good point Wrote:
> Bill N makes good points. Think the public should
> know that more than parking fees go into the
> accounts. I think a portion of monopole fees,
> picture commissions and some vending machine
> profits go into it as well, but Fact Checker
> probably knows that and can repeat it for those
> late to the thread. Parents should also know that
> PTSAs in elementary schools have much more funding
> to direct to teacher appreciation and to classroom
> amenities. PTSA embership goes down dramatically
> for HS. A large HS could have just 400 members for
> an enrollment of over 2000. The superintendent and
> the school board must acknowledge the out of
> control spending that SOME administrative teams
> have been enjoying. Some of the schools listed
> routinely run out of copy paper! And do not have
> enough $ for supplemental texts. What bad modeling
> is being displayed by those enjoying luxury when
> teachers and other employees are not living the
> luxe life. And for the record, at many schools
> teachers contribute to a custodian lunch in
> recogniton of their hard work. We do take care of
> one another.
The custodians were taken care of with public dollars at West Potomac.