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re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: sorengard ()
Date: July 10, 2009 10:37AM

I got a reckless driving ticket on Rt.66 - 83 in a 60 zone. It's a Class 1 Misdemeanor, mandatory court appearance. Anyone dealt with this in Fairfax County General Traffic Court? Do I need to hire a lawyer to get it reduced?

My record is OK - two prior speeding tickets (10-15 over) in the last three years.

Advice welcomed.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Advisor ()
Date: July 10, 2009 10:39AM

sorengard Wrote:
> Advice welcomed.

Don't drive so fast.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: July 10, 2009 10:59AM

you're going to jail

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Bad Cop No Donut ()
Date: July 10, 2009 11:03AM

I spent $1200 on a lawyer a couple of years ago; got it reduced to a 1-9 miles over the speed limit.

I have seen quite a few reckless drivers in court that didn't bring a lawyer, some with -12 points on their driving record. They were found guilty, but the judge never gave heavy fines or suspension of license.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: July 10, 2009 11:12AM

"Anyone dealt with this in Fairfax County General Traffic Court?"
Nope, no one has ever dealt with this, EVER. You are the 1st. Please let us know what happens.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Ponch ()
Date: July 10, 2009 01:07PM

Take your lumps and go to court. Oh, please quit endagering the rest of us out there. Tired of getting rear ended, there is a law for a good reason.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: ffxstoner ()
Date: July 10, 2009 01:53PM

nah don't get a lawyer unless you have 1k you don't mind spending its to minor of a violation

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: July 10, 2009 03:11PM

I didn't bring a lawyer to my reckless driving.

All i got was

172.00 doller fine
like 4 points or something like that

I would take a driver ed class before you go, that can help your chances of getting it reduced.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Victor ()
Date: July 10, 2009 03:22PM

Sounds like my old situation. I received a reckless during the whole civil remedial garbage.

I didnt go to jail but I had to pay 1050.00 for the civil remedial fee, court fees, and a lawyer fee.

I had two previous speeding tickets about a two years apart.

My lawyer did whatever he did and I didnt get my license suspended but I did get put on one year driving probation or whatever its called. Basically if I get any moving violation within that year, my license is suspended.

In the end, I got my 1050.00 back for the remedial fee and got another ticket on Dulles Toll road the day before my probation was over. Went to DMV a month later and my license wasnt suspended. haha.

Good luck!

sorengard Wrote:
> I got a reckless driving ticket on Rt.66 - 83 in a
> 60 zone. It's a Class 1 Misdemeanor, mandatory
> court appearance. Anyone dealt with this in
> Fairfax County General Traffic Court? Do I need
> to hire a lawyer to get it reduced?
> My record is OK - two prior speeding tickets
> (10-15 over) in the last three years.
> Advice welcomed.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Raza1587 ()
Date: July 11, 2009 11:47AM

Hey i got a reckless driving ticket last night becuase a girl was follwoing too close to me and we were doing 106 when the cop got us but he let me go and gave me a ticket and i have to show up in court, this is my third ticket i have ever recieved and the cop said i have a -3 points but lastime i checked it was +2 points, should i get a lawyer and what should i do??? please help!!!

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Raza1587 ()
Date: July 11, 2009 11:50AM

Im sorry but we were on route 28 and the speed limit was 55 and the cop got us 106 and plus the other girls lights were blindin me eyesight so thats why i was trying to get away from her

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: OK? ()
Date: July 11, 2009 12:07PM

Three speeding tickets in three years means you speed all the time. Slow down before you kill somebody.

Be very glad I'm not the judge, because I'd wipe the shit-eating grin right off your stupid face, speedboy.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: July 11, 2009 12:40PM

you are going to jail....i am sorry

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: reckless ()
Date: July 13, 2009 03:17PM

I got the exact same ticket. 80 in a 60 on 66 West. The trooper was a dick, it turned to 65 <1 mile ahead.

I'm going to court tomorrow in Manassas, I'll tell you how it goes.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: NonAsian ()
Date: July 13, 2009 03:59PM

OK? Wrote:
> Three speeding tickets in three years means you
> speed all the time. Slow down before you kill
> somebody.
> Be very glad I'm not the judge, because I'd wipe
> the shit-eating grin right off your stupid face,
> speedboy.

Three speeding tickets in three years means your driving normal.

Three speeding tickets in one year, you should slow down.

Three speeding tickets in 6 months, Your speeding.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: welcome to the booking desk ()
Date: July 13, 2009 09:24PM

Raza1587 Wrote:
> Hey i got a reckless driving ticket last night
> becuase a girl was follwoing too close to me and
> we were doing 106 when the cop got us but he let
> me go and gave me a ticket and i have to show up
> in court, this is my third ticket i have ever
> recieved and the cop said i have a -3 points but
> lastime i checked it was +2 points, should i get a
> lawyer and what should i do??? please help!!!

pack a toothbrush and some KY to make your life easier, youll need it

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: yo yo ma ()
Date: July 14, 2009 02:43PM

hey there..

i had a reckless ticket doing 77 in a 45 on rt 50.. I was on my friends motorcycle and had a motorcycle permit at the time - no license.. i had already had one previous speeding ticket in ffx. I went to court w/o a lawyer and the judge dropped the driving without a license, but gave me a 60 day suspension of license and 200 $ fine for the reckless.

For me, I'm still not sure whether I would've been better off paying the lawyer his (already discounted) rate of $1000, or having my license suspended for 2 months, which wasn't that big of a deal for me personally.

I went for the free initial meeting with a lawyer, and he basically said to do this:
1. get a copy of your driving record from the dmv so that you know exactly what they'll see (i'm almost positive they'll see your last tickets)
2. DEFINATELY take a driver improvement class that is certified by VA DMV before you go to court; when you take the class, make sure that you mark the reason for attending as "voluntary"
3. Bring proof of community service / transcripts / proof of employment / etc to make you look good (although my judge proceeded so quickly that i didn't get a chance to show him)

and yeah thats about it.. if you do end up getting your license suspended, and are in there without a laywer, ask the judge if you can get a restricted license, so that you can drive to work and back..

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: drive like hell. and get there quicker ()
Date: July 14, 2009 07:23PM

hopefully you will be a future wheel chock for your reckless behavior and not endanger anyone else

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: do ()
Date: July 15, 2009 12:22PM

Call Demetry Pikrallidas 703-267-2600

He got my cased knocked out

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: jhey ()
Date: July 15, 2009 01:30PM

Reckless driving? Better call Saul!

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: AThought ()
Date: July 15, 2009 01:46PM

If you had two prior moving violations in 3 years you may be a negative point balance (the judge will ask about your record if you are convicted).

Depending on your record and more importantly the judge you draw that day you could face anything from a small fine to a possible loss of your license (with or without a suspended license permitted).

A lawyer may be able to reduce the charge. You can always appeal if you don't like the result.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: KristaD ()
Date: July 15, 2009 01:50PM

I always though anything over 80mph will turn out bad in VA.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Aaron ()
Date: July 16, 2009 08:49AM

get a lawyer, i got a reckless few years ago on the toll road got it reduced to failure to obey a highway sign

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: dumbass ()
Date: July 16, 2009 07:01PM

100 in a 55 at 0230 on 28... paced speed

How bad is its going to be?


Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: July 17, 2009 12:05AM

Raza1587 Wrote:
> Hey i got a reckless driving ticket last night
> becuase a girl was follwoing too close to me and
> we were doing 106 when the cop got us but he let
> me go and gave me a ticket and i have to show up
> in court, this is my third ticket i have ever
> recieved and the cop said i have a -3 points but
> lastime i checked it was +2 points, should i get a
> lawyer and what should i do??? please help!!!

106 mph? That's 16 days in jail.

Anything over 90 mph is a day in jail for every 1 mph above 90.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: July 17, 2009 12:06AM

dumbass Wrote:
> 100 in a 55 at 0230 on 28... paced speed
> How bad is its going to be?
> Thx.

10 days in jail.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: jackass ()
Date: July 29, 2009 09:43PM

yeah i just got the same thing, but i was on my motorcycle, learners permit, state trooper said he paced me at 100 in a 55. I have 2 witnesses that surely didn't see him even pace me. Total proof, just a matter of whether the judge will believe me over the cop. Most likely going to get a lawyer anyhow, but don't want to spend a ridiculous amount. Any recommendations on good lawyers who know how to drop a case?

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 29, 2009 09:47PM

I am curious who these two witness are. In any event, you need to be more specific about what you think a "lot" is. I paid 750 for a reckless defense once and did not walk.

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: jackass ()
Date: July 29, 2009 09:48PM

oh yeah, I have a +5 driving record with absolutely NO tickets ever! How does the outcome look?

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: jackass ()
Date: July 29, 2009 09:50PM

One witness was beside me doing the same speed as me, which definately was not 100, however she didnt pull over, she kept going. Another witness was approximately 200 yards behind the cop. Both were licensed motorcycle riders, the one behind the cop pulled over with me. By a lot, i mean over 1500, I saw a lawyer today and he said 2500. Too much for me...

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: July 30, 2009 01:00AM

sorengard Wrote:
> I got a reckless driving ticket on Rt.66 - 83 in a
> 60 zone. It's a Class 1 Misdemeanor, mandatory
> court appearance. Anyone dealt with this in
> Fairfax County General Traffic Court? Do I need
> to hire a lawyer to get it reduced?
> My record is OK - two prior speeding tickets
> (10-15 over) in the last three years.
> Advice welcomed.

You don't need a lawyer if you know the system, but since you sound inexperienced with such, and you're facing Up to 1 Year in Jail, I would say go ahead and get a lawyer. (BTW, first related offense you will most likely never see the inside of a cell, but err on the side of caution).

Re: re: Reckless Driving
Posted by: boredinFairfax ()
Date: August 03, 2009 04:47PM

read this: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/6/115770.html
It has a lot of good information

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