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If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: May 26, 2005 10:31AM


I read your information about security but if you were subpoenaed to give up IP addresses how would you handle it? Folks tend to speak their minds somewhat freely on here - albeit fantasy at times - but the words/thoughts could easily be misconstrued by unscrupulous prosecutors.

Do you have a self-destructing server?

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 26, 2005 01:18PM


Just say all the comments are fair game so maybe PapserPusher will post something serious for once :o

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: May 26, 2005 01:28PM

Hah. No the server is definitely not self-destructing, but it is physically very difficult to get to.
They would have to make quick work of a subpoena, as I only keep logs going back a week (only a 4gb hd in the server). The only web server logs I keep past that are external referrer logs (who got here from where).

The first amendment covers pretty much everything on this board. It is not illegal to share your opinion or criticize public officials.

A web site being subpoenaed for the identity of one of its users is extremely uncommon and widely reported on by the likes of slashdot.org, the AP, etc. Also, subpoenas against websites are almost always based on a copyright violation of some sort, no file sharing goes on here. I can think of only a handful of non-copyright related website subpoenas. A prominent one involves a list posted to a http://www.indymedia.org/ server which contains the hotel addresses and phone numbers of prominent people attending the Republican National Convention. The ACLU represented the ISP/indymedia and to this day the list is still available for download. Article here: http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/04/08/31/210234.shtml?tid=103

I also can't think of any case where a site was actually subpoenaed by a local government instead of the federal government.

If I were to be subpoenaed tomorrow, the first thing I would do is call the Electronic Frontier Foundation http://www.eff.org for some pro-bono work and take their advice from there. I would also scan copies of the subpoena and make sure the big names like Slashdot and ArsTechnica are aware of the story. I would resist giving any information for as long as possible. They can't just steal my server as all the logs past 24 hours are encrypted. Oh, and I'd post everything here so everyone is aware.

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: May 26, 2005 01:33PM

Cary, all good information. Thanks.

pgens (which I'm sure is encrypted for pigeonshit), eat me.

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: Iwa zalaw ()
Date: May 30, 2005 01:45AM

So what would you do when you receive a subpoena under the Patriot Act?

Considering you would be gagged from disclosing ANY interaction between you and law enforcement. Considering you could not disclose to anyone that you just disclosed ALL access and IP and network information about every message ever posted, to the FBI, or CIA or other government agency? How would we know? Do you know of a good secret signal that you could put on the site to let us know that yo0u just handed over EVERY ASPECT of EVERY COMMUNICATION ever posted on this forum? Considering you would be under a gag order?

Read the Patriot Act. I think you should already be aware that anything you say CAN and WILL be used against you. And we already hear EVERYTHING. Cell Phone. Land Line. Encrypted Web Page. We get it, We listen to it. Maybe most of it is computers listening, but when it matters, a human gets to drop in and listen.

You're on notice, now. Heed it.

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: May 30, 2005 01:49AM


Care to respond to what the drunk security guard here is saying?

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: Iwa zalaw ()
Date: May 30, 2005 01:59AM

Drunk security guard? Heh, yeh! That's me. No question. Drunk as shit. Maybe I'm being a bit more talkative than I need to be. Or should be!

Or maybe I'm trying to convey a concept without being too overt! Think about it. I'm laying it all out on the line. I am tasked to look for all kinds of infractions, and here I am telling people that I'm here looking for all kinds of enfractions.

I'm blowing it out, that's all. Blowing off steam. Letting off stress. Keep the discussions going, keep it up. I'm just a drunk kid. I'm crazy, and I carry a 9mm glock. I'm not trying to say that we're monitoring 2 dozen sites. No, I'm crazy and drunk!
I'm really just the son of a divorced tramp woman, and I like to hear myself talk!

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 30, 2005 10:20AM

By the way, it's USA PATRIOT Act. USA PATRIOT is an acronym, so please stop trying to propagate this common error.

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: May 30, 2005 03:06PM

I don't know what would possibly cause federal authorities to enact a provision of a federal law on a local website.

This guy is a troll, ignore him.
Thread about him here: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?2,2296

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: November 24, 2008 10:10PM

Hey guys, what's goin on in this topik?

Re: If Subpoenaed?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: November 24, 2008 10:29PM

Quit bumping all the old threads with your same dumbass question.

If you're so "boredom", go annoy some other board.


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