Posted by:
Democrats are Just Plain Dumb
Date: July 07, 2016 04:47PM
Ha! Ha!
That's not even correct. You dumbasses can't even gloat in proper English.
Maybe she'll win.
The battle's not over yet. I can't wait for the commercials.
Hillary has still yet to explain how she turned $1,000 into $100,000 in the cattle futures market.
You see, when there was evidence of the criminality, the Democrats responded that she was only a "First Lady" and it was irrelevant.
Now that she's running in her pant suit for President, we get to ask that question.
Also, how did her lawfirm records mysteriously end up on a table one day for a White House employee to find.
And, why did she fire every single White House employee in 1993? She fired little old ladies who'd worked there since Kennedy.
She's a lying child. She never grew up.
We need an adult to be President. I'm voting Trump, because as dumb as some of his statements are, he is the only Adult in the room.