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getting inked
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: June 11, 2006 12:39PM

I'm looking for a tattoo parlor to get a tat or two, and I'm wondering if anybody can recommend a place that's clean, good, and not too expensive. I'm looking at getting the Nats logo (the interlocking DC) on my bicep.

I'm mostly concerned with cleanliness and quality. I don't want a combination of ink, Diet Coke, and Windex being used in my tattoo, and I also don't want them to slip and mess up.


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Re: getting inked
Posted by: slw ()
Date: June 11, 2006 01:44PM

you want the best of everything for your tattoo but worried about the price, the two things don't go together

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 11, 2006 04:52PM

you are going to get the nationals logo tattooed on you? lol. seriously, that's just stupid. i mean... seriously seriously stupid. i would hold off on getting a tattoo... you must remember they are absolutely permanent. laser removal is not very good. the results are shotty at best. nik, i dont mean to be too harsh (ok, it's too late for that) but i really do think a tattoo like that would be retarded + 10.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 11, 2006 05:13PM

I have heard advertisements on Sirius for a cream called "Wrecking Balm" that the advertisor claims over time breaks down tatoos. I have no idea how well it works.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Brock Landers ()
Date: June 11, 2006 09:06PM

Marlowe Ink in Fairfax, they're the best aroud here. 703-383-0699. Ask for Anna. She did most of my back & arms. I could not be more pleased.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: WestOx ()
Date: June 11, 2006 09:31PM

When I went to GMU the Frat guys on my Dorm floor had a rush party. Some dudes got so wasted they had a contest, "what extreme thing would you do to earn mebership in this frat" the thing ended with this drop dead sick drink kid saying, "id get the frat letters tattoed on my dick" the last I saw of him was two frat brothers carrying him by both arms out the door. Dont know wether they were headed for a tattoo parlour or to dump his comatose body in a dumpster behind SUB 2

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: June 12, 2006 08:47AM

Brock Landers: Thanks. I'll check it out. What did you get and how much did it cost?

Gravis: Yes, I want to get the Nats logo tattooed on me. Permanently. Forever. And maybe even longer than that.


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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Sicko DeMayo ()
Date: June 12, 2006 12:03PM

Pfft. Forget the Nat's logo. You should totally get something unique that nobody else has. Like a butterfly on your ankle if you're a chick, or maybe a "tribal" band around your arm if you're a dude. Random Chinese characters (doesn't matter if you tell them, "I want it to say 'Strenght' in Chinese," because they're just going to copy it off a takeout menu anyway) on your back would be good for either sex. Make sure you get something that'll look extra retarded when you're old and saggy.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 12, 2006 01:25PM

if you are going to get a chinese or japanese character tattooed on you, have a friend that is fluent in speaking and writing the language translate it for you and take it to the tattoo parlor otherwise you are going to get some half-ass translation. i also know it's common that yes, there are places that will have completely different things tattooed on people that are insulting. an example is a girl that had "whore" tattooed on her neck and everyone that understood it laughed as she walked by. dont get shit tattooed on you unless you know it's properly translated. also, characters can have multiple meanings due to context (much like english) so be sure to get something definate.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: RbF_dark420 ()
Date: June 13, 2006 04:35AM

Call the Nats first, with corps paying for human billboards on eBay they might pay you $$$ or pay for you to get inked

Only the paraniod will Survive...

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Dork ()
Date: June 13, 2006 05:51AM

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Brock Landers ()
Date: June 13, 2006 01:38PM

I have a full back piece. It starts at my neck, goes down the top of my arms, down to my waist, and I'm starting on the outside of my legs now. All custom celtic, all black. Anna Marlowe & I designed it. I'd bring in ideas or things I drew, she'd have ideas and tell me what would work or work better on skin. She really is someting else. If you want anything symetrical, she's the best for 100's of miles around.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: LTLFTP ()
Date: June 13, 2006 02:40PM

nik - also see the posts from a year ago "tattoos" at http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?2,5243

dork - nice links thank you!

maybe i should pretty this up and try making a wiki thing

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: slw ()
Date: June 13, 2006 05:00PM

to each their own i think her tattoos suck,

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: tommy ()
Date: January 03, 2007 12:37AM

James Marlowe is currently workin on a custom leg sleeve, james freehanded the entire sleeve, from the tribute cross of my bestfriend (dead now) and the entire tribal sleeve... Great prices, and him and Anna are both awesome people...

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 03, 2007 01:04PM

Getting inked is stoopid. Try attracting attention to yourself by your deeds and not some "hey eveyone look at how cool I am" skin art. Or take a note from pam anderson or whoever else got Hepatitus from a dirty tattoo needle.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: duh ()
Date: January 03, 2007 09:53PM

ferfux Wrote:
> Getting inked is stoopid. Try attracting
> attention to yourself by your deeds and not some
> "hey eveyone look at how cool I am" skin art. Or
> take a note from pam anderson or whoever else got
> Hepatitus from a dirty tattoo needle.

Amen ferfux.....nothing says MORON like a tattoo.

And with idiot shows like Miami Ink on tv...tattoos are becoming so common that they don't even attract the attention the morons crave!

Like ferfux said.....go back to school and learn to do something. That
will attract more attention than any tattoo or other mutilation.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: slw ()
Date: January 05, 2007 10:27AM

ferfux and duh..Who in the hell are you 2 assholes to sit hiding behind your computer screens and judge people who want to get tattoos? If you don't want to get tattooed thats your business but to sit and judge people who do... I'll tell you 2 brave m-fers, why don't you go to the nearest tattoo studio, walk in and tell the artist who work there and the customers waiting how you feel, and that they are MORONS and stooopid, please let me know when and where your going to do that, i would really like to be there, assholes

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 05, 2007 10:34AM

well, you just told off 2 children, literally, so good work.

I'd recommend you all stay off this guy's lawn.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: 495 ()
Date: January 05, 2007 12:08PM

"James Marlowe is currently workin on a custom leg sleeve, james freehanded the entire sleeve, from the tribute cross of my bestfriend (dead now)"

From Hepatitus I presume?

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 05, 2007 12:34PM

slw Wrote:
> ferfux and duh..Who in the hell are you 2 assholes
> to sit hiding behind your computer screens and
> judge people who want to get tattoos? If you don't
> want to get tattooed thats your business but to
> sit and judge people who do... I'll tell you 2
> brave m-fers, why don't you go to the nearest
> tattoo studio, walk in and tell the artist who
> work there and the customers waiting how you feel,
> and that they are MORONS and stooopid, please let
> me know when and where your going to do that, i
> would really like to be there, assholes

not only will i go to a tattoo shop and tell the ink addicted assholes that they are stupid but I will tell YOU that you are STUPID as well! i may be sitting behind a computer screen but so the hell are you! Is getting a tattoo manly? fuck that! Is telling someone off online manly? YOU obviously think so! Tell me where the nearest Tattoo parlour is to YOU and I will MEET you there, douse the entire place in Fire extinguisher foam and LAUGH at you craven IDIOTS!

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: JDog ()
Date: January 06, 2007 03:43AM

That's a check I'm SURE you don't have the balls to cash, coward.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: duh ()
Date: January 06, 2007 11:50AM

slw Wrote:
> ferfux and duh..Who in the hell are you 2 assholes
> to sit hiding behind your computer screens and
> judge people who want to get tattoos? If you don't
> want to get tattooed thats your business but to
> sit and judge people who do... I'll tell you 2
> brave m-fers, why don't you go to the nearest
> tattoo studio, walk in and tell the artist who
> work there and the customers waiting how you feel,
> and that they are MORONS and stooopid, please let
> me know when and where your going to do that, i
> would really like to be there, assholes

See what I mean?

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: cherrytop ()
Date: January 06, 2007 12:03PM

Friend of mine got the tatto down near her ass at the small of her back. I would never get one cuz ever since all the guys keep calling it a tramp stamp. yes its the old double standard at work again.

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Joke Insurance ()
Date: December 14, 2015 03:01PM

What are the go-to shops for NOVA in 2015?

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Re: getting inked
Posted by: Bad Career Move ()
Date: December 14, 2015 06:24PM

See a cute girl in a store.

Standing in a line behind her waiting to pay for a purchase, and she moves and exposes this gross picture she has "decorated" her body with.

Instant turn off - White trash alert.

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