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apparently all the meth heads in this county are asian
Date: April 19, 2009 06:33PM

"BOUNG ","SE HUN "," ","037"," 5990","MEADOW BROOK ","DR","BURKE ","VA","02/13/2008","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"BOUNG ","SE HUN "," ","037"," 5990","MEADOW BROOK ","DR","BURKE ","VA","02/13/2008","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"BOUNG ","SE HUN "," ","037"," 5990","MEADOW BROOK ","DR","BURKE ","VA","02/13/2008","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"BOUNG ","SE HUN "," ","037"," 5990","MEADOW BROOK ","DR","BURKE ","VA","02/13/2008","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"BOUNG ","SE HUN "," ","037"," 5990","MEADOW BROOK ","DR","BURKE ","VA","02/13/2008","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"DAILEY ","CURTIS ","L","033"," ","NO FIXED "," "," "," ","01/04/2004","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"KIM ","CHI ","W","062"," 5326","SAMMIE KAY ","LK","CENTREVILLE ","VA","10/31/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"KIM ","CHI ","W","063"," 5326","SAMMIE KAY ","LK","CENTREVILLE ","VA","10/31/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"KIM ","ELLEN ","B","060"," 5326","SAMMIE KAY ","LA","CENTREVILLE ","VA","10/31/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"KIM ","ELLEN ","B","061"," 5326","SAMMIE KAY ","LA","CENTREVILLE ","VA","10/31/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"LAHR ","UN ","Y","054"," 9519","VANDOLA ","CT","BURKE ","VA","07/27/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"LAHR ","UN ","Y","055"," 9519","VANDOLA ","CT","BURKE ","VA","07/27/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"LIM ","SUN ","J","045"," 14281","GLADE SPRING ","DR","CENTREVILLE ","VA","10/31/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"LIM ","SUN ","J","046"," 14281","GLADE SPRING ","DR","CENTREVILLE ","VA","07/27/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"PAUDYAL ","BIJAY ","K","032"," 10760","MAINSTREET #202 "," ","FAIRFAX ","VA","07/27/2006","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"TRAN ","CUONG ","Q","021"," 5257","ROLLING ","RD","SPRINGFIELD ","VA","03/20/2007","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "
"TRAN ","CUONG ","Q","021"," 5257","ROLLING ","RD","SPRINGFIELD ","VA","03/20/2007","S/M METHAMPHETHAMINE (SPEED) "

Re: apparently all the meth heads in this county are asian
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: April 19, 2009 07:24PM

curtis is such a popular asian name.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: apparently all the meth heads in this county are asian
Posted by: guest ()
Date: April 20, 2009 07:44AM

Fucking Korean shits. Also, Curtis Dailey? Doesn't sound Asian to me.

Re: apparently all the meth heads in this county are asian
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: April 20, 2009 08:41AM

I didn't see Sum Dumphuk or Wee phkmyung on that list.

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