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Open carry
Posted by: robbery ()
Date: May 10, 2015 09:53PM

so i was open carrying into starbucks and this whore gets all upset and says shes going to call the cops. Fuckin uneducated cunt. I should have slapped her across the face.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:06PM

robbery Wrote:
> so i was open carrying into starbucks and this
> whore gets all upset and says shes going to call
> the cops. Fuckin uneducated cunt. I should have
> slapped her across the face.

That's stupid.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Double Action Jackson Calls It ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:07PM


Re: Open carry
Posted by: action jackson ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:12PM

its legal to open carry in the state of VA

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Guns Don't Kill People ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:13PM

robbery Wrote:
> so i was open carrying into starbucks and this
> whore gets all upset and says shes going to call
> the cops. Fuckin uneducated cunt. I should have
> slapped her across the face.

Starbucks doesn't allow open carry. You were trespassing if you open carrying.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Own carry often ()
Date: May 10, 2015 10:16PM

I own carry all the time. I dress and act so few would ever notice or care.
A few people have approached me. Most were quite supportive. Those who were against were met with a polite recount of the 400+ year history of open carry in Virginia and the law in general.
A few cops have noticed, none cared. If they did make an issue, they were all being recorded, which helps and I wouldn't make any statements anyhow.

Re: Open carry
Date: May 10, 2015 10:17PM


Re: Open carry
Date: May 10, 2015 10:23PM

But concealed carry gives an advantage of surprise. Open carry can change some minds if some one is sizing you up to rob you, but it can also give some ideas to take your piece which is really very rare to happen . What Fool wants to chance it? And to others who are fools never try to disarm a person who is open carrying, They can shoot you just the same as a cop can.

Re: Open carry
Date: May 10, 2015 10:25PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2017 10:17PM by Double Action Jackson.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: nosreme ()
Date: May 11, 2015 02:51AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2015 02:54AM by nosreme.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: lower 48 ()
Date: May 11, 2015 04:44AM

robbery Wrote:
> so i was open carrying into starbucks and this
> whore gets all upset and says shes going to call
> the cops. Fuckin uneducated cunt. I should have
> slapped her across the face.

Every time I see someone open carrying I run over and spit in their face. They always run away crying. The cool thing about it is that you know 100% for sure they are a coward because they prove it by carrying a gun.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: DirtMcGirt ()
Date: May 11, 2015 03:56PM

... if you feel you need your gat to buy a cup of coffee, you're soft.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: puss n boots ()
Date: May 11, 2015 04:18PM

lower 48 Wrote:
> Every time I see someone open carrying I run over
> and spit in their face. They always run away
> crying. The cool thing about it is that you know
> 100% for sure they are a coward because they prove
> it by carrying a gun.

You're jerkin it now thinking about how cool that would be if you weren't such a puss aren't you?

Re: Open carry
Posted by: 7PGCv ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:53AM

2. Officers or guards of any state correctional institution;

any DHS security guard? most of the ones fx co hire are fucking ILLEGALS !!

Re: Open carry
Posted by: UTDtp ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:54AM

3. Conservators of the peace, except that an attorney for the Commonwealth or assistant attorney for the Commonwealth may carry a concealed handgun pursuant to subdivision C 9


i believe he's motioning for his dick to be sucked !!!

(lawyers get a special exception)

Re: Open carry
Posted by: K4WMP ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:55AM

5. Harbormaster of the City of Hopewell.

^^ hope they do

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Westr ()
Date: May 12, 2015 09:56AM

I wear my gun all the time.

It's the only way I feel like a man. I got beat up a lot in high school.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: uDh3d ()
Date: May 12, 2015 10:04AM

as bad ass those new "gov workers always win" exceptions in that law

the really bad new laws are in areas such as:

gov can issue liens on property - but workers liens are no longer allowed

there are hundreds of new exceptions in the law supposedly SUPPOSEDLY giving the State and county free reign to subjugate in all circumstances imaginable

very parliamentary of them. give them compliments worth of a parliament

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 12, 2015 04:22PM

Double Action Jackson Calls It Wrote:

You gun-tards need no help with looking stupid. It is your natural state.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 12, 2015 04:25PM

Own carry often Wrote:
> I own carry all the time. I dress and act so few
> would ever notice or care.
> A few people have approached me. Most were quite
> supportive. Those who were against were met with a
> polite recount of the 400+ year history of open
> carry in Virginia and the law in general.
> A few cops have noticed, none cared. If they did
> make an issue, they were all being recorded, which
> helps and I wouldn't make any statements anyhow.

Have you ever noticed that gun-tards act & sound just like militant feminists.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: 10 OUT OF 10 ()
Date: May 12, 2015 04:29PM

This is a fat white male living in outer-outer burbs. No job, no money, no pretty girl. Ohh I know, I'll open carry just to make me feel more of a man. What a fucking loooser this guy is.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 12, 2015 04:29PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> But concealed carry gives an advantage of
> surprise. Open carry can change some minds if some
> one is sizing you up to rob you, but it can also
> give some ideas to take your piece which is really
> very rare to happen . What Fool wants to chance
> it? And to others who are fools never try to
> disarm a person who is open carrying, They can
> shoot you just the same as a cop can.

Idiot. If an armed criminal gets that drop on an open carry gun-tard, he'll just take your weapon. What're you gonna do if he's pointing gun @ you? Quick draw? lol

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 12, 2015 04:31PM

DirtMcGirt Wrote:
> ... if you feel you need your gat to buy a cup of
> coffee, you're soft.



Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 12, 2015 04:32PM

Westr Wrote:
> I wear my gun all the time.
> It's the only way I feel like a man. I got beat
> up a lot in high school.



Re: Open carry
Posted by: Python Guy ()
Date: May 12, 2015 05:03PM

Open carry is for narcissists who want nothing more than than attention--and criticism for carrying so that they can whine about not doing anything illegal. The underlying pathology is much like that of people with tattoos.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Zippity Doo ()
Date: May 12, 2015 05:11PM

Python Guy Wrote:
> Open carry is for narcissists who want nothing
> more than than attention--and criticism for
> carrying so that they can whine about not doing
> anything illegal. The underlying pathology is much
> like that of people with tattoos.

And Christians with a victim complex.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: I Luv Bacon ()
Date: May 12, 2015 06:16PM


Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 13, 2015 08:10AM



Gun-tards! Lolz!.gif

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Laugh In ()
Date: May 13, 2015 08:30AM

The only redeeming value in these naive, faggot lib gun-grabbers is when we get to read news stories of them getting their heads bashed in by gangs of violent savage blacks.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 13, 2015 09:00AM

"William Coleman III was robbed of his Walter- brand P22 just after 2:00 a.m. October 4 in Gresham by a young man who asked him for it — and flashed his own weapon as persuasion.

Coleman, 21, was talking to his cousin in the 17200 block of NE Glisan St., after purchasing the handgun earlier that day, when a young man asked him for a cigarette, police said.

The man then asked about the gun, pulled a gun from his own waistband and said; ”I like your gun. Give it to me.”

Coleman handed over the gun and the man fled on foot."




Re: Open carry
Posted by: year old story, libtard ()
Date: May 13, 2015 09:08AM

But, you're a dumbfuck

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 13, 2015 09:08AM

MILWAUKEE - A Milwaukee man found out the hard way that carrying a gun for protection doesn't always keep you safe. In fact, it may have made him a target.

The 34-year-old man legally owned a handgun and carried it out in the open in his holster for protection.

Neighbors say they knew he was always armed.

"It was kind of scary to just see him walking around all the time with that gun kind of just out in the open," said Shambria Mayham Autman. She lives near Teutonia and Good Hope and said they called him "The guy with the gun."

But it wasn't scary for at least one person who robbed "The guy with the gun" at gunpoint.

"I think he was trying to scare people off like, 'Yeah, don't mess with me,' kind of attitude, but it didn't work," Mayham Autman explained.

The president of Wisconsin Carry, Nik Clark, says 100's of thousands of people open carry and he's never heard of anything like this.

"So it really is a very unusual situation, very unique," Clark said.

The victim didn't want to go on camera but said he carried the gun because he had been jumped and held up at knife point in the past. He believes, in his case, open carry made him a target and he will no longer do it.




Re: Open carry
Posted by: oyes ()
Date: May 13, 2015 09:19AM

Gun-tards! Wrote:
> MILWAUKEE - A Milwaukee man found out the hard
> way that carrying a gun for protection doesn't
> always keep you safe. In fact, it may have made
> him a target.
> The 34-year-old man legally owned a handgun and
> carried it out in the open in his holster for
> protection.
> Neighbors say they knew he was always armed.
> "It was kind of scary to just see him walking
> around all the time with that gun kind of just out
> in the open," said Shambria Mayham Autman. She
> lives near Teutonia and Good Hope and said they
> called him "The guy with the gun."
> But it wasn't scary for at least one person who
> robbed "The guy with the gun" at gunpoint.
> "I think he was trying to scare people off
> like, 'Yeah, don't mess with me,' kind of
> attitude, but it didn't work
," Mayham
> Autman explained.
> The president of Wisconsin Carry, Nik Clark, says
> 100's of thousands of people open carry and he's
> never heard of anything like this.
> "So it really is a very unusual situation, very
> unique," Clark said.
> The victim didn't want to go on camera but
> said he carried the gun because he had been jumped
> and held up at knife point in the past. He
> believes, in his case, open carry made him a
> target
and he will no longer do it.

> http://www.620wtmj.com/news/local/95999354.html
> Gun-tards!
> LoLz!

Milwaukee has a very serious negro problem due to the generous
welfare benefits. Back in the 80's they were moving there in
droves because other states were having major crackdowns on welfare
requirements. Check out the murder rate so far this year by race.


Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 13, 2015 09:24AM

oyes Wrote:
> Milwaukee has a very serious negro problem due to
> the generous
> welfare benefits. Back in the 80's they were
> moving there in
> droves because other states were having major
> crackdowns on welfare
> requirements. Check out the murder rate so far
> this year by race.

Denial. It ain't just a river in Egypt.



Re: Open carry
Posted by: wrong forum, tard. ()
Date: May 13, 2015 09:26AM


Re: Open carry
Posted by: wbxEF ()
Date: May 13, 2015 09:51AM

Gun-tards! Wrote:
> oyes Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Milwaukee has a very serious negro problem due
> to
> > the generous
> > welfare benefits. Back in the 80's they were
> > moving there in
> > droves because other states were having major
> > crackdowns on welfare
> > requirements. Check out the murder rate so far
> > this year by race.
> Denial. It ain't just a river in Egypt.
> Gun-tards!
> LoLz!

Liberal pussy is scared pussy

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Gun-tards! ()
Date: May 13, 2015 10:24AM

wbxEF Wrote:
> Liberal pussy is scared pussy



Much Butthurt.png

Re: Open carry
Posted by: butthurt tard troll ()
Date: May 13, 2015 10:29AM

Why so mad, bro? Faggot much?

Re: Open carry
Posted by: yupyupyup ()
Date: May 13, 2015 10:38AM

Python Guy Wrote:
> Open carry is for narcissists who want nothing
> more than than attention--and criticism for
> carrying so that they can whine about not doing
> anything illegal. The underlying pathology is much
> like that of people with tattoos.

Kind of like the narcissists who voted for Obama like lemmings, buy $500 iWatchs like fags, drive hybrids that cost more to make, buy, own and suck electrical power off the grid which guess what runs on fossil fuels, protest on their facebook as if they are MLKjr and think they're awesome when really they are as faggy as open-carry gun-tards.

Basically if you voted for Obama you pretty much worse than an open-carry gun-tard because you don't know how faggy you are.

Re: Open carry
Posted by: butthurt conserva-tard troll ()
Date: May 13, 2015 11:41AM

yupyupyup Wrote:
> Kind of like the narcissists who voted for Obama
> like lemmings, buy $500 iWatchs like fags, drive
> hybrids that cost more to make, buy, own and suck
> electrical power off the grid which guess what
> runs on fossil fuels, protest on their facebook as
> if they are MLKjr and think they're awesome when
> really they are as faggy as open-carry gun-tards.
> Basically if you voted for Obama you pretty much
> worse than an open-carry gun-tard because you
> don't know how faggy you are.

Why so mad, bro? Faggot much?

Re: Open carry
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: May 13, 2015 11:42AM

butthurt tard troll Wrote:
> Why so mad, bro? Faggot much?



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