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You probably found this page through google or some other search engine. Please click the "Home" button above to continue to Fairfax Underground, an anonymous forum for residents of Northern Virginia. This page simply lists recent search terms that brought visitors here, so it's probably not what you're looking for.
Also be sure to check out the other primary features such as the "Arrest/Ticket Search" available in the top menu bar.
The Arrest/Ticket search is a searchable database of all arrests and tickets issued by the Fairfax County Police Department in the past couple years. You can search for things such as a street name to see all the arrests on your street. Be sure to omit the suffix from your street name search as it is defined in a seperate field. For example if you live on "Nutley St" simply search for "nutley." Great tool to see what kind of trouble your neighbors have been getting into.
If you have any questions feel free to post them in the
welcome thread and someone will get back to you.
Here are the queries that were directed to this site from search engines in the last 90 days. The overwhelming majority of these searches came from google, but a disproportionate amount (about 15%) came from MSN search since they rate FU higher for some reason.
Just interesting to see what your neighbors have been searching for.
I've done this before in
June 05 and
April 05
982 fairfax underground
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62 mandawenk
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45 fairfax county underground
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12 don and mike frieda
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9 taylor behl
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8 bret clevenger
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7 chris campero
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7 www.fairfax underground.com
7 don&mike
6 wenk amanda
6 amanda wenk hayfield
6 oakmar recreation center
6 don geronimo frieda
6 amanda wenk message board
5 famous people dui
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2006 02:53PM by Cary.