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Posted by: vanizzle ()
Date: May 28, 2006 12:39PM

So I got pulled over this morning at 4:30 am. I had yielded at a red light at an intersection and got pulled over about .5 miles after the light. The cop proceeded to shine the spotlight on my and my friends and then asked to search my car, I said "I have nothing to hide go for it." He then searches my car, searches me and my friends, and his other cop partner talks to us about movies, football, and xmen3. In the fucking end I get a ticket for failure to observe a red light, and fuckin 1 hour wasted in the fucking morning.

I officially state my hatred against FFX Co. Police Officers.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Johnny Cum 2 mUch ()
Date: May 28, 2006 01:36PM

I love cops

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: J ()
Date: May 28, 2006 01:47PM

Aww, the big bad FCPD strikes again.
Too bad it wasn't P.G. County, theyd've just whipped your ass and left.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Ronald P. Feely ()
Date: May 28, 2006 01:51PM

FAIRFAX POLICE COPS....eveyrbody now sing with me



Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: May 28, 2006 02:50PM

Never let them search, that's why you wasted an hour.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: acidbyte3 ()
Date: May 28, 2006 04:16PM

yeah, next time dont consent to search, then wait 2 hours for the K9 unit.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: vanizzle ()
Date: May 28, 2006 04:23PM

Yeah well, I was slightly tipsy and tired, but I didn't have anything to hide. Now that I think of it, I shouldn't have consented the search.


Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 28, 2006 06:24PM

If you were drinking and just got off with disregarding a traffic signal you should have tongue-kissed the cop.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: agreed ()
Date: May 28, 2006 07:56PM

mad max, JD Wrote:
> Never let them search, that's why you wasted an
> hour.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: aggie ()
Date: May 28, 2006 11:16PM

LMFAO damn those police

so you were tipsy and they MISSED that

interesting, very interesting


Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: reginald vel johnson ()
Date: May 29, 2006 05:56PM

not bullshit, ive been shit wasted and told a cop i had one beer, and got to leave that night, UNDERAGE, oh those young years are the best, probably the only reason i got off was because i wasnt driving

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: May 29, 2006 06:17PM

i hear they can take no longer than 20 or so minutes of your time then you can leave

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: dirty harry ()
Date: May 29, 2006 10:27PM

You don't have to consent to search ass-wipe. If they Hold you for K-9 ask for a supervisor.They must have probable cause,and being an asswipe is not probable cause-even for a dick like you. Sorry they didn't give you the full "Rodney King".

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 29, 2006 10:36PM

the supreme court has found that a dog walking around a car is not a search, and that a dog "alerting" gives the cops PC to search you.

Although asking for a supervisor sounds like a good idea if they try to hold you until the dig arrives. If thats the fucking way they are going to play it, then every cop should be forced to go k-9.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: M ()
Date: May 29, 2006 11:14PM

And the Supreme Court said that they cant hold you a long time for the K-9 to come. If you dont talk to the cop they have to write the ticket and send you on your way.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: May 31, 2006 07:22PM

Here is a Great Idea!!! How about we get a "DO NOT HELP" list. All of these people who have such a strong hate for the Police can added themself to the list!!!! So, if your life is on the line and you need help, they won't be dispatched to help you.
I have no affiliation with the POLICE. BUT, when I was attacked walking out a grocery store and needed the police, they were there for me (just think, this could have been your mother walking out of that store)
FCPD has some of the best officers in the world!!! If you have nothing better to do then BASH THE POLICE, then WHY DON'T YOU go out and do something productive to make this a better community???

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 31, 2006 07:27PM

Marg, I have been preaching the merits of your iodea for years.

Indeed, we should be able to sacrifice the protection of the cops to stop the harassment by the cops. Kind of like a divorce. In Virginia it is perfectly legal to carry a loaded gun in a holster, just like a cop. Therefore the cops cannot provide any protection you can't provide yourself.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: NRA ()
Date: May 31, 2006 07:37PM

Margie Wrote:
If you have nothing better to do then
> BASH THE POLICE, then WHY DON'T YOU go out and do
> something productive to make this a better
> community???

I do, I own a gun

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: May 31, 2006 07:56PM

Hey, don't get me wrong, I think everyone has the right to own a gun and protect themself! Every group has "Bad Apples" (including cops). The only way to weed them out is to go thru the proper channels and file written complaints (we elect our officials, if they don't listen,then put people in office that will listen to us). Look thru the "Virginia Court case information" page and take notice of the names that appear over and over again (They don't even pay the fines imposed on them). If our courts took action on these "Thugs" then maybe the cops could lighten up! Our laws protect the criminals, not the public!!!

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: May 31, 2006 08:55PM

If i could get the tax money back I'd drop police protection in a second.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: May 31, 2006 09:21PM

I don't get it??? So, we all Carry a loaded gun and protect ourself (that could work). So what is the solution to get the drunk drivers off the streets (the ones that kill innocent people). And what is going to keep the drug dealers away from our children (What a thought, a drug dealer, high on drugs with a loaded gun sitting in front of the local High School).
Keep my Tax Money!!! I would rather depend on someone with the trainning and experience to step in and get theses "Thugs" away from me and my family!!! YA, we call all carry guns and shoot each other. The good people would shoot for the right reasons and the "Thugs" would be shooting to get what they want.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 31, 2006 09:41PM

well, I would legalize drugs... corporate interests would stop drug-related violence from prevailing in all likelyhood. If roche is the one selling you the cocaine at a cvs, then no gangs can easily get involved and that takes a lot of the modern dangers of the drug trade away.

and as far as drunk drivers, the police ain't keeping them off the road for shit so i don't see what difference that makes. Those sobriety checks catch more past due stickers than anything else.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: T2 ()
Date: May 31, 2006 10:27PM

I'm curious as to exactly how would corporate interests prevent drug violence?

Let's say I can legally buy cocaine at CVS, I take it and "cut it" with something else, and sell the cut product for a profit. IE Oxycontin.

Those addicted to it but couldn't afford it,either resort to crime to obtain the money to get it, commit a violent crime to obtain it, or a black market emerges selling less expensive drugs, the two begin feuding over "turf", and bingo........violence.

I don't see Pfizer or any other drug mfg. stepping up to prevent it from happening. And if they decided to, what could they do?

I totally agree the DWI roadblocks are crap, yet people complain about the cops running radar, pulling people over for weaving, and so on.

If a drunk killed someone you care about, you'd be wondering where the hell the cops were, yet if they pulled you over because you weaved slightly while you reached for a CD, you'd be complaining about them hassling you.

You can't have it both ways.

Not trolling for an argument, just curious as to your thoughts.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 31, 2006 10:40PM

I want to address the weaving thing now and I'll get into the drugs later.

If the cop pulled me over for weaving, and I explained that I was grabbing a cd and I clearly don't look bombed, and he lets me go, I don't take offense at being pulled over, hell even if he gave me a ticket for weaving or whatever I wouldn't take offense if I knew I did it.

But these guys are working under policy to begin then invasively looking for other things to nail you for. You can call that "safety" if you want to seem clueless, but the rest of us call it "revenue generation" and in some cases when the cop seems to be particularly overzealous, "harassment". Nobody signed up to be a cop to collect what amounts to taxes and no cop considers writing tickets to be an act protective of the public.

I don't hate cops btw, I hate their supervisors. Those are the assholes who make the police behave so intrusively.

There is plenty of leeway in the law for cops not to dig into your entire fucking existence just because they pulled you over for some minor thing, however, the people in charge are just worried about meeting numbers, so they make the cops dig. It sucks to be a cop.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 31, 2006 10:41PM

T2 Wrote:

> You can't have it both ways.

If the police would simply leave me alone by running my plate and seeing "don't bother him, he's a good guy" on the computer and move on to some other offender that's having it both ways.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Margie ()
Date: May 31, 2006 10:42PM

Are you for real?? What kind of a solution is that?? Make drugs LEGAL?? (OK, then we would be living in a society where 60 percent of the people are in an altered state of mind, 20 percent are brain damaged from the effects of drugs) SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!!!
As far as drunk drivers, the police are taking them off the streets!!!! (read the "Virginia Court case information" web site) Our courts keeps putting them back on the Streets!!!
Come on people GET SERIOUS!!! I use to think of the police as just another department in our county, BUT after reading the comments on the different post, I have to say "GOD BLESS THE FAIRFAX COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT".
If people really believe the comments they are making, then we have a serious problem!!!

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: his neighbor ()
Date: June 03, 2006 12:05AM

RESton Peace, it is so obvious that you are a COP that hates your job!! GET A LIFE!!

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 03, 2006 01:01AM


that was pretty funny

me as a cop..... wow I would love to see that tv show. me busting drug dealers and then taking the drugs to different dealers to sell for me...or me finding out who will be witnessing at trials and selling the info to "interested people". Or the best, me pulling over only attractive women drivers for a little quid pro quo.

I do hate my job though, and I do need to get a life, so 2 out of 3 is fine work.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: June 03, 2006 01:24AM

Margie Wrote:
> Are you for real?? What kind of a solution is
> that?? Make drugs LEGAL?? (OK, then we would be
> living in a society where 60 percent of the people
> are in an altered state of mind, 20 percent are
> brain damaged from the effects of drugs) SOMETHING
> As far as drunk drivers, the police are taking
> them off the streets!!!! (read the "Virginia Court
> case information" web site) Our courts keeps
> putting them back on the Streets!!!
> Come on people GET SERIOUS!!! I use to think
> of the police as just another department in our
> county, BUT after reading the comments on the
> different post, I have to say "GOD BLESS THE
> If people really believe the comments they
> are making, then we have a serious problem!!!

People are in an altered state of mind from drugs constantly whether it's legal or not not to mention alcohol which is oh so legal and taxed exclusively at va abc stores for hard alcohol. Ban alcohol? Ok so people will make their own (see prohibition) or sniff paint (you want to talk about brain dead) The Netherlands has had decriminalized marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms since the 70s and they have lower addiction rates and crime rates than we do. Around 80% of us prisoners are in jail for something drug related. We also hold the dubious distinction of largest prison population in the world, and a starting prison guard in some states makes more than twice a teacher, oh did I mention all jails/prisons state and federal are way over design capacity. (I know someone in a CA state prison that is at 225% capacity and that's only what they report). And here's a news flash for ya, it's easier to get drugs in jail than on the streets! How do you think the prison gangs retain their power? Perhaps the easiest way to see the hypocrisy of the US war on drugs is in Afghanistan. Where is the number one poppy growing region in the world (source of heroin, perhaps the most addictive and destructive drug). The US could easily napalm the vast majority of poppy fields in Afghanistan and kill it AT THE SOURCE not at the end user which makes the least amount of sense and costs the most money. But we don't and you know why? Because we need the support of tribal warlords in various regions and that's how they make their money. At the same time we spend millions each year to train/arm Colombian anti-drug forces to destroy coca plants and "stabilize" their county. Now of course you can believe what you hear on the news or you can look at the bigger picture here and see the futility of it all.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 03, 2006 01:41AM

The chick from "Lost", Anal Ucia, Michelle Rodriguez, she was released from jail after serving 1 of 60 days, because of overcrowding.

Mofo, you are incarcerated? Care to give us your story if so?

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: aggie ()
Date: June 03, 2006 11:32PM

Reston peace is a cop? hehehe thats why he was all bitter wne i said the Mason and Mt Vernon officers are better LOL ;) poor dude is stuck in Reston with the cows.

I dont think the US has the same culture or capacity as the european countries that have devalued the drugs, by making them legal.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 03, 2006 11:41PM

I used to live in mason district, literally half a mile or so from the district headquarters with the cop station. Those guys were pretty hands-off if I recall, a lot of street/home invasion crimes right in the immeddiate area of the station back then.

Mt Vernon cops.. those guys are just fucking ever-present. I hate driving there and I do it often, always obeying local traffic laws.

And I haven't lived in reston in ages. Never really did. Fox Mill isn't quite.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: vanizzle ()
Date: June 22, 2006 09:51PM

i still haven't paid the ticket teehee, no mail home, no phone call!

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 22, 2006 10:02PM

It takes a few months for them to catch up to an unpaid ticket.

Believe me when I say they will. And if the reason you never got it was due to a clerical mistake or some other mistake that causes the message to never reach you, the court does not care and they will turn things over to collections (usually performed by the state/county tax department). Collectons will then hassle you, and if you don't respond for whatever reason, they will set a court date so you can answer to a judge about why you still owe money. Failure to appear at that can lead to an arrest warrant.

Not to mention that long before all of this, the DMV suspends your license until you pay the fine (and the notice for this will frequently not be given at all by DMV), show a receipt and reapply for your license, and pay a 45 dollar reinstament fee.

So you can have your license in your hand, and if a cop on the road runs your tags, and they are the same name as your driver's license, they can pull you over for suspicion of driving on suspended. From there all kinds of things can happen.

Your original message was from less than a month ago, so keep thinking you got away with something.

Re: @ FCPD
Posted by: Depend on them ()
Date: March 26, 2017 01:17PM

always there

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