Dont battle them openly - you will lose unless they were technically wrong. Step one do not get involved they are crazy and have way too much time on their hands. I used to get shit for planting plants at my expense on common grounds (?) - the Dykes hated that for some reason.
Go stealth. If you want to do something do it at night. Never ask for permission. I do not advise revenge tactics but of course the cover of night and tight-lips are invaluable in these matters. Sending fake requests for permission or issues can be fun as they take up their time. Also, a balloon filled with motor oil is a great way to show a particular neighbor how to fix their lawn. It will take weeks of trying before they ever realize they have hazmat soil.
If you are really pissed a nice window-etching kit can be used (not for auto part id) but for really fun messages.
Good luck.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
I hired a lawyer to get involved with mine last fall. The threatening letter he sent to them worked.
But be aware that lawyers are expensive, so make sure:
a) you actually have a legitimate case
b) you're willing to part with a few hundred dollars
c) you're prepared to deal with whatever bad blood might follow
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Pissed homeowner
Date: February 26, 2009 10:36PM
Well. here's the scenario.
My car got towed.
I mean. sure I parked in the "wrong spot"
But when I went to the lot to pick up my car I met four of my neighbors. all the same 'reason'
I understand parking regulations to protect the homeowners and their parking spots.
namely the ones RIGHT IN FRONT of our houses. but when we're holding an impromptu neighborhood meeting at the impound lot...I'm starting to suspect this is an adventure in missing the point.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: February 27, 2009 12:18AM
First of all, if you were violating your HOA rules in the first place, what
did you expect? It pisses me off when someone parks in my numbered spot for
sure, but I dont let it become an obsession. Have you read the HOA rules
cover to cover? Its best to be familiar and conversant. I live in a townhouse
and our rules are very strict and for good reason, but our elected officials
are very good at trying to be strict and fair at the same time. One of the
problems we have is that homeowners who rent their units often do not supply
tenants with the rules and sometimes they have warped ideas about how things are done around here. Once, I had a woman who was a new tenant/neighbor that I had talked to a few times before knocking on my door at 11:30 pm on a Saturday night
in a fit of rage because someone had parked in "her spot". She wanted to have it towed but I formed her that was not the proper procedure. The towing companies
are fully aware they are not allowed to tow without proper authorization from
the HOA and simply would not respond to her anyway without it. OTOH, even though
someone was parked in "her spot" there were plenty of unnumbered and available
spots within 25 feet of "her spot". Some residents also fail to inform their
guests (especially on weekends) that unnumbered spots are fine, but numbered
spots are reserved. I always make it a point to tell my guests to park in
an unnumbered spot well in advance.
Next, do you spend any time involed in the HOA and trying to help the elected
officials in their responsibilities? I help out as much as I can in some ways
even though I dont have the time to run for office and accept the responsibility.
Many residents let their children run wild with no supervision and there is
predictably trash and toys left on common grounds. I could get nasty if I
wanted to on some matters, but sometimes its best just to pick up the trash
myself rather than start a fight. If I think something is too far out of line,
I have the option of notifying the HOA, parents, or the Police if necessary.
Have you been to an HOA meeting and tried to take an active role/voice in
what goes on in your own neighborhood? Try it and you may find that you
do have a voice if you feel the policies are not adequate or may be over-reaching. If all you do it sit on your ass and bitch, then you deserve
what you get.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Pissed homeowner Wrote:
> Well. here's the scenario.
> My car got towed.
> I mean. sure I parked in the "wrong spot"
> But when I went to the lot to pick up my car I met
> four of my neighbors. all the same 'reason'
> I understand parking regulations to protect the
> homeowners and their parking spots.
> namely the ones RIGHT IN FRONT of our houses. but
> when we're holding an impromptu neighborhood
> meeting at the impound lot...I'm starting to
> suspect this is an adventure in missing the point.
Oh I get it now, your one of those special residents who gets pissed at others when you are wrong. Wow there are more of them in Fairfax than I originally thought!
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Wow so many thoughtful replies. I am telling you the haters on these HOA's live to make others miserable - its a major organizing principle in their lives. Stay completely under the radar and extract measured dissonance. Never overreact immediately. Bide your time - say a couple of months, then go out under cover of darkness and under cover of darkness re-paint the offending jerks numbered space. Or, you could simply remove all the paint and impregnate the surface with something unpaintable (motor oil comes to mind for concrete curb). Watch in smug delight as their little world spins a little out of control.
Make your first shot a good one because they will install cameras after that.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: February 27, 2009 04:40PM
you sure like motor oil...
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Pissed homeowner
Date: February 27, 2009 04:50PM
watchinyou Wrote:
> Pissed homeowner Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well. here's the scenario.
> > My car got towed.
> > I mean. sure I parked in the "wrong spot"
> > But when I went to the lot to pick up my car I
> met
> > four of my neighbors. all the same 'reason'
> >
> > I understand parking regulations to protect the
> > homeowners and their parking spots.
> > namely the ones RIGHT IN FRONT of our houses.
> but
> > when we're holding an impromptu neighborhood
> > meeting at the impound lot...I'm starting to
> > suspect this is an adventure in missing the
> point.
> Oh I get it now, your one of those special
> residents who gets pissed at others when you are
> wrong. Wow there are more of them in Fairfax than
> I originally thought!
I'm one of those special residents that get pissed when others are wronged.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Pissed homeowner Wrote:
> Whats a creative way to tell the HOA know i don't
> like my car being towed out of my own
> neighborhood...
burn their cars... all of them.
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Burning sounds pretty involved and risky - friggin burn up ur own shit. I have heard fox urine down the vents below the windshield or into the door via the window gasket is quite nasty.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: March 02, 2009 02:15PM
dono Wrote:
> Burning sounds pretty involved and risky - friggin
> burn up ur own shit. I have heard fox urine down
> the vents below the windshield or into the door
> via the window gasket is quite nasty.
Most folks wouldnt know about the fox urine trick. Are you a trapper too?
I like #2 dbl spring jumps in a dirt set.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
I Hate the HOA
Date: March 02, 2009 09:25PM
dono Wrote:
> Burning sounds pretty involved and risky - friggin
> burn up ur own shit. I have heard fox urine down
> the vents below the windshield or into the door
> via the window gasket is quite nasty.
Take 5 pounds of marijuana and tape it up under their rear bumper, then call the cops and "inform" on them. They should get a few years in prison for distribution.
Who doesn't have 5 pounds of mj sitting around, you know?
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Pissed homeowner Wrote:
> Whats a creative way to tell the HOA know i don't
> like my car being towed out of my own
> neighborhood...
The smartest thing you can do is park in a valid spot. Problem solved.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Reynard Wrote:
> dono Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Burning sounds pretty involved and risky -
> friggin
> > burn up ur own shit. I have heard fox urine
> down
> > the vents below the windshield or into the door
> > via the window gasket is quite nasty.
> Most folks wouldnt know about the fox urine trick.
> Are you a trapper too?
> I like #2 dbl spring jumps in a dirt set
Fox let go by my garbage cans last night peee yeew
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: March 03, 2009 10:24AM
A nice molotov cocktail through the presidents window should do the trick....
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: March 03, 2009 04:22PM
You guys crack me up! I hated my HOA in my former neighborhood. They were a bunch of holier-than-thou types who actually PATROLLED looking for infractions. In my new neighborhood, we use a management company to do periodic inspections, etc and that seems to help. Also, I joined the HOA committee, so I could have some control over the super-vigilant jerks and steer things my way. So far, so good and I have been able to deep-six some of the stupider ideas (fining people for temporary kiddie pools in the summer? puh-lease).
Failing that, I recommend a steady stream of offensive catalogs and magazines in their mailboxes...there's some messed-up shit out there. Most places will let you sign up for them and choose "bill me later."
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Ann Wrote:
> You guys crack me up! I hated my HOA in my former
> neighborhood. They were a bunch of
> holier-than-thou types who actually PATROLLED
> looking for infractions. In my new neighborhood,
> we use a management company to do periodic
> inspections, etc and that seems to help. Also, I
> joined the HOA committee, so I could have some
> control over the super-vigilant jerks and steer
> things my way. So far, so good and I have been
> able to deep-six some of the stupider ideas
> (fining people for temporary kiddie pools in the
> summer? puh-lease).
> Failing that, I recommend a steady stream of
> offensive catalogs and magazines in their
> mailboxes...there's some messed-up shit out there.
> Most places will let you sign up for them and
> choose "bill me later."
That is the best one yet!
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: May 10, 2009 11:30AM
Love it! We hate our HOA and I see that we are not alone! We have 6 out of like 12 residents that took it upon themselves to create their own HOA and run the neighborhood. Most of them are overweight, unemployed, and bored. It is insane some of the things they have done to us and other neighbors, but hopefully they will get what is coming to them.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
You knowingly parked your car in a space where it wasn't suppose to be. You were aware that the consequences for doing so, if caught, would be towing. So, why are you upset with your HOA for following through?
Is there some reason you feel you are more special than your neighbors who park where they are suppose to?
Get over it! You took a chance and you lost!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2009 11:50AM by Junes.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
frozen turds will work
Date: May 13, 2009 04:01AM
For a few weeks you take all your craps in zip lock bags, and place in the freezer. Then when your HOA Nazi brigade is at work (ring the bell to make sure they are gone) you drop the frozen turds through their mail slot with a typed 3x5 card that says : "Stop giving people shit and they will stop returning it. Have a great night."
If they don't have a mail slot in their front door, drop in their pool, sunroof,drop on car window where the windshield wipers come up from. Place a small smear in the middle of their windshield so they will be inclined to use the wipers- BIG SMEAR, LOL.
You can also drop then in their AC unit out back, or place them in the airducts or eves/ downspouts. Smelly time every time it rains, LOL.
Package them up in a box with a bunch of those foam peanuts. Address it to them, apply postage and leave at their front door or front step after their mail has come. They will be reaching into that box looking for that Amazon order and surprise ! Perhaps they will just dump it out on the dinning room table.
Get a coffee can to crap in and then gently dump them in the zip lock bags.Much easier.
Best of luck.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: May 13, 2009 06:53AM
Pissed homeowner Wrote:
> Well. here's the scenario.
> My car got towed.
> I mean. sure I parked in the "wrong spot"
> But when I went to the lot to pick up my car I met
> four of my neighbors. all the same 'reason'
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by: Junes ()
Date: May 10, 2009 11:48AM
This sounds like a perceived entitlement issue.
You knowingly parked your car in a space where it wasn't suppose to be. You were aware that the consequences for doing so, if caught, would be towing. So, why are you upset with your HOA for following through?
Is there some reason you feel you are more special than your neighbors who park where they are suppose to?
Get over it! You took a chance and you lost!
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Parking is usually very limited in neighborhoods. If you have people parking where they aren't supposed to, even if it is "right in front of the house," the system breaks down. If you park in a reserved spot for "just a few minutes" you run the risk of someone coming home with their kids or groceries and finding your annoying ass in their spot. Then they have to park out on the street and carry their crap in, all the way from the point where YOU should have parked. Why should residents have to put up with that? After a day of work and a shitty commute, the last thing people need is to find their parking space taken by some selfish moron.
I have been towed out of my own assigned spot before because a hangtap fell on the floor when I put up a sunblocker. I had to go get the car and pay to retrieve it. Was that unfair? Yeah, but I'm glad cars are getting towed if they appear to be in violation.
Re: Creative way to talk to home owners association.
Posted by:
Date: May 13, 2009 01:37PM
I got a violation letter from my local HOA a couple years ago, and I wasn't going to comply with it...I went to a few of their meetings and I got elected to the board and changed the rule...problem solved.