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Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: pissed off driver ()
Date: April 20, 2009 04:20PM

Has anyone seen a silver mazda6 with dark tinit in the chantilly, centreville, fairfax area? this asshole is always speeding around people, tailgating the fuck out of people. He fuckin flashed me for going the limit 50 on 29 in centreville, then launched off beside me and continued to do 50+ on residential roads. Ive seen him before on 28 as well just zig zagging everywhere.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: fairfax ()
Date: April 20, 2009 04:24PM

Not specifically, but then again you did just describe most of the drivers around here.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Poop ()
Date: April 20, 2009 04:53PM

Are you going 50 in the left lane? Cause if you are your a dick. And anyway you have to yield the right of way to over taking vehicles.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: April 20, 2009 04:54PM

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Junes ()
Date: April 20, 2009 05:14PM

Poop Wrote:
> Are you going 50 in the left lane? Cause if you
> are your a dick. And anyway you have to yield the
> right of way to over taking vehicles.

Not if you're doing the speed limit

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: dork123 ()
Date: April 20, 2009 05:32PM

Uhhh... You do have to yield the right of way if a vehicle indicates it is trying to "overtake" you in the left lane, according to Virginia law. This is what pisses so many people off. They think they have the "right", oh wait... maybe they feel "empowered" to impede traffic flow. Just move over and be a good citizen, ok?

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: LXdkP ()
Date: April 20, 2009 05:42PM

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: April 20, 2009 06:06PM

I drive like a grandma and even I don't understand people who won't move out of the left lane for a faster vehicle.

This county is rude enough, just get over yourself and move over. You're only making things more dangerous for everyone by forcing some douchebag roadracer into passing you on the right.

Fuck the Mazda driver though, report him next time you get a license plate.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: SBS ()
Date: April 20, 2009 06:21PM

jimmy jingles Wrote:
> Fuck the Mazda driver though, report him next time
> you get a license plate.

Don't even waste your time. Your reporting him does NOTHING.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Magic ()
Date: April 20, 2009 07:48PM

Why does it have to be the car with TINT?!!>...couldn't just be a silver Mazda 6 could it.... I bet the Tint was "BLACK" too, GEEZ.....you people.....

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: ha ha ()
Date: April 20, 2009 08:21PM

Hey that was probably Jimmy Jingles or Gravis driving that car. HA HA HA!!!!

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: April 20, 2009 08:39PM

dork123 Wrote:
> Uhhh... You do have to yield the right of way if a
> vehicle indicates it is trying to "overtake" you
> in the left lane, according to Virginia law. This
> is what pisses so many people off. They think they
> have the "right", oh wait... maybe they feel
> "empowered" to impede traffic flow. Just move over
> and be a good citizen, ok?

So even if I'm going 65 in a 50 and some ass is tailgating me and speeding (already breaking the law twice), I have to legally move over to let them pass?? I have to say I fucking hate people flashing their lights at me when I'm on a one lane road going the speed limit or slightly over. I slam on the brakes and flip them off every time.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Price ()
Date: April 20, 2009 08:48PM

You're an idiot, and if you do this in front of me - trust me, I know how to cut off people really well.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: dork321 ()
Date: April 20, 2009 08:50PM

Uhhh... You do have to slow dow if your vehicle is exceding the legal speed limit in the left lane; that is, according to Virginia law. This is what pisses so many people off. They think they have the "right", oh wait... maybe they feel "empowered" to roar recklessly around traffic flow. Just slow down and be a good citizen, ok?

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Lunatic driver in cville area ()
Date: April 20, 2009 08:52PM

It was me.

I apologize.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: April 20, 2009 09:53PM

Price Wrote:
> You're an idiot, and if you do this in front of me
> - trust me, I know how to cut off people really
> well.

Who are you referring to? If it's me please tell me why I'm an idiot for going the speed limit or a little over on a one lane road (usually where cops love to do speed traps)?

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: April 20, 2009 10:09PM

You have to be willfully obtuse if you refuse to admit that the speed limit is not really followed by the majority of drivers.

If you want to follow the speed limit, at least get out of people's way. Don't be selfish just because you're bitter. Be bitter in the right-hand lane so people can go about their business.

You aren't the enforcer of Traffic Justice and Equality, so don't take some kind of sanctimonious bullshit tone about "the law" as an excuse to slow other people down on purpose.

If you see someone driving recklessly, report them dialing the state police (*SP) or the Fairfax non-emergency number. I've reported suspected DUI's and it was taken seriously.

I said earlier in this thread I drive like a grandma, and I really do. I almost always drive the speed limit, but my life is happy enough that I don't need to take my angriness out on other drivers who want to drive a little faster.

People who vindictively cut people off need to be neutered. People who drive recklessly should be fined heavily. People who drive in the left "at the speed limit" should move over.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2009 10:12PM by jimmy jingles.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: jingles jimmy ()
Date: April 20, 2009 10:38PM

You have to be willfully obtuse if you refuse to admit that the lawful speed limit is what is clearly posted along the roadside.

If you don't want to follow the speed limit, at least stay out of people's way. Don't be a selfish asshole just because you're a bitter asshole. Be a bitter asshole at the posted and lawful speed limit so people can go about their business safely.

You aren't a one man gang of Traffic Lawlessness and Menacing Danger, so don't take some kind of sanctimonious bullshit tone about "everybody does it" as an excuse to enganger other people on purpose.

If you see someone speeding and driving recklessly, report them dialing the state police (*SP) or the Fairfax non-emergency number. I've reported suspected DUI's and it was taken seriously.

I said earlier in this thread I drive like a grandma, and I really do. I almost always drive the speed limit, but my life is happy enough that I don't need to be put in danger by drivers who want to drive a faster than the law permits.

People who vindictively cut people off need to be neutered. People who drive recklessly should be fined heavily. People who drive in the left "aboe the speed limit" should slow down and obey the law.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: April 20, 2009 11:05PM

Ignoring your ham-fisted failure at either humor or making a point, the single fact remains:

It's much safer for those around you to just move over. You are actually more of a menace by camping in the left lane than you realize.

I'm not trying to decrease the size of your e-penis by disagreeing with you, I'm actually trying to explain a point:

Multilane limited-access highways are divided into various lanes so that faster drivers can overtake slower ones in an orderly, well-defined manner.

Our freeway system was designed after Germany's Autobahn. Over there, it works great because the German drivers get hundreds of hours more driver's education than we do, and they undertand the order of a bigger system and their place within that system.

You, on the other hand, are a puriticanial self-elected enforcer of traffic laws, and you're actually just as bad, if not worse, than the faster drivers.

By forcing the more aggressive drivers to DRIVE AROUND YOU, you are forcing them to change lanes at least twice more than they should have to. You're also pissing people off, making them aggressive, which we definatly do not need more of in this county.

Yes, they should be driving the speed limit. However YOU should also know that its SAFER for you to drive the speed limit where it is SAFE to do so.

Sorry to have to explain this to you in such harsh terms, Grumpy Grandpa, but I'm completely serious when I claim that YOU ARE A MENACE TO TRAFFIC SAFETY just as much as the speed racers.

And next time post something original and coherent. Jesus christ.

jingles jimmy Wrote:
> You have to be willfully obtuse if you refuse to
> admit that the lawful speed limit is what is
> clearly posted along the roadside.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: boredom ()
Date: April 20, 2009 11:26PM

pissed off driver Wrote:
> He fuckin flashed me for going the limit 50 on 29 in
> centreville, then launched off beside me and
> continued to do 50+ on residential roads.

You were probably in the left lane doing the limit you fuck. Even if you were speeding, you're probably one of those tools who won't move the fuck out of the way when faster moving traffic comes up behind you.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: jingles jimmy ()
Date: April 20, 2009 11:50PM

Ignoring your ham-fisted failure at either humor or making a point, the single fact remains:

It's much safer for those around you to just slow down. You are actually more of a menace by racing in the left lane than you realize.

I'm not trying to decrease the size of your teensy-weensy e-penis by disagreeing with you, I'm actually trying to explain a point:

Multilane limited-access highways are divided into various lanes so that lawful faster drivers can overtake slower ones in an orderly, well-defined manner.

Our freeway system was not in any way designed after Germany's Autobahn. Over there, it fails badly because the German drivers race around and Mach 2 and leae piles of dead and mangled bodies due to excessive speed.

You, on the other hand, are a lawless self-appointed breaker of traffic laws, and you're actually just as bad, if not worse, than the deadliest drivers around.

By forcin the more aggressive drivers to DRIVE AT THE LAWFUL SPEED LIMIT, you are forcing them to slow down at least ten miles per hour than they want to. You're also correspondingly reducing the speed of a multitude of similarly selfish and deadly drivers making them safer, which we definatly not need much more of in this county.

Yes, they should be driving the speed limit. However YOU should also know that its SAFER for you to drive the speed limit where it is LEGAL to do so.

Sorry to have to explain this to you in such harsh terms, TOBY TODDLER, but I'm completely serious when I claim that YOU ARE A MENACE TO TRAFFIC SAFETY more so as the drunk drivers.

And next time post something original and literate. Jesus H. Christ.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: boring ()
Date: April 20, 2009 11:53PM

He fuckin flashed me for going the limit 50 on 29 in
> centreville, then launched off beside me and
> continued to do 50+ on residential roads.

That fuck was probably in the left lane exceeding the speed limit . Even if you weren't speeding, he's probably one of those selfish dangerous assholes who thinks everyone else must move the fuck out of the way when lawless racing priks like him comes up behind you.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: earnhart's spirit ()
Date: April 21, 2009 07:16AM

Way I see it, if you move over and let people go around you, it gives you a safety buffer from getting a ticket. I always drive over the speed limit, but I make sure that there are always a few cars going faster than me.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: April 21, 2009 09:30AM

I move over if I can, unless the person is being dangerous.
I'm in the left lane ahead of the pack or running with the
speeders there a lot, myself. I absolutely never weave,
and I always try to maintain lots of stopping space.
I never tailgate or ask (eg. flash) people to get out
of my way. I rarely feel frustrated with anyone going
a little slower in the left lane -- most people are
reasonable and will get out of the way. In Virginia
it is legal to pass on the right, and it's quite possible
to do so in a safe and sane manner without startling or
endangering anyone in any lane.

If you are being overtaken in the left lane, you only have to
move over "as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so".
If you are already at or above the speed limit and there are
people in the right lane beside you, then it may not be safe
to accelerate even more in order get room. Depends on the
traffic situation. Meanwhile, the overtaker is breaking any
number of more serious laws (speeding, tailgating, driving
aggessively, etc.) while demanding that you accomodate his
reckless behaviour.

A reasonable approach could be for the overtaken vehicle to
slow down until they get can into the right lane and out
of the way.

More likely is that the insane asshole speeder will make
some incredibly reckless maneuver involving weaving in
and out of the right lanes and back around. If a cop
sees that, he's not going to ticket the slower driver
for failing to yield the lane. He's going to arrest the
speeder and lock him up for reckless endangerment, and
with any luck and justice the person will never drive again.
(Better than them out there trying to kill people.)

Those crazy weaving dickless brainless speeding people who
think others should get out of their way are a fucking menace.

I'll driving more than 500 miles north on Route 95 on Thursday.
Crazy people please stay the fuck away from me. I'll be the
one going 75-80 most of the time. Thank you.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2009 09:39AM by Spacy.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: April 21, 2009 09:37AM

Spacy Wrote:
> More likely is that the insane asshole speeder will make
> some incredibly reckless maneuver involving weaving in
> and out of the right lanes and back around. If a
> cop sees that, he's not going to ticket the slower
> driver for failing to yield the lane. He's going to
> arrest the speeder and lock him up for reckless endangerment,

LOL! dream on.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: April 21, 2009 09:40AM

Gravis Wrote:
> LOL! dream on.

Like someone else mentioned, I get good results by
calling in dangerous drivers on the cell phone.
I always give the plate # and exact location.

Crazy assholes are not anonymous any more.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2009 09:41AM by Spacy.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: European ()
Date: April 21, 2009 09:51AM

Its true, most americans cannot drive well. I am constantly shocked to see the way people drive. No indicators, crossing two lanes at once, and probably the worst in the complete lack of and type of safe space between cars. Do you yanks actually know that it takes a car longer to brake in the rain? People who drive slowly in the left lane are creating a DANGER. please come to Germany to see the correct way to drive, but please, please, please, only as a passanger.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 21, 2009 10:07AM

European Wrote:
> Its true, most americans cannot drive well. I am
> constantly shocked to see the way people drive. No
> indicators, crossing two lanes at once, and
> probably the worst in the complete lack of and
> type of safe space between cars. Do you yanks
> actually know that it takes a car longer to brake
> in the rain? People who drive slowly in the left
> lane are creating a DANGER. please come to Germany
> to see the correct way to drive, but please,
> please, please, only as a passanger.

I can't speak for Germany, but if it's so much better there, please return and make a living there instead of here, ya ingrate!

You are right though about people not leaving enough space between cars, especailly in the rain. It's about the most dangerous thing drivers can do and I see it everytime I'm on the road. It's as if drivers feel they can "force the issue" and speed up the cars in front of them. WHen it's wet on the Beltway you can count on seeing at least one idiot who rear ended somebody. Always avoidable but no one gets tickets for it unless they are faluted in an accident or some other rare circumstance.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: European ()
Date: April 21, 2009 02:47PM

pissed off driver Wrote:
> Has anyone seen a silver mazda6 with dark tinit in
> the chantilly, centreville, fairfax area? this
> asshole is always speeding around people,
> tailgating the fuck out of people. He fuckin
> flashed me for going the limit 50 on 29 in
> centreville, then launched off beside me and
> continued to do 50+ on residential roads. Ive
> seen him before on 28 as well just zig zagging
> everywhere.

how do you know the driver is 'always' doing this? you sound like a pissed off person first, and a bad driver second

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: dork123 ()
Date: April 21, 2009 03:33PM

Does anyone understand English here? The scope of the issue is not the speed of the vehicle, which we all know is illegal. Read on, obey, and be a good citizen.

(Credit to LXdkP)

ยง 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways.

It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. On audible or light signal, the driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. A violation of this section shall not be construed as negligence per se in any civil action.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: European ()
Date: April 21, 2009 03:35PM

and you call that english??

this is english - move the $%^& over

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: ya idiot! ()
Date: April 21, 2009 08:10PM

European Wrote:
> pissed off driver Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> Ive
> > seen him before on 28 as well just zig zagging
> > everywhere.
> how do you know the driver is 'always' doing this?
> you sound like a pissed off person first, and a
> bad driver second

I guess reading isn't as important as knowing how to drive well while going really fast in Germany now is it?

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: April 22, 2009 12:09AM

European Wrote:
> Its true, most americans cannot drive well. I am
> constantly shocked to see the way people drive. No
> indicators, crossing two lanes at once, and
> probably the worst in the complete lack of and
> type of safe space between cars. Do you yanks
> actually know that it takes a car longer to brake
> in the rain? People who drive slowly in the left
> lane are creating a DANGER. please come to Germany
> to see the correct way to drive, but please,
> please, please, only as a passanger.

You've obviously never been to China, India, or Mexico.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: TedBundy ()
Date: April 22, 2009 12:13AM

Mofo, you obviously think you own the road. I hate people that own the road.

I hope you crash and feel the pain of your burning flesh.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Sculler ()
Date: April 22, 2009 08:06AM

I came up behind a pecker-head in a Volvo in the left lane on the FFX Parkway this morning that was pacing the car in the right lane. When I got up behind him he threw his hands up like he was confused, and obviously he was SO very confused. He did finally get a clue and moved over to the right lane. As I passed him I gave him a big thumbs down. I used to give 'em the finger but I feel like a thumbs down really gets the message across of just how disappointing they are when it comes to common sense on the road. Plus, the look on their face is priceless.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: SBS ()
Date: April 22, 2009 09:13AM

Sculler Wrote:
> I came up behind a pecker-head in a Volvo in the
> left lane on the FFX Parkway this morning that was
> pacing the car in the right lane. When I got up
> behind him he threw his hands up like he was
> confused, and obviously he was SO very confused.
> He did finally get a clue and moved over to the
> right lane. As I passed him I gave him a big
> thumbs down. I used to give 'em the finger but I
> feel like a thumbs down really gets the message
> across of just how disappointing they are when it
> comes to common sense on the road. Plus, the look
> on their face is priceless.

I would do that too, but they wouldn't be able to see the gesture through my tinted windows.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Report 'em ()
Date: April 24, 2009 11:48PM

You can report aggressives drivers in Fairfax County online:

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: you gotta be kidding ()
Date: April 25, 2009 12:02AM

If you are so pathetic that you call and report aggressive drivers, just do us all a favor and stay home.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: April 25, 2009 12:26AM

Aggressive drivers need to stay home.


If you get one of these letters, file a FOIA request to see what the complaint says :D

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Report 'em ()
Date: April 25, 2009 12:29AM

You're darn right I report aggressive drivers via the web -- red light runners, passing traffic in right-turn-only lanes and cutting back into the through traffic, following so close that you can't even see their grills in the rear-view mirror, etc. I spend a lot of time on the highways for business, so I'm a fast driver myself, out of necessity -- but I get sick and tired of having jerks in rigged-up Honda Civics (and similar crap) putting my safety in jeopardy and risking damage to my $60K vehicle. The reality is, no matter how much money you spend on a Honda, it's still a Honda. You want performance -- buy a performance vehicle, don't try to make one by piecing one together. Get real.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Don't report em ()
Date: April 25, 2009 12:34AM

After being humbled that someone that drives a 60k car is speaking to us, I realized that everyone looks at each other as an aggressive driver.

I am sure you never speed, run a red light, or tailgate anyone else. Its obviously everyone around you being assholes. Everyone but you.

Reporting those people on the internet, what good is it? A police officer has to actually see the driving in progress, and doesn't count on the word of a dipshit vigilante that thinks he owns the road.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: April 25, 2009 12:36AM

and here I keep trying to convince people back in Ohio that this county isn't actually full of conceited assholes who are menaces on the highway.......

Report 'em Wrote:
> but I get sick and tired of having
> jerks in rigged-up Honda Civics (and similar crap)
> putting my safety in jeopardy and risking damage
> to my $60K vehicle.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Don't report em ()
Date: April 25, 2009 12:42AM

Probably drives a BMW..sounds like a douchebag and only douchebags drive BMWs.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Report 'em ()
Date: April 25, 2009 01:02AM

FYI "Don't report em" -- my $60K car is the result of working my own way through college (I grew up poor), then taking my professional work seriously and earning promotions - so your "being humbled" comment is crap.

Sure I speed, when traffic and highway conditions safely allow me to do so, such as open-road Interstate stretches. I don't speed in neighborhoods for fear of children running out into the street or jerks blowing through stop signs and driving out right in front of me. I don't run red lights or stop signs and don't tailgate. I value my life and the lives of those around me. It's as simple as that. It has nothing to do with some self-importance as you try to insinuate. I don't want to kill or maim anyone in a vehicle accident and I don't want others doing it to me or someone in my family.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Don't report em ()
Date: April 25, 2009 01:10AM

Report 'em Wrote:
> FYI "Don't report em" -- my $60K car is the result of getting a high interest eight year loan, but it will probably take longer because I miss several payments a year. Really, buying a 60k car and telling the internet about it makes my life more fullfilling than driving a 20k Honda Accord.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Report 'em ()
Date: April 25, 2009 01:31AM

"Don't report 'em" -- why do you continue to make remarks that have no basis and you have no way of knowing my circumstances?

My car is not a BMW, it's a true-blue American-made Corvette. Big cash down-payment that I saved up and a 36-month note that's already paid off. I buy what I can afford at the point in life when I can afford it. I've driven a Volkswagen, Ford Mustang, Dodge van, Chrysler LHS, Volvo -- and many more, so I'm not some rich-nosed snot.

I love my life with my family and friends -- and I wish the same for you. May you gain peace, so you don't feel the need to meanly attack others.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Don't report em ()
Date: April 25, 2009 01:37AM

Goodnight Report'em. May you grow thicker skin in your journeys.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: April 25, 2009 02:28AM

Report 'em,

The next time your $60K car speeds past me, I'm dialing *77 to report a "grew up poor" snot nose on the loose.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Aggressor ()
Date: April 25, 2009 02:33AM


Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: April 25, 2009 07:25AM

Alias Wrote:
> Report 'em,
> The next time your $60K car speeds past me, I'm
> dialing *77 to report a "grew up poor" snot nose
> on the loose.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Va Gal ()
Date: April 25, 2009 10:46AM

Reread this forum objectively. The snot-nosed acting people are the ones posting the immature comments, not Report-em.

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Va Guy ()
Date: April 25, 2009 01:01PM

At least we're not advertising how much our car costs. He couldn't just say "his car" he had to say "his 60k car."

Re: Lunatic driver in cville area
Posted by: Va Gal ()
Date: April 25, 2009 01:43PM

I just didn't read it that way. Seems to me Report-em was saying they have an expensive car and doesn't appreciate being tailgated by aggressive drivers in relatively cheap modified vehicles. Didn't say anything about it being a Corvette, which is a true performance vehicle, until some smart-mouthed comments were made about it being a BMW and about the probable purchase and financing terms of the car. Someone driving a high-end Mercedes AMG or a Bentley GT coupe would consider a Corvette cheap. $60K isn't really that expensive when you consider the sticker price of BMW, Acura, Mercedes, Land Rover and Porsche SUVs, which you see all over NVa roads.

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