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Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: November 08, 2009 03:23PM

The guy who killed the kid was Arthur Frederick Goode. For more on him, click here:


He actually tried to hire Bob Horan as his lawyer in Florida.

WingNut Wrote:
> TheMeeper Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WingNut Wrote:
> > >> the old Tysons Pits
> >
> >
> > What is that?
> Over near what is now Westpark and Jones Branch,
> Tysons Galleria used to be woods and some dirtbike
> trails. Some of my Pimmit Hills friends called it
> Tysons Pits, I'm not sure if there were ever
> gravel pits back there like Hayfield Franconia
> Pits or it was just a name...The guy who killed
> the kid there got the electric chair in Florida
> and was interviewed on death row by John "Pink
> Flamingos" Waters who has some kind of facination
> with the macarbe, pedohilia or both..

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: taylor ()
Date: December 10, 2009 08:43PM


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Bo ()
Date: December 11, 2009 02:29PM

I remember in the early- to mid-1970s, on eastbound Route 66, at the overpass for either Rt. 123 or Rt. 243, someone had spray painted "Jim Croce". However, he had run out of space, so the "c" was small, and the final "e" was even smaller. Then, a year or two later, right next to "Jim Croce" someone had spraypainted "Doors" with the typestyle used by the rock group. Then, for some reason, someone added a third, spraypainting "bread", with the typestled used by that group.

Border Security is CHEAPER Than Wars
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 11, 2009 04:25PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 07:16PM by WingNut.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: paco ()
Date: December 11, 2009 04:32PM

I remember when Hinkley shot Reagan to impress Jodie Foster also the Lincoln got shot in the fricking head to impress the south

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: December 11, 2009 04:54PM

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Cliftonian ()
Date: December 11, 2009 04:56PM

I remember when Trummers on Main used to be good. Shocking that it ever was, I know.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 11, 2009 06:43PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 10:05AM by WingNut.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: martha ()
Date: December 16, 2009 03:31PM

The tornado on April 1st, 1973 was on a Sunday...otherwise I would have been in the demolished wing along with many others. As it happened, i was in the woods behind Woodson in the Somerset-Old Forge area and I remember the wind and a tent we had passed on our way to a field was high in the trees on our way back. i remember how strange the air pressure felt. We went (without permission from parents) up to the school... and the English wing was GONE. I was in 11th grade and we were sent to Oakton on a short shift after a week off.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Really Boring Poster ()
Date: June 13, 2010 09:42AM

I remember one time I was driving down Burke Lake Rd. and this guy stopped next to me. He was really funny looking and had a really funny looking car. He was singing some weird song at the top of his lungs!

It was so strange, I'll never forget it.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: john smirh ()
Date: June 13, 2010 12:31PM

OLots of fun stuff went down at the Tyson's pits.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Odd. ()
Date: June 14, 2010 10:11AM

ferfux Wrote:
> this one was pretty weird yet totally sexy
> happening at University Mall, theater, Fairfax,
> Virginia.
> May 17, 2008
> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm
> 4.static.flickr.com/3281/2710857108_b176929f33.jpg
> &imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/clintjcl/2
> 710857108/&usg=__H1rdbNEdOiP1pSQMPFCC0hJhzxU=&h=26
> 2&w=500&sz=86&hl=en&start=38&um=1&tbnid=p7VJSlHv1b
> JroM:&tbnh=68&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Duniversi
> ty%2Bof%2Bvirginia%2Bgirls%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D2
> 0%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

The girl with her back to the wall is my ex from years ago.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: SURFBOAT ()
Date: June 14, 2010 07:11PM

The murder on Hall Dr.in West springfield,The gas exlposion of 3 houses in Canterbury woods.The 1966,79,93,96,03,09,10 snow storms and Blizzards.the burning of the Pohick Rd bridge in lorton over 95.The gas truck that exploded under the Rt. 236 bridge on the Beltway.Before the beltway was built.The power station exlposion by Wakefield park.The 5 army engineers that were electricuted installing athletic field poles for the playing field(HOWRY Field)The 1968,89 riots....

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: madman ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:40PM

guy who drove a van up to the washington monument and threatened to blow it up. 1982.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:42PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2015 05:50PM by WingNut.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Skins Fan ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:43PM

The Redskins won the super bowl

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 14, 2010 09:46PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 10:38AM by WingNut.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Mister Peatross ()
Date: June 15, 2010 12:55PM

GuessImGettingOld Wrote:
> I remember when a jet crashed into the Wilson
> bridge during a snowstorm. I remember Reagan
> being shot. I remember a blizzard like no other
> since in the early 80s...and we still had to go to
> school.
> I remember the Super29 drive in movies.
> I remember when Fairfax was more trees and woods
> than houses and streets.

You don't remember well you moron, it was the 14th st bridge the plane crashed into.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ernie ()
Date: June 15, 2010 01:27PM

How about the Woodrow Wilson Bridge jumper that tied up rush hour traffic. Didn't people actually encourage him to jump.Not sure how long ago that was.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Reston ()
Date: July 21, 2010 11:56AM

What was the highrise that burned down in Reston during the 1970's? Sky towers or something? That one made national headlines.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: shark ()
Date: July 21, 2010 12:19PM

Is this what you are taling about? It was in Falls Church.


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Cassie ()
Date: July 22, 2010 01:55AM

WingNut Wrote:
> Beatrice Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I remember the Billy Viscidi incident. I too
> was
> > about 12 years old and remember thinking about
> how
> > awful the brother must have felt. I was
> recently
> > thinking about what ever happened to the
> > brother.....did we ever find out?
> B, that one is still a mystery to me. I talked to
> a woman form the neighborhood who seemed to think
> the court records somehow got sealed because of
> the brothers age and the Viscidi family shortly
> thereafter moved away( can you blame them?) It was
> some really weird shit!
> Anybody remember this girl Lisa something who
> disappeared around 85 or 86 from Merrifield and
> was found decomposed in the Summer heat a few
> weeks later near where Fairview Lake is now? I
> think she was about 17 and they couldn't determine
> the cause of death her body had rotted so badly.
> They had a suspect but I don't think it ever came
> to charges.

I remember the Viscidi's, they went to our pool. The boys name was Billy Viscidi who got killed, his brothers name was Larry Viscidi, they also had 2 other sons Steve Viscidi and Kenny Viscidi. A few months prior Billy Viscidi was hit by a car and something happened at his house that caused him to die and the brother covered it up maybe out of fear but he buried him in the backyard. The brother was charged with murder but the charges were dropped because of not enough evidence.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Cassie ()
Date: July 22, 2010 02:48AM

WingNut Wrote:
> GMU Hokie I appreciate your diligent detective
> work about this weird case, but I'm not sure if
> it's cool to put that mans info online like that.
> If he was some child rapist you were outing, that
> would be one thing, but if I remember correctly
> the case was an accidental death and the family
> made the stupid choice of covering it up with the
> DIY burial.
> I would love to hear more details as it is just a
> fuzzy childhood memory, but this guy probably
> doesn't deserve to bugged by the likes of any of
> us about it.

I agree, I'm sure this story is a big burden to their family. But as time has gone on, its probably something they want to try and forget! I do know that all the Viscidi brothers went on to get college degrees and are pretty successful today. I was a little younger than Kenny Viscidi but I remember the news media stalking him at the pool and he was only at that time 10 years old! It was awful for him I'm sure as it was his other brother who was charged in the murder, not him!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Cassie ()
Date: July 22, 2010 02:50AM

WingNut Wrote:
> WingNut2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ha ha - that was so funny! Wasn't Marion Barry
> > somehow involved in sending the hookers to
> > Virginia, or am I remembering wrong?
> I cannot remember if it was pre or post Marion
> Barrys base bust. It made a great front page pic
> for the Washington Post and of course great radio
> fodder for Greaseman who did his "Rawhide" roundup
> song!

Oh yeah, Marion Barry, he was set up! LOLOL!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: July 22, 2010 06:44AM

The girl was Lisa Rinker. As posted elsewhere, FCPD suspected the boyfriend.

I would like to know more about the cause of death for the boyfriend.

See page 11 in this link:


Anybody remember this girl Lisa something who
> disappeared around 85 or 86 from Merrifield and
> was found decomposed in the Summer heat a few
> weeks later near where Fairview Lake is now? I
> think she was about 17 and they couldn't determine
> the cause of death her body had rotted so badly.
> They had a suspect but I don't think it ever came
> to charges.

More on Lisa Rinker:


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Date: July 22, 2010 10:50AM

What's the hurting neighborhood that got bought out by Texaco because of a fuel spill?

I heard it was a SHOW.

Thanks rickies.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: arizona girl ()
Date: July 23, 2010 01:45PM

The Viscidi's as of 1997 from one of their facebook pages.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: oldtimer ()
Date: July 23, 2010 03:34PM

I remember the great earthquake of aught-10. It was the largest ever recorded in these parts.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: hi ()
Date: July 24, 2010 04:16PM

when the guy went to the fairfax county police station and shot the fuccing place up killing 2 cops

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Hotty ()
Date: July 24, 2010 04:39PM

I remember the time that the high temperature for the day was below 90 degrees. that was a long time ago.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: waybackwhen ()
Date: July 25, 2010 01:08PM

I remember when white people used to live in Fairfax.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ffxress ()
Date: July 28, 2010 11:47AM


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: guy ()
Date: July 29, 2010 01:55AM

in the early 90s there was that girl rosie gordon who was abducted in burke. I think they found her body at the park off lake braddock drive..

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FallsChurchStill ()
Date: September 11, 2010 05:48PM

Does anyone rememberan incident in which a local doctor's wife went missing -- she was found murdered near Dulles Airport...this would have been back in the early 70s. The doctor had a wierd name, something like "Davildarian" -- I've tried several variations of the spelling with no luck.

Also: George Stanley Burdynski Jr.
Missing since May 24, 1993 from Brentwood, Prince George's County, Maryland.
Classification: Nonfamily Abduction -- body never found.

When I was little we worried about "the Bunny Man" -- who allegedly carried a hatchet and went after kids.

I heard either Loehmann's plaza or Merrifield were small airports way back when.

There were so many wierd things that happened but back then we never asked questions and of course there was no internet to consult. Just stuff you heard vaguely in passing and never really got closure on.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Les ()
Date: September 11, 2010 07:15PM

1 The homeless handyman who killed Laurel Hoeteling and that girl in Silver Spring

2 The painter's assistant Burman Alvaraz who murdered his boss and most of the Goth family one by one as they came home.

3. Weird depressed dude who killed his parents in McLean just off Old Dominion Dr.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: curious1 ()
Date: September 11, 2010 08:08PM

How about the Tina Ricca case....very shady, and they think the CIA is covering something up.


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 12, 2010 02:34AM

Les Wrote:
> 1 The homeless handyman who killed Laurel
> Hoeteling and that girl in Silver Spring
> 2 The painter's assistant Burman Alvaraz who
> murdered his boss and most of the Goth family one
> by one as they came home.
> 3. Weird depressed dude who killed his parents in
> McLean just off Old Dominion Dr.

3. A teacher I know had that kid in her class, and she said his entire family was whacko.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Restoner ()
Date: December 12, 2010 06:48PM

Wow - I'm way late on this, but fuck the 70's-80's and "acts of God". I've lived in Ffx county (Reston) for all of my 25 years (except a dismal 4 year stint in Sterling, but we won't talk about that) and here is my 2 cents.. some from personal remembrance/experience, and others from my "weird local news clippings" collection:

-Langston Hughes Middle School: in 1997-98 there was a prostitution ring busted there, involving a 7th grade male pimping out a bunch of 7th grade females to the highschool dudes at South Lakes next door to us. One of the "prostitutes" was an acquaintance of mine (interesting to note, we were both in the "gifted and talented" classes) and also supposedly ended up pregnant. They sent home a letter explaining all of this to the parents, which prompted my mom to ask me if I knew what a blow job was. (shudder). All the females were expelled, and the "pimp" returned to the middle school the following year. wtf?

-Another group of dudes I knew from Langston, when they got to South Lakes, got the bright idea to make a bunch of counterfeit 20's and use them to buy drugs at Sunshine Daydream (good idea) and then got busted using them up at the Silver Diner (bad idea).

-Intersection of Baron Cameron and Wiehle, by the dog park, probably around.. 2001? A woman in an SUV was driving drunk and came up on the curb/bike path and hit a young exchange student, I believe, who was on her bike and the young girl's leg was severed in the accident. One of my neighbors supposedly grabbed the leg and popped it in their freezer so as to try to save it. Not sure what happened to the victim, but the drunk driver (who was going to pick up her kids at the time - sweet) apparently killed herself that evening or the next day.

-Two girls (i knew one of them and knew OF the other) working at Michael's arts and crafts asked their manager for a ride to a party in like Haymarket or something, and when they were all in the car, the chicks threatened her with a box cutter, tied her up and asked for the combination to the Michael's safe (wtf? is Michael's really that ballin that it's worth such a heist?) and then they dumped her ass on the side of the road, unharmed, as they drove back to Michael's. However, the store manager easily found help and called cops who were there waiting for the dumbasses when they got back to the store. During the trial it was revealed that the one brandishing the box cutter wanted to kill the manager, but the other girl said not to hurt her. sweet.

Hold on .. there's totally more---->

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Restoner ()
Date: December 12, 2010 06:55PM

-That one dude who killed the scientist in Leesburg with a sword? Come on. I know it's not FFX county, but that is bad ass. The first lines of the article say "Kyle Hulbert, a man obsessed with vampires and dragons who used his 27 inch sword to kill a respected Loudoun County scientist, was sentenced yesterday to life in prison". Apparently his girlfriend told him that her dad hit her, pulled her hair (?) and poisoned her food (???), so logically, he had to bust in and stab the scientist to death..

And here are two quotes from actual articles I have.. personal favorites, WISH i knew these cool guys:

-"An off-duty Fairfax County Police detective arrested a 15 year old boy on Saturday, Feb 21, after he allegedly brandished a toy gun at the Starbucks at Reston Town Center. Police said the boy walked into the store and pulled a nickel-plated toy handgun from his waistband at 7pm..the detective, who was a customer at the time, pulled his weapon, identified himself as a police officer, and ordered the boy not to move...arrested and taken to the juvenile detention center where he was charged with brandishing a firearm".
Awesome timing bro. Wish I had been in there getting my frappucino on when this shit went down.

-"Miklos Bitter, 38, of Nathan Lane in the Herndon area, was arrested for assault of a 12 year old Boy Scout in uniform, who was disseminating flyers about an upcoming mulch drive. Police said Bitter forced the boy to the ground and choked him after the boy approached Bitter's home. Other Boy Scout's came to the victim's aid. The boy did not require medical treatment. Bitter was charged with felony assault"
Seriously though - let that be a lesson to the rest of em. Don't walk up on my yard!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: BrandonVA ()
Date: December 13, 2010 01:51AM

The Speilberg nephew incident at PVI 10 years ago is still epic. Some sand nigger in his late 20's pretended to be like 15 and got accepted to the school. Ended up banging this trashy 15 year old chick and got arrested.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Moose ()
Date: December 13, 2010 10:44AM

I know, I know, this has been covered before...
January 13, 1982 ~ Boeing 737 ~ Air Florida Flight 90 ~ crashed into the 14th Street Bridge over the Potomac River.
Having left work early due to the heavy snow storm, I was on that bridge that day in a carpool, trying to get home to Springfield. Total ~ complete whiteout, couldn't see your hand in front of your face. The strangest thing was that we heard nothing and saw nothing. You would think something coming at the bridge that huge, you would certainly see and hear. Nothing. Quiet and still. People walking on the bridge saying a plane had hit the bridge ... "hit cars on the bridge, lots of people in the water...What?!" We got out & walked as far as we were allowed. What we saw on the bridge & off, was just horrible. I've always felt so bad for all who were involved. Still to this day, I can't believe a plane was allowed to take off in those conditions.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Jenn ()
Date: December 13, 2010 12:23PM

I remember the Air Florida crash all too well. In fact, it was one of the first major catastrophe that I watched on television and understood. I was in seventh grade and school in Fairfax County dismissed early that day, due to all of the snow and ice. My school bus took forever to get us all home and I remember having a weird feeling that "everything was weird that day" - school dismissing early, then getting home at an odd time, the strange weather pattern and how quickly that snowstorm hit the area.

Being a latch-key kid, I settled down to watch tv and I ended up watching local, Channel 7 news coverage. It seemed that the reporters were on site nearly right after the cras because I watched the horror unfold; the flight attendant who was too weak and cold to hang on to the rescue rope dropped from the helicopter, the older man who kept passing the rescue ring to others (he later drowned) and then Lennie Skutnick jumping in the freezing Potomac and rescuing a victim.

It still gives me chills to recall the events of that day. This was at a time when we weren't used to "real time" news coverage, especially for such a horrific crash.

This may be posted upthread, but I think this was the same year (or year after) that a lake Braddock teacher was held hostage at gunpoint by her disgruntled boyfriend. The whole school was in lockdown (I think) and this was before we even had this term. I was across town at a different school, but I remember hearing about this during our school day.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: KOOK CITY ()
Date: December 14, 2010 09:47PM

Do these qualify as weird or as simply fucking stupid?

Local Bigfoots:

1) In 2000, construction workers reported spotting a bigfoot poking around... get this... not the mountains of the Pacific Northwest... but AT MOTHERFUCKING ARUNDEL MILLS MALL in suburban MD!

2) Residents in Mount Vernon, VA, in the 70s and 80s reported the "Mount Vernon Monster." Surely a bigfoot based on the scary howls and screams reported at night. Sure, they sounded EXACTLY like a pea fowl cry, but locals insisted it was a MOTHERFUCKING BIG FOOT MONSTER. And some nuts still do!

Goat Man: I love this story. Remember in the 90s when the local news began running stories that goat man had reappeared and had apparently taken up part-time residence in VA?

Any other crypto crap from the area?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Jes ()
Date: December 16, 2010 01:39PM

Yeah, I remember that guy he came through my line once at K-Mart. He had paper towels wrapped around his head like a tall hat or something and then one over his mouth. I used to see him driving around Burke. We used to call him the Paper Towel Man. I heard he had a wife and daughter, but he was always alone when I saw him. It was pretty hard to keep a strait face when he's buying crap from you and no it wasn't paper towels. I think I would have had to make a comment to him if it was.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Mick ()
Date: December 21, 2010 03:17PM

Dude..........Awesome Pic..I Remember..in 73..Lots of Death...And the Contractor went to jail and lost his business !!!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: December 21, 2010 03:47PM

Jes Wrote:
> Yeah, I remember that guy he came through my line
> once at K-Mart. He had paper towels wrapped
> around his head like a tall hat or something and
> then one over his mouth. I used to see him
> driving around Burke. We used to call him the
> Paper Towel Man. I heard he had a wife and
> daughter, but he was always alone when I saw him.
> It was pretty hard to keep a strait face when he's
> buying crap from you and no it wasn't paper
> towels. I think I would have had to make a comment
> to him if it was.

The paper towel man! He was all over Burke! Just walking around, shopping, whatever. Must have been scared of the air or aliens or something. What a freak!

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FallsChurchStill ()
Date: December 24, 2010 12:50AM

What about the Lyon sisters who vanished without a trace in 1975. Someone said a man had been in the area telling people he was a photographer. I've often wondered if it was the "Dating Game" serial killer, Rodney Alcala, who abducted them.

I remember this lady who walked at the very end of the Memorial Day parade in Falls Church. She called herself "Under Dog" and even made a special costume to wear. No one understood really where she came from, but she always showed up for this parade. She kind of talked to herself as she marched and swirled her cape around.

The tornados that came through Falls Church in the early 70's knocked down the bell tower in King David Memorial Park. They never replaced it. That used to be a beautiful cemetary - no headstones. Now it looks like a bizarre carnival of wierd statues and stuff. Too bad, it really was a beautiful place at one time.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: fx dude ()
Date: December 24, 2010 12:58PM

I saw bigfoot in chantilly off walney rd back in the late 80's.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: savanna ()
Date: December 24, 2010 01:17PM

fx dude Wrote:
> I saw bigfoot in chantilly off walney rd back in
> the late 80's.

Tell us more. I lived there then.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: say ()
Date: December 24, 2010 01:52PM

Moose Wrote:
> I know, I know, this has been covered before...
> January 13, 1982 ~ Boeing 737 ~ Air Florida Flight
> 90 ~ crashed into the 14th Street Bridge over the
> Potomac River.
> Having left work early due to the heavy snow
> storm, I was on that bridge that day in a carpool,
> trying to get home to Springfield. Total ~
> complete whiteout, couldn't see your hand in front
> of your face. The strangest thing was that we
> heard nothing and saw nothing. You would think
> something coming at the bridge that huge, you
> would certainly see and hear. Nothing. Quiet and
> still. People walking on the bridge saying a
> plane had hit the bridge ... "hit cars on the
> bridge, lots of people in the water...What?!" We
> got out & walked as far as we were allowed. What
> we saw on the bridge & off, was just horrible.
> I've always felt so bad for all who were involved.
> Still to this day, I can't believe a plane was
> allowed to take off in those conditions.

Planes take off in that kind of weather all the time. Where they fucked up was not de-icing again after being delayed. Probably some Air Florida bean-counter was trying to save a few bucks and ended up putting the airline out of business.

I was living on a boat at the marina just north of the bridge and trudged over there as soon as I heard about it. Got there just as Skutnick jumped in the River.

Sort of lost in the story was the skill of that Park Police helicopter pilot. I still don't how he could see what the fuck he was doing and not crashing himself.

Also little remembered that day was Metrorail had it's first fatal accident almost simultaneously with the plane crash. I think a switch malfunctioned and they killed 2-3 riders.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: shooting ()
Date: December 26, 2010 11:46PM

there was a shooting inlansdowne i am sure everyone has heard about that those people were my neighbors

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: dapht ()
Date: February 25, 2011 10:15PM

I've been collecting information about the Mount Vernon Monster for a couple of years. I have a page devoted to it on a blog:


I'm very interested in hearing from people who were there between September 1978 and Summer of 1979.

I am most interested in people who can provide first hand accounts. I'm interested in claims of hoaxing -- for instance, if someone was hoaxing, did you witness the hoaxing? Did you participate in the hoaxing? There can't be any legal repercussions now, so don't be afraid to come forward if you were involved and can give information about a possible hoax.

Likewise, I'm interested in hearing from people who were there and who knew the principle witnesses. If it's at all possible, I'd be interested in generating a timeline of events.

If you were a witness either to the sounds the creature made, or of the creature itself, I'd be very interested in hearing from you. All correspondence with me will be held private at your request. You can email me from the blog linked above, or from the address at the top of this post.

MANNEQUIN ON THE HIGHWAY! (I-95 at Springfield, VA)
Posted by: Magnavox ()
Date: March 02, 2011 09:20PM

Hey All,

I remember one fall about 5-6 years ago, in an early morning rush hour, they put a mannequin over I-95 near the Springfield Mixing Bowl (in Springfield, VA). It held up traffic for hours, partly because initially, people thought they were witnessing a real suicide. The scene must have been lifelike. Then there were repeating helicopter reports coming in about a mysterious mannequin on the highway, and the incident took center stage in the early morning news that day. Apparently, no one understood how (in the hell!) they got it up there so well--that was the part of the mystery and as I remember, part of speculation by radio talk show hosts that morning. I remember laughing when I heard about it, but also thinking something truly evil had happened that morning--perhaps some omen of evil.


Border Security is CHEAPER Than Wars
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 03, 2011 08:46AM

FallsChurchStill Wrote:

> I remember this lady who walked at the very end of
> the Memorial Day parade in Falls Church. She
> called herself "Under Dog" and even made a special
> costume to wear. No one understood really where
> she came from, but she always showed up for this
> parade. She kind of talked to herself as she
> marched and swirled her cape around.

Was it this same lady who used to be on Howard Stern back in the 90's? She was a world class nut.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2015 09:06PM by WingNut.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 03, 2011 07:27PM

WingNut Wrote:
> FallsChurchStill Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I remember this lady who walked at the very end
> of
> > the Memorial Day parade in Falls Church. She
> > called herself "Under Dog" and even made a
> special
> > costume to wear. No one understood really
> where
> > she came from, but she always showed up for
> this
> > parade. She kind of talked to herself as she
> > marched and swirled her cape around.
> Was it this same lady who used to be on Howard
> Stern back in the 90's? She was a world class
> nut.

It had to have been her. Not too long ago, she was being interviewed by Howard 100 News and she was talking about how she attends different parades throughout the country. As Underdog Lady and other costumes. Of course, her chronic explosive diarrhea was slowing her down a little bit.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Daryl Blue ()
Date: March 04, 2011 06:38AM

How about that dude at Pope Paul high school in Fairfax city who posed as Stephen Speilberg's nephew and nailed a lot of those Catholic school girls out by the shed next to the football field. Wasn't he overage too? Does he still live around here?

The one time in the last 2 decades when the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors actually denied a developers rezoning application.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Ms ProVallone ()
Date: March 04, 2011 11:51AM

Between 81 - 83 Oakton High School teacher caught at the rest stop on 66. I think there was bunch of adults soliciting or something like that or caught in sex acts.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: klepto ()
Date: March 04, 2011 03:31PM

I just read the start of this thread about the Mantua oil spill... I know all about it since I lived on the affected street. All of us on the street ended up bringing a class action lawsuit against Star Enterprises and won. As a result, Star Enterprises had to buy all of our homes for above market value as well as compensate us financially for the hassle and possible negative health effects. During that time my family had to pee in buckets for 24 hour periods and send the pee off to be tested and we also has to do respiratory testing. Some people were found to have developed health problems related to the toxic benzene gasses entering our homes from the spill of lot and lots of jet fuel over the years at the nearby tank farm on Picket Rd. Pets mysteriously died and developed weird cancers. Even before we left, the EPA was drilling wells up and down the street to recover the spilled fuel. If you want to know more, just ask.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: TaxpayerFX ()
Date: March 04, 2011 04:15PM

I remember the totally lowest life rancid putrid homeless/help the poor daytime shelter:

The Lamb Center

It was the most horrifying experience of my and many lives, accept for the resident addicted resident Drunks and Drug-doing drug dealers, Illegal Immigrants, and self-rightous fag punks

Go to the search mode right here on FXunderwear, type in:

the lamb center

and see for yourself!

Don't forget to match-up the REAL names with the Arrest/Ticket Search right here on FXunderground.

This stuff IS TRUE!

Going on right in your own BACKYARD!

BEWARE FOR YOUR CHILDREN! (And youself for that matter!)

The Lamb Center,

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: dbcooper ()
Date: March 04, 2011 07:33PM

I grew up in Fairfax but now live in Colorado. As some of you probably have read, we just had a 12 yo kill his parents. It brought back memories from about 1968 when down the street from where I lived in Mantua, Mark Tucker killed both of his parents. Anybody here old enough to rememeber that? Or know what ever happened to Mark?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: child abducted and killed in FC ()
Date: March 04, 2011 08:11PM

While we were on vacation my brothers friend was killed.

The boy was taking the bus to Seven Corners to meet his mom at work. He got off the bus and a man abducted him and killed him. I do not remember his name since I was little at the time and I was told this later.

I am going to call my brother and try and get his name.

He may have gone to George Mason High school in Falls Church. This was in the 70's.


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: David Martin ()
Date: March 05, 2011 12:29AM

Hardly anything tops the Tommy Burkett case. See http://www.dcdave.com/article4/020704.html.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: March 07, 2011 11:25AM

1980, June, playing Babe Ruth baseball at the Vienna Community Center on one unusually cool night. Halfway through the game it started to snow - lasted for a few minutes and stopped. We were all amazed, of course.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: the news ()
Date: March 08, 2011 05:00PM

remember when six inches of snow made everyones commute six hours long? THAT was the crazyiest thing as of recent

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: March 09, 2011 12:21AM

Ms ProVallone Wrote:
> Between 81 - 83 Oakton High School teacher caught
> at the rest stop on 66. I think there was bunch
> of adults soliciting or something like that or
> caught in sex acts.

Mr. Fogle, Geography teacher. I had the class next to his, and remember him being dismissed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2011 12:22AM by Berdhuis.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: GCM ()
Date: March 09, 2011 07:29AM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Ms ProVallone Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Between 81 - 83 Oakton High School teacher
> caught
> > at the rest stop on 66. I think there was
> bunch
> > of adults soliciting or something like that or
> > caught in sex acts.
> Mr. Fogle, Geography teacher. I had the class next
> to his, and remember him being dismissed.

Didn't Mr. Fogle teach at Marshall?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Ms ProVallone ()
Date: March 09, 2011 09:17AM

GCM Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ms ProVallone Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Between 81 - 83 Oakton High School teacher
> > caught
> > > at the rest stop on 66. I think there was
> > bunch
> > > of adults soliciting or something like that
> or
> > > caught in sex acts.
> >
> > Mr. Fogle, Geography teacher. I had the class
> next
> > to his, and remember him being dismissed.
> Didn't Mr. Fogle teach at Marshall?

I was also in the class next to him too. It happened in the spring of 82 I believe, and if he taught at Marshall, that I don't know.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 09, 2011 09:23AM

Mr. Fogle is probably involved in the teacher pay protest movement if he hasn't died from the AIDS.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

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Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: daburg ()
Date: March 09, 2011 09:30AM

Did not happen in Fairfax Co, but in Spotsylvania back in 1978 this 14 year old, Chris Gavis, shotgunned his parents to death in the middle of the night. Then he shot two of his brothers as well, one of them died.

A few years later it got even stranger when two of the survivng kids dug their dad's grave up and retrieved his skull. They believed that there was a secret Swiss bank account number engraved into their dad's teeth. They got arrested and then convicted of defiling a grave.

As for Chris Gavis, this was in the 1970's when minors could not be tried as adults no matter what they did. So he was held until he was 18 and then released. I heard that he joined the Navy and the rumor was that he was living somewhere on the Gulf Coast working on oil rigs.

The family requested that all the court proceedings be sealed so it's not really known why Chris killed his parents and his brother. These days in our tabloid media culture this would have probably been a national story. But in the 1970's Spotsylvania was still rural and the story did not get much press outside of Fredericksburg and DC.

Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: March 09, 2011 11:24AM


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2013 10:03AM by chuckhoffmann.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: screwed ()
Date: March 09, 2011 11:30AM

Dail Brown shot his dad and chopped up the body and stuck it in the trunk of the family car.



I've dealt with his mother, Patti Brown... she's a real piece of work.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: daburg ()
Date: March 09, 2011 02:20PM

After I posted about the Gavis murders I went to the Free-Lance Star's website and found out I got some facts wrong.

-Chris Gavis shot three of his brothers, one died.
-He was not "held" until he was 18. The state put him in a mental hospital and then a boarding school. He never went to jail.
-He joined the Army, not the Navy.
-The story did get national coverage at the time but was quickly hushed up, per the wishes of the family. To this day nearly everyone involved in the case refuses to talk about it.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Francis ()
Date: May 06, 2011 12:35PM


I am actually looking for someone. Does anyone remember back in the 60's or 70's (sorry) - An attempted murder suicide. The father of 3 or 4 kids shot the mother at close range 5 times and then shot himself.... She loved, he died... Any info would be great...

Thank you,


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: 123 ()
Date: May 06, 2011 08:44PM

Crazy story out of Dumfries


Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: long ago ()
Date: May 08, 2011 07:53PM

Dixie Pig at Beacon Mall

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FallsChurchStill ()
Date: May 20, 2011 09:53PM

The Tommy Burkett case was a real tragedy, and there was never a conclusion to it. The police screwed up that case royally. I think his Mom went to law school after that because she was so disgusted. For years and years there was a "In Memory Of" picture of him every October in the Washington Post. It always said the same thing, "someday we will find the truth" or something like that. But I don't think they ever did.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FallsChurchStill ()
Date: May 20, 2011 09:55PM

When I went to Falls Church H.S. in the late 70's, a couple of guys said they were driving across the football field and saw a bigfoot. Of course I thought they were lying, but they were serious. Go figure --

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: FallsChurchStill ()
Date: May 20, 2011 10:08PM

By Christine Spolar
Washington Post
August 30, 1992

Behind the stone walls of St. James Catholic Church in Falls Church, the suicide of Monsignor William T. Reinecke has touched off some of the most troubling questions about a priest and his vocation.

Two weeks ago, the 53-year-old priest and longtime chancellor of the Diocese of Arlington killed himself with a shotgun. Fellow priests and parishioners searched for solace in churchwide counseling sessions, many blaming themselves for missing any hints Reinecke may have dropped about his private despair.

Then another report surfaced. Joe McDonald, a former altar boy from another parish, claimed that Reinecke molested him 25 years ago and said he had confronted the priest about it two days before Reinecke killed himself.

McDonald, now 39, told his story to The Washington Post and the Washington Times -- where it appeared last Wednesday -- after the diocese rebuffed his request to discuss Reinecke's death. On Friday, as Falls Church police encouraged anyone with a similar complaint to come forward, a representative of Bishop John R. Keating sought out McDonald.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: I went to St James ()
Date: May 20, 2011 10:22PM

The place was always creepy.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Oakton_Guy ()
Date: May 21, 2011 06:19AM

I remember that hot blonde teacher from Oakton High School that taught the Computer Science classes there that was caught with one of the students (one of my friends from that class).

I found it interesting that on wikipedia, they did not list that, but these other controversies...

Thomas Newlun, 53, a special education teacher allegedly gave a small amount of marijuana to a 17-year-old student about during a break between classes. Newlun was charged with distribution of marijuana to a minor, drug distribution on school property and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

In 2003, AP English teacher Richard Tucker allegedly asked students to repeat profanity during a reading of Catcher in the Rye. One student, working for a conservative think tank, wrote an article online about the matter that gained national attention.[11] Local news outlets covered the story extensively.

On January 11, 2008, Spanish teacher Matthew McGuire was arrested on charges of using his computer to solicit sex with a minor. McGuire also coached track at Chantilly. Arlington County police said they arrested McGuire on Wednesday at his Alexandria home after investigating his online activities for several months. According to Alexandria court records, a detective posing as a 13-year-old girl named Jessica had several conversations with McGuire between March and December 2007.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Being a teacher makes you whack ()
Date: May 21, 2011 09:21AM

I say you should only teach for ten years. After that you start to act like the kids.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Chris Evans ()
Date: June 06, 2011 08:49AM

Lisa Ann Rinker was murdered in August 1984. Her boyfriend Bernie Woody threatened to kill her after he found out about her affair with her sister's husband Dale Robinson. Bernie is now deceased...He die of cancer about a year ago (2010). Danny Heath Bernie Woody's best friend was a suspect also. No arrest could be done at the time because of the Medical examiner, he could not determine how she died. Her body was exhumed a year and a half later and sent out to determine how she died. If you read the book Death's Acre you can read her story for yourself. She was stabbed to death many, many times. The Undetermined Death was crossed out and Homicide was put on her Death Certificate. The police could have made an arrest after they found out how she died... but to no avail. I know that the Police are working on the case and hopefully one day soon they will bring justice for Lisa Ann Rinker. Old cases are being solved daily.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Jim_IT ()
Date: June 18, 2011 07:13PM

I was remembering the Billy Viscidi case when watching the Casey Anthony trial. Bloggers kept writing that how do you know she killed Caylee and all I could think about the only other time I could remember someone killing someone and wrapping them in garbage bags and disposing of the body was this case!!!

Could you imagine how wild Vienna would have been today?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2011 01:05AM by Jim_IT.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ... ()
Date: June 19, 2011 04:44PM

Decapitation in Mosby Woods

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: NOVA native ()
Date: June 20, 2011 02:07PM

I remember when that truck crashed under 236 on the Beltway and the ensuing blaze that basically melted part of that bridge, what a mess! I think 6 people died in that crash, terrible loss of life.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: A family member ()
Date: July 07, 2011 09:11PM

No one has been convicted of the death of Lisa.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: ripley's ()
Date: July 08, 2011 11:51AM

not weird, rather filed under "accidents you dont see everyday".

back in 97 i'm pretty sure, a semi carrying like 12 foot long 2X12 framing lumber flipped off the 66W beltway exit ramp from the inner loop.

all that lumber then careened down the median square into the lanes of the outer loop.

i was heading back from chantilly on 66 going to exit beltway south and it was jammed. by the time i got to the exit, of course crawling from rubber neckers, i looked over an saw the carnage. several cars were impaled with the lumber, a couple looked like insects with antennae. one car had two through the windshield, one for both driver and passenger.

i cannot imagine how horrifying that must have been to people driving around the bend, under the 66 bridge, only to see tons of lumber crashing down in-front of / on top of them.

i dont recall any fatalities, but i cannot see how the driver of the car with two in the windshield survived.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Rabbit8 ()
Date: July 13, 2011 04:06PM

I would like to hear more details about whatever happened to Mark Tucker, also. I lived a street or so away from that house years later, and heard rumors about it, but no one really talked much about it and now of course it was so many years ago that I don't believe any original neighbors still live there. But as kids, we were fascinated by the vague tidbits of story that we heard about a murder happening in that house. I wonder if he was charged as an adult, or as a minor and is now out in the community somewhere?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: surfergirl ()
Date: July 27, 2011 01:46PM

Does anyone remember the murder of a store clerk at the 711 on Park and Cedar Lane in the 70's. The crime was unsolved until a military guy confessed to the crime many years later.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Leslee ()
Date: July 28, 2011 12:36AM

Oh! Anyone remember hearing/reading about skeletal remains found during demolition of an old DC building? IIRC, the remains were traced to a young soldier who went AWOL/missing in the 1940's (?) and was stuffed behind a concrete wall, possibly during construction? Spooky. His family had always been bothered that this man just disappeared and was never heard from...until 60 years later.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: OnlyAKid ()
Date: July 29, 2011 12:50AM

When I was in elementary school in the mid 90s a girl in my class faked a kidnapping. It had the whole neighborhood freaked out and we had no recess until she came clean and told everyone that she was lying. It was at Virginia Run in Centreville.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: NovaTrucker ()
Date: July 29, 2011 03:24AM

... Wrote:
> Decapitation in Mosby Woods

wtf...lived there but never heard about this one...anybody got some details?

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Another Family Member of Lisa Rinker ()
Date: July 31, 2011 06:23PM

To The family member of Lisa Rinker...Who are You? Are you helping with the case? We need more family members to get involved! You need to call the Fairfax County police and get involved so that there can be an arrest. They have alot of evidence now but if you can get involved and help out Lisa Rinker that would be great! The truth always comes out. The truth will prevail! I think 27 years is long enough for the murderers to have freedom!

Chantilly H.S. students killed laying on railroad tracks
Posted by: centreville resident ()
Date: July 31, 2011 09:54PM

I've looked through the thread and I'm surpised no one mentioned this...

I was young but it must have been in the early to mid 90's when some students from Chantilly High got all messed up and I guess played chicken on the railroad tracks near Manassas. From what I remembered they laid down between the tracks when a train was coming to see if the train would go right over them. They all died of course, I think at least 3-4 of them. I remember it being in the papers and a picture of the notorious brick shack @ Chantilly HS students paint on for events of tributes in memory of them.

Does anyone remember this? I couldn't find anything through Google.

Re: Chantilly H.S. students killed laying on railroad tracks
Posted by: Igloo ()
Date: August 01, 2011 04:27PM

centreville resident Wrote:
> I've looked through the thread and I'm surpised no
> one mentioned this...
> I was young but it must have been in the early to
> mid 90's when some students from Chantilly High
> got all messed up and I guess played chicken on
> the railroad tracks near Manassas. From what I
> remembered they laid down between the tracks when
> a train was coming to see if the train would go
> right over them. They all died of course, I think
> at least 3-4 of them. I remember it being in the
> papers and a picture of the notorious brick shack
> @ Chantilly HS students paint on for events of
> tributes in memory of them.
> Does anyone remember this? I couldn't find
> anything through Google.

I wonder how drunk/stoned you have to be to even consider that to be an option?

Re: Chantilly H.S. students killed laying on railroad tracks
Posted by: centreville resident ()
Date: August 01, 2011 07:18PM

Fu#ked up enough to not have the sense of how insane the idea was. Really though...someone had to remember this....their body parts were all over the tracks. like 4 people all Chantillly students, I think about to graduate.

Re: Chantilly H.S. students killed laying on railroad tracks
Posted by: centreville resident ()
Date: August 01, 2011 07:23PM

Just found an article...not paying to read the rest though. Some of you may remember this.

Freight Train Kills 4 Lying on Va. Tracks; Men May Have Been Playing Pre-Dawn Game of `Chicken'

The Washington Post
July 14, 1994 | Rajiv Chandrasekaran; Spencer S. Hsu | Copyright

Four Fairfax County men lying on the tracks near a suburban Virginia commuter rail station were killed early yesterday by a freight train rolling through a pre-dawn fog, in one of the worst such accidents in the nation's recent history.

Crew members aboard a 144-car Norfolk Southern train reported being unable to stop before striking the four men at 4:35 a.m. near the Broad Run/Manassas Regional Airport station just west of Manassas.

At least three of the victims, two of them 18 and two 21, were graduates of Chantilly High School. Killed in the early morning accident were Chad Rochette and David Blalock, both members of the class of 1994, as well as Don Hunsinger, who …

Read this entire article – and millions more – with a FREE, 7-day trial!

Re: Chantilly H.S. students killed laying on railroad tracks
Posted by: Fraud by FCPS ()
Date: August 01, 2011 07:28PM

Closing of CES!

The REAL reason?


Soon CES will have a train depot.

It will cost you but hey who cares about 400 kids.

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: Odd Tales of Clifton ()
Date: August 01, 2011 08:00PM

I sure as hell don't care about any Clifton brats...

Re: Weird local incidents you remember
Posted by: centreville resident ()
Date: August 01, 2011 08:15PM

@ Odd Tales of Clifton

Clifton brats??? What are you talking about?

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