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FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: Dick ()
Date: July 29, 2014 04:32PM

It was announced today the latest rounds of cuts for locations for the new FBI HQ is down to three, including the old GSA warehouse in Springfield. Just in time for the new town center.

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: Not a chance ()
Date: July 29, 2014 05:02PM

Obama will put it in PG county.

He needs to throw his boyz a bone since his street cred is low.

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: VA will win ()
Date: July 29, 2014 05:09PM

The Woodrow Wilson Bridge traffic backups makes PG County a nightmare location. Springfield is closer to Quantico.

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: Mr. Spock ()
Date: July 29, 2014 05:54PM

VA will win Wrote:
> The Woodrow Wilson Bridge traffic backups makes PG
> County a nightmare location. Springfield is closer
> to Quantico.

Logic has nothing to do with this.

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: NOT The Arm Pit of Springfield ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:11PM

With a beautifull view of the industrial area with green water ponds and tired old industrial buildings and a cement plant.

Exxon Mobile Site or Nothing! Merrifield is the Winner Huge Hospitol across the street Metro down the road Apts Condos shopping . Right Next to the Beltway and I66 for screaming blue light rides into town two Ways Baby! and room at the old Pineridge High School site on Woodburn Rd for a Great New FCPD HQ . with their old Pineridge school site just down the road with the bomb squad, Cycles, Swat teams ect. Win Win Win! For Fairfax ..

Gee Wiz.. "Were right next to the FBI HQ Sir Off Gallows"


Special Cop Like code names so when the NSA picks up on this post they will give the Nod...to Merrifield

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: Logic Hopefully Will Prevail ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:25PM

>Logic has nothing to do with this

Given that this building will hopefully last 40 years, and with technolgy moving along at such a rapid pace. who knows what threats this facility will be faced with in the future?

Putting the facility at Quantico on a secure US Marine base is the only Logical choice. And a choice that will not encourage attacks against the facilty with ensuing harm to citizens who would be living nearby.

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: Homer S. ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:32PM

Don't think that it's going to happen but that would be a game changer for the Springfield project. Without it's probably a failure.

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: stoooopid ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:37PM

Why does this keep coming up? The FBI is moving it's HQ to Winchester to be closer to their prison. I've been working on the engineering plans for months. You people are STOOOOOOPID!

Re: FBI new HQ locations down to 3
Posted by: So Logic Does Not Prevail ()
Date: July 29, 2014 07:57PM

>Obama will put it in PG county.

He needs to throw his boyz a bone since his street cred is low.

You got it. Bro! Va has the Pentagon and CIA gotta spread that Fed cash round


We have been over this in detail and as a poster said some months ago
"Now half the entire PG Co. Govt and Police Force will be placed under arrest!"

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