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Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Fairfaxian999 ()
Date: September 28, 2015 03:05PM

Despite all her efforts, Sheriff Stacey Kincaid cannot slip away from public demands for justice after the murder of Natasha McKenna and Kincaid's subsequent coverup. Stories from FOX news and WTOP come on the heels of the NAACP Rally that took place on the very steps of the Sheriff's Office. The tone of this debate has certainly changed...



Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Fairfaxian999 ()
Date: September 28, 2015 03:07PM

Hey Stacey...
discuss treatment.jpg

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: BlackLivesDontMatter ()
Date: September 28, 2015 03:22PM

I don't think you understand the definition of a coverup..... The Sheriff released the entire video of the incident. That is the antithesis of a coverup.

Natasha McKenna was not mistreated.

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Why ()
Date: September 28, 2015 03:30PM

Why do we care who the sheriff is
Really, how does it affect me?

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: hack.. ()
Date: September 28, 2015 04:17PM

The OP is a hack for the other guy running. The OP is most likely an employee unhappy with his current boss.

The protest was a total joke. Nobody even cares.

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Fairfaxian999 ()
Date: September 28, 2015 05:49PM

@BLDM wow... waiting months to release a video while preventing even other law enforcement agencies from gathering evidence. That is not transparency. And "Natasha not mistreated" - really? Last time I checked, being tasered to death was definitely mistreatment.

@Why "Do we care who the sheriff is?" too stupid a comment to merit rebuttal.

@hack just because you don't care doesn't mean a lot of other people don't care.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2015 05:57PM by Fairfaxian999.

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Black Lives Dont Matter ()
Date: September 28, 2015 06:00PM

Fairfaxian999 Wrote:
> @BLDM wow... waiting months to release a video
> while preventing even other law enforcement
> agencies from gathering evidence. That is not
> transparency.

The video was released the same day that the prosecutors office concluded their investigation and determined that no criminal act had occurred. The prosecutors office had the video before that, and were conducting an on-going investigation. Once again, the entire video was released, which is the definition of transparency.

> @Why "Do we care who the sheriff is?" too
> stupid a comment to merit rebuttal.

The comment is correct though, 99% of people DON'T care who the sheriff is. It doesn't make a difference who the sheriff is, they all do the same exact thing.

> @hack just because you don't care doesn't mean a
> lot of other people don't care.

We know you're someone from the Wolfe campaign, so just stop embarrassing yourself. You don't care about Natasha McKenna either, you're just trying to use it as a campaign tool.

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Why ()
Date: September 28, 2015 06:07PM

Fairfaxian999 Wrote:
> @BLDM wow... waiting months to release a video
> while preventing even other law enforcement
> agencies from gathering evidence. That is not
> transparency. And "Natasha not mistreated" -
> really? Last time I checked, being tasered to
> death was definitely mistreatment.
> @Why "Do we care who the sheriff is?" too
> stupid a comment to merit rebuttal.

Please enlighte me smart guy

And let us know why you care so much

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Vicky Manoogian ()
Date: September 28, 2015 06:07PM

This is unacceptable!

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: September 28, 2015 06:16PM

You black bastards need to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: time for change ()
Date: September 28, 2015 06:32PM

Well, I care "so much" cause I live in Fairfax County and happen to be of the old school and believe votes matter. And since the election is right around the corner the answer about caring should be self-evident.

"they all do the same thing"…, excuse me, I know of no other official up for election in November that has done the same thing as the incumbent who is seeking re-election.

And, not for nothing, I do care about the one person we get to directly elect who wears a badge in our county.

For the race-centric, yes, I even care about a person who died with whom I do not share the same color.

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Mistreatment in Fairfax ()
Date: September 28, 2015 06:40PM

Just look at how the office of Code Compliance treats the mentally ill. They are given two weeks to comply or they are taken to court. There was a lady who worked at Craven's Nursery who was forced out of her home along with her mother.

It is all about oppression and gaining control over people. That is why Fairfax gets so upset at citizen groups who uncover fraud and waste. The mentally ill make easy targets and they have no advocates. They end up traumatized and with criminal records meaning they cannot even get small part time jobs to make ends meet.

And yet the inspectors turn a blind eye to certain things and go after the elderly and disabled. It is a travesty. If you read inspection reports you will find outright mockery of these poor people, their sadness, their tragedy, and their attempts to live a normal life. One inspector went so far as to judge a man badly for grieving over his wife's death.

The Lord GOD will take this into account on the Day of Judgement. These people will be asked how they treated the least among us, and their mocking words will come back to them. They will be assigned to the lowest places and made to suffer for millennia unto eternity for what they have done. It may have been fun to stand around and joke at the office about the poor man's messy house, but he is a child of GOD and deserves respect.


Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: time for change ()
Date: September 28, 2015 06:57PM

To the person who wrote, "you don't care about Natasha McKenna either, you're just trying to use it as a campaign tool" I would point out that the challenger in this election, Wolfe was in favor of CIT BEFORE the last election. The incumbent (on whose watch McKenna died) was openly against more training for her staff.

So it seems patently obvious that the McKenna death simply proved who was right and who was wrong. Now the public has a chance to throw out the person who opposed training to help folks better interact with those suffering from mental illness.

I am not going to help re-elect the person who chose so 'poorly'

For some folks facts and truth won't matter, but for the rest consider this article.. (snip):

"During his 2013 run against Kincaid, Wolfe made his Crisis Intervention Team training proposal dealing with the mentally ill the centerpiece of his campaign.

“It’s something everybody else in law enforcement believes in,” Wolfe said during a 2013 debate. “I don’t know why the Fairfax County Sheriff is so opposed to it.”

Kincaid dismissed Wolfe’s proposal as unnecessary."


Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: BlackLivesDontMatter ()
Date: September 28, 2015 07:33PM

The Wolfe campaign team has spoken!

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: time for change ()
Date: September 28, 2015 08:24PM

So the take-a-way is anyone who expresses any interest, reads and researches information and then makes clear cogent and fact based observations must be part of some 'team'. Fascinating.

Does that mean you are supporting the incumbent, part of her team, despite all the facts?

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: My opinion ()
Date: September 30, 2015 01:32PM

The guy with the taser is the leader of this group and continues to hit her with the juice I can't see where he was justified in what he did with the taser. I don't see where the others did anything other than what they were trained to do. Having worked in a mental hospital for several year I know these encounter can be often very violent the core staff in this incident seemed to show great restraint and professionalism during this incident. The actions by the medical staff was a total joke I think the protester should be looking into those nurses, doctors or whatever they claimed to be and demand answers a about them.

Re: Fairfax Sheriff coverup continues to rise in media
Posted by: Just Checked ()
Date: September 30, 2015 09:46PM

I'm still glad the feces-throwing bitch is dead. Better for the earth.

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