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Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Ned ()
Date: September 24, 2009 10:53PM

That's a nice slap in Deeds face...haha what a loser. Deeds can't even get Wilder to endorse him and he wants my vote.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: BigWhoop ()
Date: September 25, 2009 08:48AM

I refer to him as fomer Richmond mayor Wilder

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 25, 2009 09:14AM

Wilder refrained from endorsing Deeds over gun control (Deeds opposed the one gun a month bill) and taxes (Deeds says raising taxes may be necessary.)

The Republican plan is to take money out of the general fund and devote it to transportation. I suspect education and welfare will survive and adjust to the the 3-4% cuts. We'd at least be able to clear up potholes with this money, but I don't know if it'd really be more than a stop gap.

The Democratic plan is to raise the gas tax and devote that money to transportation. This would improve the roads more, but raising the gas tax has been the third rail of Virginia politics since the early 1990s.

We'll decide in November. I suspect the thesis turned this into a competitive race, though, as McDonnell was cruising to a 7-8 point win until that came out.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Lucy ()
Date: September 25, 2009 09:18AM

THANK GOD!~ Wilder is loser!

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Ned ()
Date: September 25, 2009 09:59AM

Lucy, I guess if Wilder is a loser then so is Obama. He promised wilder a nice blowjob if he endorsed deeds. He also promised he could spend one night with his fat ass wife Michelle who still isn't proud of being an American.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Ned ()
Date: September 25, 2009 11:48AM

I however, will be happy to oblige with the blowing since that's my life-long M.O.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Date: September 25, 2009 11:52AM

McDonnell's lead is down to 4 points.


Maybe it has something to do with McDonnell's belief that he has the right to tell married people that they can't use birth control. Fucking loon.


Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: tubby ()
Date: September 25, 2009 12:04PM

Wilder is famous for NOT endorsing his party's candidate for Governor.

He enjoys having the candidate suck up to him and then denying his endorsement....he also gets a little more ink doing it that way.

The good news is that candidates have won without his endorsement.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Ned ()
Date: September 25, 2009 12:52PM

Tubby what exactly do you smoke. Weed like Obama. Know before you speak. Gov wilder endorses both kaine and Warner.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Mr. Lee ()
Date: September 25, 2009 05:04PM

Spurning pleas from the president and the leader of his party, former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder refused to endorse Democrat R. Creigh Deeds for Virginia governor, taking issue with the candidate's willingness to raise taxes in a weak economy.

"That doesn't show leadership and responsibility to me," Mr. Wilder told The Washington Times on Thursday after he announced that he would not endorse either Mr. Deeds or Republican candidate Robert F. McDonnell.

Mr. Wilder objected to statements by Mr. Deeds indicating that he would not rule out new taxes if they were part of a bipartisan bill that contained a dedicated funding mechanism for transportation.

"We are in the toughest economic times that we've had. I think the most driving thing to do now is to be a part of fiscal sanity and restoring accountability," Mr. Wilder said in a telephone interview.

"The first thing you do when that situation occurs is to get a handle on spending and to control what you are doing. It is not going out and advocating that the first thing you are going to do is see if you can spend some more money. That doesn't make it a difficult decision for me to say I can't embrace this."

Mr. Wilder also took issue with Mr. Deeds' stance on guns, specifically his promise to work to repeal Mr. Wilder's signature one-gun-a-month law that prohibits citizens from purchasing more than one handgun at a time.

In his announcement sent to news outlets and posted on the political Web site Virginia Tomorrow, Mr. Wilder said he would leave it to the voters to make up their own minds as to who the best candidate would be.

"This in no [way] is intended to detract from Mr. Deeds in terms of character or commitment to the task of being governor. I find that he, as well as Mr. McDonnell, are fine and honorable men and well suited to that task. The question before me is whether I support the Democratic candidate's position in addressing these issues. I have not thus far in the progress of the campaign, and as aforesaid refrain from so doing," the statement said.

Mr. Wilder told The Times that he sat down on Monday with Mr. Deeds for their first substantive discussion of the issues.

In recent weeks, Mr. Wilder had been courted by both candidates and received telephone calls from President Obama and Gov. Tim Kaine, who also heads the Democratic National Committee, requesting that he back his fellow Democrat.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Mack ()
Date: September 26, 2009 01:21PM

Former Democratic Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder’s resounding non-endorsement of Creigh Deeds, the Democratic candidate this year, is an important moment in an important campaign.
Democrats have recently won statewide office in Virginia with a distinctive blend of political approaches. Politicians such as Mark Warner and Tim Kaine have been seen -- and have taken great pains to be seen -- as non-ideological, pro-business, modern, technocratic and racially progressive. They successfully and simultaneously appealed to three groups: suburbanites interested in public services such as education and highways, moderates who lean Democratic but won’t support liberal culture warriors, and minorities uncomfortable with the Virginia Democratic Party’s rural, stars-and-bars past.

But Deeds has been unable to follow this script. His rural, gun-culture roots reinforce minority skepticism -- or at least cool minority enthusiasm. Wilder, in his statement, specifically criticized Deeds’s opposition to gun control. Sheila Johnson -- the co-founder of Black Entertainment Television and a prominent African-American entrepreneur in Virginia -- actually endorsed Bob McDonnell. One Virginia political observer described Deeds’s African-American outreach efforts to me as “pathetic.” Not even President Obama’s direct intervention could bring Wilder on board.


Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: September 26, 2009 04:17PM

When the Deeds nomination was official I wrote on here that while I will vote for him I would not donate any money to him because of his gun control policies. I respect Wilder for doing the same...and I am pretty sure he will vote for Deeds.

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Ned ()
Date: September 27, 2009 04:34PM

Don't think anyone votes for someone they do not endorse.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: September 28, 2009 01:37PM

BET founder for McDonnell


Bob McDonnell, the Republican gubernatorial candidate, picked up the support yesterday of one of Gov. Timothy M. Kaine's largest donors.

Sheila Crump Johnson of Middleburg, a billionaire and co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, pointed to the struggling economy and said she thought McDonnell would do more to help create jobs in Virginia than Democrat R. Creigh Deeds.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 28, 2009 01:46PM

FFFFFFFFFFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Vince.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: ITRANNY ()
Date: September 28, 2009 02:48PM

....because that's what I'D like to do to you.

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Surfer ()
Date: September 30, 2009 08:58AM

Why did the democrats choose this hillbilly Deeds? The others in primary were so much better qualified. Deeds has no ideas!

Re: Gov. Wilder won't endorse Deeds
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: September 30, 2009 09:51AM

Back to about 6 point spread.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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