Don't try to impress me with talk of Yale. My undergrad degree is from Carnegie Mellon and my graduate degree from MIT. I win hands down. Yale is bastion of liberal bullshit and worthless thinking. In case you don't know it, your parents are greatly disappointed and spend nights and wondering where they the went wrong. I hope they're not throwing good money after bad in funding your school at this point or supporting you in any way. Your boyfriend is only interested in having you bring another girl home so he can do two of you at once, but he'll be much more into her. Or he's a loser. Or both. He could do a lot better in any case.
My children are being raised with standards. More than can be said for you. They're happy and healthy, doing well academically, involved with sports, and all around normal and good kids. If either should make the bad choice of embracing a gay (or as in your case, a bisexual) lifestyle, they'll be out of that private school and into a public school and corrective therapy the next day. And if that fails, on their 16th birthday will be dropped at a shelter in another state. But I'm teaching them to have values and make good choices.
Amazing relationships? People who love and adore you? Like the ones pictured below? Some people are just born defective. In nature, the runt of the litter does not survive. Neither do the sick and crippled. Humans allow nature to work properly and we accept and coddle the sick and twisted. I have no need of such "relationships". Do you think I missed out by being straight rather than having some twink spreading his ass for me?
To be respected you have to be respectable. Do you think the types pictured below are respectable? Do they have value? Do they deserve any rights?