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To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: May 23, 2009 12:50AM

Please stop moving in from whatever train wreck of a state you came from such as CA, NY, MI, PA, or MA and voting liberal Democrats into office. Everything still works here (roads, commerce) and i would like to keep it that way. Thanks!

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: i agree ()
Date: May 23, 2009 01:51AM


Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Left coast. ()
Date: May 23, 2009 03:08AM

Oregon is not on the list so I am good.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Daniel Boone ()
Date: May 23, 2009 03:14AM

Left coast. Wrote:
> Oregon is not on the list so I am good.

Neither is old Kaintuk so me too.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Chico ()
Date: May 23, 2009 04:26AM

El Salvador is not on that list, so I Am good also.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: May 23, 2009 07:15AM

Transplants and illegal migrants are not synonymous.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Chico ()
Date: May 23, 2009 07:22AM

how about if ur 'illegal-transplant' from Cali?

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: May 23, 2009 07:24AM

From the cmments of the townies on here..I vote for more imports.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Fucken Zie Deutsch ()
Date: May 23, 2009 08:27AM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> Please stop moving in from whatever train wreck of
> a state you came from such as CA, NY, MI, PA, or
> MA and voting liberal Democrats into office.
> Everything still works here (roads, commerce) and
> i would like to keep it that way. Thanks!

This would explain the traffic on I-66 in the morning. My 50 minute commute is now approaching 90 minutes. Stimulus away!

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Carpetbagger ()
Date: May 23, 2009 08:41AM

There are two things I like about the area, the job market for my profession and the guns laws. Remedy both of them in my homestate and ill have no reason to step foot in your traffic infested, cookie-cutter townhouse, yuppie paradise.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Charels Martel ()
Date: May 23, 2009 08:58AM

Please stop moving in from whatever train wreck of a state you came from such as CA, NY, MI, PA, or MA and voting liberal Democrats into office. Everything still works here (roads, commerce) and i would like to keep it that way. Thanks!

Interesting isn't it? They move out of these states because the Democrats who run them have raised taxes to a confiscatory level, then move here and vote for the same kind of politicians! These people are complete idiots. But then, they're Democrats so what do you expect?

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Blue State Bill ()
Date: May 23, 2009 12:08PM

Charels Martel Wrote:

> Interesting isn't it? They move out of these
> states because the Democrats who run them have
> raised taxes to a confiscatory level, then move
> here and vote for the same kind of politicians!
> These people are complete idiots. But then,
> they're Democrats so what do you expect?

They move here because they have educations and marketable skills that are needed here. They also want to get away from the high school drop-outs like Joe the Plumber who keep bitching about "takin' our jobs" because they never spent any time getting a decent education.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Charels Martel ()
Date: May 23, 2009 12:48PM

They move here because they have educations and marketable skills that are needed here. They also want to get away from the high school drop-outs like Joe the Plumber who keep bitching about "takin' our jobs" because they never spent any time getting a decent education.

My,My but you do have an inflated sense of yourself. We got along just fine without you. No one asked you to come here with your soi disant "marketable skills. From the looks of most of you you don't seem all that educated either.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Bull Connor ()
Date: May 23, 2009 12:51PM

From the cmments of the townies on here..I vote for more imports.

Vince, you illiterate idiot! You can't even write one single sentence without a misspelling!

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: DD ()
Date: May 23, 2009 04:27PM

I don't think it is the NOVA transplants you need to worry about. It makes me sad to see 20 something year olds who have never left.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: May 23, 2009 04:32PM

Blue State Bill Wrote:
>>> They move here because they have educations and marketable skills that are needed here. They also want to get away from the high school drop-outs like Joe the Plumber who keep bitching about "takin' our jobs" because they never spent any time getting a decent education.


That's why I moved here from one of the aforementioned states.

Fuck shitty small-town America: Northern Virginia Uber Alles!

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: May 24, 2009 09:09PM

The comments from you people are exactly what I expected. You ignored my point, and started attacking. Everyone is welcomed here, just realize the good people of Virginia were on to something by voting in moderate republicans and blue dog democrats.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Kenny_Powers ()
Date: May 25, 2009 12:53AM

I say stay away from nova, not because we dont like foreign people, but because im trying to help you. This is the closest place to pergatory that actually exists.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: May 28, 2009 11:41AM

In late 2008, we had the worst job creation record in 70+ years, the worst financial panic in 70+ year (or when was the last time 3-month Treasuries were yielding 0.01%?), and a foreign policy that is the joke of allies and enemies alike.

Yet Republicans appear genuinely surprised the American people rejected them once in 2006 and rejected them again in 2008.

FurfaxTownie, you didn't seem terribly moderate in your initial post.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: A_local_nerd ()
Date: May 28, 2009 01:14PM

--in reply--
\FurfaxTownie ()

"Please stop moving in from whatever train wreck of a state you came from such as CA, NY, MI, PA, or MA and voting liberal Democrats into office. Everything still works here (roads, commerce) and i would like to keep it that way. Thanks!"

What kind of a complaint is this? and to what audience to you expect to communicate to? Furthermore why would any one take any mind to this notion other then to point out it's incoherent broken redirect.

The liberals that are in office are not the result of a "MIGRATION" (is the word your looking for) from more liberal states, how ever it is the result of locals getting fed up with the broken system of "blame democrats"

To address your statement about the roads and commerce, this has nothing to do with the "liberals" as you so wonderfully put it, its a product of over crowding.

The job market has never been better (IT) and this area seems least effected by this crisis due to the past 8 years of rape to this nation's economy.

So FurfaxTownie, i will end by asking you this, how does it feel to wake up next to your sister every morning? :)

Have a wonderful day!

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Mississippi Transplant ()
Date: May 28, 2009 01:25PM

you guys are funny.

i'm hate black people and i still voted for obama! that's just how i feel about republican'ts

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: May 28, 2009 01:49PM

transplant is acceptable and you sound like an idiot

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: g33k ()
Date: May 28, 2009 02:28PM

This whole thread is made of 100% Pure Grade A Genius.

1. Someone actually thinks the transportation system here works.
2. Someone generalizes all the possible reasons for people to move to this state down to "liberal" taxes in other states.
3. Someone says "please stop moving in" and then says "everyone is welcome here" in response to all the idiot comments that followed the first statement.
4. Someone made a reference to incest.
5. Someone made said they "hate black people".

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: ExportYourJobsImportYourproducts ()
Date: May 28, 2009 02:32PM

Alabama is calling you to your new home.................NoVA is never going back.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: ยง ()
Date: May 28, 2009 06:12PM


Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: May 28, 2009 07:28PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> Please stop moving in from whatever train wreck of
> a state you came from such as CA, NY, MI, PA, or
> MA and voting liberal Democrats into office.
> Everything still works here (roads, commerce) and
> i would like to keep it that way. Thanks!

Why don't you move to Richmond and start dating Meade?

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: May 28, 2009 11:52PM

VA, good taxes and gun laws compared to CA. Having to go to ABC stores is stupid and antiquated. I would not live in MD cause it's a fucked up place. I might live in DC for a short time just for fun but obviously would have to keep my arsenal in the commonwealth.

Only reason I'm here, a family member got a job in da govment downtown and moved here.

Worst fucking drivers I have ever seen and that includes illegal uninsured immigrants galore in LA. Weather fucking sucks balls 90% of the year. Most people seem to slow down when they see a green light? Anticipating the change to yellow already??? That and dipshit lane changers or someone who takes up two lanes at the same time, not 100% in either one.

If I'm not freezing my nuts off and getting static electricity shocks in the winter I'm getting bombarded by bugs in the summer. Snow is a novelty. Thunderstorms are kinda cool.

90% of nova and dc appears to be from somewhere else and everyone has two masters degrees or is a lawyer. Perhaps a disproportionate number of assholes per capita. I chock it up to government and politics of DC sucking the soul out of everyone.

Everyone else works for the gov, for a gov contractor, or a non profit.

Job out look in this area is still way better than the rest of the country, and with all the massive infrastructure projects we're doing right now (thank god) (www.vamegaprojects.com) I'm sure we'll have a lot construction jobs for some years.

I work my ass off and get paid well and Richmond makes a lot of money off me in taxes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 11:53PM by Mofo.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: FaitfaxFelix ()
Date: May 29, 2009 06:40AM

Hey, don't forget about Maryland. That is a cancer right next door.

As for Maryland visitors - stop clogging up Northern VA roads. There should be no Maryland plates seen going West on any roads in Northern VA after 3PM and none going East during the morning rush hours (6 AM - 10AM).

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: May 29, 2009 08:01AM

Since when have the roads 'worked' around here? They've been effed up since the beginning and they just keep getting worse. There's a pathetic attempt at a public transportation system that pretty much ANYWHERE is better at, and there's a freaking strip shopping mall every mile or two on every major road.

And as for transplants...um, up until recently just about EVERYONE was a transplant. No one was born and raised here. The area was full of military and government schmucks, and way back many of the government posts were only here for a year or two as well. And of course, everyone and their brother comes and goes with every new administration.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: May 29, 2009 08:13AM

Mofo Wrote:
> > Most people seem to slow down when they see a green light?

That shit drives me nuts! And I see it *ALL* the time around Tysons Corner. It makes me wanna scream. It's probably the number one reason for me using my horn. The absolute worst is when someone in front of me slows down to about 15mph at a green light, looks around, and then blows thru the yellow-red cycle, leaving me stuck at the red. Fucking retards!!!

That being said, I don't think this area has the worst drivers. I'd save that accusation for some of the shit I've seen around Boston. There are some real assholes on the roads in Vegas, too.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: May 29, 2009 08:28AM

just to clarify... you two aren't talking about drivers slowing down to not block the box are you? other than that i've never seen that crap - or at least not in the amounts you do...

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: May 29, 2009 08:49AM

There is entire generation of people who were born and raised here. We never left because after we graduated from college, all the jobs were here.

Yes, there is a lot of traffic and the infrastructure sucks. Thats is because starting in the 80's all the local politicians sold out and changed all the zonings requirements to benefit home builders. However the roads were still maintained. Anyone who has traveled from MD into PA, or NY to CT knows the difference between well maintained roads and poorly maintained roads. The roads here are starting to resemble the ones in PA and NY.

In my opinion, one for the reasons why VA has a good economy, is because it a right to work state. 9 0f the 10 fastest growing states in 2007 were right to work states, Colorado being the only exception. One things that troubles me is eventually a left leaning governor is going to be elected and try to change that.

Some of those who responded are clearly more well educated than I. However, you seemed to have confused local politics with national politics. My initial post was in reference to state and local politics. The real affect of national politics has on the area is growth. When the federal governments becomes bigger, it needs more people to operate, thus more people move here.

Finally, college isn't for everybody, not everybody goes to college. Going to college doesn't make you better than anyone who hasn't. The world needs plumbers, electricians, carpenters, mechanics, produce guy at the Giant whatever. A lot of those people who I have met, love their jobs and take pride in what they do. If someone works in that profession because they CHOOSE to, then I can respect that.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: May 29, 2009 08:52AM

No, slowing down to prevent blocking the box is totally OK. I'm talking about just slowing down for no reason. One place I see it happen regularly is where Spring Hill splits off into Tyco Road, about a block off International heading toward 7. I just honked at someone there again on Saturday for doing that. She came to a complete stop at a green! I also see it happen right on 7 and 123.

I live around there so that's probably why I notice it more. It's usually a weekend-clueless-mall traffic thing.

bdimag Wrote:
> just to clarify... you two aren't talking about
> drivers slowing down to not block the box are you?
> other than that i've never seen that crap - or at
> least not in the amounts you do...

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: May 29, 2009 09:06AM

ic... i work there so i guess all i see is the traffic :)

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Melissa ()
Date: May 29, 2009 09:10AM

I don't miss working in Tysons.

Being vague is almost as fun as that other thing.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: May 29, 2009 03:20PM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> In my opinion, one for the reasons why VA has a
> good economy, is because it a right to work state.
> 9 0f the 10 fastest growing states in 2007 were
> right to work states, Colorado being the only
> exception. One things that troubles me is
> eventually a left leaning governor is going to be
> elected and try to change that.

Given the amount of union-busting and tax-cutting that went on in the past decade, there should have been a complete boom in those years.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: May 30, 2009 01:15AM

Yes being a right to work and an at will employment state helps attract a lot of businesses. Every union in the country looks to have a office in Silver Spring or Rockville. MD just passed a law that said all state employees have to pay union dues even if they're not in the union.

Just ask GM right now about unions.

Honda, Nissan, Hyundai, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes all have car factories in the US but they're all in right to work states (Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama etc).

GM and crystler could actually save themselves if they moved operations to more business friendly states.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2009 01:22AM by Mofo.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: May 30, 2009 04:07AM

Left coast. Wrote:
> Oregon is not on the list so I am good.

I hope that I run into you on the streets you PNW Hippy menace.

Lol, jk.

What part of Oregon did you come from? I've only been to Washington, but it was quite lovely indeed.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: May 30, 2009 04:17AM

FaitfaxFelix Wrote:
> Hey, don't forget about Maryland. That is a
> cancer right next door.
> As for Maryland visitors - stop clogging up
> Northern VA roads. There should be no Maryland
> plates seen going West on any roads in Northern VA
> after 3PM and none going East during the morning
> rush hours (6 AM - 10AM).

I completely concur with you. Maryland drivers are like brain dead cockroaches with RATO, and they love to kiss your bumper, then flash their lights at you when you don't heed to their nefarious ways. I do ever so sincerely wish that they would stay on their side of the Potomac. Marylanders are like a mass of discontent Carpet Baggers who can't decide on whether or not they would rather invade the North, or the South, so they do both. At least in PA however, they fit in, because it's the one state with drivers who roam the streets in likewise, erratic, fit filled manners.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2009 04:17AM by ThePackLeader.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: May 30, 2009 04:26AM

Blue State Bill Wrote:
> Charels Martel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Interesting isn't it? They move out of these
> > states because the Democrats who run them have
> > raised taxes to a confiscatory level, then move
> > here and vote for the same kind of politicians!
> > These people are complete idiots. But then,
> > they're Democrats so what do you expect?
> They move here because they have educations and
> marketable skills that are needed here. They also
> want to get away from the high school drop-outs
> like Joe the Plumber who keep bitching about
> "takin' our jobs" because they never spent any
> time getting a decent education.

Maybe because not everyone has Mommy and Daddy pulling out wads of cash as a resolution for every immature, arrogant crying fit they have. You are most certainly an elitist, pompous, and spoiled individual, who quite in fact belongs nowhere near any discussion pertaining towards logic and everyday matters.

As for a "Decent Education", if Harvard and Yale are to represent themselves amongst the pinnacle of such, then you might wish to skip such a conversation. Half of the graduates from such particular institutions now-a-days are amongst the dumbest, dullest, and most drop dead pathetic members of society the world has ever witnessed.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: June 02, 2009 12:22PM

Mofo Wrote:
> Yes being a right to work and an at will
> employment state helps attract a lot of
> businesses. Every union in the country looks to
> have a office in Silver Spring or Rockville. MD
> just passed a law that said all state employees
> have to pay union dues even if they're not in the
> union.
> Just ask GM right now about unions.
> Honda, Nissan, Hyundai, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes all
> have car factories in the US but they're all in
> right to work states (Tennessee, Mississippi,
> Kentucky, Alabama etc).
> GM and crystler could actually save themselves if
> they moved operations to more business friendly
> states.

Well with a tax-cutting, union-busting President in office, we should have had an unprecedented boom in the 2000s. What went wrong on the road to True Capitalism?

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: June 05, 2009 07:18AM

Again, you need to distinguish between national and state/local politics. The state and local levels government policy have more affect on our day to day life then national policies. Which is why it's important to preserve states rights. So states like Va thrive while the rest of the country is struggling to adapt. But hey if people like you keep voting the way you do its only a matter of time until our roads are pothole infested, child touchers are released from prison early in the name of restorative justice and people are forced to join unions.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: NegativeDreamStealer ()
Date: June 05, 2009 09:35AM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> In my opinion, one for the reasons why VA has a
> good economy, is because it a right to work state.

NORTHERN Virginia has a good economy, because it's watered with government money. The rest of the commonwealth? Not so much.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: June 05, 2009 09:42AM

Thats a valid point, but what about the tech-corridor? One of the reason NoVa became silicon valley east is because of the friendly business environment created by goveners of old.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: NegativeDreamStealer ()
Date: June 05, 2009 09:55AM

The so-called "tech corridor" is nothing more than an extension of the Beltway Bandit sector that built up in the 1960s and 70s. Much of it continues to be sustained by government contracting. So while you may be right to credit the "friendly business environment created by governors of old," I'll need to challenge that claim and ask for proof.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: tony ()
Date: June 11, 2009 08:22PM

I moved here from Pa in '85...but i ALWAYS vote Repub..so I am ok...whew!

this area is proof that hell exists.

When I encounter idiots on the road, 99% of the time, they have Md plates.
Maryland people...stay the hell in your own state!

Re: need to build a sonic in the area
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 11, 2009 10:35PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2015 07:14AM by WingNut.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Kenny_Powers ()
Date: June 12, 2009 05:55AM

FurfaxTownie Wrote:
> Please stop moving in from whatever train wreck of
> a state you came from such as CA, NY, MI, PA, or
> MA and voting liberal Democrats into office.
> Everything still works here (roads, commerce) and
> i would like to keep it that way. Thanks!

I would give similar advice to stay away from our state, but for another reason. It fucking blows. This place is as close to pergatory on earth that you can get.

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Va Local ()
Date: June 14, 2009 10:08AM

Here's the classic Maryland driver move (they do this in Maryland, too). "I want to go 15-25 over the speed limit but i'm too chicken-hearted to get in the left lane, sack up, and roll. So i will stay in the right or 2nd right lane and attempt to go 15-25 over and be a menace and be PISSED when cars going the speed limit impede me."

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Local Girl ()
Date: June 16, 2009 02:42PM

My family has lived in Northern Virginia for more than two hundred years.

To DD - I am in my twenties and have never left. You don't need to feel sad for me I have a very good life.

To all those "transplants" out there, NOVA is a college!! Northern Virginians do not call Northern Virginia that and never have. It sounds stupid and it is obvious that you are from Southern Virginia or from some other state. I have also heard you refer to Fairfax County Alexandria as "LA".

This is just as bad as you asking me if I live "inside" or "outside" the capital beltway.

I have watched this beautiful place full of trees and horse farms become reduced to cheaply built overpriced @#$% holes to accommodate you.

We deal with you moving here and acting like you own the place, like you are someone important. When in fact you are still the same lame overachieving person you were in your hometown. And we all know it. So keep showing off your credentials and overpriced cookie cutter plywood palaces to each other. I almost forgot to mention your little gifted babies who can speak Spanish.

I will avoid your socializing spots and continue to roll my eyes when you ask me if my parents also live "inside the beltway."

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 19, 2009 03:30AM

Local Girl Wrote:
> I will avoid your socializing spots and continue
> to roll my eyes when you ask me if my parents also
> live "inside the beltway."

so... you live outside the beltway? ;)

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: To NoVa Transplants
Posted by: Butt4 ()
Date: June 19, 2009 03:42PM

Local Girl Wrote:
> My family has lived in Northern Virginia for more
> than two hundred years.
> To DD - I am in my twenties and have never left.
> You don't need to feel sad for me I have a very
> good life.
> To all those "transplants" out there, NOVA is a
> college!! Northern Virginians do not call Northern
> Virginia that and never have. It sounds stupid and
> it is obvious that you are from Southern Virginia
> or from some other state. I have also heard you
> refer to Fairfax County Alexandria as "LA".
> This is just as bad as you asking me if I live
> "inside" or "outside" the capital beltway.
> I have watched this beautiful place full of trees
> and horse farms become reduced to cheaply built
> overpriced @#$% holes to accommodate you.
> We deal with you moving here and acting like you
> own the place, like you are someone important.
> When in fact you are still the same lame
> overachieving person you were in your hometown.
> And we all know it. So keep showing off your
> credentials and overpriced cookie cutter plywood
> palaces to each other. I almost forgot to mention
> your little gifted babies who can speak Spanish.
> I will avoid your socializing spots and continue
> to roll my eyes when you ask me if my parents also
> live "inside the beltway."

wow, somebody forgot to take their meds - and farm animals stink

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