not representative of veterans Wrote:
> Thanks Thundertards Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dear vets,
> >
> > Thanks for protecting my freedoms from Iraqis.
> > Oops I mean Afghanis. No wait, Vietnamese. No
> > wait, Koreans. Hey, none of those guys were
> > threatening my freedoms. Nor the Grenadans or
> > Panamanians or Lebanese or Syrians come to
> think
> > of it.
> >
> > Thanks for nothing, assholes. A bunch of
> > douchetards on bikes is just what you deserve.
> Its us the citizens that sent them there. My dad
> was drafted into the useless Korean 'police
> action' - I certainly do not blame him. BTW the
> douchetards on bikes are not representative of
> veterans they are fat-bodies on a road trip.
> please dont group a bunch of fags on motorcycles
> with anybody else even if they try to pretend to
> be associated with veterans.