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Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: leo ()
Date: December 30, 2008 10:08AM

Just had a quick question for local guitar players... does anyone know of any good guitar techs that can properly setup a guitar and fix buzzing or intonation problems? Found one at Guitar Center but wasn't sure if there were any reputable techs that someone would suggest. Thanks

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: December 30, 2008 10:24AM

There's an old guy at GC that set up 3 Strats for me and did a pretty good job. They were all done to spec, but if you want something else done, you'll have to talk to him about it. Plan on spending around $70.

I looked all over and tried about 3 guys before going to him. One of my Strats is almost 25 years old and is my beloved, so I'm very worried when anyone else touches it.

Hope this helps.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 30, 2008 11:04AM

yeah, he's such a badass, you can't tell anyone the guy's name, right?

listen, all the techs at GC are really awful. I know a top-notch guy out of woodbridge and a couple of other great techs who have been around for years, and I can tell you their names if you register and send me a private message.

I apologize, I know the previous poster means well, but I just cannot stand by and let someone drop perfectly good cash on crap workmanship.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: Somebody ()
Date: December 30, 2008 01:06PM

Is the guy who owned pink guitarz still around?
It was a small shop at the corner of 28 and 29 when it was just an intersection with a light.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: lolz ()
Date: December 30, 2008 01:44PM

He is still there but the store isn't. He's under a bridge now wondering what happened to the store, and sometimes eats lunch at Alto Plaza. He makes money by pointing out speeders on 28 to the cops that sit over by McDonald's.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: December 30, 2008 02:43PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> yeah, he's such a badass, you can't tell anyone
> the guy's name, right?
> listen, all the techs at GC are really awful. I
> know a top-notch guy out of woodbridge and a
> couple of other great techs who have been around
> for years, and I can tell you their names if you
> register and send me a private message.
> I apologize, I know the previous poster means
> well, but I just cannot stand by and let someone
> drop perfectly good cash on crap workmanship.

All the guy needs is a setup, it's not exactly brain surgery. If he needed refretting or something more serious, I would not have recommended anyone at GC and would have suggested a luthier.

The reason I cant remember his name is because it was over a year ago and I suck at remembering names anyway. I met him while I was at GC looking for something else and he was doing some work on an old Gibson acoustic. I talked to him for a long time about guitars and watched him work. I felt confident that he knew what he was doing and so I took my beloved to him. He did exactly what I asked him to do with a pretty old and beat up Strat that I bought new in 1983. Now it plays and sounds awesome.

The guy at Pink Guitars is long gone. I've asked everyone I know about him and no one knows what happened to him.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: eyeburn ()
Date: December 30, 2008 02:55PM

One of the guys from Pink Guitarz used to do work out of Guitar Center but that was years ago. If you search hard, you may be able to find them.
If I were you, I would avoid Guitar Center seeing as it is the Wal-Mart of music stores.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: leo ()
Date: December 31, 2008 03:59PM

Thanks for the feedback. I looked online and found this place: www.metroguitar.com

Anyone ever been? I'm leaning towards this guy. Good references, works with local bands. The old guy at GC seems cool, but GC is corporate and I feel like there out there to make a quick buck and probably focused on quantity not quality. I know It seems picky, but we're talking about a stranger putting their hands on my 70s reissued stratocaster.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: Anonymous Coward ()
Date: December 31, 2008 08:48PM

I had good luck taking a Strat with a stripped truss rod to Music Technology in Springfield. They worked with Fender and wound up steaming the fretboard off and fixing it whereas everyone else I talked to would only replace the neck.

Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: January 07, 2009 01:35PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2010 01:46PM by inkahootz.

Re: Any good guitar techs in NOVA?
Posted by: CliftonResident ()
Date: January 07, 2009 02:13PM

He's still around. His name is Mark Knauff and he lives in the Clifton area. He mostly makes patio furniture and stuff these days through his company Warms Woods of Clifton. Google for the contact info...

Somebody Wrote:
> Is the guy who owned pink guitarz still around?
> It was a small shop at the corner of 28 and 29
> when it was just an intersection with a light.

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