calling it Wrote:
> it's called brown bagging try it Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Why don't you just pack a bologna sandwich like
> > the rest of us. You guys have a good propaganda
> > campaign to make everyone think you are so
> special
> > you deserve a lot of perks.
> I pack my lunch daily. The referred to
> meal-reimbursements are for days when required to
> be in the school building for many hours past
> contract without compensation. Back to School
> Night, a good example, is a day where most
> teachers arrive at 7:30am and leave the building
> at 8:30pm. The county regulations allow for a meal
> reimbursement on a day like this at the rate of
> $11.50. There are usually 2 or 3 of these type
> days a year - others include curriculum night and
> end of year awards ceremony. Sometimes food is
> provided by the school instead of having everyone
> apply for reimbursement. This method is cheaper
> overall.
> I don't doubt that there are some schools that
> provide more and push it beyond reason, but from
> all the conversations I've ever had with
> colleagues at other schools, I think my situation
> is pretty much the norm - polo shirt and a couple
> cheap dinners throughout the entire year. I've
> never had a massage, played golf, received a gift
> (well, there was a neck lanyard given when I
> reached 10 years in the county), or eaten more
> than 2 or 3 meals paid for by the school in a year
> on extended work days. Yet if I introduced myself
> to half the readers of this thread as an FCPS
> teacher, they'd assume I was living the good life
> on their dime.
Reg 5310 actually says Back to School night is a specific exception to being entitled to the $11.50 or mileage for a local meal due to working outside of regular hours. Page 3.
I don't know what the deal is. I am sure they will address this.