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The Old Hunters Lodge
Posted by: back then ()
Date: May 21, 2015 01:25PM

Does anyone remember the old Hunter's Lodge where the Costco is located at off of 29? I was too young to go there since I was small but I remember the building sitting vacant for the longest time. Oh and does anyone remember the old Partner's Two off of 29 in Centreville?

Re: The Old Hunters Lodge
Posted by: GmtbM ()
Date: May 21, 2015 03:49PM

I grew up in Chantilly, near Stringfellow Road.

In the days before cell phones, we carried quarters, and when we needed to make a phone call, we'd find a payphone.

Because of its proximity to Rt 29 and West Ox Road, I used the payphone at the Old Hunter's Lodge often.

I am white, and if I went in with blue jeans and a flannel shirt, I fit in. But once I entered wearing my Izod shirt and 1980s-style-shorts, everyone stopped and stared at me, kind of like in 48 Hours.

A few years later, it was torn down.

You could get hookers there.

Re: The Old Hunters Lodge
Date: May 21, 2015 06:10PM

It was a redneck joint lots of guys 30's-40's. I was in my early 20's in the mid 70s when I went there twice and had the feeling I better not be fooling with their women who were also 30 and up and that was the end of it for me. It was torn down about 1990.

Re: The Old Hunters Lodge
Posted by: Speedo ()
Date: July 30, 2021 09:07PM

I was the drummer there for the Midniters and sometimes for the Stringdusters in late 60's and 70's. Got in jam sessions with Willie Nelson, Mel Tills, Buddy Emmons and the late great Danny Gatton.Those good old days will never be here again.

Re: The Old Hunters Lodge
Posted by: 70's Kid ()
Date: September 01, 2024 03:34AM

How come it was torn down?

Re: The Old Hunters Lodge
Posted by: Read Much ? ()
Date: September 02, 2024 12:20PM

"where the Costco is located"

eeerrrr-ddduuuhhhmight be a term you are familiar with

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