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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: roy ()
Date: August 01, 2011 08:22PM

haha yeah I remember that day! Was in the fall of '99 I remember I was sitting in my car about to go to school and Elliot was giving updates on DC101 about the jumper but I remember laughing my ass off because every update had "Jump," by Van Halen in the background!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: roy ()
Date: August 01, 2011 08:23PM

maybe I'm thinking of another incident but didn't he either got shot by rubber bullets or jump into the Potomac but survived?

Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: August 01, 2011 09:04PM


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2013 07:58AM by chuckhoffmann.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: centreville resident ()
Date: August 01, 2011 09:17PM


I have a FC Library card but its outdated. You mind copying it and pasting it so I can read it? I remember, again I was 9 or 10 at the time, my friends babysitter was crying frantically cuz one of the guys were her boyfrien, I think Skelly.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Got Glock ()
Date: August 01, 2011 09:34PM

Lots of people talking about suicides and murder on here. Anyone remember these 2 ( Both probably back in early 2000 ? )

1- Dude with a rifle over in the trees behind Kings Park Shopping Center facing Braddock. Guy was trying to commit suicide for several hours. I recall it was a week day in the morning ? The police had Braddock closed in both directions for hours. Not sure what kind of progress they were making but at some point they brought a SWAT vehicle ( it was a large armored wheeled truck ) and the dude freaked out and pulled the trigger.

2 - Probably around the same time ( early 2000's or late 1990's ) . I think it was a High School kind that tried ramming his car several times through the retaining wall on the bridge for Rt 29 that goes over 495. I think at one point he got the car stuck and climbed up and jumped down into traffic.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: postpoppunk ()
Date: August 01, 2011 10:15PM

Not a "real" local incident, but to me, at age 7-8, it was...

I witnessed a flash of light fall from the sky one evening and it freaked me out --- I called 911 and reported that an alien space craft had landed in Lee District Park and they should do something quick!

I did not know it was a shooting star and I reported it to my parents when they got back home.

To me, Lee District Park was about the furtherest point I could imagine from my home, maybe 2 miles...even though the world was perceived as a much smaller physical place back then, I think maybe, in my childhood mind, it will never really be that large again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2011 10:16PM by postpoppunk.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BrandonGMU ()
Date: August 03, 2011 12:11AM

Got Glock:

I remember passing by on the school bus when that guy had the firearm and there was a major standoff. I heard he had a hostage or two but I'm not 100% on that. There was SWAT everywhere.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: her story haunts me ()
Date: August 03, 2011 04:14PM

How do we get the FCPD to reopen the Lisa Rinker case?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: August 03, 2011 04:36PM

Got Glock Wrote:
> 1- Dude with a rifle over in the trees behind
> Kings Park Shopping Center facing Braddock. Guy
> was trying to commit suicide for several hours. I
> recall it was a week day in the morning ? The
> police had Braddock closed in both directions for
> hours. Not sure what kind of progress they were
> making but at some point they brought a SWAT
> vehicle ( it was a large armored wheeled truck )
> and the dude freaked out and pulled the trigger.

Went to school with this guy. Had no idea he as depressed or whatever. It was a real shock.

Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: August 03, 2011 06:42PM


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2013 07:58AM by chuckhoffmann.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: centreville residents ()
Date: August 03, 2011 08:39PM

wow just like i remembered. pretty horrific, notheless dumb as hell. can't have much simpathly the careless individuals besides their friends and family

thanks for pulling the article up @chuckhoffman

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: delldelldell ()
Date: August 03, 2011 09:08PM

i went to robinson. my sophmore year during homecoming some seniors covered the main hallway with baby oil. they had to cancel the pep rally i think.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FXCO N8V ()
Date: August 04, 2011 12:46AM

More detailed (WARNING:GRUESOME) article about the four men who decided to investigate the underside of a speeding freight train.


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FallsChurchStill ()
Date: August 04, 2011 06:45PM

Finally found an article about the doctor who was charged with killing his wife but beat the rap. People knew he did it -- but the jury wouldn't convict. Dude drove around Dulles Airport hiding from the police.

Here's the link: Scroll down to article 41. His name was Dr. David Davoudlarian. Bastard.


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BrandonVA ()
Date: August 04, 2011 09:08PM

FXCO N8V Wrote:
> More detailed (WARNING:GRUESOME) article about the
> four men who decided to investigate the underside
> of a speeding freight train.
> http://archives.savannahnow.com/sav_pdf_archive/te
> xt/fr343/A_2362787.pdf

Got to love that $90 flip phone add.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: elizabeth ()
Date: October 07, 2011 09:02AM

That is the best news I have heard in a long time! Lisa and I went to Christian Center together and were friends outside of school. I am happy to hear that piece of trash is dead. I still miss Lisa to this day.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: WeirdCrapOccurs ()
Date: October 07, 2011 11:17AM

No matter who you are, where you're from or what you are doing; weird stuff always occurs. It's part of life. How boring life would be without weird stuff??? Many do question from time to time: why does weird and bad crap happens??? Why do good and bad things happen to me and other people??????
Think about it. Remember to have a positive mind-set and outlook on life.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Scott ()
Date: October 07, 2011 03:02PM

JayBee Wrote:
> >
> I went to Lake Braddock and it was taken over by a
> jealous boyfriend of one of the students one day.
> Walked in with a rifle and took over the head
> office. I think that was 1981.

It was '83. I graduated LB in '82.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: elizabeth ()
Date: December 04, 2011 12:08PM

No charges ever filed but suspected boyfriend recently died.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: February 20, 2012 02:23PM


I have been trying to contact you...please talk with me. I just want to talk with you about how Bernie Woody treated Lisa while you were around her. Maybe you could help the Fairfax County Police in telling them what you know. You might be the one to put the icing on the cake. Please seek justice for Lisa. Don't be afraid to get involved. Have courage.

Do this for her and her daddy. He just recently died. This is so sad...but he knew who killed her and he told me who did it. With all of the evidence I believe he is right. God rest his soul. Did you know Danny Heath? This was Bernie's best friend...also a suspect. PLEASE HELP!!!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: gregg ()
Date: February 22, 2012 11:03AM

hay i grow up in mantua so were did this take place at what street

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Mrs. More Complete ()
Date: February 22, 2012 01:56PM

More Complete Wrote:
> Got Glock Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 1- Dude with a rifle over in the trees behind
> > Kings Park Shopping Center facing Braddock. Guy
> > was trying to commit suicide for several hours.
> I
> > recall it was a week day in the morning ? The
> > police had Braddock closed in both directions
> for
> > hours. Not sure what kind of progress they were
> > making but at some point they brought a SWAT
> > vehicle ( it was a large armored wheeled truck
> )
> > and the dude freaked out and pulled the trigger.
> Went to school with this guy. Had no idea he as
> depressed or whatever. It was a real shock.

Twins. David and Brian McCreight. I can never remember which one it was that committed suicide. More Complete, if you went to school with them we probably know each other. Long live Kings Park...cool...

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: February 22, 2012 02:08PM

Mrs. More Complete Wrote:
> Twins. David and Brian McCreight. I can never
> remember which one it was that committed suicide.
> More Complete, if you went to school with them we
> probably know each other. Long live Kings
> Park...cool...

Yep. I don't know which one it was either. In fact, I can't remember which one I sat next to. lol. They were good kids though. Like I said, it was shocking to hear the news. Never would have expected it. Just goes to show you never know what goes on in someone's head. Wouldn't be surprised if we knew each other. It’s not a small town, but it’s not exactly NYC either. ;)

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: lee ()
Date: February 23, 2012 01:04AM

SRE Wrote:
> nyynym25 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I was just wondering if anyone knows of any
> > murders in Greenbriar. Apparently in the 70s, a
> > teenage girl was found dead at her home on
> Morning
> > Spring lane?
> This did happen, as well as the "murder - suicide"
> in the late 80's (could be 90's...). The teenage
> girl's mom worked @ CHS (still did into the 80's).
> Case has never been closed, and living in
> Greenbriar during those times changed majorly for
> a few weeks/months, but then returned back to the
> peaceful normal of the time.
> Anyone remember the airplane that landed in the
> Westfields area back in '94? After landing
> (crashing) in the field, the plane was considered
> a complete loss, so the owners sold it as scrap.
> http://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=
> 19940618-1
> http://www.avweb.com/news/safety/183044-1.html

There was a plane crash but your link is not that crash.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: February 29, 2012 04:48PM

Mrs. More Complete Wrote:
> Twins. David and Brian McCreight. I can never
> remember which one it was that committed suicide.
> More Complete, if you went to school with them we
> probably know each other. Long live Kings
> Park...cool...

Yep. I don't know which one it was either. In fact, I can't remember which one I sat next to. lol. They were good kids though. Like I said, it was shocking to hear the news. Never would have expected it. Just goes to show you never know what goes on in someone's head. Wouldn't be surprised if we knew each other. It’s not a small town, but it’s not exactly NYC either. ;)

It was Brain that shot himself in Kings Park, Dave was living in San Diego at the time but had actually just arrived in town when it happened. It was the freakiest thing because someone I knew (may have been Chris Stemler) had picked Dave up from the airport and was taking him to his parents house in Kings Park when they got stuck in the traffic, he had no idea that his brother was the cause of all the fuss. I had just hung out with Brian a few days before this all happened, what a waste. More Complete and Mrs. More Complete, we probably knew each other or at least knew of each other. I tried to find an old article about this but all I could get was the first part of an old Washington Post article.

The Washington Post
June 6, 1998 | Copyright
A 21-year-old man fatally shot himself outside a Burke shopping center yesterday after a tense four-hour standoff with officers who tried to coax him to give up his gun, Fairfax County police said.
Brian McCreight, of no fixed address, shot himself in the head about 3:30 p.m. outside the Kings Park Shopping Center on Burke …

"Of no fixed address" - I had completely forgotten that he was living in that old Volkswagon bus behind the Exxon when this all happened.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: I remember Brian ()
Date: March 02, 2012 02:10PM

They brought out some huge SWAT vehicle with these giant tires. Stand off lasted a few hours before he threw his last smoke away and reached in the backpack and pulled out his gun and shot himself.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Mrs. More Complete ()
Date: March 02, 2012 02:28PM

Wow, I totally didn't know Brian was living in a van behind the Exxon. That's ironic given that his parents' home wasn't even a mile from there. Then again, when I was 21 if I had to choose between those scenarios...yeah, van for me too.

As I understand it, Brian was working at Vinnie's washing dishes and the last thing he did before starting the standoff that ended in his suicide was picking up what would be his final paycheck. I recall the owner either on television or in the papers saying that Brian always worked hard and they had no idea he was depressed enough to take his own life.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: March 02, 2012 03:16PM

I don't recall him working at Vinnie's at that time (I think he did work there but not at the time) but he used to stop by there and have a beer and chat with the people that worked there. I remember him working at the Exxon and living in the green VW bus before this all happened. I think he may have even tried to rob that bank in Kings Park before the standoff, not sure though. I do remember someone from Vinnie's being interviewed and them saying exactly what you wrote above.

I know those brothers did not have the best relationship with their parents at the time. I remember hearing from friends that one Christmas the parents cut out pictures of clothes from a bunch of catalogs and wrapped those up and gave them to their son(s). The son(s) in turn took a shit in a box and wrapped that up and gave it to their parents. I have no idea if that is true or not but I heard it on more than one occasion from more than one person.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FirstTimeLongTime ()
Date: March 02, 2012 03:40PM

duh Wrote:
> A guy robbing the Roy Rogers at I-395 & Rt 236
> (near the infamous IHOP) herded five employees
> into the walk-in cooler and killed them all,
> execution style.

I live near there. When did that happen? And what's infamous about the IHOP? Are you referring to the IHOP that's still there?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Urban Redneck ()
Date: March 02, 2012 06:51PM

That was the Woodrow Wilson Bridge I lived a half mile away and you could hear the people in thier cars yelling "JUMP"

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: March 05, 2012 11:33AM

"I live near there. When did that happen? And what's infamous about the IHOP? Are you referring to the IHOP that's still there?"

Not sure of the details on the Roy Rogers thing, they are in this thread so you can find them if you wish. The IHOP is infamous because some kid was shot and killed while pulling a dine and dash. It may not have been his idea to take off without paying, not sure and I haven't bothered to read the entire story because I'm not really interested. There is more than one thread on here about the IHOP incident.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FirstTimeLongTime ()
Date: March 05, 2012 02:11PM

BB*X Wrote:
> The IHOP is infamous because some kid
> was shot and killed while pulling a dine and dash.
> It may not have been his idea to take off without
> paying, not sure and I haven't bothered to read
> the entire story because I'm not really
> interested. There is more than one thread on here
> about the IHOP incident.

I remember that happening, but I thought it was on the other end of town.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Kings Park West OG ()
Date: March 05, 2012 09:49PM

Anyone remember a few years back the lady that was going through the MC'D's in Kings Park West Shopping Center that was going through the drive and died. Seem to remember that she dropped something and pulled forward with door open as she reached out to grab it and suffered a head injury.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: tarballs ()
Date: March 18, 2012 06:53PM

Kings Park West is right she dropped a fry

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: MichelleB ()
Date: April 16, 2012 10:54PM

OMG! I grew up in Vienna, was born in 1970.. I totally remember the incident about the brother being buried... I almost thought maybe I'd imagined it all these years, and now I'm kinda of happy almost that I just came across this. The way I remember it is that the two brothers were horsing around, the one ran into something in the house and a vase fell on his head and he died. The brother freaked out and buried him and the parents covered it up. That may be me not remembering it well, but anyway, i see this thread is from 08 anyway, so chances are noone will see this anyway :)

Posted by: MichelleB ()
Date: April 16, 2012 11:01PM

B and Wingnut

Lisa was my cousin... in response to the girl who was found on the side of the road in merrifield :(

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: April 17, 2012 01:20PM

This was a huge shocker when I heard this...happened in '98 I believe. I went to High School with this cat (Alfred Head). He was short quiet and I thought pretty well rounded....although he did seem kind of strange at times. You just never know with some people: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/08/AR2005070802012.html

-Back in '89-90 a close family friend was murdered in Stonegate area. Murderers were convicted.

-Monica Roman...murdered by brother...back in early 90s.

-Chuckie Thomas...murdered I believe after a brawl in Manassas I think...

There was a span between 89-98 where a lot of guys from Reston were being killed off. Almost seemed planned at one point. Crazy.

-Wayyy back when Reston Arcade (Flippers) and the Reston Roller Rink was open, there was a mystery Gang called "THE NINJAS". Some apparent ASIAN gang that would beat up/Kill people that walked from the Rink/Arcade. I remember walking with my brothers and the family friend that was murdere (years later), crying. Scared. There was a brick building there (back on Sunset Hills by Post office in Reston) that had a huge sign that said "NINJAS" in some kind of script grafitti.

-I remember back when I was in junior high 88-90, there was supposed to be a royal rumble. Skin heads vs. Brothas. I walked down to Lake Anne plaza and on the steps there they were. About 50-60 Skin heads READY! Nobody from Cedar Ridge or Stonegate in sight. Scary. One dewd asked me "Yo, you hear for the rumble?" Like dudes pops said to Deebo in Friday, I was like "NO!"...lololol...super crazy...they had bats chains....

That day... White dudes +60 Brothas 0


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: April 17, 2012 01:29PM

lol, I remember that time I got laid behind a fence after drinking at Clare and Don's in Falls Church.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Memory Lane ()
Date: April 17, 2012 01:38PM

Remember a few years ago when the Police Station in Chantilly was attacked?


Shots Fired at Suburban Washington Police Station; at Least 2 Officers, 1 Suspect Wounded

Fairfax County, Va., police officer Beth Underhill speaks during a news conference regarding the shooting of two police officers, Monday, May 8, 2006, that were transported to Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Va. A gunman opened fired outside the Sully District police station Monday, wounding two officers, authorities said. The gunman also was wounded, but it was not clear whether he was shot by officers or his injuries were self-inflicted. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)
05-08-2006 7:24 PM

CHANTILLY, Va. -- A gunman opened fired outside a suburban Washington police station Monday, wounding two officers, authorities said.

The gunman also was wounded, but it was not clear whether he was shot by officers or his injuries were self-inflicted.

Fairfax County police officer Rich Henry said the gunman opened fire in a back parking lot. It was unclear whether he had an accomplice, so authorities blocked roads throughout the area and locked down nearby buildings, including a high school.

Police department spokesman Lt. Mike Fish said the mid-afternoon shootings occurred at the Sully District Station. The officers and one suspect were taken to a hospital, but authorities would not release their conditions or names.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Details remain sketchy, along with the usual media distortion due to sensationalism and firearms illiteracy/hysterics. The shooter appears to have been killed by returned fire, they just called off the search for an accomplice. Prayers for the victims & their families are in order . . .


On May 8, 2006, Detective Vicki Armel, 40, and Police Officer Michael Garbino, 53, were slain outside the Sully District Police Station in Chantilly, Virginia. The gunman, who also perished when officers returned fire, was Michael Kennedy; he fired more than seventy rounds from a wooded area near the station's parking lot. As details about Michael Kennedy emerged, residents here learned that Kennedy was mentally ill and that his parents had been attempting to get help for their son. On May 12, 2006, the Washington Times printed this article, a portion of which is excerpted below:

"Local police and mental health officials said yesterday that they had no authority to return to a Rockville psychiatric facility last month an 18-year-old escapee who earlier this week ambushed Fairfax County police officers in Chantilly.

"'In the state of Virginia, if someone voluntarily checks themselves into a mental health facility and leaves, they are able to leave, [unless] there is a detention order,' said Officer Beth Underhill, a spokeswoman for Fairfax County police. 'If you leave, police cannot pick you up.'...

"Michael William Kennedy, 18, of Centreville, was voluntarily admitted to Potomac Ridge Behavioral Health Center in Rockville at about 1 p.m. April 18. Center officials said that the door to his room had no lock, but that he was staying in a unit block that was secured.

"About seven hours after he had checked in, Kennedy broke a window [and] left the facility....

"Kennedy's friends and neighbors have said he had exhibited bizarre behavior, such as calling himself Jesus Christ and talking about invasions by zombies. Documents seized from Kennedy's home after the Monday afternoon ambush show that he had received treatment for mental health issues...."
For a few weeks following the officers' and Kennedy's deaths, various people weighed in as to what might have been done to prevent the terrible events of May 8. But after a short time, as do many news stories of this kind, the story faded.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: rog ()
Date: April 23, 2012 08:17PM

dbcooper Wrote:
> I grew up in Fairfax but now live in Colorado. As
> some of you probably have read, we just had a 12
> yo kill his parents. It brought back memories
> from about 1968 when down the street from where I
> lived in Mantua, Mark Tucker killed both of his
> parents. Anybody here old enough to rememeber
> that? Or know what ever happened to Mark?

I'm pretty sure I know the guy. I knew him before and after the murders . Two
Years later he was hao in high school.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Caleb ()
Date: May 15, 2012 01:11AM

Yes, you are right. Billy Viscidi was killed by his 14 year old brother. It was not an accident but murder. His mother worked with the CIA and they both moved out of state to NY I believe. No juvenile conviction. Billy is buried at Fairfax Memorial Park off of Braddock Road in Fairfax, Virginia. After an extensive manhunt, the Fairfax County Police finally were asked by the Vienna Police Dept to help find Billy. His mother went on national television and pleaded for help. The Fairfax County Police actually went into the home and saw the devastation. Billy was found in a black trash bag 13 days after his alleged kidnapping. There was no kidnapping at all. Billy had merely stumbled upon his older brother having a sexual experience. I spoke with a woman who grew up with Billy. She told me that Billy was the most special boy in the world. All those that ever knew Billy personally have never really been the same... What a tragedy... Billy's physical body can be visited. His soul left everyone that summer afternoon. Please understand that the Billy Viscidi case is not a mere news story. It is about a really nice, compationate 12 year old boy who did not have to die. May Billy rest in peace for all eternity !!!!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: long time gone ()
Date: May 15, 2012 05:18AM

Near the site of the Viscidi case in Vienna. At the time relatively new townhouses on Nutley near intersection with 123. (Behind the Booze Plumbing
offices). Husband and wife were found brutally murdered in the townhouse. I believe their car was later found in P.G. county. Despite the brutality and mysterious nature of the case at the time I haven't heard anything about the case in years.

A surgeon who worked at the Northern Virginia Surgical Center in Fairfax City was brutally beaten. Don't believe he ever returned to practice. Never heard if they caught anyone for the crime. Someone related to someone who's surgery didn't turn out very good? (Across from Fairfax Nursing Home)

Accident at Little League field on Braddock Road. I believe a pole fell down crossing some wires and electrocuting a number of Little Leaguers?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: May 15, 2012 06:13AM

The little league accident at the field on Braddock Road near Wakefield Park happened in the late 60s. Some soldiers stationed at Ft. Belvoir were helping put up lights for the new (then) field, When a pole they were working on fell on some live wires. There is some sort of memorial plaque near the field.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Emma Lynn ()
Date: May 15, 2012 07:32AM

Does anyone recall this, a young man who raped and stabbed a girl who was working late at a carpet shop in Annandale or Fairfax (I think). The crime happened in the late 70s, I think. Then sometime in the early 1990s I read a story in the Post that he was working as Chief of Staff or legislative director for someone in Congress. I'm not totally sure about the dates.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Le Parque de Roi ()
Date: May 15, 2012 01:50PM

Does anyone remember the guy who lived in Kings Park in the late 60's - early 70's who after being dumped by his girlfriend promptly hung himself in her front yard from a tree? I wanna' say it was somewhere on Parliament Drive...

Not to be confused with the Army officer who was killed after being shot in the face one night by someone at his front door...that case is still unsolved.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: VA Resident ()
Date: May 16, 2012 03:24AM

duh Wrote:
> A guy robbing the Roy Rogers at I-395 & Rt 236
> (near the infamous IHOP) herded five employees
> into the walk-in cooler and killed them all,
> execution style.

My mom was just telling me about that the other day!! I had no idea and I've lived in that area my entire life! Apparently they let one guy live though?

Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: May 16, 2012 03:38AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2013 07:06AM by chuckhoffmann.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: your daughter ()
Date: May 16, 2012 03:50AM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> Le Parque de Roi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not to be confused with the Army officer who
> was
> > killed after being shot in the face one night
> by
> > someone at his front door...that case is still
> > unsolved.
> You're thinking of the murder of Lt. Col. Charles
> W. Fitzmaurice, who was killed with a single blast
> from a shotgun to his midsection (he was not shot
> in the face) when he answered a knock at the front
> door of his house at 8529 Parliament Drive in the
> then-new Kings Park neighborhood on December 12,
> 1964.
> The night was very foggy, and even though there
> were three other people on the street at the time,
> no one saw or heard anyone run away or drive off
> after the murder.
> There was another post somewhere on FFXU that the
> mother refused to let the FCPD talk to the
> Colonel's son, who has since died.


Please go to bed or else you won't be able to wake up to take me to school today and grandma will have to drive me once again!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Le Parque de Roi ()
Date: May 16, 2012 07:31AM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> Le Parque de Roi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not to be confused with the Army officer who
> was
> > killed after being shot in the face one night
> by
> > someone at his front door...that case is still
> > unsolved.
> You're thinking of the murder of Lt. Col. Charles
> W. Fitzmaurice, who was killed with a single blast
> from a shotgun to his midsection (he was not shot
> in the face) when he answered a knock at the front
> door of his house at 8529 Parliament Drive in the
> then-new Kings Park neighborhood on December 12,
> 1964.
> The night was very foggy, and even though there
> were three other people on the street at the time,
> no one saw or heard anyone run away or drive off
> after the murder.
> There was another post somewhere on FFXU that the
> mother refused to let the FCPD talk to the
> Colonel's son, who has since died.

Face...midsection, whatever...

Now then...back to the matter at hand...

Dude broke up with his girlfriend and hung himself from a tree in her front lawn somewhere on Parliament Drive...sometime in the late 60's - early 70's...does anyone have anymore information?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Coldy McCasey ()
Date: May 16, 2012 07:53AM


Chuck, here's the link to the page with someone allegedly on the ambulance that took Fitz to the hospital.

I realize it was 1964 and the FCPD wasn't exactly conducting CSI-level investigations but, I'm calling bullshit on the fact that "the mother wouldn't let the son talk to the police." Um, they're the police...they can question anyone they like...

"What's that, ma'am? Your son was home at the time of the shooting but you don't want us to talk to him? Ok, thank you and sorry to bother you, ma'am..."


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Jenny Stevens ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:27PM

I recall hearing about it when we went back to school. happened over a summer i believe

Lake Braddock Hostage
Posted by: Jenny M. Stevens ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:36PM

I recall I was stuck in Algebra 2 suring this time. At first the principal's office that the guy was joking with his rifle b/c we were showing Oklahoma at the time until he shot out the light overhead. There was a lady hiding under the copier the whole time and she was diabetic going without meds and food for hours. they called in swat. we were all hearded towards the "sevie" entrance of the school where we all loaded in school busses and were not permitted to walk home even within distance. teachers and kids smoked during the wait in the classrooms. we had a smoking lobby outside at the time as we had a 15 minute break in the middle of the day many used to smoke. the time we went to school we were told how much the principal loved us and any problems we had we could go to him. happened before a school break of some kind.

twins springfield 80s
Posted by: Jenny M. Stevens ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:39PM

anyone recall the female twins that went to Lake Braddock? One was called Lisa and was pregnant. The other was dying of cancer. They were both pretty and both pot smokers. I always wondered what happened to them.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Carter Veron ()
Date: June 05, 2012 06:47PM

Maybe it was left alone because its on another thread ( probably ) , but what about back in the day when the kid when into the lobby - principles office at Lake Braddock and held the place up.

Re: twins springfield 80s
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: June 06, 2012 09:31AM

Jenny M. Stevens Wrote:
> anyone recall the female twins that went to Lake
> Braddock? One was called Lisa and was pregnant.
> The other was dying of cancer. They were both
> pretty and both pot smokers. I always wondered
> what happened to them.

They're still around. Raising their families in the area.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Cat ()
Date: June 07, 2012 06:57PM

Does anything in Middleburg/West Loudoun count? Because man, that area is a gold mine of WEIRD.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: do tell please ()
Date: June 07, 2012 07:04PM

Cat Wrote:
> Does anything in Middleburg/West Loudoun count?
> Because man, that area is a gold mine of WEIRD.

Do tell...maybe then this will go to off topic.

But tell some weird stories before someone talks about bunnyman again.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: James ()
Date: June 22, 2012 09:21AM

Anyone remember Monty Rissel, or Rissell , serial rapist , killer in the mid 70's , real bad actor. He was from Alexandria.
He killed 5 women before he was caught. I think he's serving 7 consecutive life sentences. Just another piece of scum getting 3 hots and a cot at taxpayers expense.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Roadrunner ()
Date: October 22, 2012 12:56AM

That was a long time ago.....I went to school with Billy viscidi (Luther Jackson) what I remember was he was hit by a car a few weeks before he died, then something happened in his home with his brother who buried him instead of calling an ambulance.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: warren ()
Date: October 22, 2012 10:22AM

Roadrunner Wrote:
> That was a long time ago.....I went to school with
> Billy viscidi (Luther Jackson) what I remember was
> he was hit by a car a few weeks before he died,
> then something happened in his home with his
> brother who buried him instead of calling an
> ambulance.

...and they lived happily ever after.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: I do ()
Date: October 22, 2012 11:35AM

You guys remember that incident when a Woodson HS senior went missing on pickett rd?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Hysterical Historian. ()
Date: October 22, 2012 06:12PM

Roadrunner Wrote:
> That was a long time ago.....I went to school with
> Billy viscidi (Luther Jackson) what I remember was
> he was hit by a car a few weeks before he died,
> then something happened in his home with his
> brother who buried him instead of calling an
> ambulance.

12-year-old Billy Viscidi was killed in his home at 503 Princeton Terrace SW in Vienna by his 15-year-old brother Larry when Larry struck Billy with a 5 pound onyx elephant on July 25, 1978.

Knowing exactly how much trouble he was going to get in when his parents got home and discovered he'd killed his brother, Larry put Billy's body into a yellow trash bag and buried him in the back yard. After an extensive search, neighbors finally found Billy's corpse on August 12. Larry was arrested for murder on September 13, although by the time of his trial the charge had been reduced to involuntary manslaughter.

Because Larry had an excellent lawyer in Louis Koutoulakos, the charge of involuntary manslaughter filed against him was dismissed after a 5 1/2 hour bench trial before Judge Arnold B. Kassabian on January 19, 1979.

Larry's nearly 50 and lives in New Jersey now, and only he knows how culpable he actually was in the death of his brother.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 22, 2012 06:42PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2015 07:35AM by WingNut.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Hank Scorpio ()
Date: October 22, 2012 09:41PM

The whole Robert Hanssen espionage case was pretty weird and fascinating, in 2000 and 2001. While working for the FBI, he provided the Russians with state secrets for many, many years. Very strange case, since the FBI knew there was a mole, but spent years investigating and accusing the wrong guy.

The FBI had observed Russian agents opperating in Nottoway Park in Vienna, and Hanssen used Foxstone Park in Vienna as his dead drop location.


Another weird thing was the entire neighborhood in Herndon that was abandoned after being bought out by a developer, I think in the summer of 2000. They got everyone in the neighborhood to sell, and the offers must have been pretty good, because people just left their houses with tons of stuff still inside. I spent many nights that summer roaming through that neighborhood, exploring houses, breaking stuff, and generally doing dumb things. A bit creepy late at night, since my friends and I weren't the only ones who knew of this neighborhood (and in fact, just after all home owners had left, many houses were scoured pretty quickly for things like washers and fridges).

Someone eventually set one of the houses on fire that fall. Looking back, I'm surprised more crazy destruction didn't happen...some houses were pretty torn up inside, but most were still very livable.

Anyone remember this? It was located off of Frying Pan, accessed by Greg Roy Lane, near the intersection of Monroe. Now it's a bunch of apartments, condos, and town house

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: poe annandale ()
Date: October 22, 2012 09:53PM

1970 or thereabouts. paperboy got shot and killed by an Annandale homeowner in the dark early morning because he mistook him for someone trying to break into his sportscar. i knew the girl who lived across the street.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: blanche ()
Date: October 23, 2012 08:16AM

I think the paperboy was Todd McKinney, I think the shooter got off with not much of anything in the way of charges. It happened in the Tall Oaks neighborhood in back of Bradlick Shopping Center. Time frame is correct, I was a little kid then.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: I remember ()
Date: October 23, 2012 08:44AM

I remember this like it was yesterday. I am pretty positive it was the Woodrow Wilson bridge and this was a huge event because of two reasons. It was on a Sunday when the Redskins played at home for a playoff berth game I believe and Elliot was on the radio doing pregame stuff (and yes Elliot loves his jumpers!!!) The jumper caused massive traffic holdups and people were already pissed because this was a game that had been called a blackout because Cox Communications were buying out Media General and there were contract disputes so many people didn't get the game. In the end he came down and it was all because his wife left him or cheated on him, can't understand why she did it?!?! What a day, what a day!

roy Wrote:
> haha yeah I remember that day! Was in the fall of
> '99 I remember I was sitting in my car about to go
> to school and Elliot was giving updates on DC101
> about the jumper but I remember laughing my ass
> off because every update had "Jump," by Van Halen
> in the background!

Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: October 23, 2012 08:56AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 02:43PM by chuckhoffmann.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 23, 2012 09:33AM

1963 Mercury Comet.

Good stuff, Chuck!


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ffx resident ()
Date: October 23, 2012 02:01PM

FallsChurchStill Wrote:
> Does anyone rememberan incident in which a local
> doctor's wife went missing -- she was found
> murdered near Dulles Airport...this would have
> been back in the early 70s. The doctor had a
> wierd name, something like "Davildarian" -- I've
> tried several variations of the spelling with no
> luck.
> Also: George Stanley Burdynski Jr.
> Missing since May 24, 1993 from Brentwood, Prince
> George's County, Maryland.
> Classification: Nonfamily Abduction -- body never
> found.
> When I was little we worried about "the Bunny Man"
> -- who allegedly carried a hatchet and went after
> kids.
> I heard either Loehmann's plaza or Merrifield were
> small airports way back when.
> There were so many wierd things that happened but
> back then we never asked questions and of course
> there was no internet to consult. Just stuff you
> heard vaguely in passing and never really got
> closure on.

The Dr's name was David Davidlarian, and they lived on Aunt Lily Lane in Truro (off Guinea Rd in Fairfax). As kids, we used to ride our bikes by his house in the early 80's.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: HOA MGR ()
Date: October 23, 2012 04:55PM

I don't remember when it was but I do remember it was kinda weird the last time Gordy posted an unrelated pic.

What do ya'll thinkBox MC?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Cult of Reality ()
Date: October 23, 2012 05:00PM

HOA MGR Wrote:
> I don't remember when it was but I do remember it
> was kinda weird the last time Gordy posted an
> unrelated pic.
> What do ya'll thinkBox MC?

+1000, HOA!

"Pic Unrelated"...well, if it's unrelated why are you posting it you stupid cunt?

Remember the time she forgot to say...Lolzz? That shit has to go, too...

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Lynette Castle ()
Date: November 01, 2012 01:30AM

I remember this very clearly. My great grandmother lived in the farm house on the hill right above the house that the plane crashed in....she was sitting at her sewing machine in front of the window that faced that house....she had a stroke and died 2 days later. She didn't die as a direct result of the crash but the crash caused her death.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Lynette Castle ()
Date: November 01, 2012 02:22AM

this is the link to the technical report of the crash....it states 4 were killed

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Butch ()
Date: December 15, 2012 02:27AM

I recall the man to be an AF Col and would wish for any details of surviving family and disposession of perps TANKS


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Bumping ()
Date: December 20, 2012 07:08PM

This thread is too good to be on page 3! FFXU got some media attention today, bumping this thread back to page 1!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: skav ()
Date: December 20, 2012 08:03PM

In 1980ish or so, a guy/student with a gun took hostages at Lake Braddock Secondary School, causing the area be crawling with cops and a school evacuation. My memory says he was waited out and gave up after some period of time. I don't think any shots were fired. Maybe if he had better more modern weaponry he would have made different choices....

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: December 21, 2012 12:01PM

skav Wrote:
> Maybe if he had better
> more modern weaponry he would have made different
> choices....

Guns haven't changed much at all since the 80s. Or since the 50's for that matter. Nice try though.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Novaminion7 ()
Date: December 21, 2012 02:08PM

How about Robert Hanssen being caught. He was the reason for the largest security breach in US history and I used to walk home from nearby Madison HS with his s

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Novaminion7 ()
Date: December 21, 2012 02:14PM

ignore last post was typing on a phone

How about Robert Hanssen being caught. I lived 2 houses down from him. He was the reason for the largest security breach in US history and I used to walk home from nearby Madison HS with his son. From what I remember he was a nice man and would casually talk with my dad when we would see him around the neighborhood. Little did we know he worked for the Russians the whole time. I vivdly recall when the arrest happened on our street. There were so many black cars and soldier-like police and just a lot of shouting. My house is even featured in the movie BREACH! when filming the movie they actually filmed inside of vienna and the DMV. Also I used to drink with my friends in the park where he would do the dead drops. Creepy thinking about it now

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Glittervak ()
Date: December 22, 2012 09:40AM

Around 80 or 81 after Reagan took office the Park Service raided Fort Hunt Park to clear out the druggies. I was 12 and hanging out in our yard when the copters started flying overhead and the older dudes around the neighborhood started running out of the park and driving by at a high rate of speed. The park used to be a party spot similar to the scene in Dazed and Confused. Every day after school the high school kids used to hang out and drink up when the legal age was 18. We used to wander around the wooded areas and there were park benches that guys had dragged off to hang out and get wasted. After the raid they cleaned up the parks, closed off the back areas, cleared the brush around the old forts, and washed off all the graffiti. Nice place to take my kids now, but I wish the good times had lasted a few more years.

The GW Parkway bus crash into the stone bridge that decapitated a bunch of people in the late 80s.

The dude on acid who grabbed a cop's gun and shot him sometime around 1990. Then some 9th grade chick dropped acid at school and freaked out. The cops busted all the dealers at the school, I met a couple of them a few years later when they got released.

The CIA guy in Falls Church who was breaking into houses and stealing panties. At least he wasn't weird.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: TC ()
Date: December 22, 2012 09:57AM

Was it true that the TC Williams students tipped over a bus containing the opposing team after a Friday night football game in the mid 80s? I remember hearing the warnings when we used to attend games there but it sounds like bullshit with 25 years of hindsight.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Federales ()
Date: December 22, 2012 10:07AM

Remember Fort Hunt High getting torched? The Ft Hunt students had to split time at Mt. Vernon High, as I recall.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: John Long ()
Date: December 31, 2012 03:37PM

Larry Viscidi was a friend of mine and he was innocent. Billy died of an accident in the home when a stone elephant fell off of a shelf and crushed his head. Larry was aquitted at a trial that never should have happened but for a prosecutor running for office and trying to make headlines. That piece of shit Horan trashed Larry's life and the finances of his entire family to get on the news. Last I heard Larry was a mathematics professor at a university and drinks himself into oblivion every single night to silence the nightmares.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: from ffx ()
Date: January 01, 2013 12:04AM

In the early 90's , in Bedford Village near inova hospital off gallows rd, a male was found hanged outside of his apartment balcony. I was in kindergarten at the time attending Camelot Elementary School and I remember counselors asking us how we felt about it. Does anybody remember this?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: iwasthere ()
Date: January 02, 2013 11:16AM

Don't remember that one, but in the mid 70's TC Williams played West Springfield in basketball at WSHS. TC fans showed up after the JV game and the stands were already full. The one security guard saw them coming and pulled the door shut. Fans broke the window to the door and stormed the place. A riot broke out when the TC fans started throwing people out of the stands.

After that it was mandatory to have 2 police at every game between those two teams. Games after that got moved to Hayfield because of fan interest. I don't think they have that problem nowadays.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: grh360 ()
Date: January 09, 2013 02:42PM

I can remember that and thinking if only I Was at the Park off of Creek Crossing Road where he used to drop off the money in an envelope. $$$

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Doug ()
Date: January 09, 2013 10:25PM

iwasthere Wrote:
> Don't remember that one, but in the mid 70's TC
> Williams played West Springfield in basketball at
> WSHS. TC fans showed up after the JV game and the
> stands were already full. The one security guard
> saw them coming and pulled the door shut. Fans
> broke the window to the door and stormed the
> place. A riot broke out when the TC fans started
> throwing people out of the stands.
> After that it was mandatory to have 2 police at
> every game between those two teams. Games after
> that got moved to Hayfield because of fan
> interest. I don't think they have that problem
> nowadays.

I always wondered what the precedent was and by the time I got to WSHS in the early 80s, we heard it was a football game riot.

From 83-86, WSHS varsity football games were played in the daytime vs. TC. I recall WS vs. HD Woodson at a daytime game?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Whyme ()
Date: January 11, 2013 12:58PM

I worked with the guy and still think about him from time to time. It was very sad and we never learned why he did it. He was the last person I would have suspected of committing suicide, always happy and joking around.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: January 11, 2013 02:16PM

Whyme Wrote:
> I worked with the guy and still think about him
> from time to time. It was very sad and we never
> learned why he did it. He was the last person I
> would have suspected of committing suicide, always
> happy and joking around.

What guy?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: whyme ()
Date: January 11, 2013 02:22PM

Sorry about that. I was replying to the question from "from ffx" about the suicide in Bedford Village.


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: from ffx ()
Date: January 01, 2013 12:04AM

In the early 90's , in Bedford Village near inova hospital off gallows rd, a male was found hanged outside of his apartment balcony. I was in kindergarten at the time attending Camelot Elementary School and I remember counselors asking us how we felt about it. Does anybody remember this?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: January 11, 2013 02:28PM

whyme Wrote:
> Sorry about that. I was replying to the question
> from "from ffx" about the suicide in Bedford
> Village.

Gotcha. I remember the incident. Suicide is weird like that. Often times it comes as a total surprise.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Dion ()
Date: January 30, 2013 09:38AM

I rememeber the Billy Viscidi incident also. His brother was eventually foung to be the culprit but I can't find any record of the outcome and none of my friends seem to remember this being all over the news in the 70s.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: 4r3q3dct443t ()
Date: January 30, 2013 04:16PM

Back 2003 a couple of newlyweds were driving on I-95 when someone dropped a 70 pound rock onto traffic, hitting the woman and seriously injuring her. This is the reason that the highest flyover on the mixing bowl (I-495 to I-95 south) has a large wall surrounding it. It was added after this incident. I think the crime took place in Spotsylvania county, but it was covered quite a bit in the DC media. I used to drive down to Fredericksburg daily.


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: 4r3q3dct443t ()
Date: January 30, 2013 04:19PM


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: DDbMb ()
Date: January 30, 2013 04:34PM

Weird local incidents?

Apparently people are always hearing loud booms. Fucking mysterious I tell you.

Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: January 30, 2013 05:02PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2013 12:43AM by chuckhoffmann.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: GeeDubya ()
Date: January 31, 2013 12:44AM

Glittervak Wrote:
> The GW Parkway bus crash into the stone bridge
> that decapitated a bunch of people in the late
> 80s.

Don't remember that one - anyone have any more details?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Bump again ()
Date: February 08, 2013 03:30PM

This is probably verboten, but Fairfax Underground is in the Washington Post again today so we probably have some fresh eyes on the forum. Bumping this thread for the new readers.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: tourists got kilt ()
Date: February 08, 2013 04:12PM

GeeDubya Wrote:
> Glittervak Wrote:
> >
> > The GW Parkway bus crash into the stone bridge
> > that decapitated a bunch of people in the late
> > 80s.
> Don't remember that one - anyone have any more
> details?

It was a double decker bus and the driver was supposed to be in the middle lane, but it was dark and the bridge wasn't lit and he was probably stoned and a bunch of tourists got kilt. Now they have no double Deckers on the Parkway and they have reflective signs on the bridge.

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