I tried going to the 711 in Fairfax but I couldnt get thru the wave of beaners
Posted by:
Concerned Mexican
Date: March 23, 2009 11:06PM
Fairfax whats up? Why so many wetbacks blocking the entrance to 711? Are they on strike? I have never seen so many spics in my life. Is this normal?
Re: I tried going to the 711 in Fairfax but I couldnt get thru the wave of beaners
Posted by:
Date: March 23, 2009 11:20PM
Concerned Mexican Wrote:
> Fairfax whats up? Why so many wetbacks blocking
> the entrance to 711? Are they on strike? I have
> never seen so many spics in my life. Is this
> normal?
Re: I tried going to the 711 in Fairfax but I couldnt get thru the wave of beaners
Re: I tried going to the 711 in Fairfax but I couldnt get thru the wave of beaners
Posted by:
Date: March 23, 2009 11:57PM
Eastsider is trolling again. And Badges?! We don't need no steenkin' Badges!
Re: I tried going to the 711 in Fairfax but I couldnt get thru the wave of beaners
Posted by:
Date: March 24, 2009 03:58AM
Fairfax?? You wanna see some beaners? try hitting up the 711 in annandale or centreville or pretty much any place in manassas. how dare you complain about there being beaners in fairfax.
Re: I tried going to the 711 in Fairfax but I couldnt get thru the wave of beaners
Posted by:
Crazy frog
Date: March 24, 2009 04:15AM
Finally found a place I can spout my racist tendecies, without worrying about others thinking I am crazy.
Re: I tried going to the 711 in Fairfax but I couldnt get thru the wave of beaners