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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Chris1966 ()
Date: July 12, 2013 08:44AM

As far as I can tell from what I've read, the very first reported encounter with Black Eyed Kids happened in 1998. Brian Bethel, who was a newspaper writer at the time, posted a story on a message board about his encounter. It was at night, near a movie theater. He was paying the bill for his internet service, and the office for his ISP was by the theater. As he was sitting in his car and writing a check to leave in the drop box, a couple of kids approached his car. It was two boys. They were asking him for a ride, claiming that they needed to go home to get money from their mom to see the movie. Brian Bethel immediately got a weird feeling that something just wasn't right about them. For one thing, they were acting way too confident and demanding for kids their age. He wasn't sure exactly how old they were, but he figured they were no more than maybe about 14. So they were little kids. But they were very demanding and insisting that they HAD to get in his car. As a newspaper writer, Brian was used to dealing with the public and talked with kids all the time. And kids, especially this young, were usually very shy and nervous. He knew that the way these kids were acting was totally unnatural. And what kind of kids are going to want to get in a stranger's car in the middle of the night? But they kept insisting and pushing him to let them in his car. He was about to when he noticed their completely black eyes. He freaked out (not just because of their eyes, but just an overwhelming sense of dread) and he drove away.

That's the earliest detailed report I've seen of an encounter with BEK's. I suppose it's possible that to say that all the all the stories about BEKs are urban legends which can be traced back to Brian Bethel's story. But you can't just discount his story that easily. It's WAY too detailed and specific. He described the kids' clothes, their appearance, everything. And it's not the kind of setting for a made up story like this. I'm still not sure if BEKs are real, but something weird definitely happened.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: MAISY ()
Date: July 12, 2013 08:50AM

I have several stories that have happened to me and my family.

My great-grandmother was a nurse from Ireland....she also believed that your relatives came to get you when you passed. Right before she died she talked about speaking to her dead children and first husband who died during the Flu 1917. My grandmother(her daughter thought it was nonsense)-she died that night (at home) with a smile on her face. My mother was 10yo and remembered her appearing beautiful and like she saw heaven!

Years later, my grandfather was very depressed and committed suicide-my mother awoke at that exact time shaking and screaming-she said "she felt like death had grabbed her"-my father confirmed it....not something mom wanted to talk about.

When my unbelieving grandmother passed away-she was being treated for kidney stones. My mother had gone home to care for me ( I was a toddler), when she returned she told my mother that she had just missed her father, and grandmother. My father said my mother walked out of the room and went hysterical! Why? Because my mother was a big believer in the supernatural and believed my great-grandmother, especially when she experienced my grandfather's death. My grandmother died that night of uremic poisoning, she was only 59!

When my daughter was two I was cutting the grass-my daughter was safe in her crib napping(or so I thought), I got a bad feeling and heard my name. I stopped cutting the grass went in the house and found my baby hanging from the blind cords-VERY SCARY! I almost disregarded that feeling. She was turning blue and I have no doubt she would have died.

A few years later I was going with my dad and 5 year old to his last soccer game of the year...of course, I wasn't ready, wasn't dressed yet. I kept looking at my dad, and I kept asking him if he was okay. It was weird....I've read books where an author foreshadowed a death, something like " a shadow crossed over his face..." I swear that is exactly what happened. My mother got alarmed and said "why do you keep asking him that?" I really didn't know..it was weird. Crying as I write this, I never saw him alive again. Daddy died of an anuerism-they said he was walking and laughing and that was it! 59yo too and healthy as a horse-it was a family joke that we'd have to hit him over the head with a shovel, he was never sick!

Like her dad, my mom went into a depression...was out two years after my dad's death with the kids....had that bad feeling again, mom had OD'd....got her to the hospital in time. Hate this feeling.

Have had other feelings, weird ideas and thoughts about people..sometimes I don't want to know-and sometimes I believe I shut it off.

Most recently, FIL passed in hospice after brief illness. Even that was weird, DH had checked on dad 30 minutes before I was leaving, but had a bad feeling....found him aspirating on vomit. HATE THESE FEELINGS!

Anyway, the day before he went to hospice he was talking to family, and a friend from his youth that he had kept in touch with-while we sat around watching him. Told us he talked to George, George was coming. Dad did not talk much in hospice, but said George was coming. The day he died we called George's home, we were told that George had passed away 1 year prior on the same day. Coincidence? Maybe George came.

I don't doubt that ghosts, visions, lost souls, evil presences and whatever else you want to call it exists. It stands to the reason that are bodies if controlled by electrical impulses are energy. Energy never dies, so when our body expires-it has to go somewhere.

I have truly enjoyed this thread...keep them coming.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Lisa_Falour ()
Date: July 12, 2013 09:37AM

I had an experience with a black eyed person in 2010 in France. This was an American guest who stayed with me for two months. I had known him for a few decades but not well. During his visit it came to light that he is sick. At several points during his time here, just while talking to him, his eyes went completely black. I have no idea how I stayed calm and kept talking to him. Later, I talked to him about this, and he said, "No way!" This guy is a drifter and it turns out a rapist, and has also been a kidnapping victim. It might very well be that his problems are fully physical, sociological and psychiatric in nature, but he kept trying to have sex with me and he destroyed my home, breaking everything, damaging everything. He couldn't even close the door. He was a menace. I began to think not so much that he is possessed, but very messed up somehow. I am a former sex industry worker and very accustomed to meeting strange people. I am always able to keep things calm and friendly. This guy needs help. He is now back in the USA, I took him to doctors, I gave him money, I spoke to the FBI and the police in the USA about him, his one family member, and he is missing. Until anyone has seen anyone with totally black eyes, they cannot understand how scary this is. It happened several times here, under different lighting. Again, I have no idea how I kept my cool. It is terribly frightening. Are they possessed, or is this a medical condition, or our problem in perception?

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Brekke ()
Date: July 12, 2013 09:59AM

I worked in an alzheimer unit that was supposedly haunted. Now me being a fan of Ghost Hunters wasn't bothered by this so called rumor. I still enjoyed working there, but I was a day shifter.

One month while covering the overnight shift for a co-worker, I expereinced two haunting experiences. I was only a temporary fill in, so I wasn't alone either night, and had my own witness.

The first night I was getting trained and oriented to the overnight shift and what happened when and where. My co-worker and I sat down for some coffee in the dining room around 1am, after we had gotten the wanderers back to sleep.

While she was telling me about the usual nightly procedure, we heard a door slam. Knowing that we had opened and propped each door open for the night, we went to check and see who was up. The door that had slammed was to the room of one of our bedridden residents, who wasn't even capable of sitting up on her own, and she was fast asleep. Not really worried about what happened, I opened the door and pushed the doorstop under the door and made sure that it was secure before I headed back to the dining room with my co-worker.

In a matter of minutes after sitting down, there was another door slam. I didn't know why, but I was certain it was the same door, so this time both of us went down to the room, to not only find the door slammed shut, but locked. We were able to find the key and open the door, finding the patient still fast asleep. Together we both propped the door open and made sure that it was securely propped.

Durring the morning shift change, while doing rounds and checking on patients, we found the same door shut and locked. The door was still propped open and the patient was doing fine at the last check, less than 30 minutes before, and neither of us had heard it shut again. Once we unlocked and opened the door, we found that the patient had passed away.

The second happened the week after. We had just finished checks on the patients rooms, finding all residents safely asleep, and had started on the reports and charting for that night. Everything was calm and quiet and so far uneventful. All of a sudden we hear a loud crash, as if someone had fallen. My co-worker took the west hall and I took the east, and we carefully checked every patient to see who had fallen out of bed. Neither of us found anything out of the ordinary. The same crashing sound happened again before our shift was up.

Now I went back to my day shift, and none of the day shifters believed us about what had happened, but every single night shifter congratulated me on my first experiences, and followed with their own stories. Too many to fit in one post.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: mxyzptlk ()
Date: July 12, 2013 10:00AM

Chris1966 Wrote:
> As far as I can tell from what I've read, the very
> first reported encounter with Black Eyed Kids
> happened in 1998. Brian Bethel, who was a
> newspaper writer at the time, posted a story on a
> message board about his encounter. It was at
> night, near a movie theater. He was paying the
> bill for his internet service, and the office for
> his ISP was by the theater. As he was sitting in
> his car and writing a check to leave in the drop
> box, a couple of kids approached his car. It was
> two boys. They were asking him for a ride,
> claiming that they needed to go home to get money
> from their mom to see the movie. Brian Bethel
> immediately got a weird feeling that something
> just wasn't right about them. For one thing, they
> were acting way too confident and demanding for
> kids their age. He wasn't sure exactly how old
> they were, but he figured they were no more than
> maybe about 14. So they were little kids. But
> they were very demanding and insisting that they
> HAD to get in his car. As a newspaper writer,
> Brian was used to dealing with the public and
> talked with kids all the time. And kids,
> especially this young, were usually very shy and
> nervous. He knew that the way these kids were
> acting was totally unnatural. And what kind of
> kids are going to want to get in a stranger's car
> in the middle of the night? But they kept
> insisting and pushing him to let them in his car.
> He was about to when he noticed their completely
> black eyes. He freaked out (not just because of
> their eyes, but just an overwhelming sense of
> dread) and he drove away.
> That's the earliest detailed report I've seen of
> an encounter with BEK's. I suppose it's possible
> that to say that all the all the stories about
> BEKs are urban legends which can be traced back to
> Brian Bethel's story. But you can't just discount
> his story that easily. It's WAY too detailed and
> specific. He described the kids' clothes, their
> appearance, everything. And it's not the kind of
> setting for a made up story like this. I'm still
> not sure if BEKs are real, but something weird
> definitely happened.

These are fun stories, but I can't help but wonder if we're seeing the initial growth of a new urban legend or folk tale, rather than anything sincerely sinister; and if there aren't some shady kids who are simply playing on that new legend by trying to recreate it.

A few years ago I had some wacky vision problems and looked into an occluder contact lens. I looked for a black one that both blacked out my vision and would signal to others who knew that I couldn't see that day. Turns out there are black-out lenses available for both therapeutic and costume purposes. For $30 you can get a blackout contact lens that covers the iris, and for about $100 you can get costume black sclera lenses that black out the entire eyeball.

In the dark, kids wearing the $30 costume lenses may look like they have entirely black eyes, especially if the reporter is made nervous by the kids. But if the kids pool some cash, have a nice allowance, or just have an after school job and no real expenses, the $100 for the lenses that cover everything isn't too much to ask -- kids will spend that much on clothes, alcohol, weed and gas in a week.

So although these stories are fun, they just seem to me more like a legend in the making than something to really be concerned about.

Black iris lens: http://extremesfx.com/p-58-pin...

Black sclera lens: http://extremesfx.com/p-55-bla...

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Jontonian ()
Date: July 12, 2013 11:02AM

To those who are curious of what happens when a person lets in a BEK. Their is actually one story out there on the net. There was a women who let two boys come in to use the phone. When inside one of the boys acted like he was making a call., the other was in the middle of the hallway. Then the boy looked at her and said something like in a evil manner "it is time for you to come with us" looking up with those eye's. The BEK thought they had her trapped.The lady luckily ran through a cross room and bolted out the window to her neighbors. She called her husband and he came so they could go back to the house. The BEK were gone. Of course there is a lot more detail, I am at work I will try and find which sites have it, when I get to my files. Peace

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: BEKs amoung us ()
Date: July 12, 2013 02:27PM

Here’s an interesting info. on Black Eye-Kids that I got from Cosmic Awareness Channeling. They are soulless and is a sign of the time as the Earth is shifting and Ascending. They will suck the life force from an unsuspecting light being. One will feel nervous around them, as they are Storm Troopers for the Dark.
2007-11 Who Are The Unnaturally BLACK-Eyed Children & Adults?

page 3)the experiment into separation, into the dislocation of spirit from source; at this time this process is once again proceeding forward as the planet earth comes to that point of separation where the two planets can divide and move into those vibrational rates, or higher or lower frequencies. This in reference to Planet A, the Ascension Planet, and Planet B- the planet behind or below ascension…darker soulless entities, who have reached a level of great separation from the source, have appeared in a physical form that is actually discernible, but the feeling of these entities is one of soullessness, or separation from the Light. It is said the eyes are the windows to the soul, and often the Light of Spirit shines through the eyes. When that is veiled, or cloaked or hidden, as in the eyes of these BLACK-eyed individuals, then the soul cannot be seen or sensed and experienced, and this is what this Awareness is referring to when It says these beings are soulless.
2007-11 Who Are The Unnaturally BLACK-Eyed Children & Adults?

page 3-(4) The World ”Evil” is the Reverse of the Word ”Live”) and life that is not devoted to seeking the Highest and being in alignment with Spirit, finding the spiritual power within, in fact denying it, will reverse the process to one of evil. Simply speaking, this is only a concept. This is an act that is contrary to being alive, to living, to life itself. These BLACK-eyed individuals are part of the times. The recognition of why they are here will help individuals avoid such entities, for they do not need to be called into anyone’s life, but if they are encountered,remember always to surround yourself with the highest level of Light and Love, for as these beings are of darkness, they would absorb any light that is unconscious in the individual. It is with focus, desire and intent that one holds the Light Shield around them and denies not evil, simply recognizes it and allows it to be what it is without having an effect on an individual who is committed to Spirit and Light.
2007-11 Who Are The Unnaturally BLACK-Eyed Children & Adults?

page 3-4) They are Storm Troopers Coming for Those who Choose the Denser Reality of Planet B)They are cloaked from spirit and choose not to let spirit shine through their eyes or to find a passageway through their eyes, to the soul. They are storm troopers, if you will, of that state of being that is coming for those who choose this denser reality; this greater sense of separation. One cannot judge this, one can only understand that it is a way that some will choose, but not all. There is nothing to be feared from these individuals; simply an understanding of why they have come at this time, and what their purpose is at this time. They are not evil, and are not going to create problems or difficulties for anyone other than those who are drawn in because of their purpose. The children with BLACK eyes will grow into adults with BLACK eyes. There is nothing evil in them , but in their attempt to bring humanity into that darkness, they may not always be coming from a place of goodness or serviced to the Light. in fact their service will be to the darkness and this may be interpreted by some as being in a state of evil.

Source is from: http://www.cosmicawareness.org/index.html

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Black-Eyed Children link ()
Date: July 12, 2013 07:37PM

Black-Eyed Children, don’t invite them into your home

Black-eyed children have but one consistent request, invite us in. Whatever you do, don't invite them into your home!

Imagine this. You and your better half are on your way home after a late night out on the town. You pull into a convenience store, and you wait in the car while he runs in for something. You’re sitting there in the dark waiting for him to return when suddenly you get an inexplicable, overwhelming feeling of terror. You sit up a little straighter and glance toward the driver’s side window. There staring in at you are two children – but not just any children. These are “Black Eyed Children,” and they want to get into the car with you.

Sound like something from a horror movie? Well, it’s not. It’s as real as it gets. According to David Weatherly, a paranormal investigator and author, who has written a book called “Black Eyed Children,” incidents or visitations by these strange children are occurring worldwide. They have one simple request, they want to come in. They appear on doorsteps, at car windows, hotel rooms and even boats.

They knock on doors and tap on windows all over the world, asking to be let in. Don't let them in.

Weatherly says there are thousands of reported sightings of these Black Eyed Children. Sometimes they travel in pairs, sometimes in groups and sometimes you’ll see just one. They knock on doors and tap on windows all over the world, asking to be let in.

Witnesses report these weird children asking to come into the house to use the phone or for a ride home because they’re lost or they forgot something. They speak in a demanding monotone and regardless of what is said to them, they don’t say much more than “Let us in. We won’t hurt you. This won’t take long.”

Their most outstanding feature is their solid black eyes, eyes completely void of color or light, showing no pupils, no irises. Witnesses say looking into these eyes evokes intense feelings of terror.

Could they be wearing black contact lenses? Weatherly agrees that this may be true in some cases; however, black lenses covering the entire surface of the eye would not only be expensive, but extremely uncomfortable.

These strange Black Eyed Children, who can appear or vanish at a moment’s notice, seem to be between the ages of 8 and 16. Their skin is pale or pasty colored, described by some as looking plastic or artificial, and their mannerisms are odd. Witnesses describe their clothing as odd and drab – blue jeans and a hoodie or very old-fashioned, handmade clothing. Bizarre electrical phenomena occurs when they are around, such as a garage door inexplicably opening.

•When a man in Dallas arrived home, he saw a boy at his door who repeated "I think it's food time. You should invite me inside." The man's protective pit bull came running toward the front door, but as it got closer to the boy, it whimpered and ran away, hiding under the bed for days afterward.

•A man named Paul was home alone when someone knocked on this door. He opened it and saw two kids about 10 years old standing on his steps with their heads down. They said, "Hey, we just thought we'd stop in for a bit." The kids insisted they be let into the house. Thinking they had the wrong house, Paul stepped forward to get a better look and made eye contact. Their eyes were solid black, including the sclera.

Jason Offutt, another researcher into the Black Eyed Children phenomenon, gives this account:

•Around 10:45 on a warm night, as 18-year-old Carris Holdsworth approached her apartment in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, she saw two teenagers in hoodies and jeans standing in her yard with their backs to her. As she attempted to slip away unseen, she fumbled in her purse for pepper spray. At that very moment, the boys turned to face her and, as if reading her mind, one said, “No need for that, we just want to borrow your phone, miss.” When she caught a glimpse of their pitch black eyes, not a trace of white or a pupil, she panicked and raced to her apartment, locking the door behind her. The boys following close behind, knocked on her door. She ignored it. After a second knock, fearing for her safety she phoned a friend to come over. When the friend arrived, the boys ran away.
What exactly is this growing phenomena? Who are these sinister appearing black-eyed children? Are they inter-dimensional beings who feed off the energy of fear they create. Are they be alien-human hybrids. Are they demonic entities? Are they simply a modern urban legend born of the computer age?

Weatherly believes they may have some sort of demonic origin because in some reports these black-eyed children vanish into thin air, and some witnesses report a run of bad luck after an encounter with these children.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: y7 ()
Date: July 13, 2013 06:12AM

Haley's ghost pics Wrote:
> I went to the Bedford Avenel house back in October
> 2011. I took a lot of pictures while I was there
> and I think in the picture I have there is a ghost
> face. I never really experienced anything there
> but I do beileve there is a ghost there from
> watching videos and looking at pictures that
> people have.


Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Olde Town Inn Hotel ()
Date: July 13, 2013 07:10PM

A place you might want to check out is Olde Town Inn Hotel. They say there is a ghost named Miss Lucy who haunts rooms # 50 to 54. It is said that she sometimes holds people a few inches in the air over their bed, moves things in the room, turns on water faucets or turns off lights. They say she loves to play pranks on whomever sleeps in one of those rooms. Before the place had its reputation for being haunted my kids and i stayed in room 54 ..the only thing that happened to us was the lights kept going off and on periodically, and the kids ( they were all under 5 at the time).. would say they saw someone briefly and the the 'someone ' disappeared...also you got this strange feeling that you were being watched.) Whether that was Miss Lucy or not i have no clue....but it was kinda cool staying there...lol.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Miss Lucy ()
Date: July 14, 2013 04:29PM

Olde Town Inn Hotel Wrote:
> A place you might want to check out is Olde Town
> Inn Hotel. They say there is a ghost named Miss
> Lucy who haunts rooms # 50 to 54. It is said that
> she sometimes holds people a few inches in the air
> over their bed, moves things in the room, turns on
> water faucets or turns off lights. They say she
> loves to play pranks on whomever sleeps in one of
> those rooms. Before the place had its reputation
> for being haunted my kids and i stayed in room 54
> ..the only thing that happened to us was the
> lights kept going off and on periodically, and the
> kids ( they were all under 5 at the time).. would
> say they saw someone briefly and the the 'someone
> ' disappeared...also you got this strange feeling
> that you were being watched.) Whether that was
> Miss Lucy or not i have no clue....but it was
> kinda cool staying there...lol.

Manassas Hotel Keeps Frightening Guests

MANASSAS, Va. – Manassas is a small city teeming with landmarks and a harried history that dates back to before the Civil War. One of these historical landmarks, the Olde Towne Inn, has its share of haunted history and paranormal activity that will make even the biggest skeptic a believer.

The Olde Towne Inn on Main Street in Old Town Manassas has been a local hot spot for residents to grab a bite or a drink, or for tourists staying in the Washington area. And while people may have come to expect great service and a good night in Manassas, what they may not expect is a ghost showing them a good time.

Inn employees and guests alike have reported strange sounds and sites on the property, with many of the reports coming from rooms 50, 52 and 54. One recent report of activity took place in room 54 at the hotel.

“The wife reported the sound of something crashing to the bathroom floor, but said when she and her husband rushed to the door, absolutely nothing was broken. Although they felt uneasy, they tried to get some sleep,” said Lisa Sievel-Otten of the Manassas Museum.

While they may have tried to shrug it off, the spirit had other ideas, waking the couple by tugging on their mattress, which immediately alerted the couple, who searched the room to find it empty. Their initial reaction was that it may have been an animal in the room but could find nothing. Again shrugging off what had happened, the wife returned to the bed where she witnessed her husband levitating, before falling on to the floor from the bed.

And who is the ghostly perpetrator responsible for these reports? Many believe it to be from a Miss Lucy, a young and playful spirit from the time of the Civil War – a key time period in Manassas’ history.

The next morning, the couple reported the occurrence, and the staff replied, “‘Oh, that’s Miss Lucy up to her old tricks. She usually stays in Room 52, but sometimes she wanders into rooms nearby,’” said Sievel-Otten.

Was this the presence of a Civil War period other-worldy spirit, amusing herself by interacting with guests? Or is it simply an overreaction to a long night and a need for rest? Take a trip to see the Olde Towne Inn, and you may be able to discover the truth for yourself.

Want to hear more about the local haunts of Manassas? Then consider taking a Spirited Past Tour during the Halloween season, hosted by the Manassas Museum. The tours will take place at the end of October.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: annlewis ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:51AM

I had an experience that literally changed the way I think about our souls and afterlife. I saw my residents deceased husband standing beside her as she lay on the floor crying from her fall. No one else saw him, not my unit coordinator, my aides, nor my charge nurse. I heard him speak and I thought he was real, I watched him walk past me and leave the room. I was so concerned about his sadness that I tried to locate him after to comfort him and that is when I found out no one saw him but me. I never forgot what he looked like, later I identified him as the grandfather of a fellow nurse by the fact that the daughter of my resident looked just like him. I found out then that my resident was the grandmother to one of the nurses. The deceased husband looked as real as us, and spoke too. I will never forget this, and now to this day when I encounter a family group around a resident, I wonder which if them is a deceased spirit. I now believe our soul lives on.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: staclyn ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:21AM

It's taken me a really long time to post this, I wouldn't believe it myself if it hadn't happened to me, and if my best friend wasn't there to witness it. We've been best friends since middle school, went to nursing school together and now work at the same hospital in Virginia. I'm an ER nurse and she's a floater, on December 11, 2007 she was working in the ER with me to help cover due to holiday vacations.

On the week of Halloween my boyfriend and I decided to take the plunge and move in together, he's a Fire Fighter / EMT. We met in the ER when he was bringing in a patient.

It as a very quiet night in the ER, I was running vitals on a new patient who came in complaining of chest pains when my friend walked in to tell me I had a phone call. She gave me a quick wink when she told me "I'll take over", I already knew who was on the phone. When I picked up the reciever at the nurses station it was the love of my life, Garrett. He started out with his normal, boisterous "Hey Baby!" It's funny how two words can make you smile, then he told me "I'm getting ready to leave" I just thought he was heading to the fire house as I knew he was working that night. Then he said, "I wanted to hear you voice one more time before I left...... I love you...." I laughed and told him I loved him and I would see him soon, then in a really quiet voice he said "yeah, you will." I told him I loved him one more time and we hung up, I went back to my patient and relayed the conversation to my best friend.

Within a few minutes it seemed as if our hospital was surrounded by lights and sirens. Three police cars and two fire trucks flanking one ambulance. Everyone available suited up and gloved up. I went back to my chest pains patient who I think was looking more for a warm bed then meds to help with the pain. I saw the gurney rush in, EMT's were performing CPR, there was total chaos.

After a few minutes when I had my patient settled in and a bed ready for him upstairs I walked out of his room and saw a few of the EMT's Garrett worked with standing with their backs to me looking into the trauma room with the new patient. I called Briggs name walking towards them and when he turned around he had a grave expression on his face. The first thing he said to me was, "I didn't know you were working tonight" I told him yes, Garrett and I were both working tonight. Then I asked, what's wrong? All of them were staring at me, no one moved, so I asked again - louder "What's Wrong?!" I looked over Briggs shoulder into the trauma room and felt my world collapse around me. Garrett was lying on the gurney, intebated, defibrillators against his chest, there was blood everywhere. I screamed and tried to bolt into the room, to touch him, to hold him, to do anything I could to help. Briggs caught me around the waist and held on so tight I realized within the next few days I had bruises on my sides. I just remember crumpling to the floor watching - helpless, sobbing and screaming his name. The doctors pronounced him at 8:42pm. His Nissan Titan had been t-boned (drivers side) by a tractor trailer going roughly 50 mph. There was no hope....

The day before the funeral several of us were sitting at our house....my house....no one was really talking we were just....sitting there. My best friend broke the silence and said, "Well, you were able to talk to him one last time, able to say I love you before he died." I smiled, a fresh batch of tears started, I just shook my head and whispered, "the accident must have happened a few minutes after he called." I looked across the living room and Briggs had an odd expression on his face, I asked what was wrong - he asked me "What time did you talk to Garrett", I thought about it for a few minutes and then my expression matched his, then I answered him "About 20 minutes before you brought him in...." Briggs stared at me. My best friend asked, "Why do you ask?" Still staring at me Briggs answered "Because that's not possible, we recieved the call at the station at 7:36, we were on the scene by 7:41 and Garrett wasn't concious, by the time we pulled him out of the truck a little after 8:00 he didn't have a pulse, we started CPR immediately. Stacy, there's no way you could have talked to Garrett before we brought him in.... he was already dead."

No one in the room spoke, we all knew it had happened, my best friend answered the phone herself, Garrett said hello to her first and asked to speak to me. Other nurses and doctors around the nursing station overhead our conversation. He called to say he loved me one more time before he left.........

Months of therapy, weeks of vacation before stepping foot back into the ER. Some wounds never fully heal, and I don't really consider this a ghost story because I don't consider the man I loved most in this world a ghost - everyday I cherish the fact that I was allowed to talk to him one more time..... And I know he's still with me.... my firefighter....

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Hidden Pond Park Springfield VA ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:29AM

I'm not from this area, but I do visit Springfield a lot because I have cousins here. So anyways I wanted to look for a nice place to go hiking. I found this place called Hidden Pond Park online. It was my two cousins (11 and 14), my aunt, and me. I heard of some stories about this park and it's haunting stories. While I was there I felt what it felt like cold hand poking me, and first I thought one of my cousins hands were poking me and so I felt their hands and they were boiling hot, by the way it was 90 degrees that day. When I was on the dirt trail system it was switching from hot and humid to chilly and eerie.

When I was by the pond I was hearing a faint whistle coming from the woods that have no trails. In the nature center I heard some children laughing, but there were no children there except my cousins and they weren't laughing. I was hearing whispering coming from the basement stairwell in the nature center. I called down the stairs asking if anyone was there and then I saw a glowing figure.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Evan ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:36AM

If I ever go down Fall Hill Avenue (Route 639) when it is very dark out the turn near the Rappahannock River
and directly across the river on Laucks Island there is a glowing figure representing a person that is just
staring at you. It could be a prop but then again I don't see the frame or the lights during the day, once again
it is right on Laucks Island just standing on the beach looking at you. There is some history on that island
and other people have also experienced some paranormal activity.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: bondoson88 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:37AM

I once had a patient that had expired down the end of the hall. She was in room 210a by herself, and there were only maybe a couple of other patients in other rooms in the same area whom could not get up OOB. All of a sudden a call light goes on and I look to see who it is and guess who? It was room 210a. I am thinking and saying out loud to my co-workers "someone come down there with me!" Light was on and the patient was still dead waiting for the morturary. Now 20 years later on that same floor that section had been renovated to be the ultrasound area, but was in the process of becoming a patient room again. The call button system was not supposed to be hooked up to the nursing station. Anyways, the nurses that work on that floor now are all new staff and I was telling them about that story. well the next day apparently the call system kept going off in that area and kept paging this one really new nurse all night. I guess it freaked her out esp after that incident that happened. I do think that there is something down that hall, but like I told those nurses, don't worry it's a nice ghost!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: J.S. Hamilton ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:38AM

I'm the great grandson of Logging George Mullins, owner of the Stone house in Clintwood, VA built in 1920.
According to a close relative that is in tune with the spirit world, I introduced her to the house in 2012
and she was amazed at the number of sprits in the basement and upstairs. She had some contact with the spirits
that were left behind. One stood out more than the rest he was the brother of George Mullins that was shot and
killed by their father, Harmon Mullins.

Harmon had been brain injured in the war around the 1800s. Edna Mullins a daughter of George Mullins and my great
aunt was also in tune with the sprit world. When I was a young child I stayed with my grandparents in the stone
house many times over several years. I'm not in tune with the sprit world, and I never believed this spirit world
thing until I visited Central America in 2009.

Some of my relatives have this ability and these members I believe also have the true Mulegon bloodline, inherited
through the Mullins family that came to America 75 years before Columbus. The Mullins family married into the Cherokee
Indians and I believe this is where the sprit world was brought through the family.

One family trait has been noticed is a large knot on the base of the skull and the spinal cord. My Father and aunt
had this trait, and I have grandchildren that have this trait, but I do not. I have noticed with discussion of the
close family members and distant cousins that they have issues relating to the sprit world or ESP. This information
is widely discussed between other Mulegon families. This Mulegon word could be misspelled but there is other information
on the internet and several books that have been written on this subject.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Hygiene Queen ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:39AM

bondoson88 Wrote:
> I once had a patient that had expired down the end
> of the hall. She was in room 210a by herself, and
> there were only maybe a couple of other patients
> in other rooms in the same area whom could not get
> up OOB. All of a sudden a call light goes on and I
> look to see who it is and guess who? It was room
> 210a. I am thinking and saying out loud to my
> co-workers "someone come down there with me!"
> Light was on and the patient was still dead
> waiting for the morturary. Now 20 years later on
> that same floor that section had been renovated to
> be the ultrasound area, but was in the process of
> becoming a patient room again. The call button
> system was not supposed to be hooked up to the
> nursing station. Anyways, the nurses that work on
> that floor now are all new staff and I was telling
> them about that story. well the next day
> apparently the call system kept going off in that
> area and kept paging this one really new nurse all
> night. I guess it freaked her out esp after that
> incident that happened. I do think that there is
> something down that hall, but like I told those
> nurses, don't worry it's a nice ghost!

Waaaaaaay back in my wild and crazy days, some friends and I went out on the town and whooped it up. I was just too dang tired to drive all the way home at 4 in the morning, so I crashed at my friend, J's house.
We sharing a bed in J's room (and before you think I was some cheap tart, I'll mention here he was very gay and very harmless to me!!!).
Anyway, we fell asleep, but after some time (?) I was suddenly quite awake. My eyes wandered off to the corner of J's room and, God as my witness, there stood a man in what looked like a fedora and long coat.
He was like a shadow, but he was blacker than the black of the room.
It is hard to explain. I can only say he was "blacker than black" and he was definitely there.
He was very tall and he was absolutely terrifying. He did not move, but he gave off an aura of fear, evil, and just bad bad feelings.
I was so incredibly scared, I was frozen. I closed my eyes and kept telling myself it was in my head. I eventually fell back asleep, believe it or not.
The next morning (ok, ok.... it was probably 2pm!) my friend J wakes me up by grabbing my shoulder and shaking the hell out of me.
I will never forget the look on his face. He was FREAKED.
He said, "Oh my God, last night I saw something!"
We were ******* our pants as we realized we had NOT been dreaming. We BOTH saw it and were unaware the other had saw it too until then.
The only difference is that, while I saw waaay it across the room... J saw it... at the foot of the bed against the wall... AAAAAAAAARGHHHH!!!!!!!
I told J this, "I hope you saw it BEFORE I did!"
He asked me why.
I said, "Because I like to think when I saw it, it was moving AWAY from us... not TOWARD us!!!"
He hadn't thought of that and looked like he was going to puke.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Hygiene Queen ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:39AM

Okay, here's the second part.

About a month or so after what happened in my previous post, I was at my friend L's house after work... it was probably around 1 am or so.
We were just sitting in the basement of her house talking and laughing (especially making fun of her teenage sister who was talking and giggling like a gushing fool to some boy on the phone upstairs).
I mention this, because I want to stress that we were not talking about anything scary, freaky, depressing or anything like that. We were in a very good mood.
We were going to head upstairs and L reached over to switch off the lamp on the end table.
No sooner than she had flicked the switch, the "blacker than black" guy was clearly visible and, I **** you not, was gliding toward us... fast.
(I just had a lurch in my gut remembering this.)
Again, it was blacker than anything else... and this time it seemed so black it almost seemed to have a bit of a glow (?) around it? It is so very hard to describe.
L and I are both are blubbering jibberish (you know, your soooo scared nothing comes out of your mouth) and we are fighting over the light switch.
We darn near toppled the lamp but L got the switch.
When that light came on, I tell you, L looked like death.
I'm sure I looked the same way.
We could NOT believe it.
And it was very upsetting to me, because I just had a very similar experience with my friend J.
Was something following ME?
It was scary, I tell you.
Really, the first time it happened, I thought it was soooo weird, it could never occur again. That would be my big "ghost story" of a lifetime.
But noooooo.
Both times, I had a witness.
I had never heard of such an apparition, but, let me tell you, I did find online, several descriptions of such a thing and it was freaky to learn it was not unique.
Why a fedora? Why a trench coat?
It was bizarre.
If these things had not happened to ME, so much I've read right here on this thread would seem unbelievable. But I know weird things DO happen.

You can also be sure I don't go around telling this story to just anyone. Who'd believe it?

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: edna ()
Date: July 15, 2013 09:11AM

J.S. Hamilton Wrote:
> I'm the great grandson of Logging George Mullins,
> owner of the Stone house in Clintwood, VA built in
> 1920.
> According to a close relative that is in tune with
> the spirit world, I introduced her to the house in
> 2012
> and she was amazed at the number of sprits in the
> basement and upstairs. She had some contact with
> the spirits
> that were left behind. One stood out more than the
> rest he was the brother of George Mullins that was
> shot and
> killed by their father, Harmon Mullins.
> Harmon had been brain injured in the war around
> the 1800s. Edna Mullins a daughter of George
> Mullins and my great
> aunt was also in tune with the sprit world. When I
> was a young child I stayed with my grandparents in
> the stone
> house many times over several years. I'm not in
> tune with the sprit world, and I never believed
> this spirit world
> thing until I visited Central America in 2009.
> Some of my relatives have this ability and these
> members I believe also have the true Mulegon
> bloodline, inherited
> through the Mullins family that came to America 75
> years before Columbus. The Mullins family married
> into the Cherokee
> Indians and I believe this is where the sprit
> world was brought through the family.
> One family trait has been noticed is a large knot
> on the base of the skull and the spinal cord. My
> Father and aunt
> had this trait, and I have grandchildren that have
> this trait, but I do not. I have noticed with
> discussion of the
> close family members and distant cousins that they
> have issues relating to the sprit world or ESP.
> This information
> is widely discussed between other Mulegon
> families. This Mulegon word could be misspelled
> but there is other information
> on the internet and several books that have been
> written on this subject.

Years ago Edna's son and daughter-in-law spent the night in the old stone house. They were fussing and she got up
and went to another bedroom. Her doorknob kept turning and she told him if he didn't stop she would go tell his mother.
It kept turning and she got up opened the door, no one was there. She looked in his room and he was sound asleep.
Needless to say she got in bed with him and fell asleep. I am Edna's great granddaughter and I have been in the house.
Also my mamaw said that one night she stayed all night with Edna and she slept in a room by herself, a spirit pinned
her down to the bed. I live beside the stone house and it is a beautiful sight!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: caseyojua @gmail.com ()
Date: July 15, 2013 09:27AM

edna Wrote:
> J.S. Hamilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm the great grandson of Logging George
> Mullins,
> > owner of the Stone house in Clintwood, VA built
> in
> > 1920.
> > According to a close relative that is in tune
> with
> > the spirit world, I introduced her to the house
> in
> > 2012
> > and she was amazed at the number of sprits in
> the
> > basement and upstairs. She had some contact
> with
> > the spirits
> > that were left behind. One stood out more than
> the
> > rest he was the brother of George Mullins that
> was
> > shot and
> > killed by their father, Harmon Mullins.
> >
> > Harmon had been brain injured in the war around
> > the 1800s. Edna Mullins a daughter of George
> > Mullins and my great
> > aunt was also in tune with the sprit world. When
> I
> > was a young child I stayed with my grandparents
> in
> > the stone
> > house many times over several years. I'm not in
> > tune with the sprit world, and I never believed
> > this spirit world
> > thing until I visited Central America in 2009.
> >
> > Some of my relatives have this ability and
> these
> > members I believe also have the true Mulegon
> > bloodline, inherited
> > through the Mullins family that came to America
> 75
> > years before Columbus. The Mullins family
> married
> > into the Cherokee
> > Indians and I believe this is where the sprit
> > world was brought through the family.
> >
> > One family trait has been noticed is a large
> knot
> > on the base of the skull and the spinal cord.
> My
> > Father and aunt
> > had this trait, and I have grandchildren that
> have
> > this trait, but I do not. I have noticed with
> > discussion of the
> > close family members and distant cousins that
> they
> > have issues relating to the sprit world or ESP.
> > This information
> > is widely discussed between other Mulegon
> > families. This Mulegon word could be misspelled
> > but there is other information
> > on the internet and several books that have
> been
> > written on this subject.
> Years ago Edna's son and daughter-in-law spent the
> night in the old stone house. They were fussing
> and she got up
> and went to another bedroom. Her doorknob kept
> turning and she told him if he didn't stop she
> would go tell his mother.
> It kept turning and she got up opened the door, no
> one was there. She looked in his room and he was
> sound asleep.
> Needless to say she got in bed with him and fell
> asleep. I am Edna's great granddaughter and I have
> been in the house.
> Also my mamaw said that one night she stayed all
> night with Edna and she slept in a room by
> herself, a spirit pinned
> her down to the bed. I live beside the stone house
> and it is a beautiful sight!

What a great story! I believe we're related your great grandma's brother, Clarence was my great grandfather! I have letters that talk about Edna Mullins and the rest of the siblings. Email me so we can exchange family info! - Casey caseyojua @gmail.com.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: RNMom2010 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 09:46AM

Hygiene Queen Wrote:
> Okay, here's the second part.
> About a month or so after what happened in my
> previous post, I was at my friend L's house after
> work... it was probably around 1 am or so.
> We were just sitting in the basement of her house
> talking and laughing (especially making fun of her
> teenage sister who was talking and giggling like a
> gushing fool to some boy on the phone upstairs).
> I mention this, because I want to stress that we
> were not talking about anything scary, freaky,
> depressing or anything like that. We were in a
> very good mood.
> We were going to head upstairs and L reached over
> to switch off the lamp on the end table.
> No sooner than she had flicked the switch, the
> "blacker than black" guy was clearly visible and,
> I **** you not, was gliding toward us... fast.
> (I just had a lurch in my gut remembering this.)
> Again, it was blacker than anything else... and
> this time it seemed so black it almost seemed to
> have a bit of a glow (?) around it? It is so very
> hard to describe.
> L and I are both are blubbering jibberish (you
> know, your soooo scared nothing comes out of your
> mouth) and we are fighting over the light switch.
> We darn near toppled the lamp but L got the
> switch.
> When that light came on, I tell you, L looked
> like death.
> I'm sure I looked the same way.
> We could NOT believe it.
> And it was very upsetting to me, because I just
> had a very similar experience with my friend J.
> Was something following ME?
> It was scary, I tell you.
> Really, the first time it happened, I thought it
> was soooo weird, it could never occur again. That
> would be my big "ghost story" of a lifetime.
> But noooooo.
> Both times, I had a witness.
> I had never heard of such an apparition, but, let
> me tell you, I did find online, several
> descriptions of such a thing and it was freaky to
> learn it was not unique.
> Why a fedora? Why a trench coat?
> It was bizarre.
> If these things had not happened to ME, so much
> I've read right here on this thread would seem
> unbelievable. But I know weird things DO happen.
> You can also be sure I don't go around telling
> this story to just anyone. Who'd believe it?

I have a fedora and trench story myself!

My friend lived in an older part of town on top of a beauty shop. She used to tell me about this guy who stood in her kitchen who was a side sillouhette (sp) of a man in a fedora and trench coat. She said that when she would close her bedroom door at night he would bang on it loudly, but he would leave her alone when she left it open.

I used to stay over at her house because she lived a ways from me and one night I was sleeping on her sofa and woke up, looked into the kitchen and there he was......watching me back. That time around I just went back to the sofa and hid under the covers! Next time I was staying over I was sleeping on the futon in her 2nd bedroom and suddenly out of nowhere something shook me out of a dead sleep. I woke up in time to see a black shadow gliding out of the door. Um yeah ok this time I hauled butt and slept on my friends floor!! For some reason he would not come into her bedroom, but apparently he had full run of the rest of the house! We saw him a lot after that, catching him out of the corner of our eyes, feeling this heaviness and senssation of being watched and even at times, touched. I don't think he was evil, just displaced and probably wondering why we were in HIS house!!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Hygiene Queen ()
Date: July 15, 2013 09:50AM


These are just two I can find right now about the "Hat Man".

I mean, seriously, what gives?

I never had heard of it before and it just seems... well... plain silly that there is something floating all over the world scaring people and wearing, of all things, a top hat or fedora!

It was scary!!!!!!!!

...could it be.... SATAN?????????????

(sorry, couldn't resist!)

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: yousoldtheworld ()
Date: July 15, 2013 09:55AM

At the nursing home I used to work at, it was a well known fact that VERY often, residents would complain about seeing children in their rooms, and within a few days, they'd pass. I only worked there for about four months, but just in that time, I remember six different people who passed away after complaining about the children.

The one time I was present for the actual death, I remember very clearly. It was actually the first time I'd heard of the children phenomenon. I was working the 5 p.m. - 5 a.m. shift, and one of my patients had mentioned seeing children a couple of times in the previous couple of days, but she was suffering from dementia and I didn't think much of it. I got her ready for bed, she was acting like herself and things had been going pretty smoothly. Around 11:00 or so, her call light was going off. I went in to check on her, and she said "Those children are in here again, and I'm trying to sleep. Can you make them leave?" I reassured her that no one was there, opened her closet and bathroom so she could see, and went back into the hall. About 15 minutes later, her light was on again. I went in and she was a little more stressed. "I really can't sleep with these kids in here talking!!!" I tried to calm her down, and went back out. Not even five minutes later, her call light is going off again and she's calling out for help. I rush down and she's sitting up in bed, looking terrified. "Please help, that man came in here and he won't get his kids out. I'm scared." I was starting to get a little alarmed, but I talked to her for a few minutes, calmed her down, and went back into the hall. Immediately both her call light, the empty bed beside her's call light, and a call light across the hall started going off and she was screaming for us to make the man leave. The nurse came back from her lunch break gave her something for anxiety. I told the nurse about what had been happening, and her face went white. She told me that it was a regular occurring thing at the facility for patients to talk about seeing children in days before they passed away, but none had ever mentioned a man. I was freaked out, and I went in to check on her. She was sleeping comfortably, so I checked in with my nurses and went on my lunch break.

When I returned 45 minutes later, she had passed. Earlier in the night, she'd seemed fine (aside from the anxiety) and her vitals had been good. It was really unexpected.

The same facility also had a closed down wing that was no longer used, except for storage. Every once in a while, one of us would have to run down there to get something like an extra chair or table out of storage, and every person I worked with on nights had at least a story or two about creepy things they'd seen down there. The first time I went down there to get something, I swore I saw a man walking behind me in the reflection of one of those round mirrors that they put in corners so you can see down both halls. Another time, I walked into one of the rooms to get something and a desk just fell over. Most of the people I worked with refused to go down there alone.

Ghost Picture at Carnival
Posted by: Neal Farley ()
Date: July 15, 2013 09:56AM

Full body apparition at the Carnival Grounds. My Unofficial Forensic Report On This Picture.

Question: This is nothing but the lady’s own shadow?

You know I love a good challenge when it comes to the paranormal, and make mistakes just like everyone else.
I have always tried to seek the truth and if I make a mistake I will correct it.
There kind of a rule in paranormal photography to always try and take two of the same shot to verify if it
was there or not. But heck I'm on vacation taking pictures of the annual Chincoteague carnival I’m not looking
for spirits!
Well Is should know that were I am there are always spirits!

Ok back to the picture.

The first thing I always try to do is go back and check to make sure that the pictures is what I think it is.
My first thought was this is nothing but the lady’s shadow!
Then I looked much closer and realized that forensically it was not making sense.
So I went back to the carnival and took a second look at lights, angles, and distance and anything else I could
think of.
1st The only above lights are in front facing us with the exception of the string light which are 100 yards
behind her at the entrance of the grounds.
The only other light source is coming out of the inside of the buildings but that is the wrong angle.
2nd The white building absorbed most of my flash so it can’t cast an 85 ft. Shadow.
3rd The angle of the gutter shadow would put it on her right not her left.
4th There are no shadows coming off of any of the other people.
5th The distance, angle, and size of the apparitions.
The distance between the woman and the shadow was 85 yards and almost straight behind her and is way too big
to be hers at that distance.
6th There are faces that I see with eyes nose and mouth.
7th And final I thought saw the woman spirit in the middle of the three apparitions following us!
OK that's my non official forensic report! and why I felt safe to post it.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Photo Analysis ()
Date: July 15, 2013 10:03AM

Are you kidding? The quality of that picture is so bad how could anyone seriously analyze it and deduce anything!?!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: LanaConga ()
Date: July 15, 2013 10:09AM

My dad owns a house in annapolis, maryland that has been in his family for generations. it was built in 1735 or 1745 and was a farm house originally and also was a retirement home/hotel. anyways, it had underground slave tunnels that connected to the river and the mayor's house but those were paved over like 20 or so years ago. the house has a servants staircase that is hidden between the walls and the basement is filled with broken down furniture from over the generations. my dad and his siblings and his mother would always smell weird perfumes in certain rooms or stale tobacco (no one smokes). the lavender perfume was supposedly my great grandmothers and the tobacco my great grandfathers but the other smells no one knows the connection. my mother was giving a tour of the house and the attic especially with all its antiques to her friend who sells antiques in the middle of august in maryland when you know it is so hot your skin is melting off when her friend was advising her to sell the furniture at such and such price and maybe put the house on the market when the attic turned ice cold all of a sudden. my moms friend freaked out and had to leave the top floor. the neighbors have reported an odd sighting of an old lady in a rocking chair in the window knitting even though the house is supposed to be vacant. not to mention some part of human remains my dad and his sister unearthed in the backyard when they were digging when they were like 10 years old.he is 72 years old now. also at 1:30 am every night people who stay in the master bedroom have reported hearing a gun cocking noise and footsteps pacing the bed(the bed is a four poster super old antique with the house) there is also the story of when i was left in the car when i was like 4 years old in the backyard by the pond strapped into the seat of my moms car when they accidently left me in it (4 kids so im easily forgotten in the mileu of unloading kids) when i was asleep. i woke up at like 3 in the morning from some voices and all the cars lights were on. i started screaming and crying of course until someone found me. the lights were off too by the time someone found me. my cousins had other scary stories of the place that they refused to tell me. i know that inthe early 19th century it was a convalescent/retirement home. in the basement there is still crazy old lady clothing thats just too dirty/moth eaten to sell or give away. oh and there was also a local famous artist that stayed there in the 1930s and went crazy and disappeared. also, my mom says that when my great grandmother died of small pox someone was looking at her oil painting and they swore it turned 3 dimensional at the exact time of her death. anyways, i've stayed at the house and its freaky but i feel safe and so does my family. its mainly outsiders that have terrible experiences. yeah so i dunno if im a believer but life is just weird sometimes

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: ASMS ()
Date: July 15, 2013 01:00PM

I know the bridge well and my son has also told me the story of people seeing the man hanging from the center of the bridge. Also heard stories of noises and lights down by the river when noone is there. Local kids will often hang out there on the bridge to view or hear spirits.
I experienced a personal up close ghostly encounter myself when I was on the way to work. It was around 4am when I turned left off 621 onto the trestle bridge. It was near freezing and once on the bridge, saw a girl (around 20 years old) on the left side of the bridge walking away from me. I drove slow up to her while looking and thinking, "What is she doing out here in the pitch dark in a nightgown, no shoes and at this hour...!It is freezing out here!" Her sleeves were short and the gown came just below her knees. As I got closer she appeared totally gray in color from head to toe. My headlights were just about to pass her when she looked directly into the car at me. I only saw her for a split second but her face was also totally gray and without any color! Scared the crap out of me so I hit the gas and got out of there! I wanted to go back but to be honest....I was to afraid to go alone!
I don't know who she was or when she was alive but I am telling you she was a spirit. Her face had a sad look and almost annoyed or angry. She did not appear to be concerned that I was there at all (no fear what so ever). It was a look that kept me from turning around and going back.
I drove that same route to work and home for years but only saw her once. I plan on going back to the bridge at night and would love to be able to know more about the "spirit girl" that I saw that early morning. If anyone has had a similar experience or knows anything about this spirit I would love to hear about it.
If anyone has the time take route 211 west out of Warrenton, turn right onto route 688 towards Orlean. Go about a mile or so and when the road curves right down a hill turn left onto route 622. Drive slow as it is practically a one lane road. When you get to the trestle bridge open your window and listen to see if anyone is one the bridge (one vehicle at a time one the bridge, one car width and weight restrictions). Cross the river and park on the other side (be curtious to local residence).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2013 01:10PM by ASMS.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Jolie Fan ()
Date: July 15, 2013 01:12PM

ASMS Wrote:
> I know the bridge well and my son has also told me
> the story of people seeing the man hanging from
> the center of the bridge. Also heard stories of
> noises and lights down by the river when noone is
> there. Local kids will often hang out there on
> the bridge to view or hear spirits.
> I experienced a personal up close ghostly
> encounter myself when I was on the way to work.
> It was around 4am when I turned left off 621 onto
> the trestle bridge. It was near freezing and
> once on the bridge, saw a girl (around 20 years
> old) on the left side of the bridge walking away
> from me. I drove slow up to her while looking and
> thinking, "What is she doing out here in the pitch
> dark in a nightgown, no shoes and at this
> hour...!It is freezing out here!" Her sleeves
> were short and the gown came just below her knees.
> As I got closer she appeared totally gray in
> color from head to toe. My headlights were just
> about to pass her when she looked directly into
> the car at me. I only saw her for a split second
> but her face was also totally gray and without any
> color! Scared the crap out of me so I hit the gas
> and got out of there! I wanted to go back but to
> be honest....I was to afraid to go alone!
> I don't know who she was or when she was alive but
> I am telling you she was a spirit. Her face had a
> sad look and almost annoyed or angry. She did not
> appear to be concerned that I was there at all (no
> fear what so ever). It was a look that kept me
> from turning around and going back.
> I drove that same route to work and home for years
> but only saw her once. I plan on going back to
> the bridge at night and would love to be able to
> know more about the "spirit girl" that I saw that
> early morning. If anyone has had a similar
> experience or knows anything about this spirit I
> would love to hear about it.
> If anyone has the time take route 211 west out of
> Warrenton, turn right onto route 688 towards
> Orlean. Go about a mile or so and when the road
> curves right down a hill turn left onto route 622.
> Drive slow as it is practically a one lane road.
> When you get to the trestle bridge open your
> window and listen to see if anyone is one the
> bridge (one vehicle at a time one the bridge, one
> car width and weight restrictions). Cross the
> river and park on the other side (be curtious to
> local residence).

Where is this trestle bridge located?

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Jolie Fan ()
Date: July 15, 2013 01:12PM

Nevermind, just saw you updated your post, out near Warrenton.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: anna ()
Date: July 15, 2013 01:15PM

A couple nights ago, the Respiratory Therapist was telling us about a man that shows up and asks the nurse what
room Mr or Mrs So&So are in. The nurse tells him and within moments, that patient is crashing. Supposedly, no one
can remember what the "man" looked like afterwards.

Several seasoned ICU nurses and Respiratory Therapists swear this happens occasionally. I don't know if I buy it,
but I did find myself hugging my lab coat and following another RN to help when she
went to bathe her patient. (After story time!)

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: mondkmondk ()
Date: July 15, 2013 01:39PM

This just happened a few weeks ago and really really scared me. Our house was built in 2002 and was only owned by this other couple and us...but still, I know very little about the LAND...

Anyway, something woke me up and I looked at the clock: 4:51am. I heard music-y sounds and all of a sudden I realized it was coming from our family room, which is right next to the master bedroom, where I was. My son's toys (he is 16 mos. old) were piled up in a laundry basket and they were all going off except for one. Everyone was in bed and my 2 cats were snoozing at the foot of the bed, with one cat raising her head when I sat up. Our dog is outdoors in a pen. I had to bestill my beating heart and go in there to turn them all off. It couldn't have been the batteries either as we routinely replace the ones that sound like they are going dead. It was highly creepy.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Hygiene Queen ()
Date: July 15, 2013 01:58PM

mondkmondk Wrote:
> This just happened a few weeks ago and really
> really scared me. Our house was built in 2002 and
> was only owned by this other couple and us...but
> still, I know very little about the LAND...
> Anyway, something woke me up and I looked at the
> clock: 4:51am. I heard music-y sounds and all of a
> sudden I realized it was coming from our family
> room, which is right next to the master bedroom,
> where I was. My son's toys (he is 16 mos. old)
> were piled up in a laundry basket and they were
> all going off except for one. Everyone was in bed
> and my 2 cats were snoozing at the foot of the
> bed, with one cat raising her head when I sat up.
> Our dog is outdoors in a pen. I had to bestill my
> beating heart and go in there to turn them all
> off. It couldn't have been the batteries either as
> we routinely replace the ones that sound like they
> are going dead. It was highly creepy.

You turned 'em all off, eh?
Are you same type of person who will "go check" on "a noise in the basement" and tell the others, "You stay here"?

Reminds me of that stupid "Bedtime Ernie", or whatever it was called. It was the Sesame Street Ernie doll that wore striped pajamas and talked and snored.
My son had one and I hated it!!!!!
Here's why:
One night after hubby and I were in bed asleep, my dear cat dragged it into our room like she was carrying a kitten. The stupid doll just snoring and talking away.
Well, being dead tired and not thrilled with Ernie at 3 in the morning, my husband got up, marched to the cat, rudely swiped away Ernie and tossed that dumb thing clear into the next room.
There is a "thud" as Ernie lands and then an EXTREMELY chipper and gay pronouncement from the next room, "I feel GREAT!!!!!!"
Hubby and I look into the room where Ernie was tossed, and there was that thing crumpled into a heap, face down on the floor...
Just enough outside light to see... and this mangled little body declares, yet again, "I feel GREAT!!!!!!"
It would not SHUT UP. It would be quiet and then start again. I tried shutting him off, but Ernie wasn't giving in that easily. He felt GREAT, dang it and you can't beat him down, man! Ya hear????!!!
I joked Ernie was mad at my husband for tossing him. I also said it probably would not be a wise idea to try to mangle his head in the garage... Ernie was channelling "Talking Tina's" evil spirit... he he.
Finally, we just performed a battery-ectomy.
Silly, but there's just something creepy about something that can take so much abuse and still "feel GREAT"!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: stacygirl ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:27PM

That is too funny!! Reminds me of a talking toy my daughter had years ago. It was that one eyed monster from Monsters Inc. Well I was home alone, it was night and I desided it was the perfect opportunity to clean up daughter's room. So I'm cleaning away and all of the sudden that damn Monster Inc doll says "I've got my eye on you". Scared the crap-ola out of me! You have to pull its arm down for it to talk and here I was on the other side of the room, nowhere near it and it speaks! I'm sure there's a logical explaination - but at that moment I almost pee'd my pants. I ran out of there and called hubby to tell him it was time for him to come home.

Oh and the doll went off to GoodWill the next day... :uhoh21:

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: CubbyRN ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:35PM

Hi all! I am a new RN & also a new member of this great thread! I have been addicted to this particular thread as of have many stories of my own! I apologize these may be long but are very interesting!

1. Just last night I worked an overnight on my cardiac unit and one of the other nurse's patient died. We have big open windows at the end of each hallway. I was catching up on my charting when out of the corner of my eye I saw a black shadow moving down the hall and then we have a big file book that holds all of our MARs and it is always place in the middle of the table in the nurses station. It was not even close to the edge when all of a sudden after I saw the shadow passing the book flew off the table and slid across the floor. The shadow was moving towards the window at the end of the hall! Creepy!

2. My aunt passed away years ago very young and unexpectedly and the summer right before I began nursing school my boyfriends grandmother passed away who I really loved (she was one of the first people in his family who made me feel welcome!). I did not get to say goodbye to either of them. One night during that summer I was sleeping over my boyfriend's house in his room while he slept in the guest room. I thought I was having a dream when I realized I was completely awake and aware. My aunt and his grandmother were standing over me and they looked so bright and white and peaceful. They were standing over each side of the bed looking down at me smiling, they walked around the bed keeping their eyes on me, and then vanished. I think it was their way of saying goodbye. It was very scary at first but then peaceful, I think they watch over my boyfriend and I.

3. Lastly, (this may be long), the house I lived in before I moved out to go to nursing school (my parents house) had a ghost presence. The owner moved out and when we asked why he replied that his wife had died of cancer in the house and he believed she was still in there and it gave him too many memories to deal with it, so automatically my mother and I were creeped out! Not long after a lot of things began to happen. I had this picture of NYC with all of the little bulbs as lights of the city. At 3 am almost every night it would get freezing in my room, the channels would change on the tv of my mother and I (we are night owls) and the bulbs in my picture would blink extremely fast! Also, some nights our bedrooms doors would pound and we would all wake up thinking someone was in the house and the punding would stop! My boyfriend would come over and we would be the only ones home after school and we would hear someone throwing up in the bathroom and smell a perfume of an older women (she spent her last days vomiting r/t the cancer and tx sadly). Then one night I was sitting online on AIM at like 3-4am and I felt someone brushing through my hair and I saw my hair up in the air like someone was holding it. I thought it was my mother coming in to tell me to go to bed and I turned around and no one was there! I was so scared but I realized her presence was a kind caring one at times. Right after that a piece of paper came down from the ceiling fan and it was her obituary that her husband had tied to it! CREEPY! Lastly, I took photography my senior year in high school and I had this old camera I used for projects. One day my mother said the camera was across the room, turned around and on by itself, took a picture of her, then turned off. When I developed the picture, she was not in it but everything else in the background was! Even scarier when I was in the dark room at school alone developing the picture, a stool went flying clear across the room sending me flying out of there!

Sorry these are lengthy, I have just had a lot of these experience and I am a believer. I also love all the postings on this forum about the death experiences of your patients where they see their family members or loved ones who have passed come to greet them in the after life! Gives me hope and chills! Hope you enjoyed!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Ed in woodbridge ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:38PM

Ed Wrote:
> We lived on Valleywood Drive in the late 70's
> early 80's. Our house was definitely haunted. My
> brother and I on separate occasions (years apart)
> saw a man in white Civil War era clothing with
> long white hair in and about our house and walking
> the streets.

I grew up in Valleywood when Woodbridge Airport was still active. I did the survey work for Springwoods Dr. when they decommissioned the airport. The townhouses on Smoketown Rd look like they are on the old airport. There were quite a few people killed in accidents at the airport.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: DKH ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:43PM

Last September I was sitting home alone at my computer desk. Hubby was on temporary duty and the kids were at friends houses.
All of a sudden I hear walking up above me in the upstairs hallway. OK not that big a deal as we hear this quite often in this
house. Well about 10 minutes later my living room TV comes on by itself. Now this freaked me out so I went out back on the patio
for a few minutes just to collect my thoughts. I came back in and searched the house just to make sure one of my kids hadn't come
back home and was messing with me.No one else was here but me and the dog and she stays by my side all the time. Over the next 30
minutes my kids came home and we all decided to sit in the living room and watch a movie. Where I was sitting on the couch I could
see when someone would come down the stairs.

Well I saw something out of the corner of my eye and when I looked in the direction of the staircase I noticed this white blur move
really quick and dart towards the dining room / computer room. Also not that unusual as this house has been very active from the start.
I decided not to mention it to the kids as I didn't want to freak them out anymore than necessary. I got up to go to the bathroom about
15 minutes later and just as I opened the bathroom door a black shadow moved in front of me towards the toilet. I let out a scream and
ended up scaring my kids and dog in the process. Now that was the first time I'd seen that or anything else in the bathroom. I don't know
what it was. Needless to say I decided to go upstairs to the bathroom.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Babs0512 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:46PM

My Grandmother died when I was sixteen, so It's been 31 years since I've seen her, but many of her stories will live with me forever.

Grandma was an Irish Catholic, very devout. She moved here from Ireland when she was 15, and became a nurse. She married a police officer, my grandfather, whom I never met. They lived in Great Neck Long Island,NY. One day, my grandmother received a call, telling her that her husband, who was a motorcycle cop, was struck by a bus and died. My grandmother, along with the usualy grief and arrangements, was worried about how to raise her three boys, Daniel, the eldest 11y/o, Thomas (my father) 8 years old, and Gerald, the youngest, 6y/o. But, raise them she did. Life had to go on - was her motto.

Two months later, the three boys decided to go ice skating on the lake near their home, it was frozen. Gerald and Thomas started out onto the ice but Daniel wouldn't follow - he kept saying "We're going to get in trouble!" After a while, Thomas said to Gerald, let's go in. So they were headed toward shore when the ice cracked, and Gerald fell through the ice. The boy who would later be my father, Thomas, jumped in and tried to pull Gerald out - after several attemptes he was successful.

Over the next week, Gerald grew weaker. They didn't have easy access to x-rays 80 years ago, Gerald had developed Pneumonia, or so the doctor thought. He did come to see him daily, and administered PCN, but Gerald continued to get worse.

One day, with the stress and grief of her recently dead husaband, and now her dying son, my Grandmother was sitting next to gerald's bed, softly crying. Gerald reached his hand over and took my Grandmother hand and said "Don't cry Mommy, Jesus and Mary are right here and they want me to come with them." My grandmother asked "where are they Gerald" and Gerald pointed to the bottom of the bed. My grandmother picked up her rosery and said to Gerald "Well, I guess you shouldn't keep them waiting then" Gerald look at my grandmother and said "I love you Mommy" then he closed his eyes, and my Grandmother swears he died with a smile on his face.

This was of great comfort to my Grandmother, knowing Gerald was in heaven. I get goosbumps when I tell that story.


Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Ft. Belvoir haunting ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:53PM

There used to be a motor pool just south of Fort Belvoir that held the trucks of the 100th engineer company (FB).
The year was 1965 and I was an SP/4 assigned to the unit. I was pulling guard duty at the motor pool and it was late
at night.

I had to use the toilet so I went to one of the out houses. There was no indoor plumbing at the motor pool. As I sat
on the toilet seat I started to hear a scratching noise under the seat. I had a flash light so I stood up and shined
the light into the toilet hole.

There was nothing down there but waste. I sat back down and started rationalizing; was it a rat under the toilet?
The scratching started again and got louder. I then got up and left the outhouse. As I walked away I could hear the
scratching getting louder. When I told my peers about the experience they told me they had heard voices while using
the outhouses.

I later found out that the motor pool was the site of the Gunston Cemetery for blacks. It was abandoned in 1902 and
moved in 1930. There were rumors that all of the remains were not moved and some were discovered when the area was

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: same here ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:54PM

DKH Wrote:
> Last September I was sitting home alone at my
> computer desk. Hubby was on temporary duty and the
> kids were at friends houses.
> All of a sudden I hear walking up above me in the
> upstairs hallway. OK not that big a deal as we
> hear this quite often in this
> house. Well about 10 minutes later my living room
> TV comes on by itself. Now this freaked me out so
> I went out back on the patio
> for a few minutes just to collect my thoughts. I
> came back in and searched the house just to make
> sure one of my kids hadn't come
> back home and was messing with me.No one else was
> here but me and the dog and she stays by my side
> all the time. Over the next 30
> minutes my kids came home and we all decided to
> sit in the living room and watch a movie. Where I
> was sitting on the couch I could
> see when someone would come down the stairs.
> Well I saw something out of the corner of my eye
> and when I looked in the direction of the
> staircase I noticed this white blur move
> really quick and dart towards the dining room /
> computer room. Also not that unusual as this house
> has been very active from the start.
> I decided not to mention it to the kids as I
> didn't want to freak them out anymore than
> necessary. I got up to go to the bathroom about
> 15 minutes later and just as I opened the bathroom
> door a black shadow moved in front of me towards
> the toilet. I let out a scream and
> ended up scaring my kids and dog in the process.
> Now that was the first time I'd seen that or
> anything else in the bathroom. I don't know
> what it was. Needless to say I decided to go
> upstairs to the bathroom.

We moved into our house here in George Washington village back in June of 2011. Within 1 hour things started to happen.
My husband daughter and dog were upstairs checking out the rooms and I noticed our dog had her hair standing up on
her back. I thought it was odd but dismissed it. About 15 minutes later my hubby and daughter ran to the store so I
sat on the stairs and called my parent's to let them know we got the house and that things were going good.

I had no sooner hung up my cell phone when I heard a little boy whispering like he was having a conversation with
someone and it was coming from upstairs. My dog alerted immediately and wouldn't take her eyes off the top of the

''he'' seemed to be talking back and forth to someone else but I couldn't understand what was being said. It lasted
for a couple of minutes and then stopped and I didn't hear anything else. Since then we've heard little footsteps running
down the upstairs hallway when we're all downstairs we've heard walking in me and my hubby's bedroom as well.

One morning when my kids went to school and my hubby was at work I heard a man's voice call out from upstairs it wasn't
a full yell but sounded kind of muffled. We've also seem black shadow's in the shape of a person moving about the whole
house. I witnessed a white mist float down the stairs into the living room.

A couple of days before Christmas I was home alone with the dogs (we recently adopted again) I heard a muffled sneeze
coming from upstairs and both dogs turned to look but neither one would go up. The dogs often alert on things that none
of us can see. This house is proving to be very active!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: sufferkate ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:57PM

Aside: This is not really a ghost story. It's about something strange that happened to me years ago. I am not psychotic, or crazy, nor was my roommate. This is my strange story:

I went to work in New York City during the late summer and early fall of 1995.

My brother had died in an accident the previous Easter, and I was finding it difficult to concentrate in Memphis, where so many people, it seemed, knew about it.

My roommate and I decided that we both needed a change of scene, and as she was from New Jersey, we easily secured positions at clubs in the Nanuet area.

For the term, we had rented a suite of rooms in a hotel that, although part of a chain, was rather seedy and not at all up to the usual standards of said chain. What did I care, though? I was gone from a place where everyone I ran into wanted to tell me how very, very sorry they were “to hear about Jason.”

I’d end up sobbing in the dressing room, the entire night a wash.


I'm writing this from the other side of a passage of years, and although we are not in touch now, I want to stress that we were once very good friends, and that I cared about Emily a great deal.

We had been through a lot together. She was with me when I received the news about my brother, and she held me up - literally - several times over the weeks that followed.

She had witnessed some high strangeness while we lived together, and even though she wasn't comfortable with it (nor was I), she'd learned to take a lot of it in stride.

When everything was over, though, we couldn't get far enough away from one another.


The suite Emily and I rented was paid for by her sugar daddy, a much older man she’d met at a club in Memphis - and with the understanding that I would repay half the amount as I earned it.

It was set up so that as one entered, the bathroom door was to the immediate left, with the closet recessed in an alcove behind the door. A few steps brought you into the living room, with the bedroom area through an archway to the right. To the left, a desk and chair sat against the bathroom wall. There were three telephones in the suite. One on the desk, one on the bedside table, and the other on the table next to the sofa.

The bedroom was furnished with an armoire containing another television, a king-sized bed with a padded dressing bench at the foot, and a full length mirror. The armoire was angled so that one could see the television from the living room. There was a larger television in the living room, with a large refrigerator next to it. A microwave sat atop it.

On the night I will describe, Emily and I had been out with her friends. We had been working in N.Y. for a week, and so felt justified in taking a night off to hit the town. That had been the plan, but Emily had been taken ill right after dinner, so we returned to the suite after telling her friends good-night.

We had argued in the cab on the way back, and when she said she was going to shower, I simply nodded and said nothing. She went into the bathroom and shut the door, and I sat down on the edge of the bed. I wasn't upset with Em, because I knew she really was not feeling well, and I'd known her long enough to put aside anything she might say in anger - or sickness.

The lights were on in the living area of the suite, so I didn't turn on either of the two lamps in the bedroom. There was plenty of light to see by.

Glancing at the phone to make sure we had no pending messages, I opened the armoire doors to turn on the television. I planned to put Emily to bed as soon as she came out of the shower, and I wanted to see if there was anything on she'd like to watch.

Movement on the surface of the television screen caught my eye, and I realized that the blank, darkened screen essentially functioned as a mirror, reflecting the archway to the living room and the space beyond.

What I was seeing in the 'reflection' did not immediately register, but it seemed there was someone else in the suite with us! I spun around to look at the doorway, and the desk/chair area.

You guessed it. Nobody there.

I turned back to the television. There WAS someone standing there! A woman! A woman in a very familiar black dress, with long platinum hair. The figure stood in front of the desk, evidently in deep thought.

She looked just like me, in fact, and was wearing my favorite dress.

Even though the night had been warm - muggy, even - I suddenly felt very cold.

I kept looking at the television, and turning my head to look at the empty space where the figure stood in the reflection. I leaned in very close, thinking to change the angle and hopefully, figure out what was making me think I was seeing myself one room over.

It was still there.

Dimly, I realized that I could still hear the shower, and though I wanted to call out for Emily - to scream for her, if you want the truth - I could not make a sound. I was freezing and my teeth were clenched, and all I could manage was a choking whimper.

I wanted to run, to barricade myself in with another human being, but I could not even go to the door of the bathroom. I would have to pass right by the thing I saw in the reflection, wouldn't I?

Somehow, I knew I didn't want to catch its attention. The 'not-me' in the reflection didn't seem to be aware of the observer me, and that was a tiny relief.

Then the figure moved, pulling out the 'chair.' The real chair beyond the archway did NOT move, and that's a good thing. I don't know what I'd have done, but the mind has ways to cope with stress like that.

I think it's called 'going crazy,' and I was nearly afraid of that as I was the apparition in the reflection.

The 'not-me' walked slowly around the chair, then sat. It seemed to be studying something on the desk, but I couldn't make it out.

By then I was as close to the television screen as I could get, because that was as far away from the doorway - and the 'not-me' - that I could position myself. It occurred to me that I might be seeing a possible future, and if that were the case, 'not-me' would never know I was there.

The 'not-me' stood up from the chair and turned, facing me, although it was still looking down, as though searching for something on the floor. 'Her' hand pushed back her hair, and she slowly turned in a circle.

I watched, horrified, but fascinated. It circled the chair, still absorbed in its search.

I was terrified that 'it' was going to look up and 'see' me, and I really, really did not want that to happen. I was filled with a sense of dread, and I shut my eyes.

The room was still chilly, and I heard the shower go off. Emily would spend up to twenty additional minutes lotioning herself, combing her hair, flossing her teeth - we'd lived together for a while, so I knew her habits.

This time, the bathroom door jerked open, and she stormed right out, drying her hair with a towel.

Giving me a quizzical look, she said, "What? What? Why were you screaming my name?"

Was I? I didn't think so, although I knew I'd been screaming for her in my head for at least ten minutes.

"Just, can you come in here for a minute?" I responded. "Come sit here on the bed and look at the t.v. Then tell me what you see."

I didn't look at anything while she passed by the 'not-me.' She sat on the bed, close to my original place, and for a minute or so, Emily did not say anything. She shivered, and I noticed I could see her breath. She turned her head as well, looking back and forth several times from the screen to the archway.

Finally, she spoke. "Oh my GOD, that's YOU!"

So she saw it, too. I was momentarily relieved that I wasn't going crazy, unless Emily was meandering down the same psychotic path. I'd heard of mass hypnosis, but we'd each had one glass of red wine at dinner. Her friends finished the bottle, and it sat at the table from the moment of uncorking.

Nobody had dosed us, in other words.

"What does this mean? That IS you, isn't it? Are you somehow doing this?" Emily kept on, giving voice to the questions I wasn't calm enough to ask myself.

WAS I somehow doing this? Projecting an image of myself, like a - like some shamans can? Is this what I was capable of, in moments of emotional distress? I hoped not, but I had only read about it, and I had no idea if there was another explanation.

"I don't know," I managed. "I don't think I could do this. Let me try something."

I moved a little on the floor so that I could see 'not-me.' She was holding on to the back of the desk chair, and seemed to be - dancing? - swaying to music we couldn't hear.

Basically, I thought that if I was somehow responsible for this, I could either predict its next move, or control it. Couldn't I?

Fixing on the eidolon, I tried to make it sit down again. For a moment, nothing happened. The figure went on gently undulating to some ghostly melody. Then it walked around the chair again, and sat, palms on its knees, back ramrod-straight.

"Oh, my gawwwwd," whispered Emily. "Jesus, it's YOU - you're doing this, aren't you?"

I still did not know.

Answer the phone, I thought.

The figure stirred, and her hand went to the receiver on the desk phone. Her posture and movement was indicative of the silent 'conversation.'

Emily's face was now less than an inch from my own.

"Are. You. Doing. That?" she spat, condensation fogging the air with her every word. Her eyes were huge.

"I think so," I replied. "I don't know why this is happening, Emily, I promise," I went on. "I'm going to try to make it go away."

I peeked at the screen again. 'Not-me' was still on the 'phone.'

GOAWAYGOAWAYGOAWAY. Leave NOW. Get up and GO...out the door, or however you have to. YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE.

I kept my eyes trained on the 'not-me,' directing as much force as I could into my thoughts.


'Not-me' slowly lowered the phone to the cradle and stood, smoothing her dress.

"Push the chair in," I muttered through clenched teeth.

It pushed the 'chair' back under the desk, and slowly walked past the archway into the hall by the bathroom.

We waited. The room felt slightly warmer. I thought it was gone, but did not know for sure.

"Is she gone?" whispered Emily.

"I don't know. How would I know? I didn't exactly hear the door," I grated. I was fed up, and drained. We were a tableaux: A waxworks display of Damsels in Distress.

Then the phones rang. We sprang apart as though hit with a cattle prod. Emily ran one way - straight for the desk phone through the arch. I reached the bedside phone, first.

"Ye-hello?" I panted.

Silence. Not a buzz nor a click; not a hint of static.

Emily had the extension to her ear, and I could hear her breathing.

"Hello?" she tried. "Who IS this?"

"It's nobody, Em. Just put it down, it's just more weird ****," I said, cradling my own handset.

Emily, though, had had enough. She was dressing with the intensity and concentration of somebody late for work, hopping around to put her pants on; crashing into things.

"Oh no it isn't, it's somebody ******* with us!" was her explanation. "Come on, right now. We're going to the desk."

To the desk? The front desk? As though the night clerk could explain what just happened?

I thought it was a bad idea, imagining the smirking and eye-rolling on behalf of the hotel employees. Hell, if she went ballistic, we'd be thrown out - this, I knew from experience.

I couldn't let her go down there alone, though. Who knew what she might say? I grabbed my bag and followed her out the door. Too impatient to wait for the elevators, we charged down the stairs, emerging into the lobby at full speed.

Three clerks were on duty, and all three stood at the counter, heads turned to peer out the glass doors into the darkened parking lot. The doors whooshed open, then shut, again and again. For a moment, Emily and I stood on the other side of the counter, observing this strange phenomenon.

Those doors were moving far too quickly for a person to get through them without injury. What the hell was happening here? Why did the clerks look like someone goosed them?

"Uh, hi," I began. Three heads snapped around, fixing Em and me in a classic 'deer-in-headlights' gaze. Nobody said anything for a second.

I cleared my throat, and tried again.

"Some strange things are happening on the top floor, and I was wondering if there would be a way for the phones in our suite to ring without ya'll putting a call through."

There, that seemed nice and innocuous.

The doors continued to open and close off to my left. Emily had walked quite close to them, and I thought she might be trying to determine whether she could make a run for it.

The clerk licked her lips, glanced at the other two. "We're having some electrical problems right now," she finally said, eyes on the counter in front of her.

"Like this?" I indicated the doors. Three heads nodded. "Anything else?" I asked, curious.

The male clerk spoke then. "Ma'am, if you wish to exit, you should probably use that other door," and he pointed across the room, to a single, non-electric door which probably led to another part of the parking area.

Turning to me, he continued, "The elevators are malfunctioning, and the security cameras are not working properly."

For the first time, I noticed the bank of monitors beneath the top level of the counter. I leaned over to get a closer look. Two or three of the seven had gone completely black, while another seemed to be showing a recording of a couple walking up and down the second floor hall. The two would approach and pass under the camera, and a second later, would re-appear walking backwards, away from the camera. Then again, forwards, beneath the range of sight.

"These things record and play back?" I sputtered.

"No, not usually," replied the third clerk, another woman. "The tape loops to a reel in the security office, which is locked unless a guard is on premises. We save them for twenty-four to forty-eight hours, then record over them. This hasn't ever happened before," she admitted.

"Is the guard here?" I asked, interested in hearing his take on the situation. The woman shook her head. "We're short-handed tonight," she said.

"Those people on the screen," I began, pointing. The monitor abruptly went black. "I was going to ask if they were current guests," I finished lamely.

Back at the counter beside me, Emily opened her mouth. I kicked her foot gently, a warning against reporting our strange 'visitor.'

"Well, we came down because the phones rang, and no one was there," I explained. "Did one of us have a telephone call within the last half hour?"

Much shaking of heads in the negative. The other woman said, "This just started happening about thirty, forty-five minutes ago. The phones haven't worked properly since then."

Now the younger woman rejoined the discussion. "Right after you came in tonight, right about then, I think." Oh, really?

"Have you called someone about this?" I asked, pointing at the doors again. Three heads nodded. Those clerks were scared, or they'd never have offered up so much information.

One of the female clerks walked back up the stairs with us, and on the way, Emily gave her a brief rundown of what we'd experienced. The clerk was well and truly freaked out by our story. However, nothing prepared the three of us for what had happened to our suite in the interim.

As we rounded the corner, I casually inquired how many guests shared the top floor with us. At the same time, I heard the unmistakable 'bzzz-click' of an electronic lock opening, and right in front of our eyes, our suite door cracked itself open an inch or two.

I halted so abruptly that Emily ran into me, and the clerk grabbed my arm to steady me. I looked at her.

"Does THAT happen often?" I asked. She shook her head and said, "I think you're the only two guests in a suite up here right now."

So! Back down to the lobby we went, returning with the male night manager and the clerk who had originally accompanied us.

This time, the suite door was firmly shut.

"I'm not going in there," Emily stated. I think we all shared that sentiment, but hey, we had Mr. Night Manager there for that very reason.

He cracked the door, then pushed it open most of the way. In the hallway, we three brave women stood together in a huddle, peering in.

The living room was trashed. Completely wrecked; lamps on the floor, furniture turned over. The microwave was also on the floor, and the fridge was on its side.

Unbelieving, I stepped forward and pushed the door open wider.

There were clothes from both our suitcases scattered everywhere. Costumes, underthings, and t-shirts hung from the sprinklers mounted on the ceiling. Worse, the lock on Emily's travel trunk had been - well, crushed - and all the designer things she was so proud of were also thrown everywhere. There was a Fendi sandal in the toilet, and the curtains over the window at the far end of the living area were torn from the mounted rods and were lying in a heap on the floor.

Emily and I stared at each other, open-mouthed.

"Was it like this when you came downstairs?" asked Mr. Night Manager, rather idiotically. Still staring around us, we shook our heads. The female clerk had entered by then, and stood there, looking shocked.

"Well, what about when the door opened the first time you came up here?" he went on.

The female clerk answered him this time. "They don't know," she snapped. "We didn't look in, we just left."

Emily had begun picking up clothing and shoes, accessories and makeup. Several small eyeshadows had been broken and scattered, then ground into the carpet.

"Who could have done this?" I asked. "Does anyone else have access to a pass-key around here?"

The clerks exchanged a look that I'd have missed if I blinked.

"No," they answered, simultaneously.

The phones rang again. We all looked at one another. Mr. Night Manager answered the phone closest to him.

"Suite ***, this is Stan." Then, "Yeah. Nope, nobody. The suite's been wrecked, though. No, probably not. Yeah, I know. Will do." He hung up, turning to face us.

"That was Lisa, down at the front. We're going to switch suites for you tonight. Do you want us to help you get your things together?"

"No, but please don't leave us here alone for another second," I blurted.

The other clerk was helping Emily toss our stuff any which way into the suitcases. Everywhere I looked, I found more broken, torn up personal items. My journal was halfway shredded, with what looked like bite marks on the cover.

"Who could have done this?" I asked again.

Nobody had an answer (not even [especially!] the police officer who took the report), but a day or so later, in the hallway leading to the fitness room, I encountered the female clerk. She wanted to talk to me, and had, in fact, been looking for me or for Emily.

We sat on the steps while she talked. What happened to Emily and me in our suite had occurred before, she thought, but not while she worked there.

She had heard things, as all old, decrepit hotels have histories, but she'd largely disregarded a lot of it as just...fantastic ghost stories. Tales, told and re-told among third-shifters to pass the boredom of another long night.

The suite we had been in was at the crux of most of the problems, she went on to tell me. As nothing had happened in her six years there, she'd assigned it without a second thought. From the moment we arrived, she said, there had been electrical malfunctions at the switchboard.

Malfunctions? Like what?

Well, such as every single line lighting up, calls coming in from rooms that were unoccupied as well as the occupied ones. Nobody was on any of the inbound lines. There was a bank of pay phones in a hallway off the lobby, and they'd ring simultaneously. The security guard had attempted to answer them, more than once.

More problems with the doors, as we'd observed from the lobby. The people we'd both seen on the monitor downstairs had not been guests at that hotel since June, she thought. There was no way to explain why they hadn't been taped over, or why that particular loop had keep repeating.

Worse, their security guard had actually quit that night. He just walked out, she explained, right before the doors started acting weird. They were still waiting for another to be assigned.

We were interrupted then by another clerk I had never seen before; an older woman who gave off the 'management' vibe. My new friend jumped up guiltily and went off with her to attend to whatever needed doing, and I went to find Emily.

We were blowing this crazy joint, hell or high water.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Sgt Jack ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:00PM

Ft. Belvoir haunting Wrote:
> There used to be a motor pool just south of Fort
> Belvoir that held the trucks of the 100th engineer
> company (FB).
> The year was 1965 and I was an SP/4 assigned to
> the unit. I was pulling guard duty at the motor
> pool and it was late
> at night.
> I had to use the toilet so I went to one of the
> out houses. There was no indoor plumbing at the
> motor pool. As I sat
> on the toilet seat I started to hear a scratching
> noise under the seat. I had a flash light so I
> stood up and shined
> the light into the toilet hole.
> There was nothing down there but waste. I sat back
> down and started rationalizing; was it a rat under
> the toilet?
> The scratching started again and got louder. I
> then got up and left the outhouse. As I walked
> away I could hear the
> scratching getting louder. When I told my peers
> about the experience they told me they had heard
> voices while using
> the outhouses.
> I later found out that the motor pool was the site
> of the Gunston Cemetery for blacks. It was
> abandoned in 1902 and
> moved in 1930. There were rumors that all of the
> remains were not moved and some were discovered
> when the area was
> excavated.

Humphrey hall the site of the engineer school headquarters in 1974 is haunted. I was pulling sdnco in 1974 there when I encountered a full
blown apparition. I had noticed the lights on the second floor would come back on after I cut them off. This occurred several times. I began
to think that someone was working late. It was about one o'clock in the morning when I went upstairs to investigate. I called out but no one
answered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something strange.

It appeared that there was an outline in the air. I could make out a figure made up entirely of air. As it approached I could see it's face.
The face was fuzzy like a bad picture on the TV. My hair stood on end and the air became cold. My arms were covered in goose bumps. I ran down
the stairs and out the door. I did not go inside until the sdo came for his rounds. When I told him he stated that it wasn't the first time he
had heard a story about that building. From then on I paid someone to pull my duty.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Anna ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:06PM

As a child I lived in River village in Fort Belvoir for about three years during the mid to late 1960s. We moved from there when I was twelve. My family and I had many paranormal
experiences in the two-story duplex home that we lived in on Potomac loop. Our dog would sometimes cower and growl at nothing we could see. Other times a very sweet thick floral
scent would come ''tumbling'' down the stairs when my family and I were downstairs in the living room watching TV.

During that time we somehow acquired a new quija board and once I took it to my bedroom upstairs to play with it. I put my fingers on the pallet and mentally asked if anyone was there
not expecting anything to happen. To my surprise and horror I felt the pallet being pushed by someone or something as it glided to yes. I bolted downstairs and put it back in it's box.
It seems that my bedroom was the ''heart'' of the house where things often took place. I have always wondered if subsequent families who lived in the same duplex ever experienced anything
similar. I would love to know and to validate my experiences.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: sufferkate ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:07PM

Here's another story, fresh from the recent 4th of July holiday. This street and this house are still standing, as evidenced below:

This holiday season, nothing says 'family bonding' like finding out your little sister experienced many of the same terrifying encounters as you, in the house in which you both grew up.

We started talking about the house on Blanding Drive, and sis shared with me how she made her husband drive her over there, and once she was in the cove (it was called 'drive' but was really a 'cove'), she just lost it. She couldn't stop crying, she said.

The very same thing has happened to me, I said.

In fact, I went on, that was the house where a lot of strange things occurred.

"Did I ever tell you about the voices arguing in my room?" she asked.

My jaw dropped. She was talking about the same bedroom in which I and our mother had experienced the same phenomena!

I sat down at the kitchen table with her. "A man and a woman, was it?" I asked.

She looked stunned. "YES! You heard it too then? I thought I was crazy!"

Aside: If I had known that my little sister, as a child, was witnessing this, I'd have done something about it. Anything, I don't know. I was seventeen, she was seven. We didn't talk a whole lot back then.

"No, not crazy," I mumbled. My lips felt numb.

"So, you could hear them, too?" she asked again. Her face was all eyes; I mean, she couldn't be having me on.

"No, it was a man and a woman," I said, "and every time I get up the stairs close enough to begin to make out the words, they would stop."

She nodded. She was clutching her stomach, as though the memory made her ill.

"It was coming from that playroom dad made behind the closet," she said.

I had never thought about that. I knew that I could hear it from my first-floor bedroom, and it seemed to be coming from the area above my bed. Thinking back, I realized that it really WOULD have been situated in that quasi-playroom dad made.

"But it WAS a man and a woman, right? They'd begin in normal tones, and quickly escalate, although you couldn't hear their words," I surmised.

"Yeah," sis nodded.

"But from the room behind the closet?" I asked. Sis nodded again.

"No, I just thought it was coming from that bedroom," I said. "Although, now that you mention it..."

"What?" she wanted to know.

I made her come out into the garage for this little tale; I didn't want to risk any little ears overhearing.

On the night we moved in that house, the bedroom in question had been designated as mine. I was unpacking my closet, and re-arranging my shoes in a row on the floor, toes pointed to the wall.

At that time, there wasn't a door in the back wall, nor was there a room behind it. It was semi-finished storage space, accessible by a knee-high cubby of a door. The actual 'door' was a square that was pinned over the opening.

As I was finishing up, there was a scratching from behind this door. Bemused, thinking there was a squirrel or something behind the wall - as would be normal in this part of the south - I scratched back.

More scratching, and a gentle tapping knock followed.

I tapped back.

More tapping from the other side.

I wasn't alarmed at all by this point. I gently rapped with one knuckle ("Shave and a Haircut..."), stopping short of the last two raps ("...Two Bits!").

The thing on the other side rapped twice, slowly and deliberately.

Two. Bits.


It takes a lot to scare me, but I was a teenager, and I hadn't experienced as much as I have today. I was a little frightened, but thought it could be my brother, having a bit of fun with me. I thought he may have gotten back there via the other side of the 'attic,' which was finished, but was on the same level as the two bedrooms on the second floor.

It never occurred to me that the stairs blocked this portion of the floor in, and thus, what I was surmising would be impossible.

Thinking to scare him, I pounded on the door. Hard.

Hard pounding from the other side.

I fell back from the door, suddenly feeling...observed, for lack of a better term.

I was angry, too. I'd show him!

I kicked the door as hard as I could.

The responding blow from the other side knocked that piece of board completely off the opening, but I didn't stick around to see what was on the other side. I was more than halfway down the stairs, dragging my brother by his shirt.

He had come up the stairs to see what all the pounding was about, you see, and was standing in the doorway around the time I delivered my devastating kick to the door.

"What are you DOING??!?" he yelled. I think I was out the door with him even before we heard the blow that knocked the door off the crawlspace.

I had to make our dad go up to my room and re-pin the cover on the opening. He nailed it shut, and asked nary a question.

He, too, had a story or two of his own already.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Bonnie Tyler ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:08PM

I remember seeing them when I was in school.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Erika ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:17PM

My family and I moved onto Fort Belvoir a month ago into a newly constructed home.
It's not far from Mount Vernon at all. We got our keys from housing June 23 so we
checked out of the hotel and decided to start staying in the house that very day.

We went all through the house deciding who got what room and all. While we were
upstairs I noticed our dog was acting odd like she was scared of something. I didn't
pay it too much attention so we headed back downstairs.

My husband stepped out front and rang the doorbell to make sure it worked and our
dog was about 4 steps away from being completely off the stairs and her hackles went
straight up. She always alerts us when someone's at the door so not too unusual.

A few minutes later my husband and daughter went to pick up a desk for our TV and
laptop so I sat down on the stairs and called my dad to let him know we got the house
and everything was going OK.

We talked about 10 minutes and then hung up. I had just hung up when I heard a little
boy's voice upstairs. My dog reacted immediately hair went back up and she stood at my
feet looking up the stairs.

I looked up above me and saw nothing. So then I thought maybe it was outside. I went out
front to see if there were any kids out and there weren't any kids that I could hear or
see so I came back in.

About 10 minutes later I heard it again and I started thinking how odd my dog had acted
before when we were upstairs. We hadn't even been in the house an hour and a half before
activity started.

Since then my husband and I have both heard the floor creaking upstairs like someone walking
around when all of us were downstairs and the other day when I was in the shower someone (so
I thought) tapped on the bathroom door. I asked what'' really loud and got no answer so when
the tapping started again I yelled that I was in the shower and they'd have to wait till I got
out. My hubby was at work and my kids and dog were downstairs.

So I have no idea how that happened.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: psychnurse96 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:34PM

I was working at the local State Hospital a couple of years ago.
I went onto the unit at the beginning of my shift-around two o'clock in the afternoon.
Upon my arrival, I immediatley noticed that the "energy level" on the unit felt unusualy high. Not anything that I can necessarily put into writing, but a definite indicator that something could be imminently wrong. The patients were all wound up, and overstimulating.
The staff were on edge, and one could literally feel the hair on the back of their neck standing up, much like when all of your children are up, running around, and being loud, obnoxious, and causing high stress levels for the parents(s), yet not particularly doing anything wrong.
After about an hour of this, all of sudden, there was a quick breeze that blew through the unit, and down the hall. This alone, got our attention, as this was a double locked facility, in a 80 year old, very antiquated building. Nowhere the breeze could have come from. The windows were locked tight, and the sally port opened to another hallway.
We all shuddered immediatley-including the patients, who stopped to look around curiously. In one solid motion, the lights flickered, then all of the doors from one end of the hall, to the other slammed shut two by two!
These doors were big, heavy, solid oak, so each door that slammed, sounded like a shotgun blast. It was as if someone had run down the hall with their arms outsretched, pushing all of the doors shut!
EVERYONE, including the patients, stood with a dumbfounded look on their face, afraid to move! The nursing supervisor even came running out of her office to see what the commotion was.
Of course, we never found the cause, and it was kind of an unspoken agreement that the paranormal does in fact exist, in whatever form one believes.
I've honestly never been so afraid in broad daylight, and will never forget that day!
We all have thought we've seen something out of the corner of our eye, whether we are believers, or not, but this, by far was th most blatent display I have EVER experienced!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Lisaru02 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:35PM

Anna Wrote:
> As a child I lived in River village in Fort
> Belvoir for about three years during the mid to
> late 1960s. We moved from there when I was twelve.
> My family and I had many paranormal
> experiences in the two-story duplex home that we
> lived in on Potomac loop. Our dog would sometimes
> cower and growl at nothing we could see. Other
> times a very sweet thick floral
> scent would come ''tumbling'' down the stairs when
> my family and I were downstairs in the living room
> watching TV.
> During that time we somehow acquired a new quija
> board and once I took it to my bedroom upstairs to
> play with it. I put my fingers on the pallet and
> mentally asked if anyone was there
> not expecting anything to happen. To my surprise
> and horror I felt the pallet being pushed by
> someone or something as it glided to yes. I bolted
> downstairs and put it back in it's box.
> It seems that my bedroom was the ''heart'' of the
> house where things often took place. I have always
> wondered if subsequent families who lived in the
> same duplex ever experienced anything
> similar. I would love to know and to validate my
> experiences.

Years ago we lived in River village on potomac loop in the duplexes. The building next to us had one side vacancy a long time
which was very odd given the waiting list. Finally a family moved in with a daughter.

I can't recall her age but I'll guess middle or High School. After a very short time the family was moving out. I went over and
asked the father why and he said their daughter as well as the rest of the family was experiencing paranormal activity on the

Here's the thing that really freaked me out... Their daughter was so upset the parents had sent her to a Counselor on post. At
some point the Counselor went to housing and whatever they found out caused the family to get relocated to another set of quarters.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: moonlit5472 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:42PM

I will never forget the paranormal experiences that my family and I in particular had at Potomac loop River village Fort Belvoir Virginia during the mid-1960s. If you are experiencing such experiences please email me at moonlit5472@hotmail.com

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: neomastiff ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:45PM

I have two ghost stories: One comes from my current place of employment. A woman who had come back from surgery died in room 152 A bed. The next day we admitted a patient to that bed. The patient called us in and asked if there was a woman in dark clothing wondering around. We thought she was crazy because of the drugs we had given her, but she was completely A&O x3 and talked sense to us. Later on she saw the figure again and refused to stay in the room. We had to move her to another room.

The second one comes from an LTAC that I worked at. We a had an older gentleman in our ICU room 8. He died there. I told people jokingly that the room should stay empty for at least three days to "clear the air". We all know how that is impossible. Two more people died in that room back to back. So three deaths in three days in the same room. CREEPY! Even creepier is that I jokingly said three days to clear the air!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: scary stuff ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:47PM

I was staying at friends house one night and at about 0100 I woke up frantically packing my things. My friend kept asking what I was doing and I kept telling her that my dad was calling me. She kept telling me the time and that everything was ok. I was adament about going home. She called my house and let my mom and dad know that I was coming home. When I woke up in the morning, I was confused because I was at home and not at my friend's house. My friend only lived two houses down from me in a small town. When I talked to my friend later that day she told me about the story of the boy who was electrocuted in the bathtub in her room and how sometimes at night she hears a voice calling "dad". I asked her how she stands it and she replied, "How is it going to hurt me?" I asked her why I came home and she told me that I kept saying that "dad is calling me, I have to go home". Totally crept me out! Whenever I stayed at her house we stayed in the lower part and I hardly slept.

I also had a friend that was looking to buy an old farmhouse. The farmhouse had been cleared of everything. My friend went around the house taking pictures so she had an idea of what she wanted to repair and update. When she got the pictures back, you're not going to believe this but I saw them and the house for myself (I went with her), The kitchen had white curtains in the windows, the hallway had a single painted picture of a family (what looked to be Amish) in all black, and the one room had a cradle on the floor in the corner. Needless to say she didn't buy the house. How creepy! She kept the photos as a keepsake. We look at them every now and then for a little scare. When people say there is no such things as ghosts or spirits, they are just wrong!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Barbara ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:48PM

About ten years ago I took a bus to the Triangle area and went to Acts Way (near Triangle Plaza) to meet with a therapist.
After the session was over I walked to the bus stop near a bridge. I waited quite a while for the bus and was annoyed to be
waiting so long. It was a cold day . I had this eerie feeling that something was looking at me and I looked down by the creek
and lo and behold I saw a number of solders in a battle. They had tri corner hats and red jackets.

I thought to myself wth is going on? Am I seeing things ? I had such a feeling of sadness it just blew me away. I saw some solders
laying on the ground dead... And one man sticking another with a bayonet! Omg! The bus came and I turned away and then looked and
they were gone.

I remember telling the bus driver what I saw and he smiled and said ''back in the 1700s there was a bloody battle fought at that
creek. ''. To this day that place still scares me every time I pass...I do believe I saw a residual haunting.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Dead wife ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:05PM

I don't know if this is really spooky, but a while ago while I was working at a LTC facility on the MN shift, there was a hospice patient that required total care. One night when I finished doing my rounds, I looked down the hallway and I saw this tall white figure come out one of the rooms and walked into another. I knew it wasn't my imagination, so I did not go down the hallway to try to find out who it could have been. At that time, the hospice patient came out of his room via w/c and wheeled to the nursing station and asked me which way did his wife go. I was not really familiar with the patient so I asked one of my CENAs about his wife, because I knew that there were no visitors on the floor and she informed me that his wife a past away a couple of years ago. I then asked the patient when was the last time that he had seen his wife, and he told me that she was in his room a few minutes ago, and told him to follow her. Needless to say he past the following day.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: geetha50 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:08PM

same here Wrote:
> DKH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Last September I was sitting home alone at my
> > computer desk. Hubby was on temporary duty and
> the
> > kids were at friends houses.
> > All of a sudden I hear walking up above me in
> the
> > upstairs hallway. OK not that big a deal as we
> > hear this quite often in this
> > house. Well about 10 minutes later my living
> room
> > TV comes on by itself. Now this freaked me out
> so
> > I went out back on the patio
> > for a few minutes just to collect my thoughts.
> I
> > came back in and searched the house just to
> make
> > sure one of my kids hadn't come
> > back home and was messing with me.No one else
> was
> > here but me and the dog and she stays by my
> side
> > all the time. Over the next 30
> > minutes my kids came home and we all decided to
> > sit in the living room and watch a movie. Where
> I
> > was sitting on the couch I could
> > see when someone would come down the stairs.
> >
> > Well I saw something out of the corner of my
> eye
> > and when I looked in the direction of the
> > staircase I noticed this white blur move
> > really quick and dart towards the dining room /
> > computer room. Also not that unusual as this
> house
> > has been very active from the start.
> > I decided not to mention it to the kids as I
> > didn't want to freak them out anymore than
> > necessary. I got up to go to the bathroom about
> > 15 minutes later and just as I opened the
> bathroom
> > door a black shadow moved in front of me
> towards
> > the toilet. I let out a scream and
> > ended up scaring my kids and dog in the
> process.
> > Now that was the first time I'd seen that or
> > anything else in the bathroom. I don't know
> > what it was. Needless to say I decided to go
> > upstairs to the bathroom.
> We moved into our house here in George Washington
> village back in June of 2011. Within 1 hour things
> started to happen.
> My husband daughter and dog were upstairs checking
> out the rooms and I noticed our dog had her hair
> standing up on
> her back. I thought it was odd but dismissed it.
> About 15 minutes later my hubby and daughter ran
> to the store so I
> sat on the stairs and called my parent's to let
> them know we got the house and that things were
> going good.
> I had no sooner hung up my cell phone when I heard
> a little boy whispering like he was having a
> conversation with
> someone and it was coming from upstairs. My dog
> alerted immediately and wouldn't take her eyes off
> the top of the
> stairs.
> ''he'' seemed to be talking back and forth to
> someone else but I couldn't understand what was
> being said. It lasted
> for a couple of minutes and then stopped and I
> didn't hear anything else. Since then we've heard
> little footsteps running
> down the upstairs hallway when we're all
> downstairs we've heard walking in me and my
> hubby's bedroom as well.
> One morning when my kids went to school and my
> hubby was at work I heard a man's voice call out
> from upstairs it wasn't
> a full yell but sounded kind of muffled. We've
> also seem black shadow's in the shape of a person
> moving about the whole
> house. I witnessed a white mist float down the
> stairs into the living room.
> A couple of days before Christmas I was home alone
> with the dogs (we recently adopted again) I heard
> a muffled sneeze
> coming from upstairs and both dogs turned to look
> but neither one would go up. The dogs often alert
> on things that none
> of us can see. This house is proving to be very
> active!

It's so weird that you experienced something within an hour of settling in. There are some really good suggestions made by the other posters here. I hope you take them to heart. Like the other posters, I would love to hear what you find out about the history of the house.

From the way you write, I can see that you have experienced a lot more than me so you probably know what to do to protect yourself and your family but I would like to give a small suggestion. Have you tried blessing your home. It is part of our Hindu tradition to blessing any home we move into so that we are not hurt by unwanted spirits.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Argette ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:11PM

Lisaru02 Wrote:
> Anna Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As a child I lived in River village in Fort
> > Belvoir for about three years during the mid to
> > late 1960s. We moved from there when I was
> twelve.
> > My family and I had many paranormal
> > experiences in the two-story duplex home that
> we
> > lived in on Potomac loop. Our dog would
> sometimes
> > cower and growl at nothing we could see. Other
> > times a very sweet thick floral
> > scent would come ''tumbling'' down the stairs
> when
> > my family and I were downstairs in the living
> room
> > watching TV.
> >
> > During that time we somehow acquired a new
> quija
> > board and once I took it to my bedroom upstairs
> to
> > play with it. I put my fingers on the pallet
> and
> > mentally asked if anyone was there
> > not expecting anything to happen. To my
> surprise
> > and horror I felt the pallet being pushed by
> > someone or something as it glided to yes. I
> bolted
> > downstairs and put it back in it's box.
> > It seems that my bedroom was the ''heart'' of
> the
> > house where things often took place. I have
> always
> > wondered if subsequent families who lived in
> the
> > same duplex ever experienced anything
> > similar. I would love to know and to validate
> my
> > experiences.
> Years ago we lived in River village on potomac
> loop in the duplexes. The building next to us had
> one side vacancy a long time
> which was very odd given the waiting list. Finally
> a family moved in with a daughter.
> I can't recall her age but I'll guess middle or
> High School. After a very short time the family
> was moving out. I went over and
> asked the father why and he said their daughter as
> well as the rest of the family was experiencing
> paranormal activity on the
> property.
> Here's the thing that really freaked me out...
> Their daughter was so upset the parents had sent
> her to a Counselor on post. At
> some point the Counselor went to housing and
> whatever they found out caused the family to get
> relocated to another set of quarters.

I lived on Potomac Loop, River Village, in Fort Belvoir too as a child when my father was stationed there in the 1960s. We lived there for a little over three years, and I was twelve when we transferred to Schofield Barracks. I am now 57 years old. My family--especially my father and I--had many paranormal experiences while living in our Fort Belvoir duplex on Potomac Loop. A while after moving from Belvoir, my father was told that the housing had been built over an area that contained a gravesite and that the site was never, or not entirely, cleared of the buried. We never ascertained if this was true.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Robert Gerard Bonney ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:16PM

I retired from the U.S. Army in July of 1991 and returned to Virginia to start a residence. While looking for a job and a residence I rented a room, which was a finished basement. I found a job at a previous employer that I had worked on a part-time basis while I was stationed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

I got up one morning and was preparing to go to work, the owner of the townhouse had gone to work a couple of hours before. I was shaving and from time to time whistling, nothing in particular, made up notes. After one series of notes I stopped and a few seconds later I heard the exact string of notes from outside the bathroom. This startled me and I asked “who’s there”, no reply, not bothering to wipe my face I quickly opened the door and again asked who’s there.

I went up to the upper floors and searched the whole townhouse, no one was there. I shook it off as my imagination and continued to shave. I finished dressing and went to the closet to get my shoes, and the following event made the hair on my neck stand up.

As I bent over to pick up the shoes, I heard the same string of notes and it seemed like they were being whistled directly behind me. Truly scared at this time I spun around and with shoes in hand I quickly exited the townhouse, putting my shoes on at the top of the steps.

The notes were so clear they could not have been coming from the adjoining townhouse, they were not muffled. Later I tried repeating the sequence of notes but was unable to duplicate those particular notes.

I often think of this event and wonder if it could have been my deceased father, he died when I was thirteen months old. And my mother had told me that my father was always whistling, in fact I have a photo of him walking down a street in Baltimore looking carefree and whistling. I’m certain of one thing, it was definitely not my imagination.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Woodlawn Plantation ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:18PM

Phantom Rider Wrote:
> There's the legend of the Phantom Rider out at
> Woodlawn Plantation near Mount Vernon.
> http://books.google.com/books?id=osFPF4di118C&pg=P
> A4&lpg=PA4&dq=fairfax+county+library+ghost&source=
> bl&ots=UYdfKoMUUf&sig=NIMAWPAHAYfmOuEfaVJWrcEOQSA&
> hl=en&sa=X&ei=HmnUUZiLJ4WIqQHGwoGoCw&ved=0CCwQ6AEw
> ATgK#v=onepage&q=fairfax%20county%20library%20ghos
> t&f=false

Over the centuries, Woodlawn Plantation has become a local focal point for mysterious occurrences and reported ghost sightings. The mansion sits atop a hill overlooking George Washington’s estate at Mount Vernon, just a few miles north of Fort Belvoir.

The mansion was a gift from Washington to his nephew, Maj. Lawrence Lewis and Eleanor “Nelly” Custis, the mansion’s first family. Today, visitors come each year to partake of Woodlawn’s haunted tales passed on from employees, security guards or those who stayed at the mansion.

Craig Tuminaro, who is now the assistant director of historic preservation, has been working at Woodlawn Plantation for the past seven years. But during his first year, he admits to having one odd occurrence.

Tuminaro was walking from the parlor to the center hallway – a path he had taken a number of times before. “I was right about here and I heard a whisper in my ear,” Tuminaro said, standing about a foot from the doorway leading from a yellow-painted parlor to the center hallway.

“ All I heard was ‘swing’ or ‘sweet’ or ‘sshh’ like that,” he said making a sound similar to a hissing noise. “It was just so, so quick,” he added.
“ It was just at the end of the day. It was late. I’d say like five o’ clock,” he said.

Tuminaro never heard anything out of the ordinary after that, but said his encounter leaves him questioning the possibility that that people leave an imprint on a house.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Sgt Miller ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:20PM

Sgt Jack Wrote:
> Ft. Belvoir haunting Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There used to be a motor pool just south of
> Fort
> > Belvoir that held the trucks of the 100th
> engineer
> > company (FB).
> > The year was 1965 and I was an SP/4 assigned to
> > the unit. I was pulling guard duty at the motor
> > pool and it was late
> > at night.
> >
> > I had to use the toilet so I went to one of the
> > out houses. There was no indoor plumbing at the
> > motor pool. As I sat
> > on the toilet seat I started to hear a
> scratching
> > noise under the seat. I had a flash light so I
> > stood up and shined
> > the light into the toilet hole.
> >
> > There was nothing down there but waste. I sat
> back
> > down and started rationalizing; was it a rat
> under
> > the toilet?
> > The scratching started again and got louder. I
> > then got up and left the outhouse. As I walked
> > away I could hear the
> > scratching getting louder. When I told my peers
> > about the experience they told me they had
> heard
> > voices while using
> > the outhouses.
> >
> > I later found out that the motor pool was the
> site
> > of the Gunston Cemetery for blacks. It was
> > abandoned in 1902 and
> > moved in 1930. There were rumors that all of
> the
> > remains were not moved and some were discovered
> > when the area was
> > excavated.
> Humphrey hall the site of the engineer school
> headquarters in 1974 is haunted. I was pulling
> sdnco in 1974 there when I encountered a full
> blown apparition. I had noticed the lights on the
> second floor would come back on after I cut them
> off. This occurred several times. I began
> to think that someone was working late. It was
> about one o'clock in the morning when I went
> upstairs to investigate. I called out but no one
> answered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw
> something strange.
> It appeared that there was an outline in the air.
> I could make out a figure made up entirely of air.
> As it approached I could see it's face.
> The face was fuzzy like a bad picture on the TV.
> My hair stood on end and the air became cold. My
> arms were covered in goose bumps. I ran down
> the stairs and out the door. I did not go inside
> until the sdo came for his rounds. When I told him
> he stated that it wasn't the first time he
> had heard a story about that building. From then
> on I paid someone to pull my duty.

The EOD building at Ft. Belvoir is haunted, everyone that I know who was stationed there says the place is freaky
and a few techs that I know saw a mist floating around - these techs I wouldn't hesitate in a second to go downrange
with and were not bullshit artists. The D.C. area is said to be full of wierd shit as many of the Army Forts date
back to Revolutionary and Civil War times.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: The Lady of Belvoir ()
Date: July 15, 2013 04:24PM

I came across this online article since wethere's been so much discussion about Ft. Belvoir

The Lady of Belvoir

If there is a ghost at the Fort Belvoir military base in Northern Virginia, it is that of Sally Fairfax, wandering about her garden, admiring her favorite daffodils while eagerly listening for the sound of hoofbeats and the approach of her young caller: George Washington.

In the spring, the daffodils still bloom, but Belvoir is no more. Long ago, the charred ruins of the lovely mansion crumbled to the ground along with its memories of candlelit balls and the sounds of coaches on cobblestone. Yet a love story remains. It is little known and less spoken of, but still an integral part of America’s colonial history. It is a chapter in the life of the American hero, George Washington, who loved, passionately, the lady at Belvoir his neighbor and the wife of his best friend, George William Fairfax. Proper credit has never been given Sally for the important role she played in Washington’s early life. Instead, she has been regarded mainly as a flirtatious Southern belle, a brainless beauty. Untrue!

The eldest and most fascinating of the four daughters of Col. Wilson Cary, owner of Ceelys Plantation near Hampton, Sally was born in 1730 to great wealth and luxury. The Cary plantation was the center of society along the lower James River. Gentry from near and far often visited, as did officers from foreign ships that sailed into port.

As the colonel was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, the family, during sessions, stayed at their Williamsburg townhouse and took advantage of the town’s many social events, including Assembly balls at the Governor’s Palace. A strict guardian of his four pretty daughters—Sally (Sarah), Mary, Anne and Elizabeth—the colonel was quick to discourage any suitor who was not wealthy, not from a prominent family or otherwise unacceptable as a future son-in-law. He was particularly selective of Sally’s beaux for, as everyone knew, she was his favorite. He had personally overseen her education. Let a man without wealth or family background approach the colonel for permission to call upon Sally, and he would be sent packing with the words, “If that is your mission here, sir, you may as well order your horse. My daughter is accustomed to her coach and six.”

Sally, at age 18, was highly educated and intelligent, knowledgeable of world affairs, music, art, literature and dance. She read books from her father’s vast library. She was also feminine, a coquette—and, as yet, unmarried. Many of her friends were not only married but had become parents as well. Not that Sally seemed to mind, for beaux were still plentiful and parties numerous, and she had every material wish fulfilled by her doting father. She spent her days visiting friends, attending teas (often with her mother or sisters) and learning the latest gossip of Williamsburg.

Her evenings were for merriment. It was no surprise when the family received an invitation to attend the Governor’s Ball during the session of 1747. What was serendipitous was that Sally would meet her future husband, George William Fairfax, that evening. As everyone knew, he was from Northern Virginia and lived at the magnificent Belvoir mansion on the Potomac, along with his father, Sir William Fairfax. And he was heir to the famous family title that would one day make him Lord Fairfax.

Sally was expert in dancing, and she dressed expensively, her auburn hair coiffed beautifully by her attendant. She at once caught the eye of the 23-year-old Fairfax. He also caught Sally’s attention, with his powdered wig, handsome evening costume and aristocratic features. Each queried friends about the other. When George William learned that not only were the Cary women beautiful but also from a family of great wealth, property and history (dating back to the 1400s in England, as did his own), he at once asked to call on Sally. He was accepted by the entire family, one of whom informed him, “I know of no family which has ever possessed nobler specimens of womanhood.”

George William was hooked. He at once wrote to his cousin, Robert, in England, the only man who stood between him and the Fairfax title: “Attending here on the General Assembly, I have had several opportunities of visiting Miss Cary, a daughter of Colonel Wilson Cary, and finding her amiable person to answer all the favourable reports made, I addressed myself and having obtained the young lady’s and her parents’ consent, we are to be married on the 17th instant. Colonel Cary wears the same coat of arms as the Lord Hunsdon.”

Col. Cary thoroughly researched the Englishman’s background and happily discovered that not only did he stand to inherit Belvoir, with its 2,700 acres in northern Virginia, but he also owned properties in Yorkshire; the famous Leeds Castle in England was among the Fairfax possessions. Yes, if asked, he would be pleased to hand over his daughter to such a prominent man, never mind that there was an arrogance about the future lord, a noblesse oblige that puzzled some and awed others. Love had little to do with it.

How did Sally react to all this? She was dazzled with the prospects. One day, she reasoned, she would become Lady Fairfax. None of her friends could make such a claim. Belvoir would be her home, to live in, to entertain in, to do with as she liked. She had heard much good about the Fairfax men and their great wealth and position in the colony. And so, on the 17th of December, 1747, she and George William were married and at once left for Belvoir, the mansion perched high on a bluff above the mighty Potomac.

As the coach rounded the curved drive in front of Belvoir, Sally caught her first glimpse of her new home and at once fell in love with it. Built by her father-in-law, Sir William Fairfax, who was still in residence, the mansion was without a hostess as the owner was a widower and lived there with his two sons, George William and young Bryan. His two daughters had married well: Anne to Lawrence Washington, the neighbor at Mt. Vernon, and Sarah to John Carlyle, the merchant prince at Alexandria, short miles from Belvoir.

Seeing Sally’s awe of the mansion, George William is known to have commented, “It’s a nice little cottage in this wooded land.” Indeed. A large hallway ran the width of the home, allowing river breezes to cool the interior. Off the hall were four high-ceilinged rooms, all magnificently furnished with carved mahogany and cherry furniture. Persian rugs covered the hardwood floors, and oil portraits and landscapes hung on the walls. Sally’s own chambers were equally extravagant: There was a great curtained bed with steps leading up to it, a dressing table with large mirror in gilt frame, a chest on chest of drawers, comfortable chairs, a tea table complete with silver tea service and candelabra, and a large fireplace.

While Sally was delighted with the estate, she completely lost her heart to Belvoir’s magnificent flower garden, 160 feet wide and 215 deep. Patterned after a garden in the county of Stirling, Scotland, the garden contained tulips, violets, roses, hollyhocks and her special flower, the daffodil, of various varieties.

Determined not to become overwhelmed by all this grandeur, Sally soon took her place as chatelaine of this new mansion. Neighbors told her that it outshone the other Potomac homes—Mt. Vernon of the Washington family and Gunston Hall, George Mason’s home. Her husband, eager to show off his prized new bride, suggested an evening when she would meet his family and friends from Alexandria and the neighboring area. And they soon came for an evening of festivity, not only including dinner but dancing as well, as was the custom of the times. No one knows exactly what Sally wore that evening to greet her guests, but perhaps it was the gown that would one day be returned with her personal things to the Cary family and now rests, carefully cared for, in the Valentine Richmond History Center in Richmond: an off-white silk brocade gown embroidered with multicolored flowers. Pearls were the fashion, and it is known that Sally had beautiful ones to wear.

And the guests? Among them were John and Sarah Carlyle, her new sister-in-law, with whom Sally would soon become good friends. The Lawrence Washingtons were there as well: Anne Washington, George William’s other sister and, loved to dance as much as Sally did.

With the Washingtons that night came a tall, broad-shouldered young stepbrother, George Washington, who now lived at Mt. Vernon. Lawrence had invited him. The young man stood before Sally, staring at her steadily, for never had he seen such an elegant woman. Manners would have kept Sally from staring back, but briefly she saw the tall 16-year-old, fresh from the farm where he had lived with his mother and other siblings. He was plainly dressed, his dark brown hair drawn back from his strong face in a queue, large hands and feet waiting for the rest of his frame to grow into them, George Washington continued to stare at Sally with a masculine assurance, head held high, looking directly into her eyes with his own of blue-gray.

The evening was lively, with good food, conversation and dance. When it ended, Sally invited George to visit as often as he chose. He chose to visit very often, and was awed by how knowledgeable was the wife of George William. They spoke of books and plays. Sally introduced him to Joseph Addison’s play Cato (1713) and gave him her own copy, which she had brought from Ceelys, to take home and study. George studied it carefully, and when they met again they acted out portions of the drama, with Sally being Marcia and he, Juba. Often and throughout his life, in person and in letter, George would refer to Sally as “Marcia.”

A great friendship sprang up between Sally and Washington. The Fairfax men, Sally soon realized, were eager for the young stepbrother of their neighbor to improve his mind and achieve a career for himself. Unlike his two brothers, George had not had a formal education; his father had died before he could send him to England for schooling. While Lawrence wished that George would follow his own career at sea, George’s mother put an end to that idea. And so now his education would be up to his brother and the Fairfaxes, including Sally.

Sally took her task to heart. She instilled in him a desire to make something of himself. She read to him about famous leaders throughout history, urged him to enter the military and to achieve, achieve, achieve. She helped him with his writing and spelling, and with his manners in social and political situations. In addition to all this, the Fairfax men introduced him to influential military and political leaders. When the Fairfax cousin, Lord Thomas Fairfax, owner of almost all of Northern Virginia and land farther to the west, came to stay at Belvoir for a year, he at once took a liking to young George and wrote to George’s mother, “Young George has what my friend, Mr. Addison, was pleased to call the intellectual conscience. The Lord deliver him from the nets of those spiders, called women, who will cast for his ruin. I wish I could say that he governs his temper for he is subject to attacks of anger on provocation, and sometimes without just cause. But, time will cure him.”

The letter summed up the elderly lord’s opinion of women, for he had never recovered from being jilted on the eve of his own wedding by an Englishwoman. His attitude toward them, however, did not sway young George, who, as everyone knew, had had many youthful crushes on girls. Despite the difference in attitudes, the two men became good friends, and when Lord Thomas asked George to survey his lands to the west, he accepted at once.

This surveying trip, made with Sally’s husband, George William, gave Washington a boost of confidence. He was now earning his own money and gaining a knowledge of terrain he had not visited before. He matured rapidly.

Meanwhile, Sally busied herself with hostess duties. When foreign vessels docked at Alexandria, the ships’ officers were invited to Belvoir for evenings of dinner, dancing and entertainment. Sally, in her finery, the latest fashions from Philadelphia and New York, was at her best. To offer a good table was a point of honor of every hostess, and Sally had been well schooled by her mother. Breads and cakes were baked daily, the woods around Belvoir were full of game and the river with fish, and from farther downstream came oysters and crabs. There were vegetables, grown in the Belvoir garden, as well as wines: Madeira, claret and port were served along with beer made from the native persimmon.

One evening as she danced with George Washington, Sally mentioned that she was surprised at his expertise with the dance. He replied that his mother was an expert dancer and had taught him herself. Sally saw that he knew all the country dances as well as the Virginia reel and needed only a little more teaching about the minuet, which she was happy to provide. If her husband, an undemonstrative man, noticed their closeness, he was tolerant and never voiced an objection.

Not so his younger brother, Bryan. He scolded Sally about her flirtation with George. This annoyed Sally, who told her husband of Bryan’s remarks, and the subsequent rift between the two brothers lasted for quite a time. Sally never really forgave Bryan for what she felt was his intrusion into her life.

By now, George had begun a military career and was being talked about. He was showing great promise as a leader. He would write Sally from various camps where he was on duty, and in one such letter he writes, “I should think our time more agreeably spent, believe me, in playing a part in Cato with myself doubly happy in being the Juba to a Marcia as you must make.” He then quotes from the play: “And in the shock of charging hosts remember what glorious deeds should grace the man who hopes for Marcia’s love.”

When George’s fascination for Sally turned to love, it is not known. But his letters grew warmer as he matured, and when Sally suspected that they were becoming amorous, she suggested that he continue to write but to direct them in care of a friend and she would get them.

When George visited home, he found that Sally was usually busy with her friends. In 1755, he writes her, apparently frustrated: “I have hitherto found it impracticable to engage one moment of your attention. If these are fearful apprehensions only, how easy to remove my suspicions, enliven my spirits and make me happier than the day is long by honoring me with a correspondence which you did partly promise to do.”

Sally, not wanting him to stop writing or visiting, continued to receive his letters and visits. Each time she inspired him to climb higher, telling him he was destined for greatness. And each time his passion for her grew—though he held these emotions under a rigid control, for now was not the time to express his feelings. Yet, years later, he would speak to Martha Washington’s granddaughter and say, “In the human being there is a good deal of inflammable matter, however dormant it may be for a time, but when the torch is put to it, that which is within you may burst into flame.”

And that is what eventually happened to the young soldier. His friends, including Sally, felt it was time for him to marry. Realizing that things were getting too heated in their relationship, Sally decided to make a visit home to Ceelys, but not before she received another letter from George. It read, “I beg to know when you set out for Hampton and when you expect to return to Belvoir. I shall thereby hope for your return before I get down, for the disappointment of not seeing your family would give me much concern.”

At Ceelys, Sally returned to the life of carefree youth, with parties, dinners and no responsibility, if only for a little while. Then her life began to unravel: After only several days of illness, her father-in-law died and was buried on Belvoir land. (A monument stands at the gravesite today in his memory.) Shortly after his death and Sally’s return to Belvoir, George William left for a stay in England, worried that there was a conspiracy to rob him of his Yorkshire lands. Sally, devastated by the death of Sir William and lonely at Belvoir after her husband’s departure, wrote in the Fairfax family book, “Misfortune seldom comes alone. We do not ever appreciate something until we have lost it.”

These forlorn days gave Sally much time for introspection and improving her garden. But her eyes would turn toward Mt. Vernon. In her grief, her heart reached out to Washington, but her mind told her that relationship could never be. She was now a Fairfax, and a Fairfax she must remain. Sally decided what she must do: Encourage her young lover to find a wife. For in the near future, she realized, her life would most likely be in England with her husband. In America, there was also increasing talk of independence.

George Washington, meanwhile, struggled with his own emotions. He reached the conclusion that no matter how he felt about Sally, there was no future for them. The wife of his best friend, the future Lady Fairfax, what could he offer her? They would be ostracized by society if their relationship went any further. The last time he had visited Sally, she told him that he must transmute his feelings into his career. He would do that, but not before expressing his true feelings for her. He would allow, this one time, his emotions to have free rein, and then go on with his life.

On November 25, 1758, George Washington fought for the last time under the British colors when he planted the flag on the ruins of Fort Duquesne. He returned to Mt. Vernon and wrote his famous letter to Sally Fairfax, one she would forever treasure. He then married a sweet young widow, Martha Custis, whom he had met and spent some time with. By making her his wife, on January 6, 1759, Washington added to his fortune at least $100,000. The new Martha Washington, with her two small children, would provide him with a home life such as he had never known. He, in turn, was becoming nationally recognized, was an excellent business manager and would always respect her as his lady and wife.

His letter to Sally Fairfax apparently was in answer to her own to him congratulating him on his forthcoming marriage:

...Tis true I profess myself a votary to love. I acknowledge that a Lady is in the case: and, further, I confess that this Lady is known to you. Yes, Madam, as well as she is to one who is too sensible of her Charms to deny the Power whose influence he feels and must ever submit to. I feel the force of her amiable beauties in the recollection of a thousand tender passages that I could wish to obliterate till I am bid to revive them; but Experience alas alas! sadly reminds me how impossible this is, and evinces an Opinion, which I have long entertained, that there is a Destiny which has the sovereign control of our actions, not to be resisted by the strongest efforts of Human Nature.

You have drawn me, my dear Madam, or rather have I drawn myself, into an honest confession of a Simple fact. Misconstrue not my meaning, ‘tis obvious; doubt it not, nor expose it. The world has no business to know the object of my love, declared in this manner to you, when I want to conceal it. One thing, above all things, in this World I wish to know and only one person of your acquaintance can solve me that, or guess my meaning—but adieu to this till happier times, if ever I shall see them. …

Sally, ever conscious of the troubles any new letters could create, pretended not to understand his confession—his allusions to her. This indifference prompted another letter from Washington: “Do we still misunderstand the true meaning of each other’s letters? I think it must appear so, tho I would feign hope the contrary, as I cannot speak plainer without—but I’ll say no more and leave you to guess the rest.”

After Washington brought his bride back to Mt. Vernon, Sally and Martha became friends and spent many evenings at both George’s home and at Belvoir. The women were both secure in their life stations; Sally, with wealth and future title, was a respectable married woman who was also secretly sure of Washington’s passionate love. Martha, now Mrs. George Washington, was equally sure of Washington’s devotion, for she had not only provided him with a fortune but an already made family, and he adored her children. So the two women were content in their friendship.

George William, meanwhile, grew increasingly nervous about his English landholdings. He insisted that he and Sally go to England. He hoped to return to America at a later date. He placed the renting of Belvoir in the hands of his friend, Washington, and Sally and he sailed for England in 1773. First they went to London for a short time, then on to Yorkshire, where he renovated the house and purchased his “coach and six.” Still, he was the object of great antipathy, and soon George William wrote to Washington, saying they were obliged to leave Yorkshire, to sell his “coach and six” and to get out of the way of his relatives there, who gladly would have turned him over to the authorities and usurped his lands. He admitted that at any time he expected to be seized by the authorities and had only recently been saved from persecution by a relative with influence with the court.

While Washington’s star ascended, and he became famous and wealthy, Sally’s star plummeted. The Fairfaxes relocated to Bath, England, and a greatly reduced lifestyle. She was unhappy with her servants who “carry themselves very high and are insolent above all description.” British women snubbed her, and she had few friends. Sally, the proud daughter of Col. Cary—Sally, the Williamsburg belle and mistress of Belvoir, the love of George Washington—was saddened and humbled, and further devastated when her husband died in 1787. And then her own health began to decline. Lonely, she wrote to her sister-in-law in Virginia: “Weeping has robbed me of sight. There was a time of my life when I should not have been well pleased to hear of the union between a daughter of yours and Mr. – but, thank God, I have outlived those prejudices of education and know now that the worthy man is to be preferred to the high born who has not merit to recommend him.”

Sally’s dreams had crumbled. She never became Lady Fairfax. That honor would pass to her sister, Elizabeth, who married Sally’s brother-in-law Bryan, who received the family title.

Alone now in a foreign land, Sally’s auburn hair turned to silver. Her fingers became stiff with arthritis, and her feet suffered with gout. She still had the proud bearing of an aristocrat, however, and welcomed the visits of what few friends she had. She knew that Belvoir had burned, in 1783, and any hopes of returning there were gone. She wrote to her sister-in-law in Virginia that she longed to return, but her health “would not permit” her to cross the Atlantic again. She also knew that if she could return, she would have to live on the generosity of her family, for she had few funds of her own.

George Washington died in 1799. Martha Washington died in 1802. Sally Fairfax died at her home in England in 1811. No friends or family were with her at the time, and only her servants attended her. Her coffin was carried down to the quaint, small church at Writhington, in Somerset, and her body laid to rest next to that of her husband.

Perhaps one thought had sustained her into old age: that she, in her own way, a way she would never divulge to anyone, had taken a bright country youth under her wing while living at Belvoir. She had taught him manners, how to dress, how to write and spell correctly, how to dance formally, and especially how to choose and to read the classics. Even more, she’d taught him how to set goals for himself and aim high in life, which would enhance his career. And it was she who had taught him how to act around gentlewomen, how to court a lady. She had taught him the art of love, until she knew he was ready to make a good marriage and treat a wife properly.

And Washington? As with all things, he had faced his personal life with both honesty and courage. So the question remains: Had he not loved Sally so passionately, could he have loved Martha so well?

Sources | Further Reading:

Colonial Virginia: Its People and Customs by Mary Newton Stanard (J.P. Lippincott Co.), 1917

Lady Washington by Dorothy Clarke Wilson (Doubleday & Co. Inc., New York), 1984

The American Museum, Claverton Manor, Bath, Avon, England

Virginia History magazine, vol II, 1903-04

His Excellency, George Washington by Joseph J. Ellis (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2004)

Sally Cary, A Long Hidden Romance of Washington’s Life by Wilson Miles Cary (privately printed by the Devinne Press, New York, 1916)

The manuscript department, Swem Library, College of William and Mary (Williamsburg)

(Originally published in the August 2008 issue.)

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: July 15, 2013 05:28PM

The Lady of Belvoir Wrote:
> In the spring, the daffodils still bloom, but
> Belvoir is no more. Long ago, the charred ruins of
> the lovely mansion crumbled to the ground along
> with its memories of candlelit balls and the
> sounds of coaches on cobblestone. Yet a love story
> remains. It is little known and less spoken of,
> but still an integral part of America’s colonial
> history. It is a chapter in the life of the
> American hero, George Washington, who loved,
> passionately, the lady at Belvoir his neighbor and
> the wife of his best friend, George William
> Fairfax. Proper credit has never been given Sally
> for the important role she played in
> Washington’s early life. Instead, she has been
> regarded mainly as a flirtatious Southern belle, a
> brainless beauty. Untrue!

I did not know that. Oh wow, Washington had the hots for Sally?

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: been there done that ()
Date: July 16, 2013 08:44AM

I went out to 666 bridge with my bf one night. We parked on the first bridge. It was a full moon an we thought it would be a good night for something creepy to happen but nothing did. We went home but went back the next night and went to the second bridge.

We drove over and parked, got out and walked across the bridge. We only made it halfway across before my bf asked me if I saw the guy in a white tee walking towards us. I looked and told him no. I thought he was messing with me but he looked white an scared. He said you really don't see that guy? I said no again. Next thing I know he says run! Then takes off to the car. I didn't hesitate long before following because not only did I hear his footsteps in front of me, I heard them behind me too! There was no one behind me.

As we picked up speed so did the footsteps behind me! We left but went back one more time the next night. We took my bf's sister and her husband. Didn't see anything but took pics that night. We got one with what looks like neon blue claws slashing the air. And at one point my bf's sister said she felt like there was something touching her shoulder. So I snapped a pic and you can see the outline of a hand on her shoulder.

If you go out to the bridges don't go alone and take a camera!.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: psychnurse96 ()
Date: July 16, 2013 10:48AM

Love this thread! I have a story to share too. I was working at the local State Hospital a couple of years ago.

I went onto the unit at the beginning of my shift-around two o'clock in the afternoon.Upon my arrival, I immediatley noticed that the "energy level" on the unit felt unusualy high. Not anything that I can necessarily put into writing, but a definite indicator that something could be imminently wrong. The patients were all wound up, and overstimulating.

The staff were on edge, and one could literally feel the hair on the back of their neck standing up, much like when all of your children are up, running around, and being loud, obnoxious, and causing high stress levels for the parents(s), yet not particularly doing anything wrong.

After about an hour of this, all of sudden, there was a quick breeze that blew through the unit, and down the hall. This alone, got our attention, as this was a double locked facility, in a 80 year old, very antiquated building. Nowhere the breeze could have come from. The windows were locked tight, and the sally port opened to another hallway.

We all shuddered immediatley-including the patients, who stopped to look around curiously. In one solid motion, the lights flickered, then all of the doors from one end of the hall, to the other slammed shut two by two!
These doors were big, heavy, solid oak, so each door that slammed, sounded like a shotgun blast. It was as if someone had run down the hall with their arms outsretched, pushing all of the doors shut!

EVERYONE, including the patients, stood with a dumbfounded look on their face, afraid to move! The nursing supervisor even came running out of her office to see what the commotion was.

Of course, we never found the cause, and it was kind of an unspoken agreement that the paranormal does in fact exist, in whatever form one believes.
I've honestly never been so afraid in broad daylight, and will never forget that day!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: ImASuckyCMA87 ()
Date: July 16, 2013 10:58AM

Ok, so my post is more of a dream that I had than an actual incident, but here it is...

Last summer I found out that a friend of mine from high school was shot and killed while waiting in his car for his girlfriend to get off of work. I found out about his death while I was at work (a restuarant) a couple of days after it happened from another friend of mine. I just remembered feeling sick to my stomach. My friend, Tyreek, was just one of those kids that you knew would be a success and you knew was bound to make it out of the 'hood and do grand things with his life. I think that may be why it bothered me the most, because I knew that he had such an amazing future ahead of him and was robbed of it. Well, anyway for the next week or so I could think of nothing but him! I would go to bed thinking about him and wake up thinking about him. Obsessing over his senseless death... I mean, it just had me so upset. I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't let him go.

Well, one night I had a dream that I was back at work (standing in the same exact spot that I was in when I found out that he had died!) when Tyreek walked into the store. He stood on the other side of the counter and just stared at me. I went around the counter to talk to him, but he didn't say a word. He just looked at me, smiled, and took me into his arms for a hug. When he released, he again smiled, kissed me on the cheek and walked right out of the store. I woke up feeling so relieved! I genuinely felt like that was God's way of telling me that he was ok and for me to let him go. And I am eternally grateful for Tyreek coming to see me before he went on his final journey home!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Some more info? ()
Date: July 16, 2013 11:06AM

Curious One Wrote:
> Javier Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am posting this for the janitor in my
> building.
> > He claims that there is a ghost that talks to
> him
> > and bangs on stuff in one of the empty offices.
> > The ghost also turns lights on and he also can
> > feel a presence when he enters the office.
> > I went with him the other day and I too felt it
> > and also got major goose bumps. He just wants
> to
> > know what the ghost wants so he can help him.
> This
> > is in the Fairbrook Drive building in Herndon.
> Javier, what does the ghost say to the janitor?
> Does he see the ghost a lot?

I'm curious to hear more about this, as I too work near that location in Herndon. Here are a few pics of the building there.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Speaking of Herndon... ()
Date: July 16, 2013 11:09AM

Historic Haunted Herndon

The little house at 610 Spring Street has quite a history, and the current owners are adding to it each year with their “spirited” take on Halloween decor. Drive by and see it for yourself!

When Bob Matthews and Colleen Delawder purchased the house at 610 Spring Street in 2005, they knew it was old and they loved its charm, but they had no idea of its history.

Built as a one-story, one-room structure in 1898, additions included a second story in 1910 and further enlargements in 1925, 1930, and 1948. The house passed through a series of owners and, by the time Bob and Nancy Burk purchased it in 1976, it had fallen into serious disrepair.

The living room was the only room with electricity; extension cords served the rest of the house. Plumbing was almost nonexistent and the only heat was an open gas furnace in the living room floor. The kitchen walls were lined with large tin cans that had been cut open and nailed flat. What was painted was a flat pink. And that was just the interior…

The yard was heavily overgrown. The walkway from the house to the garage was made of rubber from old tires. Plastic flowers were “planted” to disguise the piles of trash in the yard. And, the property was inhabited by about 60 cats that took shelter in in a 1949 Plymouth with a door that was left open for them.

The Burks and subsequent owners did a major job of refurbishing the house and the property. The Burks also researched the history of the house and applied to have it included on the Town’s historic registry. The registry, which is administered by the Historical Society, is designed to increase public awareness of Herndon’s older homes and buildings and their contribution to the Town’s distinctive character and spirit; it now includes 23 structures. In order to be included, properties must meet certain criteria, such as the original structure being 50 or more years old and compatible with the character of Herndon, and being of historical or architectural significance to the Town.

Moving from a townhouse where they never had trick or treaters on Halloween, Bob and Colleen put out a few Halloween decorations in 2005 and were looking forward to some fun. They had just two or three visitors. Undaunted, Bob, who works in commercial construction, started to build some decorations that Colleen had designed, including the “gravestones” that now fill a portion of the front yard. They added more lights to attract more attention, and the next year they had 15 visitors. They added yet more decorations and, in 2007, there were 40 visitors. They were sold!

They continue to add more of their own innovative decorations each year, including the new sign post with directions and mileage to 36 actual spooky locations such Sleepy Hollow, New York (Colleen looked them all up), and they now welcome up to 250 children each year. Bob turns on the lights for a couple hours each night starting after Labor Day, so people have plenty of time to enjoy their handiwork. On Halloween night itself, parents make a special trip to drop their kids off to see the decorations.

Bob also loves to dress up to hand out the treats on the big night. Last year, as the Cat in the Hat, he was told that he was not scary enough for the house, so he’s looking forward to something a little scarier this year. What will he be? We’ll all just have to wait until the 31st to find out!

Remembering Herndon’s History is written by members of the Herndon Historical Society. Chuck Mauro is a former president and the author of Herndon: A Town and Its History, which is available for purchase in the Depot.

The Society operates a small museum that focuses on local history. It is housed in the Depot and is open each Sunday from noon until 3:00 p.m. Visit the Society’s website at www.herndonhistoricalsociety.org for more information. For information about volunteering to help staff the Depot or about Historical Society meetings, contact Carol Bruce at 703-437-7289 or carolbrcom@aol.com.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: seasonednurse78 ()
Date: July 16, 2013 11:13AM

I have several stories to tell but will start with one my husband told me. Several years ago before we were together, he was working as a radiology technologist in a hospital. It was a busy night in the trauma center and a gang member was brought in for treatment and subsequently died. Since the room he was in was needed for treating other patients, the trauma nurse asked my husband if there was an empty room in the radiology department (which was adjacent to the trauma center) that they could place the deceased patient in for family members to view when they arrived. My husband said there was a room at the end of the hallway they did not use very often and so they took the patient down there. The light was turned on low setting and the door was left open in preparation for the family.

After the family came to view the body and the funeral home removed the body, my husband turned off the light, closed the door and locked it (radiology staff kept any rooms in the department locked during the night if they were not being used).

About 30 minutes later, my husband was at the other end of the hallway talking to one of the trauma nurses and noticed a light at the end of the hallway where the deceased patient had been. He walked down to investigate and found the door to that room was open and the light was turned on exactly the way it was when the patient was in there. He said he turned off the light, closed the door and locked it again. He said he swore he had previously turned off the light, closed and locked the door.

A little while later, the same thing happened. He asked one of his radiology coworkers if he had been in that room and the coworker said he had not. My husband turned off the light, closed the door and locked it one more time while his coworker was standing nearby. By this time, he was beginning to think he was losing it because he swore he turned off the light, closed and locked the door to the room.

This happened a third time and my husband and his coworker were really starting to get a bit concerned. They decided to call security, thinking that security (the only other department that would have a key to the radiology room) might have gone in there for something. Security came down to the department after my husband called them to come check things out. Security denied having been down in the department and unlocking the door. My husband turned off the light, closed the door and locked it while his coworker and the security guy stood by.

The light never came back on and the door remained closed for the rest of his shift.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Kelly, Herndon VA ()
Date: July 16, 2013 11:15AM

My best friend's house has some very negative energy. You will feel like you're being watched. I do not like
to be anywhere in her house by myself. The radio will change dials by itself, we once heard a woman humming, and
we will hear footsteps and doors opening and shutting. Every time we are in her basement or the living room, which
is directly above the basement, our eyes always get drawn to one specific corner, and we don't know why. When we
look at pictures of ourselves that were taken inside the house we know it's us in the picture, and it looks like
us, but it is not us, get it? There is something about our eyes and our smiles that look almost cynical. Plus,
whenever I go there, I am drained of my energy and suddenly very sleepy. Her family has had a string of bad luck
including multiple deaths, illnesses, murder, incarcerations, and mental illness. A "psychic" told her that her
family will never regain harmony as long as they live in the house. This reminded her of something that the
contractor told her parents when the house was being built... the contractors arrived at the site of what would
be their home to find a snake curled up on the premises. They disposed of it but somehow it found its way back
to the exact same place. They disposed of it again and yet again it kept coming back until the walls were built
up. Krissy and I think the spot where the snake curled up is the same spot that we are drawn to. And snakes are
a bad omen.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Barbara Glakas ()
Date: July 16, 2013 11:16AM

Speaking of Herndon... Wrote:
> Historic Haunted Herndon
> http://herndon.patch.com/groups/opinion/p/historic
> -haunted-herndon
> The little house at 610 Spring Street has quite a
> history, and the current owners are adding to it
> each year with their “spirited” take on
> Halloween decor. Drive by and see it for
> yourself!
> When Bob Matthews and Colleen Delawder purchased
> the house at 610 Spring Street in 2005, they knew
> it was old and they loved its charm, but they had
> no idea of its history.
> Built as a one-story, one-room structure in 1898,
> additions included a second story in 1910 and
> further enlargements in 1925, 1930, and 1948. The
> house passed through a series of owners and, by
> the time Bob and Nancy Burk purchased it in 1976,
> it had fallen into serious disrepair.
> The living room was the only room with
> electricity; extension cords served the rest of
> the house. Plumbing was almost nonexistent and the
> only heat was an open gas furnace in the living
> room floor. The kitchen walls were lined with
> large tin cans that had been cut open and nailed
> flat. What was painted was a flat pink. And that
> was just the interior…
> The yard was heavily overgrown. The walkway from
> the house to the garage was made of rubber from
> old tires. Plastic flowers were “planted” to
> disguise the piles of trash in the yard. And, the
> property was inhabited by about 60 cats that took
> shelter in in a 1949 Plymouth with a door that was
> left open for them.
> The Burks and subsequent owners did a major job of
> refurbishing the house and the property. The Burks
> also researched the history of the house and
> applied to have it included on the Town’s
> historic registry. The registry, which is
> administered by the Historical Society, is
> designed to increase public awareness of
> Herndon’s older homes and buildings and their
> contribution to the Town’s distinctive character
> and spirit; it now includes 23 structures. In
> order to be included, properties must meet certain
> criteria, such as the original structure being 50
> or more years old and compatible with the
> character of Herndon, and being of historical or
> architectural significance to the Town.
> Moving from a townhouse where they never had trick
> or treaters on Halloween, Bob and Colleen put out
> a few Halloween decorations in 2005 and were
> looking forward to some fun. They had just two or
> three visitors. Undaunted, Bob, who works in
> commercial construction, started to build some
> decorations that Colleen had designed, including
> the “gravestones” that now fill a portion of
> the front yard. They added more lights to attract
> more attention, and the next year they had 15
> visitors. They added yet more decorations and, in
> 2007, there were 40 visitors. They were sold!
> They continue to add more of their own innovative
> decorations each year, including the new sign post
> with directions and mileage to 36 actual spooky
> locations such Sleepy Hollow, New York (Colleen
> looked them all up), and they now welcome up to
> 250 children each year. Bob turns on the lights
> for a couple hours each night starting after Labor
> Day, so people have plenty of time to enjoy their
> handiwork. On Halloween night itself, parents make
> a special trip to drop their kids off to see the
> decorations.
> Bob also loves to dress up to hand out the treats
> on the big night. Last year, as the Cat in the
> Hat, he was told that he was not scary enough for
> the house, so he’s looking forward to something
> a little scarier this year. What will he be?
> We’ll all just have to wait until the 31st to
> find out!
> Remembering Herndon’s History is written by
> members of the Herndon Historical Society. Chuck
> Mauro is a former president and the author of
> Herndon: A Town and Its History, which is
> available for purchase in the Depot.
> The Society operates a small museum that focuses
> on local history. It is housed in the Depot and is
> open each Sunday from noon until 3:00 p.m. Visit
> the Society’s website at
> www.herndonhistoricalsociety.org for more
> information. For information about volunteering to
> help staff the Depot or about Historical Society
> meetings, contact Carol Bruce at 703-437-7289 or
> carolbrcom@aol.com.

If you live in a home in Herndon that is 50 years old or older, your home may be eligible to be on the Historical Society’s Historic Home Registry. For more information on how you can apply, please go to www.herndonhistoricalsociety.org. From there click on, “Walking Tour Information.” On that page you will see an attachment, “Historic Homes Registry Information.” We hope to get a lot of new applications because Herndon has so many beautiful old homes that should be showcased and appreciated!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Pooksmom1996 ()
Date: July 16, 2013 01:10PM

In the early-mid 80's, my first nursing job was working on night shift on an inpatient psychiatric unit for adolescents in Pittsburgh.

The unit was set up as a long hallway, with the nursing station in the middle and a day room on each of the two ends of the hallway.

The two dayrooms were fairly far from the nursing station, and we had a staffperson sitting in the east dayroom and another sitting in the west dayroom at all times. Sitting by ourselves for the most part, watching the graveyard shift hours click by.

Several night shift folk, including our unflappable charge nurse, told me that there was a ghost at the west wing of the hall.
This supposedly started happening after a patient hung himself in that room.
Some of the staff who were there at night would hear the door of a particular room rattle pretty loudly at times. The story was that a few of the patients who stayed in the room complained from time to time about the rattling of the door.

Much creepier than that.... were the stories from several staff describing that when they were sitting at night in the dayroom, they would feel hands gently circling the back of their neck.

Being young and adventerous and interested in ghosts, I often volunteered to sit watch at night in the west dayroom.

My thinking was, it would be kind of neat to see the door rattle, or maybe even see an apparition, as long as it wasnt right up in my face, and didnt look too scary.

Nothing happened when I was there. That may have been a good thing, because if that ghost had touched me with "gentle hands on the neck", I probably would have jumped up out of my chair, yelled the F word at the top of my lungs, and ran to the nurses station screaming the name of the charge nurse.

That would look good on the evaluation of a new nurse fresh out of school.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: StrwbryblndRN ()
Date: July 17, 2013 06:50AM

Some more info? Wrote:
> Curious One Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Javier Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I am posting this for the janitor in my
> > building.
> > > He claims that there is a ghost that talks to
> > him
> > > and bangs on stuff in one of the empty
> offices.
> > > The ghost also turns lights on and he also
> can
> > > feel a presence when he enters the office.
> > > I went with him the other day and I too felt
> it
> > > and also got major goose bumps. He just wants
> > to
> > > know what the ghost wants so he can help him.
> > This
> > > is in the Fairbrook Drive building in
> Herndon.
> >
> >
> > Javier, what does the ghost say to the janitor?
> > Does he see the ghost a lot?
> I'm curious to hear more about this, as I too work
> near that location in Herndon. Here are a few pics
> of the building there.

I have never really had an encounter at work before, just a few stories I heard.
But the last few weeks at home, small strange things have been happening.
A few years ago I think I posted that my son's room had smelled like cigarette smoke. Well I said out loud to stop smoking in his room and it stopped. So nothing for few years. Here is an account of recent events.
Lately I have been getting into the habit of closing my children's bedroom doors while they are at school. They are 10 and 8, and do not feel like looking at their messes while I'm home and refuse to clean their rooms. Even my daughter will keep her room door closed out of habit now.
Well one day while we were eating dinner my daughter says "I just heard my door open". I blow it off and told her the windows are open, etc. Or it could be something else. My husband agreed with my daughter that is was the bedroom door and he heard it too.
She replies back, "No, my door was completely closed, clicked shut". She swears she closed it but chalked it up to just that she did not close it all the way. Well that night my son's room smelled like cigarette smoke again.
Fast forward to a couple of days ago and I was off again during the day and went to put my daughter's shoes away. Which only consists of me opening her door and tossing her shoes on the floor. I put my hand out to grab her door knob and realize the door is open. Now I would just say she forgot, but 15-30min earlier I had closed my son's door and looked to my daughter's door to see if it was closed and it was.
Fast forward again to yesterday morning and evening. I had worked Saturday night and came home to my happy son awake and greeting me at the door. I relax for a few minutes and talk to him and when I go to sit down I notice a half eaten granola bar on the desk table. I asked my son to please finish it as not to waste it. He said it was not his. (my kids are not good liars and seldom do so) There would be no reason for him to deny since it was not taboo to eat it in the morning. Needless to say I left it there so whoever left it can clean it up from last night. Both my husband and my daughter deny it. Again no reason to lie.
Well I end up feeding it to the dogs and start preparing for bed. There were brownies on the counter and I asked my husband to please make sure to save them for the kids. The kids wanted them for school on Monday (today).
Well when I go up that afternoon, I noticed that the brownies were eaten except for a small piece. I do not care but was concerned that my hubby ate them. He again denies this and so do the kids. It was their brownie and could have eaten them already anyhow. I spent a good part of the day trying to get it out of them and they swear up and down. My husband does not sleep walk but he was going to say that was what happened since we could not figure it out.
Ok, so here is the final thing. I was supposed to work but got canceled and ended up staying awake all night. But at
0300 I turned to tv off and tried to climb into bed for a few hours. It lasted about 30minutes. I got up and went into the living room and the tv was on. Now I know I turned it off because my dog runs to the bedroom when I turn it off because she wants to go the bedroom with me. She did her typical routine and I placed the remote control on the couch cushion with a kindle fire next to it. One of my dog likes to get on the sofa but he won't if anything is on it. So when I noticed that the tv was on I peaked over the couch arm and there was the remote just as I left it. I smelled cigarette smoke for a split second also, no doubt about it. Made me want one too for a moment.
I have been awake since.

Not one event seems significant but put it all together and it is just weird.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: NurseFrustrated ()
Date: July 17, 2013 11:31AM

I worked nights in an older hospital and there weren't many people there at night, maybe three nurses and two CNAs max. One night another nurse and I went into a patient's room to reposition him. The patient was sleeping pretty heavily and wasn't very alert even when he was awake. While the other nurse and I were on either side of his bed holding on to the draw sheet, we heard a loud noise. We both looked over to see a big heavy recliner chair moving towards us about a foot loud enough to make a scraping sound on the floor.

There was no one else in the room, no visitors. The chair was locked, there was no breeze that could have moved a heavy recliner like that even if it would've been unlocked. It wasn't near the door or touching a wall. Those things are hard to move when you pushed on them and they were unlocked. The other nurse and I looked at each other and said, 'ummm...ok. Weird!"

Another night on this same unit, I was in a patient's room and she seemed fairly alert and oriented. I had gone in give her a med. It was probably around midnight. She looked at me and said, "honey who is that standing over there?" and I said, "where?" She said, "standing there behind you?" I turned around and there was no one. This was not a confused lady and it kind of gave me a creepy feeling.

On another night, one of our CNAs was in a two-bed room checking on a sleeping patient and the CNA suddenly came running out of the room, scared. We asked her what happened. She said that the bedside table from the empty bed rolled away from the bed on its own and hit the sink very loudly. Now this bedside table was a good two feet from the sink and was over an empty bed! Talk about freaky. This CNA was so scared, she wound up going home early.

That same night, another nurse on the unit was in a room giving an IV push and she happened to look up at the mirror over the sink and kept seeing a shadowy figure going back and forth in it. There was no one else in the room and the mirror was pointed away from the door. She was freaked out.

We also had call bells ring at night from empty rooms when everyone was accounted for at the desk. These were rooms near the desk that we would have seen someone sneak into to ring the bell. That unit was creepy! lol

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: The Marine and the BEKs ()
Date: July 17, 2013 12:30PM

Lgarci Wrote:
> Black Eyed Woman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My wife told me this creepy story last night.
> It
> > doesn't take place in VA, but in Oakland CA
> where
> > her parents live.
> > Lately there have been several shootings in the
> > area (more than normal) and that funeral home
> they
> > have on international
> > drive has been getting alot of business.
> >
> > A few weeks ago, my Father and mother-in-laws
> were
> > driving through Oakland at around 2am in the
> > morning. My mother-in-law
> > works as a live in hospice nurse and only has a
> > day or so off. She was coming back at 2am after
> > having the evening off. While
> > they were driving to her job, they saw a woman
> > standing on the corner next to the funeral home
> > with a dress on and dressed
> > somewhat nicely (sunday best?). They saw her at
> > the corner while they were stopped at the
> > intersection, and noticed that
> > the woman smiled at them. They also noticed
> that
> > her eyes were black. My in-laws were frightened
> > and drove away as fast as
> > they could. So then my father-in-law drops off
> my
> > mother-in-law at her work and wonders if that
> > ghost woman he saw at the
> > corner will be there on the way back
> > (Unfortunately, he would have to go through
> that
> > same intersection). On his way back,
> > she was still there at the corner, and this
> time
> > he was stuck at the light there at the
> > intersection. She actually waved
> > to him and he noticed again she had black eyes.
> > Seemed like she was trying to get him to come
> over
> > and pick her up.
> > Naturally when the light turned green, he sped
> out
> > of that intersection to get home.
> >
> > No one seems to know who she is, but they all
> seem
> > to agree that her funeral was probably through
> the
> > funeral home there
> > on that street. As to why she was on that
> street
> > between 2am and 3am, I think she was looking
> for
> > "Victims".
> >
> > I did some research and came across BEK's -
> Black
> > eyed kids that seemed to match.
> >
> http://mysteriousuniverse.org/tag/black-eyed-kids/
> About 4 or 5 years ago I was walking down a bike
> path in the back of my house with my step
> daughter. when I saw 2 boys leaning against their
> bikes up ahead. I didn’t really think much about
> it (since it is a bike path) until one of the kids
> raised his head up and looked me straight in the
> eye. That’s when fear struck me so hard I was
> stopped dead in my tracks. His eyes were black and
> hollow, like he didn’t have a sole. It was like
> looking at pure evil, at least that’s the way I
> described it when I recounted the incident later
> that evening to my husband and my other daughter.
> I immediately led my step daughter off the path,
> cut through someones yard and walked out to the
> street . I didn’t know what I had encountered at
> the time but now I am quite sure it was the black
> eyed children. I don’t know what they are, but I
> know they are dangerous. It was so weird I thought
> that my step daughter would also be aware of what
> I perceived to be impending danger , but she was
> completely oblivious, even when I led her off the
> path and onto the street. I somehow knew I had to
> get out of there NOW. Surprisingly they appeared
> normal in every other aspect ( except for the eyes
> of course), and a vague awareness that they
> didn’t quite fit into the environment. I only
> saw the eyes of one of them because the other kid
> had his back to me . He looked to be around 13 or
> 14, flannel shirt and jeans, and a swarthy
> complection. Now that I have been reading about
> these encounters it peaks my curiosity but i
> wouldn’t want to run into them again .

The Marine and the Black-Eyed Kids

You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is tougher than a U.S. Marine. These soldiers are trained in combat, survival and to face the threat of imminent bodily harm or death. But perhaps they're not quite prepared when it comes to encounters with the unknown. Consider this report from a Marine, using the name Reaper 3-1, who had an unexpected and altogether unnerving experience with the mysterious phenomenon of the black-eyed people. To make it even more harrowing, these black-eyed entities appeared to be small kids. This is the Marine's story....

I'M A MARINE stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I live in the infantry barracks off of River Road. I recently had a rather strange encounter with a pair of black-eyed kids.

I live on the third floor of the barracks that have open walkways on the outside and the rooms on the inside. This happened on a weekend back in November, 2009. It was a weekend, so almost every Marine was out, either home, drinking or sleeping; only a handful were left in the barracks awake. I'd stayed in that weekend because I was broke and had no money to go out.

I was watching a movie when I heard a knock at my door. Figuring it was my roommate who'd lost his key again, I went and opened it. Instead of a drunken roommate, I found two little kids standing on the walkway - only these kids freaked the hell out of me. I don't know what it was about them, but as a Marine we're always told to listen to that little voice in your head, because it just might save your life from an IED (improvised explosive device). Right then that voice was screaming at me to shut the door and lock it.


There was also the fact that these kids had absolutely pitch-black eyes. I mean no white or any other color to them whatsoever - just black. But I pushed those things aside and asked them what they were doing there so late. They responded by saying that it was really cold out and they wanted to come in and read. I was confused as hell, because I've never met a kid that wants to read. Also, there was no mention of any parents or anything else you'd expect a lost couple of kids to say.

I couldn't take my eyes of their pitch-black eyes; it was like they were sucking me in. I felt horrible and was suddenly frightened for my life, like I needed to immediately take cover. They just stared at me, with those goddam eyes.

I took a quick look up and down the walkway to see if any other Marines were out, but there was nobody in site. I turned back to the kids who I noticed had taken a step forward toward me. I got the feeling like I was being hunted, like these kids where predators and out for their next meal or something. Instinct gave way to reason and I decided to listen to that voice and shut the door and locked it.

I heard soft constant knocking for the next five minutes before I heard my window rattle and then nothing. I went down to the officer on duty the next morning and asked him about it and he said he hadn't heard of or seen any kids in the area at all, and dismissed it saying that I'd probably had too much to drink last night. Only I hadn't been drinking at all or anything like that that night. I don't know what or who those kids were, but I doubt any of the families here would let their kids wander around at night on a military base.

As we have heard in many other stories of black-eyed people, they often ask to be invited in. They don't try to barge in... they don't threaten... they only seem to need their targets to voluntarily allow them into their homes. For what purpose? What would happen if they were allowed in? Who are these black-eyed beings?

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Repossessed ()
Date: July 17, 2013 04:10PM

I Just wanted to share this with you on the subject of black-eyed people. Recently, I ran into a former boss of mine, a nice lady. We got to talking and the conversation went deep quickly.

Long story short, she mentioned that her father was extremely abusive to her and her siblings. She said, matter-of-factly, "He was possessed by demons."

I was raised Catholic, and I personally believe this happens, so I offered words of support. She said, "No, really. When he would abuse us his eyes would turn pure black! I'm serious, his eyes would turn black -- no whites left."

I have no reason to doubt her or her integrity. She's a normal, good person. Perhaps these things aren't human, or perhaps they are demons driving a human body?

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: haymarket ()
Date: July 17, 2013 06:51PM

I live near a farm with my grandparents and just outside the farm's property is an old church that was called Hickory Grove church. It was built to honor a attack on Union troops by the 8th regiment where there was only one presumed death on the Confederate side. His body was never found and was assumed to be buried directly underneath the property. Now every so often you see a blueish orb floating and bobing around the church.

Black Eyed Children Report From Someone Who Let Them In
Posted by: Black Eyed Children Report ()
Date: July 17, 2013 08:12PM

The Marine and the BEKs Wrote:
> Lgarci Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Black Eyed Woman Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > My wife told me this creepy story last night.
> > It
> > > doesn't take place in VA, but in Oakland CA
> > where
> > > her parents live.
> > > Lately there have been several shootings in
> the
> > > area (more than normal) and that funeral home
> > they
> > > have on international
> > > drive has been getting alot of business.
> > >
> > > A few weeks ago, my Father and mother-in-laws
> > were
> > > driving through Oakland at around 2am in the
> > > morning. My mother-in-law
> > > works as a live in hospice nurse and only has
> a
> > > day or so off. She was coming back at 2am
> after
> > > having the evening off. While
> > > they were driving to her job, they saw a
> woman
> > > standing on the corner next to the funeral
> home
> > > with a dress on and dressed
> > > somewhat nicely (sunday best?). They saw her
> at
> > > the corner while they were stopped at the
> > > intersection, and noticed that
> > > the woman smiled at them. They also noticed
> > that
> > > her eyes were black. My in-laws were
> frightened
> > > and drove away as fast as
> > > they could. So then my father-in-law drops
> off
> > my
> > > mother-in-law at her work and wonders if that
> > > ghost woman he saw at the
> > > corner will be there on the way back
> > > (Unfortunately, he would have to go through
> > that
> > > same intersection). On his way back,
> > > she was still there at the corner, and this
> > time
> > > he was stuck at the light there at the
> > > intersection. She actually waved
> > > to him and he noticed again she had black
> eyes.
> > > Seemed like she was trying to get him to come
> > over
> > > and pick her up.
> > > Naturally when the light turned green, he
> sped
> > out
> > > of that intersection to get home.
> > >
> > > No one seems to know who she is, but they all
> > seem
> > > to agree that her funeral was probably
> through
> > the
> > > funeral home there
> > > on that street. As to why she was on that
> > street
> > > between 2am and 3am, I think she was looking
> > for
> > > "Victims".
> > >
> > > I did some research and came across BEK's -
> > Black
> > > eyed kids that seemed to match.
> > >
> >
> http://mysteriousuniverse.org/tag/black-eyed-kids/
> >
> >
> >
> > About 4 or 5 years ago I was walking down a
> bike
> > path in the back of my house with my step
> > daughter. when I saw 2 boys leaning against
> their
> > bikes up ahead. I didn’t really think much
> about
> > it (since it is a bike path) until one of the
> kids
> > raised his head up and looked me straight in
> the
> > eye. That’s when fear struck me so hard I was
> > stopped dead in my tracks. His eyes were black
> and
> > hollow, like he didn’t have a sole. It was
> like
> > looking at pure evil, at least that’s the way
> I
> > described it when I recounted the incident
> later
> > that evening to my husband and my other
> daughter.
> > I immediately led my step daughter off the
> path,
> > cut through someones yard and walked out to the
> > street . I didn’t know what I had encountered
> at
> > the time but now I am quite sure it was the
> black
> > eyed children. I don’t know what they are, but
> I
> > know they are dangerous. It was so weird I
> thought
> > that my step daughter would also be aware of
> what
> > I perceived to be impending danger , but she
> was
> > completely oblivious, even when I led her off
> the
> > path and onto the street. I somehow knew I had
> to
> > get out of there NOW. Surprisingly they
> appeared
> > normal in every other aspect ( except for the
> eyes
> > of course), and a vague awareness that they
> > didn’t quite fit into the environment. I only
> > saw the eyes of one of them because the other
> kid
> > had his back to me . He looked to be around 13
> or
> > 14, flannel shirt and jeans, and a swarthy
> > complection. Now that I have been reading about
> > these encounters it peaks my curiosity but i
> > wouldn’t want to run into them again .
> The Marine and the Black-Eyed Kids
> http://paranormal.about.com/od/demonsandexorcism/a
> /marine-black-eyed-kids.htm
> You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is
> tougher than a U.S. Marine. These soldiers are
> trained in combat, survival and to face the threat
> of imminent bodily harm or death. But perhaps
> they're not quite prepared when it comes to
> encounters with the unknown. Consider this report
> from a Marine, using the name Reaper 3-1, who had
> an unexpected and altogether unnerving experience
> with the mysterious phenomenon of the black-eyed
> people. To make it even more harrowing, these
> black-eyed entities appeared to be small kids.
> This is the Marine's story....
> I'M A MARINE stationed at Camp Lejeune, North
> Carolina. I live in the infantry barracks off of
> River Road. I recently had a rather strange
> encounter with a pair of black-eyed kids.
> I live on the third floor of the barracks that
> have open walkways on the outside and the rooms on
> the inside. This happened on a weekend back in
> November, 2009. It was a weekend, so almost every
> Marine was out, either home, drinking or sleeping;
> only a handful were left in the barracks awake.
> I'd stayed in that weekend because I was broke and
> had no money to go out.
> I was watching a movie when I heard a knock at my
> door. Figuring it was my roommate who'd lost his
> key again, I went and opened it. Instead of a
> drunken roommate, I found two little kids standing
> on the walkway - only these kids freaked the hell
> out of me. I don't know what it was about them,
> but as a Marine we're always told to listen to
> that little voice in your head, because it just
> might save your life from an IED (improvised
> explosive device). Right then that voice was
> screaming at me to shut the door and lock it.
> There was also the fact that these kids had
> absolutely pitch-black eyes. I mean no white or
> any other color to them whatsoever - just black.
> But I pushed those things aside and asked them
> what they were doing there so late. They responded
> by saying that it was really cold out and they
> wanted to come in and read. I was confused as
> hell, because I've never met a kid that wants to
> read. Also, there was no mention of any parents or
> anything else you'd expect a lost couple of kids
> to say.
> I couldn't take my eyes of their pitch-black eyes;
> it was like they were sucking me in. I felt
> horrible and was suddenly frightened for my life,
> like I needed to immediately take cover. They just
> stared at me, with those goddam eyes.
> I took a quick look up and down the walkway to see
> if any other Marines were out, but there was
> nobody in site. I turned back to the kids who I
> noticed had taken a step forward toward me. I got
> the feeling like I was being hunted, like these
> kids where predators and out for their next meal
> or something. Instinct gave way to reason and I
> decided to listen to that voice and shut the door
> and locked it.
> I heard soft constant knocking for the next five
> minutes before I heard my window rattle and then
> nothing. I went down to the officer on duty the
> next morning and asked him about it and he said he
> hadn't heard of or seen any kids in the area at
> all, and dismissed it saying that I'd probably had
> too much to drink last night. Only I hadn't been
> drinking at all or anything like that that night.
> I don't know what or who those kids were, but I
> doubt any of the families here would let their
> kids wander around at night on a military base.
> As we have heard in many other stories of
> black-eyed people, they often ask to be invited
> in. They don't try to barge in... they don't
> threaten... they only seem to need their targets
> to voluntarily allow them into their homes. For
> what purpose? What would happen if they were
> allowed in? Who are these black-eyed beings?

Black Eyed Children Report From Someone Who Let Them In

Is this evidence of what happens if you let a BEK into your home?

This report of what happens if you let Black Eyed Children into your home comes completely 4th hand. So believe it if you will. It is edited for spelling because I couldn’t stand looking at all the red misspelling squiggles as I get ready to post this. The lack of periods, I left…

I have read many accounts of these black eyed kids but I don’t think any really come close to what happened to me when I let two into my house. Some people think that if you let them in that the will kill you, obviously I can say this is not true.

This is what happened, I was sitting in my bedroom at home when I heard a knock on the door, it was not too late so I didn’t hesitate opening the door to whoever it was. when I opened it there was two children standing there, both were looking at the floor. “yes ” I said, the taller one asked if they could come in as they were lost and the other boy needed the toilet. I live in an area where it is very easy to get lost, so I just assumed that they were telling the truth and was looking down because they were shy, even though the one talking, spoke very confidently. so I let them in, the one who needed the toilet just walked in and straight up the stairs so I shouted up its on the right, I don’t know why I didn’t find this strange but most toilets are upstairs and as he was young I didn’t think anything of it.

I told the other one that the phone was down the hall, “thanks” he said and he started to walk down the hall, I followed him and then I suddenly came over with a really awful feeling like something bad was going to happen, I became very nervous and a bit shaky I still cant explain how that happened, the boy stopped at the phone and paused, “everything OK?” I asked, he turned to me and looked up and that’s when I saw his eyes, and trust me I will never get that picture out of my head, I was so scared that I couldn’t even scream as I turned to run down the hall the other kid was standing at the end.

I became very dizzy and struggled to stand up, he walked closer to me and said that they had been sent to collect me, I still couldn’t bear to look into his face, I pushed away from him and ran into my front room and slammed the door shut, I was in so much shock about what was happening I couldn’t think straight, this is something that you don’t even expect to happen even in movies. after standing against the door for around and hour or so I finally got the courage to make a run for the back door, so I ran to it and unlocked it, I ran to the back of my garden and jumped over the fence not once looking back.

my friend lived close so I ran to his house, I told him the story and as I guessed he was a bit skeptic about what I had said. I convinced him to come back with me, when we got there we looked around the whole house but couldn’t find them. ever since this happened I always have a dream that this kids with the black eyes stand over my bed with there hands stretching to me, I hope to god that I never see these again.”

This was supposedly posted on haunteddiary.com but as at the time of this writing, that site is no longer there. If anyone has an original source for me to cite, please leave me a comment and let me know!

As for what they would have done if the author hadn’t bolted away from the house, I don’t care to venture. I have read several reports that have mentioned the BEK coming to “collect” someone. Is this just an artifact of stories being retold on the Internet, or is a common feature to Black Eyed Children encounters. Still working on the answer to that one.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Hopeless ()
Date: July 18, 2013 08:52AM

My friend and I were outside of our houses at one of the two basketball courts near one of the barracks
at Fort Myer & we kept hearing weird things and both of us ignored it. Then I turned around to go get the
ball and what I saw made me very scared by the way it was 9 at night it was a man with a nice blue suit on
made of what seemed to be wool and he just was staring right in my eyes and I felt that he was trying to
tell me something.

He had an orange shimmer around him which freaked me out. After that I was determined to leave so we left
the next day my friend and I did research on our houses since they were built in 1933 and discover that
where we live some war soldiers (from multiple wars) used this ground for hiding and other reasons. We
continue to look for research and we are going back to the location we saw the man at to do more research
and learn more about him we are going late tonight and we are excited!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: JC_Smith2009 ()
Date: July 18, 2013 09:12AM

I also have a story, not sure how spooky it is, but it will raise your faith alot. I am not a nurse yet but my father about 3 years ago was admitted to the ER then to the ICU due to a sever car crash. He was in a coma for a few days and when he came to, a few days later he told me about what he saw when he was asleep. He said that he saw angels and the well known bright light, but he said he knew it was not his time yet. Well then, the strange part comes to when he says that he had seen the devil and the devil handed him a pipe to smoke out of and my father refused to smoke out of the pipe, then he came to. A quick history about my father, he did smoke ciggarettes and pot back in the day and I personally think this could have been his test, and then and there he had to make a choice and I think his choice gave him life again. He was in very critical condition, to this day he is still disabled, but I will not ever forget that story that he had told me. Makes you realize life is much more beyond just what we see.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Jamie ()
Date: July 18, 2013 09:33AM

Hopeless Wrote:
> My friend and I were outside of our houses at one
> of the two basketball courts near one of the
> barracks
> at Fort Myer & we kept hearing weird things and
> both of us ignored it. Then I turned around to go
> get the
> ball and what I saw made me very scared by the way
> it was 9 at night it was a man with a nice blue
> suit on
> made of what seemed to be wool and he just was
> staring right in my eyes and I felt that he was
> trying to
> tell me something.
> He had an orange shimmer around him which freaked
> me out. After that I was determined to leave so we
> left
> the next day my friend and I did research on our
> houses since they were built in 1933 and discover
> that
> where we live some war soldiers (from multiple
> wars) used this ground for hiding and other
> reasons. We
> continue to look for research and we are going
> back to the location we saw the man at to do more
> research
> and learn more about him we are going late tonight
> and we are excited!

We stayed at Wainwright hall at Fort Myer this past weekend. My daughter woke up in the middle of the night and saw a man dressed in black standing
over the bed with his hands on his hips just watching her. He had dark hair and a thick mustache. The previous night when I left the officers club to
go back to the quarters to get some medicine for my wife, I was leaving Wainwright hall and heard a voice. I turned and saw a Civil War soldier standing
there between the building and a tree.

I just kept walking and later realized that there wasn't any reenacting going on, especially at night. I'm convinced both my daughter and I saw a
real ghost.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: harley ()
Date: July 21, 2013 03:44PM

I live in downtown Lynchburg in the White Rock section and we bought our home last year. Of course our home is a fixer-upper and when we started remodeling things started happening. My two-year-old's bedroom was in my current office till I got his room painted and while in my office he would tell me that Grandpa came to see him last night, asking him where did grandpa go he would point to the closet and say there.

Other things have happened in our home, we can walk into the office and step into a strong perfume scent that you can tell an older woman would wear. We have heard footsteps up and down our hallway at night. I've had my husband come out of the bathroom mad at me because he said I was banging on the door and wouldn't answer him when he asked me what!

I had to explain to my husband that it wasn't me and that I had been sitting on the sofa the whole time. Also had tons of things happen in the kids room. After getting it remodeled and getting my boys moved in it there is a metal baby gate at the door, I've heard the gate rattle like someone didn't see it and ran into it. Thinking that it's my oldest climbing it I've told him to go

to bed and a few minutes later I'll hear him scream and cry out in the night. Go to see what's wrong and he's ok.

On the same night I heard the gate rattle again, again I tell my son to go to bed and a few minutes later he screams out again. As I go check on him this time one of his toys went off and said goodbye. Now this toy hasn't worked in months because the batteries are dead. I've also had other random toys of theirs go off.

Had my oldest son tell me grandma or grandpa comes to play with him. So yes we do have a ghost or two, they don't really bother us, we see them as family and they tend to enjoy playing with our boys. I have had to ask them to come back and play with them during the day and not late at night because the boys sleep at night and the ghost seems to understand and they don't bother the boys at night that often. I enjoy them here and I'll randomly talk to them when no one is here and I feel that my ghost are.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Sungjin ()
Date: July 22, 2013 07:25AM

when i worked in Singapore,in our ICU that particular room was really famous for that kinda stuff. so one day we had this old lady who was really sick for CHF and she was barely able to move her hand and stuff was put in that room. we thought she would be gone anytime soon. all in sudden the next morning she woke up and went out of control. the nurses on day shift gotta put her on full body restraints cos she tried to bite and attack nurses. After taking over shift that night, i tried to do assessment on her as she looked calm and sleepy. while I was assessing the NGT placement, her eyes suddently opened with that green evil look and said she's gonna eat me up and tried to bite me with her mouth wide open. the way she talked to me was like those ppl who were in chinese opera kind of tone. (she spoke chinese) i was so scared and ran out of the room. that very same night she passed away. the very coincident thing was that i had fever the next morning and came down with severe abd pain. i ended up going for the emergency op for my severely bleeding ovarian cyst on that night.. thank godness was able to be discharged within a week... I didnt believe those nurses' ghost stories before. after this incident, i was like 'hell yeah, they exist'.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: trmr ()
Date: July 22, 2013 07:33AM

This one happened to me at home not long ago.....i was in that dreamy almost awake state of mind early in the morning and heard a woman whisper "tey tey". It sounded like jibberish and I paid no attention to it, thought i was dreaming. But when i was all the way awake, curiosity got the best of me and i googled the phrase "tey tey". And GUESS WHAT???? It is a hebrew biblical word which means "come with me" AAAGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I am glad I did not go! and i have tons more stories....all true.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: pashark ()
Date: July 22, 2013 07:38AM

When I was a teenager, I spent the night at a friends house. It started off as a typical night until his little sister came up and kicked me. I asked her why and she told me her "invisible friend" Jullian told her to do it. My friend just shrugged and said she has been blaming her imaginary friend for everything. Her weird behavior continued for a while until she picked up a bible that was on the coffee table. She screamed and started to cry dropped the bible and said,"Julian is mad at me now and won't play with me anymore." As soon as she finished saying that, every light in house went off at once. I did not stick around to see what happend next. (I never went back to his house either)

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Morgans ()
Date: July 22, 2013 07:44AM

I grew up in my grandmothers 150 year old house. I've had experiences with spirits there since I was a very young
child. I still have them to this day. My first encounter happened when my granny went to the store and she asked me
to stay behind and vacuum the dining room. I locked the doors after she left like she told me too, so nobody else
was in the house. While I was cleaning the floors I heard very loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Me being a
scared kid I hid under the dining room table with the phone and called my parents to come get me. I later found
out that a man who formerly lived there was shot in the street outside, laid on the dining room table and died.
I've had too many experiences there to count. I was laying in bed one night and awoke to a woman in a maids outfit
tucking the covers around me. That was not that bad, did not seem like an angry spirit or anything.

But there is one there I hate to see. And it's the one I see most often. It's a woman in an older fashioned dress,
I am guessing early 19th century. She has a rope around her neck and is hanging from the staircase banister. I hate
to see her. She gives me a horrible feeling of dread. I would not say I am a medium or anything like that. But for
some reason it seems spirits may be drawn to me. And of all the things I've seen none of them give me the feeling
she does. I walked to the banister where the rope was tied curious the first time I've seen her. There was what
looked like a rope ''burn'' or indent in the wood. I know that's not really proof. But my aunt has seen her too.
So I know it's not just me. And that I am not just seeing things.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: imintrouble ()
Date: July 22, 2013 08:41AM

I was working as a private duty nurse overnight, for a vent dependent child. The house was an old remodeled farmhouse. Mom and Dad slept upstairs. One night I heard a woman humming. The sound was coming from the ceiling in the room where I was sitting. At first I thought it must be Mom upstairs, but ordinarily I could hear nothing from upstairs. No TV, no coversation. The humming eventually stopped. I wasnt' afraid at that time, but I don't think it came from upstairs. Also, night in this house was extremely uncomfortable. All the lights out. Whenever I had to walk into the main part of the house I felt like there was someone watching me. I dreaded it. The client always wanted his door closed, and his face covered. I always wondered what he didn't want to see, or what he didn't want to see him. I asked the day nurse if she'd heard any other night nurses report haunting activity. She scoffed at me, so I never mentioned it again.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: markj7 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 11:19AM

Being a native Virginian in Civil War country, I have been lucky to have a few encounters and this is my favourite.

It was the fall of 1988; I was driving in the northern part of Fauquier County Virginia approx. 45 minutes outside of Upper vile. I was in a very remote area where the hills rolled gently and there were no homes, barns, fences, riding trails or other motorist. I was really enjoying the scenery when I drove around a curve and there on the left side of the road about half a mile ahead was a horse with a rider. This is pretty common in Fauquier County but this was a bit different. Again, I was in the middle of nowhere. Once I drove closer to the horse and rider, I noticed what the gentleman was wearing, a full Confederate uniform with sleeve markings indicating a high rank officer. His uniform consisted of the grey in colour pants, jacket, and full belt dressing with sword, a side arm, black hat, riding gloves and riding boots. As I drove past slowly, I waved and he tilted his hat. I will never forget the expression on his face. It was one of confusion and interest.

Being a Civil War enthusiast, I was very surprised and enjoyed the sight. This person and his horse seemed as real as I am. I could not understand why someone would be dressed in this fashion in the middle of nowhere. He appeared to be dirty enough for me to notice from about 20 feet away. His beard looked unkept and his hair was longer than the hat would cover. That's when I decided it must be a ghost. This is the only thing that is logical to me. Once I found a place to make a u-turn, I drove back and there was no trace of the person.

Please give me your opinions and views on this sighting. This occurred in the middle of the week, my day off at the time was Wednesday. Weather was cool and clear.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: SummerEclipse22 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 11:26AM

In my neighbourhood there's an Old Catholic school and it's said to have someone or something unnatural roaming around inside it.

The people around where I live believe more in impish/evil elves then they do in ghost. Many of them say they see a small figure always running around in the school garden, little footprints were even found in the flowerbeds. Of course, everyone says it's elf, but I'm not so sure.

After hearing so many stories I've decided to do some research on the school and I did find an unusual detail. There used to be a house on the land where the school was built but part of it was saved. When the house was torn down the owner didn't want to tear that part of the house down because "it" lived in it.

The school now uses that section as storage and the students claim to hear joyful music, laughing, and dancing coming from inside it. Also things would get lost a wind up in strange places or chairs would be in the hallways and nobody would be inside not even the janitors. At first I thought it was just a bunch of high school students playing a prank, but that wasn't the case.

The high school students were the ones who dared each other to spend a night inside. None of them ever lasted over three hours because they always ran out screaming that they saw and/or heard something terrifying. One or two days later they would have the worst of luck so much so that three of them were in a terrible accident, but got away safely.

I researched again, turns out the school really isn't all that old it's just the old section of the house that goes back before 1918 and there has been no deaths near or inside the building. I was going to go inside myself, but I no longer think that's a good idea.

My classmate Noel had a horrifying experience with whatever that thing is. This is what he told us during school, "I was waiting outside the school when out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark figure, of a very short man with long hair run behind the storage building. Then it was as if I was paralyzed, it was hard to breath like there was some kind of thick odourless smoke around me. My eyesight was blurry and I had an overwhelming feeling that there was something menacing behind me. When the school bell rang it all stopped." He proved he was telling the truth by showing us bruises on his back that looked like they were done by a very strong 4 year old.

Due to all the stories of "it" the storage building has been nicknamed "La Casa del Duende" (the elf's house). I'm not sure what it is, it could be a demon because after Noel's experience and a few others I heard that were similar. Does anyone know what it could be and if it's something to be worried about?

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Eclectic Electric ()
Date: July 22, 2013 01:24PM

These are all VERY haunted:
Lorton Prison
Lorton Children's Ward
Glenn Dale
Ren Fair down in Stafford
Grounds of the former DC Village Hospital
Saint Elizabeths' East Campus

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: DirtyBlackSocks ()
Date: July 22, 2013 01:41PM

Only ghost experience I've ever had was when I was a kid, and it scared the crap out of me.

Sitting in the bath tub at about 8 years old, and a bunch of slashes start going through the bubbles around me - like some one was slicing through the bubbles with their hands, karate chopping if you will - get out of the bath tub screaming. Run into my parents room, but they weren't in there. See a shadow outside the door moving by like some one was running down the hallway.

Found out a long time later when I was 18 that some one had murdered their kid in the houses bath tub. Still creeps me out, and I don't know how else to explain what happened.

Used to think I was feeling hands crawling up my legs when I'd sleep in bed at that place too, hear things whispering my name from under the bed. That could all be chalked up to an over active imagination - but thin air physically moving the water around that I'm in convinced me there are some angry ghosts out there.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: prb65 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 01:48PM

1. I am not a nurse but my experience is hospital related. In the summer of 2001 I was going to the hospital to get all pre-op info for my hystorectomy. While at Anethesialogosts on the first floor (Near the ER and ER operating room) of the hospital I was waiting for the nurse to finish up the paperwork she was addressing. While sitting at the desk, I saw a woman in the hall walk into the womens bathroom. I needed to go and thought wow this will be fast, I can go now instead of waiting , so I excused myself. I never took my eyes off the bathroom door. I walked in fully expecting one of the stalls to be occupied or someone washing and there was no one in the bathroom. Whomever went in there just before me just vanished. I looked under the stalls and opened the stall doors... Nothing!

2. Perhaps my mind was playing ticks. I don't know. I have however had another event I know was unexplainable as I had a witness. I was 12 yrs old and we had just moved into our new home my parents had just built. My brother was old enough to work but did not have a drivers license yet. My sister age 9 at the time who was at home with just me while my parents left to get my brother from work. We were getting ready for bed. Her room was right next to mine and our brothers room was right across the hall from my room. As I was preparing for bed I was brsuhing my hair in front of my dresser mirror and was looking deep into my own eyes (the pupils) I was trying to envision what I would like being an old lady someday by just focusing on my eye and letting the rest of my face come out of focus. Thats when I heard a womans sobbing coming from outside my door. I called out to my sister but there was no answer and the sobbing stopped. I opened my door there was no one there. I walked over and knocked on her door and I asked her why she was crying. She opened her door and told me she was not crying. Just before she closed her door we both heard squeeking coming from my brothers room. I turned on the hall light to see and we both stood there aghast at what we saw. The corner of my brothers bed was bouncing, box springs and all and with each depression you could hear the springs squeeking. It was fast and furious. We both ran into my room and huddled on the bed until my parent came home. We have no pets, we were the only ones home and there is no explaination for the chain of events that happened. I slept with my light on for a VERY long time.

3.We stayed at a haunted bed and breakfast at Gettyburg. We had the whole down stairs to ourselves. Everyone was alseep and I ventured about in the house trying to catch EVPs, I then focused on my eyes in the a mirror and tried to see if perhaps this could trigger an event since I belive that might have triggeredwhat happened in my childhood. It turned out to be non eventful and I gave up and crawled into bed next to hubby who was sound asleep. Before I was able to drift of to sleep, right next to hubbys head around the night stand area inches from his head I heard a clanging of a chain against some other object. Sounded like a small pull chain like ones on a lamp, and it sounded like it was claging against the lamp. My husband is a sound sleeper and even this woke him up. As soon as he asked "what is that" we heard the chain hit the floor. We turned on the light and saw the lamp had no chain on it and never did because it is a switch lamp. We looked all over for anything that would have caused this ( under the bed, behind and under the night stand, all over the room. we found Nothing. When I retuened hom I listened to the EVP's not expecting to hear anything and biy were we in for a suprise! We hard loud healed boot stomping as if pacing back and forth and constant repition of GET OUT. Get out... stomp stomp stomp.. GET OOOUUUT! sometimes it was closer to the recorder other times it would stomp off and sound distant. Just kept repeating "get out" with one so loud that I thought the speakers were going to burst, also occasional bangs and what sounded like furniture banging and sliding.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: prb65 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 01:51PM

I have the EVP on my PC and have uploaded it if you want to listen. I will warn you TURN YOUR SPEAKERS TO LOW it is VERY loud.

This recording is from my stay as mentioned in the post above at a haunted B&B. This is the one I said was VERY LOUD. It sounds to me like "GET OUT.. NOW" in a very angered male voice. I have other EVP's from this recording session that I will post a link to it if I can remember where I saved the others on myPC. This recording was at night and the house was quiet.

Link to EVP http://www.ebaumsworld.com/audio/play/80924324/

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: tokmom ()
Date: July 22, 2013 02:03PM

Not a Fairfax County ghost story, but one that happened to my non believing son. He, at the time, was living in a dorm called Kamola on a college campus in Eastern WA. I guess there is a ghost there called Lola.
Lola was a young woman that lost her fiance to the war back around the turn of the century. She went to the attic of Kamola and hung herself.

My son scoffed at the stories and for months never heard a thing. Then one day he had a friend come dashing into his room, telling him to come quick. He raced to her room to hear this horrible scraping noise. They both lived on the third floor and Lola killed herself on the 4th. The noise was coming from above. An entire floor that had not been used in over 30 years.

Another time, shortly there after, my son went to take a shower. He always left is door unlocked to his dorm room. Many times, he'd go back and find it locked. He had to hunt down the RA to open up the door for him until he got smart and just took his keys with him.

The last straw for him, was a window that normally stuck and you had to use both hands to push it down. He was on the phone to me, when suddenly I heard, "OMG!" and then banging and crashing. I asked him what had happened. He said he was sitting there talking to me, when he saw his window slam shut. He jumped from his desk, knocking his junk aside and finished the conversation outside. He moved out 2 weeks later and never went back.

I used to tease him and when I'd visit, I'd sing the Barry Manilow song that had the lyrics, "Lola, she was a showgirl" but replace it with "Lola, she was from Kamola". I'd do it while walking down the dorm hallway. I never made her mad enough to come out.

Anyway, they closed the top floor of Kamola back in the 60's. They had way to many people hear crying and chairs scraping. The dorm is overflowing, but they won't open up that top floor to remodel it. It will remain sealed.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: caeRn ()
Date: July 22, 2013 02:10PM

i worked in ICU straight out of grad school. I had a patient who was dying and was all alone.
The family was there early in my shift. (7p-7a) We informed them he wasnt going to make it through
the night. They left anyway and told us NOT to call through the night. They said they will call in
the morning to see if he passed. They also told us they didnt need to see the body just send it along
with his belongings to the funeral home. I thought to myself, "you have got to be kidding me! how can
you leave your loved one. i felt sick for the patient." anyways long story short he was a DNR went
into lethal rhythm brady down and passed. Once i saw the monitor I did not want him to be alone in
his last moments. I asked the charge nurse to come in with me. We held his hand as he passed away.

I was very emotional for me being i was new at this. We completed postmortom care and as you all know
there are 3 tags. one goes on the toe and one goes on the outside of the bag after it is locked and
the other goes with the belongings. We filled all 3 tags out. I personally put tag on his toe. had
my charge double check it. We closed the bag double checking the tag was still on the toe. Once the
bag is closed the tag ties through the zipper so it can not be opened with out taking tag off. The
other tag was on the outside of personal belonging bag tied tightly. The supervisor came to get the
body and took it to the morge. Shortly after she left house keeping came in to clean the room. They
brought me out a tag filled out with his info on it. I looked at the charge nurse she said oh it must
have fallen of the bag. She called the supervisor and the bag tag along with the personal item tag was
intact. It was very freaky because I filled the tags out there were 3. I put toe tag on it was secure
and double checked prior to zipping the bag. The other 2 tags were in morgue. Where did this tag come
from? How did it get off the toe and out of the bag????

it was a cold chilloment for me.....

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: carolmaccas66 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 02:30PM

imintrouble Wrote:
> I was working as a private duty nurse overnight,
> for a vent dependent child. The house was an old
> remodeled farmhouse. Mom and Dad slept upstairs.
> One night I heard a woman humming. The sound was
> coming from the ceiling in the room where I was
> sitting. At first I thought it must be Mom
> upstairs, but ordinarily I could hear nothing from
> upstairs. No TV, no coversation. The humming
> eventually stopped. I wasnt' afraid at that time,
> but I don't think it came from upstairs. Also,
> night in this house was extremely uncomfortable.
> All the lights out. Whenever I had to walk into
> the main part of the house I felt like there was
> someone watching me. I dreaded it. The client
> always wanted his door closed, and his face
> covered. I always wondered what he didn't want to
> see, or what he didn't want to see him. I asked
> the day nurse if she'd heard any other night
> nurses report haunting activity. She scoffed at
> me, so I never mentioned it again.

When I was a nursing student I did a clinical placement at Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) located in Adelaide, Southern Australia; the largest and oldest teaching hospital in the state. The hospital dates from about 1840 or 1850 I think. Anyway we had handover one evening to the nightshift, and one of the male nurses who had been on a few nights ago told us a story that creeped me out. An elderly man had died not long before night shift was ending, (can't remember the diagnosis), and the doctor came and pronounced him dead. This nurse had been hurrying to get him washed, do the paperwork, etc so the morning staff would not have to do it. Well he did what he could, and was sitting in the nurses' station, head bent down finishing his work, when he felt a sudden presence and cold air. He looked up to the door of the nursing station, and there was this patient, less than a foot away from him, standing there fully dressed, smiling broadly and waving to him. This nurse kind of blinked (he was very tired and trying to stay awake), and the patient was suddenly gone. Of course, he rushed into the room the patient was in and there was the dead man, still laid out and very much dead. When he told us all, everyone was silent and I said it sounded like the patient came in to say goodbye and thank you for the care he had been given. The nurse said the dead man just looked happy and like he was ready to go when he was waving goodbye. So it's kind of a nice story, I like to think, instead of a ghost story.
The next story happened during the day at RAH. I used to work with the head Burns Surgeon there. Well I was all alone in my office (no-one else was in the department), and I heard the door open. I could not see the departmental door from my office door, so had to actually pull the chair over to see who would be walking by. It was the head of the burns unit, and I needed to ask him something fairly urgently re the OR/theatre list. I asked if he was free and he was always willing to talk, and joke around. Well today he just walked on by and kind of grunted, so I decided to leave it till later when he had finished in the OR (I knew that day he was in the OR all day). I thought he had finished or was on a break as he had on casual clothes. These clothes consisted of faded blue jeans, and a yellow/orange/red tie-dye t-shirt. Anyway he went into the back room & I continued working in my office. A bit later, I went in there cos I really had to get this OR/theatre list sent off for the next week. I said I really need to talk to you but he kind of just grunted again, working on the computer so I said will you come see me later and he said 'yeah'. I remember thinking he must be really busy today.

Well, a bit later I went back into the room and he was gone. This puzzled me because to get out the main door, he needed to go by me, but there was an emergency kind of 'old' door at the back of the department which was rarely used, and it didn't lead down to the OR. But I was so busy I didn't dwell on it.

Later in the afternoon, the burns surgeon came in in his green scrubs, obviously from the OR. I said did you go back down to the OR. He was puzzled and said what are you talking about? I relayed how I had seen him in the department, in casual clothes (described them), and had seen him in the other office on the computer. He looked at me strangely and replied: 'Carol, I have not been out of the OR since early this morning'. He was a real joker and I said stop mucking about etc, but he was serious. Later, one of the registrars, who had been with him in the OR, told me he was telling the truth. The burns surgeon could not explain the clothes either; he didn't own a t-shirt like that at all. And he had been so close to me in the other office, I could have touched him; he had looked as real as my own hand.

Explain that one! My gf said it maybe was an out of body experience??
At Royal Perth Hospital (in WA), my very first job there was in the old, original building. Firstly, it was ALWAYS cold in that building. We used to complain about it constantly. Heaters didn't ever seem to banish that cold - it would get into your bones. Everything seemed to be icy to the touch (even on a 40oC+ day, I remember getting chills). I wasn't working as a nurse then, but I did stay back sometimes to finish work so I wouldn't have to do it the next day. It was always SO dark in those rooms and going to the old loos at the back of the building used to creep me out. There used to be creeks out in the hallways, and when I went out to check, no-one was ever there (everyone else would have gone home). I stopped staying back after a while, & ensured I wasn't ever the last one out of the building.

I was also told that some of the old nurses (who trained there and became nurse managers), talked of an old fashioned, grey figured nurse (with the cap, apron & billowing gown) that used to be seen doing the rounds of the wards in the hospital - she was seen during the day and at night. Someone did a bit of digging into the hospital history, and there was a long-dead matron who used to do the rounds of every ward before she started work, and when she finished. What a dedicated nurse she must have been!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: carolmaccas66 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 02:35PM

My Mum told me this story many years ago......
My grandma used to be a nurse way back in the olden days. She is dead now, & I don't think they ever had formal training then.

Well she used to live & work in an old miner's home (as in mining coal) when she was 15. Nobody really stayed at school in those days - at 14 years old or so you were sent out to work. She had done all her work for the day and was on her bed reading or whatever. Well this miner's home was really, really old & used to be an old mansion or something with a lot of history. Anyway my grandma felt a really cold wind all of a sudden & looked up at her sparsely furnished room, & got the biggest shock of her life. There was an old dressing table in the room, and this spirit/ghost in very old fashioned dress (like a ballgown) drifted through the stone wall, sat down at the dressing table, & started brushing her hair (my grandma couldn't remember if the brush was one the ghost had or the one on the table). Anyway my grandma just stared at this lady, who dreamily gazed in the mirror brushing her hair. My gran wasn't scared or anything but the room had turned very cold. Well this ghost sat there for a few minutes, finished brushing her hair, looked at my gran, smiled and drifted out through the wall. My gran said she could see THROUGH this ghost, & she was never scared. She never told anyone, feeling that it was something private. She ended up moving on, changing jobs, getting married etc but never forgot this experience, because she just felt calm.
She had many ghost stories she told my Mum. I often wish she was still alive so I could get more!

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Aleonard13 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 02:36PM

i used to have a friend that lived in savannah GA and i went down there to help her get ready to move out. the reason she and her 2 other room mates was leaving was because every night the one girl would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and feeling as if someone was choking her. she said it felt like a man and he was a dark figure and he would whisper "die b**** die" in her ear. then the room mates would rush into her room and there would be no one there. one day my friend was alone and in the bathroom and she heard a man whistle in her ear and when she looked around and found no one she heard a man's voice laughing. the last straw was one morning they woke up and on the hall closet door was a child's writing all over the bottom half of the door. in the middle was a drawing of a house which looked like kinda like the house they lived in with an X over one of the rooms and all around the drawing in a spiral was the words "i see i see i see i see i see" and in the middle by the house drawing was a big "YOU" so it said " i see i see i see i see YOU". they tried painting over it and it wouldn't disappear. i saw this with my two own eyes when i was there to help her pack. i almost passed out when i heard the story and saw the drawing.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Dan/Williamsburg 2010 ()
Date: July 22, 2013 02:41PM

November 2010,my wife and I were waiting to be seated at one of the taverns. I was warming my hands over the open fire at the edge of the street. Several photos were taken, and the following odd ghostly figure showed up in the background.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: LeiaT ()
Date: July 22, 2013 02:55PM

I have quite a few stores from working on the Med-Surg and Psych units for the past three years. I'll start with the first paranormal experience that I had (at the hospital, at least):

I was newly out of nursing school and just started being charge nurse on med-surg when this incident occured. On our med-surg unit, night shift charge takes the same patient load as all of the other nurses. On the first night of my weekend trio of shifts, I had assigned myself a patient that I'll call Mrs. G. Mrs. G. was a morbidly obese lady with a small bowel obstruction who had refused to have an NG tube placed. No big deal, really, I guess, since she was NPO and not having and n/v at the time. Anyway, I got the creepiest feeling from her that Friday night for some reason. She said something about how she usually talks to her dead mother (which I don't think is strange at all). Like I said, she just gave me an uneasy feeling.

Fast fwd to the next night. For some reason she had changed rooms, so I didn't mind one bit to assign her to another nurse. At one point during the night, she had pressed the call button. I couldn't understand what she said over the intercom, so I walked down to her room to see what she had asked for. She wanted some water, so I went and got her some. When I came back to the room, she told me something that I thought was awfully peculiar. I can remember exactly what she said: "They had a party for me today." I asked, "Who did?" She replies (with a huge smile on her face) "My friends and family. Some I haven't seen in 20 years!" I say "Wow! They must have come from far away!" I know that my eyes got huge when she clarified-- "No! They have been dead for that long! It was the most beautiful party."

It really made me wonder why a 40-something year old seemingly sane woman would say something like this. I got my answer about two hours later when a white-faced co-worked walked out of Mrs. G's room and yelled that we needed to call a code. It was too late for Mrs. G. It looked like she had died at least thirty minutes before we found her. I immediatly understood what she meant by her "party." It must have been a going away party!!

Re: Black Eyed Children Report From Someone Who Let Them In
Posted by: Black-Eyed Businessman ()
Date: July 22, 2013 03:11PM

Black Eyed Children Report Wrote:
> The Marine and the BEKs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lgarci Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Black Eyed Woman Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > My wife told me this creepy story last
> night.
> > > It
> > > > doesn't take place in VA, but in Oakland CA
> > > where
> > > > her parents live.
> > > > Lately there have been several shootings in
> > the
> > > > area (more than normal) and that funeral
> home
> > > they
> > > > have on international
> > > > drive has been getting alot of business.
> > > >
> > > > A few weeks ago, my Father and
> mother-in-laws
> > > were
> > > > driving through Oakland at around 2am in
> the
> > > > morning. My mother-in-law
> > > > works as a live in hospice nurse and only
> has
> > a
> > > > day or so off. She was coming back at 2am
> > after
> > > > having the evening off. While
> > > > they were driving to her job, they saw a
> > woman
> > > > standing on the corner next to the funeral
> > home
> > > > with a dress on and dressed
> > > > somewhat nicely (sunday best?). They saw
> her
> > at
> > > > the corner while they were stopped at the
> > > > intersection, and noticed that
> > > > the woman smiled at them. They also noticed
> > > that
> > > > her eyes were black. My in-laws were
> > frightened
> > > > and drove away as fast as
> > > > they could. So then my father-in-law drops
> > off
> > > my
> > > > mother-in-law at her work and wonders if
> that
> > > > ghost woman he saw at the
> > > > corner will be there on the way back
> > > > (Unfortunately, he would have to go through
> > > that
> > > > same intersection). On his way back,
> > > > she was still there at the corner, and this
> > > time
> > > > he was stuck at the light there at the
> > > > intersection. She actually waved
> > > > to him and he noticed again she had black
> > eyes.
> > > > Seemed like she was trying to get him to
> come
> > > over
> > > > and pick her up.
> > > > Naturally when the light turned green, he
> > sped
> > > out
> > > > of that intersection to get home.
> > > >
> > > > No one seems to know who she is, but they
> all
> > > seem
> > > > to agree that her funeral was probably
> > through
> > > the
> > > > funeral home there
> > > > on that street. As to why she was on that
> > > street
> > > > between 2am and 3am, I think she was
> looking
> > > for
> > > > "Victims".
> > > >
> > > > I did some research and came across BEK's -
> > > Black
> > > > eyed kids that seemed to match.
> > > >
> > >
> >
> http://mysteriousuniverse.org/tag/black-eyed-kids/
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > About 4 or 5 years ago I was walking down a
> > bike
> > > path in the back of my house with my step
> > > daughter. when I saw 2 boys leaning against
> > their
> > > bikes up ahead. I didn’t really think much
> > about
> > > it (since it is a bike path) until one of the
> > kids
> > > raised his head up and looked me straight in
> > the
> > > eye. That’s when fear struck me so hard I
> was
> > > stopped dead in my tracks. His eyes were
> black
> > and
> > > hollow, like he didn’t have a sole. It was
> > like
> > > looking at pure evil, at least that’s the
> way
> > I
> > > described it when I recounted the incident
> > later
> > > that evening to my husband and my other
> > daughter.
> > > I immediately led my step daughter off the
> > path,
> > > cut through someones yard and walked out to
> the
> > > street . I didn’t know what I had
> encountered
> > at
> > > the time but now I am quite sure it was the
> > black
> > > eyed children. I don’t know what they are,
> but
> > I
> > > know they are dangerous. It was so weird I
> > thought
> > > that my step daughter would also be aware of
> > what
> > > I perceived to be impending danger , but she
> > was
> > > completely oblivious, even when I led her off
> > the
> > > path and onto the street. I somehow knew I
> had
> > to
> > > get out of there NOW. Surprisingly they
> > appeared
> > > normal in every other aspect ( except for the
> > eyes
> > > of course), and a vague awareness that they
> > > didn’t quite fit into the environment. I
> only
> > > saw the eyes of one of them because the other
> > kid
> > > had his back to me . He looked to be around
> 13
> > or
> > > 14, flannel shirt and jeans, and a swarthy
> > > complection. Now that I have been reading
> about
> > > these encounters it peaks my curiosity but i
> > > wouldn’t want to run into them again .
> >
> >
> > The Marine and the Black-Eyed Kids
> >
> http://paranormal.about.com/od/demonsandexorcism/a
> > /marine-black-eyed-kids.htm
> >
> > You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is
> > tougher than a U.S. Marine. These soldiers are
> > trained in combat, survival and to face the
> threat
> > of imminent bodily harm or death. But perhaps
> > they're not quite prepared when it comes to
> > encounters with the unknown. Consider this
> report
> > from a Marine, using the name Reaper 3-1, who
> had
> > an unexpected and altogether unnerving
> experience
> > with the mysterious phenomenon of the
> black-eyed
> > people. To make it even more harrowing, these
> > black-eyed entities appeared to be small kids.
> > This is the Marine's story....
> >
> > I'M A MARINE stationed at Camp Lejeune, North
> > Carolina. I live in the infantry barracks off
> of
> > River Road. I recently had a rather strange
> > encounter with a pair of black-eyed kids.
> >
> > I live on the third floor of the barracks that
> > have open walkways on the outside and the rooms
> on
> > the inside. This happened on a weekend back in
> > November, 2009. It was a weekend, so almost
> every
> > Marine was out, either home, drinking or
> sleeping;
> > only a handful were left in the barracks awake.
> > I'd stayed in that weekend because I was broke
> and
> > had no money to go out.
> >
> > I was watching a movie when I heard a knock at
> my
> > door. Figuring it was my roommate who'd lost
> his
> > key again, I went and opened it. Instead of a
> > drunken roommate, I found two little kids
> standing
> > on the walkway - only these kids freaked the
> hell
> > out of me. I don't know what it was about them,
> > but as a Marine we're always told to listen to
> > that little voice in your head, because it just
> > might save your life from an IED (improvised
> > explosive device). Right then that voice was
> > screaming at me to shut the door and lock it.
> >
> >
> > There was also the fact that these kids had
> > absolutely pitch-black eyes. I mean no white or
> > any other color to them whatsoever - just
> black.
> > But I pushed those things aside and asked them
> > what they were doing there so late. They
> responded
> > by saying that it was really cold out and they
> > wanted to come in and read. I was confused as
> > hell, because I've never met a kid that wants
> to
> > read. Also, there was no mention of any parents
> or
> > anything else you'd expect a lost couple of
> kids
> > to say.
> >
> > I couldn't take my eyes of their pitch-black
> eyes;
> > it was like they were sucking me in. I felt
> > horrible and was suddenly frightened for my
> life,
> > like I needed to immediately take cover. They
> just
> > stared at me, with those goddam eyes.
> >
> > I took a quick look up and down the walkway to
> see
> > if any other Marines were out, but there was
> > nobody in site. I turned back to the kids who I
> > noticed had taken a step forward toward me. I
> got
> > the feeling like I was being hunted, like these
> > kids where predators and out for their next
> meal
> > or something. Instinct gave way to reason and I
> > decided to listen to that voice and shut the
> door
> > and locked it.
> >
> > I heard soft constant knocking for the next
> five
> > minutes before I heard my window rattle and
> then
> > nothing. I went down to the officer on duty the
> > next morning and asked him about it and he said
> he
> > hadn't heard of or seen any kids in the area at
> > all, and dismissed it saying that I'd probably
> had
> > too much to drink last night. Only I hadn't
> been
> > drinking at all or anything like that that
> night.
> > I don't know what or who those kids were, but I
> > doubt any of the families here would let their
> > kids wander around at night on a military base.
> >
> > As we have heard in many other stories of
> > black-eyed people, they often ask to be invited
> > in. They don't try to barge in... they don't
> > threaten... they only seem to need their
> targets
> > to voluntarily allow them into their homes. For
> > what purpose? What would happen if they were
> > allowed in? Who are these black-eyed beings?
> Black Eyed Children Report From Someone Who Let
> Them In
> http://pararational.com/black-eyed-children-let-th
> em-in/
> Is this evidence of what happens if you let a BEK
> into your home?
> This report of what happens if you let Black Eyed
> Children into your home comes completely 4th hand.
> So believe it if you will. It is edited for
> spelling because I couldn’t stand looking at all
> the red misspelling squiggles as I get ready to
> post this. The lack of periods, I left…
> I have read many accounts of these black eyed kids
> but I don’t think any really come close to what
> happened to me when I let two into my house. Some
> people think that if you let them in that the will
> kill you, obviously I can say this is not true.
> This is what happened, I was sitting in my bedroom
> at home when I heard a knock on the door, it was
> not too late so I didn’t hesitate opening the
> door to whoever it was. when I opened it there was
> two children standing there, both were looking at
> the floor. “yes ” I said, the taller one asked
> if they could come in as they were lost and the
> other boy needed the toilet. I live in an area
> where it is very easy to get lost, so I just
> assumed that they were telling the truth and was
> looking down because they were shy, even though
> the one talking, spoke very confidently. so I let
> them in, the one who needed the toilet just walked
> in and straight up the stairs so I shouted up its
> on the right, I don’t know why I didn’t find
> this strange but most toilets are upstairs and as
> he was young I didn’t think anything of it.
> I told the other one that the phone was down the
> hall, “thanks” he said and he started to walk
> down the hall, I followed him and then I suddenly
> came over with a really awful feeling like
> something bad was going to happen, I became very
> nervous and a bit shaky I still cant explain how
> that happened, the boy stopped at the phone and
> paused, “everything OK?” I asked, he turned to
> me and looked up and that’s when I saw his eyes,
> and trust me I will never get that picture out of
> my head, I was so scared that I couldn’t even
> scream as I turned to run down the hall the other
> kid was standing at the end.
> I became very dizzy and struggled to stand up, he
> walked closer to me and said that they had been
> sent to collect me, I still couldn’t bear to
> look into his face, I pushed away from him and ran
> into my front room and slammed the door shut, I
> was in so much shock about what was happening I
> couldn’t think straight, this is something that
> you don’t even expect to happen even in movies.
> after standing against the door for around and
> hour or so I finally got the courage to make a run
> for the back door, so I ran to it and unlocked it,
> I ran to the back of my garden and jumped over the
> fence not once looking back.
> my friend lived close so I ran to his house, I
> told him the story and as I guessed he was a bit
> skeptic about what I had said. I convinced him to
> come back with me, when we got there we looked
> around the whole house but couldn’t find them.
> ever since this happened I always have a dream
> that this kids with the black eyes stand over my
> bed with there hands stretching to me, I hope to
> god that I never see these again.”
> This was supposedly posted on haunteddiary.com but
> as at the time of this writing, that site is no
> longer there. If anyone has an original source
> for me to cite, please leave me a comment and let
> me know!
> As for what they would have done if the author
> hadn’t bolted away from the house, I don’t
> care to venture. I have read several reports that
> have mentioned the BEK coming to “collect”
> someone. Is this just an artifact of stories
> being retold on the Internet, or is a common
> feature to Black Eyed Children encounters. Still
> working on the answer to that one.

After seeing so many stories about "The Black Eyed People," I decided to do a little research. So I looked up a few different places and really could not find a lot about them. Not long after that, I got an instant message from a friend of mine who lives in Queensland, Australia. I'll call her Jenny. She asked what I was doing. I told her I was just researching some strange people.

After a minute, she started telling me this story that happened to her about five years ago. Keep in mind, I never mentioned anything about black-eyed people.

She says that right after her 30th birthday, she was heading home from a concert. She was about 90 miles away from home and had to stop for gas (petrol, she called it). So she filled up and went inside to pay. She then decided that she had better go to the bathroom since she still had a bit of a drive ahead of her.

When she came back out, she went to grab a drink for the road. But when she turned around to pay, there was a man standing just a few feet behind her. He was wearing a business suit with a long black coat over that. When she went to pass him, he looked up at her. Apparently, where the eyes are supposed to be, there were only two big black holes. Everything else looked completely normal about this guy except he had NO EYES!

She froze dead in her tracks. He continued to stare at her with a really intimidating stare. She finally caught her senses back and just said, "Excuse me," walked on by up to the counter, handed him money, told him to keep the change and bolted out of there.

She says that the feeling that came over her upon seeing his face was nothing of this world. Sheer terror. An immediate sense of danger and dread like nothing ever experienced before. All she had in her mind was to get away as fast as possible.

Again, I never even mentioned anything about black-eyed people before she told me about this. I then told her that I was researching that exact thing. She freaked out. Whether that is true or not, I don't know for sure, but she made a very convincing argument to me, and I honestly believe her.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: CaLLaCoDe ()
Date: July 23, 2013 07:01AM

Had a creepy thing happen to me early this morning at home. I awoke early upon my bed around 4:30 and heard what sounded like a man's droning speech in the mattress. I tried to make sense of the words he was saying but all was a low incomprehensible brumble. I perceived that this could be an intruder and worried about my daughter's safety. My dog was snoring at the time and perhaps didn't hear the intruder; and I could definitely differentiate between our dog and the voice in the mattress. I got up from and went downstairs stealthily to check on things.
Cautiously I opened up the downstairs bathroom which I suspected was the place where the noise was coming from. Nothing. I then opened the door to the garage and no sign of living or undead, thank God! Oddly I did have a smell on my person that reminded me of my past life of having worked on a Step Down unit with patients on ventilators, whose time spent on my unit could last years. You know that smell on one's uniform that when you enter your home your spouse says for you to stop dead in your tracks and tear off your clothes, burn them, and head straight for the shower!

After coming back to my room and lying down I heard no more of the constant drone. Perhaps my imagination, but rarely am I spooked. Perhaps a visitation by a passed patient who could not have spoken to me while having had been trached, who knows?

My wife stated she had a rough night, perhaps her snores went into the mattress? But the icky smell that accompanied it, who can explain that! I do note that a couple of hours after rising, no more gross smell lingered in my nose or on my person.

I would not have been so spooked by this incident had it not been for the tandem sensory stimuli. Together they were effective at making me question my reasoning.

Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Marieke ()
Date: July 23, 2013 07:07AM

Witching Hour Wrote:
> curiousauntie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have been told that 3AM is the "witching
> hour",
> > the most powerful time of the night for spells
> and
> > the time that spirits are most active. Why 3
> and
> > not midnight I have no idea. I am very
> interested
> > in paranormal activities and most of these
> posts
> > are very interesting, except for
> schroders_piano
> > post about the possession...that has freaked me
> > out for 2 days...and will probably continue to.
> I
> > copied and pasted it and sent it to my sister
> (not
> > a nurse) as I am sure it will freak her out
> too.
> > Misery loves company!!!
> The Witching Hour refers to midnight. The reason
> most supernatural activity happens around 3am,
> refers to the time period that the devil uses. It
> is the opposite of 3pm, in which most christians
> believe that Jesus died on the Cross.
> 3am marks the start of "Dead Time". Everyone is
> usually asleep or quiet, energies are low, there
> isn't too much noise, lights etc... It's the
> perfect time for ghosts, spirits and entities to
> come out and use electrical energy and our
> own energy to be active. By them doing this, they
> cause electrical equipment to switch on/off and
> malfunction and when they're around dogs
> definitely notice and try to let everyone know!
> The Witching Hour (Midnight)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witching_hour
> "Dead Time"
> http://theparanormalsociety.blogspot.com
> http://www.moonslipper.com/ghosts.html

Hello! I am not a nurse, but am fascinated by all the ghost stories on this site. My late husband was a Native American Traditional Healer who actually worked at a health clinic in Canada counseling Aboriginal clients. I was his assistant and worked with the clinic's wonderful and dedicated nursing staff.

You are correct in your observations about 3 am being somewhat of a "witching hour". My husband was taught by Native Elders (through the oral tradition of his people) that the Negative powers work mostly during the odd hours, particularly at night. Thus, you will find certain "negative" things happen at the odd hours of the night and sometimes the day. He used to wake at 1am, 3am and 5am -- like clockwork -- and said he could sometimes feel the negative energy in the air. At those times he would pray to the Creator for protection for himself and those he loved. Sometimes, he said that if you get that feeling that something dark or negative is around at these times, you can acknowledge it and ask it to leave without harming anyone. Native people often acknowledge such things by laying tobacco.

My late husband passed away in the ICU of a hospital surrounded by his family and caring nurses. One time, a couple of months before his death, he was in a regular ward of the hospital, in a shared room, awaiting the results of some tests. He had severe COPD and was on oxygen. Being a "medicine person" he was very sensitive to paranormal activity and was used to seeing "spirits." It was particularly hard for him to stay in a hospital because he said that there were a lot of spirits in hospitals and he could get little rest because he would see them and they would also come into his dreams.

At the time of the incident described here, I was 100 kilometers away at home (I would drive in to the city every day to visit him) asleep in my bed. Our 3 dogs were asleep in the same room with me. My two youngest dogs all of a sudden woke up and were very restless, whining and barking. I looked at the clock-- it was 3:07 am. I sensed something was not right and got up to calm them down and try to figure out what was going on. Then the phone rang. My heart skipped a beat, as call display showed it was the hospital. A nurse was calling me to tell me that an incident just occurred with my husband.

The staff found him almost passed out in the hallway of the hospital -- his oxygen tube was, of course, out of his nose. They got him back in his bed, and once he was revived enough he told the nurses that when he woke up his room was different -- it had file cabinets in it and there were people sitting at desks. He tried to get the attention of the nursing desk that was right outside his room door, but no one was there. So he got up from his bed and started looking for someone and eventually wandered down a hallway and ran out of oxygen.

The nurse on the phone was frightened by what he was saying, and got even more upset when I told her that I wasn't surprised at all by her call and that the dogs had woken me up to alert me that something was not right. The nurse assured me that they would assign someone to sit beside my husband the rest of the night.

The following day, I went early to see my husband. He told me that the nurse, an Aboriginal woman, was totally freaked out, especially when someone told her his background. Later that day, the hospital approved transferring my husband to our local hospital, saying they did not have the staff to be with him 24/7. All my husband would say about his experience was that he thought that his room in the hospital had been used as an office or something, and that the spirits of those people were still there, along with a number of patients who passed away in the room after it was converted to a hospital room.

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