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Langley HS death
Posted by: worriedt ()
Date: February 24, 2015 02:58PM

Not sure what happen, but must have been a death of a student from Langley Us. My condolences are for the family and frainds.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Sad day ()
Date: February 24, 2015 03:01PM

What happened?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Sad day ()
Date: February 24, 2015 03:44PM

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: D4Fbu ()
Date: February 24, 2015 03:50PM

Sad day Wrote:
> They died of suicide. Here is the link
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/lang
> ley-high-school-students-mourn-two-student-deaths/
> 2014/02/05/34bbdbb0-8ea6-11e3-b46a-5a3d0d2130da_st
> ory.html

That's from a year ago

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Novaer ()
Date: February 24, 2015 04:30PM

The two suicides were last year 2/3/14.

Poyner died last night. Still haven't heard cause.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: February 24, 2015 04:32PM

And the trend continues. Were they gay? If so, no need to mourn.

Re: Langley HS death
Date: February 24, 2015 04:41PM

Tweet about it this afternoon: 10th grader Matt Poyner from Langley High. According to the official Langley announcement, "Matthew died early this morning following a catastrophic medical event."


"Harris LaTeef
From Langley Administration this afternoon. #PoynerStrong #SaxonStrong pic.twitter.com/Sn38mAm6pM

1:54 PM - 24 Feb 2015

By: Harris LaTeef @Harris_LaTeef"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2015 04:42PM by longtime NoVA res.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: hsee ton ()
Date: February 24, 2015 04:47PM

Is suicide a catastrophic "medical" event? I don't think so. A medical event is a stroke or a heart attack or an aneurysm. I'm sure they will try their best to keep the truth out of public view.

There sure seems to be a lot of teenage suicides around here. I wonder how the stats compare to other locations?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Novaer ()
Date: February 24, 2015 04:52PM

Am thinking along the lines of cardiac arrest or stroke or something.

At this point I highly doubt car crash or suicide.

Langley HS death
Posted by: LHS Community Member ()
Date: February 24, 2015 04:59PM

Why not just ask the students? Leave gossip out of tragic events.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: LHS Student ()
Date: February 24, 2015 06:01PM

Some of you are assholes. A kid died. Can you shut the fu*k up and let a community mourn? For those of you wondering, he died in his sleep. Not a suicide.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: LHS student ()
Date: February 24, 2015 06:08PM

he had an aneurysm, that's more than you need to know.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Grace ()
Date: February 24, 2015 06:22PM

What happend

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Every day is a gift. ()
Date: February 24, 2015 06:41PM

Prayers to the family and friends, I hope the depth of their sorrow is tempered by the joy they shared with him in life. Every day is a gift.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Crypt Keeper ()
Date: February 24, 2015 06:52PM

LHS Student Wrote:
> Some of you are assholes. A kid died. Can you shut
> the fu*k up and let a community mourn? For those
> of you wondering, he died in his sleep. Not a
> suicide.

You mean he woke up dead?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: 36605 ()
Date: February 24, 2015 07:09PM

HaChaCha Wrote:
> And the trend continues. Were they gay? If so,
> no need to mourn.

What the fucking hell is wrong with you? You sick, perverted fuck. Someone lost a life, and what about his loved ones? Are you saying gays don't have any? Cause I'm pretty sure that's not how life works. I hope your bastard son comes out gay and stumbles upon this later in life. I feel sorry for ignorant assholes like you. This kid wasn't gay. And even if he was, that doesn't mean the loss of his life doesn't matter. People like you are the ones who deserve shit like this happening to them. Not some poor, innocent high schooler.
And to all you other jack offs who are saying suicide isn't a good cause for anyone to mourn, well you can go fuck yourselves too.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Zzzzzzzzz ()
Date: February 24, 2015 07:12PM

36605 Wrote:
> HaChaCha Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And the trend continues. Were they gay? If
> so,
> > no need to mourn.
> What the fucking hell is wrong with you? You sick,
> perverted fuck. Someone lost a life, and what
> about his loved ones? Are you saying gays don't
> have any? Cause I'm pretty sure that's not how
> life works. I hope your bastard son comes out gay
> and stumbles upon this later in life. I feel sorry
> for ignorant assholes like you. This kid wasn't
> gay. And even if he was, that doesn't mean the
> loss of his life doesn't matter. People like you
> are the ones who deserve shit like this happening
> to them. Not some poor, innocent high schooler.
> And to all you other jack offs who are saying
> suicide isn't a good cause for anyone to mourn,
> well you can go fuck yourselves too.

Holy shit, you're worse than the guy who posted that crass comment. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: LHS Student ()
Date: February 24, 2015 08:09PM

What the fuck? Regardless if a person was gay or how they died, at least think about their fucking families and friends. How do you think his mom is? She probably walked over to his room to wake him up and found her son dead. You think there will be a day in her life where she doesn't see the image of her son lying there lifeless? To the guy who said the asshole deserves to die more than the kid, shut the fuck up. Why does being an asshole help the situation? No one deserves to die, not even that sick fucker.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: IT WAS A SUICIDE ()
Date: February 24, 2015 08:23PM

Our 24/7 suicide prevention text hotline - text “Need help” to 703-940-0888 if you are in crisis. Please RT.
IT was a suicide but parents are keeping in the DL like the Mohhomed kid

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Grow up ()
Date: February 24, 2015 08:51PM

He died of natural causes. He was found unresponsive and later pronounced dead.

Some of you need to grow up. Someone lost a child today. Regardless of the cause, have some respect. it just shows you that you never know what tomorrow will bring. May he rest in peace and may his family find strength to get though the days with out him.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: DJM ()
Date: February 24, 2015 09:01PM

Poyner was an amazing student, athlete, son and friend of many kids in the area. He attended PVI HS last year and transferred to Langley this year. He died of overnight in his sleep. The community, his friends and teammates are in deep sorrow over his sudden death.

Please respect him, his family and friends by mourning his loss and praying for them and quit the immature speculation online.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Dr Kevorkian ()
Date: February 24, 2015 09:10PM

DJM Wrote:
> Poyner was an amazing student, athlete, son and
> friend of many kids in the area. He attended PVI
> HS last year and transferred to Langley this year.
> He died of overnight in his sleep. The community,
> his friends and teammates are in deep sorrow over
> his sudden death.
> Please respect him, his family and friends by
> mourning his loss and praying for them and quit
> the immature speculation online.

Sleeping is not a cause of death. What's the real story?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Dr Kevorkian ()
Date: February 24, 2015 09:10PM

DJM Wrote:
> Poyner was an amazing student, athlete, son and
> friend of many kids in the area. He attended PVI
> HS last year and transferred to Langley this year.
> He died of overnight in his sleep. The community,
> his friends and teammates are in deep sorrow over
> his sudden death.
> Please respect him, his family and friends by
> mourning his loss and praying for them and quit
> the immature speculation online.

Overnight is not a cause of death. What's the real story?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: niggar ()
Date: February 24, 2015 09:43PM

that's pretty sad

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2015 10:00PM by niggar.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: congenial ()
Date: February 24, 2015 09:54PM

Why does it matter so much how he died? Clearly that isn't going to be answered until/if his family or police reports come out with a release of information. Stop gossiping about the cause of his death and leave his family and loved to peace. Instead of wasting our time on this completely shot to hell forum, why don't we do something in honor of Matt? Or at least something nice for his family. This could be used to share memories and kind thoughts about him, but instead we are slandering each other. What about the people who are actually mourning his loss? They honestly have a lot more ground to speak on instead of those of us who didn't know him personally. Are any of the posted sources even credible? This is going to spiral out of control into rumors about suicide, brain problems, and things of the sort.
However, I would like to state that people die in their sleep all the time. No one has actually been saying that he died BECAUSE he was asleep, simply that he passed WHILE he was asleep. That is the only credible information that anyone has right now so please stop making a huge issue out of this.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: TxXNG ()
Date: February 24, 2015 09:55PM

However he died, can't imagine what it must be like for the family. Rest in peace.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: OfCourse ()
Date: February 24, 2015 10:04PM

Of course, any decent person (I know there is a regrettable shortage of decent people on this website) feels compassion for the young man, his family, and friends and wants them to find the space to grieve.

That being said, the death of a person is not a private matter; it is a public one. Medical Examiners paid by the public are used to conduct autopsies. Emergency personnel, including ambulances, EMTs, and police are usually called upon to respond. They, too, are paid by the public. Death certificates must be issued. They are issued by agencies and people who are funded by the public.

Not only that, but so long as the cause and manner of death of a seemingly healthy young person remains hidden from the public, it is a cause of legitimate concern for the community, raising fears about whether whatever (or whoever) caused the death might endanger them or their loved ones, as well.

On the one hand, we respect the grieving process and the privacy so desired by the families of people who die in our county. But on the other hand, the public and community has a right to know what is going on.

I hope everyone on this site from this point on is respectful of the deceased young man ans his family. But for all of those who reflexively shout "this is none of your business," I respectfully beg to differ.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: niggar ()
Date: February 24, 2015 10:04PM

OfCourse Wrote:
> Of course, any decent person (I know there is a
> regrettable shortage of decent people on this
> website) feels compassion for the young man, his
> family, and friends and wants them to find the
> space to grieve.
> That being said, the death of a person is not a
> private matter; it is a public one. Medical
> Examiners paid by the public are used to conduct
> autopsies. Emergency personnel, including
> ambulances, EMTs, and police are usually called
> upon to respond. They, too, are paid by the
> public. Death certificates must be issued. They
> are issued by agencies and people who are funded
> by the public.
> Not only that, but so long as the cause and manner
> of death of a seemingly healthy young person
> remains hidden from the public, it is a cause of
> legitimate concern for the community, raising
> fears about whether whatever (or whoever) caused
> the death might endanger them or their loved ones,
> as well.
> On the one hand, we respect the grieving process
> and the privacy so desired by the families of
> people who die in our county. But on the other
> hand, the public and community has a right to know
> what is going on.
> I hope everyone on this site from this point on is
> respectful of the deceased young man ans his
> family. But for all of those who reflexively
> shout "this is none of your business," I
> respectfully beg to differ.


Beautifully said

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: LHS Student ()
Date: February 24, 2015 10:10PM

The doctor has told the family that the cause was most likely an aneurism or a heart attack. However, the official cause will not be know for a couple of weeks. It was NOT a suicide, he went to bed and did not wake up.

Is that enough for some of you assholes to calm down? There is no hidden murder or suicide, get over youselves. Yes, suicide in Fairfax County is a huge concern and we should pay attention to it, but in this case it just simply doesn't apply.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Student/teammate ()
Date: February 24, 2015 10:59PM

For all of you guys to know he died of an aneurysm in his sleep. You guys should be mourning the loss not cursing at each other.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Guy ()
Date: February 24, 2015 11:38PM

This post is absolutely correct. A death like this strikes fear in fellow students. Knowing the cause is useful for future prevention.

Rest in peace.

Re: Langley HS death
Date: February 24, 2015 11:57PM

HaChaCha Wrote:
> And the trend continues. Were they gay? If so,
> no need to mourn.

Somebody died. What the hell is wrong with you?

Re: Langley HS death
Date: February 24, 2015 11:58PM

All the pressures of social, sports, grades, and the future can weigh. FCPS doesn't focus enough on closer relationships with counselors.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Saddnend ()
Date: February 25, 2015 12:06AM

HaChaCha Wrote:

A human life was lost yesterday, and was probably much better spent than yours will ever be with a closed-minded outlook like that. Please be respectful to the family, and everyone involved, despite your unfortunate and ignorant opinions.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Updates? ()
Date: February 25, 2015 10:36AM

Still dead?

Re: Langley HS death
Date: February 25, 2015 10:43AM

I heard the cat smothered him.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: SorryForYourLoss ()
Date: February 25, 2015 10:58AM

My condolences to the family and friends of this young man. May God's Grace and Love be with you during this difficult time.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: sorry also ()
Date: February 25, 2015 11:08AM

No one actually knows what he died of. They said possibly aneurysm or heart attack but that was just the doctors conjecting. There was no signs or evidence that would lead one to suspect it was suicide. You might as well say aliens abducted him for medical experiments that went wrong and they put him back dead.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Poynerstrong ()
Date: February 25, 2015 11:10PM

Matt was a great person and probably one of the nicest people ive ever met. He died from a blood clot in his brain while he was sleeping. For all of you posting the mean comments, Matts death is not something to joke about. His wonderful family and Friends are in a very tough time of their life and don't need people joking about his death. I hope you understand, I love you Matt. #poynerstrong

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Saxon1212 ()
Date: February 26, 2015 06:57AM

You're a fucking moron. Go to hell if you want to think like that. At least you're breed of people are dying out in this world.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: TDCTY ()
Date: February 26, 2015 08:53AM

Very tragic situation for the family, friends and students.

Unfortunately a medical situation that nobody saw coming.

The student had everything going for him and a bright future ahead.

Unfortunately the family, siblings and friends have suffered a big loss and will take a long time to recover.

Please show some respect in this situaiton.

I realize this is FFU, but give it a break for the families sake.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Dhgd ()
Date: February 26, 2015 08:58AM

Is Langley still full of drug toting elitist youth?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Mr Sandman ()
Date: February 26, 2015 03:06PM

congenial Wrote:
> I would like to state that people die in
> their sleep all the time.

Yeah, if they're in their 80's or 90's. This kid was 16 or 17 I guess. 16 or 17 yr olds don't die in their sleep "all the time".

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: In grief.... ()
Date: February 26, 2015 03:09PM

Did he have a girlfriend?
Just askn

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: February 26, 2015 04:21PM

In grief.... Wrote:
> Did he have a girlfriend?
> Just askn

That's what I was asking, just in a different way.

And for those wondering, no, gays don't count.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: GaysArePeopleToo ()
Date: February 27, 2015 10:20PM

Let's get something straight, whether or not he was gay (which we've established by now he wasn't), a gay death is just as tragic as a straight one. I don't care who you are, but saying that a gay death doesn't matter is just as bad as saying a black or hispanic death doesn't matter. We are all humans. Race, gender, sexuality aside, death is death and it is a horrible and traumatic experience for everyone that knew and loved that person. The fact that people in NOVA are still this close minded is despicable, and anyone saying that if he was gay we shouldn't be sad is just ignorant and I really hope you realize how moronic you sound.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Becky ()
Date: February 27, 2015 10:33PM

GaysArePeopleToo Wrote:

> I don't care who you are, but saying
> that a gay death doesn't matter is just as bad as
> saying a black or hispanic death doesn't matter.
> We are all humans.
Race, gender, sexuality aside,
> death is death and it is a horrible and traumatic
> experience for blah blah blah..

I used to think that way but now I'm starting to think blacks really are less evolved than the other races.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: February 27, 2015 10:47PM

GaysArePeopleToo Wrote:
> Let's get something straight, whether or not he
> was gay (which we've established by now he
> wasn't), a gay death is just as tragic as a
> straight one. I don't care who you are, but saying
> that a gay death doesn't matter is just as bad as
> saying a black or hispanic death doesn't matter.
> We are all humans. Race, gender, sexuality aside,
> death is death ...

A dead gay is one less problem for society to deal with. The younger the better. Choosing homosexuality is a losing bet. Parents should banish such from the family and home, regretting the creature that they've created. Get a puppy - it will never reject you and break your heart like a gay child will.

If left to you, let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

Given that this young man died tragically due to a medical issue, I mourn with his family.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Dr. Elmer Fudd ()
Date: February 28, 2015 01:51AM

"Choosing homosexuality is a losing bet."

Spoken like an old closeted troll.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: February 28, 2015 04:18PM

Dr. Elmer Fudd Wrote:
> Spoken like an old closeted troll.

And that from a fudgepacker.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: 11111111111 ()
Date: February 28, 2015 04:28PM

Just to be clear this was not a sucide kid had a brain aneurism went to bed and never woke up

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaChaSucks ()
Date: February 28, 2015 08:23PM

You are seriously one ignorant son of a bitch.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: February 28, 2015 09:12PM

HaChaChaSucks Wrote:
> You are seriously one ignorant son of a bitch.

Why? I said I sincerely feel for the family of the boy who died as a result of medical problems. Are you taking offense because you are gay and thus unhappy with your life?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaChaSucks ()
Date: February 28, 2015 09:51PM

Nope. I'm straight, actually. I'm just not a close-minded ass wipe like yourself. You said that you wouldn't mourn with the family if they were gay. And that, sir, makes you despicable.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Jack Kevorkian ()
Date: February 28, 2015 09:57PM

Im curious. Why do people post stupid shit like this here? Do you thinks this kid's friends and family are going to come to FU to read about him? If so they are pretty fucking ignorant. And if you are even vaguely familiar with this place, you know what kind of reaction youre going to get.

Really really dumb

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: March 01, 2015 02:06PM

HaChaChaSucks Wrote:
> Nope. I'm straight, actually. I'm just not a
> close-minded ass wipe like yourself. You said that
> you wouldn't mourn with the family if they were
> gay. And that, sir, makes you despicable.

"Open-minded" = "entertains the idea of gay experiences himself"

or "is ok with his son being an effeminate cum-catcher"

You call it despicable, I call it honest. I do not consider the death of a gay to be a tragedy by any measure. The tragedy is their life and how their parents must mourn their own failure in bringing such a creature who makes bad choices into the world.

So you're ok with your son being gay? Or at least that's what you tell the world? Are you trying to convince everyone else or maybe just yourself? Or is it you in the closet, browsing gay online hookup ads of which your family knows nothing?

My sympathy still lies with the family of the young man who died.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaChaSucks ()
Date: March 01, 2015 06:37PM

I am literally laughing at how pathetic you sound right now. I'm straight. I have a son, and honestly, no I wouldn't mind if he was gay because that's his right as a human being. Granted my son is 4 years old and clearly doesn't know these things yet. Just because I'm not a judgmental ass hole doesn't mean I would have failed as a parent if my son were to turn out gay. However, when your kids start getting called to the principles office for beating the shit out of anyone they deem "different", then maybe you'll re-evaluate your opinion. I'm really curious to know what sort of person you are outside of an anonymous chat room.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Richard Simmons ()
Date: March 01, 2015 07:59PM

HaChaChaSucks Wrote:
> Just because I'm not a judgmental ass
> hole doesn't mean I would have failed as a parent
> if my son were to turn out gay.

Ummm, yes it would. If your son turns out to be gay it's definitely mommy and daddy's fault for not raising him properly. Is his name Terrance or Scott? Very gay names.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: anon100 ()
Date: March 03, 2015 08:15PM

My heart goes out to the friends and family of Matt at Langley, even though I have no connection to the school, except I know a former student. Just ignore the ignorant comments and focus on the positive, which is what I would imagine Matt would want you do to. You need the closeness of your friends and family right now, and not this ignorant bs. Stay strong, Langley <3

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: March 03, 2015 09:18PM

HaChaChaSucks Wrote:
> I am literally laughing at how pathetic you sound
> right now. I'm straight. I have a son, and
> honestly, no I wouldn't mind if he was gay because
> that's his right as a human being. Granted my son
> is 4 years old and clearly doesn't know these
> things yet. Just because I'm not a judgmental ass
> hole doesn't mean I would have failed as a parent
> if my son were to turn out gay. However, when your
> kids start getting called to the principles office
> for beating the shit out of anyone they deem
> "different", then maybe you'll re-evaluate your
> opinion. I'm really curious to know what sort of
> person you are outside of an anonymous chat room.

I'm the kind of person who teaches my children standards - what is acceptable behavior, and to take responsibility for their choices.

The only time I've been called was after my 9 y.o. daughter beat the crap out of a boy in her class who didn't seem to understand the words "stop touching me - I don't like that!"

Good luck raising a turd burglar. (He has a *right* to be gay?) Failed parent alert!

RIP, Matt @ Langley

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaChaSucks ()
Date: March 05, 2015 05:28PM

Oh, okay. I get it now. You're probably some middle aged, white collar working douche. Congratulations on all of your success in life. Too bad your personality is so screwed.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: HaChaCha ()
Date: March 05, 2015 08:34PM

HaChaChaSucks Wrote:
> Oh, okay. I get it now. You're probably some
> middle aged, white collar working douche.
> Congratulations on all of your success in life.
> Too bad your personality is so screwed

I'm also the kind who's successful enough to send my kids to private school so they don't have to associate with your larvae.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Hope it was peaceful ()
Date: March 10, 2015 05:42PM

Very sad but the best way to go..rip

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: March 10, 2015 09:37PM

I attended private school from preschool until high school. I currently attend Yale. I am a female with a 4.3 GPA and one of the most outstanding resumes you'll ever see in your life. I have an amazing relationship with my parents, a loving boyfriend and several close friends who love and adore me. I am very openly bisexual. I am more successful at 20 years old than your children probably ever will be with a parent like you. This isn't about failed parenting, because my parents raised me straight as an arrow. This is about you being an ignorant fool who can't see past the tip of his own nose to acknowledge the fact that every life is full of value and potential. I really hope you don't raise your children with this kind of prejudice because they will get absolutely no where in life among today's generation. I feel so sorry for people like you because I am sure you have missed out on some amazing relationships in life. No one is telling you to be gay. We are just asking that you respect everyone's life and right to live.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: You're Not Really Serious ()
Date: March 11, 2015 04:52PM

Don't try to impress me with talk of Yale. My undergrad degree is from Carnegie Mellon and my graduate degree from MIT. I win hands down. Yale is bastion of liberal bullshit and worthless thinking. In case you don't know it, your parents are greatly disappointed and spend nights and wondering where they the went wrong. I hope they're not throwing good money after bad in funding your school at this point or supporting you in any way. Your boyfriend is only interested in having you bring another girl home so he can do two of you at once, but he'll be much more into her. Or he's a loser. Or both. He could do a lot better in any case.

My children are being raised with standards. More than can be said for you. They're happy and healthy, doing well academically, involved with sports, and all around normal and good kids. If either should make the bad choice of embracing a gay (or as in your case, a bisexual) lifestyle, they'll be out of that private school and into a public school and corrective therapy the next day. And if that fails, on their 16th birthday will be dropped at a shelter in another state. But I'm teaching them to have values and make good choices.

Amazing relationships? People who love and adore you? Like the ones pictured below? Some people are just born defective. In nature, the runt of the litter does not survive. Neither do the sick and crippled. Humans allow nature to work properly and we accept and coddle the sick and twisted. I have no need of such "relationships". Do you think I missed out by being straight rather than having some twink spreading his ass for me?

To be respected you have to be respectable. Do you think the types pictured below are respectable? Do they have value? Do they deserve any rights?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: cut this crap out ()
Date: March 11, 2015 05:14PM

You people are idiots. Matt was not even gay. So why are you making this into a gay subject?

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Doesn't Matter. ()
Date: May 13, 2015 08:50PM

Hey everybody this is one of matts good friends and I just want everyone to know that the day before this happened he got called up to varsity baseball and got his license. Matt was an awesome healthy happy kid with a beautiful girlfriend, tons of friends and a great athlete. Now you would think someone with all those things could become cocky or douchey like some jock popular kid. But Matt was a great exception. He was one of the kindest people I have ever met and it's very offensive for some of you to come on here and so lightly say stuff like,"the family is probably hiding suicide because they are ashamed" or " the schools don't want to scare other kids". I am close with the family and know that there really was no diagnosis, simply God needed him in heaven and so he took him to join his kingdom. Doctors said most likely an aneurism or heart attack. It's incredibly offensive Of some of you people to make these acquisitions, Specifically dr kevorkian, it's Incredible that you feel you can just come out and say "sleep isn't a cause of death what's the real story". Would you say that to his family's face? Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone please stop sitting on your computers gossiping like its a fucking news story. Sorry if I came off rude or harsh I am just pretty upset at some of the stuff said here.

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: bpjke ()
Date: May 14, 2015 01:55PM

RIP Matt.
That was a kind eulogy of sorts. Bless you.
(BTW, on this site there will always be immature rantings, even over someone's death .. which is sad. This site is a good cross-section of the public .. so in the future, just ignore bad comments and don't waste your time responding to them ... just my 2 cents).

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: miss you matt ()
Date: June 21, 2015 12:40AM

I still miss you like crazy, Matt. I can't wait for the day I get to see you again. I will always love you. Always & forever

Re: Langley HS death
Posted by: Grayson ()
Date: November 18, 2015 10:48PM

miss you bra , we haven't forgotten . see you soon

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