Re: Contractor
Posted by:
Cherrypickers suck dick
Date: September 21, 2017 01:26PM
The problem is that you are trying to do absolutely as much of the work as possible. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants to trudge to your shack for a few bucks to work around your shoddy slapped together mess.
It's one thing to solicit multiple people to give you a free estimate, which obviously is a waste of everyone's time, except the unlucky bastard that you will select strictly on their lowest price. Just don't try to nickel and dime them once they start the work.
You sound as cheap as my stepfather. He would bring home discounted food all of the time. He also always drank the cheapest booze money could buy. When he dies I'm going to shit on his grave and use single-ply toilet paper as a tribute to how fucking cheap his sorry ass is! I might even use The Washington Post, as it's cheaper by volume for what you are paying for.