First, make sure that the credit card is not a debit card for an account you already have. Next, make sure the credit card was not issued to access a home equity or some other line of credit you established. This should take 5 minutes or less.
If no to those answers and I am guessing that the maxed out credit card you have no idea about is also true, then get ready for a fun time.
First call TransUnion, Equifax,and Experian and explain you may or are the victim of identity theft and put a "fraud alert" on your Social Security number with these agencies. Get the persons name you spoke to and most importantly, follow it up with a a letter re-iterating what you said and what they said. Send the letter Return Receipt Requested.
While doing this, stay off Fairfaxunderground and do not ask for help from people on the web with the exception of the Federal Trade Commission. While some of us at this site are friendly and helpful - others are not and certainly few of us are experts at Identity Theft.
An excellent resource is at
Read it, love it, live it!!!!!!
Good luck to you. If you are the victim of ID theft, you have your work cut out for you.