Whats going on Wrote:
> The rioters and looters represent a criminal
> element that will take advantage of any situation
> to steal and vandalize.They are criminals plain
> and simple.
> What should really concern Americans of all races
> is the impunity with which some police
> departments and individual officers act. They are
> supposed to be
> "our finest"and be held to a higher standard.
> Review boards are not effective in dealing with
> repetitive criminal behavior by cops . Systematic
> victimization of a disadvantaged segment of our
> society only serves to reveal what some of our
> police really are.Swift and conclusive removal of
> such persons from law enforcement is critical for
> all of us and honors the cops who truly protect
> and serve.
Your post is mostly correct excluding this part --- "Systematic victimization of a disadvantaged segment of our society".
That comment is false and is a constant excuse used to "explain" why there are so many societal problems in the black communities. When the black communities hold themselves accountable for their own actions and decisions, is when real change will happen.
The majority of the people in black communities that are considered "disadvantaged" prefer to be that way and it is often embraced as some sort of badge of real "thug" cred. In a black community, trying to advance oneself out of their situation to a better place in life is considered "selling out" and not supported as an option. Being "disadvantaged" in all other ethnicities is a real problem and they, for the most part, attempt to change things for the better, but in black communities it equates to not having to be responsible or accountable for your actions.
Addressing police accountability? I believe that police body cams will reduce the small amount of police brutality that does exist, but will also expose the savage public the police have to deal with on a daily basis. So, two unwanted realities will need to be faced for the black community --- the lack of wide spread police abuse accompanied with undisputable evidence of the violent black culture. You really only need to look at social media to see the violence that exists in black communities --- a great example is
http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/ - this site is the most popular among black youth to post videos of violence, criminal acts and overall ignorant behavior of THEMSELVES. This site is where BLACK people post videos of other BLACK people proving all the stereotypes they have been "wrongly" labelled with are absolutely founded in fact. It really is a real look into the lives of black people - decisions, actions, morals, ethics and so much more. The sad reality is that they are ENJOYING showing the world their violent, ignorant and apathetic culture.
Addressing police brutality is not even on the radar when it comes to real problems in black communities.
Real problems could be teen pregnancy - drug use - single parent homes, but these are evident in all racial groups, yet black communities are the ones that fail. Also, it is no surprise that the blacks are the only race that blame the WHITE MAN for all their personal problems.
Almost every group --- African, Jewish, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and so on...have been enslaved and treated horribly when first coming to, or brought to, this country. There were many other ethnicities brought as slaves besides blacks. Every group has been ridiculed and treated as sub human to great extents and every group has climbed above all the obstacles to assimilate and prosper in our nation except blacks. All these other groups have taken the steps to become a part of our nation without having to give up their cultural identities --- in fact, we celebrate our different heritages TOGETHER in this country peacefully.....again excluding blacks - violence is always present when even remotely large groups of blacks are together in one place.
You can not categorize a segment of the population as "victims", while they are the ones destroying their own environments. There is no group of people "holding down" the black population, quite the opposite. Every out reach program - special funding for education or housing --- anything of this nature that is implemented or attempted is quickly destroyed when introduced into black communities, yet is somehow relatively successful in non-black areas.
Baltimore offers a recent example of the above. The destruction of a multimillion dollar housing project aimed to help the poor --- burned to the ground by the people who live there - blacks.
What does a black community consist of? Well, unfortunately,
the most dangerous species on earth, the young black male, makes up a large portion of those communities.
Overall, black communities are less than 13% of our nations population, but responsible for 75%+ of ALL violent crime. 97% of black people are killed by other black people.
The above are facts that tell the true story about WHO is really violent overall and towards blacks --- it is blacks --- not whites or police.
Also in Baltimore some real black leaders emerged. Those absolutely honorable men who formed the line between the police and the "protestors" are the first of what I hope becomes commonplace. These guys are standing in the face of black community ridicule and violent retribution. These MEN are what this nation needs a thousand times over --- people of whatever race standing up against the ignorant, violent and most racist of there own kind.
These guys are black leaders, not the race baiting millionaires like Sharpton and Jackson. Not the church "leaders" who advocate for the poor while living lavishly off the poor's money donated to them in the name of God.
There are other black men who call out the black community on their violent behavior, hypocritical views on racism and their own unaccountable nature in general, but they are very few and gain little attention.
When the tide turns and actual black leaders point out the truth of how, why and who really holds the black community back, which is themselves --- maybe black people will listen. It is going to have to be people that are celebrities, unfortunately, because in our society they are heard much more than anyone else. The Jordans and LeBrons need to speak up, even if it hurts their sales of whatever merchandise. Actors, sports stars and entertainers need to speak up and it has to in great numbers. I know that rappers will not, because the "culture" they sell is one of poverty, crime and overall violence --- yet they move out of that "culture" as soon as possible.
There is no great mystery WHY blacks are so violent and apathetic. It is quite simple really. Humans tend to take the easy way out of everything and are quick to USE whatever excuses they can for their personal failures and poor decisions. The black community has a built in excuse for ANYTHING they do --- it is because of the RACIST WHITE MAN.
All ethnicities have their own share of racists and each should be called out if acting ignorant or violent. The problem is WHO is doing the calling out, not the action itself. In our society of today, ANY race can be held accountable by ANY OTHER race for their ignorant, violent or apathetic actions EXCLUDING the black race --- ONLY blacks can call out other blacks. Add to that, when blacks hold their own race accountable for their ignorant, violent or apathetic actions, those people are considered LESS BLACK and are inaccurately categorized as against their own people.
It has created the perfect little bubble for blacks to do whatever they want to with no accountability. If anyone from another race points out their ignorant, violent and apathetic behavior, they are immediately a racist. If other black people point out their ignorant, violent and apathetic behavior, they are immediately labelled as "Trying to be white", which equals racist. The perfect mentality has been created for the ignorant, violent and apathetic blacks to live in with no accountability for their decision and actions.
The most racist group in our society is the black community, they use racism like a weapon and a band-aid at the same time. Blacks are violent towards EVERYONE, yet when convenient ask for hand outs from the same society that they victimize.
At some point in our nation's history, each new ethnicity was treated horribly and for each group those times have passed. Those times will never be forgotten or under valued for the brave people who lived through them and created change. In modern day America, it is an antiquated and false ideal that there is a "Systematic victimization of a disadvantaged segment of our society". The real black leaders of the past, as well as the ones I witnessed today in Baltimore, would never surrender their self respect or worth in exchange for that nonsense.
Today in Baltimore, something so much larger and important happened verse just possibly identifying a few bad cops, real men of character identified themselves. They formed a line between the police and "protestors" --- this group of black men have spoke up and stood up against the violence, ignorance and apathy that exists in their communities. I have seen many of these protests and watched as nothing changed and no one was heard over the usual rhetoric, but this time I witnessed a small group of men who I will remember forever as true heroes --- I just hope as these men spoke up and stood up that some with the same ideals and courage will listen and rise with them in the future.