Re: McLean Bible Church sucks
Posted by:
Date: January 23, 2009 12:49AM
K Wrote:
> reply to previous posting: Posted by: BibleChurch
> ()
> Date: August 19, 2008 07:32AM
> I heard a radio ad late last night which basically
> said "everyone but us is going to hell". I really
> don't understand how 10,000+ people are suckered
> into joinging this gay-bashing, evolution-hating,
> ideology driven institution, but I certainly feel
> sorry for them.
> also, they cause too many traffic hangups on Rt 7
> Reply to above: I have some questions and
> comments for you to think about personally.
> 1) What do you think of Jesus?
> 2) Who do you think He is?
> 3) Do you believe the Bible is His inerrent Word?
> 4) Do you believe there is a Heaven and a Hell?
> 5) Do you believe you are going to Heaven when you
> die? And if so, why?
> 6) If you were to die tonight and stand before God
> and He were to ask you why He should let you in to
> His Heaven, what would you say?
> 7) And if you do not believe in God here on earth,
> or at least do not hold to His teachings in His
> Word for your own personal life, as well, and
> don't like Him or anyone who does believe in Him,
> why would you want to go to Heaven?
> 8) What has happened in your own personal life, or
> in the life of others you know or have known
> personally, which has brought you to the
> conclusions you have now?
> Heaven and Hell are real places. If we die and
> don't go to Heaven, then we go to Hell, literally,
> forever.
> If we don't want Christ in our lives here on
> earth, then we won't want Him in our lives in
> eternity - which never ends. And in Heaven, those
> who do go there, will be voluntarily praising Him,
> loving Him, loving one another as He wants us to
> do, worshiping Him, singing praises to Him and of
> Him, and so much more - honor which He deserves
> and has 'earned' as our Creator and the One Who
> chose to give His His Son Jesus, Whose earthly
> body perished, but He and His body were raised
> again so that we might have eternal life, and so
> that all those who do choose Him to be their
> Saviour, will be with Him forever.
> Those who reject Him and His Word here on earth
> will not go to Heaven. It is only logical to note
> that because if people do not want Him on this
> earth, they won't want Him for eternity, and to be
> in Heaven for eternity, would be like "hell" to
> those who reject Him on earth and for eternity.
> As for hating others who do not believe the same
> as the Bible truly teaches - many do not, and none
> should ever do so - Christ does not hate people -
> but does hate sin - in anyone, Christians and
> non-Christians. Why? because as our Creator, He
> also knows everything that will harm and destroy
> those He created and so warns us about these
> matters, no matter what they are. If He did not
> warn us, then that would not be love. He also
> showed us the Way of escape from that which will
> destroy us and one another for time and eternity.
> I know I'm glad He did and does.
> And for any who calls themselves a Christian and
> does hate others, repentance is vitally necessary,
> and needs to know Christ and His Word deeply, and
> learn full obedience to Him and trust in Him, then
> Christians can caringly, and unswervingly reach
> out to those who hate the believers and the God
> they say they believe in, as well as His Word.
> One more added note to those who say they believe
> in Christ - why so many breakups in marriage, and
> fightings among believers? What kind of witness
> is this? And more?
> We are all human, yes, believers in Christ and
> nonbelievers. None are perfect in ourselves and
> never will be. We all do make normal non-sinning,
> mistakes in life, but there is also this matter
> that people do choose to have sinful actions and
> attitudes in life as well - be careful to find out
> what is happening in your lives. Something we all
> must daily do. True Christians must truly stand
> firm and strong in God's truth, but don't
> willingly be obnoxious to others. Is this easy
> for believers and non-believers in Christ? No.
> But believers in Christ have the help of the
> Christ and must always trust Christ for the
> strength, wisdom and love needed to respond
> properly, not react. Others do not have this
> wonderfu help, sadly.
> I was on my deathbed a few years back, and it is a
> miracle I'm still here. And so many were there who
> cared, even some who do not believe in Christ.
> They were all wonderful. I'm grateful. Why do I
> mention this? To show that to a point, rather we
> believe in Christ or not, we can reach out,
> without hatred to others who believe differently
> than we do, if we choose to do so, only to a
> point. With Christ, we can go beyond that point
> if we want to, because of the unfailing
> faithfulnes and love of Christ. The choice is
> ours. This is only the beginning.
> Biblechurch, no need to be sorry for those who
> know Christ personally, unless there still remains
> a real hatred in some, those, yes, I am saddened,
> but then, so is Christ. If so, then they too must
> learn. But your own comments show hatred. Anyone
> who has hatred in their hearts for a fellow human
> being, will chiefly end up destroying themselves
> first. It does not matter if they believe in
> Christ or not. Look at the world around us, and
> there is ample proof of self-centred hatred toward
> others, and most right now shows up in those who
> do not even begin to claim to know Christ
> personally.
> However, Christians, take heed to this warning too
> - if there is hatred in your hearts, it will show
> in your attitudes and actions, and does. This is
> not Christlike at all.
> All human beings have a bias for or against
> something. This is normal. But how are we
> exhibiting these bias'? Even Christ is biased and
> discriminatory. He hates the sin and sins that
> will destroy His creation, but He does not hate
> His creation. Again, because He does love us, He
> warns us of what will destroy us and those around
> us. Why should we hate Him because of this? or
> those who seek to tell of His warnings and love as
> well? This does not make sense in and of itself.
> However, again, those who say they are Christians,
> take heed that you are not deliberately reacting
> in manners which push people away from Christ,
> even though some will go away from Him anyway.
> But learn to respond, even sometimes in silence.
> Not always easy, but necessary.
> Aside from the above, Biblechurch, you mention the
> traffic tie-ups - actually there is a lot of
> traffic, but it normally runs smoothly. One of
> the worst traffic tie ups I see is at malls, on 95
> and the Beltway, in this area, and other places
> are worse. I'm born and raised here in this area,
> and the worst tie-ups I've seen over the years,
> happen because the traffic lights are not
> synchronized properly, most of the time, no matter
> how many vehicles are or are not on the roads, no
> matter the location. When the traffic lights are
> synchronized, the traffic goes more smoothly, no
> matter the amount of vehicles on the roads, in any
> direction.
> The only other traffic tie-ups are due to
> accidents and careless drivers. I know I am not
> the only one who has observed this, yet this is
> rarely taken care of regarding the traffic lights.
> They are rarely ever timed properly for the
> safety of both the vehicles and the pedestrians -
> in all directions, and when it is - it is only
> temporary.
> I remember Tyson's Corner when it was only one
> shopping mall. It was a breeze to get through
> there, and safely. Same for 7 Corners, and many
> other locations. Now there are so many careless
> drivers out there, that I truly find it refreshing
> to see the traffic move smoothly around McLean
> Bible Church. Rarely is it otherwise, at least at
> the times I go through there. I've heard the same
> from others.
> Just some things to think about and carefully
> consider.
> Thank you for sharing your concerns.
Some clarification in the following quote from K (kl):
We are all human, yes, believers in Christ and nonbelievers. None are perfect in ourselves and never will be. We all do make normal non-sinning, mistakes in life, but there is also this matter that people do choose to have sinful actions and attitudes in life as well - be careful to find out what is happening in your lives. Something we all must daily do. True Christians must truly stand firm and strong in God's truth, but don't willingly be obnoxious to others. Is this easy for >believers and non-believers in Christ?<Should read "believers in Christ, and those who do not believe in Christ." No. But believers in Christ have the help of the Christ and must always trust Christ for the strength, wisdom and love needed to respond properly, not react. Others do not have this wonderfu help, sadly.