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Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: bigjman49 ()
Date: July 28, 2009 10:07PM

As I was driving on route 50 from Fairfax towards South Riding tonight I passed an abandoned shopping center with just a Harris Teeter standing in it. The Teeter looked like it was under construction but the entire rest of the parking lot was covered with grass and looked abandoned like it was bombed. I thought there was a bustling shopping center there with a Hersheys ice cream and other stores. Anyone know what happened her? Were there stores here before? Why does the place seem like a bomb hit it? Thanks.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: iknow ()
Date: July 28, 2009 10:32PM

bigjman49 Wrote:
> As I was driving on route 50 from Fairfax towards
> South Riding tonight I passed an abandoned
> shopping center with just a Harris Teeter standing
> in it. The Teeter looked like it was under
> construction but the entire rest of the parking
> lot was covered with grass and looked abandoned
> like it was bombed. I thought there was a bustling
> shopping center there with a Hersheys ice cream
> and other stores. Anyone know what happened her?
> Were there stores here before? Why does the place
> seem like a bomb hit it? Thanks.

They're doing construction on the shopping center, that skeleton of a building that's overgrown is a hotel (Hilton)? that they stopped construction on until better economic conditions. I heard from the Harris Teeter manager at the store a bit farther down 50 (Stone Ridge) that it will open this fall.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: south riding resident ()
Date: July 28, 2009 11:18PM

the hersheys ice cream store and other stores you are referring to is in the shopping center where target, costco, chipotle, office depot, cici's, red robin, famous daves is. (don't know the name of the shopping center) it is about 2 miles east on rt. 50. the harris teeter shopping center is not abandoned, its a brand new shopping center being built. i know that the one building is a hotel, and the previous poster is probably right about the construction being delayed seeing as how they started working on that several months before the harris teeter which looks to be practically done already. thats all i know, hope its of some help.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: waqas zulfiqar ()
Date: August 10, 2009 05:21PM

HI there
I'm looking for a job at Harriss teeter on RT 50 near "South Riding" but i don't know how 2 apply because the Harris tEeter website is kind of tricky
Plesse help me
Have a good day

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: August 10, 2009 05:26PM


Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: cakelove ()
Date: August 10, 2009 05:29PM


Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: don't ()
Date: August 10, 2009 06:03PM

waqas zulfiqar Wrote:
> HI there
> I'm looking for a job at Harriss teeter on RT 50
> near "South Riding" but i don't know how 2 apply
> because the Harris tEeter website is kind of
> tricky
> Plesse help me
> Have a good day

If you don't know how to apply for a job, then you are completely retarted beyond repair. Walmart will hire you, you'll give out the smiley face stickers to the kids at the entrance.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: Rute Boye ()
Date: August 10, 2009 06:39PM

don't () wrote:
"If you don't know how to apply for a job, then you are completely retarted beyond repair."

Nice spelling, Ace. Hope YOU'RE not trying to apply for a job.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: teeter town lover ()
Date: September 23, 2009 06:54PM

It's a brand new Harris Teeter. It will be opening in Oct/Nov. You don't have to apply online. You can go into any of their stores and apply. Just tell them the location you are interested in. They pay better than any of the other grocery stores around here including Wegmans.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: wbva3fan ()
Date: September 23, 2009 10:16PM

Harris teeter is nice. Groceries are what they sell. Their groceries are expensive. Why shop there?

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: Bob in Southeast Loudoun ()
Date: September 24, 2009 09:12AM

We're looking forward to this Harris Teeter opening soon. We currently shop at the HT down the road in Stone Ridge (or occasionally the HT in Brambleton). We prefer HT to Giant now.

For you Ffx folks, there's an HT under construction a few miles east on 50 near Fair Oaks Mall. Scheduled to open in 2010.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: September 24, 2009 09:45AM

I think the groceries at HT are priced about the same as Safeway or Giant. I do think that HT discounts their sale items more so than Giant does. They play the high-low game more aggressively.

Re: Harris Teeter off route 50 towards South Riding?
Posted by: Ellen Crawford ()
Date: November 10, 2009 03:23PM

The store is Open it was under construction! Make a left off 50W onto East Gate and check it out! Harris Tetters is great! There is also a new Wachovia Bank that just opened this past saturday.

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