot pepper sauce used to mask the odor of three day old fish. Nothing says classy like letting a puerile troll like FIFY get into your tiny head. Nothing says classy like pretending to know about a seafood distributer and then not knowing what it is actually named and where it is located.

Speaking of class, one thing others have noted about Falls Church is that one of its neighborhoods is at the head of the class. You're still stuck on the back of the short bus.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 21, 2019 03:09PM

As I have reported previously, my parents are long dead and are buried in New Jersey. As I have also reported previously, you are quite seriously fucked in the head.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 21, 2019 04:35PM

You previously stated they were alive and kicking over in Brookmont. You then stated they were dead and buried in NJ. You see, that's what liars do. You are a confirmed liar.

The only one fucked in the head is the one that feels to need to lie about whether his parents are dead or alive. It takes a real sociopathic or compulsive liar to do that kind of shit. Lying about going to lunch with the principals or income levels is probably a walk in the park after lying about dead parents.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 21, 2019 07:54PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> You previously stated they were alive and kicking over in Brookmont.

Since 2006, I have noted only that my parents are dead and buried in New Jersey. I wish that were not the case of course, but by the time you reach your 70’s, you kind of expect that sort of thing to happen. Perhaps you are simply not there yet.

> You see, that's what liars do.

Hmmm. What assholes do is make up all sorts of excuses while pretending to understand things that they know nothing at all about. Things like the tax code and certain financial instruments for instance. Or some mysterious protocol for ordering a salad. Or where and when fresh fish might be delivered. And then there’s all that remote viewing used to determine the people that others are having lunch with. LOL! Yes, you are many times over a certified asshole.

> Lying about going to lunch with the principals or income levels
> is probably a walk in the park after lying about dead parents.

Lunch with real live restaurateurs is actually a common enough thing out here. The next get-together in the subject series is scheduled for June 3. Perhaps I’ll humiliate you further by posting about it.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Douchebag ()
Date: May 21, 2019 08:00PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Hello-This-Is-Douchebag-Funny-Guy-Pictur

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 21, 2019 08:17PM

Hmmm. How low can you go? Is there any limit at all?

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 21, 2019 08:53PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You previously stated they were alive and
> kicking over in Brookmont.
> Since 2006, I have noted only that my parents are
> dead and buried in New Jersey. I wish that were
> not the case of course, but by the time you reach
> your 70’s, you kind of expect that sort of thing
> to happen. Perhaps you are simply not there yet.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 22, 2019 09:00AM

Well, big surprise, it's another bright and beautiful morning out here in the Sweet Spot. True, the Nats are still terrible (doesn't really seem like Davey Martinez can keep his job much longer), but what the heck, the coffee's been brewed (yes, it's the single-estate Kona yet again), the birds are chirping and singing their little hearts out, and the vistas out over the well-groomed lawns and gardens are just as spectacular as ever.

Quite the contrast here to the dark and dysfunctional world that seems to have engulfed our friend(s) from Falls Church. Apparently, last night's anguish build-up just got to be too much, to the point where he simply snapped and went all to pieces, collapsing into a Tourette-like spew of childish babble and simple nonsense. Just a total meltdown in one thread after another. Sad to see such torment played out in public like that, but it's not like nobody ever saw it coming.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 22, 2019 11:57AM

This is the only thread I've posted in. I can't say where the folks who tormented you in whatever other threads you decide to spread your lies. Meanwhile, I'll simply continue to torture you here. You certainly seem to have made quite a long list of enemies. Perhaps it's those right wing dopes running circles around you in other threads making you look like a fool.

Meanwhile, here's a gentle reminder that you are nothing more than a sociopathic or compulsive liar.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 22, 2019 01:21PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> This is the only thread I've posted in.

Typical total crock from the board's biggest sack of bullslop.

> Meanwhile, I'll simply continue to torture you
> here. You certainly seem to have made quite a
> long list of enemies.

It's just you, asshole, and all you actually engender here is peals of derisive laughter. You've been bent over and given a spanking by so many, so often, and for so long here that you can only lash out in anger at anyone at all who seems wealthier or smarter than you. Even at FFXU, that's no small number.

> Perhaps it's those right wing dopes running circles around
> you in other threads making you look like a fool.

Uh-huh. What handles are you posting under in these other threads that you so much want to divert attention to on account of your only getting the living shit kicked out of you (again) in this one? Are you somehow looking forward to receiving even more devastating boots up the butt?

> Meanwhile, here's a gentle reminder that you are
> nothing more than a sociopathic or compulsive liar.

Paranoia strikes deep. But probably THEY really are after you.

Otherwise, this is yet another tale told by an idiot. You believe for no good reason that people not from the place have ever heard of your precious little Broadmont. The facts are that it is no more than a mundane little neighborhood of tiny lots tucked away in a nondescript corner of a less than two-bit city. At the same time, should someone from nearby Brookmont come by and refer to his home town, you are sure that they were mistaken and had really intended to talk about Broadmont. That's just sick -- another dimension in your unending pattern of debilitating illness.

(By the way, your phony Amateur Local Historian character got his flabby ass whomped over the Water Wars -- a series of legal battles that was decisively won by Fairfax County. You chalked up another mega-loss on that one, dude!)


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 22, 2019 02:40PM

What a moron. If I thought I was getting my ass kicked here, I'd simply let it die. I won't though because a combination of your fragile ego and lack of intelligence refuse to allow you to concede the very obvious fact that multiple people are mocking you on a regular basis.

There was no individual from Brookmont. Just you being confused and exposed for it. You then took your lie to a level only sociopaths and compulsive liars do.

BTW, looks like another windfall from the water wars for FCC - $44.5 million dollars for a nonperforming asset. That's called a win unless you're a confirmed liar and a hapless buffoon.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 22, 2019 03:03PM

HINT: You ARE (as ever) getting your ass kicked here. Even your sock-puppets are laughing at you.

And as we all know, FCC was ultimately forced to settle in the Water Wars for a whole lot less than what they had previously called pennies on the dollar. Total wipeout for them. And none of the lovely ‘railroad cottages’ sells for anything like seven figures. LOL!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 22, 2019 03:31PM

LOL! No hint needed. You're only kicking ass in fantasy land. Same place as your make believe lunch with fictitious principles. Then again, you are such lowly scum, you actually lie about whether your parents are alive. Must be rolling over in their NJ graves, if that's even where they are actually interred. As a confirmed liar, you are not to be trusted.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 22, 2019 03:47PM

Yet again, the word is ‘principals’, dummy. Not that an illiterate salad-bumpkin would really be expected to know the difference.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 22, 2019 05:24PM

Yup. My mistake. How hard is that? Well, for a lying buffoon with a fragile ego like you it appears impossible.

I guess I think so little of you I don’t care to proofread my posts.

JJ McConnell
Reap what you sew

Sound familiar?

Doubt you’ll admit it as your either a pathological or compulsive liar. How are your folks again over in Brookmont?

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 22, 2019 06:48PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Yup. My mistake.

One of at least tens of thousands.

> JJ McConnell
> Jessup
> Reap what you sew
> Sound familiar?

Sure, two of the three are typos, the one and only thing a vapid stooge like you can find to hang his otherwise empty hat on. That's how you became known as Typo-Turd, after all. And do you remember how many keys there are between the E and the O on a standard 'qwerty' keyboard? LOL! It's nigh onto three years now since you had to be taught that one!

And as for the third, as far as seafood transport goes, Jessup is a region more than a mere municipality, the actual latitude and longitude (just like you) having nothing at all to do with the quality of the product,

> Doubt you’ll admit it as your either a pathological or
> compulsive liar. How are your folks again over in Brookmont?

Once again for the most dense among the stone-brained, my parents are both long dead and, per their wishes, are buried in New Jersey. You by contrast, are dead and buried right where you sit.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 22, 2019 09:01PM

Claiming that a 750-800 sqft one bedroom apartment in Mosaic rents for $25,000-$30,000/month is not a typo. It's just sheer stupidity. One of many bumbling fuck ups on your part.


Sounds like they were kicking it large up in Brookmont well after 2006. Or, your suffer from a sociopathy that causes you to compulsively lie.

It's not about longitude and latitude. It's about you not knowing your head from your ass and then proceeding to speak out of said ass.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 23, 2019 10:26AM

Well, some things just don't seem to change very much, do they? It's yet another flat out gorgeous morning here amidst the freshly mowed grandeur of the sweet Spot for instance. The single-estate Kona of course tastes as good as it ever has, and by gosh, those Nats continue to be a pretty much terrifyingly bad ballclub. Had the 'Town Car' over to the shop yesterday to top off some fluids and take care of some other minor upkeep and detailing concerns. Boy, does she look sharp when she's all gussied up! And on the way home, there was a stop to grab a foot-long Spicy Italian from Subway. Those things have been just plain delicious for decades now!

But on a more somber note, we also still have this same old shamefully weak and ignorant asshole from Falls Church City running around loose with his pathetically deficient math and English skills, and as well of course with his equally deficient pal -- FIFY, the Monkey-Boy -- in tow. And since he can't either, we won;t be able to forget those now more than 6-year old typos that the little twerp desperately continues to carry around and turn to on those oh so frequent occasions when the going gets tough for him here. What an ass-clown this jerk would be even if he'd never fucked up the history of the Water Wars, misplaced a 30-foot pink granite cliff, or claimed to be able to tell where people were in the middle of the day, who they were with, and what they were doing.

He no doubt still thinks there's some trick to the proper ordering of a salad, but he knows nothing at all about how and when fresh fish might show up at your back door. Or the fact that a chef might easily choose to serve that fish accented by a lovely sweet pepper sauce. It wasn't, but it might even have been the same chef who came up with the scallops and coconut risotto idea.

The bottom line here is that this clown seems to be permanently stuck being every little bit of off-the-wall, ass-fuck stupid. So here's a no doubt needed reminder that Viva! Vienna! will be happening this weekend, and that GAR will very soon be opening Patsy's American across the street from Tysons I. Two things to put on the calendar for sure!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 23, 2019 11:18AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Claiming that a 750-800 sqft one bedroom apartment
> in Mosaic rents for $25,000-$30,000/month is not a
> typo. It's just sheer stupidity. One of many
> bumbling fuck ups on your part.

The error was in reflexively typing 'per sqft per month (plus parking)' instead of 'per sqft per year (plus parking)'. This was explained to you within minutes of its occurrence, but even back in April 2013, you were too big of an asshole to simply let such things go. Your continued flashbacks show only that you are an even bigger douchebag today than you were six year ago.

> Sounds like they were kicking it large up in
> Brookmont well after 2006. Or, your suffer from a
> sociopathy that causes you to compulsively lie.

It sounds like the poster 'Brookmont Bob' is also still stuck in your craw years later. Perhaps because he popularized the term 'dining desert' to apply to Falls Church? Actually, I think he called it a 'depressed dining desert', but the first 'd' never really caught on. I can't meanwhile tell you anything about his parents. I can only tell you that mine are dead and are buried in New Jersey.

> It's not about longitude and latitude. It's about
> you not knowing your head from your ass and then
> proceeding to speak out of said ass.

All that anyone would need to know is that (as Andrew Bourdain warned you would be the case), JJ McDonnell delivers fresh seafood to A-List clients every single day, including Sundays and holidays. You of course DO NOT know that or very much else that would be relevant. This is part and parcel of why you get your sorry ass so violently kicked here every day.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 23, 2019 03:50PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> All sorts of butthurt stupid shit in half a dozen different
> threads around the forum.

What a psychotic, wiped-out loser!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 24, 2019 01:56PM

Well, that was a pretty serious line of storms that blew through the area yesterday afternoon. Sorry to hear how many folks took a serious hit. That's never good. Out here in the Sweet Spot, the power did flicker off and on 8-10 times, but it never actually went out. That allowed us to watch in real time as the Nats went down to yet another crushing defeat. They have to win at least twice against Miami this weekend or they will fall into last place.

Fortunately, no actual damage was done to the gorgeous landscaping out here, but a fairly significant branch from the crown of some nearby tulip poplar did get wrenched from its former home and flown over to a landing spot on our east lawn. Won't take much to get that mulch-pile ready though.

Meanwhile, the dope from Falls Church continues to come ever more unglued. He and his cute little play-toy have just lost any sort of sense or sanity and run amok all over the place. Neither of them was ever going to win any prizes of course, but this latest sort of behavior has just gone beyond the pale. What a tag-team of insufferable losers!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 25, 2019 09:26AM

well, Saturday morning is pretty much a gorgeous Groundhog Day copy of Friday morning out here in the Sweet Spot, except that the Nats somehow managed a win last night. It was lucky and ugly and only over the Marlins, but it looks like a line drive in the box score. With Corbin on the hill today, there should be a decent chance of the team being on a two-game winning streak by nightfall, but you really can't count on anything good with the way this bunch has been going. Rizzo says that it's early still, but the numbers suggest that it's actually too late.

As it's MARVEL Super Hero Day at Nats Park today, it's a good bet that we'll be picking up a Captain Zimmerman bobble-head on the way into the game. Wouldn't want to miss out on that! Since we'll be there early anyway, might have time to grab a bite -- maybe a salad, or perhaps a little something with Mambo sauce? Yum!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 25, 2019 03:48PM

Yeah, sitting here sipping on a Stella and enjoying some empanadas while watching Captain Zimmie’s little head bobble up and down. As he often does, the head honcho here stopped by to say hi, so I asked how the mambo chicken sandwich was doing. OMG, says he. It’s our #1 seller. Went with the Cuban today anyway.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 26, 2019 11:01AM

Good gosh, it's yet another fantastic morning out in the Sweet Spot, this one made even better by recollections from last night, when the Nats (as had been hoped) stepped out smartly to a season-high two-game winning streak. Patrick Corbin was showing off the reasons why he was the top free-agent pitcher this past off-season, and certainly the Nats have to feel good about having landed him. Still. 116 pitches is a lot, even for a relative youth. Hopefully, Thursday's off-day will give Corbin and the rest of the rotation a little bit of an extra breather this time around.

Went out after the game and grabbed some copious amounts of Chinese food to take home in celebration. Yummy stuff, and we should have enough here to last us all the way through to Monday's game.

And of course, the home and grounds are now being protected by the bobbling Captain Zimmerman, a dashing super-hero pledged to battle against all evil-doers. Cute too...

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Mercari ()
Date: May 26, 2019 11:48AM

Nice grab. Those were going for $50 on the internet this morning.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 27, 2019 08:13AM

In a stark departure from recent traditions, it's actually overcast out in the Sweet Spot this morning. Supposed to burn off later on though, so we should have an easy ride into town for today's Nats-Marlins game. Even though the ace bullpen gave back two-thirds of a 9-run lead in the late innings yesterday, the club held to post their first 3-game winning streak of the year. We've got Scherzer on the hill today, and even though he' not the Scherzer of a few years ago, there's some hope of his tossing a good game today.

Ate up all the Chinese leftovers from Saturday, so we might need to stop off somewhere other than the dining desert of Falls Church after the game to replenish supplies. All that is TBD at this point. Of course, fresh fish will have been delivered to some of our favorite spots just a few hours ago, so maybe we'll head to one of those.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 27, 2019 02:31PM

And the best part about the Sweet Spot is there's not a negro for miles!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 27, 2019 03:58PM

We do indeed have blacks, but there are no name-stealing, scum-sucking assholes out here in the Sweet Spot. Those are all over stinking up the sorry confines of Falls Church City — the armpit of the area.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 27, 2019 10:49PM

The three-day-old Memorial Day halibut was delicious this year as always. The pepper sauce nicely hid that JJ McConnell drove it all the way from Jessup on Friday just for me. Added a dash of mambo sauce for kicks. That's just how I roll. Sat in the whites-only section of course.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 28, 2019 09:59AM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> The three-day-old Memorial Day halibut was
> delicious this year as always. The pepper sauce
> nicely hid that JJ McConnell drove it all the way
> from Jessup on Friday just for me. Added a dash
> of mambo sauce for kicks. That's just how I roll.
> Sat in the whites-only section of course.

Heads Up for rank and Seriously envious and butthurt assholes --

-- Fresh seafood is delivered by JJ McDonnell to favored area customers in the early morning hours of Sundays and holidays. Your lack of any connection at all to the local food service industry prevents you from knowing your sorry ass from some random Falls Church hole in the ground on any such matter.

-- You fell right into what should have been an obvious trap over Mumbo (Chicago)-versus-Mambo (DC) sauce, confirming further the deeply inferior nature of your barely functional intellect.

-- You quickly painted yourself into a corner on the notion of disparate impact, allowing our own witness to condemn you. Such is the fate of no-account fumble-fucks, of which, you are most certainly one. .

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 28, 2019 10:18AM

Having dealt now with the latest bit of up-chuck from the the local gutter-slime, I'll note that there was a spot of rain this morning out in the Sweet Spot. Nothing serious mind you, just something to help keep the magnificent greenery magnificently green.

Otherwise, the Nats fell right back on their faces yesterday, playing a thoroughly uninspired game from start to finish in the end using a feeble bullpen and a swiss cheese defense to deny Scherzer a win that rightfully should have been his. The club is pretty pathetic, all in all. Next comes a 2-day trip to Atlanta. Prospects there are not good.

Still it was not a complete waste of an afternoon, as we were able to stop at one of our favorite hole-in-the-wall spots and devour a scrumptious Cobb Salad from their list of holiday specials. There are of course many excellent types of salad, but a good Cobb salad has to rank near the yop of the list.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 28, 2019 02:17PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Well, that was a pretty serious line of storms
> that blew through the area yesterday afternoon.
> Sorry to hear how many folks took a serious hit.
> That's never good. Out here in the Sweet Spot,
> the power did flicker off and on 8-10 times, but
> it never actually went out. That allowed us to
> watch in real time as the Nats went down to yet
> another crushing defeat. They have to win at least
> twice against Miami this weekend or they will fall
> into last place.

Ruh-roh, looks like a Generac is well beyond your means. Your betters never worry about losing power as a Generac is pretty standard on a $1M+ home in these parts. Sorry you can't afford one. Then again, you can't afford much of my lifestyle. The fact that you think that a less than 2K sq.ft. house qualifies as even modest tells us how far you need to climb just to get a whiff of people like me.

Meanwhile, another nice long weekend trip was enjoyed while you were wallowing in your envy and butthurt.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 28, 2019 02:20PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> It sounds like the poster 'Brookmont Bob' is also
> still stuck in your craw years later. Perhaps
> because he popularized the term 'dining desert' to
> apply to Falls Church? Actually, I think he
> called it a 'depressed dining desert', but the
> first 'd' never really caught on. I can't
> meanwhile tell you anything about his parents. I
> can only tell you that mine are dead and are
> buried in New Jersey.

YOU are Brookmont Bob. You're not intelligent enough to pull off a sock puppet. Your sheer stupidity is visible for miles. Again, you're sociopathy is obvious as are your compulsive lies. All you do is lie. Just like your lie about Sunday and holiday fish delivery. Your fragile little ego won't let you admit your mistakes. Go ahead, post some more lies. It's all you have, liar.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 29, 2019 12:08PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Ruh-roh, looks like a Generac is well beyond your means.

In the real world, such generators are not recommended unless one is feeble enough to have some critical medical dependence on access to electricity.

> Your betters never worry about losing power as a Generac is pretty
> standard on a $1M+ home in these parts.

You speak of nursing homes and the like rather than private homes. Especially given their meager median household incomes, people in your neck of the woods would never be well-advised to install a residential generator in the absence of such special medical conditions as were noted above. .

> Then again, you can't afford much of my lifestyle.

Your lifestyle falls short of mine by definition merely from your continuing inability to move the hell out of the dumps of Falls Church City. Nothing there meets (or has ever met) my standards. The already failing nature of the place was such that it prompted my move to McLean lo, these many decades ago.

> The fact that you think that a less than 2K sq.ft.
> house qualifies as even modest tells us how far you
> need to climb just to get a whiff of people like me.

I most assuredly don't want a whiff of people like you at all! These many homes that you continue to decry are posted merely as examples of what a completely fraudulent asshole you were in claiming to live in a "seven-figure city". You don't. You live in a cramped, tiny-lot dump, surrounded by properties that you yourself call substandard.

> Meanwhile, another nice long weekend trip was enjoyed
> while you were wallowing in your envy and butthurt.

LOL! Your fictional trips to the likes of Generic Beach are easily dismissed as poorly crafted inventions put forward in vain hopes of seeming relevant. You don't know diddly about Palm Beach or Viera. You've never been to Killington or Tahoe. I would doubt that you've ever been to Brookmont.

As for me, it may sound much like what I do all the time (because it is), but I spent the holiday weekend relaxing in admiration of the wonderfully enhanced natural beauties of the Sweet Spot, while finding time to attend two Nats games (one of which they actually won), and to visit as well some of the sorts of dining amenities we so much enjoy in our part of the world but that your area simply lacks entirely.

You of course cannot afford any of the likes of seats in the Club at Nats Park, or the in-stadium parking, or the pre- or post-game fare at any of the mambo-sauce serving downtown eateries that we enjoy as a matter of course.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 29, 2019 12:15PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> YOU are Brookmont Bob. You're not intelligent enough to pull
> off a sock puppet. Your sheer stupidity is visible for miles.
> Again, you're> sociopathy is obvious as are your compulsive lies.
> All you do is lie. Just like your lie about Sunday and holiday
> fish delivery. Your fragile little ego won't let you admit your
> mistakes. Go ahead, post some more lies. It's all you have, liar.

You believe that everyone who makes you look foolish must be me. Except of course for the one poster who makes you look the most foolish of all -- yourself.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 30, 2019 09:45AM

So here we are, once again forced to deal with a simply spectacular morning out in the Sweet Spot, one highlighted as always by gorgeous views out the windows and delicious freshly brewed single estate Kona in the cup. Life is good. It's even good for the Nats for once after sweeping their 2-game series in Atlanta on the strength of a 14-run barrage over the first five innings last night. And Anibal Sanchez goes six innings allowing but one hit and one walk? Might be the last time we ever see something like that!

By comparison though, last night was certainly not the last time we will ever see the Chump from Falls Church disintegrate into making a laughable ass of himself. These meltdowns of his have only become more and more frequent of late, as mushrooming levels of envy and butthurt are driving him ever closer to the edge of sheer madness. Poor baby! Being a low-grade lying loser is just a hard thing to deal with, I guess.

In other news, our next lunch with 'The Principals' has been postponed. One will now have to work that day and the other has run into family obligations. Both of those take precedence of course, so we'll just back off and look for an alternate date that works for everyone.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 30, 2019 02:31PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > YOU are Brookmont Bob. You're not intelligent
> enough to pull
> > off a sock puppet. Your sheer stupidity is
> visible for miles.
> > Again, you're> sociopathy is obvious as are your
> compulsive lies.
> > All you do is lie. Just like your lie about
> Sunday and holiday
> > fish delivery. Your fragile little ego won't
> let you admit your
> > mistakes. Go ahead, post some more lies. It's
> all you have, liar.
> You believe that everyone who makes you look
> foolish must be me. Except of course for the one
> poster who makes you look the most foolish of all
> -- yourself.

I believe that everyone who has a hard on about being such an envious and butthurt little bitch about Falls Church is you. And, I wouldn't be wrong about it. You are as obvious as an oversized neon sign in Las Vegas. You're just pissed that you're too stupid to pull it off. It's a curse you should've learned to bear by now, but of course, you're too stupid to learn life's simple lessons. Your sociopathic need to compulsively lie about dead parents is pretty disturbing behavior though. You should really talk to your therapist about it.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 30, 2019 02:36PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:

> In the real world, such generators are not
> recommended unless one is feeble enough to have
> some critical medical dependence on access to
> electricity.

Hmmm. Sounds like you and your sickly hag are prime candidates for one. That being said, such generators are recommend and normal for affluent people who want to maintain power during an extended outage of more than a few minutes. It allows for cooling and heating as needed, food kept at proper temperature, etc. Of course, if you can't afford one, one might desperately resort to claiming it is only practicable for medical reasons.

> You speak of nursing homes and the like rather
> than private homes.

No, I speak of private homes. I guess in the world of hovels held up by carports, a Generac is well outside their means.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 31, 2019 12:07PM

Well, guess what sort of morning it's been out here in the Sweet Spot...

a) Beautiful
b) Magnificent
c) Gorgeous
d) Stunning
e) All of the above

Okay, that was a pretty easy one. But it is indeed all of the above yet again today, and more of the same is headed this way according to the latest NWS forecast. It all goes so very well with a rich and satisfying cup of freshly brewed single-estate Kona! Can't count of the raccoons of course, but this is also some perfect weather for time spent out on the back patio amidst the rustling of the leaves, the singing of the birds, and the back-and-forth scampering of the squirrels and chipmunks. Maybe a fox or a group of deer will happen by as well. You never know, but those are frequent things out here at this time of year.

No Nats games on the calendar until we tangle mid-week with the White Sox. Hopefully we'll be playing decent ball at the time. It just comes and goes with this crew. As for The Principals, it's looking right now like they could each do some dining on June 9, so that's the plan at the present time. I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, I may need to go off now and make further fun of the FUBAR fabulist and Falls Church phony.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 31, 2019 01:05PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> I believe that everyone who has a hard on about
> being such an envious and butthurt little bitch
> about Falls Church is you.

As in so many other areas, I hold a distinct advantage over you here, this time in definitively knowing which posts I have written and which I have not. You can only guess at such things, and you are about as good at it as in using your 'remote viewing' powers to discern where I am, what I am doing, and whom I am with during some random lunch hour or other.

And for the record, I hold no grudge against your sickly City. I did indeed live there for a short time now long ago. I liked Lum's and browsing the racks at Giant Music. I thought the palm-reader's cottage was cute. But I got out of Dodge once I began to read the writing on the wall. Today, I report only facts. The city does indeed lack any sort of meaningful shopping or dining amenities. It does indeed have nearly twice the population density and roughly half the median household income of nearby alternative areas. And of course, The Four P's is in space that was once occupied by The Broad Street.

> You are as obvious as an oversized neon sign in Las Vegas.

My wife and her girlfriends have jetted off to party and gamble in Las Vegas many, many times, but I've never been. In those years, I tended to travel with my own friends to baseball games all over the country. I do hear though that there is quite a lot of neon out Vegas way.

> You're just pissed that you're too stupid to pull it off.
> It's a curse you should've learned to bear by now,

Yada, yada. The hollow sort of stuff that only losers mouth.

> ...but of course, you're too stupid to learn life's
> simple lessons.

Such as proper salad skills and etiquette, I suppose? Or the best routes to take from NoVa to Nats Park? LOL! You're a freaking idiot!

> Your sociopathic need to compulsively lie about dead
> parents is pretty disturbing behavior though.

They are long dead and long buried in New Jersey, as I have long stated. Your simple desire to disbelieve the facts does not undo them.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: FIFY ()
Date: May 31, 2019 01:38PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I believe that everyone who has a hard on about
> > being such an envious and butthurt little bitch
> > about Falls Church is you.
> As in so many other areas, I hold a distinct
> advantage over you here, this time in definitively
> knowing which posts I have written and which I
> have not. You can only guess at such things, and
> you are about as good at it as in using your
> 'remote viewing' powers to discern where I am,
> what I am doing, and whom I am with during some
> random lunch hour or other.
> And for the record, I hold no grudge against your
> sickly City. I did indeed live there for a short
> time now long ago. I liked Lum's and browsing the
> racks at Giant Music. I thought the palm-reader's
> cottage was cute. But I got out of Dodge once I
> began to read the writing on the wall. Today, I
> report only facts. The city does indeed lack any
> sort of meaningful shopping or dining amenities.
> It does indeed have nearly twice the population
> density and roughly half the median household
> income of nearby alternative areas. And of course,
> The Four P's is in space that was once occupied by
> The Broad Street.
> > You are as obvious as an oversized neon sign in
> Las Vegas.
> My wife and her girlfriends have jetted off to
> party and gamble in Las Vegas many, many times,
> but I've never been. In those years, I tended to
> travel with my own friends to baseball games all
> over the country. I do hear though that there is
> quite a lot of neon out Vegas way.
> > You're just pissed that you're too stupid to
> pull it off.
> > It's a curse you should've learned to bear by
> now,
> Yada, yada. The hollow sort of stuff that only
> losers mouth.
> > ...but of course, you're too stupid to learn
> life's
> > simple lessons.
> Such as proper salad skills and etiquette, I
> suppose? Or the best routes to take from NoVa to
> Nats Park? LOL! You're a freaking idiot!
> > Your sociopathic need to compulsively lie about
> dead
> > parents is pretty disturbing behavior though.
> They are long dead and long buried in New Jersey,
> as I have long stated. Your simple desire to
> disbelieve the facts does not undo them.

> I'm so lonely.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 31, 2019 01:58PM

LOL! You are Brookmont Bob. You can't be so stupid to think that anyone is believing your denials, can you? Well, perhaps you really are that stupid. After your numerous fuck ups, it should not come as a surprise.

Only you would be dumb enough to go down the rabbit hole of your stupid "chicken place" contention. You use your tell tale phrases like "minor league affiliate" amd "bottom of the barrel" throughout your time posing as a native of Brookmont. Keep in mind that you only created that persona because you flubbed when you attempted to be from Broadmont. Per usual, you fucked it up. You then went on to fuck up the name of Peking Gourmet Inn by calling it Peking Duck. I guess they were both typos! LOL!

Do you really want to revisit your salad fuck up? Not only do you not know how to properly dress or order a salad, you also stupidly presume that the only way to get a wilted salad is if the produce isn't fresh.

Meanwhile, the numerous homeowners still without power from yesterday's storm would probably like to own a Generac. Poor ass paupers like you just can't measure up.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:02PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Hmmm. Sounds like you and your sickly hag are prime candidates
> for one. That being said, such generators are recommend and
> normal for affluent people who want to maintain power during
> an extended outage of more than a few minutes.

Perhaps not in FCC, but power outages of any actually significant duration are rare where we live. They are typically dealt with when they do occur simply by cruising around to find an upscale restaurant in which to while away a few hours with some tasty food and drink. Emergency GAR restaurants for instance can be found all over the area, though not in FCC.

> It allows for cooling and heating as needed, food kept at
> proper temperature, etc.

We have two high-end full-size refrigerator-freezers. Those who can keep themselves from opening the doors will find that food will be kept at proper temperatures for quite a long time.

> Of course, if you can't afford one, one might desperately
> resort to claiming it is only practicable for medical reasons.

In the absence of medical factors, cost-benefit numbers for a typical Generac unit are TERRIBLE in this area. You'd as wisely invest in elephant-stampede insurance. While you can find larger home-generator units that can be tied into your existing residential natural gas service, most can not and will require on-site storage of significant volumes of LP, gasoline, or diesel fuel. This is not a good thing.

> No, I speak of private homes. I guess in the world of hovels
> held up by carports, a Generac is well outside their means.

Wastes of time and money would properly be outside everybody's means. Sort of like using unsecured lines of credit.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: FIFY ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:06PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hmmm. Sounds like you and your sickly hag are
> prime candidates
> > for one. That being said, such generators are
> recommend and
> > normal for affluent people who want to maintain
> power during
> > an extended outage of more than a few minutes.
> Perhaps not in FCC, but power outages of any
> actually significant duration are rare where we
> live. They are typically dealt with when they do
> occur simply by cruising around to find an upscale
> restaurant in which to while away a few hours with
> some tasty food and drink. Emergency GAR
> restaurants for instance can be found all over the
> area, though not in FCC.
> > It allows for cooling and heating as needed,
> food kept at
> > proper temperature, etc.
> We have two high-end full-size
> refrigerator-freezers. Those who can keep
> themselves from opening the doors will find that
> food will be kept at proper temperatures for quite
> a long time.
> > Of course, if you can't afford one, one might
> desperately
> > resort to claiming it is only practicable for
> medical reasons.
> In the absence of medical factors, cost-benefit
> numbers for a typical Generac unit are TERRIBLE in
> this area. You'd as wisely invest in
> elephant-stampede insurance. While you can find
> larger home-generator units that can be tied into
> your existing residential natural gas service,
> most can not and will require on-site storage of
> significant volumes of LP, gasoline, or diesel
> fuel. This is not a good thing.
> > No, I speak of private homes. I guess in the
> world of hovels
> > held up by carports, a Generac is well outside
> their means.
> Wastes of time and money would properly be outside
> everybody's means. Sort of like using unsecured
> lines of credit.

> You're my only friend.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: tgec4 ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:07PM

Seven-Figure FIFY Wrote:
> ^ FIFY

You are one of NoVa's biggest and most useless assholes, and your stupid FCC comrade is nothing better. Just a pair of bottom-of-the-barrel pauper loser dumbshits.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: FIFY ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:10PM

Brookmont Bob Wrote:
> Seven-Figure FIFY Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ^ FIFY
> You are one of NoVa's biggest and most useless
> assholes, and your stupid FCC comrade is nothing
> better. Just a pair of bottom-of-the-barrel
> pauper loser dumbshits.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:29PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hmmm. Sounds like you and your sickly hag are
> prime candidates
> > for one. That being said, such generators are
> recommend and
> > normal for affluent people who want to maintain
> power during
> > an extended outage of more than a few minutes.
> Perhaps not in FCC, but power outages of any
> actually significant duration are rare where we
> live. They are typically dealt with when they do
> occur simply by cruising around to find an upscale
> restaurant in which to while away a few hours with
> some tasty food and drink. Emergency GAR
> restaurants for instance can be found all over the
> area, though not in FCC.

Currently found on Dominion website:

High winds and rain caused widespread outages in our Springfield area. The vast majority of customers affected by this outage should be restored by 7PM on Friday, May 31st. Please check your status for your individual estimated time of restoration.
If you are experiencing a power outage, please make sure you report the outage to Dominion Energy immediately. Click here to report it online or call us at 1-866-DOM-HELP or 1-866-366-4357 or to check the status of the outage including an Estimated Time of Restoration.
Please stay back from all downed wires or damaged equipment, and call us immediately to report these damages at 1-866-DOM-HELP or 1-866-366-4357. If using a generator, please follow your manufacturer's guidelines to operate it safely.

We appreciate your patience.
Dominion Energy


Yeah, so rare.


It's been a whole week since it last happened! LOL!


My Generac is tied into my gas line and came installed for less than $8k. I don't need to worry about opening and closing my fridges or freezers. I guess $8K is too much for you to swing. For people like me, it's a small price for peace of mind and comfort.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:39PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> LOL! You are Brookmont Bob. You can't be so stupid to think
> that anyone is believing your denials, can you?

Reread the above. You have no skill at all in telling posters apart.

> Only you would be dumb enough to go down the rabbit hole of
> your stupid "chicken place" contention.

Let's review: Well-known chicken places that have no presence at all in Falls Church City: KFC, Popeye's, Chik-fil-A. All there is in FCC is Peruvian and other non-descript places that offer some form of chicken on the menu.

> Do you really want to revisit your salad fuck up?

Please! I would not try to cheat you out of full credit for your asinine salad blunder any more than for your massive compilations of ridiculous scallops blunders.

> Meanwhile, the numerous homeowners still without
> power from yesterday's storm would probably like
> to own a Generac.

Dominion Power reports that they have 566 customers without power at the present time. Out of more than 2.6 million customers in total. You are way out of your league here once again.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: FIFY ()
Date: May 31, 2019 02:48PM

Brookmont Bob Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL! You are Brookmont Bob. You can't be so
> stupid to think
> > that anyone is believing your denials, can you?
> Reread the above. You have no skill at all in
> telling posters apart.


Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 31, 2019 03:10PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Reread the above. You have no skill at all in
> telling posters apart.

LOL! You continuing to lie only confirms your sociopathic need to compulsively lie. You lied about dead parents. That's fucked up, even for a low class loser like you.

> Let's review: Well-known chicken places that have
> no presence at all in Falls Church City: KFC,
> Popeye's, Chik-fil-A. All there is in FCC is
> Peruvian and other non-descript places that offer
> some form of chicken on the menu.

Irrelevant to the point. It was then and is today merely a distraction to deflect from your numerous fuck ups. The fact that you feel the need to relitigate the point further proves you are Brookmont Bob. Remember, you're far too stupid to pull this off.

> Please! I would not try to cheat you out of full
> credit for your asinine salad blunder any more
> than for your massive compilations of ridiculous
> scallops blunders.

LOL! Not only do you not know how to properly dress or order a salad, you also stupidly presume that the only way to get a wilted salad is if the produce isn't fresh. 

> Dominion Power reports that they have 566
> customers without power at the present time. Out
> of more than 2.6 million customers in total. You
> are way out of your league here once again.

LOL! I'll never be in that situation. You, in all of your inferiority, can't say the same. Luxuries cost money. Money you clearly don't have. Maybe tap that equity again. At least a Generac might be tax deductible while a mundane trip to FL isn't.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 31, 2019 03:31PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Yeah, so rare.

Again, your 'remote viewing' powers are just plain piss-poor. The last significant power outage we had out here was more than a decade ago.

> My Generac is tied into my gas line and came
> installed for less than $8k.

What a waste of money. Could have paid for three days in West Palm Beach with that. Free breakfasts included of course.

> I don't need to worry about opening and closing my
> fridges or freezers.

Would that have been an actual burden for you? It's not for any of us out here in the Sweet Spot. Sort of like the burden of carrying an umbrella when there is rain in the forecast or stopping at the gas station when the needle gets close to "E". I guess we pioneering types just handle these sorts things with more grace and aplomb than you Little City losers do.

By the way, you should make some effort to minimize opening the fridge and freezer doors even when the power is on. Just so you know.

> I guess $8K is too much for you to swing. For people like
> me, it's a small price for peace of mind and comfort.

As I said, absent some health-related factor, the cost-benefit numbers of such a generator in this area are simply TERRIBLE. The salesman must have worn a big smile after your fell for that pitch.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 31, 2019 03:59PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> LOL! You continuing to lie only confirms your sociopathic
> need to compulsively lie. You lied about dead parents.

Once again for the feeble-minded, my parents are both long dead and buried in New Jersey. If you have some way to reverse that fact, please do step in, and I'll help organize some new religion around your supernatural powerfulness. Perhaps I can wind up as Saint Sweet Spot or something.

> Luxuries cost money. Money you clearly don't have.

Nobody (and least of all, YOU) has enough money to be throwing it away on really bad deals simply because some city slicker told you to go ahead and take the plunge. That's plain old-fashioned stupid.

> Maybe tap that equity again.

A needless generator will not be among them, but just about all the things that we do purchase will go through the equity line. As you are simply too stupid to understand, it's a means of doing business, albeit the business of running an upscale household. But never mind. These are skills that you will never have any acual need of. Just like your generator and your magic mulch. LOL!

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: May 31, 2019 07:17PM

JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> The last significant power outage we
> had out here was more than a decade ago.

Your math skills suck too. Both Hurricane Irene and the 2012 Derecho were both within the past decade and caused widespread power outages in this area. Of course, our home never missed a beat. It never does when the occasional power outage occurs. Looks like one more thing that is now nagging your envious, butthurt sorry ass.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: May 31, 2019 09:15PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Your math skills suck too.

No math involved. Just history.

> Both Hurricane Irene and the 2012 Derecho were both
> within the past decade and caused widespread power
> outages in this area.

Not out here. Irene did lots of damage elsewhere, but blew back out to sea over southeastern VA, and didn't make landfall again until reaching NJ. The Sweet Spot got nothing. We did have some minor tree damage from the derecho, but while many did, we never lost power.

> Of course, our home never missed a beat. It
> never does when the occasional power outage
> occurs. Looks like one more thing that is now
> nagging your envious, butthurt sorry ass.

Yeah, having nothing significant happen was quite a terrible thing to have to go through.

Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JP Morgenthau ()
Date: June 01, 2019 11:43AM

Well, yet another night without power outages has led to yet another all-of-the-above type morning out here in the Sweet Spot. More lovely temps and gentle breezes. More dappled sunlight dancing across the verdant green of well-kept lawns and gardens. More birds singing their happy songs. More squirrels and chipmunks scampering to and fro in search of breakfast. We'll see if other actors join in the celebration as the day proceeds.

My own breakfast of course began with the usual freshly-brewed cup of single-estate Kona. There really is nothing quite like it. To that we added grapefruit slices, ham steak, some scrambled eggs topped with grated fontina, and a nice chocolate chip croissant. A very tasty way to start off the day.

What we don't at all expect as the day proceeds of course is the sight, sound, or smell of heavy earth-moving machinery. No pushers, diggers, pounders, or haulers are expected in these parts at any time today. The mailman will no doubt putter by at some point, and we will perhaps see a FedEx or UPS truck wending its way along appointed rounds. But nothing more intrusive than that.

Speaking of intrusive though, those Cincinnati boys were most unkind and more than a little bit uppity last night. Uncalled for! That of course is what Patrick Corbin looks like when his command somehow deserts him, but he'd been on a pretty consistent run, so it was surprising to see it all come apart so quickly. Complete games are a nice thing and all, but maybe there is a price to be paid there?

Today, we'll nave to deal with five or six innings worth of no-joke Tanner Roark. He's been very good so far in that sort of mid-range, get-us-to-the-bullpen role, so we'll have to have some good at-bats if we don't want to be beaten up again.

We'll be countering with up-and-coming young Erick Fedde, who's posted a couple of solid outings in a row himself. That CIN park is just a bandbox though, so he'll have to keep the ball on the corners in order to get by.

In other news, Dominion Energy reports this morning that 7,248 of its customers are without power. Oh, the humanity! Better check that the old Generac is oiled up and at the ready. You never know when your sorry address might be next on the list. LOL!

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