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Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: January 03, 2009 07:55PM

Fatal Crash in the Franconia Area
Police are investigating a fatal crash that occurred around 2:15 a.m. on Saturday, January 3. The driver and passenger of a 1991 Dodge 2-door car were driving east on Fleet Drive near Yadkin Court. An investigation determined the driver lost control and the vehicle ran off the south side of Fleet Drive. The car struck a tree and a power pole.

Joshua S. Buker, 21, of 5802 Flaxton Place in Alexandria, was ejected from the car and pronounced dead at the scene. The driver, Steven M. Kowalik, 22, of 5816 Bush Hill Drive in Alexandria, was transported to Inova Fairfax Hospital for treatment of his non life-threatening injuries.

Steven Kowalik was charged with driving while intoxicated; further charges are possible. Detectives determined Buker was not wearing his seatbelt. Speed and alcohol were factors in the crash.

And now for his driving record:
"KOWALIK ","STEVEN ","M","019"," 5816","BUSH H ILL ","DR","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","10/29/2005","STOPPING ON HIGHWAY "
"KOWALIK ","STEVEN ","M","019"," 5816","BUSH HILL ","DR","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","10/29/2005","STOPPING ON HIGHWAY "
"KOWALIK ","STEVEN ","M","020"," 5816","BUSH HILL ","DR","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","10/13/2006","EQUIPMENT EXHAUST SYS "
"KOWALIK ","STEVEN ","M","021"," 5816","BUSH HILL ","DR","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","03/07/2007","EQUIPMENT EXHAUST SYS "
"KOWALIK ","STEVEN ","M","021"," 5816","BUSH HILL ","DR","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","03/07/2007","IMPROPER LANE CHANGE "
"KOWALIK ","STEVEN ","M","022"," 5816","BUSH HILL ","DR","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","01/23/2008","EQUIPMENT EXHAUST SYS "
"KOWALIK ","STEVEN ","M","022"," 5816","BUSH HILL ","DR","ALEXANDRIA ","VA","12/15/2008","FAIL KEEP PROPER CONTROL "

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 03, 2009 08:30PM

What is it with people this age not using seat belts?

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Ken ()
Date: January 03, 2009 08:34PM

pgens Wrote:
> What is it with people this age not using seat
> belts?

Good question. It really makes no sense to me either. Virginia's seat belt law went into effect in 1987, I believe. Kids in this age group grew up with this law their entire lives. It should be second nature to them to strap it on.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 03, 2009 08:40PM

pgens Wrote:
> What is it with people this age not using seat
> belts?

Because it's cool. It's cool being dead.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: tubby ()
Date: January 03, 2009 08:43PM

It's a known fact that people this age think they are immortal.

And the are....until they're not.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 03, 2009 09:16PM

tubby Wrote:
> It's a known fact that people this age think they
> are immortal.
> And the are....until they're not.

Or you end up like this guy, brother...

John Graziano Pictures, Images and Photos

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: SE ()
Date: January 04, 2009 02:50AM

So let me get this straight, he had 3 tickets for improper exhaust on a 91' Dodge? wowwww

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: D ()
Date: January 05, 2009 12:26AM

Worst part about this story is that the kid that died had already been home and the driver came and dragged him out for a pack cigarettes! Tragic situation for what, some smokes....

Sad commentary on today's youth and their priorities.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: ?huH? ()
Date: January 05, 2009 02:06AM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
--> they
> > are immortal.
> >
> >
> > And the are....until they're not.
> Or you end up like this guy, brother...

WTF happened to that guy?

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: omg ()
Date: January 05, 2009 02:10AM

NVM...that's John Graziano I gather. I can't believe he is still alive with that hole in his head. Wow. Sometimes you wonder if euthanasia isn't a bad idea.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: JR ()
Date: January 05, 2009 08:12AM

Ha, you can see the car parked at the killers home in google streetview.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: la ()
Date: January 09, 2009 04:20AM

Hi you piece of shit, Josh was a little brother to me. He was about 30 seconds from his house and this is why he decided not to wear his seat belt. You think you're so mature and know everything, but how many times have you not worn your seat belt when traveling seconds from your house? How dare you judge someone you claim to be part of these "young kids these days"! Who gave you the right! Only god himself can judge and knowing Josh, he is one step ahead of you. Next time you want to put your two cents in think about how stupid and worthless your opinions are and no matter how hard you try to prove a point you will always be non-significant and pathetic in this world. People like you make me sick.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: la ()
Date: January 09, 2009 04:37AM

Yeah, if you're a crazy fuck! This person is an amazing young man and doesn't deserve people that don't know what really happened stalking him nor judging him. So stop wasting your time talking about people you don't even know and get back to your pathetic lousy life on the internet. If I were you I would have ended it a long time ago because being you,...I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: January 09, 2009 09:21AM

la wrote: "think about how stupid and worthless your opinions are"
Apparently his opinion was worthy enough to read fully and respond back.

Like you said, he was 30 seconds from his home, close enough to walk, but he chose to get into his friends car and not wear a seatbelt. No judging, just the facts; one guy walked away and one guy died. One was wearing a seat belt and the other was not. Learn the lesson.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: John Coyote ()
Date: January 09, 2009 09:31AM

(Checkmarks courtesy of Gravis)

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 09, 2009 11:18AM

I do just adore that checklist. I hope my presumably violent end is given the same treatment.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 11:23AM

omg Wrote:
> NVM...that's John Graziano I gather. I can't
> believe he is still alive with that hole in his
> head. Wow. Sometimes you wonder if euthanasia
> isn't a bad idea.

Yes. He's the guy who went through Nick Hogan's windshield. Hulk Hogan doesn't want to pay to keep this guy on a machine.

I agree. This guy should be unplugged. He's no longer John Graziano. Keeping him alive in no way honors the guy he was.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 09, 2009 11:34AM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:

> I agree. This guy should be unplugged. He's no
> longer John Graziano. Keeping him alive in no way
> honors the guy he was.

I agree on your main point, but there is no chance in hell "the hulkster" should get to have anything to do with that decision. Fuck him for raising a spoiled brat who pretty much got away with what he did (that jail time was a joke and we all know it), and without remorse.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 11:36AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> > I agree. This guy should be unplugged. He's no
> > longer John Graziano. Keeping him alive in no
> way
> > honors the guy he was.
> I agree on your main point, but there is no chance
> in hell "the hulkster" should get to have anything
> to do with that decision. Fuck him for raising a
> spoiled brat who pretty much got away with what he
> did (that jail time was a joke and we all know
> it), and without remorse.

Yeah, that didn't come out right. I didn't mean to imply that Hogan has the right not to pay to keep him on the machine. I was agreeing with omg that the guy shouldn't be kept alive.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 11:37AM

Death to the infidels!

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 09, 2009 11:41AM

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Wrote:
> Death to the infidels!

Yes, death to them. Via a daily breakfast of delicious bacon and fresh clifton eggs.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 12:03PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Death to the infidels!
> Yes, death to them. Via a daily breakfast of
> delicious bacon and fresh clifton eggs.

yes! yes! choke on your delicious fatty filled foods! bwhahahahaha! pork is the meat of Satan! suck on its juicy deliciousness! hahahahaha only the chosen of allah shall feast on Diet coke, Cheerios and lowfat milk!

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:04PM

la Wrote:
> Hi you piece of shit, Josh was a little brother to
> me. He was about 30 seconds from his house and
> this is why he decided not to wear his seat belt.
> You think you're so mature and know everything,
> but how many times have you not worn your seat
> belt when traveling seconds from your house? How
> dare you judge someone you claim to be part of
> these "young kids these days"! Who gave you the
> right! Only god himself can judge and knowing
> Josh, he is one step ahead of you. Next time you
> want to put your two cents in think about how
> stupid and worthless your opinions are and no
> matter how hard you try to prove a point you will
> always be non-significant and pathetic in this
> world. People like you make me sick.

Oh geez. You should meet the people from this thread http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/2/143258.html and see if you can't form some sort of support group.

It certainly wasn't his fault. After all, why would anyone wear a seatbelt for short trips to the store. I mean, if you're only 30 seconds from your house, doesn't the law say you don't need to wear your seatbelt?

That is ridiculous rationalizing. Haven't you ever heard that 50% of accidents occur within 2 miles of the driver's home?

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 02:08PM

I make my kids put on their seat belts to drive to the bus stop on a rainy day. You never know when some fuckhead will plow into you.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:08PM

The only reason I didn't die in a car accident is because I was not wearing my seat belt and was ejected from the car. I still don't wear it to this day.

But then, I'm under the delusion that it's near impossible to kill me, so you should probably wear your seat belt.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 02:08PM

Bob Wrote:

Haven't you
> ever heard that 50% of accidents occur within 2
> miles of the driver's home?

of course they occur withing 2 miles of the drivers home. Because you have to get 2 miles before you can get 3 miles and so on and so forth. What kind of godless thinking is that!?>!?!?!?!?

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 02:10PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> The only reason I didn't die in a car accident is
> because I was not wearing my seat belt and was
> ejected from the car. I still don't wear it to
> this day.
> But then, I'm under the delusion that it's near
> impossible to kill me, so you should probably wear
> your seat belt.

Most people who die in car accidents don't die from being stuck in the wreckage but from being ejected and hitting the ground or a tree.

Statistically speaking, it is still better to wear a seat belt.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:13PM

Seat belts are just a konspiraky by the Republikan Government to infringe upon the rights of individuals.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 02:19PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Seat belts are just a konspiraky by the Republikan
> Government to infringe upon the rights of
> individuals.

you know who invented the seat belt dont you? THE JEWS!

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:25PM

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Wrote:
> you know who invented the seat belt dont you? THE


I knew it!

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: John Coyote ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:27PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> The only reason I didn't die in a car accident is
> because I was not wearing my seat belt and was
> ejected from the car. I still don't wear it to
> this day.
> But then, I'm under the delusion that it's near
> impossible to kill me, so you should probably wear
> your seat belt.

I've heard that logic about wanting to be ejected away from a vehicle for many years, and I've never understood it. Simple physics dictates that, in a collision, you and the vehicle will move in the same direction. You don't want to roll around with a vehicle. Your odds of survival are pretty bleak. Buckle up!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/2009 02:27PM by John Coyote.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:31PM

John Coyote Wrote:
> I've heard that logic about wanting to be ejected
> away from a vehicle for many years, and I've never
> understood it. Simple physics dictates that, in a
> collision, you and the vehicle will move in the
> same direction. You don't want to roll around
> with a vehicle. Your odds of survival are pretty
> bleak. Buckle up!

To be fair, my car flipped trunk-over-hood, and I think I was ejected off to the side. I'm not sure, as I lost consciousness on impact.

However, the roof of the vehicle was a foot away from the driver's seat, meaning I would have been crushed to death had I not been thrown from the car.

Fuck dyin'!

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 02:48PM

MrMephisto Wrote:

> To be fair, my car flipped trunk-over-hood, and I
> think I was ejected off to the side. I'm not
> sure, as I lost consciousness on impact.
> However, the roof of the vehicle was a foot away
> from the driver's seat, meaning I would have been
> crushed to death had I not been thrown from the
> car.
> Fuck dyin'!

I would venture to guess this was an American-made vehicle.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 02:49PM

> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > To be fair, my car flipped trunk-over-hood, and
> I
> > think I was ejected off to the side. I'm not
> > sure, as I lost consciousness on impact.
> >
> > However, the roof of the vehicle was a foot
> away
> > from the driver's seat, meaning I would have
> been
> > crushed to death had I not been thrown from the
> > car.
> >
> > Fuck dyin'!
I would venture to guess that this explains quite a lot about your posts

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 02:51PM

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Seat belts are just a konspiraky by the
> Republikan
> > Government to infringe upon the rights of
> > individuals.
> you know who invented the seat belt dont you? THE

Actually, he was a British engineer....


...But I bet he was financed by some Jews!

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:56PM

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Wrote:
> Bob Wrote:
> Haven't you
> > ever heard that 50% of accidents occur within 2
> > miles of the driver's home?
> of course they occur withing 2 miles of the
> drivers home. Because you have to get 2 miles
> before you can get 3 miles and so on and so forth.
> What kind of godless thinking is that!?>!?!?!?!?

uh, duhh.

The punchline is supposed to be that since you heard that statistic, you've been afraid to go anywhere near your home.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 03:05PM

You make jokes, but you're actually correct. The severe head trauma that I did sustain made me... unstable.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 09, 2009 03:06PM

John Coyote Wrote:
> I've heard that logic about wanting to be ejected
> away from a vehicle for many years, and I've never
> understood it. Simple physics dictates that, in a
> collision, you and the vehicle will move in the
> same direction. You don't want to roll around
> with a vehicle. Your odds of survival are pretty
> bleak. Buckle up!

To be ejected from a car and surviving is most likely an anomaly.

I was hit head on by some old man years ago. He totaled my car, but since I was wearing my seatbelt, I walked away with not a single scratch or bruise.

My favorite argument against wearing a seatbelt is the one where somebody knows a husband and wife who were in a car accident and the seatbelt broke their ribs and caused bruising across their chests. God knows, I certainly don't want to be wearing a seatbelt in any situation where those seatbelts might break my ribs. I'd much rather be impailed by the steering wheel or slam face first into the windshield and dashboard.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 03:11PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> You make jokes, but you're actually correct. The
> severe head trauma that I did sustain made me...
> unstable.

So I take that to mean you only buy American.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 03:22PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> So I take that to mean you only buy American.

Nah, I drive Japanese, now. The thing even fluffs my balls when I'm driving.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 03:31PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So I take that to mean you only buy American.
> Nah, I drive Japanese, now. The thing even fluffs
> my balls when I'm driving.

I have a Japanese girl who does that for me.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 03:33PM

I bet she's a hot nurse, too.

Would you like to meet somewhere and fight?

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 09, 2009 03:42PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> I bet she's a hot nurse, too.

is this that cheating whore?! >:(

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 03:48PM

Possibly. The hands sure look soft enough...

Do you have any pictures of her on her knees from the top down, or on all fours from behind? I could definitely tell you for sure, then.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Boo's Homie ()
Date: January 09, 2009 05:07PM

"Joshua S. Buker, 21, of 5802 Flaxton Place in Alexandria, was ejected from the car and pronounced dead at the scene."

Looks like another "Boo"ger bites the dust!

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Date: January 09, 2009 05:33PM

Gravis Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I bet she's a hot nurse, too.
> is this that cheating whore?! >:(

I wish that were her.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 09, 2009 10:41PM

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> Gravis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > MrMephisto Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I bet she's a hot nurse, too.
> >
> > is this that cheating whore?! >:(
> I wish that were her.

Don't worry. Inkahootz already hit that in the ladies room at the Pub. Kevin has photos. Really. It happened. Well, actually that was really in canada when he was at camp, we wouldn't know her.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: DirtMcGirt ()
Date: January 09, 2009 11:25PM

It's funny, how do people know to come to this site when others die. It's almost like they get the bad news then rush home to jump on fu

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 10, 2009 12:16AM

DirtMcGirt Wrote:
> It's funny, how do people know to come to this
> site when others die. It's almost like they get
> the bad news then rush home to jump on fu

It's always the low-income, low-education illiterates that do that.

Every kid who gets himself killed by doing something stupid always ends up having dozens of kids with poor grammar and syntax show up proclaiming the dirtbag as a saint.

I guess this is the 21st century equivalent of putting up a roadside memorial or something.

It's always ghetto trash, and I wonder if they think they are helping their angelic but misunderstood friend who was persecuted by the cops get into heaven with accolades and stories about how the cop-fighting, drug dealing thug was really the nicest, kindest guy ever to walk the earth.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 10, 2009 12:23AM

la Wrote:
> Yeah, if you're a crazy fuck! This person is an
> amazing young man and doesn't deserve people that
> don't know what really happened stalking him nor
> judging him. So stop wasting your time talking
> about people you don't even know and get back to
> your pathetic lousy life on the internet. If I
> were you I would have ended it a long time ago
> because being you,...I wouldn't be able to look at
> myself in the mirror.

I'm sorry that you harbor suicidal tendencies. But your friend should have been wearing his seatbelt. There's no excuse for not wearing a seatbelt. The results he received are a direct result of not wearing a seatbelt.

Of course, the driver still should face vehicular manslaughter, for his obvious disregard for safety and for driving under the influence, and of course for even starting to drive before insisting that his passenger wear his seatbelt. I won't even start driving until every passenger has put on his or her seatbelt. If they refuse, they will be asked to get out of my vehicle.

Re: Another 21 Year Old Ejected and Killed in Car Crash
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: January 10, 2009 10:36AM

Bob Wrote:
> That is ridiculous rationalizing. Haven't you
> ever heard that 50% of accidents occur within 2
> miles of the driver's home?

That is exactly the reason why I moved 3 mile away!

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