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What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: Adam's Giant Penis ()
Date: July 23, 2013 02:52PM

What would it take to open a titty bar in the Centreville/Chantilly area? Springfield is too far to drive for a hardon.


Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: Prisoner Zero ()
Date: July 23, 2013 03:41PM

Adam's Giant Penis Wrote:
> What would it take to open a titty bar in the
> Centreville/Chantilly area? Springfield is too
> far to drive for a hardon.
> Thanks!

Are you thinking titty bar or hardon bar?

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: AdamsGiantPenis ()
Date: July 23, 2013 04:09PM

Somewhere I can go and pay women to do terrible things to my penis

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: Packtard ()
Date: July 23, 2013 04:17PM

Moving Chantilly out of Virginia would be a start...

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: Packtard ()
Date: July 23, 2013 04:18PM

oh my bad... there is one!

It's called Spa World, next to Honey Pig, they love you long time.

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: So confused ()
Date: July 23, 2013 04:29PM

So let me get this straight. Springfield is too far for you to drive, yet you want to use your money to open a titty bar close to your home where you can pay the women you employ to do terrible things to your penis? Is that about right?

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: Hot Wings ()
Date: July 23, 2013 04:30PM

Hooters in Fairfax is probably closer to you.

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: July 23, 2013 10:29PM

>Hooters in Fairfax is probably closer to you.

Friend of mine works at a place near Hooters - they spend enough time there that they refer to it in company emails as 'conference room H'.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2013 11:28AM by abelard.

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: Chaego ()
Date: July 24, 2013 12:00AM

Hot Wings Wrote:
> Hooters in Fairfax is probably closer to you.

Hooters in Chantilly is probably closer still.

Re: What would it take to open a titty bar in Chantilly/Centreville?
Posted by: Fairfax Boy ()
Date: July 24, 2013 12:46PM

First you will need some titties - How are yours?

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