Cccccccccccccwwww Wrote:
> In going to throw this out:
> Could it be possible Nicole didn't give a fuck
> about Fairfax underground? Possible that her world
> was not revolving around the five month old three
> or four posts online? If she was that disturbed by
> those posts, perhaps she'd have done this sooner.
> I tend to think the most overwhelming cause of
> grief for her was the guilt of her actions and the
> consequences it wreaked on her marriage. A much
> closer and intimate pain than some online keyboard
> warriors. Maybe she found out she was Pregnant,
> maybe with her husband or maybe not. Or maybe she
> got nasty notes from the wives of men she messed
> with.
> But online posts? Five months old? A handful of
> them? It doesn't add up.
> The biggest slew of online shit posting came after
> her death. And while those are vile and
> reprehensible, it was in response to her death.
> Not the cause.
> Nicole didn't kill herself because of Fairfax
> underground. But Nicole killing herself made
> Fairfax underground rip her apart post mortim. I'd
> need to see a suicide note that said: "I killed
> myself because of a couple posts back in December.
> I didn't kill myself because of interpersonal
> relationship stresses."
> Come on guys... Cyber bullying? She was a full
> grown adult and had a tough job. She had probably
> been use to people talking shit about her since
> high school, like all the rest of us. and we're
> focusing on one post from techie 7, back in
> December?
> Wake up people.
> You're upset about the replies posted here in
> response to her death.
> Look up all the other "RIP" threads here. Fairfax
> underground thrives on mocking the mourning
> families and friends. It's terrible and awful but
> it's predictable as it gets. You're all being
> trolled.