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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: DAJAX's Post ()
Date: August 03, 2020 12:12AM

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: God Bless the Minnick's ()
Date: August 17, 2016 12:31AM

"they heard of an adoption program"

For children with emotional and physical problems..They did what they could for him.

God Bless.. for the love and care you gave the troubled youngster. Really.. How many people other then Mother Teresa or the Pope would want to even try to take care with love and kindness of a child with emotional problems..that is a adopted child..There are some Saints among us for Sure here and there. I knew all about his death on the cycle at Hayfield with the high speed crash, but did not catch this part of the story.. Thanks for digging it up. "Intrigued ()"


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: St anthonys too ()
Date: September 27, 2020 12:11AM

I went to St Anthonys and thought Sister Anne Catherine was mean Looking back now, I see that Sister Ann Catherine is just what was needed. She Kept us in line! What teachers were horrible? I always remember liking them! Mrs Mahoney was the worst though.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Sister Ann Catherine is the best ()
Date: September 27, 2020 01:16AM

St anthonys too Wrote:
> I went to St Anthonys and thought Sister Anne
> Catherine was mean Looking back now, I see that
> Sister Ann Catherine is just what was needed. She
> Kept us in line! What teachers were horrible? I
> always remember liking them! Mrs Mahoney was the
> worst though.

She gives the best blowjobs

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Tttttt ()
Date: September 27, 2020 02:01AM

I saw dat degenerate, manipulative, cock throbbing thunder cunt Ruby Cockburn getting fucked by the horses in Frying Pan Park at two o’clock in the morning. See I used to be like a security guard for the Kidwell farm and shit, and when I heard the horses neighing in the distance, I wondered what the hell was going on , and once I got to where all the horses were, this busted bitchcunt whore was jacking a horse with her hands as she was sucking off another one. I wish I could’ve called the police before she went off to do more degenerate shit, but I was too busy running off to the nearest trash can in the park to blow chunks. I felt like I could throw up the shit that was in my ass and out of my mouth. I attempted to commit suicide two hours after what I saw, but the bitch raped me with a wooden stick and it didn’t feel good at all. The doctors had to get all those splinters out of my anus via surgery. It was so fucked up that it scarred me for life. Thank god for the PARC, and thank god for Keenan Palen Peck coming out to tell us about this piece of shit Ruby Cockburn. We are so going to hang that bitch from a tree someday.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: double entendre ()
Date: September 27, 2020 03:55PM

Rob Roy Rogers Wrote:
> In the late 70s,
> > Roy Rogers himself made an appearance there on
> the
> > back of a flatbed with his band. Someone
> > (presumably diet conscious) threw a container
> of
> > cottage cheese on him. While the fellow was
> being
> > grabbed, Roy was heard to shout, "Cram one of
> our
> > hamburgers down his throat. That'l teach him."
> That's what the bastard got for stuffing and
> mounting Trigger.

That means two things teeheehee

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: arlingtonian ()
Date: September 27, 2020 04:58PM

Hi, I am hoping someone remembers this. Back in the mid seventies I remember hearing stories, about the house at 1299 George Mason drive. Apparently someone had killed the family and put their bodies in the garage. Can anyone tell me more about this? I had heard this from many sources who didn't know each other so I believe something did happen there. Thanks!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Patti Tucker ()
Date: January 31, 2021 06:00PM

Hi for everyone commenting on my parents death in Fairfax....
An important thing to remember is that the news likes to make things up. I can tell you that I remember that day well and can also tell you that the news was wrong. We had a happy balanced family of Wonderful World of Disney & popcorn nights, playing tennis together as a family, fun times of board games and learning to sew. My dad was a collector and had a civil war gun and swords; the gun didn't actually work. My mother hated guns (her little brother died due to a gun accident) and Mark wouldn't even kill a bug. Me and my siblings are fine; we have had many obstacles and hurdles to pass...PTSD was not a thing back then so the help we got dealing with a trauma was minimal. Remember, most of the Urban Legions you hear are not really true.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Patti Tucker ()
Date: January 31, 2021 06:06PM

Tony S.

Mark spent one year at a facility to re-engage into the community. Never had a label of mentally ill.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Matthew Enright ()
Date: July 06, 2024 05:14PM

Yes, I remember Todd Mckinney. I was pool friends with him. I say pool friends because I think I only saw him at the neighborhood pool but considered him a friend. He and I would jump off the high diving board doing can openers all day. What I recall was that he was delivering the newspaper early in the morning, and some idiot thought somebody was outside messing with his car and shot his shotgun out the window, killing Todd. It is a traumatic memory.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Matthew Enright ()
Date: July 06, 2024 05:29PM

Hi Patti, sorry I don’t remember you but I hope you are doing well. I do remember Mark. We lived at the top of the Goodview Ct cul-du-sac. I was 11 or 12 when the tragedy happened. I happened to be in California visiting my grandparents the day it happened. It was an incredible shock when I heard about it. Take care.

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