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T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: better red is retarded ()
Date: September 17, 2006 11:11AM

I've got $300 on the line, on T.O. scoring 2 Touchdowns against the Redskins.

I just wanted to let everyone know before the game, so I can say, "I told ya so"

Final score 27-17. Cowbows.
T.O: 2 TDs, 131yds Receiving

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Date: September 17, 2006 11:21AM

I've actually got 350 on TO scoring a league-record seven touchdowns, and I even put an extra hundred on him moving over to defensive back for 2 downs and having two of his td receptions come from Int's.

But my real money is on Jason Campbell's smooth hands taking over after TO has his outburst, and I've bet a cool thousand he will pass for six td's and rush for two more, all on his own. I can only hope Brunell suffers a Joe Theisman-style leg injury or something. I've got another hundred on him receiving a compund leg fracture so let's hope Dallas has some Lawrence Taylor wannabe on staff. Jason just has to get into this game.... I just have to see him bent over center.

But the real gamble of the day is: which of the kids on the little league team I coach will I score with?

Final score: Redskins 77, Cowboys 76.

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: September 17, 2006 02:23PM

Please do not wish a compound leg fracture on anybody. My husband took me to the island of Kauai for my retirement vacation trip last fall. While hiking a mountain above princeville, I slipped and broke two bones in my leg and one came out through the skin on my ankle. I flew home as soon as we could get a flight after being helicoptered off the mountain and then driven to a hospital in Lihue. I had surgery at Inova but the break was very painful. I still cannot look at Joe Theisman without remembering how scared I was and how much it hurt. I am just lucky that I never got addicted to that Vicodin stuff since I took it for two months! My leg is fine now but lots of people have to have months of therapy and still can't walk as well. I have two plates and 16 screws in my leg. Dr. Brant Vitek at Commonwealth Orthopedic and Rehabilitation was my surgeon here and he was a wonderful doctor. I am also grateful to the paramedics in Princeville who got me down from the mountain in a basket under the helicopter and to Dr. Ron, the surfer surgeon, who consulted with me in the ER at Lihue!!!
Good as new Trickie!!!!!

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 17, 2006 02:52PM

Better red how much you got on Trickie scoring two touchdowns today?

I am redskins fan but I think score will be more like 27-9.....

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 17, 2006 11:33PM

Ok so I missed it by one point 27-10 not 27-9.
Offense cant get across the opponents 20 as I said time and time again.
What a huge waste of money on this team.

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: Kid ()
Date: September 17, 2006 11:43PM

i agree completely. i feel ashamed to put so much faith in a team that proves to me over and over again they are terrible.

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 17, 2006 11:46PM

damn good prediction from tim

This team has no heart. They don't even know what the red zone looks like. They play "mistake free" offensively and it requires them to remove passion and guile.

The defense was just overwhelmed by the passing. Guys who we've never heard of were catching passes because the D couldn't keep it tight.

TO looks on paper like he was a non-factor, but I bet the skins spent all week in practice planning how to minimize him as well as keep the rest of the main receivers in check. They apparently didn't realize the 'boys have several other guys who can catch passes.

And the fucking defensive penalties, killed them last week too. They need to come down on that like a hammer. Demote motherfuckers based solely on penalties, if you have to, just rein that shit in.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2006 11:48PM by RESton Peace.

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 17, 2006 11:47PM

Ha, lots of lost money on TO. "Told ya so."

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: September 17, 2006 11:53PM

Kiss that $300 on T.O. goodbye. ha ha

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 17, 2006 11:56PM

it was fairly easy to predict they would use TO as a smokescreen

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Re: T.O. scores 2 TD on scores.
Posted by: No games this year ()
Date: March 17, 2020 12:29PM

No football this year

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