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Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: PitBullMom ()
Date: December 31, 2008 09:02PM

I am currently looking to move, but am having a very hard time finding a place in Northern Virginia that will accept my Pit Bull. She is the sweetest, most loyal dog ever.. and for people to automatically discriminate against her breed makes me upset. She is friendly with everyone and is very very obidenent and quiet!

Does anyone know any apartments/rental properties that will allow Pit Bulls? Any information or advice will be greatly appreciated. I am not considering giving her up, as she was a rescued puppy and we are very attached to each other.

Thank you!

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: child ()
Date: December 31, 2008 09:15PM

yeah sweet and friendly up until they bite the face off a child. But anyway, here's a place I found. It is in Virginia but it may be a drive


Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 01, 2009 10:20AM

Shoot the dog and rid yourself of a headache.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 01, 2009 11:17AM

child Wrote:
> yeah sweet and friendly up until they bite the
> face off a child.

LOL! my first thought when i read it i thought "it's a sweet dog until it bites off a kid's face" then i read your post. xD

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: January 01, 2009 02:19PM

This is yet another post by some troll trying to get a reaction out of people. Don't take the bait.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 01, 2009 02:31PM

The default answer of "send it to Michael Vick" has already been posted, so there's not much more to say anyway.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Pit Bulls are great dogs ()
Date: January 01, 2009 03:07PM

Looking for an apartment community in NOVA or any area with a Pit Bull is nearly impossible, as their insurance policies have restrictions on certain breeds of dogs that have been labeled "Dangerous." Unfortunately the Pit Bull is the first one that comes into mind when this is talked about, and the apartments or any insurance company does not want to be held liable for any event that involves these types of dogs. Therefore not allowing you to lease with a Pit Bull is their only remedy.

Your best bet, is to find a townhouse or single family home from an understanding owner.

Pit Bull's unfortunately have become the scape goats for those that do not understand dogs or are bad dog owner's. Understanding, and raising a dog properly is key for a good and safe dog. Without that, any dog can become dangerous and cause the same or worse damage than what you hear in the news of Pit Bull's. Don't forget about the Labrador that mulled an infant in front of his family, a good example of a bad dog owner.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Pediatrician ()
Date: January 01, 2009 03:35PM

Many pit bull owners say "they just need to be properly trained and socialized." The same could be said for pedophiles and serial killers, but we don't want them out of cages and living in apartment complexes either.

RIP Zachary King Jr., MN, age 7. Aug 2007 - Killed by pit bull.

RIP Javlyin Anderson, MS, age 15 months. 2006 - Killed by pit bull.

RIP Ellie Lawrenson, UK, age 5. Jan 2007 - Killed by pit bull with "severe head and neck injuries"

"A report prepared by the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that a third of all fatal dog attacks are committed by pit bull-type breeds. Most of the victims are children, according to the CDC study, which analyzed dog bites over a 20-year period."

Please, if you are considering getting one of these animals then reconsider. Even if you have no children, visitors to your house and your neighbors may. These animals are very unpredictable... often the owners, who in many states thankfully can be charged criminally with the actions of these beasts, will tell the judge "she was so sweet, I don't know what spooked her." Yes, other breeds of dogs will attack and they shouldn't be owned either. We can eliminate a third of all canine-child fatalities by immediately euthanizing all pit bulls now.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Dogg ()
Date: January 01, 2009 03:46PM

Pediatrician, your a fucking idiot. Your comparison makes no fucking sense, your comparing a breed of dog to a person with psychological disorders. It would have made more sense if you were comparing pitbulls to say, a ethnic group. Dumbass mothefucker, I hope a pitbull rips off your fucking face. On a side note, my Pitbull won't, its the sweetest dog ever.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: dumbass ()
Date: January 01, 2009 08:56PM

yeah Pediatrician you dont know shit. I just welcomed my new baby cousin into the world just barely a year ago. My uncle and aunt already had 2 pit bulls as pets,they went out and got 2 more pit bull puppies a few months after my cousin was born. My uncle knows how to raise a dog, first thing he did was took one of the socks the hospital puts on new borns, back to his house and had all the dogs smell it and get used to the scent. They brought my cousin home and ever since now when i and other family members come over, if we are around my cousin the dogs are in love with her playing with her and running around, but if something or someone they sense or see comes around the first thing they do is surround her and growl cause they are protecting her, i would like anyone to try and put their hands on her with them around. My uncle already told me stories how lately, since they live out in Midland,VA on a 6 to 7 acre lot, how at night the dogs started barking and come to find out he thought they were just acting out, but in reality some persons dog from 5 miles away somehow was wondering his house in pitch black dark during the night. So stop your dog bashing its all up to the owner and what they train/breed the dog to do. I can only vouch for my families dogs who are well trained and i have never felt threatened if anything only a sense of protection when around them. SO GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: nobama ()
Date: January 01, 2009 09:16PM

Dogg () and dumbass () your language and spelling say it all

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Date: January 01, 2009 09:18PM

PitBullMom Wrote:
> I am currently looking to move, but am having a
> very hard time finding a place in Northern
> Virginia that will accept my Pit Bull. She is the
> sweetest, most loyal dog ever.. and for people to
> automatically discriminate against her breed makes
> me upset. She is friendly with everyone and is
> very very obidenent and quiet!

Hearing this reminds me of those redneck women who own five half-wolf, half-husky dogs that are always shocked when their lupusian beasts eat Little Jose from the trailer next door.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2009 09:21PM by WashingToneLocian.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Dogg ()
Date: January 02, 2009 10:34AM

Nobama, if you're going to call someone out on language and spelling, at least use proper grammar dumbass.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: EnglishMajor ()
Date: January 02, 2009 01:18PM

Dogg Wrote:
> Nobama, if you're going to call someone out on
> language and spelling, at least use proper grammar
> dumbass.

Nobama's message had no grammar errors, just a missing period (which is a language mechanics issue, and a minor one at that). Your messages (I'm assuming you are both Dogg and Dumbass) are riddled with errors. Just sayin'.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Comma ()
Date: January 02, 2009 01:25PM

We can all assume that Enlgish Major went to NOVA.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Date: January 02, 2009 01:39PM

EnglishMajor Wrote:

> Nobama's message had no grammar errors,

The preferred term is "grammatical errors" because you are modifying the noun "errors."

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: IMO ()
Date: January 03, 2009 05:01AM

can all of us jusut agree its never the dog who is the problem it is the owner? Cause if an owner can truly train its dog then there should never ever be a problem with the animal being arond things like other pets, children, noises, lots of movement, things that are usually associated with any dog attack of any breed. It all has to do with the training and the breeding.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 03, 2009 10:14AM

IMO Wrote:
> can all of us jusut agree its never the dog who is
> the problem it is the owner?


> Cause if an owner can
> truly train its dog then there should never ever
> be a problem with the animal being arond things
> like other pets, children, noises, lots of
> movement, things that are usually associated with
> any dog attack of any breed. It all has to do with
> the training and the breeding.

you can never remove the violence from an animal, no matter how well they are trained. case and point: Roy Horn (of Siegfried & Roy) was almost killed by his extremely well trained tiger. i mean, you cant train a tiger any better than that and a family pet pitbull is not going to get that level of training.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Date: January 03, 2009 10:29AM

IMO Wrote:
> can all of us jusut agree its never the dog who is
> the problem it is the owner? Cause if an owner can
> truly train its dog then there should never ever
> be a problem with the animal being arond things
> like other pets, children, noises, lots of
> movement, things that are usually associated with
> any dog attack of any breed. It all has to do with
> the training and the breeding.

No. Some dogs were bred to be attack/guard dogs. It is in their genes to kill. You can train them to be manageable, but there is never a guarantee their breeding won't kick in and cause them to attack. That is a fact.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: wow ()
Date: January 03, 2009 01:15PM

alright i can see Washington's point...but Gravis you are retarded i think a tiger is on the farthest end of the WILD spectrum. I mean yeah dogs all used to be wild and were bred to become pets but seriously.....a tiger compared to a pit bull such a dumb comparison, ppl like seigfried and roy KNEW the risk they were taking with their animals i doubt if they owned like 2 or 3 pit bulls the one would have been salvagely mauled on stage during an act.....thanks retard

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 03, 2009 02:02PM

wow Wrote:
> a tiger compared to a pit
> bull such a dumb comparison, ppl like seigfried
> and roy KNEW the risk they were taking with their
> animals i doubt if they owned like 2 or 3 pit
> bulls the one would have been salvagely mauled on
> stage during an act.....thanks retard

Why is the comparison retarded? Pit bull owners shouldn't be expected to know the risks their dogs pose?

I read about one of the deaths someone posted above, two of them jumped into a house, killed people, and one dog guarded the door while the other worked. According to you and IMO, the owners ordered the hit and trained the dogs to do what they did? It's the owner and not the dog?

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: IMO ()
Date: January 03, 2009 08:43PM

i see what he is saying though, as that tigers are at the farthest end of the animal kingdom. Pit Bulls while may being a more aggresive breed than most dogs are still nowhere near as wild as a tiger or lion or any other big cat. You can truly never train a tiger, it merely does as it sees fit when its in the right mood, to an extent with any dog, most of the owners have the power to train their dogs to restrain their natural instincts. So i feel as it is unfair to compare one animal that has been bred to become a pet, with another animal that has never been bred for captivity and is way way way more shaky on its behavior. And that whole story you just mentioned, anyone can find hundreds of stories on any breed of dog or any kind of animal that has done the same things, if your dogs get loose, that is on the owner, if the owner knows it has 1 or more dogs that show a pack mentality and are a danger to others around them, its on the owner. I assume these dogs were owned by someone, probably all by the same person, i also assume that they had showed hintings to these future mannerisms before and the owner(s) did nothing to stop it. So yes the majority of the blame can be put on the owner, yes i believe some animals are more dangerous than others, but have any of you looked the good side to these animals? i remember watching a documentary on animal planet showing how a few nursing homes used rottweilers and pit bulls to do things like send meesages and dress them up for birthdays and stuff. And they were around senior citizens 24/7. Can you guess what the difference was between these dogs and the normal sloppy owner having them? The nursing home got all the dogs they use while they were puppies and TRAINED them from day one, and had never had a single incident or attack in all the years they had been using the dogs. So i do agree its all about the training mostly and if you are a good owner u can train your dog well and if you are a truly good owner you can see problems with your dog's behavior, health, etc way earlier and can quell them then.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 04, 2009 02:19AM

IMO Wrote:
> i feel as it is unfair to compare one animal that
> has been bred to become a pet, with another animal
> that has never been bred for captivity and is way
> way way more shaky on its behavior.

pit bulls were not bred to be pets, they were bred to maim and kill. few breeds are naturally occuring and pit bulls are definitely unnatural.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: WOW ()
Date: January 04, 2009 04:21PM

yeah rats and other nuisance type animals.....nice example

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: January 04, 2009 07:31PM

Hmm, I wonder why the vitriol towards Pediatrician. One of the world's foremost animal behaviorists, Temple Grandin, strongly believes that pit bulls are far more inclined than most all other breeds to aggression against humans, and she avers that in some cases problem dogs are not problems due to owner negligence, but an aggressive genetic make-up. She stops short of completely banning them, but the dicta in her relevant works makes it seem as that is what she desires.

Contest Grandin's credentials if you will, but agri-business pays here a pretty penny for her sublime knowledge and advice.

This may be debatable - but it certainly doesn't make Pediatrician anywhere near as ignorant as others claim and in fact, given that his/her CDC statistics on fatal dog attacks are accurate, he/she is well informed. And obviously, the insurance industry - whatever its flaws - finds the economics and claim history sufficiently disturbing to bar them from many residences. The economics matter - they bespeak to a large extent the truth.

This does not mean that there are not any number of nice put bull dogs. Nor does it negate the axiom that pets need strong and responsible owners, and that axiom may apply ten-fold when it comes to pit bulls. But they are in general a significantly more aggressive breed than many others. An bluntly, there presence tends to harm property values, although that may be due as much to the unsavory element that owns problem dogs as much as the dogs themselves.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: January 04, 2009 07:35PM

Another "idiot" that makes a valid case against pit bulls, albeit in a 1999 article.


It never ceases to wonder how those that engage in name calling more often than not likely have it wrong, and if they don't, are incapable of persuasively arguing their position.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Date: January 04, 2009 09:25PM

Why don't people who use dogs for dog-fights train Golden Retrievers? I mean, it's all in how the owner trains the animal, correct? It has nothing to do with an animal being naturally inclined to attack or anything, right?

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: WOW ()
Date: January 05, 2009 12:35AM

okay all sorts of different breeds are used for dog fights, and again another unfair example. Those dogs are barely fed treated like shit and live in their own filth usually tens at a time in a caged area only meant for 1 or 2 of them. The dogs are beaten within an inch of their life then are driven out and all that rage is takin out on the other dog, mostly why none live after the fights mostly from the treatment they are exposed to before any of the fights which put them one or two steps from dying, then all thats left is to go out in front of some dumb assholes who get a hard on from watching 2 or more animals try to kill each other just on the off chance to get the reward of food? yeah i think any dog that is under those conditions will turn as vicious as a person would want it, no matter the breed......

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: IMO ()
Date: January 05, 2009 12:45AM

i would still invite any of you to my uncles house and try to approach my cousin while even one of the pitt bulls are out, it is the only time they turn aggresive cause they see you as an unkown threat that while approaching the child must be controlled...UNLESS you are actually with my uncle and or aunt while approaching my counsin. Thjese dogs have been trained as best as one could, if my uncle says HOUSE, they run from where ever they are at to eaither their dog houses outside or their carrying crates in the basement, and no they do not exit them until signaled or called at.My uncle has threatened to get rid of one of the puppies, for reasons like digging and things like that, which i see as things a puppy does, but to him if they do not obey him now on the little things, he does not feel comfortable having one around, and i didnt really understand til now but that is a good process to go by.So like i said i weigh more on the owner than the dog itself, i mean people buy these dogs knowing the "true" nature that can come out at anytime in them, so i do believe that its truly those who are either ill equipped or find it funny to see their dogs go crazy to own these dogs. These dogs need strong firm owners who dont take crap from them, but in the end pitt bulls when trained right are as fun loving and relaxed as any other dog in the world.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 05, 2009 01:11AM

I've been to a few dogfights. I saw lots of different looking dogs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2009 01:11AM by RESton Peace.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 05, 2009 02:53AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 07:36PM by Alias.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Once bitten ()
Date: January 06, 2009 02:53PM

I was a big believer in the idea that it's all in the training, since I've trained hunting dogs all my life and never had a problem with any of the hunting breeds (Red bone coon hounds, beagles, retrievers, and one ShepX I just put through obedience and basic protection training). What changed my mind was my sister's experience.

My sister rescued a 6 month old pit bull from her local animal shelter. She trained it responsibly. Was a calm, protective, confident, loving dog for 7 years. One day she came home to the dog growling and snapping at her for no apparent reason and was bitten on the leg. She had to call animal control to get back in her house. She had to put the dog down. No one knows why pit bulls tend to "snap" and go against their training but pit bulls seem to do this more often than the breeds I'm accustomed to dealing with, and these dogs are dogs trained to hunt, track, and kill game. YMMV.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 06, 2009 08:22PM

I just did a Google search for "golden lab mauls child," and the first result was a link to a story about a pit bull mauling a child.

There was a website that presented a list of different breed attacks from 2006 back, but damned if all the links weren't broken.

Pit bulls have earned their reputation as child-manglers, like bloodhounds are good trackers and chihuahuas are vicious little pricks. Every breed of dog has a dominant characteristic that makes it a selling point. Inexplicably, people keep choosing a breed whose characteristic is "eats children," and wondering where things went wrong.

Eat your pit bull before it eats someone else.

They're ugly fucking dogs, anyway.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 07, 2009 01:01AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 08:04PM by Alias.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 07, 2009 02:13PM


The kids and their dog were obviously asking for it by walking where this friendly, socialized, and totally non-violent animal could see/smell them.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: uncomma ()
Date: January 07, 2009 03:55PM

Comma Wrote:
> We can all assume that Enlgish Major went to NOVA.

Ummm, Enlgish?

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 08, 2009 01:10AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 08:02PM by Alias.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: scary ()
Date: January 08, 2009 10:56AM

an ex-marine was walking with his wife and dogs- had to get a knife and stab the thing


Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 08, 2009 10:58AM

scary Wrote:
> an ex-marine was walking with his wife and dogs-
> had to get a knife and stab the thing

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 08, 2009 11:01AM

scary Wrote:
> an ex-marine was walking with his wife and dogs-
> had to get a knife and stab the thing
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,477860,00.html

Good sir, this story is highly suspect. Everyone knows that pit bulls are sweet, affectionate, adorable little doggies that only attack children.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Date: January 08, 2009 01:41PM

MrMephisto Wrote:

> Good sir, this story is highly suspect. Everyone
> knows that pit bulls are sweet, affectionate,
> adorable little doggies that only attack children.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Stupid Pit Bull Owners ()
Date: January 08, 2009 05:25PM

Everyone knows that Pit Bulls are aggressive. These dogs should be outlawed and banned in Fairfax County. Why would anyone pick a Pit Bull anyway? Seems that you never hear of a child being mauled by a chiwawa.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Date: January 08, 2009 07:07PM

Stupid Pit Bull Owners Wrote:

Seems that you never hear of a child
> being mauled by a chiwawa.

Or a chihuahua.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 08, 2009 09:51PM

Hey, whats black and brown and looks good on Alias??

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 09, 2009 01:03AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 07:57PM by Alias.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MP ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:30AM

yeah you can live in Manassas Park. they allow pit bulls, im positive of it

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:37AM

496 Wrote:
> Hey, whats black and brown and looks good on
> Alias??

a rusted truck crushing his spine.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 09, 2009 10:26AM

Gravis Wrote:
> 496 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hey, whats black and brown and looks good on
> > Alias??
> a rusted truck crushing his spine.


Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: InsideGuy ()
Date: January 09, 2009 11:08AM

MP Wrote:
> yeah you can live in Manassas Park. they allow pit
> bulls, im positive of it

One of the only places that I know of that you might need a Pitt Bull for protection. Why would anyone want to live there anyway? All Pit Bulls be gone in Fairfax County!

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 11, 2009 04:45AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 07:52PM by Alias.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 11, 2009 04:54AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 07:52PM by Alias.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Beth ()
Date: January 17, 2009 10:42PM

Oh Yea.........Just like the sweet Rot that killed my friends puppy

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Junes ()
Date: January 18, 2009 04:14PM

Erma Bombeck said it best. "My Dog doesn't bite" is an incomplete sentence.

Even the best trained dogs can be unpredictable. You never know what may set them off

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Beth ()
Date: January 18, 2009 04:21PM

`The behavior of this particular dog was pedictable...........the owners had many violations including several other attacks on dogs and people

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: HMMMMMM ()
Date: January 19, 2009 09:36AM

so.......it seems like i said that the owner knew the dangers of their pet, and instead of training it to curb its mentality, they just said who the fuck cares and let it do whatever it wanted. A good owner could have helped prevent this. On the subject of Rots, i would never get one, they are way way way more dangerous than pitts. This is due to a characteristic in the breed that while growing up, many times their brains grow faster than their actual skull, many times the brain will grow so much it will press and squeeze against the skull, and every time the dog goes wild. You know those stories you hear about someone coming home after owning a dog for years an years and it suddenly turns on them and attacks them. In most cases, for Rots anyway, this is the cause of that. Its a dangerous defect in the breed

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Act Fast ()
Date: January 19, 2009 09:53AM

This is due to a characteristic in the breed that while
> growing up, many times their brains grow faster
> than their actual skull, many times the brain will
> grow so much it will press and squeeze against the
> skull, and every time the dog goes wild.

Memorial bridge just went up for sale yesterday. I am contacting you because this is an amazing offer. By owning the bridge we can charge for all funerals and parades that cross over it.

Please post your credit card number, name and exp date so I can start the process.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: hmmmmm ()
Date: January 19, 2009 11:25AM

you can go fuck yourself, cause its a true fact u douche

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pittluver ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:43AM

EnglishMajor Wrote:
> Dogg Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nobama, if you're going to call someone out on
> > language and spelling, at least use proper
> grammar
> > dumbass.
> Nobama's message had no grammar errors, just a
> missing period (which is a language mechanics
> issue, and a minor one at that). Your messages
> (I'm assuming you are both Dogg and Dumbass) are
> riddled with errors. Just sayin'.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pittlover ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:56AM

What i find interesting is that everyone keeps referring to pittbulls as agressive dogs twards humans without knowing any history about them. If you were to do your homework you would know that pittbulls were trained to be agressive tward other animals such as rodents, not people. All dogs live to please their master, unless their master lacks the dominance in the relationship. Than the dog will step up and become pack leader. In the case of a chihuahua attacking a child, they are very agressive dogs and snap at people all the time (ankle biters). But know one is afraid of a dog that small and wont report a chihuahua bite to the authorities. Yes a pittbull is a powerfull breed of dog that also need a powerfull experienced master. if not than the dog will be in charge. But thats the case with any dog. try watching CECAR MILAN, THE DOG WHISPERER. very few dogs that need rehabilitation are pittbulls. His slogan is "I rehabilitate dogs and i train people. We are to blame. not the dogs.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 21, 2009 08:52AM

pittlover Wrote:
> What i find interesting is that everyone keeps
> referring to pittbulls as agressive dogs twards
> humans without knowing any history about them. If
> you were to do your homework you would know that
> pittbulls were trained to be agressive tward other
> animals such as rodents, not people. All dogs live
> to please their master, unless their master lacks
> the dominance in the relationship. Than the dog
> will step up and become pack leader. In the case
> of a chihuahua attacking a child, they are very
> agressive dogs and snap at people all the time
> (ankle biters). But know one is afraid of a dog
> that small and wont report a chihuahua bite to the
> authorities. Yes a pittbull is a powerfull breed
> of dog that also need a powerfull experienced
> master. if not than the dog will be in charge. But
> thats the case with any dog. try watching CECAR
> MILAN, THE DOG WHISPERER. very few dogs that need
> rehabilitation are pittbulls. His slogan is "I
> rehabilitate dogs and i train people. We are to
> blame. not the dogs.

Actually, they were bred to bite a bull on the nose and hold on no matter what, which is why they need jaws of steel with a CMR of 95%.

Since you can't spell pit bull right and got the history all wrong, I'm assuming that you have no other knowledge of "pittbulls" and thus don't know that CMR stands for "Child Mortality Rate."

There aren't a lot of pit bulls on the show for the Dog Wheeesperer to fix because there aren't a lot of people stupid enough to bring a dangerous animal in the house.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pittlover ()
Date: January 21, 2009 09:43AM

I love how when people have nothing better to insult you about they go after your spelling. ouch my feeling are really hurt... have you ever looked at the dangerous dog list? you prbably wouldnt think that a dalmation or a st. bernard would be on it. And dont the rates go according to percentage of dog attacks vs how many there are. just because a dog is an expert at defending itself does not mean it is dangerous. and is the bull thing and my spelling the only thing you could attack me on, seriously?!

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 21, 2009 10:48AM

pittlover Wrote:
> I love how when people have nothing better to
> insult you about they go after your spelling. ouch
> my feeling are really hurt... have you ever looked
> at the dangerous dog list? you prbably wouldnt
> think that a dalmation or a st. bernard would be
> on it. And dont the rates go according to
> percentage of dog attacks vs how many there are.
> just because a dog is an expert at defending
> itself does not mean it is dangerous. and is the
> bull thing and my spelling the only thing you
> could attack me on, seriously?!

If I told you that I was an expert in Nucklear Missiles, would you believe that I'm really a subject matter expert if I can't even spell the subject properly?

You tell people to do their homework on "pittbulls", but if you had done your homework, you'd at least know how to spell it. This glaring oversight on your part doesn't do much for your credibility. It's not like you were trying to spell Sodium dihexylsulfosuccinate and accidentally left out the second "c".

That said, I like your assertion that a pit bull is just an expert at defending itself.

http://cbs11tv.com/local/pit.bull.attack.2.654689.html - Stupid dog shouldn't have been sitting on his own porch in such a threatening and aggressive manner.

http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/09/30/state/n023037D03.DTL&tsp=1 - Five year old girl bumps into you? Yup, better MAUL HER TO DEATH.

I could go on, but fuck it.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pittlover ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:11PM

the cbs report... i agree. The owner of that dog should be jailed. negligent owner. that just proved my case. As for the other one. I didn't train that dog or have any idea how it was trained or if it was a rescue dog. many factors go into it that nn one thinks about. I work with a guy who once owned a pit-rott mix and it one day snapped at his daughter. It was a rescue dog and he lacked the experience to train it. Even other pit bull lovers i know said he was an idiot for bringing that dog around his children. I have an 8 month old blue nose pit bull. He has his tail and his ears. The last thing i need is for him to look mean. He loves playing with my two cats and all my friends small dogs. It's funny to see how gentle he becomes when he is 5 times stronger than the other dog he is playing with. His favorite thing to do is curl up behind you when you are watching t.v.. He is so visious, he licks everyone to death. And no it isn't a matter of time before he turns. i wont let it happen. He isn't even allowed to as much as growl when we play tug of war. I make sure he knows who is boss without being abusive. I don't claim to be an expert, i just claim to be responsible. The first attack you posted, where was the owner? Obviously not taking care of his dog. So who knows what else the dog got away with.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 21, 2009 12:35PM

You didn't mention anything about how your dog interacts with your children... do you have children?

And sorry, I'm sure you have the sweetest, most adorable dangerous animal on the planet, but I still cannot fathom why someone would buy a dog that they have to keep disciplined 24/7, lest it go apeshit and eat someone else's dog/child.

All it takes is for that dog to wake up on the wrong side of the bed one day and decide it doesn't like the way something is looking at it, and by then it will be too late.

If I lived in the mountains, surrounded by bears and cougars and shit like that, then yeah, I'd have three of the vicious bastards. Living in suburbia, it's just a liability.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pittlover ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:51PM

Well first off my dog is still a growing puppy and has not really shown any agrression tward anyone or anything unless your knocking at the door when he is across the house. but even then he knows that i get the door not him. He has been around a few small kids a 4 year old and a three year old. with the three year old it was amazing to see him not push his weight around as when playing with me. he can sense that they are weaker and will not dominate because i have trained him not to. had to with the cats. especially since one cat didnt like him when i first got him and use to scar up his nose pretty good. I understand why some people might not want a dog that needs so much looking after or attention but for me it was a lot to do with me feeling safe and my wife feeling safe without me. He gives me and my wife a confidence you can't explain. when you watch shows on dogs gone bad such as the dog whisperer, all the dogs go bad because they were not disciplined 24/7. all dogs need walks everyday, depending on the breed, sometimes more than once a day and not always on the same street. They need to eat their food after you, give up anything in their posession willingly. All dogs need full discipline. Most small dogs are the worst cause they are cute and no one wants to hurt their feelings. But they probably snap at more people than any big dog breed. And my dog doesnt wake up on the wrong side of the bed, if he did he would imediatly get his a#* whooped. And he knows that. He knows what line not to cross with me. I also have all my friends help train him to do simple things such as sit, lay down, stay and down, when jumping up on you or furnature. This keeps him obediant when I'm not around. I try to keep him very social with other dogs people and kids, it builds trust for everyone and the dog. And the reward for all the hard work you put into the dog, for me, is well worth the effort.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 21, 2009 01:59PM

pittlover Wrote:
> And my dog doesnt wake up on the wrong side
> of the bed, if he did he would imediatly get his
> a#* whooped. And he knows that.

The rest of your post makes it sound like you at least know what you're supposed to be doing, but this statement makes me think that you and your dog will be in the news in a few years. When he gets older and realizes that his jaws can crush bone, he's gonna fuck someone's shit up.

If it's about being safe and protection, you'd be a lot better off teaching your wife how to use a shotgun. At least a firearm will never decide on its own one day to rearrange a kid's face.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pittlover ()
Date: January 21, 2009 02:36PM

I may not convince you other wise but even if my dog was perfect from birth to death you have already condemed him and no one reports the good ones. i am trying to prove that not all pit's are bad but i also have to learn that people are not easily swayed. especially with the legacy this dog has. Thanx for the convo though. you were a lot more open minded than most.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 21, 2009 03:18PM

Well, I'm not one of those "KILL THE PITS" people, but people who do own them need to be aware that it's like having an ambulatory, sentient loaded gun laying around the house. People get complacent and lose respect for the danger this dog can represent. That's when tragedy strikes and everyone sits around crying about how it was always such a sweet dog that never showed any signs of aggression.

I sincerely hope that you are not a fuckhead and never have a single problem with your pit. If the thing just snaps and redecorates some kid's face, though, just remember that somewhere, some guy calling himself MrMephisto is saying, "I told you so."

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: pittlover ()
Date: January 21, 2009 03:26PM

Some people have to see it to believe it. Me, i just have faith. Faith in a God that is more powerful than and pit bull.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 24, 2009 03:06AM

   when one of your beloved pitbulls snaps and maims/kills someone or another dog, remember this: i told you so.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: lol ()
Date: January 24, 2009 01:24PM

has anyone ever thought to themselves that they might not snap. like seriously what if she has them til they die and they never snap? then what would you say?

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 24, 2009 01:41PM

lol Wrote:
> has anyone ever thought to themselves that they
> might not snap. like seriously what if she has
> them til they die and they never snap? then what
> would you say?

one could argue the same thing for drinking and driving but that doesnt make it any less dangerous.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2009 01:43PM by Gravis.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Hmmmmmm ()
Date: January 24, 2009 04:01PM

I didnt say it made it less dangerous, i am just saying you have to give a dog a chance. i mean the way you guys talk about it, makes it seem like they are some sort of world ending disease, its an animal, all animals need to be trained and cared for. When a person does this, the majority of the time the animal turns out well, when someone has negligence, especially with these breeds, and hell all other breed dogs too, they all turn or act out and the end result is either them being put down or sent off somewhere. So i mean just give them a chance, also all people posting against, i can tell you have never been around someone who actually takes care a pitt bull the way pittlover and i have tried explaining, it is way way way different than the way the dogs are portrayed to be.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 24, 2009 08:15PM

Hmmmmmm Wrote:
> I didnt say it made it less dangerous, i am just
> saying you have to give a dog a chance.

here's a question: why risk it? is "losing" that breed of a dog such a huge loss? better safe than mauled.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Hmmmmmmm ()
Date: January 24, 2009 09:53PM

idk what the risk is, my family has owned/owns them and we havent run in with a problem in the last 20 yrs so its all up to what you want your mind to be brainwashed with. you can think the dog is a vicious killer from a few stories here and there, or you can actually own one and see that its not the beastly demon it is made out to be.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Pitty ()
Date: February 01, 2009 11:02PM

So i was watching the Dog Whisper last night and Ceasar Milan had to replace an agressive sheep dog with a new family dog.

Milan choose to give the family a pitbull. I also found out that Ceasars favorite dog and leader of his pack is a pitbull.

Apparently the Dog Whisper loves pitbulls.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: bratty ()
Date: February 02, 2009 12:26AM

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM a dog snapped and killed my dog you have no idea what you are talking about

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: HMMMMMMM ()
Date: February 02, 2009 08:16PM

idk seeing how i wasnt that dogs owner who killed ur dog. so dont blame me for being uninformed its not my fauly that owner could not control their dog. as i said my family has owned them for 20 yrs and they have always trained them to interact with children, older people, other animals, etc. if a problem ever arose, which most times came when we owned other breed dogs such as german shepherds and such we always got rid of them. so dont tell me what i know u arent a part of my family so YOU dont know what YOU are talknig about, so go fuck yourself.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: February 02, 2009 08:30PM

> so dont tell
> me what i know u arent a part of my family so YOU
> dont know what YOU are talknig about, so go fuck
> yourself.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2009 08:30PM by MrMephisto.
no u.jpg

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Burninbuds ()
Date: February 13, 2009 03:52PM

Only pussies are afraid of dogs. Grow a fucking spine and you will be able to dominate any dog.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 13, 2009 04:44PM

I agree, when I am around large dogs I just sort of stand tall and take control, maintain a stance and attitude that the dog will get a beating if it tries anything (well, I always HOPE that's the vibe I pass). The dogs tend to follow suit.

I dunno about dogs bred purely for attack, though. I have never been friends with anyone who would pull that shit so I haven't had to worry about it.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: February 13, 2009 05:14PM

I would fuck a dog's shit up, but then again, I'm not an old person or child. Which is what these dogs primarily seem to eat.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

Re: Agressive Breed Dogs??
Posted by: Puleeez ()
Date: February 13, 2009 05:54PM

Act Fast Wrote:
> HMMMMMM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> This is due to a characteristic in the breed that
> while
> > growing up, many times their brains grow faster
> > than their actual skull, many times the brain
> will
> > grow so much it will press and squeeze against
> the
> > skull, and every time the dog goes wild.
> Memorial bridge just went up for sale yesterday.
> I am contacting you because this is an amazing
> offer. By owning the bridge we can charge for all
> funerals and parades that cross over it.
> Please post your credit card number, name and exp
> date so I can start the process.

yes and I have some land to sell as well - I heard that same story but it was for the Dobermans - it is simply the nature of the breed - any yes, any dog can be unpredictable - sometimes age is a factor

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